loregoddess · 2 months
*slaps the roof of Unicorn Overlord* This game can fit so many self-loathing characters, tragic siblings, siblings with complicated relationships, children with complicated feelings towards their parents and/or parental figures, parents mourning their dead children, and characters who are generally a little bit fucked up but doing their best in it.
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bingus-chongus · 10 hours
Thought I had, how far could Ceaser get if he fought all the same enemies as Luffy did?
I mean, start of series all the way to Enies Lobby would probably be a cakewalk, but can he beat Lucci in a 1v1?
Though one thing I'm fairly sure about is that Impel Down would be so much easier since he has options for actually beating Magellen and getting rid of the poison gases
Ironically I'd say it's around Punk Hazard to Dressrosa is where he hard stops, deciding factor being if he can beat himself? Or like maybe Vergo if we don't replace Caeser in the canon story
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one-piece-hell · 2 years
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dsandrvk · 7 months
Wednesday, February 21 - Drake Passage to Ushuaia
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It was a fairly quiet day with not as much swell as the weather gods had originally predicted, so we caught sight of land by around 1 PM, but still had to wait near the entrance of the Beagle Channel until around 3:30 for the pilot to board.
We saw some Magellenic Penguins, lots of Shags, and even a couple of condors on our way up the passage but the highlight was at the entrance when we were barely moving forward, but the wind was coming straight at us, so our bow wave was fairly strong. A pod of Dusky Dolphins hung out there for well over an hour, and they were wonderful to watch. Occasionally they would spin upside down or leap out of the water, but mostly they cruised right below the surface. Because we can get out to the very prow of the ship, we had a great view.
We had still more festivities on board for the last day (of this cruise - we are continuing on for the next segment). First was what they call their epicurean event - tables with all sorts of goodies on the back deck, and our expedition crew serving us. It was surprisingly mild outside after Antarctica, and quite comfortable, especially since we were in the lee of the ship.
Then we had the Captain's farewell, where we honor all the departments and groups who have made our trip so remarkable. A handful of the expedition team and several others are leaving the ship at this point, but most of the wait staff and cabin crew will stay on. We will meet the new faces, both of passengers and crew, tomorrow.
The final part of the farewell was the "premiere" of the video of our voyage. Our videographer has been extremely busy, and all the footage was from our trip - no stock footage - and brought it all back. It is a remarkable bit of film, and it should be available to watch on-line in a couple of days, and I'll be able to download it when I get home. I'll post a link when it's ready.
We arrived in Ushuaia before dark, but since we will be here all day tomorrow, we decided to stay on board and relax. It's nice not to have to pack and realize we still have 2/3 of our adventure on board in front of us.
Tomorrow we have booked a tour out to Tierra del Fuego National Park through Viator and have to meet our van at 8AM. We are the only ones from our ship on this tour - it seems the others are all from the Viking Jupiter, which is also in port.
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kylosbreedingkink · 2 years
Zookeeper AU for @outofsuchlonging There's more! I could talk about this AU for hours even though it doesn't really have that big a plot just characters and some interpersonal issues. Under the cut again, maybe it will let me post a longer post this time. I don't have loads for Poe sorry, just that he really likes his orang utans and quite likes the new start, but the new start seems to quite like Rey and has also got the curators nephew pining after him so who knows how that will play out
Phasma: Works on LVI specifically, runs the tropical house including all the planting and theming and cares for all the inhabitants other than the birds. She gets annoyed at the amount of unwanted plants that grow such as tomatoes, as the birds shit out the seed from the food their eating. She's constantly asking Kylo to ensure the seeds are removed from the tomatoes before the fresh chop is given to the birds. He never listens. There's a few token nocturnal mammals on the section too, though not loads. Giant jumping rats, slow loris. She's ok with that. Until the powers that be decided to add aye-aye to the mix and now she feels the need to remind everyone that she's 'not a fucking primate keeper'.
She's extremely rushed all the time running around doing everything on the section which isn't an invertebrate. This is simply as Snoke refuses to hire enough staff (He does, she just makes them quit all the time) and Hux refuses to do anything which isn't invertebrate related.
Hux: The insect man. Mainly into beetles but spiders are fun for him too. He's the reason the zoo has such a good reputation for invertebrates. Mostly beetles. They're pretty much all he talks about. They're pretty much all he cares about. He looks down on pretty much everyone else but Phasma, as he knows Phasma will knock him out if he talks to her like he talks to others especially when he's already on thin ice with her. He's worked there for years, from volunteering as a young kid to now. Always with the invertebrates. But he so rarely leaves his section that people barely even know he exists. He always presumed he would be the choice that Snoke would make for assistant - Snoke still not having hired one since he himself was moved from assistant to full curator after Palpatine retired. It's been years now but any day…
Until Kylo suddenly appears and Snoke spends a lot of time with him. Snoke was always preferential to birds, but Hux took that to mean he would like someone into the other stuff to be his assistant and do the LVI part for him. He was wrong.
Hux and Kylo almost had a fling until Hux came to realise this and now hates him. Kylo is either oblivious or doesn't care - whichever it is, it makes Hux angrier.
One day though the livefood order is late and Kylo had birds rearing chicks that would only accept livefood. So Kylo goes into the invertebrate rooms and takes many nymphs of all sorts of species, including the larvae of the rare Fregate island beetle that Hux was breeding up for conservation purposes, all for his pekin robins. Hux confronted him, they had a massive argument which evolved into the angriest sex, and now Hux refuses to even look at him.
A few lightside people:
Rey: Did an internship on mammals, but Leia had to force Luke to take her on, as he was still sulking about Kylo not doing what he wanted. She loved it. Got good experience on all the mammals. Including the token bird on the mammal section - the penguins, a large flock of magellenics. Only on the mammal section as Snoke refuses to have anything to do with them and the bird keepers can't stand them, plus they are right next to the seals and sealion pools. Rey fell in love and got a penguin and pinnepeds keeper job after her internship. This also kinda annoyed Luke who was hoping to finally have a big cat protege but he supposes at least she's still on the mammal section?
Poe: He is the senior primate keeper and mostly hangs with the orang utans. The zoo is unique as one of the few with both Bornean and Sumatran and he loves telling anyone who will listen about the minute differences between them. He and the new start on the primate section have a bit of a thing going. As far as he knows anyway. Finn himself just seems to be open and friendly with absolutely anyone. But mostly Rey.
Finn: He has just finished an internship on the LVI & Birds part of the zoo and whilst he thought he got on with Phasma and may get a job there after, it didn't actually happen. That's ok though as a job with the 'primitive primates' opened up working with callitrichids and lemurs. His favourite part of the tropical house was the slow loris, so he goes for it, and gets it! He's brand new and very friendly with everyone. Mammal section keepers are all delighted that he has 'seen the light'. LVI & Bird keeper wise, Hux had no idea he even existed and Phasma just complains about her now increased workload without the intern to boss around. Kylo acts indifferent sometimes and other times looks at Finn like he has been betrayed deeper than anyone could ever betray him.
….I'll stop there as this is super long lmao. Maybe I'll do another post tonight with some of the other characters, we will see
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thestalkerbunny · 2 years
Let me talk about one of the weirdest characters in one piece:
To summarize, he is the queen of an entire island of travesties, he have a power allowing him to inject hormones into his own and other people that can (among other things) change someone gender. He is also a commander of the revolutionary army looking to bring down the tyrannical nobles who rule the world. One of his signature attacks is winking so hard it send a shockwave to his enemies. He was send to the most brutal prison in the world but he found a hiding place where he and other "demoned away" prisoners party away until they had to make a move. And he has, in a couple of occasions, use his power to turn his head even bigger to carry people in his hair. And he look like this:
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See I know them-Ivankov
I have like maybe. 2-3 shonen jumps I got from a goodwill once. And it had the Impel Down Episodes in them and Ivankov showed up and I was like.
'What is Dr. Franken Furter doing in One piece?'
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I remember I also really liked Warden Magellen's design as an oversized devil and thought he was a really cool character given the arc of the jail is based on Dante's Inferno where it gets colder and colder as you get closer to the bottom. Cause I'm really into Dante's Inferno and media that makes references to it/the concepts of journeys into hell and experiencing the landscape (like As Above so below or The House that Jack Built or Over The Garden Wall)
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This guy was cool in theory until you learned he has like. Chronic IBS and is constantly shitting.
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sexintheatx-blog · 19 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Magellen Live To Explore Men's Long Johns.
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brands4lessnow · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Magellen Outdoors Women 2X Khaki Shorts.
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yellowwducky · 11 months
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Quite happy with how my large and small Magellenic Cloud shot came out (of course with a reasonable amount of post processing). The large one is 160,000 light years away and the small is 200,000 away. Easily discernable by the naked eye but definitely not easy to snag in a photo (this is a stack of 7 and aligned to reduce noise and then processed to make them apparent).
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humanoidtyphoons · 1 year
like i know!!!! i know!!!! impel down would be hard to film! but god, i want to see the battle between luffy and magellen. i want to see the underling who is dressed like a pharaoh, i want to see all those reunions!!!! and how buggy&mr 3 become besties! i want to see buggy unintentionally charm the other prisoners, and through his own abrasiveness, get a den den mushi to love him bc he was just like leave him alone!!!!
but then i think of the manticore... and it's like... oh you can skip that. i don't need to see that, actually.
would love to see crocodile tho.
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jeanhm · 2 years
Chilean fjords day 2 Magellen Strait
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cmagellen · 4 years
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Say hello to Lee, one of the Selfie Show submitters. You can be part of this show by sending you favorite selfie to [email protected]. There is no fee to submit and no obligation to purchase. #selfieshow #selfies #oilpainting #portraits #magellen #portraitpainting https://www.instagram.com/p/CALFsFCnIhB/?igshid=ljlaa1e2fupg
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dsandrvk · 7 months
Saturday, February 24 - West Point and Carcass Islands, Falkland Islands
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Yesterday was a sea day and it was fairly quiet, as the new folks were mostly making sure their jackets fit, and getting boots assigned, etc. We did have a mandatory briefing on South Georgia which included incredible pictures of the wildlife there, and got us all excited.
Today, however, we had two landings in the western part of the Falkland Islands. The first was West Point Island, and is owned by one family who have decided that making a piece of their island into a nature reserve can be more lucrative than running a sheep farm. Yes, there are sheep, but only 200 rather than the over 2,000 that used to be here, and a couple of cows, but much of the rest is left for the birds and wildlife.
There is a large Black-browed Albatross rookery here on the west side of the island, along with a small colony of Southern Rock Hopper Penguins. We took Zodiacs to shore, and then had about a mile and a half walk over the ridge and to the bird colonies. We were able to get off on a pier by the farm that is still here. They have installed a lot of solar and a small wind turbine to augment the diesel generator for power, but they still have an old Land Rover, which was used to ferry folks who couldn't make the walk.
The Albatross had lots of fluffy chicks who were just starting to stretch their wings, although it will be quite a while before they lose their down and grow into their adult form. In most cases, the chicks are still sitting in the nests, which are strange constructions of organic material, guano and mud. We were told by one of our bird guides that they will only get fed by their parents if they are on the nest. The nests get added onto every year, so they get higher and taller until they eventually topple over. Albatross lay one egg per year, and it then takes that chick at least 7-10 years to return here and start to breed. This small group of islands is home to around 70% of the world's population of Black-browed. They require two things to build a colony - a spot where mud is handy and also where the prevailing winds blow uphill from the sea, to facilitate takeoff.
In addition to the Albatross, there is a colony of penguins, and the Rock Hoppers are some of the smallest penguins. They have finished breeding by now, and even the chicks have matured enough to go out to sea, but there were still several moulting adults around. Without insulation and waterproofing all they can do is stand around, looking peeved, and occasionally groom each other.
There were other birds present on the island, too, including a very messy vulture sitting in the midst of the Albatross colony. And around the perimeter of that area were many young Striated Caracaras. We found out later that these are among the rarest birds in the world, although on a few of these islands they seem to be everywhere. They are curious and cunning, and pretty much take the place of ravens here. They will scavenge, but also just try to get into anything and everything. The white bulge on their chest is their craw. They are totally unafraid of people and will try to steal just about anything.
After we walked back to the dock, we were able to stop by the farmhouse for tea and some home-baked goodies - all delicious. The house has a wonderful flower garden, just past its prime, as we are getting into autumn. It also had matching vultures on the two chimneys visible. Just keep moving...
We spent the afternoon at Carcass Island - which was close by and considerably larger. Here there was also a small settlement with many more buildings and old Land Rovers. There was also more tea and baked goods - the Brits are always good for that! On this island we walked around the flats a bit and onto the beach, as the tide was out and there were lots of Oystercatchers and ducks. Lots of other birds, too, and we saw a couple of Magellenic Penguins stumbling over the rocks. Magellenic Penguins are the only ones around here that nest in burrows, rather than on top of the ground, and are also called "jackass" penguins because of their loud braying call. This is the far southern bit of their range, as they can be found mostly further north in Chile and Argentina.
On Carcass Island there is also a lot of introduced vegetation, such as gorse and a type of juniper. There are no trees native to the Falklands, but settlers always want to have things that remind them of home. Despite the relative bleakness of these islands, there are many bird species, and quite a few found no where else.
On our short hop between the Islands, we were once again joined by a group of Dusky Dolphins. They waited by the side of the ship as we were just getting underway and then raced to the front to catch the bow wave when we started picking up speed. What a treat.
We had a fairly clear evening and the moon came up over the bow as we headed east towards our day in Stanley tomorrow. When it got dark enough I looked for the Southern Cross, and think I found it. This constellation has wound up on quite a few flags in the southern hemisphere and I frankly expected something grander, but maybe it seemed a bit dim because of the full moon. This is the first clear night i think we have had in our three trips in South America.
Tomorrow we have a day in Stanley, the capital of these islands, and although it is quite windy, our captain feels good about being able to get us on shore. We are expected to anchor in the inner harbor, at least in the morning before they move to the outer harbor for refueling. This is our last chance to get fuel before Cape Verde and it is important the tanks are full. It is also the biggest settlement we will see for quite a while.
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hauntedhousehunting · 6 years
The ghost in my midcentury apartment doesn't do much, but it did, in the middle of the night as my spouse locked up, tell him it loved him. Clearly, ghost and I should have fisticuffs.
FALSE you and ghost should have a TRIAD.
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bookwormm03 · 6 years
magellen replied to your link: On the Road: Chapter Three Archive of Our...
You perfect land mermaid this is wonderful
Awww, thank you <3. 
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sexintheatx-blog · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Magellen Live To Explore Men's Long Johns.
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