#made that more confusing for me cuz i assumed she'd just be in the shopping district by the gas station-
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kumakuma-circus · 5 months ago
kind of ironic how the actual investigations are the worst part of p4-
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idioticsky · 1 year ago
So this new ROTTMNT OC... Tell me more about her!!!!
What do each of the boys + April and Splints think of the lil addition? Who does she seem to favor or lean toward more? Does she have or get any Ninpo? I'm assuming she's welcomed as a Hamato to do so? HER IN THE FUTURE?????
... And what would her and Tams interacting be like you think? 👀
*cue evil laughter* which one? I have like 2 now, both of them you know but I just have never introduced to this blog-
But I assume you're talking about Danny, so let me give a little picrew and backstory (I'll find the picrew link to the first one at some point but I wanna share this first, also link to the second one)
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This little bitch right here is Danny, a trans fem witch, let me explain her-
I made Danny like a year ago then forgot about her until I started up a rp with Cherry and I've been using her for more things ever since.
Danielle (used to be called David) Gray was born 300 years ago in Italy. You might be questioning how she can live so long, we will get to it. She was then known as one of her parents two children, their sons. She was told and forced to be practically perfect because they had an image to uphold and would not let a child ruin it. Sooner or later, her older brother, Lucas Gray, ran away when she was 100, leaving her alone until she also found her escape around 50-100 years later. She had somehow found her way to the hidden cities and found a way to the one in New York.
There she changes her name, her face, everything about her that she wanted. Danny then made her way to the surface after staying in the hidden city for a long while, making friends with her roommates, Aqua, Nora and Selene. She then meets Tamsin, who she met before when she was first adjusting to New York, a friend. They reconnect and Tamsin would probably introduce her to April.
The way she meets the turtles is a bit different tho. You see, her and her roommates like to have tea days like every Friday and she wanted to get yet another tea set for the house. Need less to say, Leo ends up crashing throw the window of the little tea shop and landing in front of Danny. Instead of being horrified like any normal human, Danny is just really curious about them, she wants to know more about these turtle mutants. I think the boys would be confused by this, but after a while accept her as a new friend. She'd get along well with Splinter and April, with her being calm one on one, but still chaos with others. Danny would soon get closer with the boys and ends up hanging around Leo and Donnie the most, Donnie cuz chaos and Leo cuz she loves to annoy him. She ends up getting closer with Leo and even ends up dating him tho.
As for if she has Ninpo: yes, she has her magic so she never really uses it. She doesn't even really realize she has it until it just kinda shows up during a fight. Her Ninpo is kinda a transportation tool, it's really just like inhuman speed (because of this I think Leo gives her the nickname Zips lmao).
And for her in the future, this part goes two ways.
● Bad timeline: Danny would end up fighting on the front lines, but only for a little while. She has this thing where if she experiences too much stress or overwhelming emotions, she just has this ringing in her ears that can last years, because of the high amounts of stress in the resistance and everything, she becomes mostly deaf. She can still technically hear, but not well enough to understand people without them having to sign out what they mean to her. Her and Leo do get unofficially married during this time tho, even having two kids: Naomi and Michael (if people want I'll make a follow-up post about them and everything). She doesn't make it to the end of the apocalypse tho, she dies during a Krang attack on one of the resistance bases. The entire place blew up basically.
● Good timeline: Danny and Leo would get closer after stopping the Krang invasion. They would get married later on with a over-the-top wedding and everything. They still do have Naomi and Michael, but also another daughter named Suzu (once again, I'll make a follow-up about their kids if y'all wanna see). That timeline I haven't really though too much about tho.
Also her and Tams interactions are so funny in my head it's just like-
Danny: ya think I could fit 20 marshmallows in my mouth?
Tams: ... you're an idiot- and a coward, do 30
And about how she lives so long. Her magic keeps her alive. You see, magic in my head is basically like a life force for some, it can extend someone's life to an extent, but either how much magic Danny has in her body from connecting with her ancestors and members of her family, she's basically immortality from natural causes. Magic is kinda like blood tho, if you lose enough if it, you're gonna die, so too much spell casting or bleeding out since it it literally connected to your blood in a way, you're dead. Explaining how she can die in the bad timeline.
They're so silly I love them-
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charlieisacastle · 4 years ago
Edge of Sleep Plot Holes
please do not read this post if you don't want spoilers or noticing plot holes ruins your experience of the story!
its not my intention to shit on teos. i just thought some ppl might find this interesting like i do!
okaaaaay fellow peeps that pay too much attention to story plots!
lets start with the tame ones shall we,
1. name confusion:
this one is most definitely fixed in the show but in ep2 they call the 16 year old John. but in ep3 when linda is doing the autopsy she calls the 16 year old Dewain. i think they accidentally mixed up his name with the old patient with heartburn.
2. papua new guinea:
linda just k n o w s where the island dave is referring to is and how long its gonna take to get there with a plane???? how???? we dont get ANY description where linda does a quick google search or idk any other clue as to how she'd know that. i hope they give her a phone in that scene in the show so she can do a quick search cuz that was just weird to me tbh.
now on to actual plot holes...mostly about linda...they definitely could've worked on her section more tbh!
3. internet:
in ep2 linda asks dave to give her a ride bc her phone isnt working. since they can still call each other and even linda herself calls the hospital later in the story, im assuming she means her internet isnt working so she cant get an uber.
but that raises the question of how linda managed to google those victims' names in ep5 if they didnt hv any internet before. now i dont know how things work in US so maybe there is a very simple explanation but where i live if your cell data isnt working then the wifi isnt working either.
4. linda and dave finding out that sleeping kills people:
when linda calls the hospital to confirm her hypothesis that sleeping is whats killing people and she finds out that her co worker is dead, why doesnt she call the hospital again to let them know?
they had already set up tension between her and the doctor/other nurses so itd still make sense for the stroy if they dont believe her and leave. but it doesnt make sense for linda's character who is written as the "voice of reason" and the "calm and collected one" to not share her findings with the people in the hospital.
in my humble opinion, the scene where dave calls matteo by the hospital hoping he is still awake, shouldve also happened when they find out that sleep is the answer...or rather the anti-answer lol.
if linda and dave called the hospital and matteo by the car it wouldve made much more sense and also shown us a more compassionate side of them both. now being in shock and confused by all of this is absolutely an option for dave but linda was calculating from the start so its very out of character for her to not warn others.
6. night owls:
a lot of people are awake at 4 am. some ppl work night jobs just like dave and matteo and some hv insomnia or woke up for an early jog. it absolutely makes sense for most of those ppl to be back to their houses and asleep by 10 am but linda and matteo driving around the city and not seeing A Single Person or Any Shops open at 7 am is impossible. some drug stores are opened 24/7 and even if the cashier is asleep/dead, the doors are still open. not to mention that some ppl r driving back from their night shift around that time.
if the time when they drive into the city was around 11 am most of these problems wouldve been solved bc by then most ppl would be asleep.
5. the timezones:
if the...lets call it 'the attack' was at 4 am in california then its 7 am in the east coast and the day has already started in the other side of the country like nyc and dc. not to mention the rest of the world. in the first day at least half of the world is still alive and alerted about the fact that the other half is dead.
and even in the west coast some ppl r still gonna be awake and scared. yes most of those ppl wont survive by the third day but there would definitely be survivors in the first day or so.
other people can and probably will figure out that sleep is whats killing everyone just like linda and dave did and even tho most of them wont hv the supplies our protags hv (like the modafinil or a private airplane with a trained pilot...or a whale telling them where to go...) some could actually hv even more physical resources than dave and the group.
there r 7+ BILLION ppl in the world to assume that these four r the only ppl (other than the tribe of course) that r still alive especially in the first few days is ridiculous.
now why does that matter? bc dave is presented as the middle man. the one who is both empathetic but also mostly logical. he isnt too positive neither too negative, but realistic. so for him to constantly say and genuinely believe that they r the only ppl alive breaks the immersion and makes the story feel artificial. for someone like dave not to wonder what happened to other ppl who r out there struggling and instead believe everyone is already dead by the second day is unrealistic and too apathetic for his character.
not to mention that it makes the world way too centred around our protags. that usually happens when most of the story is from the first person perspective and i KNOW that its supposed to make us feel as isolated as they r feeling but again, its a bit too much and makes the story unbelievable and artificial. instead of living on earth they r living in a snow globe if that makes sense.
6. parasomnia + REM sleep behavioural disorder:
this one is less of a plot hole and more of a "plz explain this in season 2" thing.
there r other ppl with dave's disorder. so does that mean the old man also contacted them? did any of them join the trible in the island?
or is dave special like they foreshadowed by the fact that the tribal people had dreamt of him?
(also i know we hv spirit monsters in this story so not everything is "logical" but does the fact that there r sleep walkers mean that the ppl that r dead can be revived? bc they were walking and talking and u usually cant do that if ur brain is burnt...)
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