#made the necklace myself btw!!! it jingles!!!
merrymorningofmay · 3 months
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happy day today (felt good about my waist)
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Secret Santa
12 Days of Christmas: Day 1
Pairing: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce x reader
Request: If you're still accepting winter requests could I have a wesley x reader where the reader tells wesley that they still stubbornly believe in Santa claus so he gets them a gift and they do the "Santa's handwriting looks suspiciously like yours" line? I love your writing btw and hope you have a good winter!
Requested by: @alltheangstmygifttoyou​
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You were sat in the library with your nose in a book. He had joined you again. The same guy, always sat two seats away from you. He never spoke to you, sometimes he glanced over when he thought you weren’t looking. You were relaxed in his presence, not many could do that. For some unknown reason in your soul, you trusted him.
You came here for fun, to find a peaceful place to read. Your apartment was full of roommates and you paid too much for very little personal space. So you spent a lot of your free time here. It was an escape from the mundane. You went on epic adventures, got lost in new lands. Met angels and demons. Read tales of good and evil. You could only dream of being a part of something like that. It was everything you wanted. Sometimes you read non-fiction. Wanting to absorb as much information as you could. You liked learning and you knew knowledge was important. The guy often noted what you were reading, he was fascinated by the array of texts you would read.
This man, a rogue demon hunter by night and a regular of the library by day was named Wesley. He had been travelling since his stint as a watcher in Sunnydale and had settled here for the moment. The truth was, Wesley had been building up the courage to speak to you for a while. He loved to sit in the library it had a great atmosphere for when he needed to focus. But since he had noticed you, the last thing he could do was focus.
He caught your eye often and sometimes you shared a smile. It was as if you were both holding your breath, seeing if the other would make a move first. But neither of you did. That was, until one day. In early December. Today. You had been to the market earlier that day and had decided to treat yourself by buying yourself some old trinket from the flea market on your way to the library. This had caught the man’s eyes and you smiled. But today, he didn’t smile back. He was staring from your neck to your face with concern. He paused for a moment, but he had to say something.
“H-Hello, could I, um, borrow that necklace?” he whispered and pointed at the chain around your neck. You blinked at him. Your frown now matching his. He never spoke to you before and the first thing he wanted was to borrow the gold chain around your neck. He hadn’t complimented it. Hadn’t said that he liked how unique it was. Just asked you to remove it.
“No, it’s mine. Sorry” you shifted away from him trying to get back into your book. But he persisted moving seats right beside you.
“it’s glowing and… leaking a yellow liquid that I know for certain is a concentration of yak’s blood and wolfsbane” He stated trying to get you to understand. The necklace had been dipped in the potion and cursed to hold something by his quick assessment of the situation.
“Sorry, you’ll have to get your own. Perhaps put it on your Christmas list to Santa” You offered unhelpfully as he looked at you aghast at the suggestion. Especially so when
“There is no such thing as Santa, now won’t you please listen to what I’m saying”
“I’ve seen you around here, you know… I had been hoping you would say something but you never did” You said slowly frowning at the way he had denounced Santa so easily, “Now I know why, you’re basically Scrooge McDuck”
“I assume that this is some caricature of one Ebenezer Scrooge and not a backhanded compliment” He muttered, shaking his head. He had imagined your first interaction going a lot smoother than this. He remembered what he was trying to do and focused on the threat instead, “I just think it would be wise for you to remove the chain and pass it over to me slowly” he said, his arms raised to highlight how serious he was. You got up to leave and he followed you out.
“But this was my Christmas present to myself, I found it on the market! And, even if I wasn’t attached to the chain, you just ruined my favourite time of year by denying Santa’s existence!” You hissed at him as you left the main room of the library and into the corridor leading to the exit.
“What are you talking about-”
“You know that the magic of Christmas, and more importantly, Santa only works if you believe” you insisted, your face deadly serious as you turned back to look at him. Stopping dead in the corridor.
“Don’t be ridiculous! Just- give me the-” he grabbed at the necklace and tugged it, breaking the clasp and pulling it from your neck. You frown, trying to snatch it back. You end up doing a crude tug-of-war with the gold chain.
This was when you both felt a white hot heat burning your fingertips. You both knew you had messed up as you yelped in unison and dropped the chain to the ground. A white light blinded you both momentarily and when it disappeared a demon was towering over you. Your eyes widened. You had never seen anything like it. You had a certain level of belief in the things you could not see or explain but you had never considered something like this. Never expected anything like the fantasy you had read in books to become a reality. But there was no other explanation than this was a demon. Perhaps it came from the books… or, oh, of course. The necklace.
“Who hath summoned me? Reveal yourself!” The booming voice echoed around the corridor as he shrugged off the tinsel he had knocked down from the walls as he had appeared. He stamped on it for good measure and scowled around.
A librarian came to tell the group to be quiet, her finger hovering over her lip ready to motion you to be silent. However, when she saw the identity of the one making all the noise she backed out of the hall and back through the double doors into the main library, shaking her head. That was more trouble than it was worth.
That left you, the Englishman and this unusual creature that kind of looked half yak, half Santa clause if he had spent the night passed out in a bush. He even had jingle bells on the lining of his cloth outfit.
“Speak, child! Who dares stand before me?!” the giant pointed at you. But Wesley stepped in front of you.
“Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, demon hunter” He recited, staring in his eyes and hoping nobody else saw his slight shaking.
“You wish to hunt me as sport? Do you know who I am?” he asked.
“Hogroth, warrior demon of the Land of Lap” Wesley stated quickly. Your eyes widened. This was too good to be true. Well, it would be if a demon who was tangled up in tinsel as if it was a web
Hogroth unsheathed his weapon and Wesley quickly started to fight against him.
After trading blows and dodging the sharp edge of the sword, Wes managed to knock the weapon from his hand. This appeared to even surprise himself. He grabbed the sword and pointed it at his chest before slashing at it. They fought against each other as you watched on like a spare part,  with the demon unwrapping the tinsel from its upper arm and used it to try and strangle Wesley.
You couldn’t let this happen. You needed a distraction. You shrugged, remembering something you had read in a fight scene. You might as well give this a go. If it was a dream you would just wake up and if it wasn’t, well, you tried to push that thought away. You ran up and jumped onto his back covering his eyes as he hit out wildly. Hogroth grabbed you and flipped you over his head leaving you landing hard on the floor. Wesley saw his chance and plunged the demon’s own knife into his heart. This left him sinking to his knees and disappearing in the same way he came. You managed to haul yourself up, breathing heavily and wondering if there had been something stronger than nutmeg in the Christmas cookies one of your roommates had given you before you left the house that day.
“Thank you, for helping me” Wesley said sincerely, “It means a great deal to me, and I do apologise about your, uh, jewellery” he motioned to the blackened scorch mark that had once been your nice chain.
“Don’t mention it” You shrugged, a lot cooler than you felt. You were still a little bemused. But of course you would help him even if you were still a little put out from the way he had so cruelly cut down your talk of Santa. You liked the magic of Christmas and if a Hogwarts demon, or whatever it was that the man said he was existed then why not Santa? It was hypocritical but you supposed it wasn’t really a necessary argument. You decided to just say your goodbyes although you did avoid the library for a while after this. You decided to have some space away from the demon you had watched die and also the self-appointed demon hunter who had insisted Santa didn’t exist.
Finally, you caved. It was the week leading up to Christmas and you had to go to return your books before the library closed for the holidays. You also needed some time out of the apartment, someone new had moved in and you had no plans over the holiday season not just because you expected your room to have been rented out if you left too far away from town. You decided the coast was clear and you stowed away in a corner to read with some peace. Time had passed and you had been transported to amazing worlds that were detailed on the pages. It made you think about what had happened. About the possibility there were real adventures out there. Real monsters to vanquish. Real heroes. Real people to offer your heart to.
“I wish to apologise properly” a familiar English voice spoke, pulling you from your thoughts. One that had been in your mind since that day. The day you met a demon for the first time. The day you met a man that you could see as a kind of angel. He sat down opposite you, a low table with a poinsettia between you.
“That’s okay, I think Santa’s the one you should be apologising to really” You say without looking up from your page, although you had stopped reading.
He just nodded once and slid a wrapped box towards you. It made you close your book slowly, looking first at him and then the gift. You cautiously reached out and turned over the note attached.
Dear y/n,
I hope that you can forgive Wesley he really likes you – it is the season of forgiveness.
He’s sorry.
Love, Santa
“Santa’s handwriting looks suspiciously like yours” You say seriously which actually made him smile wide. He was fond of you before he had even gotten to know you fully. One more look from your bright eyes or a smile from your lips and he was yours. Forever. It really was a storybook romance as you had been worrying about believing too easily. He couldn’t help but want to be with you, want to protect you. And he hoped this gift would mean that you forgave him and you could get to know each other better.
“You do not know what Santa’s handwriting looks like” He murmured, but you gave him a look as if to say of course you did. Your attention then moved to the gift. You opened the packaging slowly, savouring the moment. You had this feeling. Like this magic inside. You knew deep down that this was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your days with.
When you opened it, a perfect chain was laying on the velvet material. You gasped, trying to insist he didn’t have to do it. This was too much for an acquaintance to give.
“You lost your necklace, of course you needed a new one” He said simply, not allowing himself to gush the very feelings he had now started to harbour. It was too much to put on a person too quick. He had never believed in the kind of love in movies, much less love at first sight. But he truly understood it now.
“But I haven’t got you anything…” you say softly.
“I think, perhaps, you could do me the honour of going on a date with me? I am new here”
“Demon hunting keeps you on the road?” You say and he looks away a little embarrassed. You could see this meant a lot to him. He was lonely, “I can think of a better present” You offered, leaning in. Your eyes cast towards his lips and then back up to his eyes. He threaded his hand between the hair at the base of your neck, pulling you into him. Your lips met and a growing fever ignited inside the both of you. Your affections growing. The potential of this union a dizzying prospect. Your lips moved together softly, such feeling transferring between each other.
This Christmas was the start of a true adventure. Falling in love had been the easy part. But learning of the true extent of the demon underworld and meeting some of Wesley’s acquaintances brought more danger. You wouldn’t trade your place to be back in that cramped apartment without Wesley in your life though. For a start, he let you decorate the flat you shared in any way you liked for Christmas. He often helped and listened to direction with an adoring smile on his face when he looked at you.
Nothing ever took you away from each other. And nothing ever took Christmas away from you. Every year you celebrate with gusto and every year you can feel yourself falling more and more in love for your dorky rogue demon hunter. No matter what anyone else thought of him, he would always be your hero. Since the first day you properly met.
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ladyboltontoyou · 5 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Sun and Stars
Request: Howdy! I've been meaning to ask for near a month now, but I was wondering if you could do a piece where the reader has lost a beloved pet, like their horse or something, and Arthur comforts them? My cat of thirteen years passed away this last February and I've been struggling. Lots of fluff from Arthur? Love your writing BTW!
Warning: Angst 
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: I hope you like this! I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost my cat, I’d probably go mad. I hope some Arthur fluff helps you a little!
There was a gaping hole in your heart. Watching Lenny dig into the cold ground with a shovel in his calloused hands didn’t make you feel any better. Arthur would have done it himself but he was busy picking wildflowers for the grave, something he knew you would have liked. He just wished he could take your pain away himself.
He’d never lost an animal companion before but he knew it couldn’t be too far off from the pain of losing a human one. The way you wept, your cheeks red and cold from the night wind, it hurt his heart to even look at.
“I think this should do it, (Y/N).” Lenny said as he stood, his burning hand resting on the small of his back in an attempt to soothe the new ache. “You need anything else?” Even he hated seeing you so upset, and the two of you barely talked.
“No, thank you.” You wanted to smile but your heart hurt too deeply. “I can fill the hole myself. But, have you seen Arthur?”
“No, I’m afraid not.” He said with a sympathetic frown. “If you need me, I’m only a holler away, alright?” He propped the shovel against the nearest tree before patting you on the shoulder. “Don’t stay out too long, it’s cold tonight.”
You nodded, staring down at the empty hole, dreading putting the light of your life into it. They had been there for thirteen years, but it felt like your entire life. And now, you would have to bury them? It didn’t feel right.
Arthur waited until Lenny was out of sight to approach you, holding the bundle of flowers in his hands. It didn’t feel like enough. He sighed and walked up next to you, the jingle of his spurs the only sound the two of you heard for a while.
“I told Charles to make a grave marker for you.” He said after the silence. “He said he’d make you something nice.”
You turned to him and saw the flowers in his hands, the sight alone making your throat close up again. He was so sweet, you didn’t deserve him. “Thank you.” You replied, choking the words out. “I’m sorry. I know I must seem like a fool, being so upset about an animal, but-”
“You have every right to be upset.” He set the flowers down next to the wrapped blankets and took you into his arms, his embrace warm and perfect, everything you needed. “Ain’t nothing you gotta apologize for.”
You pushed your face into his chest, inhaling a long breath before sighing. He smelt like the jasmine soap you’d bought for him in Saint-Denis. Even at your darkest times, Arthur never failed you make you feel a little bit better.
“You want me to do the rest? You need to get back to camp. It’s cold out here.” He said after pulling back, stroking your cold cheeks with his thumb.
“I’ll wait here, it’s the least I can do.” You tried not to look at the blankets on the ground. “They were nothing but loyal and sweet to me, I need to repay the favor.”
Arthur nodded and parted from you, kissing your forehead before he finished what Lenny had started.
Later, in your tent, you warmed up with Arthur. Curled up in eachother under fur blankets you allowed yourself to cry again. At first you tried to hold the tears in but Arthur noticed you choking up and told you it was better to cry now and let yourself feel, rather than bottle it up and break down later.
“You know, it ain’t much, but after I heard what happened,” Arthur waited until after you stopped crying to reach out to his satchel, “I went out and had this made. Cost a lot of gold to get it made so damn quick.”
You sat up a bit, your furs sliding off your shoulders. You watched as he pulled his hand from his satchel and laid back into bed. “I think they did a damn good job, given the time limit.”
A thin gold chain, perfected with a dainty gold charm. When you took it in your hands and looked closer you could see it was made after the one you lost, perfected with a few sapphires. You couldn’t help but gasp. “Arthur, this is too much.”
“It wasn’t really, considering how much Dutch has been working me. You’d be surprised with how much money I’ve been getting now. But that ain’t the point. Do you like it? I thought the little blue gems were pretty, although the jeweler talked me into it.”
You loved it. It looked just like the light of your life, if not identical. And the sapphires made it perfect. “Arthur. I love it.” You looked away from the necklace to your lover. “As I love you.”
He blushed when you leaned in to kiss him. The only thing he could think of was how he didn’t deserve you, matching your thoughts almost perfectly. The both of you thought you didn’t deserve each other. But in reality, it would be like saying the sun and stars didn’t deserve each other.
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alicepink-me · 5 years
Secrets Revealed
By: Alice Pink (Btw I was 14 when I wrote this, so not my best work)
Story Summary:
Chat Noir’s goal has always been to find out Ladybug’s true identity. Can one hint about Ladybug lead to the truth? Secrets will be revealed about the past as mysteries unfold. How will Marinette and Adrien react to everything?
Chapter 13: Marinette’s Birthday
Adrien sprung up out of bed at the sound of his beeping alarm. He scurried to get dressed and clean up.
"What are you doing? You know school's out." Plagg moaned. "The last day of school was Friday. Did you hit you head or something in the Betweens?"
"No Plagg." Adrien glared at Plagg while slipping on his jacket. "Today is Monday and I have to get to Marinette's house."
"Did you hit your head or something? It's Marinette's birthday." Adrien grinned. "Which means I'm going to see her."
"You do realize that it's called a birthDAY. No one said you had to visit her this early in the morning. We both could be sleeping right now." Plagg continued to complain to Adrien.
"I'm leaving now Plagg. I want to surprise her." Adrien smiled, grabbing a small blue box from his desk. "Plagg! Claws Out!"
. . .
It was 9:30 a.m. and Marinette sat up on her bed sewing. She had woke up early to finish a few last minute details on her dress.
Suddenly, Chat Noir's head swung down in front of Marinette.
"Ah!" Marinette screamed in surprise. "Chat Noir, you scared me."
"Sorry princess, I just wanted to surprise you on your special day."
"The surprise is how your hair defies gravity when you're upside down." Marinette laughed. "But my party isn't until later. What are you doing here now?"
"Wait a second. Close your eyes."
"Why? What are you gonna do?"
"Just close your eyes."
"Fine." Marinette agreed, closing her eyes.
Chat Noir managed to pull the small blue box out of his pocket while being upside down and held it in front of Marinette.
"Okay. Open your eyes." Chat smiled.
"You aren't asking me to marry you, right?"
"No. Not now. Just open it."
Marinette's face lit up as she opened the tiny box. There was a necklace inside the box that matched the Ladybug and Chat Noir charm bracelet.
"Oh Chat . . . it's beautiful. Thank you. I love it."
"I do except thanks in kisses." Chat Noir smirked.
"Okay. I guess you deserve it." Marinette leaned forward and lightly kissed Chat Noir's lips before putting her new necklace on. "Now get down before all of the blood rushes to your head."
Marinette scooted to the other side of her bed so Chat Noir could drop down into her room. He landed on the edge of Marinette's bed and smiled at her. Even though he was bit dizzy from being upside down. Chat Noir detransformed into Adrien and let his kwami wander to find Tikki. Adrien immediately eyed Marinette's dress.
"What's that? What did you design?" Adrien asked, reaching over to peek at the dress.
"No. Paws off." Marinette protested. "You don't get to see this dress until my party starts."
"Why? You are an amazing designer and I know talent when I see it. And fashion is practically my life. My dad is a famous fashion designer and I model his clothes."
"Well . . . I'll give you a hint to what it looks like. When you gave me this charm bracelet, you wrote a note on the side of the bag." Marinette began, showing him the bracelet on her wrist. "One of the lines said "Your eyes sparkle like the stars" and that gave me the idea to make a star themed dress."
"I gave you the idea for your dress?" Adrien's eyes lit up.
"Yes. Another thing my charm bracelet did. It caused you to find out who I am and it caused my mind to burst with outfit ideas."
"Well you're welcome, My Lady. Do I get another kiss?" Adrien smirked.
"I think you'll live . . . but maybe later." Marinette said, pushing Adrien towards the trap door.
"You don't know that. I could fall off of your balcony."
"Then if you want that kiss, you better make sure you stay alive." Marinette smiled. "Now go. I have to finish my dress and it won't be a surprise if you're here."
"But you party isn't until two o'clock." Adrien whined. "That's too long of a wait."
"Try to survive."
"Fine. Plagg! Claws Out!" Adrien shouted as Plagg returned from down below the stairs.
Chat Noir crawled back through the trap door and bounced of the roof tops into the distance.
. . .
It was now two thirty in the afternoon and Marinette had already set up in the park for her party. She wore her black starred dress, with her signature pigtails, and flats. Marinette wore her new necklace and her charm bracelet that Adrien had given her. She stood under a tree awaiting the rest of the guests to come. Over half of the class had already shown up. She knew that Sabrina wouldn't come unless Chloe was invited, so there was only about five to six more people to arrive.
Marinette saw Alya walking over to her and smiled.
"Wow Marinette. I like your dress." Alya complimented, looking up and down.
"Thanks. I made it myself."
"I figured." Alya smiled. "Oh and I have a special present for you for your sweet sixteen." Alya held out a small light pink envelope.
"Oh well the gift table is over there. I'll open it when I open everyone else's."
"Oh no girl. I'm your best friend which means you open my gift first." Alya insisted.
"Okay." Marinette smiled, taking the card. She opened it up and read the bright pink ink. "Dear Marinette. You are welcome to join Alya and her family to London for a five day vacation! From June 24th-29th." Marinette screamed. "What?! This is great but . . . it's too much Alya. How did your parents afford this? I don't know if I can accept this."
"No take backs." Alya smirked. "You're going. Me and my parents were already going on vacation, but we found out there was an extra bedroom, so I thought of you. And adding to this fantastic gift, you can pick one or two more friends. Maybe Adrien and Nino." Alya
smiled, elbowing Marinette's side. "If they come though, you'll have to share a room with me instead of getting your own."
"Okay I'll come. I'll also ask Adrien later and you can invite Nino."
"Yay!" Alya squealed, hugging Marinette. "This is going to be so much fun. I'll go find Nino and ask him. I would text him, but my phone is so slow today for some reason. Now you can go tell Adrien now that he's here." Alya pointed behind Marinette towards Adrien before walking away.
Marinette turned around to see Adrien's smiling face.
"Happy Birthday Marinette."
"Thanks Adrien. I'm glad you came."
"That dress is even more amazing than I thought it'd be." Adrien awed, looking at her from head to toe. "You'll be a great fashion designer one day."
"Thanks. That's what I'm going for."
Adrien grinned, eying Marinette's necklace. "You wore the necklace I gave you."
"Of course. You gave it to me and I even wore the matching charm bracelet." Marinette jingled the charm bracelet in front of him.
"So . . . " Adrien grinned. "Now that it's past two o'clock and I'm at your party . . . do I still get that kiss?"
"I guess." Marinette smiled, lightly kissing Adrien. "Since you've gone through so much suffering, waiting five hours."
Marinette turned around after hearing her mom chuckle.
"I think my mom likes you." She said, turning back around.
"That's good, right?"
"Yeah, but she's gonna make fun of me a lot. Although I am used to it. Alya already brings up all of my failed attempts of talking to you."
"Marinette." Sabine called. "Come blow out your candles so we can cut the cake."
"I guess that's my cue. I've gotta go blow out my candles."
"You better hurry. Our classmates all love cake and they have to wait for you to blow out sixteen candles before they can have any." Adrien said, pushing Marinette towards the table with the birthday cake.
"Oh by the way I'll have to talk to you later. I'm going on vacation to London with Alya and you and Nino can come if you want." Marinette blurted before going to the cake table.
"I'll think about it and I'll ask my dad later."
Marinette quickly blew out her candles and let everyone enjoy some of her cake. She then started to open everyone's presents. She had ended up with no leftover cake, two new pairs of shoes, a few outfits, and some sewing equipment.
Soon after opening presents and talking to everyone, everyone began to leave. Once Marinette and her parents cleaned up what was left from the party, she headed back to the bakery.
. . .
Marinette, stilled wearing her hand made dress, stood at the top of the bakery on her balcony. She leaned against the railing, watching the sun start to sink in the sky.
Chat Noir jumped over from a rooftop landing next to Marinette on the railing. Marinette jumped, inhaling deeply as Chat Noir spooked her again.
"Hi." Chat said, as he sat on top of the railing.
"Chat! What did I tell you about scaring me like that!" Marinette scolded out of breathe.
"Sorry. I'm too stealthy of a Chat." He grinned. "I asked my dad if I could go with you, Alya and Nino to London and said it's fine. I just have to do a couple extra photo shoots before we leave and I have to keep practicing my Chinese while I'm there."
"That's good. Alya texted me saying that Nino hasn't successfully convinced his parents to let him go yet. For some reason his parents don't want him to go. It's so unusual. So I guess you'll just have to pray that he can go so you won't be alone as the only boy."
"I don't mind being the only boy, but the more friends, the better." He added. "So how has your birthday been so far?"
"Pretty good. I had a nice party with great friends and an awesome boyfriend."
"Had?" Chat questioned. "It's still your birthday which means you still have the rest of the day for fun. And it's your sweet sixteen." He added.
"What more could I do? It's six o'clock and I don't have anything else planned."
"You may not have anything planned . . . but I do." Chat smiled, bouncing off of the railing and onto the floor.
"What do you have planned?" Marinette said concerned, turning to face Chat Noir.
"I have one more surprise for your birthday. Now hop on."
"Um . . . where are you gonna take me?" Marinette asked, climbing onto Chat Noir's back.
"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise. Now close your eyes."
"Okay, but I better not be forced to do anything. Last time I was taken somewhere for a surprise, I was forced to go on a date with someone I didn't like at the time." Marinette smiled, closing her eyes. "Okay, my eyes are closed."
"Good. Now keep them shut." Chat commanded, leaping from the balcony.
Soon after, Chat Noir landed on the ground and put Marinette down.
"Claws in." Adrien whispered to his kwami.
"What?" Marinette asked, confused.
"Open your eyes." Adrien smiled.
Marinette slowly lifted her eyelids to see the front entrance of the Agreste mansion.
"What? Why did you bring me to your house?"
"You'll see."
Adrien couldn't help but grin as he pushed Marinette forward inside.
"What? No. What are you-"
Marinette stopped as she met the stern glare of Gabriel Agreste, who stood at the top of the stairs. Adrien moved to her side with a rising grin.
"Dad . . . this is Marinette." Adrien presented with a little bit of his Chat Noir showing.
Marinette froze. "What are you doing?" She whispered.
"You told me you always wanted to meet my dad." He whispered back. "So dad. I had told you about Marinette before and how she wants to become a fashion designer."
"Yes. I remember."
"Well . . . Marinette just so happens to be an amazing designer so far." Adrien pushed Marinette forward more. "She even made the dress she's wearing."
Gabriel stared at Marinette's dress without changing his expression.
"It is a very nice dress. The craftsmanship seems neat and the quality looks pleasing. What else have you created?" He asked with his deepening voice.
"Oh . . . uh . . . I made this purse I'm wearing . . . and I made Jagged Stone some sunglasses . . . and . . . I've made some other random stuff." Marinette stuttered. "I also won your contest for a derby hat and . . . won."
"Maybe Adrien was right about you." He said in a more appealing tone. "You seem to be a good designer." He had stopped to think for a moment as Marinette attempted to define his facial expression. "How would you feel about working with me?" He continued. "It would be nice to have a teenage point of view for some of my designs."
"I-I would love to Mr. Agreste! Thank you so much! It would be an honor!" Marinette babbled excitedly.
"Very well. If you are interested, then you'll start work in about a week."
"Thank you again Mr. Agreste. You won't regret this."
Gabriel exited the room in silence as Marinette jumped over and hugged Adrien.
"Thank you Adrien. This has been the best birthday ever."
"Well, you did tell Chat Noir that it was your dream to meet Gabriel Agreste." Adrien laughed.
"So for my birthday, you decide to make all of my dreams come true."
"It was worth it." He said, leading Marinette out of the mansion. "My mom told me that she has a present for you too. So should visit her tomorrow."
"Or we could go now." Marinette suggested.
"Okay. I enjoy visiting my mom at any time."
"And before we leave, just so you know this has been the best day ever because of you and you are the best boyfriend ever." Marinette smiled, looking deep into Adrien's emerald eyes.
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