fandom-trash-xl · 14 days
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Since I was in a screenshot-collecting mood
Because why not, these are my comfort characters
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 070
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Time for a baseball episode (derogatory).
Sigh... All right, let’s just get through this.  So Champa contacts Beerus and proposes a friendly game of baseball to build “good relations between Universe 6  and 7.”  I’m pretty sure the assemlbed teams represent the only people in either universe that are aware of the other universe.  
Some issues with this premise:
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1) Champa is only doing this as a pretense to go to Earth and enjoy its delicious cuisine.   This seems pointless, as Universe 6′s own Earth was restored in Episode 41.   Beerus specifically wished for this so that Champa could enjoy Earth food whenever he liked.   Did he forget about this, or does U6′s Earth food just suck?   Or maybe the U6 Earthlings destroyed themselves all over again?  I mean, the Super Dragon Balls could bring them back to life, but that doesn’t resolve whatever they were fighting over when they died.
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2) Champa can’t even field a whole team, so Vegeta and Goten switch sides to make it fair.  Maybe they should have organized a Pickleball tournament instead.
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3) Only three characters in this cartoon know how to play baseball, and two of them are the umpires.  Everyone keeps fucking around and/or trying to hurt one another, because it’s a Dragon Ball cartoon and that’s how they all roll. 
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Let me just focus on Yamcha here, because he’s the only character who manages to look cool in all of this.  Goku manages to strike out Champa, then Yamcha takes over pitching and strikes out two more batters.  Then he’s the first at bat, and Vegeta beans him because he thinks the object is to incapacitate the opposing team.   So Yamcha gets a free trip to first base. 
Then he steals second and third because Champa doesn’t understand the rules well enough to stop him.  At one point he throws the ball at Yamcha to cut him off, and apparently that’s illegal.   I thought you could do that, but now that I think about it, it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
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Then Beerus and Champa start fighting above the field, and Whis and Vados have to stop them before it destroys the entire universe.  Destroyer Gods fighting is supposed to be a serious taboo, just like time travel.  Funny how Beerus destroyed Bulma’s lab, but he gets to keep his hands.
Anyway, Whis and Vados call off the rest of the game due to the Destroyers’ poor sportsmanship, so we didn’t even get a full inning into this nonsense.  Champa is horrified to learn that the game is a tie, but it’s not.  Universe 7 wins, because...
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... While Beerus and Whis were fighting, and all the other players were cowering in terror, Yamcha managed to steal home plate.  So U7 wins, 1-0. 
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This whole episode is played up like a backhanded compliment to Yamcha.  He perserveres through the whole episode to win the game, and everyone congratulates him for it, but there’s also a lot of dunking on Yamcha too.  Like “Way to go, Yamcha, I guess you’re not completely useless after all!” That sort of thing.
Also, this whole “Yamcha loves this because he used to be a major leaguer” thing kind of contradicts the very episode of DBZ that this is referring to.  Yeah, Yamcha was the star player for the Taitans in Age 761, but he also found the game boring as hell, and he only did it for the money. 
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Sure, he’s had 18 years to change his mind about the game, and I suspect he’s mostly into this because it’s a chance to look cool in front of the others, but this episode is still kind of a let-down for me.  There was a baseball issue of the Tenchi Muyo! comic, there was a baseball episode of Deep Space Nine, there was a baseball episode of Transformers, etc. etc.  This is the literal definition of a trope shows use to blow off an episode.
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queersrus · 3 months
magic theme
[magic theme]
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requested by anon
fantasy theme(link)
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albrun, antigia, afsoun bruxo, buyulu circe, cybele, casta, castaspella, caroban, charm, conjure divi, divine, divina, divinati, divinatia, divinatio, diviner
enki, encha, enchanta, entchante, enchanter fusun gondul, galdur hekate/hecate, heka, hex
incanta jadis, jinx kendra, kiama, kouzelny
mage, magi, magica, magick, magette, magetta, magicette, mofa, magicetta, magine, magina, magicina, morgana, magus, maya, magie, magico, magisk, magisch, magique, mageia, mahiya, mayaki, mayakl, magiya, magiczny oberon
rhian shannara, spell, spella, sahar, sorcer, sorcery taika, thanky
woden zinta
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1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
mi/me/magy/magine(magicine)/magicself mi/mage/magy/magine/mageself spi/spe/spy/spelline/spellself hi/he/hy/hexine/hexself ji/je/jinxy/jinxine/jinxself ei/enche/enchanty/enchantine/enchantself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
mo/magicr/magicrs/magicrself mo/mager/magers/magerself spo/speller/spellers/spellerself ho/hexer/hexers/hexerself jo/jinxer/jinxers/jinxerself eo/enchanter/enchanters/enchanterself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
ma/gic, mag/ic, ma/magic, mage/mages, mage/magic, magic/magics, magic/magical, mage/magician, magic/magician, magician/magicians spe/ll, spe/ell, spe/spell, spell/spells, spell/caster, spell/book he/ex, he/x, he/hex, hex/hexes, hex/hexed ji/jinx, ji/nx, ji/inx, jinx/jinxes, jinx/jinxed e/enchant, en/chant, enchant/enchants, enchant/enchanted, enchanted/item
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the mage, the mgic user, the magic practicioner, the magician , the magician's apprentice, the spellworker, the spellcaster, the enchanter, the enchantress, the sorcerer, the sorceress, the wizard
*one who practices magic, one who casts magic, one who knows all sorts of magic, one who holds great magical power, one who is known for casting a playful jinx, one who is known for complicated hexes, one who owns/posseses/is in possession of many a magical item
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*one can be replaced with any prn
feel free to ask to be tagged when we post
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op-dbz-ladies · 1 month
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“Do you truly believe you can withstand the unending heat of the strongest automaton in 12 universes?”
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“If you’re the strongest then Gero just needed to give a furnace a conscious and he would’ve killed Goku with ease. Seriously your grand plan is making me sweat? I was sweating from standing up earlier.”
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“You…you know that’s really hurtful-“
Needless to say 18 won this one.
Magetta is eliminated.
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“Just know unlike my companion I am not so easily beatable as my body is unable to be harmed by-“
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“Shut the fuck up!”
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“Did I just bounce off him?”
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“Did I just bounce off her!?”
Botamo and 18 eliminated!
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SSJ4 Vegeta and Shallot SSJ4 vs Frost and Magetta by Robzap18 on ...
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conherofrost · 2 months
Thoughts on that pre-tournament test?
Was about to ask how you knew about that before realizing I had just mentioned it recently
That thing was annoying, to say the least.
I mean, I understood the sentiment behind it, but not the execution. Apparently, it was just to make sure there weren't any "mindless monsters" in the brackets or something like that. If it was genuinely just a sanity check, then why were some of those questions genuinely overly complicated? Why in hell was the last question just straight up *algebra*?
Regardless, I aced it with perfect marks~ Didn't even have to look at the answer sheet conspicuously poking out of Vados's pocket for the last bit.
Although, we almost lost a valuable fighter in our team to that dastardly thing- Auta Magetta, you may be familiar. From what I heard (of someone helpfully translating his click whirs), his ability to read Galactic Common was rusty and he struggled to eke by with a 50%. Hardly fair I think.
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willowwickes · 1 year
Otta Magetta
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casliveblog · 2 years
Is it just me or does this robot sound a lot like Magetta from Dragon Ball Super?
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channel-eclair · 6 days
i am also super pleasantly surprised by the story mode characters! i was hoping it wouldnt just be z-fighters and we'd get a more out of the box character, but frieza + goku black + jiren is NOT what i expected and i love it! i dont really like jiren but i love the ToP so im happy about it
to me personally the most exciting characters are new ones- i look at the SZ reddit quite a bit since the game isnt talked about much on tumblr (understandable due to its... very rough selection of consoles to launch on i am not getting this game if its not on switch or switch 2) but reddit seems really insistent on returning characters being the big deal and exciting part and really seems against new ones
but the final trailer was still REALLY COOL! i will be honest, i ADORE the movies but i was kinda hoping for some more focus on newer characters (i wouldve liked if the last three slots before the movies were like.. chi-chi, botamo, and magetta, then brolys on the side) so i was a bit bummed at first they focused on returning characters over new ones. i wouldve personally loved more of a focus on DBS overall but at the same time i love the movies so much, im conflicted!
but! the fact bandai didnt just push the movie characters to dlc is AMAZING! THATS SO WONDERFUL! i am so happy because i was 1000% expecting them to take the greedy route
also sobs that this image of chi-chi meant absolutely nothing
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that said though the game looks so FANTASTIC!
as someone who dislikes smash ultimate because i feel like its entirely focused on characters and has nothing to do in it beyond cpu battles and online battles, sparking zero has really amazed me with how it has so many characters BUT actually has things to do!
episode battle with options and mid-battle routes to take, custom battle with literally full on episode makers and 5000 lines of choosable dialogue to make your own dream fights, and a shop and dragon balls which seems to imply lots of unlockability and fun stuff!
i reallyyy hope this game comes to switch 2, and i really hope they continue supporting it for a long time! this is a rare scenario in a game where im like "PLEASE DO KEEP MAKING DLC ACTUALLY HECK YEA"
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crmsndragonwngss · 4 years
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fandom-trash-xl · 3 years
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"The second was a framed photo of a fairly recent scene that he remembered clearly. It was an impromptu team photo taken prior to the Tournament of Destroyers, courtesy of Cabba with his phone. Botamo and Magetta had to squeeze into frame and Hit was unwillingly wrangled in, but he still gave a small side smile. Frost never pictured Hit to be the sentimental type to keep such a photo, let alone print it out and frame it. The Ice Demon winced a bit at seeing his younger self next to Cabba, smiling a naive smile, unaware of what was about to happen to him."
~ Shattered Ice, Chapter 4
This one took me awhile, but I drew the Team Universe 6 photo from "Shattered Ice". A few new drawing experiences for me and it turned out pretty nice.
Bonus: Cabba's copy of the photo from Chapter 6- Frost is scrawled out without a second thought
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 036
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Oh hey, it’s the Final Flash episode.  
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So Vegeta’s fighting Auta Magetta, and he’s having some trouble, mainly because Champa added a force field box around the ring, and if you touch it, you lose, which greatly reduces Vegeta’s room to manuever.  So far this fight has mostly been Magetta shooting lava and fire straight up while Vegeta dodges it.  
This is especially frustrating to Bulma, and just before she can take out her frustrations on Jaco, he switches places with Oolong, so he can take the punishment instead.  So yeah, this reminds me of a point I was going to make in Episode 31, where the Bulma/Jaco relationship was pretty much just Bulma beating the shit out of him whenever he made a crass remark.  It seemed out of character for Jaco, who’s a much colder, decisive sort of person.  He’d draw his pistol on Bulma just to make a point.  But the writers didn’t seem to care much about making Jaco look authentic to the manga, and at times it felt more like Bulma was just teaming up with Oolong instead.  Well, enough about that. 
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So Vegeta’s strategy this whole time is to stay airborne, because he thinks Magetta is vulnerable to attacks from above, which is why Champa commissioned this force field box.  But it’s really hot up there, because the only ventilation is coming from around the bottom of the ring.  The force field doesn’t reach all the way down, you see.  So there is fresh air coming in, but Vegeta’s positioned himself as far away from it as possible, which means the oxygen is getting kind of thin where he’s at.  And this was Champa’s plan all along.  Magetta probably doesn’t even need oxygen, and he can withstand the heat.
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So Vegeta tries to fire a Gallick Gun down Magetta’s throat, but that doesn’t work.  Instead, he winds up with a beam struggle, and Magetta can also use the lava to make rocky bludgeons to hit Vegeta with.  And as he attacks, Vegeta falls to the outside of the ring...
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Whoops.   Looks like Vegeta’s out of the tournament.  OR DID HE?!
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Turns out, he came down on one foot, and his toe just happened to touch a chunk of the ring that came off earlier in the battle.  So Vegeta has not actually landed outside the ring, because by definition, he’s still standing on the ring.
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The Universe 7 folks are relieved, but Whis isn’t so eager to celebrate, pointing out that such a twist would surely infuriate the prideful Vegeta.   “Oh, don’t worry about that,” Goku should have told him.  “He’s always pissed off about one thing or another.”
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But Vegeta’s right, this tournament sucks ass.  It’s supposed to be a contest of the ten strongest warriors of two universes, but only three of them actually rate, and most of the matches have been squashes or screwjobs.  This saga has been more concerned with the rules and rule changes, and how good a job the official is doing with his rulings, and no one tuned in for the referee, dammit!  He doesn’t even have a name!
So Vegeta calmly asks about the new rule concerning the force field box.  It’s only a loss if you touch it, right?  Right.  Fine.
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So Vegeta powers up and destroys the whole box.  Two observations.
1) Cool!
2) Why the fuck didn’t he just do that before?
I mean, apparently all he has to do is raise his power level while in Super Saiyan mode, which isn’t even that big a strain for him at this point.  Champa asks Vados why she didn’t make the box more durable, but Vados reminds him that she offered to do so, but Champa insisted that he didn’t want to waste time on her “perfectionism.” 
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And now Vegeta sets up Final Flash.  So we’re basically repeating the spot from earlier, where he tried a Gallick Gun, except I guess this is stronger, and he doesn’t have to worry about a ring-out if he gets pushed back while in mid-air. 
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And no, I haven’t forgotten about Magetta.  He’s in this fight.  It’s just that he never actually does anything.  He just pumps his robot arms and says “Chugga chugga” a lot, and then he shoots lava all over the place.  This is the best fight we’ve seen in the tournament so far, but it’s just Vegeta teeing off on a big indestructible clod. 
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So Vegeta’s got him on the edge of the ring, and he follows through with a punch, and as he throws it, he calls Magetta a “pile of junk” or something.
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And according to Whis, that’s what actually defeated Magetta, because his species are incredibly sensitive to insults like that.  So he was so offended that he couldn’t help but tumble out of the ring.  I guess this means Vegeta could have just made fun of Magetta’s mother instead, and he would have resigned the match.  Wait, how the hell does Magetta even understand what Vegeta is saying?  He’s speaking a whole other language, I thought.
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Anyway, Vegeta’s a thirsty boy after all that, so he gets a bottle from Whis and just splashes it all over himself like a dog. 
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And now it’s Cabba’s turn.  Don’t get your hopes up.
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bunny-carrothunter · 4 years
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Universe 6 memes is how I make my way through quarantine.
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ilovemagetta · 4 years
Magetta: I turned out perfectly fine!
Calulifla: Magetta, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
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fnrrfygmschnish · 4 years
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6th Universe fighters drawn in the same pose as a picture I found of the Winnie the Pooh cast... based on how Botamo basically looks like Pooh. 🤣
(Frost is Tigger, Cabba is Piglet, Magetta is Eeyore, and Hit is Rabbit.)
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prissnukem · 5 years
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