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whatareyoureallyafraidof · 5 months ago
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Why are MAGA Morons so afraid of facts? Oh... yeah!
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t-circled · 13 days ago
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williamwhiting-artist · 5 months ago
Let’s put this carnival barker & his incessant imbecility behind us once & for all. We need a president working for US & not a man-baby just trying to avoid prison.
#MAGA #MAGAMorons #Trump4Prison #HarrisWalz #KamalaHarris2024
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rafawriter · 1 year ago
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Sadly posts like these attract Plague Rats and MAGAMorons. The very same people who need to understand the point the most.
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thealexperspective · 9 days ago
This is Americas representative to the world, what a shambles.
#ElonMusk #CPAC #CPAC2025 #Trump #MAGA #MAGAMorons #WhiteHouse
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yourreddancer · 4 months ago
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and thus, MAGAmorons are created!
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bklynmadman · 4 months ago
I grew up with Men like this.....PART III
Well, I've noticed I picked up some followers. Thanks to all you 3 people. I love you!
That being said, I'm honored to have readers. It's always nice. I just hope you like my stuff. I tend to write stuff that's somewhat depressing, but I'll try to be a bit more lighthearted despite the circumstances. I do want to stress that this current situation is terrible shit, and this was meant more of a diagnosis than a warning, but it wound up being both.
This is also for you people who thought it was a good idea to vote Donald. To you, I say, You don't realize how fucked you are yet.
Anyway, I hope you read on, and prepare yourselves.
Let it be known that Donald J. Trump, for all of his time spent in the private sector has ZERO KNOWLEDGE of the Economy or how it works. He has ZERO knowledge of how world markets work, nor does he care to know.
He is also a business failure. How he got the image of being "good at business" is beyond me. It probably has to do with the "Wealth Worshipping" we do in this country. (HAS TO STOP)
He is still very much that spoiled child who likes to torture others simply for the attention, and LOVES more than anything else, having power over people to be able to do so. It's not so much about being in charge for Donald, it's the attention that goes with it. He loves being adored, and wants to be recognized for his lack of business acumen as if he is "Mr. Wall Street". Donald, like other white rich dudes, likes the role of gatekeeper. That's why he says when you ask him something directly "I may do it. I may. We'll soon see." He doesn't know much but he does not how much being publicly indecisive hurts other people's lives, as to whether or not he'll enact a policy that directly threatens a group of people's way of life. He LOVES the fact that he's being talked about right now around the world, doesn't matter if it's good or bad, he's in it for the attention folks and to be gatekeeper to our freedoms well, that is one surefire way to get attention.
Back to his failure of business, I would go into all of his business failures, but I don't have enough room. I will mention them briefly. (Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump University, Trump Water, Trump Board Game, The Trump Taj Mahal and Casino, Trump Tower Casino, and Trump Marina and Casino of Atlantic City.)
SIDENOTE: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU LOSE MONEY OWNING THREE CASINOS???? Not many can except for the Donny Rapist Man!
He was once quoted in his first term as president (Yuck!) when asked how he will manage the National Debt, he said "“People said I want to go and buy debt and default on debt, and I mean, these people are crazy. This is the United States government. First of all, you never have to default because you print the money, I hate to tell you, OK?” That alone should share the shit out of you for he truly believes if you print more money, you'll manage the debt. A basic understanding of economics would prevent him thinking this way, but then again, Donny fucktard doesn't do thinking!
Anyway, He has promised to apply tariffs across the board on all foreign goods coming into the United States. He promised a universal Tariff on all foreign goods, and a 60% tariff on all Chinese goods. He's proposing this for he wants to get the other nations "in line" that he feels abuse the US market. So he thinks the tariffs will do that. Only, once again, a basic understanding of economics would show that the cost of Tariffs are always passed onto the consumer. That means, All Clothes, Items, Goods, Foods, imported here from other countries will be getting a lot more expensive for everyone. (REMEMBER AMERICA MAGAMORONS, you voted for this. I'll be closing on you in a minute.) If there are any doubters that are reading this, check your current shirt. Let me know where it was made. I'll put odds it was made either in China, Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, or even Vietnam. That's just clothes imported into this country. Let me ask you this? You think GAP INC, or HANES, or a majority of Clothing Companies are going to pay that 60% tariff just because Trump said so?
A LITTLE MATH/BUSINESS LESSON (You can skip this if you aren't interested)
On one pallet, (meaning one shipment of t-shirts) you can fit about 2,160 t-shirts total. In one container, you can fit about 20-22 pallets (which depend on the goods and how they're packed but let's just say this for arguments sake.) That means in one 40 foot container, you can have up to 45,360 T-Shirts. (My memory as a former wine importer is getting jogged as I write this. I stopped doing that business officially in 2016 so I'm sure prices have changed and I know prices are different on clothes.)
Before that pallet gets to America, the cost per shirt is about 50 cents. So the total cost of the entire container before the shirts get here would be $22,680. Once it arrives in customs, that's when customs charges begin. Two charges are levied on containers containing "Textiles" which is the category the T-shirts fall under. Those charges are MPF (Merchandise Processing Fee) and Import Duty  The MPF is calculated as a percentage of the shipment's value, with a minimum and maximum amount. For informal entries (under $2,500), the MPF is a flat fee of $2–$9. For formal entries (over $2,500), the MPF ranges from $30.66–$595.35. So, since the cost of goods (Keep this in mind, these are cheap t-shirts found at WalMart) in that one container is $22,680, the total MPF would be the max, at $595.35. For Duty, which only applies when goods imported are valued above $800. (which this would be) that means a 5.63% tariff would apply, adding $1,276.88 to the cost.
Here is a lesson in Business, as these fees are added on to import your goods, those are costs that you tack onto the product when you sell it, because you have to lay it out to get it into the country, so you MUST make it back or your company will lose money. (Something else the Orange Fuckwad doesn't understand.) So, those incurred costs before it leaves customs would tack on a total of 3 cents to each T-Shirt, making the total cost of each shirt before it gets to your warehouse or store 53 cents. The cost of the truck that will pick up your container, depending on where your warehouse or store is located will vary, but let's go on a average, which would be anywhere from $500-$3000. It varies on distance. For this argument, let's go with $1800. That would add a total of 4 cents to each t-shirt. Now, each t-shirt landed cost is 57 cents. Stores charge anywhere from 30-40% to make a profit. They charge that because usually 100-400% mark up covers your rent (if you have any), bills (Electric, Gas, Water), Employees, Taxes (Payroll, Income, Federal, State, and City Taxes) So, the total cost that is known to the owner of the store is $2.28. They usually mark it up to maybe $5-$8.00 per shirt, and will do deals like buy 2, get one free or buy 4 and get one more. The profit on one shirt sold would be $4.43 per shirt. Remember, the landed cost is 57 cents.
The Trump tariff would charge an extra 60% to your container if it came from china. So, take 45,360 t-shirts in a container, which is valued at $22,680. Tacking on the usual costs
22,680 + $595.35 + 1,276.88 + 1,800 = 26,532.23 x (.60) = 15,919.34
(Total Cost before Customs) (MPF) (DUTY) (Shipping) + (Trump Tariff)
Take that number and add it to the total cost (26,532.23) = 42,451.46 total cost per container now.
Divide that cost by the amount of t-shirts in the container = 0.94 cents per shirt landed. A total added .37 cents onto each shirt.
This may seem like small potatoes but when you're selling t-shirts in bulk, you are not about to lose .37 cents per shirt. That would dip into your profits, and if you have backers or board members, that .37 cents will eat into your profit margins should it not be tacked onto the cost of the product. Backers and Board Members of a corporation don't do charity, and they will want to see that cost reflected into the sales.
Now, I know what many will say (if you got this far, bravo) BIG DEAL! It's small cents. In business, small change adds up A LOT! And this is just bargain Walmart T-shirts. Never mind graphic t-shirts, or designer t-shirts, or other clothes. And apply that to all GOODS.
This will be hurting Americans, not helping them. Donny Moron doesn't understand it, nor does he want too.
Economists have predicted that Trump's Tariffs will cost the average American family an extra $1700 per year for goods. To those MAGA morons who screamed and voted for "Lower Grocery Bills" will see those prices jump slightly higher now. Companies have already began to announce higher prices in retaliation to Trumps' Tariffs. Effectively erasing the work that President Biden has done to lower the effect of inflation. But Donny won't stop there. Oh No! What he's about to do tax wise is what got him donations from Billionaires like Elon Asshole Musk and Miriam Alderson (Widow of Casino Magnate Sheldon Alderson)
I went over this in some of my previous posts, and if you want to learn more about Tax Cuts and how they work, you can look back in my previous posts from 2015 and see what they are.
Trump is going to give Tax Cuts to the Wealthy and Corporations. He's going to say he's giving Tax Cuts to everyone. But the devil will be in the details. The IRS collects about $2.56 Trillion Dollars in Federal Income Tax alone per year. This money funds government services, and investments. Trump is proposing to lower the Corporate Tax from 21% to 15%, and proposes that those households who make over $400,000 will get a tax cut of about $60,000 roughly a 15% tax cut. So, if you make 1M per year, you'll receive a tax cut of $150,000. on $3M it's $450,000. On 1 Billion Dollars, it's 150M tax cut. A tax cut for those who don't know, are taxes you don't have to pay on your earned income. This is before deductions and Tax Loopholes that the super rich and Corporations have been doing for years. Just to recap, the following corporations paid ZERO in Federal Income Taxes.
and many more. In fact, if they report losses, they take advantage of a Tax Deduction in which they don't have to pay on those, lessening their tax burden.
It will be the time of record profits for Billionaires and Big Corporations, and meanwhile the rest of us will see tax cuts like $500-$1000 that we wouldn't have to pay. The super poor will see none of these benefits, and New Yorkers know that $500 doesn't do much in a month or offer much breathing room. Meanwhile, fat cats like Elon Musk, who's net income is 1.4 Billion last year will see a 210M tax cut. The rest of us will have to pay our taxes however.
That's what this is mostly about. It's about Money, and the Rich, Like Don the fuckwad and his cronies, feel that they should have more control over their tax money and where it goes.
This will add onto the national debt, and the government will not be able to sustain itself for each tax cut given, that's less money going into the government. Less for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other government services.
So, enjoy your tax cuts middle class, the wealthy will be enjoying theirs. And they'll sell it through their usual promise of "Trickle Down" Economics, which is been proven to not work a BILLION TIMES OVER.
Also, don't tell me that bullshit either of Rich People need those tax cuts to create jobs. They dont. Never have. Trump presided over the WORST PERIOD OF JOB CREATION in this country since the Great Depression in the 1930's. THE WORST. So, don't tell me these tax cuts are going to automatically start working and start creating jobs. They haven't since they've been getting them under Trump's first term. And Where did all that money go? Stock Buybacks. Made themselves richer, while at the same time putting it out there that no one wants to work anymore.
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The other thing Donny is going to do, of which I will NEVER FORGIVE THE TEAMSTERS UNION.
He's going to attempt to destroy Unions, and get rid of Overtime Pay.
Unions are the only check against large corporations and big businesses. Unions offer Medical Insurance to it's members, and also collective bargain with employers for wages.
The Orange Rapist has said during a live conversation with Elon Dumbfuck Musk on Twitter (I will not call it what he wants me to call it. Fuck him and his money) has praised Elon for firing Tesla workers who voted to Unionize. He has expressed that workers conspiring to unionize should be fired. He also said in that same convo, that he "hated paying workers overtime." and that "He'd never pay it."
What to expect from this conman during a second term...
Trump changed the rules about who qualifies for overtime pay, making more than 8 million workers ineligible and costing them over $1 billion per year in lost wages during his first term as president.
You Trumptards think that in the past 4 years of dodging court dates and indictments, he suddenly found a heart??? If you think that, you are gravely mistaken.
He will repeat his actions with regards to labor again, only this time, go to more extremes to make it stick.
He has talked about replacing overtime, and giving workers Comp Time, which cheats workers over Overtime laws embedded in our Constitution. 1 BILLION in overtime pay in 2019 to be exact.
Hey TEAMSTERS, no more overtime pay for you. He thinks you're not entitled to it. And apparently, so did many of your members. Enjoy that shit when it's enacted under a GOP controlled House and a GOP controlled Senate. Scabs will be taking your jobs if you refuse, and you know what? Shame on you, because your membership wanted to support Donald.
Trump will also do the following.
Trump will continue to PACK the courts with anti-labor judges who have made the entire public sector “right to work for less” in an attempt to financially weaken unions by increasing the number of freeloaders.
Trump will stack the National Labor Relations Board with anti-union appointees who side with employers in contract disputes and support companies who delay and stall union elections, misclassify workers to take away their freedom to join a union, and silence workers.
Trump will make it easier for employers to fire or penalize workers who speak up for better pay and working conditions or exercise the right to strike.
Trump promised to veto the PRO Act and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act, historic legislation that will reverse decades of legislation meant to crush private sector unions and shift power away from CEOs to workers.
I can't wait when the Teamsters start complaining about "scabs" being allowed to work due to Trump's push of "Right To Work" policy, which effectively emboldens Scabs or picket line crossers to work for companies for less pay than the union would allow them too. Some of these idiots think that wont happen. To that I say....Just wait.
The next time I hear of Teamsters Picketing, they can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned for failing to come out to support Kamala Harris, a president that would've protected their Union and advanced Pro-Union Policies. I hope the Teamster Union breaks, and I say that as a UFT member knowing full well that Trump and his merry band of assholes will try to dismantle my Union too. (They already are trying too with Charter Schools. If Governor Hochul had any balls, she'd pull funding from Charter Schools to embolden UFT and pro-union policies. But this is about the Spoiled Boy-King, not NY governor Hochul.)
On this, Trump will demonstrate his extreme cruelty for he gives neither a fuck for Immigrants (Even though his family was once an immigrant from Germany) nor women (see the 32 Civil Court Cases when 32 different women across this country accuse Donny of Rape and Sexual Assault.) He won this election on getting others to hate Immigrants.
It's a big pet peeve of mine whenever a fellow American Italian hates on the "Hispanics and Mexicans coming over the border." To which I remind them how their family came here, and the adversity that they faced. This convo usually ends with "Well, my family pulled through" but what they don't seem to understand is We're supposed to make things better, not worse for the next guy. It's also what some of my fellow pisans consider retribution. "Well, I came here legally. They can too." Well, they can't. Imagine how desperate they must be to come over illegally. It's not to skirt laws or get away with something.
The thing about Immigrants that many don't understand is the following.
Illegal Immigrants make up for a good portion of our workforce. About 8.3M Illegal Immigrants are currently in the United States Workforce. They are hired by their bosses, who know full well they aren't here legally, and take advantage of that by paying them much lower than they would have to pay an American worker.
Check out the Kitchens of the Restaurants that you frequent. Who is making your food back there?
Also, who is building your houses? Take a good look at the majority of those building private housing. Let me know what you find.
Another thing about Ilegal Immigrants is that they don't mostly Bring Crime, Drugs, and are Rapists. (I always found it funny that a Rapist calling a group of other people Rapists especially when he's a known rapist and pedophile. When Jeffrey Epstein is your best friend...) Ilegal Immigrants make our economy go round!
The Food Industry, the Construction Industry are very very dependent on Illegal Immigrant labor.
Illegal Immigrants are less likely to commit a crime for fear of being deported. So they're mostly law abiding citizens.
Illegal Immigrants pay MORE taxes that Amazon, and Coca-Cola combined. (Yes, they file and pay while freeloaders like Elon and Donny pay nothing.)
Illegal Immigrants make up about 12% of sales for Telecommunication companies (i.e. Cellphone purchases.)
They rent apartments, spend for food, open bank accounts, and California was trying to pass a law that would've made it easier for them to obtain a mortgage regardless of Immigration status.
When he does send ICE and Immigration agents to do a mass deportation, he will be adversely affecting these industries. That is on the way, and I've read one economist suggest that the "mass deportation" that he has promised his fans and fellow racists will total 315 Billion Dollars. Will Donny want to pay that? Sure, why not? The money isn't his, and he'll be dead soon enough so why should he have to worry? Thats a problem for us to figure out later when he's gone.
That's another thing Richers do that Donald likes to do. He loves to spend money when it's not his to spend. Donald is a notorious cheap skate, and has stiffed many people who have done work for him in his hotels and casinos. However, that will go away now that Donald has the United States Purse strings. The next time I hear a Republican preach about Fiscal Conservatism, it will be very hard for me not to deck them in the mouth.
Again, Donny loves being Gatekeeper. He adores it. It doesn't matter if it's cruel, or if he is doing the wrong thing. He is directly responsible for separating 6000 kids from their parents at the border. 6000. And he put them in cages and didn't even bother giving them blankets. He gave them what amounted to aluminum foil for a bedsheet. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE???? Every single parent should've been outraged with that regardless of political spectrum.
Also any real Christian should've had an issue with that, and those who don't are not real Christians nor do they deserve to be called one. They deserve to be called what they truly are, CRUEL HYPOCRITES WHO WORSHIP SATAN'S COCK.
I had a convo I had with a Trump sympathizer about this once, and the other person had the balls to say "Well, they shouldn't have been there." Talk about the most Victim Blaming Bullshit I've ever heard. As if they brought about that cruel treatment upon themselves when they got caught on the border.
Trump gives a fuck about one thing and one thing only. He's cited it many times in his first presidency, and it's his biggest motivator.
His image.
Trump is such a textbook classic narcissist that his main drive is simply to protect and project his image. He wants to be that "Suave, Smart, Debonair, Wealthy, Strongman who is beloved by all, and everyone fawns over him and his every word while his enemies retreat in cowardice." Trump's self image, like much of anything he says, is not rooted in reality.
He's a wimp, and like all bullies, once someone stands up to them, they run and hide and tell the teacher on you. Trump would run and hide from anyone formidable and run and tell fox news how "unfairly mistreated" he was.
Keep in mind, Donald is still a Russian Asset. The reason he jocks guys like Putin is because he wants it like that. He wants to make American into the Dictator Image. Absolute Power. Absolute Fascism. We know Donald can't read, but he has probably watched a Hitler Speech or two, and realized how Hitler came to power. His path to power is very similar to Hitlers, in fact almost mirror image.
He couldn't care less about what happens in Israel. He couldn't care less about what happens in the Ukraine. He will do what he is told, which the super wealthy are tired of giving aid and money to these two countries.
Also, Putin will tell his bitch to bend over and let him have Ukraine. Trump will do so. He will claim "He made a great deal" but the deal made will be something along the lines of the following.
1.) No Admission to NATO for Ukraine.
2.) Russia will get to keep most, if not all of their occupied territory.
3.) Ukraine will have to enter a trade agreement with Russia over the oil pipeline and they'll maybe do some share. 10 years Russia will have it and then turn it over to Ukrainian control.
Ukraine will do all of this under Trump duress, or Trump will withhold any and all aid to Ukraine, of which that will stop immediately once Trump takes office. So the good news is, The war will end. The bad news is, the war will benefit Russia grately, and Russia will have an open way to take Europe if it feels like it.
Trump will say "Look how great I did. And Look, I ended the war." But in the real world, Trump will only have given Putin what he asked for, which is the part of Ukraine with the resources as a part of Russia. Also, there will be no NATO presence in Ukraine forever, or at least while Trump is president.
As for GAZA...
Many Gen Z people were upset, and rightfully so, over the mass genocide in GAZA by the Israeli government. If they were upset of Former President Biden's lack of action, then they're really going to hate how Trump handles this situation.
I'm sorry to say, but the Palestinian people's numbers will be greatly REDUCED once Trump is in power, and he will not only continue to do nothing diplomatically. He will also side openly with Netanyahu, and praise his actions. He'll even get a bigger contrat, and sell more bombs, guns, and ammunition there. He'll say "What a great deal for America" but what he means is "What a great deal for Smith& Wesson" "Raytheon", and L3Harris Technologies." because last I checked, the American people in general don't own stock in any of those companies, only a select few do. (Trump is one of them by the way. He owns some stock in Raytheon. Conflict of Interest much? Sure, but we wont be able to talk about that for much longer.)
So, this is where this series ends. There will not be a 4th installment. I've pretty much said all I needed/wanted to say. I know many are upset over this tyrant returning to the White House.
There has got to be some hope at the end of this fucked man and his deranged policies. It's almost comical how he's in a "Race for the Worst". To predict what can happen, just picture a worst case scenario for each situation, and that is the baseline that Trump is so thirsty to beat. He will also fuck the environment as well, and turn the planet back on Global Warming, why? In the name of money.
So, fellow trumpers, I hope you enjoy the world while it lasts. I hope there isn't another deadly pandemic waiting in the wings, because Donald will handle that one just as well as he handled the 1st one. The one where he got over 1.8M American's killed, and suggested as a cure to inject bleach into your veins. He was also the guy to Poo Poo Masks, and put doubt into the vaccine, despite himself getting it.
But whatever, RFK will be in charge of our health from now on. You know, because he's qualified and believes in Science. But that's talking way too much.
Brace yourselves everyone. Enjoy this last holiday season of peace. We are in for a reckoning.
(So much for a weekly post. I just blogged 3 times in 4 days. But man, does it feel good to write again.)
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phroyd · 1 year ago
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MAGAMorons don't understand facts!
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whatareyoureallyafraidof · 5 months ago
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He paid $4,000 to destroy a guitar, and probably complains that he can't afford eggs and bacon because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris! #MAGAMorons
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hinahasan · 28 days ago
canada is for canadians not for americans dont come here
The entire world should get behind Canada & Mexico and impose tariffs & trade sanctions on the USA immediately. It would be a fast, effective way to put one incredibly stupid and unpleasant bully firmly in his place. #canada #trudeau #mexico #TrumpTariffs #MAGAMorons #BOYCOTTUSA— Dan Richardson (@dan710ths) February 2, 2025
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motomundo · 2 months ago
shadow president musk
sissy spaceX
space Karen
elongated muskrat
republican assholes
maga morons
traitor trump
crooked donald
republican hypocrisy
Trump hates being upstaged
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clavery111 · 5 months ago
Register to vote. Vote. Save our USA by voting BLUE. Vote the magamoronic Repuglikkkens out of existence. BLUE WAVE!!!!!!
In many US states, this week is your last chance to register for the upcoming election.
Please don’t let this wait. Please go get registered—or if you’re registered already, check your registration to make sure it is still valid. Numerous states have been purging “ineligible voters”: so please doublecheck that you haven’t been purged by mistake
If you’re all set, then please encourage everyone you know to register, or to check their own registrations.
Here’s where to start: Vote.gov
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thealexperspective · 6 days ago
Eric Cartman - "Respect my authoritah" compilation
This is Elon Musk at the moment because no one has replied to his e-mail & not respecting his authority & the authority of DOGE
#ElonMusk #DOGE #Trump #DOGE #muskrats #MAGA #MAGAMorons
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bllsbailey · 4 months ago
HOT TAKES: Hilarity Ensues When Dodger Blue Meets MAGA Red Hat
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Welp, it was inevitable. California conservatives and MAGA supporters are becoming emboldened, flying Trump flags and <*clutch the pearls*> wearing Red MAGA hats in public. But to wear one on the first night of the World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the New York Yankees—that is beyond the pale.
This woman was spotted sitting behind home plate, and she had the unmitigated GALL to wear her MAGA hat to the game. Where does she think she is, Georgia?! 
Citizen Free Press spotted her first:
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) October 26, 2024
One TV producer called it out, and predicted a trend. He's a little late to the party.
— Bradford Broyles 🌴🐊🇺🇸 (@BradfordBroyles) October 26, 2024
Of course, left-leaning Dodger fans are being triggered, and some are losing their minds. Many took to X to post their displeasure, even tagging Magic Johnson (a Dodgers co-owner) and the Dodgers' X feed.
There's a woman wearing what *appears* to be a red MAGA hat right behind home plate at Dodgers Stadium. It's annoying and distracting.#WorldSeries— Barry+ 🖖🏼 🇺🇦 🏳️‍⚧️ 💉💉💉💉💉 #🟦 (@bmerer) October 26, 2024
Maybe pull out a vape to make yourself feel better—or has Gavin outlawed that too? Alex Timmons was next to raise a hissy fit.
WARNING: Language (sorry, these are leftist, after all)
Of course there’s some piece of shit sitting right behind home plate wearing a make America great again hat looking for attention at the World Series. Hey @Dodgers you gonna do anything about really divisive political statements on such an important world wide event like this? pic.twitter.com/B0GmT74Sd2— @a1extimmons.bsky.social & threads (@A1exTimmons) October 26, 2024
Timmons had to go to the WinRed website to prove his point. Maybe we need to check his or her credit card purchases.
Can’t even watch the World Series without the nastiness of MAGA— John Yazek (@john_yazek) October 26, 2024
Listening via radio comes to mind. But that's probably way above their heads.
Ben Whitehead wanted to see the woman forcibly removed for offending his sensibilities. If he's one of those "White Dude for Harris" then we know he's very sensitive.
Hey @Dodgers - The lady directly behind home plate with the MAGA hat… remove her ASAP.— Ben Whitehead (@thebenwhitehead) October 26, 2024
Another individual thought it had to be a paid psyop by the Trump campaign. After all, anyone who loves Trump cannot appreciate baseball... or something like that.
MAGA hat at the Dodgers game hasn’t watched one pitch. I want to smack that thing off this paid plant’s head so bad.— Chris Martin (@CPMartini) October 26, 2024
And one game watcher appealed to Kamala supporter Magic Johnson, mansplaining that having a red MAGA hat in the midst of Dodger Blue could really ruin the Dodgers' image.
@MagicJohnson The MAGA hat behind home plate is not a good look for @Dodgers.— WMJ (@wmjenkins3) October 26, 2024
And some "fans" decided that the Dodgers deserved to be cursed by this blatant display of fascism.
The Dodgers deserve to lose just for having that #MAGAmoron behind the plate. #BeatLA #WorldSeries— Adam Doctolero (@AdamDoctolero) October 26, 2024
One leftist complained that because someone got kicked out of an Oriole game for brandishing a Free Palestine flag, that this MAGA riff-raff should not be allowed to sit through the game. Well, someone paid for the seat, didn't they?
but dodger stadium has let a woman sit front and center behind home plate with a maga hat for 5 innings https://t.co/6VB172MB6o— Begrudging Yankees Fan Brennan 🍉 (@BayAreaBrennan) October 26, 2024
There were many other uses of profanity and curses lodged against this ballsy young lady, from hoping she chokes on a Dodger Dog to wishing a foul ball would hit her. The ever-tolerant Left on full display. 
But not everyone was upset, and many of them expressed their admiration. What did Orwell say? “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” 
— Will (@WillsWill1776) October 26, 2024
Shoutout to the fan behind home plate at Dodger stadium wearing a MaGA hat— Paul (@PaullyyM) October 26, 2024
— Duce (@Duce_iz_loose) October 26, 2024
— Ricky_Media 🫡🇵🇷🇺🇸 (@Ricky89841208) October 26, 2024
The meltdown has been hilarious, and it will no doubt make the evening news. Now L.A. MAGA needs to spread the word to ticket holders so that more numbers can show up for Game 2. Watching heads explode like in the movie "Mars Attacks" always makes for great entertainment.
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yourreddancer · 4 months ago
Creamsicle Stalin is a pathetic lump of 💩
And his magamoron minions eat that AI garbage of him looking like he NEVER looked, doing stuff he could NEVER do, like the Cult 45ers that they are!
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maximumjkryptonite · 29 days ago
Oh - Not Surprising from a group of MAGAMORONS who Are O.K. with him not Swearing on the Bible since greater than 50% of what he says is a LIE
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