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boltlightning · 2 years ago
top five frogs!!!
malayan horned frog forever and ever amen
vietnamese mossy frog
dancing frog
cranwell's horned frog. a monster a king a best friend all in one
and of course, the classic and inimitable desert rain frog
ask me my top 5 anythings ✨ and also check out frog of the week here
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qualitystart · 2 years ago
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absolutely 100% correct @madethemright
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yooksungjae · 7 years ago
tag game!
i was tagged by the babe @jokermoreau thank u!!!!
rules: answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 other people you’d like to know better.
name: raagavi
nicknames: raa
zodiac sign: leo
height: 5’4" approx.
languages spoken: english, tamil, some norwegian (used to be fluent but am now re-learning)
nationality: norwegian
favorite fruit: strawberry, pineapple & mango
favorite season: autumn/winter idk
favorite scent: freshly baked stuff
favorite color: this changes like every day. very into blue rn though
favorite animal: lion
favorite fictional character: rhys from tales from the borderlands and a million more
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tie between coffee and hot chocolate
number of blankets you sleep with: one
when your blog was created: jan 2011
favorite subject: in secondary school it used to be english literature and media studies
currently watching: my secret romance
favorite band: i legit have no clue i’ve forgotten any music that exists outside of the mamma mia soundtracks
instruments played: used to play keyboard really well!! mb i’ll pick it up again one day who knows.
i tag: @wintermaedchenworld @ciscovibes @sofiaboutlla @kylhoe @kero-ki @madethemright @felanora @quadtank @nycksel @mvpmunchkin @gamblerow @hokagesurefour @xiiaoxiing & anyone who wants to do it!! also if i tagged you, you def don’t have to do it!!
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trackingshot · 8 years ago
jamesangel replied to your post“madethemright replied to your post“I want to play overwatch but I bet...”
sally & i both play on pc!
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rodays · 9 years ago
The lovely Sally has tagged me in the “first ten songs on shuffle and your fave lines from them” challenge, and yay these are fun so here we go!! 
Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant 
“You can drive all night, looking for answers in the pouring rain.” 
Cough Syrup - Young the Giant
“A dark world aches for a splash of the sun.”
“And so I run to the things they said could restore me / Restore life the way that it should be.”
Everywhere - Jason Mraz
“I’m deep within the molecules of the air that you breathe and all the subatomic supersonic spaces in between. I’m everywhere.”
Narcolepsy - Ben Folds Five
“Nothing hurts when I go to sleep. But I’m not tired. I’m not tired.”
Surrounded - Delta Rae
“And I feel it all around. I’m surrounded.”
The Boys Are Back - Troy & Chad
“The boys are back. The boys are back. The boys are back. Gonna do it again. Gonna shake up the neighborhood.”
Blue Spotted Tail - Fleet Foxes
“Why is life made only for to end?”
I Would - One Direction (wow what a lyrical masterpiece)
“He drives to school in the morning, while I walk alone in the rain.”
“Would he say he’s in L-O-V-E? Well if it was me, then I would. I wOULD.”
“With a sign on my back saying kick me...reality ruined my life.”
“I can’t compete with your boyfriend. He’s got 27 TATTOOOS!!”
Black and White - The Staves
"Well I can bite my lips, I can chew my hair, but I’m still stone heavy and unprepared.”
Wonderful Christmastime - Paul McCartney
“The choir of children sing their song. Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding. Oooooooooooooh. Doo doo doo doo doooo.”
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boltlightning · 2 months ago
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@dying-suffering-french-stalkers tagged me to post nine books i want to read in the coming year!! most of these have been sitting on my shelf for many many months :—) certainly the weight of all these giant and well-revered series will not break me. certainly not.
tagging @madethemright @thesumdancekid @aloveforjaneausten @appolojustice and You, The Girl Reading This <3
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boltlightning · 1 month ago
tagged by the wonderful @dying-suffering-french-stalkers, thank you muchly <3
Last song: waves — the dear hunter
Last book: just finished ship of magic by robin hobb, her take on a pirate book that is extremely good, and a delightful little book called what you are looking for is in the library by michiko aoyama. presently reading mad ship by robin hobb and rereading tehanu by ursula le guin just to feel something again
Last movie(s): conclave 2024 my absolute beloved
Last TV show: black doves 2024 my...less beloved but still entertaining
Last thing I Google searched: "does lye soap smell like anything". fic research as ever (answer: yeah but it depends)
Favorite color(s): cornflower blue, fern green, pearl white, warm gold.....
Sweet/savory/spicy: all three preferably :—)
Relationship status: i am just a guy
Looking forward to: gonna fuck off some day this week to go to the local history museum! making an excellent sandwich for lunch!!!! excited about the direction some fics are going!!! we stay silly despite it all!!!!
Current obsession: norribeth has got me in their clutches again. dragons always in the background. sometimes both at once. help
tagging, should the spirit move you, @johnbly @madethemright @thesumdancekid @ardentgrace and You, The Girl Reading This 🫵
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boltlightning · 7 months ago
vote from my top 5 songs :)
tagged by @johnbly, thank you comrade 🫡 now listen to my songs
the game is to make a poll with your top 5 songs and see what comes out victorious, then tag 5 folks. i will do Just That:
these change month to month but this is the configuration at the moment <3
tagging @madethemright @thesumdancekid @joanwtsn @arshem @graysongraysoff and YOU the girl reading this...of course......i'm so nosy PLEASE feel free to steal this and tag me and i'll listen and vote. i will.
songs below the cut for easy access:
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boltlightning · 1 year ago
tag game
tagged by @aloveforjaneausten and @tortoisesshells!!! name a more iconic duo honestly
last song: never love an anchor — the crane wives
last film: mansfield park (1999) with chilly. yall really let me discover james purefoy was tom bertram all on my own huh
currently reading: spqr by mary read
currently watching: having emerged from my north and south (2004) hole and the thrall of death shroud, an audio play with the cast of fo4, i am planning on watching amc's turn next. or uh. pokemon concierge??
currently consuming: water. thrilling
currently craving: i made a joke about lying face down in the snow earlier today and that does sound real good rn
tagging @viktorvektor @madethemright @thesumdancekid @alittlespy @homelesspersonchic if ya like!!!!
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boltlightning · 1 year ago
tagged by dearest @tortoisesshells to spell my url in songs. i must admit i've been thinking about what i need to do get the url 'bolt' lately and this is not deterring me from that mission
ahem. here you are:
🅱️us stop — the hollies out there — the hunchback of notre dame 1996, tony jay & tom hulce let's face the music and dance — nat king cole this must be the place — kishi bashi, talking heads ladybug — the altogether (but also listen to the original version of this from 2014, it's so cute) in our bedroom after the war — stars galveston — house of heroes ...history is made at night — smash ost things i'll never know — juliana zachariou nothing at all — the crane wives in the flame — supergiant 10th anniversary, darren korb & ashley barrett (which contains maybe my favorite 30 seconds in music ever. please enjoy) the nearness of you — laufey & the icelandic symphony orchestra fuck it. the game of love — santana, michelle branch
i can't recommend this as a playlist but you can listen to it here on spotify too
no pressure BUT tagging @madethemright and @thesumdancekid because i'm always nosy about your guys' music, and. @viktorvektor rayla i'm sorry i am tagging you to complete the triumvirate but i know finding v songs will be a pain. good luck <3
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boltlightning · 2 years ago
tagged by the illustrious @tortoisesshells :)
last song: kiss me from sweeney todd
currently watching: not actively watching anything but next on my list is hbo’s rome, a show that is so up my alley i cannot believe it’s still taking me this long to finally watch it. everything i do, i do for marcus antonius
currently reading: savoring a reread of austen’s persuasion (shock, awe, etc). i’m very behind on aeneid daily but i’m gonna catch up this week. next up is continuing the temeraire series with book 3, black powder war
current obsession: beyond potc brainrot, i’m putting all my mechanical keyboard energy into modding controllers these days (nothing major, just fixing drift and color swaps). and i’m desperately trying to stave off a sweeney todd obsession at the moment i simply don’t have the time
no pressure as ever, but i’ll taaaag @starsuncounted @joanwtsn @madethemright @viktorvektor (sorry i always tag you two i’m nosy <3) :’)
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boltlightning · 1 year ago
tagged by @tortoisesshells, thank you for keeping me relevant <3
last song: everybody breaks — ivan & alyosha (thank you to spotify for reminding me this song exists)
favorite color: always cornflower blue. this is the pantone i picked for my personal brand in its honor
last show/movie: hmm. i've been reading and playing a lot of games, but not watching much — i think the last thing was a curse of the black pearl rewatch with @johnbly???
sweet/spicy/savory: put some hot honey on a fresh slice of 'za and tell me you can pick between the three
relationship status: lmao, even,
last thing i googled: i was trying to figure out if speaking trumpets were used in the british military by 1734. they seem to have been common enough at the time so we're gonna go with yes and move on
current obsession: if the state of my blog is any kind of indication, b.aldur's gate 3. dragons. and of course, n.orribeth. sigh.
tag 9 people: hmmmmm i think most of the mutual gang has been signaled so lemme sneak @thesumdancekid @viktorvektor @madethemright in here as always <3
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boltlightning · 2 years ago
tagged by the honorable @johnbly <3
last song: impossible — wasia project
currently watching: sweeney todd slime tutorials, apparently
currently reading: finished l.m. montgomery's the blue castle last night; reading this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone next; then back to temeraire after that
current obsession: beyond dragons and sailors (and dragon sailors), i've been back on my splatoon salmon run bullshit. can i get a booyah in the chat
tagging @viktorvektor @madethemright @thesumdancekid as ever :')
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boltlightning · 2 years ago
cozy faves
tagged by @thesumdancekid 💖
comfort movie: the hunchback of notre dame (1996), naturally, and curse of the black pearl. also including hbomberguy’s pathologic video essay since it’s feature-length
comfort food: buttered toast dipped in hot chocolate, fried egg over rice, or wonton soup
comfort clothes: gym shorts. pants are jails for your legs
comfort song: varies, but relient k’s album forget and not slow down is the eternal cathartic jam album for me
comfort book: the earthsea cycle by ursula le guin
comfort game: considering i’ve played destiny 2 almost every single day for 5 years, that seems like a natural pick!! but barring that, returning to hades and kingdom hearts 2 always feels like a warm hug
taggin the old guard of @viktorvektor and @madethemright but anyone’s free to use my name as an excuse to do this one :)
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trackingshot · 8 years ago
madethemright replied to your post“I want to play overwatch but I bet I’d be terrible”
i've never ever played a video game before overwatch and it's very fun, and mostly you get lots of room to learn new stuff!
jamesangel replied to your post“I want to play overwatch but I bet I’d be terrible”
you should totally try it! it's super fun
What version do you guys play? I feel like it would be so much more fun with friends >> but all I could do is PC
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boltlightning · 9 years ago
top five favorite songs at This Moment Right Now
why did you do this to me sally……..w hy
tHe RuN And Go - twenty one pilots (it’s either this or the judge almost constantly so don’t mind me)
disaster - relient k
capable of anything - ben folds
holiday - vampire weekend
when will my life begin? - tangled
runner up: december 1963 - the four seasons
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