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Hub:0895-6390-68080 magang mahasiswa jurusan IT di Malang
Magang Mahasiswa Jurusan IT di Malang: Mempersiapkan Karier di Dunia Digital
Di tengah pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, dunia IT menjadi salah satu bidang yang paling diminati oleh mahasiswa. Baik itu dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak, pengelolaan jaringan, hingga keamanan data, jurusan IT menawarkan beragam peluang karier yang sangat menjanjikan. Bagi mahasiswa jurusan IT, mengikuti magang mahasiswa jurusan IT di Malang adalah salah satu langkah strategis untuk mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi dunia kerja. Malang, yang merupakan kota pendidikan dan teknologi, menyediakan berbagai kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk mengasah keterampilan mereka.
Mengapa Magang Mahasiswa Jurusan IT di Malang Begitu Penting?
Magang menjadi bagian penting dalam pendidikan mahasiswa, khususnya bagi mereka yang mengambil jurusan IT. Berbeda dengan mata kuliah yang ada di kampus, magang memberi pengalaman praktis yang sangat berharga. Berikut beberapa alasan mengapa magang mahasiswa jurusan IT di Malang sangat penting:
1. Pengalaman Praktis
Meskipun mahasiswa jurusan IT belajar banyak teori di kampus, dunia kerja menuntut keterampilan yang lebih aplikatif dan mendalam. Dalam program magang, mahasiswa akan terjun langsung dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak, pemrograman, atau manajemen sistem informasi, yang tidak sepenuhnya diajarkan di kelas. Dengan pengalaman ini, mahasiswa dapat lebih siap menghadapi tantangan di dunia kerja.
2. Membangun Jaringan Profesional
Magang memberi kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk membangun jaringan profesional yang luas. Melalui hubungan dengan rekan kerja, atasan, dan bahkan klien perusahaan, mahasiswa memiliki peluang untuk membuka pintu karier setelah lulus. Ini adalah kesempatan langka yang tidak bisa didapatkan di ruang kelas.
3. Menambah Kompetensi dan Keterampilan
Di dunia IT yang berkembang pesat, keterampilan yang relevan sangat penting. Dengan mengikuti magang mahasiswa jurusan IT di Malang, mahasiswa dapat mempelajari teknologi terbaru, tren industri, serta teknik-teknik pemrograman atau pengelolaan database yang lebih efisien dan efektif.
Tempat Magang untuk Mahasiswa Jurusan IT di Malang
Malang memiliki berbagai perusahaan teknologi dan startup yang membuka peluang magang bagi mahasiswa IT. Banyak dari mereka mencari talenta muda yang bisa memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan produk atau layanan teknologi. Berikut adalah beberapa sektor di Malang yang membuka kesempatan magang untuk mahasiswa jurusan IT:
1. Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak
Mahasiswa jurusan IT yang tertarik pada pengembangan aplikasi atau perangkat lunak dapat mencari magang di perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang tersebut. Di Malang, banyak perusahaan yang mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis web, aplikasi mobile, hingga perangkat lunak bisnis yang memerlukan pengembang muda untuk berkontribusi dalam proyek mereka. Mahasiswa akan belajar langsung tentang proses coding, pengujian aplikasi, serta pemeliharaan perangkat lunak.
2. Desain Web dan UX/UI
Industri digital saat ini sangat membutuhkan desainer web dan desainer antarmuka pengguna (UI/UX). Malang, dengan komunitas teknologi yang berkembang, memiliki berbagai agensi desain dan perusahaan digital yang membuka peluang magang untuk mahasiswa jurusan IT, terutama yang memiliki minat dalam desain web dan pengalaman pengguna. Mahasiswa yang magang di sini akan belajar bagaimana merancang website atau aplikasi yang tidak hanya menarik secara visual, tetapi juga user-friendly dan responsif.
3. Keamanan Siber (Cybersecurity)
Keamanan data dan informasi adalah salah satu isu yang sangat penting dalam dunia digital. Banyak perusahaan di Malang yang bekerja di bidang keamanan siber dan menawarkan program magang untuk mahasiswa IT. Melalui magang di sektor ini, mahasiswa dapat mempelajari cara-cara melindungi data dan mencegah ancaman dari hacker, serta memahami konsep-konsep enkripsi dan perlindungan data secara lebih mendalam.
4. Pengelolaan Infrastruktur TI
Bagi mahasiswa yang tertarik pada manajemen sistem dan infrastruktur IT, banyak perusahaan di Malang yang menawarkan program magang di bidang ini. Mahasiswa akan belajar tentang pengelolaan server, sistem jaringan, serta pemeliharaan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak perusahaan. Magang ini memberikan pengalaman yang sangat penting untuk mereka yang ingin bekerja di bagian IT support atau sistem administrator.
5. Startup Teknologi
Malang memiliki banyak startup yang bergerak di bidang teknologi dan digital. Banyak dari startup ini menawarkan peluang magang bagi mahasiswa jurusan IT. Bekerja di sebuah startup memberikan pengalaman unik karena mahasiswa akan terlibat langsung dalam berbagai aspek pengembangan produk, mulai dari ideation hingga implementasi. Mahasiswa dapat belajar banyak tentang manajemen proyek, pengembangan produk, dan strategi pemasaran digital.
Cara Mendaftar untuk Magang Mahasiswa Jurusan IT di Malang
Untuk mendaftar pada magang mahasiswa jurusan IT di Malang, mahasiswa dapat mengikuti beberapa langkah berikut:
1. Melalui Kampus atau Sekolah
Banyak universitas dan perguruan tinggi di Malang yang bekerja sama dengan perusahaan-perusahaan teknologi untuk membuka peluang magang. Pihak kampus biasanya memiliki informasi tentang perusahaan yang menawarkan magang, serta bisa membantu proses pendaftaran. Mahasiswa bisa menghubungi bagian karier atau departemen jurusan untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut.
2. Mengunjungi Website Perusahaan
Banyak perusahaan teknologi di Malang yang mempublikasikan lowongan magang melalui website resmi mereka. Mahasiswa bisa mencari informasi magang di bagian karier website perusahaan dan mengirimkan aplikasi secara langsung. Pastikan untuk mengikuti petunjuk pendaftaran dengan baik dan melampirkan dokumen yang diperlukan, seperti CV dan portofolio.
3. Mencari Lowongan Melalui Platform Pencarian Kerja
Saat ini, banyak platform pencarian kerja yang menyediakan informasi mengenai lowongan magang, seperti LinkedIn, Jobstreet, atau platform khusus magang. Mahasiswa dapat mencari lowongan magang yang relevan dengan jurusan dan minat mereka, serta mengajukan lamaran secara online.
4. Menghubungi Kontak Langsung
Bagi mahasiswa yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang peluang magang di Malang, mereka dapat menghubungi Hub:0895-6390-68080. Nomor ini memberikan informasi mengenai program magang yang sedang dibuka oleh berbagai perusahaan di Malang, serta bisa memberikan panduan terkait pendaftaran dan persyaratan yang diperlukan.
Magang mahasiswa jurusan IT di Malang adalah kesempatan berharga bagi mahasiswa untuk mengasah keterampilan praktis yang sangat dibutuhkan di dunia digital. Dengan beragam pilihan tempat magang di berbagai sektor teknologi, mahasiswa dapat memperoleh pengalaman langsung dalam bidang pengembangan perangkat lunak, desain web, keamanan siber, dan banyak lagi. Program magang ini tidak hanya membuka peluang karier di dunia IT, tetapi juga memberikan kesempatan untuk memperluas jaringan profesional yang sangat penting di masa depan.
Melalui magang, mahasiswa IT di Malang dapat mempersiapkan diri untuk memasuki dunia kerja dengan keterampilan dan pengalaman yang lebih matang. Bagi yang tertarik untuk mencari informasi lebih lanjut, Hub:0895-6390-68080 adalah salah satu saluran yang dapat dihubungi untuk mendapatkan panduan mengenai magang yang tersedia.
1. Apa saja bidang yang tersedia untuk magang mahasiswa jurusan IT di Malang? Beberapa bidang yang tersedia antara lain pengembangan perangkat lunak, desain web, keamanan siber, pengelolaan infrastruktur TI, dan startup teknologi.
2. Bagaimana cara mendaftar untuk magang mahasiswa jurusan IT di Malang? Mahasiswa bisa mendaftar melalui kampus, mengunjungi website perusahaan, atau mencari informasi di platform pencarian kerja seperti LinkedIn dan Jobstreet.
3. Apakah magang mahasiswa jurusan IT di Malang berbayar? Beberapa program magang di Malang menawarkan gaji atau tunjangan, namun ada juga yang tidak berbayar. Pastikan untuk memeriksa hal ini sebelum mendaftar.
4. Apa manfaat mengikuti program magang di Malang? Magang memberikan pengalaman praktis, kesempatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan teknis, serta memperluas jaringan profesional yang bermanfaat untuk karier di masa depan.
5. Bagaimana cara menghubungi perusahaan untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang magang? Anda dapat menghubungi Hub:0895-6390-68080 untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang program magang yang tersedia di Malang.
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25 Days of Elriel — Day 17
How Evergreen Our Group of Friends
Warning: Disturbing images.
Word count: 1.8k
I dropped your hand while dancing
For the first time in weeks Elain was happy.
She was dancing in the arms of her beloved, feeling safe and secure as the fire roared behind the hearth. The visions finally leaving her alone. Nesta and Cassian were dancing to their left while Feyre and Rhysand were dancing to their right. Amren and Varian were cuddled on a couch that had been displaced for their makeshift dance floor, and Mor was dancing with a flying Nyx.
Elain’s cheek was pressed into the soft cashmere of Azriel’s sweater, the perfect pillow under her cheek. She could feel the wild beating of his heart. Feel it resonating deep within her, singing to her own heart. It was the best thing she had ever felt — the thrumbing of his heart and his warmth that wrapped around her, the hands that were heavy on her body as he held her close to his chest.
She took a deep breath, soaking up the scent of night chilled mist and champagne. He had been drinking champagne all night, for some reason that Elain hadn’t seen. The champagne was flowing all night and Elain greedily drank it. She enjoyed the bubbles popping and foaming on her tongue and the way they danced down her throat.
Large, calloused, beautiful hands landed on her exposed shoulders, and gently pushed her away.
Elain opened her bleary eyes to blink up at him. She had gotten so comfortable against his chest, gently swaying to the piano-music that had filled the room, crackling from the symphonia, and lulled drowsy by the cozy fire. She wondered what could have been so important to interrupt the only moments of bliss she had ever felt, and the only comfort she had known for at least a month.
“Elain,” Azriel said, his voice dark and thick and full of emotions. It sounded like taffy — sticky and pulling in every direction. “Elain.”
“Azriel.” Elain teased gently with a smile. Her hands reached up to cup his cheeks as she placed a delicate kiss on his lips — savoring the shape of them, the softness, the way they made her feel as if all of the blood in her body had turned into champagne.
“Elain,” Azriel said against her lips. His breath skimming her face. “I have something I want to ask you.”
She looked up at him questioning, unease slipping into her mind and heart and body, and her heart sunk as he dropped to one knee.
Your mom’s ring in your pocket
It was a human tradition. To get one one knee. Never something that an Illyrian had ever done before — Illyrians would never think about kneeling in front of a female, especially one bent knee that signified a question Elain didn’t want to hear.
Elain didn’t want to think about Azriel lowering himself for her.
She watched as he pulled a small, velvet box from a pocket in the shadows. She watched as he opened it to reveal an antique work of art — a diamond glowing in the faelights, and the gold setting grow around the stone like ivy. It was beautiful. It was perfect. It was the worse thing Elain had ever seen.
Her fingers trembled as she looked at her beloved in front of her, his throat working as he tried to say the words that were in his heart.
“Elain,” Azriel maganaged, his raspy voice sinking into her skin. “I love you, and … and I can’t imagine my life without you,” Silver started lining his eyes, tears swirled and clouded his hazel eyes, and Elain wanted to die. The room felt smelled around her. “Will you marry me?”
She looked at him.
She felt their family looking at her. Expecting her to say yes, to let Azriel place the ring on her finger, to kiss Azriel.
But she couldn’t.
Your heart was glass I dropped it
“No.” Elain breathed.
You told your family for a reason — You couldn’t keep it in
Azriel was giddy for the first time in over 500 years.
He had never felt this happy, this ecstatic, this happy about anything in his life. After all those nights during his childhood, where he was shrouded in shadows and hiding from his family, he didn’t think that the future was anything to look forward to — until he met Elain.
She had brought a little bit of sunshine into his cloudy, grey life.
Her smile was enough to melt the icicles that had formed around his heart. She had seen him, she had accepted him, she had broken the mating bond to be with him.
There were still days when Azriel woke up, convinced that he had somehow conjured it in a dream, but Elain's sleeping body next to him reminded him it was real. That they had formed a life together.
It was enough to get him think of his future, of their future. One that they would share and create together.
He had told his family of those plans. His brothers. His future sisters. His mother.
He was going to propose on the Solstice. The night where they had first kissed, the night that their family would be together, so they could bare witness to their promises.
You had a speech, your speechless
Azriel watched as Elain paled.
He watched as she turned and fled the room.
He watched as she ran to the balcony, hunched over, and heaved.
His words died in his chest. The speech he had practiced and practiced for hours. He was never a male of many words, and felt so uncomfortable speaking his feelings and his heart, but he was prepared to do it, for her, the love of his life.
Instead, the words turned to ash and clogged his throat.
Azriel watched as Elain gripped the balcony and emptied the contents of her stomach over the railing.
He watched as she trembled in the bitter cold, and as the shivers racked her body Azriel got up and followed her.
Love slipped beyond your reaches
“Why?” Azriel whispered, his voice just barely loud enough to be heard over the heavy silence in the air. He reached a scarred hand out, but his fingers found nothing but empty air as Elain took a step away from him, as if she couldn’t be sullied by the hands that had already touched every inch of her skin and explored every crevice of her body.
Azriel watched as Elain shrunk in on herself. She paled and her eyes clouded over. Her expression twisted in horror and pain. Azriel watched as his beloved crumbled onto the ground and emptied even more of her stomach.
I couldn’t give a reason
Elain wretched as the visions assaulted her, yet again.
The cold night air bit at her skin, but it couldn’t numb her broken heart, and it couldn’t stop the vision’s vividly sputtering in her mind.
Azriel bloodied with shredded wings.
Azriel dead at Koschei’s feet. His heart ripped from his body after Truth-teller had been dragged from his hip bone to his throat, and Koschei’s face red with Azriel’s blood as he feasted on his heart.
For the past month these visions had been coming at her with alarming frequency, and she could hear the sickly voice of Koschei taunting her through her visions, his voice scraping against her mind. Elain was unable to escape these visions. All of her training and practice to get these damn visions under control was for nothing.
Her own head wasn’t even safe. Everytime she shut her eyes she would see Azriel’s dead, lifeless body. There was one thing that reoccured every time she had a vision — Truth-teller was involved. The blade was either tearing through his wings, gutting him like an animal, or stuck through the back of his throat.
It was worse than any pain she had ever known. She would gladly swan dive into the cauldron and face that horrible unknown, she would rather be violated and made against her will again, just to stop the vision of her beloved’s dead carcass being dangled in front of her. She would do that every Gods-damned day for the rest of her life if it meant sparing Azriel from what she had seen.
Elain was suddenly back in her own life. She blinked and stood on weak, shaking legs — the legs with all the steadiness of a new born fawn. Her hands clawed at the stone balcony as she got up.
Azriel got to his knees, somehow not phased from the mess that Elain had made, and begged her to talk to him, to tell him what she had seen.
Now no ones celebrating
“She would have made such a lovely bride.” Feyre said, sweeping up the bits of broken glass by her slippered feet. The champagne flute that shattered on the ground when it slipped out her fingers. Feyre had made sure that the champagne was on standby. It was all apart of the plan: They were all to be dancing, and when Azriel got down on knee, that was when they shadows revealed the decadent champagne from the Dawn Court.
“What a shame she’s fucked in the head.” Nesta said, her arms crossed over her chest as she looked out the window to the balcony where Azriel was pleading on his knees in front of Elain. His winged back was towards her, but she could see the shake of his shoulders, and when he lifted his head away from Elain’s stomach Nesta saw the tear stains. The shadowsingers body wracked with sobs that reached the tips of his wings.
“Do you think so?” Feyre asked, clutching the broom in her white-knuckled grasp. Her face paled at the thought. Maybe something was wrong with Elain? She couldn’t imagine why her sister would so callously reject Azriel that way, and she had been so off lately. Her eyes would glaze over and become glassy, like they always did when she had her visions, but Elain hadn’t mentioned anything. Her sister would just stretch a strained smile on her lips and shake her head whenever someone asked if there was a problem. Feyre noticed that her hair had become limp and lacked some of its golden luster, and her normally pristine skin held darken shadows under her haunted eyes.
But everytime they had reached out to Elain, Elain pushed them away.
“What else could it be?” Nesta said, turning away from the window to pick up the foaming bottle of champagne. She inspected the bottle and tossed it into the fire.
Champagne Problems
Elain saw her beloved broken in front of her.
He looked as broken as she felt.
She bent her head and kissed him. Shadows started to swarm her, but they weren’t his.
It was Nuala and Cerridewen, following the plan that they had been preparing for months.
Elain kissed him until she was gone, absorbed by her friends shadows and transported to the safe house that they had found and kept secret. When the shadows subsided and transformed into her friends, Elain curled in on herself, wrapped her arms around her knees and sobbed.
She desperately prayed that Azriel knew their tear drenched kiss wasn’t goodbye, it was just goodbye for now.
tagging: @thefangirlofhp @tswaney17 @impossiblescissorspeachpaper @jujugirlfrombookstore @courtofjurdan @offtorivendell @swankii-art-teacher @iwishiwasthattree
#25 days of elriel#25DOE#elriel#elriel fanfiction#elriel fanfic#elain x azriel#sorry not sorry#just gonna pepper in some angst#and some taylor swift
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I don't get this story. It's two childhood friends from Alderaan who meet much later, post ANH, when one is a Rebel and one is a stomtrooper, during what would have been Alderaanian Christmas and have their own little space version of the Christmas Truce of 1914. And I get that that's very clearly the reference, but...there's no real discussion of how fucked up this is. Rel wants to ask Max how he can possibly still be with the Empire after Alderaan was destroyed, but every time he almost maganages to bring it up, Max makes it very clear he doesn't want to talk about Alderaan. Also very clear that he's not okay with what happened. And it's kinda like, I really want to like this story but we are not in the business of just forgiving Alderaanians who stayed unquestioningly with the Empire after Alderaan. And Rel clearly feels this way...but he just lets it go. It's fucked up. Also this story would've been more painfully delightful if it was more gay.
#but there is a *very good hug* at the beginning of the little truce deal that I needed to include some crying and possibly a kiss#katie reads star wars#canon: life day treasury
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Things that happen in the fam chat
I encourge BigDickFam to expand and add to this as they see fit or as time goes on. Love you weirdos 💙 hope the rest of you can join in the future!
Active in Chat Fam:
@moonschild09 @couchbrotato @angstchim @tony-montana-shit @yurakwonhoseok @jujubouquetjellyfish
Not Active/Haven’t Joined Yet:
@kpopcinnamonswirlroll @supersailorjoonie
Kitten & Blue: MARIE STOP.
Marie: *using cursed cat memes*
Marie & Madison: *Obviously sucking each other off in a game of Cards Against Humanity because they ‘hAvE tHe sAMe huMoR’*
Kitten & Blue: *Somehow have the best things to talk/laugh about when no one is online*
Marie & Alex: *fighting over something*
Blue: *instigating the fight*
Kitten: *telling Blue to stop*
Marie: *trying to manipulate us so she can keep using cursed memes*
Kitten & Blue: *see Alex or Marie send a pic to chat* Oh No.
Kitten & Marie: *Having a meme fight and both are too stubborn to stop*
Alex: *giving us tmi that we actually want to know for ‘research’*
Marie: *maganages to say the weirdest shit when Blue’s mom is present*
Kitten: I regretti the spaghetti
Kitten: wHy yOu GoTta bE So cOmPLicAteD
Blue: I mean... Balls to the wall.
Kitten: BLUE balls to the wall
Alex: *being a pro a discord chat and using the bold, underline and italic to her advantage*
Madison: *manages to sound so normal until Marie is around*
Blue & Kitten: Ye
Blue’s Mom: *in the background either calling everyone weird or saying weird shit herself*
Blue & Kitten: wHaT aRe yOU dOINg!?
Alex & Blue: *making up/sharing recipes while Kitten facepalms*
Alex: *supporting Marie’s weird crap*
Madison: *somehow CRUSHES it at Cards Against Humanity* (Kitten & Blue are lowkey concerned)
Madison: *says she ain’t senpai wHEn sHe iS FuCKeN SeNPaI*
Marie: *Mating Call (her yawn)*
Kitten: *loud af sneeze*
Marie: *makes a weird sound*
Kitten & Blue: da fuck was dat
Kitten: *roasting her ‘brat’ dog*
Blue & Kitten: FAT NANNNA (my dog Rose)
Kitten & Blue: *Listening to each other have mental breakdowns at 6-7am(MT)/9-10am(EST)*
Marie: *Joins call when she’s in class (it was lowkey scary Kitten, Madison, and Blue were both irritated and terrified. Sad in the club)*
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[A.K.A. Fame/Jin] Uri Maganager, Best Manager! We are twinning tonight! ㅋㅋㅋ❤️💙 #ITSAnnualHalloweenParty
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@voltron-dragon asked for 4: One chance.
Heads up, I wrote this on my phone on Tumblr Mobile so who knows how this formatting will turn out. Set after HTTYD 2.
“This is it bud.” Hiccup paced nervously beside his dragon. “One chance. To get this right. To make it perfect.”
Shaking hands smoothed back disheveled hair.
“Hiccup? You here?” Astrid squeezed through the gap between the rocks. It was the only way to get into the cove on foot. Usually she flew in on Stormfly, but most of the dragons were away at the Berkery, guarding their eggs.
Snoggletog was only a few days away, the first celebration with Hiccup as Chief. He’d maganaged to steal away for a few hours to meet with Astrid.
“Sorry I’m late.” The blonde Viking Picked her way carefully through the frosty clearing. She took a seat on the rock beside Hiccup, turning to give him a brief peck in the cheek.
“I swear I ran into every single villager on the way here,” she complained. “Its like they have a sixth sense for when we want some alone time and suddenly everything in an emergency. Brr, its so cold out here babe.” She tucked herself in under Hiccup’s arm and shivered. “Why’d you want to meet here and not at home?”
Hiccup took a deep breath, misting the air in front of him as he exhaled.
“Well because this is where it all started,” he explained. “Right there-” he gestured towards the cleaning “is where you first caught me with Toothless. The first time you kissed me was right after I took you flying.”
“I think you mean right after you kidnapped me.”
“What? I would never-”
“You dumped me in a tree!”
“You were going to tell everyone!”
This wasn’t going the way he planned. Another deep breath. The cold air nipped at his lungs. One chance. Hiccup wanted to get this right the first time.
“Anyway, that’s not the point.” He twisted so that he could take Astrid’s hands in his. Her fingers were icy in his grasp. He rubbed them between his palms, letting the friction warm them up. “The point is,” he explained. “Is that this is a place of new beginnings, so it seems the perfect place to-” Breathe. "To ask-”
Astrid’s fingers tightened in his.
“Will you marry me?”
Hiccup watched Astrid’s face carefully for the slightest change of expression.
She appeared to be thinking the proposal over. Hiccup felt like he couldn’t breath.
Suddenly, her face broke into a wide smile.
“Of course I will,” she tipped her face up to kiss him soundly on the mouth. “You’re such a dork,” she laughed when they came up for air. “My dork.”
#i was in bed when i got the ask#but i couldn't help myself#httyd#fanfiction#hiccstrid#hiccup#astrid
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you know what fuck that im good and pissed again so let’s have an itemized list of issues
- it’s eighty fucking ° in this damn house. he’s not fucking poor and there’s no reason besides stinginess to play like this. just turn in the damn air conditioning
- his attitude. it’s not like it’s changed recently but he is just so insistent on not only being right, but everyone else knowing he’s right too. it’s all he talks about— Times He Was Right And The Rest Of The World Was Mournfilly Wrong
- just!!! leave me the fuck alone!!!! i cannot grab anything for my damn self without him reaching over, grabbing it and then handing it to me like he’s the damn dispensary of all earthly goods. and if he touches me one more time i swear i’m gonna turn around and kick him. like in the fucking subway line he nudged me one way so he could stand behind me, then the other so he could stand in front then back where we starte all for no goddamn reason. and what ducking part of showing my shirt to my grandmother requires you to poke me in the shoulder?? i’m an autonomous person and i deserve to have my personal space and just my ability to function as a human respected
- i have spent the past two years trying desperately to communicate that driving makes me incredibly anxious and that i don’t enjoy it but it’s all these fuckers want to talk to me about. i swear the only personality trait they can allot to me in their minds is ????15-17???? Driving age like. i have a life. there are thing that i enjoy that if love to discuss but i don’t want to tell them because i know their answer and i don’t want i hear it. like with art. my father’s reaction would be “that’s real good baby” and then he would save a picture on his phone to show his sister, because my cousin can’t draw. my talents are literally just something for him to one up his sister with. and let’s not even conjecture about my grandmother after the iconic “there’s something off about the eyes isn’t there?”
- and of course, that bitch reminding me f her insensitivity by fucking laughing while being up my dead dog the way you might say “oh your mom asked if i knew you had a pep rally the other day” like??? i’ve yet to really cry about that but you’re getting me pretty tucking close carole
- they literally make no effort to communicate with me. all they talk about is the damn water bill and shot and when i come up it’s either something that makes me anxious if they’re talking about me like i’m not even fucking there and it makes me wanna peel my skin off
- and this is such an irrelevant thing compared to the others but me and her were alone in the car at the gas station and this black chick walked by and she went on the whole thing about how that’s not Really her hair and this and that and it just reminded me that, all other problems considered, at least they’re racist too.
they’re both pieces of shit and so goddamn just Rude and you know what? i’ve spent the past couple hours on the verge of tears because of them but i still maganaged to be polite and that makes me better than them so
hoo y’all have no clue how close i came to responding to my grandmas “why are you so quiet :’)” with “you laughing while talking about my dog dying didn’t really make me wanna talk to you :’)”
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I maganaged to overlook your bottom Kylo/ praise kink fill before despite bottom Kylo being my favorite. As soon as I saw a post mentioning it I went searching. Sorry I'm late to the game but I loved it and always want more bottom Kylo! It was wonderful!
haha it’s okay, you don’t have to explain yourself ✨
I’m glad you liked it, thank you 💕
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