#mae nightsky
the-haunted-office · 14 days
Thursday's daughter, Mae, as a kitten! :D
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lil-gae-disaster · 3 months
Since I don't have the motivation to draw up a comic but gotta take the idea out of my brain or it'll eat me alive:
@hamalicious-soup Catherine Mention
@marsfingershurt Mae mention (A LOT)
The past soldier stood at the window of his farm, to the view of the sea he knew the new independent country laid.
Where all his friends lived.
The man heard the shoes of his dear younger sister, whom he hadn't known since she was but a small girl and was now a fine young woman with the kindness of their mother integrated into every one of her words and every one of her movements, step closer until she was next to her older brother.
"You yearn for your dear friends, do you not, brother?" She asked, the schottish in her voice heavy and easily recognizable.
The older one of the two siblings nodded.
"I have been thinking about them a lot, especially after one of them has written me of her plan to move to America to escape her family" he confessed as his dark blue eyes caught the ocean and his mind the land beyond the ocean again, as it had so often after the letter of one of his dearest friends from his time in the army.
"I had one friend, I am sure you would be alike to sisters if you met.", Frederick began, "She was a headstrong and yet kind woman. Her heart was on the right side, as was her will and her mind. She had been one of those who had given out rations to the army, and I have confided in her a lot."
His tale was interrupted by a nostalgic chuckle escaping from his throat.
"It was her who had prompted me to return to home for your fifteenth birthday. I had confided to her about how I missed you and how much I regretted leaving when you were but a child.
"She told me I could not make up for missed years, but I could make sure you would remember my face and my voice until I returned. When you had your fifteenth coming up, she urged me to travel home. She was truly a smart woman and alike to an older sister to me. How I miss her.
The Schottsman told his sister, who seemed to wander in her bright mind
"I think you should write her. You should confide in her a last time, until you agree to a future we all can agree you on." She eventually said, breaking the silence, which had only been accompanied by the songs of the birds, gently.
Frederick swayed his eyes to his sister. Her light red hair was shining in a bright orange in the sun of the evening and the freckles on seemingly her whole body stood out like the stars on the nightsky they used to watch when they were but little, foolish children. Nothing could seperate them in the years Frederick grew from a curious and untamable child to a gentle, caring and firm young man and Isabell grew from an infant to a gentle, kindhearted young girl.
How Frederick misses those years.
He pulls himself out of the past and looks at the young woman that is now his sister.
"Are you sure? You know how much Vater valued for me to take over the farm." He asked with no small amount of worry accompanying his words.
Isabell nodded.
"I am quite sure. Father and his will are dear to me, but he is gone and you are still here. I know how happy you are to live with your lover and to reconcile with me, but I also know that you are unsatisfied here. I will be able to handle the change, Jonathan will too. You needn't worry about us while you are the one to be unsatisfied. You are just as valuable as Jonathan, I, the animals and father." The redhaired girl said with a firm kindness that is wholly their mothers.
Frederick had to smile.
"I thank you, dear sister. I will write Mabel."
The Schottman chuckled, out of endearment since his sister, for never having known their mother, shares so many mannerisms with the dead woman.
"You are alike Mutter a lot. I believe she would adore to know the young woman you have grown into"
Frederick said with a gentle smile, much like their father's, as he appreciated to know his sister now and to be able to see what a strong woman she has grown into.
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soulgathered · 2 months
🤥, 💥, 🌌, 🎁for Meya!
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
they are terrible at little white lies. like people know when they did something they weren't supposed to ( their tail is a dead giveaway ) but if they believe they need to lie for a serious cause they absolutely can. I guess it depends on the level of necessity.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
grief & anger. there's a reason fray probably holds them by the collar daily & groans because "why are you like this !!" mae is a champion of bottling things up until they explode with that emotion & the aftermath can at times be quite ugly.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
their appearance. I started back when hw was at like patch 3.2 or something? so the trial was just a few days & did not include au ra. the moment I could make an au ra I wanted a character that just looked like someone from a high fantasy story. I thought long about making a purple au ra, someone who looked soft & flower-y(?) but then decided on the nightsky approach. in retrospect I am so happy about that because it later became a nice contrast to how often azem is likened to the sun.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
they are most happy about weapon related stuff ( big swords ! big swords ! ) & books. especially trashy erotic novels. they get such a kick out of reading them. & yes. mae does their best to give thoughtful gifts, they may not always succeed but the thought counts & the meaning behind their gifts tend to be obvious.
headcanon memes ( accepting ) // @naturesbeat .
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benwishaw · 3 months
MUSIC TAG GAME i've been tagged in two different musical tag games so i'm combining the two; by @betelgeusing for 'five songs i've been obsessed with lately' and @shellibisshe 'put your music on shuffle, put the first five songs in a poll, and let people vote on their fave'
tagging @jamessunderlandgf @ghostfvcker @bloodofvalyria @lxmbert @altcvnningham @red-nightskies @oc-musings @scalpelsister @teamhawkeye @gcthamqueen
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urtteg · 5 years
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My part of an art trade with @/lushtoon on IG
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
Ok so @kumaronoa made a drawing of long-haired Saeyoung, and then there is my Sweet Queen @dis-gorl-does-stuff is very much into the game as I am, and that's what motivated me to finally make a whole bio for my Mystic Messenger OC who has been living in my mind for months and thanks to both my boos, I can finally take it out PFFFFFF. So here we go!
Name : Catherine Joseph-Mae (Alias CJ)
Age : 26
Sex : female (she-her/they-them)
Sexuality : Bisexual (and is ok with poly relationships too)
Zodiac Sign : Gemini (20th June)
Occupation : Musician, plays guitar and sings
Height : 5'10
Weight : 56 kg
Relatives : Ha-jun Mae (father) (deceased)
Aubrey Joseph (mother) (deceased)
Dylan Joseph (maternal grandfather) (alive)
Isabel Joseph (maternal grandmother) (alive)
Origin : Half-American, half-Korean and was born in Miami
Backstory : Born prematurely, Catherine was the daughter of two well-known journalists, who did belong to different countries, but their love for each other was one and the same. She was raised at the countryside of the city of Miami, and for all of her childhood she was surrounded by the green meadows and the minty homey atmosphere of her grandparents' small cottage.
As for the parents, they both had met a tragic death by a car accident when Catherine was just a year old. Even if she did see them some time, she has no memory of them, and neither does she feel some kind of nostalgia or sorrow when she gazes at their pictures hanging on the walls of her home.
With no other option in hand, Dylan and Isabel took the responsibility to raise their only grandchild, the only living image of their beloved daughter and son-in-law who were unfortunately no more. They never let her be deprived of their love and care, and even sent her to school so she could make a future for herself outside and also gain education which is so important nowadays.
Catherine performed very well in her school. She wasn't the best at studies, but her discipline, sincerity and the interest she showed in every activity conducted was what made her a distinguished student. She was fairly popular, and took a fair part in co-curricular activities as well, never to miss an event unless she was sick or not available due to various reasons. The teachers were fond of her, and so were her classmates. There were a few bullies and jerks, but Catherine never minded them, and instead carried on with her own business.
It was when she reached high school that she recognised her true passion and the career she wanted to pursue in her life, and it was music. The rich and melodious art composed of every throb and sound ever to exist delicately by nature had made her fall in love with music. Along with that, she also aspired to experience the thrill and glamour of city life, which always excited her nerves and made her daydream how would it feel to live amongst the never-sleeping cities, tall buildings with neon tinted windows and bright spotlights dashing to the nightsky.
She had loved to sing ever since she was a kid, starting from humming idly along with her grandparents' jingles and lullabies they sang during their daily routine. And so, she set her stance to reach out to everyone with her sweet deep voice and the acoustic strums she delicately played on her guitar, and everybody's ears were blessed that day.
After graduating high school, she passed her entrance into a good university of music, where she managed to secure one of the distinguished ranks under the category of guitar and vocals. Catherine had never felt stressed or exhausted during her college days because she was doing what she had been dreaming about since her teenage. She sure has had her sleepless nights and huge doses of caffeine to stay active enough, but she wasn't planning to back away from how far she had made already. Her grandparents supported her, and so did her professors. She was almost unstoppable from completing her dream. All she needed was one push.
And soon came the day where she successfully acquired her degree, and in front of her came her first music contract. She didn't start big, of course. She was just a support guitarist of a local band at a small bar, but slowly and steadily she paved her way to the top and started her true independent career. From group to solo, no matter with whom she worked with, Catherine was excellent at her job. And that's how she gained her famous alias from her full name, CJ.
CJ was living her life to the fullest, by that time. She was invited to various functions, met many celebrities, and other fellow artists like her who wished to collaborate with such a skilled musician. She sure had made a big name at her city before she could reach 30.
But this is not where her story ends. It had just begun now.
When another renowned artist named Hyun Ryu requested and invited CJ to Seoul for a musical collaboration with him. CJ had never been to Seoul, but she always wanted to. Now was the perfect opportunity for her to see what kind of life her father lived, and also go international for the first time with her career.
I mean, how bad can it be, right? It's not that she would find a mysterious phone on her way which turns her whole plot upside down, right??
Personality : CJ is that one person who is calm and composed as an ice cube all the time. She is not really a formal kind of girl, but more chill and easy-going. She is not overprotective and neither she gets jealous, all she wants to do is enjoy the debatable short lifespan she has and prevent it to be unnecessarily shitty by anyone ruining it, not even by herself.
Even after gaining popularity, CJ never came out as snooty or extremely egoistic. She has had a lot of fans, but she never treats them as lowlifes or just 'Popularity Coins'. In the end, she and everyone whom she has talked to are humans, and so she treats everyone equally, whether be a fan or a celebrity. She treats everyone with respect, of course excluding the ones who are actual assholes, but still she will never lash out at them and instead would try to finish matters with them as quickly as possible if they ever strike a conversation with her.
Interesting Facts : Her favourite food is chicken-fried steak and her favourite drink is orange juice.
She loves the colour grey. She feels that it goes well with any colour just like how black does.
Her hobbies include dancing, drawing, swimming, playing football and drumming.
She has a tomboy sense of fashion. She never liked wearing skirts or dresses, and even in her school she used to wear the school uniform meant for the boys. If someone questioned her, she would just reply that she 'doesn't think the girls uniform suited her, and uniform is supposed to be comfortable for the one who wears it'. Plus, she wasn't breaking the school rules nevertheless, so everyone let her be, just what she liked.
Well, ok. She won't mind wearing dresses actually. But first you gotta convince her hard enough to make her wear one, so good luck.
The guitar she always carries with her belonged to Dylan, which is the same guitar he used to play to Isabel when the days were younger and love was freshly in the air.
CJ has a habit of smoking. It ironically relieves her stress and lets her think more efficiently. She also drinks alcohol, but not as frequently as smoking.
She is physically pretty strong, and she has basic knowledge with common sense, but she isn't exceptionally smart.
She is ambidextrous.
As she was born prematurely, her vision had been blurry since birth. So she wears contact lenses to correct her defect.
She can speak only English, and she has no idea about anything of Korea, though it's very much her nationality.
She smells like mint and vanilla.
Voice claim : 💟
Familiar : She has a dog of the pug breed named Sweater, because his shiny coat reminded CJ of cosy warm sweaters. She found Sweater at the streets, who was looking very unwell and already seemed to belong to someone as he had had a collar. Filled with pity, she first took him to a nearby veterinarian and then contacted the owner. The owner refused to acknowledge the ownership over Sweater, so CJ took the sweet dog under her wing, and soon Sweater got used to her and became her fluffy ball of sweater sunshine.
Appearance : She has mid back-length Sacramento green hair and teal coloured eyes. Her skin is warm ivory, and her lips are faint red. Her body is toned and has soft muscles, and her breasts are B cups. She also has a tattoo of a musical note near her belly and she wears silver piercings and rings.
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This is her basic appearance, made by @kumaronoa
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This is her usual attire
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And this is her aesthetic.
(And that's all for her bio! I can't wait to officially indulge myself into the fandom haha! You can of course interact with her or ask questions about her, I'll gladly answer💕)
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gemcosmopaline · 4 years
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a nap for Mae on her nightsky’s duvet
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ameliamaefineart · 7 years
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Perched on a Cliff
Colored pencils, watercolors
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ahjiee-rana · 6 years
I was tagged by @tenebraetrash17 . Woo! Thanks for the tag!!
Rules: Name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
Oh, boy lol. Does this mean one character regardless of if there’s, like, a bunch of games/movies in the series? I’ll go with that! Disclaimer: I tend to fixate on one or two main fandoms (i.e., DA + FF) for long periods of time, so I’m not really super active in all of these listed, but I still hold these characters near and dear to my wee heart, I think they’re incredibly badass, or they have otherwise affected me in some way.
Dragon Age: OK THIS IS HARD… But I think I’m gonna go with Varric Tethras.
Final Fantasy: Ignis Scientia.
Fallout: Detective Nick Valentine (he’s actually who my username/url was inspired by lol).
Kingdom Hearts: Hmmmmm. I’m gonna have to tie this one between Riku and Axel.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Maes Hughes.
NBC Hannibal: Bedelia Du Maurier.
BBC In The Flesh: Kieren Walker (still salty about this getting canceled; the show had promise).
BBC Merlin: Morgana.
Sailor Moon: Sailor Mercury/Ami (when we were kids my friends and I would all gather at our only friend’s house who had cable TV at the time to watch these episodes religiously. We each had our own Sailor Scout dolls which would watch with us, of course, lmao).
No.6: Nezumi.
Bonus, bc I wasn’t sure if musicians counted as fandoms. If so, Florence and the Machine ;)
I’m just sitting here trying to figure out what they all have in common now and wondering what this says about me haha. 
And for my 10 peeps I shall tag: @pinknoonicorn @daskerlizard @thayes @shosholatte @jastiss @stopmopingstarthoping @tinyconfectionary @thefire-in-the-nightsky @bledenmarks @naviruo
OFC, feel no obligation to do this lmao ~
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warriorcatdesigner · 7 years
Warrior Cat’s List
So here’s the whole list! Don’t be afraid to ask me to do one! I gotta start somewhere! :D
A Acorn Fur Acornpaw Acorntail Adderfang Adderkit Adderpaw (WC) Ajax Alder Alderheart Algernon Amberclaw Amberleaf Ambermoon Ant Antpelt (SC) Antpelt (WC) Apple Blossom Appledawn Appledusk Applefrost Applefur (NP) Applefur (TF) Arc Archeye Ashfoot Ashfur (SC) Ashfur (TC) Ashheart Aspenfall Aspentail B Badgerfang Barkface Barley Bee Beech Beech Tail Beechfur (RC) Beechfur (TC) Beechpaw (SC) Beechstar Beenose Beetail Beetle Beetlenose Beetlewhisker Bella (KP) Bellaleaf Benny Berryheart Berrynose Bess Betsy Billystorm Birch Birchbark Birchface Birchfall Birchstar (RC) Birchstar (SC) Birchstar (WC) Bird That Rides the Wind Birdflight Birdsong Birdwing Birdy Black Ear Blackbee Blackclaw Blackstar Blaze Blizzardstar Blizzardwing Bloomheart Blossom Blossomfall Blossomheart Blossomkit (SC) Blue Whisker Bluebellkit Bluestar Bob Bone Boots Boulder Boulderfur Bouncefire Bracken Brackenfoot Brackenfur Brackenheart Brackenpelt Brackenwing Bramble Brambleberry Bramblestar Branch (DotC) Branch (HJ) Brandy Braveheart Breezepaw (RC) Breezepelt Briarlight Brick Bright Stream Brightflower Brightheart Brightsky Brightspirit Brightwhisker Brindleclaw Brindleface Brindlepaw (WC) Brindlestar Bristlekit Broken Feather Broken Shadow Brokenstar Brook Where Small Fish Swim Brownpaw Bubbling Stream Bumble Bumblestripe Burr Buzzardkit Buzzardstar C Cedarheart Cedarpelt (RC) Cedarstar Chasing Clouds Cherryfall Cherryfeather Cherrypaw (SHA) Cherrytail Chirp Chiveclaw Cinderfur Cinderheart Cinderpelt Cinders Cinnamon Clawface Cloud With Star in Belly Cloud With Storm in Belly Cloudberry (RC) Cloudberry (TC) Cloudmist Cloudpelt Cloudrunner Cloudspots Cloudstar Cloudtail Cloudy Cloudy Sun Clover (ES) Cloverfoot Cloversplash Clovertail Coal (FQ) Coal (NP) Cobweb (Cat) Cody Conekit Copperpaw Cora Coriander Cow (MFV) Creekfeather Cricket (AFD) Crookedstar Crouchfoot Crow Muzzle Crowclaw Crowfeather Crowfrost Crowfur Crowtail Crystal Curlfeather Curlypaw Cypresspaw D Daisy (Cat) Daisyheart Daisytail Daisytoe Dancing Leaf Dandelionkit Dangling Leaf Dapplenose Dapplepelt Dappletail Dappletail's Kit Dark Shadow on Water Dark Whiskers Darkflower Darkfoot Darkstar (CotC) Darkstar (MV) Darkstar (SC) Darkstripe Darktail Darrel Dart Dash Dawn Mist Dawn River Dawnbright Dawncloud Dawnfeather Dawnflower Dawnpelt Dawnstar Dawnstripe Deadfoot Deerdapple Deerfoot Deerleap Deerpaw (TC) Dew Dew Nose Dew Petal Dewkit (SC) Dewnose Dewpaw (HJ) Dewspots Dewstar Dewy Leaf Diesel Dodge Doespring Doestar Domino Dotty Dove's Wing Dovestar (RC) Dovestar (WC) Dovewing Dragonfly Driftkit Drizzle Duckpaw Duke Dusk Nose Duskfur Duskpaw Duskwater Dust Muzzle Dustpelt Duststar E Eagle Feather Eaglekit (TC) Eaglekit (WC) Eaglestorm Ebonyclaw Echomist Echosnout Echosong Eeltail (CotC) Eeltail (MV) Egg Ember Emberfoot Emberkit (CJ) Emberkit (DotC) Emberstar F Falcon Swoop Fall Fallen Leaves Fallensnow Falling Dusk Falling Feather Falling Rain Fallowfern Fallowkit Fallowpaw Fallowsong Fallowstar Fallowtail Fawnstep Feather Feather Ear Featherpelt Featherstar Featherstorm Feathertail Featherwhisker Featherwing Fennelstar Fern Leaf Ferncloud Fernleaf Fernpaw (TAQ) Fernpelt Fernshade Fernsong Ferretclaw Ferris Fidgetpaw Fierce Finchflight Finchkit Finchstar Finpaw Fircone Firefern Firestar Firestar's Twolegs Fish Leap Flailfoot Flame Flamenose Flamepelt Flametail Flashnose Fleck Fleetfoot Flick Flight of Startled Heron Flintfang Flora Floss Flower (DTC) Flower (Lo) Flower (Ro) Flower Foot Flower Stream Flowerpaw (SC) Flowerpaw (TC) Flowerstar Floyd Flutter Fluttering Bird Flykit Flystar Fog Foggy Fox (DTC) Foxclaw Foxheart Foxleap Foxnose Foxwhisker Foxy Frecklewish (SC) Frecklewish (TC) Fringepaw Frisk Fritz (P3) Fritz (RP) Frog (Ro) Frogleap Frogtail Frondkit Frost Frostclaw Frostfur Frosty Furled Bracken Fury Furzepelt Fuzz Fuzzball Fuzzypelt G Goldenflower Goldenstar Gooseberry Goosefeather Gorseclaw (TC) Gorseclaw (WC) Gorsefoot Gorsepaw Gorsestar Gorsetail (NP) Gorsetail (P3) Grassheart Grasskit (CP) Grasspelt Gravelpaw Gray Sky Before Dawn Gray Wing Graymist Graypool Graypool's Kit Graystripe Graywing (RC) Greeneyes Greenflower Growler Gullkit H Hailstar Hal Half Moon Halftail Hareflight (FQ) Hareflight (TR) Harepounce Harestar Harley Harrybrook Harveymoon Hatchkit Hattie Havenpelt Hawk Swoop Hawkfoot Hawkfrost Hawkfur Hawkheart Hawksnow Hawkstar Hawkwing Hayberry Hazel Burrow Hazelstar Hazeltail Hazelwing Heatherstar Heathertail Heavystep Henry Heronwing (RC) Heronwing (TC) Hickorynose Hollow Tree Hollowbelly Hollowflight Hollowkit Holly Hollyflower Hollykit (NP) Hollyleaf Hollypelt Hollystar Hollytuft Honey Pelt Honeyfern Honeyfur Honeyleaf Honeytail Hoot Hootwhisker Hopekit Houndleap Houndstar Husker Hussar Hutch I Icecloud Icewhisker Icewing Icicle Ivypool Ivystar Ivytail (RC) Ivytail (SC) J Jackdaw's Cry Jacques Jagged Lightning Jagged Peak Jagged Rock Where Heron Sits Jaggedtooth Jake Jasper Jay (Cat) Jay Frost Jay's Wing Jayclaw Jayfeather Jean Jessamy Jessy Jester Jet Jigsaw Jingo Jumper Jumpfoot Juniper Branch Juniperclaw Juniperkit K Ken Kestrelflight Kestrelwing Kinkfur Kinktail L Lakeheart Lakeshine Lakestorm Lapping Wave Larchkit (MV) Larchkit (NP) Lark That Sings at Dawn Larksong (BP) Larksong (SS) Larksplash Larkwing (BS) Larkwing (FQ) Leaf (DTC) Leafpool Leafshade Leafshine Leafstar Leafstar's Mother Leafstorm Leaftail Leopardfoot Leopardstar Lichen Lichenfur Lightkit Lightning Stripe Lightning Tail Lightningpaw Lightningpelt Lily Lilyflower Lilyfur Lilyheart Lilystar Lilystem Lilywhisker Lion's Roar Lionblaze Lioneye Lionheart Lionstar Little Mew Littlebird Littlecloud Littlekit (YS) Littlestep Lizardfang Lizardstripe Lizardtail Logfur Loki Longtail Loudbelly Lowbranch Lowbranch's Mother Lulu M Macgyver Madric Mae Maggottail Magpie (Cat) Mallowfur Mallownose Mallowtail Mapleshade Maplestar Maplewhisker Marigold (Cat) Marigoldkit Marmalade Marshcloud Marshkit Marshpaw Marshscar Max (KP) Max (Ro) Meadowpelt Meadowslip Melting Ice Merry Micah Midgepelt Midnight (Character) Milkfur (MV) Milkfur (RC) Milkfur (WC) Milkweed Millie Minnowkit (CotC) Minnowkit (CP) Minnowtail Minor Characters Mintfur (RC) Mintfur (SC) Mintkit (YS) Mintpaw (CJ) Minty (KP) Minty (Ro) Misha Mist (Lo) Mist Where Sunlight Shimmers Mistcloud Mistfeather Mistkit (TC) Mistlekit (CJ) Mistlekit (TPB) Mistmouse Mistpelt Misty Misty Water Mistystar Mittens Mitzi (KP) Mitzi (Lo) Mole (Cat) Molepaw (NP) Molepelt Molewhisker (RC) Molewhisker (TC) Moon Shadow Moonflower Morning Fire Morning Star Morning Whisker Morningcloud Morningflower Morningkit Morningmist Morningstar Moss (KP) Moss Tail Moss that Grows by River Mossfire Mossheart (SC) Mossheart (TC) Mosskit (TC) Mossleaf Mosspaw (SC) Mosspelt Mossyfoot Mothflight Mothpelt Mothwhisker Mothwing Mottlepaw Mouse (MFV) Mouse Ear Mousefang Mousefur Mousewhisker Mousewing Mouthclaw Mud Paws Mudclaw (SC) Mudclaw (WC) Mudfur Mudpuddle Mudthorn Mumblefoot Myler N Nectarpaw Needletail Nettle (DTC) Nettle (VS) Nettlebreeze Nettleclaw Nettlepad Nettlepaw (RC) Nettlesplash Nettlespot Newtspeck Night (ES) Night (HJ) Night of No Stars Nightcloud Nightfur Nightheart Nightkit (BP) Nightmask Nightpaw (RC) Nightsky Nightstar Nightwhisper Nightwing Nutmeg (KP) Nutmeg (Ro) Nutmeg (TR) Nutwhisker O O'Hara Oakfur Oakheart Oakleaf Oakstar Oakstep Oatclaw Oatpaw (RC) Oatspeckle Oatwhisker (TC) Oatwhisker (WC) Oddfoot Olivenose One Eye One-eye Onestar Onion Oscar Otterheart Ottersplash Owl Feather Owl Song Owlclaw Owlfur Owlnose Owlstar (CotC) Owlstar (SotC) Owlwhisker P Pack Leader Pad Palebird Palefoot Palepaw Parsleyseed Parsnip Pasha Patch (KP) Patch (RF) Patch Pelt Patchfoot Patchkit (MV) Patchpelt Peanut Pearnose Pebble That Rolls Down Mountain Pebblefoot Pebblefur Pebbleheart Pebbleshine Pepper Perchkit Perchpaw (MV) Perchwing Percy Petal (DTC) Petal and Fox's Mother Petaldust Petalfall Petalfur Petalkit (LC) Petalkit (MV) Petalnose Pigeonkit (SC) Pigeonpaw Pikepaw (BotC) Pikepaw (MO) Piketooth Pine (TS) Pine Needle Pine That Clings to Rock Pineclaw Pinefur Pinenose Pinestar Pink Eyes Pip Piper Pipsqueak Pixie Plumclaw Plumkit (TC) Plumwillow Pod Podlight Polly Poolcloud Poppycloud Poppydawn Poppyfrost Pounce Pouncekit Pouncetail (RC) Pouncetail (SC) Prickleface Pricklekit (RC) Pricklekit (WC) Pricklenose Primrosepaw Princess Puddleshine Pumpkin Purdy Q Quailfeather Quailheart Quailkit Quick Water Quickpaw Quiet Rain Quince R Rabbitfur Rabbitkit (WC) Rabbitleap (SC) Rabbitleap (TC) Rabbitstar Rabbittail Rage Raggedstar Rain (DoTC) Rain (TAQ) Rain That Passes Quickly Rain That Rattles on Stones Raincloud Raindrop Rainfall Rainflower Rainfur (SC) Rainfur (TC) Rainleap Rainsplash Rainstorm Rainswept Flower Rainwhisker Rascal Ratscar Raven (TAQ) Raven Pelt Ravenpaw Ravenwing Red (SD) Red Claw Redclaw Redscar Redstar Redtail Redthistle Redwillow Reed Tail Reedfeather Reedpaw (HJ) Reedshine (CotC) Reedshine (MV) Reedstar Reedtail Reedwhisker Reena (KP) Reena (Ro) Riga Rileypool Rippleclaw Ripplestar Rippletail (RC) Rippletail (SC) Rising Moon Riverstar Roach Robinstar Robinwing (RC) Robinwing (SC) Robinwing (TC) Robinwing (WC) Rock (Healer) Rock Beneath Still Water Rockfall Rockshade Rocky Rooktail Rose (FQ) Rose (TS) Rosepetal Rosetail Rowanberry Rowanclaw Rowanfur Rowanstar (CotC) Rubblepaw Ruby Running Fox Running Horse Runningbrook Runningnose Runningstorm Runningwind Rushpaw (BoTC) Rushtail (RC) Rushtail (WC) Rushtooth Russetfur Ryestalk Ryewhisker S Sagenose Sagewhisker Samwise Sandgorse Sandstorm Sandynose Sasha Scarlet Scorchfur Scorchwind Scourge Scowl Scrap Scree (Ro) Scree Beneath Winter Sky Screech of Angry Owl Sedgecreek Sedgestar Sedgewhisker Seedpaw Seedpelt (FQ) Seedpelt (MV) Seville Shade Pelt Shaded Moss Shadepelt (TPB) Shadepelt (VS) Shadestar Shadowkit Shadowstar Shanty Sharp Hail Sharpclaw (SC) Sharptooth Shattered Ice Sheeptail Sheer Path Beside Waterfall Shell Claw Shellheart Shellkit Shimmerpelt (BS) Shimmerpelt (CP) Shine Shiningheart Shivering Rose Shnuky Shorty Shredtail (BS) Shredtail (DF) Shrewclaw Shrewfoot Shrewpaw (TC) Shrewtooth Shy Fawn Shyheart Silt Silver Frost Silver Stripe Silverflame Silverhawk Silvermask Silverpaw (BotC) Silverpaw (TPB) Silverstream Skipper Skyheart Skystar Skywatcher Slant Slash Slate Slatefur Slatepelt Sleek Fur Sleekwhisker Slightfoot Sloefur (RC) Sloefur (SC) Smallear Smallstar Smoke Smokefoot Smokepaw (NP) Smokepaw (SotC) Smokepaw (VS) Smoketalon Smoky Smudge Snail Shell Snailpaw Snake (DotC) Snakepaw Snaketail (FQ) Snaketail (P3) Snaketooth Snapper Sneezecloud Sniff Snipe Snipkit Snookthorn Snow Falling on Stones Snow Hare Snowbird Snowbush Snowdrop Snowflake Snowfur Snowkit (TPB) Snowstar Snowtuft Snowy Socks Softwing Sol Sol's Father Sol's Twoleg Songbird Soot Sootfur Sorrelpaw (WC) Sorrelstripe Sorreltail Sparkpelt Sparrow (Cat) Sparrow Fur Sparrowfeather (DF) Sparrowfeather (RC) Sparrowpelt (SC) Sparrowtail Speckle Specklepaw Speckletail Spider Paw Spiderfoot Spiderleg Spiderpelt Spiderstar Spikefur Spiketail Spirekit Spiresight Splash (KP) Splash When Fish Leaps Splashfoot Splashheart Splashkit Splashnose Splashpaw Splinter Spotted Fur Spottedleaf Spottedpaw (SC) Spottedpelt Squirrelflight Squirrelfur Squirrelwhisker Stagleap (GC) Stagleap (TR) Star Flower Star That Shines On Water Starlingfeather Starlingwing Stemkit Stick (Cat) Stoatfur (BS) Stoatfur (CJ) Stone (DotC) Stone (HJ) Stone Song (DTC) Stone Song (P3) Stoneclaw Stonefur Stonepelt Stonestar Stonestream Stonetooth (BP) Stonewing Storm (Ro) Storm Clouds at Dusk Storm Pelt Stormcloud Stormfur Stormheart Stormtail Streak Strikestone Stripes Strong Pounce Stumpytail Sun Shadow Sunfish Sunkit (SC) Sunnykit Sunnytail Sunpelt (LC) Sunpelt (SC) Sunspots Sunstar Sunstrike Susan Suzy Swallow Swallowflight Swallowtail (RC) Swallowtail (WC) Sweetbriar Sweetpaw Swift (DTC) Swift Minnow Swiftbreeze Swiftflight Swiftfoot Swiftpaw (TPB) Swiftstar (LC) Swiftstar (WC) Swoop of Chestnut Hawk T Tadpole Tallpoppy Tallstar Talon of Swooping Eagle Talonpaw Talonstar Tangle Tangleburr Tanglefur Tanglepaw (RC) Tanglewhisker Tansy (Cat) Tansypaw Tawnyfur Tawnypelt Tawnyspots Teller of the Pointed Stones (NP) Teller of the Pointed Stones (OTS) Tess The Captain The Old She-cat The Stranger Thistle (Ro) Thistle (TC) Thistleclaw Thistleheart Thistlepaw (CotC) Thistlepaw (NP) Thistletail Thorn Thornclaw Thorntooth Thrushpelt (TC) Thrushpelt (WC) Thrushtalon Thrushwing Thunderstar Tigerstar (AVoS) Tigerstar (TPB) Timberfur Tiny Branch Tinycloud Toad (HJ) Toadfoot Toadskip Toadstep Tom (ES) Tornear Tree Troutclaw Troutstar Troutstream Tumblekit Tuna Turtle Tail Twig Twigbranch Twigtail Twist Twisted Branch Tyr V Velvet Victor Vinestar Vinetail Violet (KP) Violet Dawn Violetshine Vixenkit Voleclaw Volepaw (SC) Volestar Voletooth W Wasptail Waspwhisker Wavepaw Weaselfur Weaselkit Weaselwhisker Webfoot Webkit Webster Wee Hen Weedwhisker Wetfoot Whiskernose Whiskers Whispering Breeze White Tail Whiteberry Whiteclaw Whitefang Whitestar Whitestorm Whitetail (SC) Whitetail (TUG) Whitetail (WC) Whitethroat Whitewater Whitewhisker Whitewing Whorlpaw Wildfur Wildkit Willie Willow Tail Willowbreeze Willowclaw Willowkit (CP) Willownose Willowpelt Willowshine Willowstar Windflight Windstar Wing Shadow Over Water Wishkit Wolfheart W cont. Wolfstep Woody Woollytail Wrenflight Y Yarrowleaf Yellowfang Yellowstar Yew Tail Z Zelda Ziggy
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the-haunted-office · 13 days
I was thinking about how the Tethering Effect might affect children who find themselves in the midst of the Office, and since I really dislike the idea of the Office capturing children in such a way, I say it doesn't affect them.
The idea and symbolism behind the Tethering Effect is sort of like how working at an actual office job feels. At least, how it feels to me. It feels like this soul-sucking thing. Like once you start working there, you can't get out. You're stuck there forever at this desk job where you slowly waste away until you die. You feel like you can't leave because hey, it's a source of stability, you get paid "better" than other places, you get "better" benefits, you always have this promise of promotion and opportunity waved in front of your face like a carrot on a stick, but you can never quite reach it. It's just a... very dead end feeling that leaves you feeling like you're already dead even though you're still living, while your soul is slowly withering away, and you're just bound to this space that hates you.
That's what the whole Tethering Effect is about. It's about the idea that once you get in, you can't get out, not without some kind outside help, or a strong sense of bravery. It is an act of bravery to just up and leave any job, because once you leave, you really don't know what your next job is going to be like, or if you're going to get a next job. There goes your stable paycheck, your benefits, and in the USA, your health insurance! It's a truly miserable, scary experience!
But I imagine it's not like that for children. After all, they don't know what it's like to work at an 8-5 office job. I say 8-5 instead of 9-5 because I have never seen a 9-5 office job - they're all 8-5 now, with an hour unpaid lunch in the middle.
In any case, the fact that a child can't work at an office job would reflect in the Office and the Tethering Effect. Their souls can't become captured by the Office. They're free, they don't have the concept of being stuck in a place. Not yet. But it can be learned. It can be ground into them. They can be indoctrinated.
If a child starts to believe that this is all life is, that they have no freedom outside of working in an office, well, then that's what they will believe. Their minds are shaped by the adults around them. For Mae, I think she's going to have some challenges ahead of her. She needs an outside influence to keep her from growing up and becoming Tethered to the Office too!
Right now, though, she gets good old-fashioned, extra thick Plot Armor, ordained just for her by the Author. So she is safe from all harm. x3
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the-haunted-office · 5 months
I've probably explained this before, but I'll explain it for the newer folks - where Thursday's daughter Mae came from, since nobody in the Offices fathered her.
After the plot where Doomsday was introduced, Thursday began having terrible nightmares. She was having difficulty moving on after having died - yes, she literally died, was dead for several hours while her soul was outside of her body battling against Doomsday - and the trauma from her month-long suffering against the Dampening mist.
She decided that she wanted to have a baby in an attempt to move on with her life. But she wasn't in any relationships and there wasn't anybody in the Offices or in the area that could she could ask to be a donor for her (nobody appropriate, anyway, and everyone else was incompatible for one reason or another).
Doomsday had an idea - her idea was to break into a genetics facility and hold some doctors hostage until they prepped the materials, which she then brought back to Thursday, and then later on Mae was born!
That's the story! Mae is very loved by everyone in the Office and well protected. Needless to say, if you so much as look at her wrong, you will suffer a slow, painful death. :p
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the-haunted-office · 4 months
More Mae Mae when I should be sleeping x)
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the-haunted-office · 4 months
Baby Mae! :D
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the-haunted-office · 5 months
Thursday's daughter, Mae, all grown up! :D
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the-haunted-office · 2 months
Oh shit, I almost forgot - tomorrow is Thursday's daughter's first birthday! Can't believe it's been a whole year! :D
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