#mafia legacy
bookhighlightss · 2 months
Book Review on Imperfectly perfect series by Neva Altaj:
i. Painted Scars ( book #1 ) ( roman and nina )
1. Okay I've got complaints on this book because first of all what was this mentioning her " tiny " body that it ticked me off. WHAT TICKED ME OFF MORE IS HOW HE WAS LIKE SHE IS THE SAME HEIGHT AS ME WHILE IM SITTING DOWN. LIKE WHAT??!!! U MARRIED A CHILD OR SUMN???!!!!
2. What was her going on about being scared because he was HUGE and that scared her but at the same time validated bcs of her trauma but still.
3. I hated the fact that the fmc wasn't all strong and could fight n shit bcs um ur the pakhans wife???? What r u doing if ur not kicking ass????
4. Overall the book was um mid???
ii. Broken Whispers ( book #2 ) ( Mikhail and Bianca )
1. Okay love the fact that he was always obsessed with her and her whole ballet dance and him watching her was like so cute n shit.
2. The daughter father bond was peak so love it.
3. I absolutely also HATE the fact that she also wasn't a strong fmc bcs ur the daughter of another mafia leader????? Wdym???? I wanted kickass fmc.
4. AGAIN TINY PETITE BODY WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME but kinda will accept it cuz she's a ballet dancer. So fine I'll allow it.
5. HERE'S THE ICK IN THIS BOOK. he forces his ex to give birth to their child bcs she got pregnant and wanted an abortion....HE THREATENED TO KILL HER???!!!! And obv he's a man he wouldn't know the thousand problems that comes with pregnancy so makes sense yk don't let woman have her own right over her OWN body. Like srsly he's a book bf make him a green forest please.
6. Loved the book bcs it was a level up from the first mid book.
iii. Hidden Truths ( book #3 ) ( Sergei and Angelina )
1. Love the fact that the serial killer scenes were serial killing bcs wow they really went all graphic and I'm here for it. I'm sorry but they really gave justice to his psychotic character and behaviour when he was killing.
2. Okay this girl could fight so it's accepted.
3. The tiny and petite wasn't mentioned that much prolly bcs she starved herself but yea.
4. Okay she was retarded. Like hella retarded. SPOILERS AHEAD. basically their enemy said they would kill him if she didn't come back or wtv and SHE CHOSE TO HIDE FROM A MAN WHO WAS MADE INTO A WEAPON!!!!! like this guy could kill 3 ppl in 15 secs and u wanna hide this shit from him???? HE CAN SAVE HIS OWN LIFE!!!! YOU CANNOT!!!!! I hate it when main characters r all dumb and retarded and r like omg I was protecting him??? Hun.....he can fight trust me.
5. SPOILERS ENDED. um overall book was fine better than the second book.
iv. Ruined Secrets ( book #4 ) ( luca and Isabella )
1. This book is an ICK. ICK. ICK. ICK. They have a 16 yr age gap and idk bout u but that doesn't sit well with me. HE PRACTICALLY WATCHES HER GROW UP FROM WHEN SHE WAS 6!!!!! THAS NOT OKAY
2. Can I just say that the father daughter bond was not shown the tiniest bit in this book. She didn't even exist in the book like that less cameos. And that actually shows how he wasn't there for the daughter. Prolly would've been more scenes if the author wasn't busy putting more smut scenes but eh.
3. Okay she is super badass I will not lie. She did actually fit the role of a capos wife unlike the first book and I loved it.
4. Ummm he actually calls her HIS TEENAGE WIFE???!!!!! EXCUSE ME SIR???!!!! JAIL. HE LITERALLY SAYS I'LL WAIT TILL SHE IS 21???!!!! Excuse me??!!!! U don't wait!!!!! Thas a child!!!!! U said it urself. U could practically be her father. WHAT???!!!! Fr she was 19 he was 35 and thas not okay and it actually makes me pukish.
5. Also um the way her whole family was okay with them getting married bcs she has loved him since forever is a no. I'm sorry but thas a weird obsession and it needs to be gotten rid of and not fueled.
7. The plot is super nice tho. Fast paced but nice. If they minused the WAYYY TOO MUCH SMUT and age difference.
v. Stolen Touches ( book #5 ) ( Salvatore and milene )
1. To say I went through it while reading the book would be an understatement is just wild.
2. ICK. ICK. ICK. one this woman needs a reality check BCS TELL ME WHY all the characters she writes go through the absolute worst " mafia " torture but come back out with little harm LIKE BFFR thas impossible.
3. Can I just say the guy is psychotic bcs there's no way his hyperobsession was romanticised in the book the way it was. This is how serial killers are born. Okay this should have ended with him in therapy and divorce but okay I think it's not a shock that her are weird.
4. OKAY SO APPARENTLY THIS GUY BARELY SMILES AND WHEN HE HAS A DAUGHTER THAS WHEN HE DECIDED TO FINALLY SMILE???? you're telling me this girl went thru practically years without seeing her husband smile??? And he smiles for his new born baby for the first time??? Fuck off pls.
5. This book made me question my existence and will for life but thas just me idk.
vi. Fractured Souls ( book #6 ) ( Pavel and Asya )
1. This book had so much potential and the way she ruined it with smut😭. THIS COULDVE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER.
2. AGAIN THIS BOOK WAS BACK WITH THE TINY AND PETITE AND EXTRA SMOL OUTFITS🥺 like oh yea sure not only is there a 15 year age gap but there's also child fetish LESGOOOOO AND THE FAVT THAT HES BLONDE??? DAFAK??
3. Okay so the book starts off great and tbh I thought this book would have no smut or one smut scene BUT NO THE BITCH ASS AUTHOR PICKED A SENSITIVE TOPIC TO WRITE ABOUT AND SOMEHOW MANAGED TO ADD SMUT IN IT
4. Look here's my opinion even tho I'm a hea girly but I feel like this book would be SO MUCH BETTER if they didn't end up tgt yk...like she never got to grow her own wings and fly?? Like this was just transfer from one gold prison to a rotten prison to another gold prison but it's prison at the end of the day. Like if they never were together and she just became an artist and he actually continued depressed and on with his life even tho he fell in love with her but he knew she could do better than that life then it would have been beautiful. Also if they never fucked then it would be even more beautiful.
5. I actually liked this book way much more than the previous 5 bcs he was a green flag if we forget the age gap ( I did for my own sanity ). Also the mall scenes were so CRINGY that I had to put the book down or I'd cut a vein. AND ISTG IF A RANDOM TATTED MAN THOUGHT HE COULD SHUT ME UP WITH A GLARE IN A PUBLIC PLACE...THE WAY I'D FUVK HIM UP....
6. Overall this book had potential which was horribly destroyed. Thank you.
vii. Burned dreams ( book #7 ) ( Alessandro and Ravenna )
1. Am I saying this book is shit? Yes. But am I saying it's better than the first three? Hell yes. Ig it took her 6 books to get a tad better but it'll do. I didn't wanna kms by the end of it.
3. So this book actually had a somewhat a good plot so ig I liked it. But um basically he has an ex wife who died but I just didn't like the way he moved on and fell in love again even tho it took him 8 yrs but meh.
4. Again the smut....ick....also the way her books are so predictable is annoying but it'll do ig.
viii. Silent lies ( book #8 ) ( Drago and Sienna )
1. Omg was this book the best out of all 8? Hell yes. Okay the usual icks were petite and tiny and the 16 year age gap but ATP I just make myself forget those two.
2. GREEN FLAG. GREEN FLAG. HES A GREEN FLAG. SPOILER AHEAD. so like when he finds out she went thru his phone and he thought she was a spy but she was just going thru his gallery BUT LIKE he never asked her what she saw on his phone and thought she was a spy but he decided to love her despite of it.
3. I fucking love her wardrobe and I need it desperately.
5. Okay genuinely I relate to her character a lot and this was fr fr grumpy x sunshine and I'm just happy about the fact that this was the first proper book in the series so yea
ix. Darkest sins ( book #9 ) ( Kai and Nera )
1. This book was the SHITTIEST of all books in this series. I got the ick throughout the book. I felt sick to my stomach and actually wanted to barf.
2. This man deserves to be in a high security jail or killed. There's no redemption for him bye. This book was crazy. He's a psycho killer and look Ive had my fair share of reading those kinds of books but this one didn't even make sense.
3. Idek if I can call their romance Stockholm syndrome bcs it's worse than that and there is no romance in this its basically him lusting after a child and objectifying her.
4. ISTG IF THIS AUTHOR DOSENT STOP WITH FILLING THE BOOKS UP WITH SMUT TO THE BRIM. While the age gap of this book was acceptable ( 10 yrs ) the storyline was unacceptable and absolutely shit I couldnt even read it properly I just kept skipping bcs this book was just not it and horrible.
ix. Sweet prison ( book #10 )
( hasn't been published yet )
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azspymasters-hoe · 9 months
“Don’t run away from me again. If you do, I’ll flip the world upside down to find you. You’re mine now, baby.”
—Nikolai Sokolov- God of fury by Rina Kent
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efexbe · 9 months
god of fury by rina kent
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cetuscorvus · 1 year
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He insisted on more portrait shots so y'all can appreciate his divine features. So, here you go.
Still in outfit from Ominis Gaunt's Closet.
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lighthousepigeons · 10 months
Ava: Would you ever date a girl taller than you?
Brandon: No.
Remi: Woah, bit shallow, innit?
Mia: Yeah, what's your problem with height?
Brandon, looking at Nikolai: Oh, believe me, it's not the height I have a problem with.
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severe-kitty · 10 months
Landon: How can you still be in love with Niko after all that?!
Brandon: I can't help it. He manipulated, manslaughtered, and malewifed his way into my heart.
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bookishpedia · 1 year
Cecily: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Jeremy: Aren't you forgetting something?
Cecily: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Jeremy's cheek before running out.*
Jeremy: (blushing) I meant the bill, but yeah, this works too.
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catapparently · 4 months
~The Glass Ballerina's Reputation~
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Chapter 2 : Gorgeous
Summary of Ch1: Flashback for poor Avery. She'd always play games with her mom. One day, when her mom was in the hospital, she gave Avery one last game and sent her on a treasure hunt. In the end, Avery only found Libby's phone number. By the time she made it back, her mother had died. Libby moved in with Avery in her little apartment above her mom's old antique shop and helps her co-manage the store. Nash comes in one day to buy a dagger and hits (nicely) on Libby. Avery angry.
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Nash had been stopping by the antique shop more and more often lately. It was painfully obvious that he was here to see Libby. Avery didn’t like him in the slightest; to her, it seemed like he pitied their situation. Every time he stopped by, he bought one of the pricier items with his fancy card. She wasn’t a fool; she knew exactly what he was trying to do. He didn’t need to step in. They were doing just fine. After Avery had contacted her two years ago, Libby moved into the apartment above the little shop with her. She fell in love with all the antiques, and so,  she decided to help her out and co-manage while Avery went to school.
The dainty bell on the door rang. It had been her mother’s pride and joy when it was first installed. The shop had always been her biggest dream ever since she’d been a teenager. Having a bell that rang everytime a customer came in made her mother feel like it was ‘a real shop’. Avery looked up from her history textbook to silently judge whoever had entered the shop this time.  
Nash. Again. Of course, but this time he had company. Two boys followed him closely, both taller than him. All three were carrying cardboard boxes. One of them was about an inch shorter than the other one and had pale blonde hair. If her poker face weren’t perfect, she might have laughed at the sight of him in a fancy, stiff suit in the unbearable Texas weather.
She would have if she wasn’t so focused on whatever he was palming in his pocket. The outline of it faintly resembled that of a gun. Her fingers tightened around the edge of the counter.  
She wasn’t used to feeling fear, completely unfamiliar to that sinking feeling in her chest: the way her heart sped up, her thoughts jumbling and all of her senses hyper aware of everything around her.  
She wasn’t stupid. They clearly had money, and she didn’t even need to have seen Nash’s debit card to know it. It was apparent in the way that the three of them dressed and held themselves, looking at everything like they could own it and control it with a snap of their fingers. The gun could only mean one thing; they were criminals of some sort. Gangsters? No, gangsters didn’t have that much money or elegance.  
Her throat went dry as she recalled the headlines in the newspaper the other day: ‘Mafia territory wars in Texas’. She knew her gut had been right about this Nash guy. Not good for Libby.  
Nash grinned at her and set his box on the counter. 
“Hey, kid. We brought you some old, unique stuff that you could definitely sell for a lot.”  
“Libby’s not here,” she said, trying to calm herself down. If Nash- or whoever he reported to- wanted her or her sister dead, he would have killed her earlier.  
Mafia. Not good. But, if not good, why handsome? His brothers looked like younger versions of those Greek mythology figures in movies.  
She shifted uncomfortably. The blonde one was scrutinizing her face intently. She knew she wasn’t model pretty, just average with her ashy brown hair, but did he really need to look at her like something was wrong with her face? His pale grey eyes were honestly breathtaking, but he sure looked scary like this, stoic and unmoving. 
The other brother, brown-haired, elbowed him. “Cut it out, Gray.” 
Great. One evil-gun-brother identified. ‘Gray’.  
Nash cleared his throat. “Oh, yeah, introductions. Sorry, kid. These are my younger brothers, Grayson and Jameson.” 
They set their boxes on the counter too, and Nash started pulling out objects he brought and showing them to her. “ This is a really old typewriter, a limited edition. A Hammond 1, 1885. You could sell it for a lot. Then there’s-” 
He stopped short, and both he and Grayson turned to look at the other brother who had pulled out a glass princess ballerina from his box.  
“Why are you looking at me like that? We don’t have a use for it anymore, and it would cost a lot.” 
Avery felt her blood boil in her veins. Damn Nash and his obvious savior complex. She and Libby did not need saving. They were fine just the way they were. So what if they lived in a shitty little apartment and could barely afford the heating? They were alive and weren’t starving. He didn’t need to pity them and play charity.  
Jameson flashed a wide smile at her, meeting her eyes with his own striking green ones as he handed her the intricate glasswork. “How about you keep it? I think it suits you rather well.” 
Despite her reservations towards them and their intentions, Avery couldn’t help the slight warmth that rose to her cheeks as she took the piece of glass from him. “They’re dangerous, Avery,” she thought. “Bad guys. One of them has a gun.”  
Grayson stepped forward; leaning over the counter to stare right into her soul, as though ready to call her out on any dishonesty. 
“Say, Miss Grambs, have you ever heard of the name Kaylie Rooney, Morticia Rooney, or Hannah Rooney? Anybody with that last name?” He stared at her, and, even with his emotionless, controlled facade, she could tell that he was suspicious of something, that he definitely had an ulterior motive to ask her that.
Jameson glared at him. “That was my line to ask.” 
Avery ignored him. “How did you know my last name?” She frowned, crossing her arms.  
“I have my sources. Now answer the question.” Grayson retorted.  
“No, I don’t.” 
“No secret inheritances? Maybe your mother or grandmother? Relatives?” 
She wasn’t going to let this conceited stranger with a gun in his pocket boss her around like this. “My family is hardly any of your concern, and, for the record, my mother- Sarah Grambs- is dead, and I’ve never met any relatives.” 
Nash cleared his throat once more, the sound echoing in the silent room. Avery was considering giving him cough syrup as a fuck-off-and-leave-my-sister-alone gift.  
“Sorry about him, kid. There’s someone very important to us who’s missing, and we thought you might have seen something in this shadier part of the neighborhood. Grayson is, um, particularly emotional about it.” 
Lie. She thought that he’d be a better liar than this. She’d watched so many murdery mystery movies, and the handsome mafia guys always lied flawlessly. 
She felt even more insulted now. Not only was he trying to give her and Libby- though mostly Libby- more money by buying random stuff from the store, but now he was insulting their neighborhood, and, by extension, the fact that they couldn’t afford a place in a nicer one. Or Avery was too sensitive. Who knows? She’d become a lot of things in the two years after her mom’s death.  
Taking the lead, he ushered his brothers towards the door, a hand placed on each of their shoulders. Just as he was leaving, he spun around, remembering something.  
“Oh, but if you ever find out something about someone with the last name Rooney, just ask Libby to give ya my phone number, ‘lright? See ya.” 
With that, he walked out, joining his brothers in a sleek black car. Avery stared at them suspiciously through the windows, trying to ignore the fact that Libby was texting Nash, and that Drake would be furious if he ever found out. Jameson slid his hand into his pocket, feeling around for an object. She couldn’t see much from this far, but her eyes caught a metallic glint. A gun? Another weapon? Whatever it was, she was wary of them.  
Once they were gone, she closed up the shop for lunch. She went to the room behind the counter and sat on the worn-out couch, pulling out her old phone and typing “Hawthorne Texas” into the search bar. Nothing on Wikipedia or anything else. Finally, she found an article that read “Son of the head of Hawthorne Mafia, Tobias Hawthorne II, dead in fire on Hawthorne Island”. So her suspicions had been right. They were mafia. She scrolled through the article, and a picture of said Tobias II came up. She stared at it, an unsettling feeling churning in her heart. He looked painfully familiar, like an itch in the depths of your brain when you forget something, but you can’t remember what. She was very sure she’d never seen him before. Had she?
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timmurleyart · 4 months
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Night vision. 🤖🤖🟦🟥⬛️🟨🎵
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battinscnz · 9 months
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amorettopedri · 1 year
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Holy cow I absolutely cannot wait for December to come 😭😭😭 (nikobran and eliava coming home 😋)
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pheexblack · 3 months
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Mafia Sebastian inspired by Discord and @mspegasus17
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efexbe · 1 year
god of wrath by rina kent
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lilitblaukatz · 1 year
Maybe Kim should have asked
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At first glance this banter is meaningless. We saw the goons going from the minor family house on the rampage.
We would guess who sent them even without Kim's input. But there's no meaningless things in a good production such as KinnPorsche the series.
It is seemingly obvious it was either Gun or Vegas. But Gun offered protection to Porsche. But why would he need a leverage for Porsche? I don't know when Gun came to knowledge that Porsche is Napheung's son, but it was some time before the massacre. He already had a plan to look for Nampheung, because "He [Korn] told me that he killed everyone but look here are the two of you!". Gun is a creep, but he seemed genuinly concerned about Nampheung. He didn't want to harm her children, if it wasn't nesessary. In Porsche he saw a chance that Nampheung's alive too.
Now, Gun must have known that Porchay was nothing to Korn directly. Porsche was definitely something - and I think we saw only glimpse of his importance. Korn planned on taking over the minor family and he could appoint the head as he pleased. He chose Porsche. Korn seeked Porsche out, he aquired him as last chess piece - black queen (as on Theerapanyakul's blazon), he kept his mother (as real leverage???), he appointed him.
But Gun thought that Korn was dead. So, Kinn?
Enter Vegas. Vegas did just that. He just took Chay as a leverage against Porsche, to lure him in, so he could frame him and get rid of him a week or so before. Why would he need to split force to capture Chay again? Vegas didn't even know whose side Porsche would choose. But he knew, that Porsche is Kinn's heart, so he probably could try again anyway. And he of course knew where Porchay is. The last "but" is — such repetition is unlikely for the movie narrative.
As for Korn, he provoked all the massacre with his "death". He not only didn't give a damn if everyone would end up dead, starting with Tankhun and ending with Chay. He probably was interested in as many body count as possible. When diva announces that they retire from the stage, it is the biggest lie ever. All this declining health talk had some truth: Korn was preparing for his health to naturally decline. And he did it by trying to eliminate biggest threat to his reign - his family. He did it while he was actually in charge and in a good Form. Smart move!
So why if it's so obvious that probably Vegas did send those men after Chay (maybe on his father's demand), Kim tells us (who else!) that it is indeed obvious?
Maybe because it actually isn't? Maybe we guessed wrong?
I think it was Korn. And Kim, suspecting that the "death" was a trick, probably knew it too. How important Porsche was to his father.
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Oh, he will.
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lighthousepigeons · 11 months
[During the Heathens initiation]
Niko, in his mask: Run if you want to live.
Brandon: *Runs*
Niko, confused: Not like towards me though.
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