jehanjoltaires · 1 year ago
If you knew me when I couldn't cook to save my life then no you didnt
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seonne · 5 months ago
So during the canon events of My Hero Academia, during the summer camp, the students had to make their own food- and so if I remember correctly, they made curry.
Now my Desi ass is thinking, curry in Japan is most definitely different than curry in India so if we got a Desi reader in there, she would most definitely be a little more than disgruntled at the difference.
Ahem anyways - Bakugou x f!desi!reader who sees our blondie start to make curry and then not only insults his cooking but show him how it’s ACTUALLY done /lh (Lmao no offense to anyone of Japanese culture, I bet your curry is amazing too <3 I just prefer what I grew up with 🤪)
But like imagine his surprise when he tastes our Indian curry and is shocked that it’s not only spicy and full of flavor but better than his????
And then when they get together you can bet he begs reader to teach him more about Indian cuisine 🤍
Hnnnnnggggggg THE WAY EACH TIME I SEE JAPANESE CURRY I CRINGE- (no offense to Japanese people or their cuisine but the dishes with same names but vastly different flavours are very wince-inducing) so yes queen, I will deliver this.
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"What on God's ever green Earth are you doing?"
Bakugou turned around to look at you looking over your shoulder in slight disgust.
"I'm putting in the oyster sauce-"
He watched as you comically gagged.
"Oyster sauce? In chicken curry?"
His jaw ticked as you watched him with disgust, his mouth forming a scowl.
"Do you think you're better than me, you damn extra?!-"
"I am at making chicken curry, that's for sure."
Bakugou physically took a step back at the callous remark you just made. He knew you bit back to his quips but this was the first time your statement held a challenge behind it.
Bakugou stood up straighter, moving away from the stove.
"Oh yeah? Prove it then. Put your money where your mouth is."
You huff and roll up your sleeves, tying your hair up in a ponytail. You step closer to the stove and keep aside the curry that he was working on.
"Let's not touch that fishy thing lest it CONTAMINATES my chicken curry. Okay first things first, we need the good old Garam Masala."
Bakugou snorted. "We're in the middle of a forest, genius. Where are you going to get Garam Masala from?"
You grinned. "Good thing I always keep a packet on hand then!"
He watched you slack-jawed as you skipped to your bag and came back with an opened packet of garam masala. You started working on your curry, salvaging some of the chicken from the other batches of Japanese curry being made. The whole area soon filled with the aromatic fragrance of your delicious boiling chicken curry as you worked determinedly. Bakugou watched your every move, begrudgingly admiring you.
After you were somewhat done, you poured some of the curry into a small dish for Bakugou to taste. He frowned at it and sniffed it, before taking a small sip while maintaining eye contact with you.
Your smug grin widened as Bakugou's face lit up at the bomb of flavours going off on his tongue.
"Okay... woah..."
You laughed and fist bumped the air.
"Woah indeed. That's the taste of India right there. I hope my cooking skills did my ancestors some semblance of justice-"
"It's incredible."
You smiled softly at his sincere admission and soon your classmates started swarming you for a taste of your curry.
Some said it was too spicy but no one said it was bad. Everyone agreed that it was very damn good, even those who couldn't handle the spice.
"I'd pair this with puttu and my life would be complete as that as my only meal for the rest of my life."
Bakugou looked up at you as he scarfed down his helping of rice and your curry.
"Isn't that a steamed rice cake or something?"
You smiled brightly. "Yeah! It's a staple food of the south! Ooo you know what would really bang? Dosa and chicken curry! God damn if only I had some urud on hand..."
The night continued with laughter and games as dinner melted into a huge sleepover. After mostly everyone had gone to sleep, Bakugou approached you.
"Hey, dumbass. Don't get it too over your head or anything but... your curry was good, okay? And I... I liked it." He pushed out through gritted teeth. He pushed his hands into his pocket and looked away.
"So, I'd like to know how you made the damn curry."
You looked at him with a wry smile. "Are you asking me for the recipe?"
"Tch! I don't ask for shit! Now give me the recipe!"
Your smile turned smug as you crossed your arms.
"Only if you say please"
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Holy shit it's done!!!!! I'm so sorry for the late post but I really hope you liked it!! Thank you for the idea too.
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666prophet · 6 months ago
Fallout S1:E7 - The Radio
This one is okay. It showed more of the Vault-Tec(pre-bombs) and The Ghoul. Did feel like Lucy and Maximus were just kinda there. Not really adding to or involved in what was going on. Its another flashback heavy one. Which is getting to the point where it feels like they are trying to make two shows at once.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spoilers and Deep Dive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ok so how exactly does this guy have NCR Ranger gear? Let alone two sets. I also have to complain about the mismatching. He has what seems to be Desert Ranger armor but then Veteran Ranger helmets. Veteran Rangers are the elites of the NCR Rangers, its pretty uncommon stuff. So its we really want to drive home that The Ghoul is a cannibal. Also seems that the modus operandi of The Ghoul is to bait people into getting into a duel/fight. Ok so Miss Williams is very good orator. I would agree she isn't a communist. She is left leaning and against crony capitalism. Though given the general time period this is set in, it would make sense that Communism would be used to describe what she believes. But she really comes off as trying to get revenge mainly and doing the "right" thing is secondary.
Whelp this is very on brand for Vault-Tec. That explains why these gulpers look different from the east coast ones. Alright so they know what happened in Vault 4, but seem to have been trying to atone for the history of it. I like that narrative. It also highlights how still Lucy has no idea and is blind to the facts. All because she thinks that experiments are the exception and not the rule with the vaults.
We couldn't even do rain effects, we opted for very bad clearly CGI rain. YEAH FUCKING RIGHT! There is no way you are even hobbling on a foot that is that fucked up. Like I get it, in the games you can move on crippled limbs. That being said this show really seems to be very choosy on how accurate is wants to adhere to the games. Also if that dog dies there will be hell to pay Thaddeus.
Ok well, I guess the residents of Vault 4 really aren't bad guys. And kudos for giving the fusion core back. So now you're telling me that they are falling for each other. This whole relationship dynamic feels more like two naive teenagers. Its weird feeling, very forced for the plot/story. At this point it also seems like the whole point of having power armor was just for the promo material. They park this power armor 90% of the time.
So Thaddeus' plan it to limp his ass to a radio station? I'm sure you would have seen a closer radio tower. WAIT. Chicken fucker is a side character, not just a one off bit 😑. So did he make some homebrew stimpak? Also that comment of not needing to worry about rads is a bit foreboding.
NORM! DID YOU POISON THEM? That face from Betty kinda makes me feel like she had something to do with it an not Norm. So its interesting some of the people sent off and who got to stay. To Chets credit, he's not wrong. The vaults were for people who were rich enough or well connected enough to get into them.
Yay, CX404 is rescued. This is another one of those made up for the show devices. Never existed in the games or anything close to it. Obviously Coop is torn between trusting his wife and not trusting Vault-Tec. I think it's shown off very well. Well I retract the previous Dogmeat thing from before. I guess they were just waiting to make the reference until now.
That head has got to stink to an unholy level. First Titus now Thaddeus. Since when did the BoS become so shit? Like in the games they aren't nearly this bad. Wait did he get the Hancock(FO4) treatment by the serum chicken fucker guy? Great plan except there is a difference between a head that has been decaying for a few weeks, verses one that has been decaying for months or longer. I still feel like this relationship is being forced.
That confirms that Vault 31 is still active and following whatever directive/experiment Vault-Tec put in place. Its also reinforced by the fact that the door leading from Vault 33 to Vault 31 has no controls to open in from the Vault 33 side. So it can only be opened from the inside. So just by the sound it has to be a machine. I would say Robobrain or some version of a Mister Handy, but that area is too small to conceal either one. I doubt they are going with a President John Henry Eden(FO3) thing.
I can appreciate that we are trying to move along the plot in a way that sort of brings the intertwined stories together into one. I feel conflicted though because like the last episode where Lucy and Maximus were just kind of around and didn't have any major thing going on. This one was more of a case of The Ghoul was just there. Now sure it was A LOT of flashback stuff but still. It feels like there are all these stories being told narratively at once and you are fighting to give them each time.
Final Score - 7/10
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ase-trollplays · 9 months ago
A small black backpack is also left at Corali's work, containing an unmarked package and a letter stating "FROM CORALI". The package contains a bomb- One that explodes if the package is tampered with, though the explosion is minor and would only maim whoever opened it, and cause some damage to the surrounding area via fire and shrapnel. Whoever left it was wearing all black and a hoodie obscuring their face.
When Corali arrived to work that night -- She was desperate for a distraction from what happened the night before -- she was greeted to the sight of an ambulance taking someone away and damage to the bar. There were large scorch marks on the outside and shrapnel everywhere. She rushed over to ask what happened when she spotted a severed arm about three feet away from the building. Specifically Aeriol's arm, the bar's owner, if the yellow blood was anything to go by.
"Kierii, what happened here!?" Corali asked the bartender, who looked incredibly shaken up. They were bloodied with several cuts, and they second they saw Corali their expression turned into a harsh glare.
"I dunno, why don't you tell me??" they spat and pulled a singed note from their pocket that read "FROM CORALI." At this point a couple of the other staff arrived on the scene and stared in confusion and fear at the sight. The rust's expression immediately soured and contorted from concern into rage. She snatched the note from them and tore it to pieces.
"Y'all think I did this!? All y'all know me! I ain't no coward leavin' bombs fer people! I get my fuckin' hands dirty!" Corali shouted in indignant fury. Kierii grabbed her by the collar with both hands and forced her down to their eye level, then used one hand to point to the arm on the ground.
"You see that? That's Aeriol's -- my ashen's -- arm! It got blown off the second he moved the bag with the bomb in it!" she screeched with tears of anger now forming at the corners of her eyes. "We know you didn't do it. The person the cameras caught looks nothing like you, but whatever grudge you have with them is blowing back on us."
They released her with a shove, though with their smaller stature Corali didn't even budge, and glared up at her.
"You're done working here. Don't come back."
Corali stared at them in shock and disbelief for a few moments before finally finding her words. "Are y'all fuckin' kiddin' me!!? Yer gon' can me fer somethin' some coward ass chicken shit did??"
"Yeah! Because that 'coward ass chicken shit' targeted us to get to you and almost killed someone! And if you stay here, they're gonna come back and do even more damage!"
"This ain't my fault! Why--"
"I DON'T CARE!!! We're not safe with you here! Get the fuck off our property!!"
Corali let out a loud frustrated, furious shout before turning around and storming off. Freshly out of work again on top of her would-be pale being most likely kidnapped was the final straw. She angrily made her way to a familiar store she hadn't visited in seven perigees. The clerk at the counter jolted when she slammed the door open and stomped her way to the counter.
"Shit, Corali, it's been ages! Wha--"
"My usual order! Now!" she barked at him and slammed a fist on the counter. He backed up considerably before running off to gather a variety of booze and liquor he hadn't had to remember in a very long time.
Tonight, she was running away from her problems the best way she knew how.
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hauntingthechateau · 1 year ago
Saturday November 4th
High of 13, rainy/cloudy. Overnight low 6.
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Breakfast at 9 is going to be a challenge for me 🙃 But Free food is worth a lot. Woke up this morning, tea/showered/makeup/dressed and then got ready to head to the chateau… really feels like I’m doing everything backwards when I do it like this. Not mad about the breakfast pickings though… there were like 9 cheeses. For breakfast. !?!? Plus pastries and sliced salamis and boiled eggs from our chickens and fresh fruit!? I found out today that it’s all locally sourced from villages around the area and the bread and pastries are delivered daily EVERYDAY. EVEN SUNDAY. IN RURAL FRANCE!? A miracle. And as someone who has /opinions/ about croissants, these are REALLY GOOD.
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After breakfast we got the tour of the studios. My accommodations email originally said that I would be in the chateau so I lugged my 35lb suitcase up the hill in the rain, but I then learned I would actually be in the stables. I got to see all the other studios and they look great and I can’t wait to go and visit everyone else as I get to know everyone to check up on what they’re working on. It seems like all the chateau studios have old (nonfunctional) fireplaces, which are beautiful marble things, but overall I’m glad to be in the stables. 
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After the whole tour, Josh drove my suitcase down to the stables and I started to settle in. Fuck me if my studio wasn’t the very central, most perfect studio, right underneath the old clock, so fucking aesthetically pleasing. The studio is probably about 1.5 or 2x the size of my studio back home, a nice easy rectangle with high vaulted brick ceilings and the front being all beautiful old windows/doors. I started settling in before lunch (leftovers) and then we went off on our shopping trip, which made up a chunk of the day (but was worth it even just for the experience). 
We all loaded into vans, I dibs on the front of Beulah’s van and Jennifer crammed in next to me. It was incredible to see all the beautiful French countryside and small towns in the daylight, since we came in so late last night and with the storms there was no stars so moon so it’s been BLACK. Apparently it was some bomb cyclone blasting through the area that’s caused all these issues with the trains and such, and it’s looking like the whole month is going to be just gusty and cloudy and rainy which is kind of a shame. I don’t mind the general vibe, but it would be nice to have A DAY of sun at least???
Anyway, we headed to some weird garden centre/ small town canadian tire-ass place first that had an art supply section the size of a tiny art supply store. I picked up some spray paint for fun, but really I was just there for the next stop: the le’clerc! Such a weird Walmart + Costco vibe. I picked up tea and crackers and wine and scotch. I’m all good to go (and very glad to have chai for home to drink before heading to breakfast). 
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Once back home (after another beautiful drive with great conversation), we unloaded into our studio to further set up/unload/settle in. I moved around furniture, unpacked everything and started to hang all my panels to make the studio feel less empty and sad. I think I need a little big more furniture or shelves to make the studio feel less barren, but I’ll work on that the next few days. So far it’s feeling nice though and I can’t believe my luck getting the exactly studio I wanted (although I know I would have made anywhere work).
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At 6:15 headed up the hill for the proper Champagne welcome. Its more of a walk up that hill than I had bargained for, but honestly I’m really glad since Im not gonna be walking 2.5km to work all month (actually about 500 m to the Chateau, 200 to the Stables).  Got a nice introduction about the history of the residency as well as the chateau itself in its two iterations and it’s art collection and how much of it ended up at the Louvre (included pieces I knew well!).
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Dinner was next up with a visit to the wine cave. I grabbed a bootle of vote d u rhone but they’re pricy and really next time we go into town I should buy a bunch of wine of my own. Lasagne dinner (with some nice chickpea and cucumber salads as well) and a dessert I yet again didn’t even make it to. Moved to the salon after dinner and then the speakeasy after 10pm (to keep down the noise) and just had a great time! I walked back home, called Craig from the studios and then pretty well crashed by the time I got home (minus all this journaling I just did).
The church bells always seems to be tolling when I’m coming home, which just seems so perfect.  The wind is howling something fierce tonight. My yawns are intense as I try to write all this before falling asleep, (its 1am now). Goodnight!
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years ago
heyyy 🥰 soo i don't even know yet if i reeeally want to read this but my sleep deprived brain wants Mitsuya, Baji and Chifuyu epic dance off, so if you feel inspired 😁 could you please write it? otherwise, please feel free to ignore this request 🙏 thank you for your time tho 😌 have a great day/ night 😆
epic dance off with baji keisuke, chifuyu matsuno, and mitsuya takashi: headcanons
[𖤐] hello hello anon! thank you for requesting! this was literally so fun to write, and i was kinda laughing my ass off the entire time when i was looking up popular dances from 2005, because i was imagining baji doing the mf cha cha slide LMFAOOKJHLKHG SO THANKS FOR THIS and i hope you enjoy!!
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❧ masterlist
✂︎ the whole dispute between the three had started when you had asked them all to help you plan a date for hina and takemichi, (hina had asked you, since it always seemed that whenever they were supposed to go on a date, it would end up being cancelled because something came up with toman).
✂︎ you had asked them if they could all come over so that you could coordinate with what they were going to be helping you with, (baji objected to it, but eventually gave in because you said that you would buy him a week’s supply of peyoung yakisoba). you just need their help to make sure that they would distract mikey and draken so that they wouldn’t absolutely bomb the date you were planning on protecting, (with your life).
✂︎ you had never expected that the three would start to argue about who had the best dance moves when you asked them what music you should play in the background.
✂︎ just to backtrack, you had asked them what music they wanted you to play in the background while you guys planned, and it all began when baji sarcastically said that all the songs that you liked were only used at dance parties. chifuyu then commented about how himself and baji had gone to a party that mikey had set up, and how baji sucked at dancing, which then made baji comment on how mitsuya’s dancing was a lot worse than his, and mitsuya fired back about how his dancing is great because he’s always dancing with his sisters.
✂︎ and so, it began.
✂︎ they all told you to play the music on the mp3, and you tried to tell them that you guys were supposed to be doing something else, but they completely ignored you, and were just arguing with each other. so reluctantly, you started playing the music.
✂︎ it was all pretty chaotic, and you were just sitting there with a blank face, trying to understand what exactly it was that you were witnessing.
✂︎ with baji, he started doing the mf cha-cha slide with the beat of the song, and he seemed to trying to move his arms with the dance, but he really just ended up looking like some deranged chicken who was trying to walk like human.
✂︎ chifuyu was out here trying to do the moonwalk like michael jackson, (muzan) and was just failing miserably while he thought he was doing a great job. he’s trying his best here, but the way he was trying to imitate the way michael jackson moved his hat and went on his toes was too much for you, and you couldn’t help the way you burst out laughing as he almost fell over on his ass.
✂︎ you’re not even sure what it is that mitsuya is doing; he’s completely off beat with it, and he is just kind of swaying around with his arms wiggling around a bit, and you have no idea if it’s an actual dance, or if he just made it up himself to make his sisters laugh.
✂︎ you were really losing it by the time “walk like an egyptian” came on, and they all just started to weirdly shift around with their arms moving very rigidly. baji was doin’ way too much with his arms, or maybe he was just being extra with it because he wanted to knock over chifuyu and mitsuya.
✂︎ chifuyu is confused on whether or not his hands are supposed to be pointed inwards or outwards, so his hands are the opposite of what they are supposed to be looking like, and he’s trying to subtly look at mitsuya to see what it is he’s supposed to be doing.
✂︎ surprisingly, mitsuya is doing the dance really well, but you’re sure it’s because his sisters probably know the dance and made him do it with them
✂︎ the best part of the entire thing though is when baji succeeds in his plan to knock someone over with his arms, and that someone is chifuyu, who started yelling at baji, who was laughing his ass off because he saw chifuyu’s sad attempt at trying to dance. mitsuya is telling them that they’re both idiots, until baji grabs ahold of mitsuya’s leg and brings him down. now all three of them are on the ground, and you’re still laughing your ass off because you can’t stop thinking about chifuyu’s horrible moonwalking.
✂︎ in the end, you guys didn’t plan anything, and were scrambling to do all the plans the next morning, (and you were all really sore because you fell asleep on the floor). the end.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years ago
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. lxii - curiosity killed the cat
<< previous | masterlist | next >>
??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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The three remaining boys, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Yunho rushed downstairs to see what the commotion was all about. Though they were nervous, they were also curious and they were not going to be the only ones left behind with the information.
But when they stepped onto the living area, they were confused at the sight upon them.
San and Wooyoung were nowhere to be found, Yeosang had a look of utter surprise which was a rare sight, a teary Jongho was standing next to Mingi who was fully crying, and in front of them was a person clad in a black hoodie and a pair of black sweats. The person's back was to the three so they didn't know who it was.
"What's wrong? What happened?" Hongjoong asked with all the strength he could muster. The others who stood in front of the person clad in black could only look at the leader but weren't able to utter a single word.
Slowly, the unknown person turned their body towards the three. All eyes widened and their breaths hitched, the sight before them was just too confusing to comprehend.
"What are you doing here?" Hongjoong asked.
"And who are you?" Yunho added.
The person took his hood off to reveal a man around their age, charming with a glint of playfulness as he smirked at them.
But before he could introduce himself, Mingi had beaten him to the punch, "this is (Y/N)'s cousin who also studied here," he said. The man nodded and grin widely, "Howdy, I'm Haknyeon," he then stuck his hand out for any of the three to shake, "Joo Haknyeon, pleased to meet your acquaintance,"
Before either one of the three could shake his hand, however, Mingi lunged forward to try and grab at Haknyeon's sweater. Luckily, Yeosang and Jongho managed to hold the larger guy back.
"Skip the pleasantries, Haknyeon, and tell them what you told us" he growled. Haknyeon only raised an eyebrow and smirked in amusement, "wow, (Y/N) was right when she said you're a ticking time bomb. No one is ever THAT happy, ever tried counselling, big guy?" he poked.
Then he turned around to the three still confused boys with a distraught expression, "It's about (Y/N)," he started.
"Oh God," Yunho yelped out, his hand immediately gripped onto the arm of the closest person which was Seonghwa.
"What about (Y/N)?" Seonghwa asked, voice cracking from nerves. Haknyeon looked like he didn't wanna talk, but the hopeful eyes in front of him struck something deep in him, "she... left," he said.
"Yeah, she left us, we know that," Yunho clarified, "no, she... LEFT left," Haknyeon stressed.
The boys behind Haknyeon let out choked out tears once again as the Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Yunho felt like their world just shattered.
San and Wooyoung came back from the kitchen, San looking dishevelled and distraught as Wooyoung tailed after him, looking more or less the same but not worse.
"Tell me where she went," San demanded once he fully stood in front of Haknyeon. He was about to grab the stranger's hoodie in his hands but Wooyoung luckily prevented him.
Haknyeon took a step back from San to evade being grabbed, "can't do that, sorry, I promised her," he shrugged simply.
By this point, you could feel the tension in the room. The once sorrowful boys now had veins popping on their foreheads and they seemingly had their brains connected as they took a step towards Haknyeon together. The intruder was cornered in the middle of eight menacing men.
"See, Haknyeon, I told you sticking to the script would've been better,"
All nine heads snapped towards the direction of the kitchen where you stood, hands on your waist and your luggage and bag by your side.
Haknyeon grinned innocently and shrugged, "And where would the fun be there?" he joked, slipping himself from between the boys towards you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and grinned widely at the eight now-dumbstruck men, "If you guys haven't figured it out, I was kidding, (Y/N)'s perfectly fine and she's back, she just needs my help to slip in here as a distraction while she slipped from the back," he said proudly.
But the silence in the room was deafening. Neither one of the boys reacted whatsoever. If you look closely, you're sure that neither of them was even blinking.
Seeing and feeling the tension, Haknyeon cringed and pat your head softly, "yeesh, tough crowd. I'll let you handle them on your own," he said simply before leaving from the back door where you came.
When the door closed behind Haknyeon, you finally realized that you now have to face the consequence of your action.
Luckily, you didn't have to break the silence.
"(Y/N)? Is that really you?" Jongho choked out, surprisingly. Out of everyone there, you thought the first ones to welcome you would've been Mingi, San, or Wooyoung, or even Seonghwa.
A smile broke on your face and your shoulders slumped in relief, "Yeah, it's really me, Ho,"
You were about to take walk towards them all when Yeosang stepped forward with a hand outstretched, motioning you to stop.
"You think you can just easily walk in here and we would just so easily accept you back?" he spat out.
Your feet stopped in its track and your heart dropped to your stomach.
"Accept me back? What do you mean accept me back, was I ever rejected by you all?" you couldn't help but ask, feeling like Yeosang didn't mean what he said.
But you were dead wrong.
"You left out of the blue, without any explanation, leaving us scrambling around like headless chicken looking for you. YOU rejected us first," he said.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, "I didn't reject you guys- oh my God, I had to get away from here for a while and I couldn't tell any of you! I didn't have time because I was pressed, FORCED to leave and having to keep my mouth shut about everything, I was miserable when I left," your voice cracked on its own mid-sentence without you realizing.
A scoff left Yeosang's mouth, "No one forced you to do anything, (Y/N), you LEFT, you CHOSE to do that all on your own," he turned a bit to point at Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho, "You left those three crying their eyes out for you, there wasn't a day when Mingi wouldn't actively go out to look for you with one of the others, do you know that your former RA almost got his ass tied to a restriction order?" he then moved again to point at the three oldest, "Hwa hyung and Yunho barely ate, too stressed to even keep food down, Hwa hyung had to take medicine for the toll of stress on his body and Joong hyung barely went out of his room, he tried to distract himself from the fact that you left without saying anything, some of us had to force him to eat and sleep,"
Then suddenly he gripped onto San's hand and brought him forward. Your heart broke at how sunken San looked, bags under his eyes and he seemed visibly smaller and weaker, "and San here got so depressed that he wasn't able to function whatsoever. I had to make sure he got out of his bed and move around every day or else I'm sure that he would've died," Yeosang's voice cracked as tears began streaming down his eyes.
Yunho took a step forward and look around at everyone, "G-guys, let's calm down a bit-"
But he was cut off by Yeosang who had let his emotion took over him completely.
"You left us! You left us broken-hearted and confused and lonely and ruined! So no, you don't get to waltz here so easily, thinking that we'd just accept you with open arms after the crap you pulled. If you wanted to be a wandering tramp, then why even bother coming back? Did you get bored out there? Or were your conquest turned out to be a failure? We were genuine about you, yet you simply shrugged us off like dust," he screamed at you.
You didn't even realize that your own tears had run down your own face. You looked around for the other boys for help, but neither one were looking at you. They were actively avoiding your stare.
Seeing Yeosang's chest heaving heavily with lips trembling, Seonghwa took a step closer to him and pulled him back slowly.
"Yeosang, come on, man, not like this. Not now. Let's take a deep breath first, okay?" he said softly despite his own obvious bubbling emotion.
Maybe it was the raw emotion and the vulnerable state Yeosang was in, but he simply let Seonghwa drag him back slowly until they both retreated to the stairs.
One by one, starting from Jongho then Hongjoong and Wooyoung, then San slowly followed whilst keeping his eyes glued to the floor, they all left you. Your heartbeat quickened when you watched their retrieving figure, backs towards you so coldly.
Not that you could blame them, Yeosang made a point about you leaving just like that without any notice.
All that left were Yunho and Mingi.
As they looked at each other, you could see that they were debating whether to welcome you or not.
Your hope was immediately crushed as they simply gave you a broken-hearted stare and followed the other six, disappearing to their own rooms.
So all that's left was you, out in the open.
All alone.
How you wish you could turn back time and changed your decision.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @sanraes @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13 @aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @em0yunho @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream @elijahbabyb @taejichafe @alliecoady98 @rdiamondbts2727 @hakuna-matata-ya @ohmy-fandoms @spacechubbyatiny @stray-bi-kids @imaaroy @fashi0nablee @rindomo @violetwinters @nabihwa @linhyyboo12 @mirror-juliet @bestboiericsohn
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melancholymetropolis · 3 years ago
Cloud Nine
Pairings: Roommate! Hitoshi Shinso x Reader
Summary: The reader gets stood up and Shinso decides to make it up to her.
Warnings: Explicit Content. Porn with Plot. Slightly edited. Based off of this cover. All characters are aged up.
Author's Note: Hello to all! I have missed you guys. It's been a while. Finals have been kicking my ass but, I am back! This fic is a good blend of fluff and smut. Maybe a little bit of angst. If you would like to commission me, click here! I set a new goal, so please check it! Thanks for your support, it means a lot to me.
Word Count: 4500
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The sound of the front door slamming shut resonated through the apartment, quickly followed by the echo of heavy footsteps trailing down the hall. They came to an abrupt pause; interrupted by the splashing of water in the sink and the ripping of a paper towel. He must’ve found the freshly baked cookies I left on the counter. The footsteps sound again but they stop short of my room. A firm knock rattled from my door; I looked up from my laptop and shouted “come in!” My roommate opened the door, appearing in front of me, dressed in his usual attire. Workout jacket and running shorts with a gym bag tossed over his shoulder. Shinso had already taken a bite out of the freshly baked cookie nestled in the paper, and tiny crumbs had been sprinkled around his mouth.
“You’re home earlier than I expected,” he said as he dropped his gym bag by my door and took a seat in my desk chair. “I thought you had a date with that producer guy.”
“Yeah, I did,” I closed my laptop and pushed it to the side. “But, he never showed.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Shinso said before taking another bite of his cookie. He chewed it slowly before adding, “I had a feeling something was wrong since you baked.”
“I don’t only bake when I’m sad, So-so,” I replied as I rubbed the back of my neck.
“You’re right,” he took another bite of the cookie and swallowed. “You only make your comfort cookies when you’re sad.”
I gave him a quizzical look and he took it as an initiative to continue.
“When you’re sad or have a bad day, you always make double chocolate cookies with walnuts. And if you’re peeved, you add Nutella in the middle. Like today. So, if you don’t mind telling me what’s wrong, I’d be happy to listen.” Shinso finished off his cookie and brushed his mouth with the paper towel. His purple eyes gleaming up at me with concern.
“It’s just. . .” I crossed my legs underneath me and sighed. All the built-up frustration exploded out of me in three words, “Men are trash.”
Shinso’s face remained completely neutral; he didn’t even flinch at the statement. “How so?”
I groaned and dropped my head into my hands. “Okay, so last week, remember when I was wearing that super-cute outfit?”
“You gotta be more specific, you always wear cute outfits,” he said with a confused look in his eye.
“It was a Tuesday. I was wearing some bell-bottom jeans and a pink halter top that said ‘cherry bomb’. Do you remember that?”
“You had two buns on your head that day,” he added in recollection.
“I did! Well, I bumped into Justin on my way to the studio and we talked for a few minutes. Towards the end of the conversation, he gave me his number and asked me to dinner. I was ecstatic and practically skipped down the fucking street!”
“Sounds like something you’d do.”
“So, we’ve been texting all of last week and this week. I am under the illusion that we’re on for dinner. All of a sudden, he doesn’t reply to my texts this morning. I brushed it off and continued about my day. I went to the agreed restaurant and waited an hour in my car for him. Texting him the entire time, just for him to give me a reply on my ride home.”
“What did it say?”
“‘Sorry, something came up.’”
“Wow. . . what an asshole.”
“I know! Such a fucking jerk.”
We stayed silent for a minute or two before Shinso rose from my desk chair and walked to my door. He grabbed his gym bag from the floor and turned back to me. “I ordered from that restaurant you like, down the street, once I saw the cookies on the counter. I figured you could use some comfort food. It’ll be here in a little while, so I’m going to take a quick shower, then we could eat together. If you’re cool with that?”
“Sure, that’s fine. I’ll see you when you get out,” I replied with a look of astonishment on my face.
“Okay, see you in a bit.”
The pro-hero exited the room and gently closed the door behind him. My eyes remained in that general area, seconds after he left. Processing all the information that he gave to me. Wakatoshi Shinso. . . a man that I cannot describe in words. But, if I had to condense it, to say what he was, all I could say is that he cares. So much about me. Before moving in together, he was simply a friend-of-a-friend. We were cordial, always said “hi” in passing, and never left a bad impression. So, when I found an apartment, and he needed a room, it was a no-brainer. Shinso was the ideal roommate. Quiet, calm, and collected. He always made me breakfast, even though he was always up significantly earlier than I was. If I was too tired, he’d tidy up my leftover dishes and straighten up my things. When I had my period and ran out of pads, he went to the drug store and bought me some. Including chocolate ice cream and painkillers. He doesn’t mind doing the grocery shopping alone and doesn’t complain when I leave my bra on the bathroom door. He wiped my tears when my boyfriend left me and brought me flowers the next day.
Shinso was perfect in every way.
I was lucky to have him in my life.
The doorbell rang and I rose from my bed and raced to the door. Just as he said, Shinso had ordered from my favorite restaurant, as seen by the menu poking out of the biggest bag. I gave the delivery boy a small smile and thanked him, before shutting the door and walking into the kitchen. I placed the takeout bag on the counter and began to take out all the items from the bag. He brought chicken parmesan, mushroom ravioli, fettuccine alfredo, vodka alla penne, and two garden salads. In the second, smaller bag, were two pints of ice cream and complimentary miniature cannolis.
“I didn’t know what you were in the mood for so I got a little bit of everything,” his voice echoed throughout the room, causing me to jump.
“Jesus—” I looked up from the array of food to my roommate. Who was dripping wet and practically steaming from his shower. Grey sweatpants hung dangerously low on his hips, extenuating his sharp v-line. He was shirtless, which wasn’t something new, he often walked around the apartment that way; however, the droplets sprinkled about his bare chest were doing things to me. His damp hair was slicked back, combed out of his face. Shinso walked around the kitchen’s island and popped open the lid off one of the containers. The display of his bruised knuckles resting on the counter caused my insides to churn.
Maybe it was the way Justin ghosted me earlier, or maybe it was the way Shinso cared for me— the longer I looked at him, the more I wanted him to bend me over the sink and make me scream.
An intense blush flushed over my face and I instinctively bit my bottom lip.
Without missing a beat, my roommate placed his hand on mine and locked eyes with me. “Is there something wrong?”
“I. . . ugh. . .” I looked away from him and down at the ground. “I’m fine.”
I could feel his violet-purple eyes squint with uncertainty. Shinso gently squeezed my hand and released a sigh. “I was thinking about what you said about ‘men being trash’ and how Justin was an asshole to you.”
“Maybe you're looking in the wrong place."
I looked up at his face, taking in his flushed-out expression. Although his wet hair gave him a more refined aura. His cheeks highlighted his boyish charm. Shinso's hand lifted from mine and found itself underneath my chin. My eyes automatically snapped toward his and my breath got caught in my throat. He had an unwavering stare upon his face that made me weak in the knees. Shinso’s eyes slowly closed and brought his face closer to mine. I gripped his shirt and pressed a kiss firmly against his lips. Every muscle in my body relaxed and I felt his arm securely wrapped around me. I moaned against his lips and loosened my grip on his shirt. I dug my fingers in his hair and pressed my body against his.
“I want you,” he groaned against my lips.
“Then, take me,” I replied as I untied his sweatpants. And kissed him again.
Shinso tore away and guided me to the couch. He gazed down at me, a questionable look in his eye. “Are you sure?”
I lifted the oversized tee-shirt over my head and tossed it to the side, My chest was completely bare, my ample breasts in the view of the towering athlete. “I’m all yours.”
Shinso’s eyes darkened. His demeanor was intense and serious. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted my legs to his waist. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” he grunted before capturing my lips in a kiss.
I wrapped my arms around his neck. My bare chest against his; my heartbeat in my ears and his body heat warming my soul. I wanted to be as close to him as I possibly could. I needed to be closer to him than I ever was before. “Take me to your room.”
Without hesitation, the pro-hero took long paces to his vacant space. He gently sat me on the edge of the bed and look down at me. “Open your legs.”
I scooted my by rear further on the bed and placed both feet on the neatly tucked duvet. My knees were facing the ceiling and my clothed womanhood was facing him.
Shinso swiftly dropped to his knees and brought his face to my inner thigh. Featherlike kisses sprinkled along the soft tissue and goosebumps ran up my back. When he got to my core, after taking his sweet time, he pushed the soft short and panties to the side before lapping the dripping center. My legs gently twitched and my eyes rolled back. His soft muscle continued to lap its sweet nectar and I swore I could see God Himself. After a short while, he had gotten bored of pushing my garments to the side, so Shinso tenderly removed them from my legs. I halfway expected him to rip them to shreds but I guess he was too gentlemanly for such savage behavior.
The athlete looked up at me with a wistful expression and asked a simple question. “Do you mind if I use my fingers?”
I paused for a minute and smiled. “Come here.”
Temporarily rising from his position on the floor, the massive man laid his body between my legs and hovered his face above mine. “Yes?”
“You use whatever you see fit,” I replied while looking into his eyes. “I trust you.”
Without so much as a second glance, Shinso walks to his nightstand and unlocks the bottom drawer. He pulls out a Hitachi wand, an eye mask, and bondage cuffs. “Are you comfortable with these?”
A blush dusted my cheeks as I looked at the items. “Oh my, I never knew this side of you existed.” I reached for the eye mask and placed it on my head. Then, I lifted my arms over my head and gripped the bedpost. I winked and finally said, “I’m ready when you are.”
Shinso turned to the top drawer of the nightstand and pulled out a condom. “I should’ve confessed sooner.”
I nodded with appropriate enthusiasm and widened my legs. “Please continue what you had been doing earlier. I want you.”
The athlete reached down to my face and pulled the eye mask over my eyes. “Anything for you, sweetheart.”
His feather-like touches littered against the right side of my body and I swore I could feel my senses come alive. I felt the bed sink in between my legs and his warm hands reposition my hips on the bed. “Hold your legs up for me, baby.”
I did as instructed and took a deep breath.
I could feel his hot breath fan my naked cunt and all I could do was drip in anticipation. His coarse thumbs spread the thick lips apart; cool air fanned my bud. After a few seconds of no movement, his hot mouth pressed against the dripping mess. A long, deep moan arose from me, as my legs jolted again. He blew against my womanhood, creating a slurry of my nectar and his saliva. I could feel it drip down my cunt and to my rear slowly. Seductively almost. His soft tongue pushed its way into my smooth center and I felt my walls clench. He bobbed his head forward and back; probing me with his tongue as he went. I furrowed my brows and arched my back. Gripping the back of my knees, I bucked my hips against his mouth as slutty moans left my lips.
“Mmm. . . you feel so good, So-so,” I chanted as I whipped my head to the side.
He groaned against my womanhood, before pulling away briefly. He reached up the bed and gripped his desired item. Once I heard a distinctive buzzing, I knew it was the wand. He pressed the toy against my bud, possibly wanting to see my reaction to it. I moaned at the light vibrations and squirmed underneath it. A hum passed his lips as I felt his fingers gently toy with my entrance. One finger slowly went in, curling upward to the desired pleasure button. Shinso used that finger for about a minute before adding a second one. He presses his fingertips against the roof of my cunny and started to jab them upward. I bit my lip and dug my nails into my thighs at the added friction. I could feel a soft pool gather in my stomach and I knew my climax was near.
“Oh fuck! Oh, fuck!” I practically yelled as I gripped the sheets.
Shinso kept his same pace. I could imagine observing the incoming orgasm rise from my toes down my calves and thighs and to my abdomen.
I furrowed my eyes again and brought my legs closer to my chest. “Oh fuck. Oh, fuck! Oh shit!” My legs shoot violently as my toes clenched tightly. My breathing increased and tingles encased my whole body. Then, all of a sudden, all the feelings in my body stopped. And all I could hear was the buzzing of the vibrator in my room. For those two seconds, every fiber of my being clenched, including my walls around Shinso’s fingers. I could feel tears form in my eyes as a throaty moan fell from my lips and my back arched against the bed. I released the grip on my legs and allowed them to shake chaotically against the mattress. I reached under my head for the pillow and squeezed it around my head as I rode out the pleasable wave.
When my legs stopped shaking and my breathing calmed down, I released the pillow and lifted my head. “So-so?”
“I’m here,” he swiftly replied before removing the eye mask from my face. Shinso looked at me with a loving expression and placed a hand on my cheek. “Are you okay? That seemed pretty intense.”
“It was,” I replied looking at him with doe eyes. “Can you just. . . hold me for a while? I don’t think I’m ready to continue.”
“Of course.” He climbed into the bed and wrapped his arms around me. His violet eyes gazed down at me with such repertoire that it was almost impossible to keep contact.
“Is there something wrong?” I asked feeling so insecure.
“No, I just. . .” Shinso cut himself off. Somehow trying to find the right thing to say at that moment. He pulled my body closer to his before pressing his lips to my forehead and saying “ I love you.”
I froze. My breath caught in my throat. My heartbeat pausing its usual rhythm. My mind was completely cleared of any passing thought. “How. . . long have you known?”
“Not too long. About a few minutes.”
“Wait,” I pulled away from him and sat up in the bed. “What do you mean ‘a few minutes’?”
Shinso took a deep breath and followed my motions. “I realized I loved you when you told me you trusted me and proceeded to relinquish control. I had never seen you so vulnerable with anyone and we have known each other for five years. It meant a lot to me and everything else just. . . clicked in my brain.”
“So, all the ordering food and tampons. . . you didn’t do that to get me to put my guard down? You did it just because?”
“Well, yeah. I thought that’s what good roommates do. At least, that’s what Tendou says they do.”
“Wow. . . I. . . need a minute to digest. . . all of this.”
“Take your time.”
I spent the next few days hovering about our shared apartment. Replaying those three tiny, tiny words in my mind. I love you. He loved me. Shinso loved me. He didn’t do all those nice things because he wanted to use me or my body for his pleasure. He did it because he wanted to be a good roommate. Shinso wasn’t the type of man to say things he didn’t mean— hell, he doesn’t even speak the majority of the time. He meant what he said. And I couldn’t gather my thoughts to see how I felt about him. I knew what he meant to me. I knew I didn’t see myself living with anyone else and the thought of him being with another woman infuriated me. After a short while, I picked up a pen and grabbed my keyboard to write a song.
Justin found time to text me again; notifying me that he wanted to make up for our failed date by giving a free studio session. Being the starving artist that I was, I took up the offer. On a whim, I texted Shinso to meet at the studio, half expecting him to decline my answer. He didn’t. Shinso walked into the small room, still in his volleyball uniform. His violet eyes brightened when I smiled at him. He gave me a small smirk and a short wave.
Justin, completely taken back by the massive player, gawked at Shinso’s sheer size. “Damn, how tall are you?”
“Six foot four inches,” Shinso stated in a bland expression.
“Wow,” Justin turned away from the athlete and back to me. “I’m ready when you are.”
I took a deep breath, readjusted my keyboard, and looked ahead. “I’m ready.”
I started playing the keys and looking down at the lyrics on my notebook page.
I don’t want to seem the way I do
But I’m confident when I’m with you
I looked up at Shinso with a weak smile.
Lately, all I feel is bad and bruised
Tired of tripping on my shoes
I squeezed my eyes shut and finished the rest of the course.
But when he loves me I
Feel like I’m floating, when
He calls me pretty, I
Feel like somebody.
Even when we fade,
Eventually to nothing,
You will always be my favorite form of loving.
I opened my eyes and looked up at Shinso. His cheeks were a slight pink and his eyes were slightly closed. He seemed somewhat embarrassed by the lyrics, yet really into them.
I finished the lyrics, making sure I kept eye contact with him for the entirety of the song. I watched his shoulders relax, and jaw clench at the sound of the lyrics. He leaned forward as if to hear me better. Shinso’s boyish charm was completely exposed and I was loving every second of it.
When the song ended, Justin stood up and clapped from the other end of the glass. He clicked a button and shouted for me to come out.
“You were so good!” He practically shouted to the top of his lungs. “I should’ve gotten you here sooner.”
“I’ve been trying to tell you,” I said with a chuckle.
“Please tell me you’re free this Friday, there’s someone I want you to meet,” Justin gave me a hopeful look.
“Actually— “
“She has plans with me this Friday,” Shinso chimed harshly.
Justin looked between the two of us and simply nodded. “I totally get it. Shoot me a text when you are free though. We should talk business.”
“Of course!” I replied with a smile.
Shinso and I trotted out of the studio shortly after the exchange. He remained silent within the elevator of the building. Inside the cab home. And, as we walked through the front door. It was after he retreated into his room and took a shower when he finally spoke to me.
“Did you write that song for me?” Shinso asked after taking a seat in my desk chair.
“I did,” I answered simply.
“Does that mean you. . . share my feelings?” He proceeded to question me.
“Yes, I love you, Shinso,” I offered the response slowly.
He rose from my chair and sat across from me on my bed. “Tell me again.”
“I love you, Shinso.”
His lips captured mine in a heated kiss. His calloused hands pulled me closer to him as mine latched in his hair. I leaned back against the bed and spread my legs to give him more access. I moaned against his lips and moved my hips against his groin.
“Do you want to continue?” Shinso asked as pulled away. “We can always—”
“Hurry up and grab the condoms from the top drawer,” I interjected as I unhooked my arms to peel my shirt off.
Without a word, the athlete scooted from the bed and did as he was told. Shinso swiftly removed his sweats and tossed them to the side. He ripped the plastic packet open with his teeth and rolled the rubber on his member. He climbed back onto the bed proceeded to yank my bottoms off my body and spread my legs. Shinso positioned his member against my center and looked up at me. Once I gave him an eager nod, he sunk himself into me. A soul-shaking moan erupted from the two of us, followed by a curse underneath our breaths. He leaned down to give me a soft kiss before slowly rocking his hips against mine.
Gentle moans fell from my lips as I arched my back against his thrusts. “You feel so good, baby.” I brought my hands up my legs and navel; I latched my digits onto my ample breasts and gave them a slight squeeze.
Shinso readjusted my hips and lifted my legs in the air. His fingertips pressed firmly in the soft flesh of my thigh as he had begun to drop his hips down onto mine in such a harsh manner. My walls clenched around him, as I felt myself begin to ooze even more onto him. The new stimulation was making my whole body heat up and I desperately wanted more of it. I gripped the sheets tightly and gazed at his flushed-out face.
God, he looked so powerful fucking me like that. His muscles flexed with each thrust and sweat began dotting his abdomen. The pink hue on his cheeks and the clenching of his jaw made my insides tingle.
I was more attracted to this man than I could ever possibly know.
Suddenly, his pace started to slow down and his hips started to spasm. Just a tad. He was so close to his peak.
“You take me so well, sweetheart,” Shinso grunted lowly. “You’re tight cunt is milking me dry.”
I smirked. “Are you about to cum?”
His violet eyes narrowed and he paused his thrusts. “On your belly, now.”
“Yes, sir,” I teased as I rolled onto my stomach. Chest pressed against the bed and hips in the air.
The athlete gripped my hips as he eased his member back into me. “Rub that needy clit of yours, nice and slow.”
I tucked a hand between my legs and flicked my fingers softly. A small moan fell from my lips as my hips began to twitch slightly.
“Looks like you’re not gonna last too long, baby,” I could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Of course not, you know how to make me cum,” I said with a giggle.
“I am the only one that will be doing that from this point on, understood?” His gripped tightened around my waist and I could feel his hips begin to twitch slightly.
“Understood,” I grunted as I felt the warm pool fill in my stomach. “I’m getting close, baby.”
“Move your hand faster,” Shinso instructed while keeping his pace.
I flicked my wrist faster and immediately felt the climax rising my legs and thighs and gathering at my stomach. I clenched and released my walls several times before releasing a gurgle-like moan. “Ahh fuck. Ahh, fuck!”
“You better not stop moving your hand, princess,” he warned in a low tone.
“I’m not! I promise!” I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip. “Please let me cum! I wanna cum so bad! Oh, God!”
“Go ahead, you deserve it,” he grunted as he began to move his hips faster.
“Oh fuck!” I gripped the sheets tightly and moved my hand even faster. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
I clenched my walls ever so tightly and squeezed my eyes shut. In the pit of my stomach, I felt a soft soap bubble pop and ooze out to the rest of my body. My entire body clenched, and my hand pressed hard against my clit as I rode out the orgasm. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and my tongue fell out of my mouth. Drool dripped down my chin as the stars behind my eyelids faded. After a few seconds, I slumped forward onto the bed and opened my eyes.
“Oh fuck. . .” I gurgled as my body finished twitching.
Shinso slid out of my smooth canal and kissed down my sweaty back before laying next to me. He gathered me into his arms and looked down at my overly stimulated body. “Promise me you’ll be mine and only mine.”
With half-closed lids, I looked up at him and said, “You buy me food when I’m sad, you get me tampons when I’m bleeding, AND you made me cum so hard I almost blacked out. There’s no way in hell I’m letting you be with someone else.”
He chuckled. “I love you.”
“You better, because you can’t get rid of me. I’m in too deep,” I replied as I snuggled closer to him. After a short moment of silence, I said “I love you, too.”
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lostinwildflowers · 4 years ago
Cooking with the Warriors
Zeke Yeager x Reader, Porco Galliard x Reader, Reiner Braun x Reader
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Word Count: 1K
Warnings: EDITED as of 7/08/2021 to be slightly suggestive
A/N: I hope you enjoy, anon!! Sorry if you wanted this to be SFW, I GOT A LIL CARRIED AWAY. ALSO I LOVE YOU AND HOPE YOU STAY SAFE- Birch <3
Zeke Yeager
~ As much as I hate to say it, this man would be awful at cooking. Absolutely no feel for how a kitchen should run or work.
~ Constantly bumps into you, causing you to almost cut yourself or pour too much broth or milk into a dish.
~ Feels horrible about it, thus is banished to watching you from the bar stools, a big pout on his lips.
~ After a while of watching you and growing bored, he will slide into the kitchen to wrap his arms around your waist as you pan sear chicken. He would nestle his scruff against your ear and tell you how delicious everything looked.
~ Would start kissing on your neck, and you would try to stay focused on not burning your dinner. If he would start biting and nipping at your collarbones, you would have to booty bump him away so you could focus.
~ Did not like getting cockblocked by dinner. Would continuously pout until you tell him to set the table. 
~ He would try to set up the table as nice as possible, it's the least he can do. Your dinner wouldn’t even be fancy, like he sets up a table cloth and everything even though it’s just an after-work dinner.
~ He would take the first bite and just groan. You would flush because “it’s really not that good” and Zeke would argue with you, saying it's better than anything his mom or grandma ever made.
~ Super helpful when it comes to cleaning up, he will clear the table while you put any leftovers in the fridge. Zeke would clean the dishes too while you heat up pie for dessert.
~ Even though he might not be the best partner for cooking, he’ll do anything he can to aid you and support you. Loves to watch you dance and sing to yourself while you cook, admiring the love of his life.
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Porco Galliard
~ It might just be me, but I think this man can cook. Like really well. This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he looks sinful when eating that sandwich.
~ He will boss you around, telling you to chop up lettuce and tomatoes for your salad, or to start the oil on the pan for fries. He’s a sassy sucker, and is a quick worker, fluttering around to get 8 things done at once.
~ This man knows how to make the fanciest dishes for no reason. He’ll have all of these intense and foreign ingredients in his pantry. Like he’ll ask you to go get some special type of bread and you just look at him like 0.0
~ Because he likes to cook so much and he’s good at it, you get him a small apron for Christmas one year. “Babe I can’t believe there is a pig face on this apron.” “I thought it was cute!! My lil Pock🥰”
~ Would wear it religiously, it’s covered in flour, soy sauce, egg, oil, and some sticky substance. Anything you could think of, it’s on his apron. You’ll have to sneak around to wash it, and Porco will pout when he sees it hanging, with the little pig face staring back at him.
~ You love to tease him when he’s in the middle of making a dish. Soft touches on the arm when handing him a spatula, quiet murmurs in his ear of what ingredient he has to add next.
~ He would get so flustered, recipes running through his mind at the speed of light while his body starts to focus on your presence. Things would get, well. Hot in the kitchen.
~ While the steaks are marinating for a half hour, he would take the time to set you on the counter, attaching his lips to your own. If that lasagna’s going to take an hour to bake, you can bet he’s doing some unsavory things to you...
~ “This is only the appetizer, Y/n, dessert comes later.”
~ He’s such a little shit in the kitchen, but makes bomb ass meals with some of his own ~spice~ tossed in there.
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Reiner Braun
~ This guy is a huge softie in the kitchen. Loves to do things with you every step of the way, having you read ingredients to him while he retrieves them from the pantry.
~ Will definitely initiate food fights. It would start with him leaning in to kiss you on the forehead, hand cupping your face before swiping a line of flour across your cheek.
~ You would glare at him in shock, reaching down to into the bread crumbs to toss some at him. This would lead to a full on food war, sending the smoke signals and water spouts from the ceiling into a disarray.
~ You would both stop and start cackling, starting to clean everything up as best you could while covered in a disgusting mix of ingredients.
~ “We should have just ordered some takeout” “Yeah, I know, but watching your face when I chucked that cup of water at you was worth it” “Get back here!!!”
~ Running to the bathroom to get cleaned up, Reiner would have no mercy on you, licking the small smear of honey that landed behind your ear away and teasing you like no tomorrow
~ He would love on you after though, giving you a shirt of his while he pays the delivery man at the front door. 
~ Just to be a goof, he would fork out the delivery food onto your nicest plates and set it up as if he had made it. You would walk into the kitchen for a cup of water to see the table set up with candles and everything around it.
~ You can’t help the laugh that escapes your lips, but you feel bad when you see Reiner cross his arms and pout from where he’s sitting. “I worked really hard on dinner!” “Maybe if you spent more time practicing your cooking, you would have actually made dinner.”
~ You would press a kiss against his pouty lips afterwards and tell him how much you appreciate spending time with him. He might make a good meal here or there, but he gets distracted by your beauty too many times to count.
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justice4canyonmoon · 3 years ago
An Evening Off
Summary: Both Y/n and Harry have a rare night off. Y/n has relaxing plans for how they should spend it.
Notes: Howdy! This is probably the last fic I’m going to post for the next two weeks; I have finals for college next week, and I have a fuck ton of work this week because professors love to give students everything at once 🙃 Anyway, I came up with the very fluffy concept because I crave emotional intimacy, so I hope you like it!!!!
Warnings: cursing ig. otherwise just a lot of fluff and taking a bath together 🥰
WC: 1.9k
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Y/n was feeling lonely.
Her boring ass office job didn’t produce too many friends for her. While the people she worked with weren’t the absolute worst, they were just, well, bland. Their lives were cookie-cutter. The closest thing any of them had experienced to a true adventure was a trip to IKEA. Her two best friends, Maria and José, were across the country, since she had moved from one coast to another to live with her boyfriend. Sure, she could FaceTime them, but it just wasn’t the same. And after the call, she knew she’d just be more lonely than before.
Harry wasn’t an option either. He was working, far too hard for her liking. She understood, of course; it was album crunch time. He had to make all of the last minute decisions: finalizing the tracklist, photoshoots, and touch-ups on the chosen tracks in the studio. But she missed him. The only times she saw him anymore was right before bed, when he would stumble into the room sleepily and kiss her forehead before going right to sleep. So yeah, she was a bit lonely. And being alone on her day off wasn’t exactly the plans she wanted to have.
Luckily, the universe decided to answer her pleas. At around 1:00, after she had finished up a late shower, her phone buzzed with a text from her beloved.
H: Hi, baby! The only thing we have left on the agenda today is touching up a couple of the album tracks, so I should be home a bit earlier :D If you’d like, I can pick up some dinner on the way home.
She couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across her face. For the first time in ages, the two of them could finally have some time together! Maybe she could do something nice for him! He had been working so hard lately, he deserved it. And honestly, she did, too. An idea popped into her head, and she threw open the bathroom closet, taking a look through her bath supplies. She grinned triumphantly as she pulled out a citrus bath bomb, knowing that Harry enjoyed the calming scent of orange and lemon. A nice bath would not only help Harry destress, but it would also be the perfect cure to the loneliness that was settling in her heart. She quickly texted Harry a reply as she set the bath bomb aside.
Y/n: Sorry about the wait, babe, was just taking a shower. Forgot to this morning lol
He answered pretty much right away, making her smile.
H: It’s okay, baby! No need for apologies :)
Y/n: Okay! I’m excited to actually get to spend some time with you! I could really go for curry, if you’re up for Indian takeout.
H: Curry sounds good to me! I’ll probably be home between 6 or 7! I have to go now, but I can’t wait to see you :) I love you so much!!!!
Y/n: Can’t wait to see you, either, Har!!! I love you, too 💕💕
“Baby, ‘m home!”
Y/n looked at the clock. It was 7:30, a bit later than what Harry had said through text, but still much earlier than usual. She leapt up from the couch and sprinted to the front door, tackling Harry in a hug. He laughed loudly and wound his free arm around her waist, not fully able to hug her back because of the takeout bag in his arms.
“Let me put the food down so I can give y’ a proper hug.”
She let go with a small pout on her face, which Harry promptly kissed off while setting the bag down. He then wrapped her in a tight, two-armed embrace. She melted at the contact, resting her head on his chest and hugging him back just as tightly. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, then rested his head on top of hers.
“Miss you, Har,” she said, her speech slightly muffled from talking into his t-shirt.
She could feel him frown against her hair, “I miss y’ too, Y/n. The album should be done by the end of the month, and then ‘m all yours until tour starts.”
“Good. I was gonna break into the studio and steal you back myself if you weren’t done soon.”
He chuckled, “I don’ think Jeff would like that very much.”
“Fuck Jeff! I need you back here,” she scoffed.
“I certainly hope y’ don’ want t’ fuck Jeff.”
She rolled her eyes, “You’re annoying.”
He grinned cheekily, “But yet y’ still here.”
“Lord only knows why,” Y/n grumbled, though there was a smile on her face.
They pulled away reluctantly, both realizing how hungry they were. The two chowed down on chicken curry and naan while chatting about their day. Y/n spent most of her day off watching The Great British Bake-Off and snuggling with Daiquiri, their black lab. Harry had been putting the finishing touches on three of the album songs (“I can’ wait to play them f’ y’, baby”), and ranted about the traffic coming home (“I would’ve gotten home 45 minutes earlier, but the freeway was ridiculously clogged up!”). It was domestic in a way that Y/n never thought she would have, and she loved every second of it.
When everything from dinner was cleaned up, Y/n figured now was as good a time as any to reveal her plans for the rest of their evening.
“Hey, Har,” she paused, then continued when she heard his hum of acknowledgment, “would you want to take a bath with me?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Is this a ploy t’ get me naked?”
“No,” Y/n said bashfully, “I just thought it would be nice to take a bath together. I found a citrus bath bomb at the back of the closet, and I thought it would be relaxing for us.”
Harry’s eyes softened and he smiled gently at her, “That sounds perfect, love. Y’ too sweet.”
The two made their way to the bathroom, hand in hand. Y/n plucked the bath bomb from the closet and laid it in the tub, turning on the warm water. The water became a pastel shade of yellow, reflecting the lemony scent of the bath bomb. As she was checking the temperature, a pair of tattooed arms wrapped around her waist, and a kiss was pressed to her cheek. The heat radiating off of his body led her to believe that Harry had already rid himself of his clothes. When she turned around, her suspicions were confirmed.
“You work fast,” she commented, making a humming sound when the temperature was to her satisfaction.
“A bit,” he confirmed, leaning over to turn off the nozzle “just wanna take a bath with y’, love. Speaking of, let’s get those pesky clothes off of y’, shall we?”
Y/n nodded and Harry reached forward, almost reverently lifting her (his) sweatshirt over her head. She shimmied out of her leggings and removed her undergarments. She stepped into the bath first, gesturing for him to follow. He obeyed, and sat between her legs, resting his head on her shoulder. The two sat in silence for a while, basking in each other’s company. Y/n couldn’t remember a time where she had felt this at peace. But she also knew that Harry had forgotten to shower that morning since he was nearly late to the studio, so she reached over and grabbed some soap and a washcloth. She looked down at him and giggled softly when she realized he was almost asleep
“Wake up, baby,” she crooned, “let me wash you.”
“‘M awake,” he muttered, “promise.”
“Sure you are, that’s why your eyes are closed,” Y/n teased.
He only hummed in response, making her giggle again. She kissed his forehead and began washing him gently. The soft circles she was rubbing into his skin with the washcloth were soothing, and a sleepy smile made its way onto his face.
“‘Y always take such good care of me. Dunno how I got s’ lucky.”
Y/n felt her face grow warm as she reached for the shampoo, “I think I’m the lucky one. You always take care of me, too.”
She began rubbing the shampoo into his silky locks. Breathy gasps fell from his lips as she tugged lightly as his hair, working the shampoo into his curls.
“Feels s’ good,” he murmured.
“Glad you’re feeling good, Har,” Y/n replied in a hushed tone.
She rinsed his hair and repeated the process with the conditioner. By the time she had finished, Harry had fully fallen asleep on her shoulder. She cooed softly at how adorable he looked. He was like an angel; his long lashes were speckled with little water drops, his wet hair stuck to his forehead in an oddly endearing way, and a small smile was spread across his lips. He looked so relaxed in a way that Y/n hadn’t seen in a while. The bath helped her feel more at ease too; the monotonous motions of washing Harry made the stress from her job melt away, and the loneliness that had plagued her earlier in the day was washed away by the warm water. But she knew she had to wake Harry. She wasn’t quite strong enough to carry all six feet of him back to their bedroom.
Y/n gently jostled his shoulder and whispered, “Harry. Need you to wake up, baby.”
He groaned softly, making her giggle softly once more. His eyes slowly blinked open to reveal his jade irises, and he stumbled his way out of the tub, making her laugh a little harder as she followed. Y/n got out two towels and dried them both off, knowing that Harry was much too tired to do it on his own. She took his hand and walked toward their bedroom.
When they reached the bedroom, Y/n guided Harry to sit on the bed while she picked out sweats for both of them to wear to sleep (she knew that Harry had a particular fondness for when she wore his clothes to bed, so she got out his clothes for both of them). Harry pliantly moved his limbs as she clothed him, and watched her with moony eyes as she pulled on her own sleepwear.
“Look s’ pretty in m’ clothes, love,” he complimented, relishing in the shy smile that appeared on her face.
“Thank you, Har. Let’s get you to bed, okay?” she replied.
Y/n turned off the light and joined Harry on the bed. He was already lying on his side, so she wound her arms around his waist, resting her head between his shoulder blades. Usually, he was the big spoon, but with the whole mood they had set all night, it just felt right for her to be the one cuddling him. Y/n barely heard Harry mumble a “g’night. Love you,” before his breathing evened out. She smiled and closed her eyes, reflecting on the day. Just spending one evening with her boyfriend made her feel right as rain, and the loneliness that had once threatened to overtake her was totally gone. Though she had been taking care of him that night, he was also taking care of her. And sure, they were both going back to work tomorrow, but in two weeks, Harry would be done with the album and would be all hers. When sleep finally overtook her, all she had were the most pleasant of dreams.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years ago
Please write more of Dove and Harry ? You’d earlier written in ne where she gets lost and Harry can’t find her…. Please some more like that. I really like reading protective Harry for his kids especially daughters!
Harry has never been this stingy towards things. You don’t hold a beef with stuff round you, right? You hold beefs with actual hell of people who're mighty pests in the name of human being.
But, this. Oh damn this. Four wheeler little pink bicycle, that have sparkling pom-poms around it’s handles, a cute yellow basket corked to it's front and rainbow coloured cups hanging from the back of it’s seat that cackles whenever the wheels roll.
It’s the most obnoxious transporting vehicle, Harry had seen in his whole life. He's kind of grousing in the corner that why out of trillion of toys auntie Gemma had to prove herself the best aunt in the whole world alive and chose this hideous gaggingly pink bicycle.
It just doesn’t makes sense to gift it to a three years old! And when that three years old’s a headstrong little thing, with wilfulness of her daddy and the marbles of kitten in replacement of those eyes.
“Daddy we’ll ‘ve fun, promise!” Her ‘r' vanishes into a whistle since she’s still wary onto speaking huge words, babbling her daddy’s ears off with random shite doesn’t count.
Sometimes Harry thinks; that his 50 years old mum's prisoned and captured into a dainty body of three years old -- and his time has come to get bossed around and scolded for his own good sake.
His mommy in the guise of his little dove.
“How’s tha’ missy!?” Harry squints down at her with his hands fisted on his hips. His fake scowl breaks into a fluttery smile when dove with her grubby pudgy hands pushed the bicycle around, her boot clad feet stomping against the hardwood floor, “Like this daddy!” Her chest heaved from getting tired of pushing it around in circles.
“Y'gonna put y’old man to labour?” When she sees her dad’s strictness resolving into contemplating the idea she squeals out giggles making Harry flinch and cover his ears, He’s sure he’ll end up deaf in his fifties.
Harry feels his chest warm and gooey with fond when she jumps on her tippy toes and wraps herself around Harry’s calves.
“Kay, teddy bear enough of butterin’ dada up.” Harry grunted through his nose ducking down to scoop her up in his embrace and she instantly loops her arms around his neck, her button rosy nose twitching with happiness as she patted his cheek with a toothy grin.
Harry shook his head at her brains, his eyes closed and lips thinned while he tries to announce it to her in the most dramatic way.
“Why’re you the way you’re dovie? He sighs and her response doesn’t baffles him any, “’Cos you.” She whispers into his ear as if it’s the most secretive thing in the world getting his cheek and earlobe wet with her drool.
“Yeah, cos' ‘m your inventor. My bad.”
That’s how they ended up here in the living room since Harry’s still hesitant and scared to let her ride the bicycle outside.
She makes sweet and loud kissy noises dangling her feet in a rhythm messing the already bombed up curls of Harry while he puts protection pads around her knees, he leaned more onto his shins adjusting the strap of her helmet and pinched her chin to make her look at him.
“Hello baby –..,” He opened his mouth to give her instructions when she cut him off with a cute whiny huff and the fold of her arms round her small body, “Daddy ‘m no baby.” Harry rolls his eyes towards the ceiling and bats his lashes.
“F'me you’re.” He tuts with a coo and took her wrist gently to help her slide down the sofa before she could possibly terrorise him more, sometimes Harry has this aching urge to laugh at her statements but it’s not right to his lil bean so he does it when he’s alone to not to hurt her feelings.
She refused any kind of guidance from him with just a single gesture of her palm (he doesn't know how she manages to behave like a 30 at her 3) and he ended up helping her wiggle her bum up the seat anyhow, “Hmm. Y'already know the deal dovlin'.” He knocks on her pink helmet which has tiny cows on it.
She bobbed her head and puckered her lips, Harry being her best telepathic communicator gets the sign and forwards his cheek for her to kiss it.
“Love y'daddy.” Her affection for her dad muffling against his stubble and in droopy voice he mimics her with bright teasing eyes, “wuveee you daddy.”
“Back to work!” Harry commanded moving towards the end of cycle and squeezed her neck tenderly before pushing her around and giggles happily when she squealed out in utter thrill.
“Weeeeeeoiiii!!” Harry joins her putting aside the fact he was very against it moments ago, but the little fun does no harm, right? He did think so.
It has always happened to him in this particular order whenever the things gets into their happy track a downfall is always written for them, just like the time when dove got sick and wouldn’t get any better taking her to hospital got crucial only for them to come back to their family being there for them her grandma and auntie Gems were their to get her recover but she got sick again.
“Alone!” She grumbles trying to move Harry’s hands away but he grips it tighter, “’M big!” She complains feet reaching for the paddles that took a swing.
“Hands on handles!” Not in a mood for her to throw a tantrum after such exhilarating moment Harry dismissed her off with a bit of frown, “Hands on handles! Hands —--,” He shouts anxiously heartbeat racing painfully against his ribs and he feels time slowing down as he watches dove losing her balance – but – puffs out in relief when she thumps against the sofa.
“Shit!” He cries out when the cycle tumbles along dove and falls on her, the poor baby didn’t even got time to process what's happening before the metal basket hits her bottom lip and her elbow hard.
Harry’s fear reeling infront of him, deafening him for a moment.
Immediately, He throws it away from over her half assed about where it lands and bunched her in his arms protectively. Cradling his sweet baby’s face in his palm and his eyes watered up at the bleeding lip and more abrasions on her elbow.
He sucks in a whimper when she tries even not to sniffle being a brave girl for her dad and goes to wipe his tears with her trembling lil hands, “It’s otay daddy.” Harry hiccups into her wrist smacking kisses upon kisses into her palm.
“’M sorry me lil dovlin'.” He sulked wiping his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie and kissed her forehead.
It physically pains him to see his Dovie hurt, it makes him sad till long hours.
Call him sensitive but with Dove he’ll never able to hold his tears back, she pulls onto his heart strings the most agonisingly, she comes before anyone else and her safety too.
“No cry.” She pushed him away and pouted leaning to peck his lips and Harry giggles when she wipes the subtle blood stain she got on his mouth with a sheepish smile, “Lets fix your boo boos honey pot.” Harry gave her a weepy smile and pet her head taking them to his room.
He’s really surprised and well very proud that she was so brave for him, in times like these Harry realises if nobody got him his daughter’s gonna be there for him always.
“’M really reallyyyy proud of you sweet pea.” After putting Dove's favourite rapunzel bandages on her gashes Harry showers her in kisses that are loud and exaggerated but full of pride and love for her, making sure to do ‘mwah!’ at each one.
Harry made her chicken nuggies and let her drink orange juice (even though it gives her an achy throat) she’s such a good little briber.
She’s all snuggled in his bed, her face hidden in his chest out of shyness as Anne asks about her accident with a sad pouty smile.
“You gotta be careful next time okay sweetie?” Anne told her. Harry groans when her head perked up with gleam in her eyes, “There’s no next time!” He quips making his point clear.
“Gran’ma you wan’ see?” She blubbers excitedly crawling out from under the covers but carefully Harry catches her ankle and tugs her back towards him which causes the phone to fall from her hands onto the floor.
The clumsy cutie.
“Oh Grandma, you otay????” Her curly head pops from over the mattress and the room fills with laughter at her innocence and dumbness, she's just three, you prick.
“My silly little bear.” Harry’s laugh fades into giggles while he settles her bum on his chest and cuddles her tightly into his neck despite of her whiny protests and squiggles to let her free.
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cloudy-leonhart · 4 years ago
Marleyan Warriors with a Filipino S/O!!
[Author Note: this is literally a re-do of my headcanons bc tumblr’s being mean and deleting my drafts, anyways trying to rush another finished bc outta here 😭 also! Reminder that my requests are OPEN, don’t be afraid to send in any requests!!]
Summary: Marleyan Warriors with a Pinoy S/O!
Recommended Song: Titibo-Tibo by Moira Dela Torre
TW: Swearing.
Theme: Fluff, Modern AU.
Characters: Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Zeke, Pieck, Porco.
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Annie Leonhart
Annie knew, she actually met you at an event for those with cultures, and saw you dancing with your friends to traditional filipino folk music.
She was kinda hesitant to go when you asked her to accompany you to the Philippines, she didn’t like traveling.
She was kinda shocked on how welcoming your family was, your mom and dad hugged her out of nowhere and she just let out a squeak.
Your little sister forced her to go to SM mall with her omg- She literally came home with bags of candy.
Yes, Annie has a soft spot for your family, she probably almost spent all her money on them.
Buchi rivals her love for donuts. She looked like she discovered a new universe after eating one of them thangs.
God, help her when she’s watching filipino movies, your family encouraged her to watch movies with them, and by the end of it she was a mess, pretty sure she cried into your shoulder after watching Seven Sundays.
You see, Annie is a really fast learner, she was bound to learn to be able to speak some point in her stay.
You were shocked when she spoke back to you in tagalog, like ‘dropped my stuff out of shock’ kinda way. 
IT WAS A PAIN GETTING HER INTO A BARO’T SAYA. But bribing her with Buchis got her to keep it on for like 2 hours so like..good enough.
Her favourite filipino song is Porque.
Everybody acts like it’s a concert for every karaoke night because she’s there, like she’s just THAT good.
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Reiner Braun
This man was so awkward. He went on a trip with Bertholdt to the Philippines, and met you.
He didn’t think you would understand him, so he just stared at you while you talked with your friends, until you were creeped out enough and asked him if he had a problem.
When you and him started dating, you convinced him to travel all around the country. 
Firstly, you guys visited your family, your dad absolutely loved him, your mom was a little bit hesitant in letting him in the family, he was blonde, big and buff. Filipinos are bound to worry. Until Reiner cooked with her, then she started to warm up to him.
Okay but why did your family’s chickens like him so much??
He likes the feeling of being around your family, him not having a dad left an impact on him and he felt complete being with you and your family, he swore to himself that he’d marry you.
He almost fainted when he found you battling with one of the kids with your pet spider, mf was deathly afraid of your spider, it was like the size of your hand pls-
I think he’d be fairly good at speaking tagalog, he’s got an accent but people can understand him. 
He eats like a tito omg- You lost him at a party once and when you found him, he’s already eaten half of the barbecue. 
Everyone thought he was really old, because of his beard so everyone called him tito Reiner. 
He’s somewhat good with the village kids, you could see Reiner playing soccer with the kids or goofing off.
He says he doesn’t like watching Manny Pacquiao but it’s his guilty pressure.
He doesn’t really listen or watch anything filipino, but he will listen to old filipino bands if you play them in his car.
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Bertholdt Hoover
HAHA PLs- you got mad at him for eating your cake and started cursing in filipino. He was confused because he thought you were just blurting out nonsense.
One second you’re explaining what you were saying and the next second y’all are on the way to the Philippines.
He sweats like a waterfall, LITERALLY. Everyone would like move away because he sweated that much.
You had a private island..because y’all were RICH rich. he was kinda awestruck, you literally just said out of nowhere.
“oh yeah, we have a private island.” ‘YOU HAVE A FUCKING WHAT??”
Poor baby was kinda intimidated by your basket-ball player of a brother, he was taller than Bertholdt omg-
You’re always worrying him somehow, he’s be on the toilet and he’d just hear you scream and he comes running down with his boxers, just to see you watching a telenovela and you had to tell him that you were just gushing over the drama.
He has never felt so embarrassed.
Am I the only one who thinks he looks amazing in a Barong?? Like he’d rock that shit- 
He loves eating filipino food, he likes when you guys stay in the country and you go out to buy bread at the nearest bakery.
Like every filipino, he too, dips his bread in coffee.
He ended up learning guitar while he’s in the Philippines, the country’s filled with people who can sing amazingly, he’s bound to learn guitar.
His favourite filipino song to play is Tadhana, it’s also the only song that he knows to sing to, like he absolutely butchers pronunciation for words but this man covers it up with this song.
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Zeke Jaeger
He bumped into you and you cursed at him in tagalog, he basically just fell for you at that point.
I just know your family secretly hates this man, he slapped your ass once around your mom and your dad, it’s always tense when he’s around now.
You don’t have the heart to tell him your parents saw because one afternoon, he was gushing and praising your family, you didn’t want to ruin his happiness, his dad’s barely around and his mom passed away. he’d obviously be attached.
Yes you had to talk to your parents about it, a lot of filipinos are very kinds and forgiving, so your parents were very understanding, and made sure he felt loved around the family.
He actually almost cried when your dad told him to marry you already.
He calls your parents nanay and tatay.
You got him to buy a pet spider please- You would catch him fighting a kid’s spider to the death in a match, he’d feel bad though so he buys them new ones after.
Hey this man looks so hot in a Barong, please. You guys had to book a hotel for a night for some alone time yk.
Lord help this man, he tried to do the tinikling dance and he tripped, in front of everyone.
Every night, he comes to bed all shirtless, you could just hear the air conditioner buzzing as he tells you how fun it was playing with the village kids, or talking about he and your titos had a drink while watching a boxing match.
He more so listens to various artists, he doesn’t have a favourite.
but he will replay Joseph Vincent’s filipino covers.
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Pieck Finger
She was on a business trip in the Philippines, and you were coincidentally at the same bar they were celebrating at. You were by the karaoke section and she kinda just, fell in love with you. right there and then.
Honestly some people thought you guys were siblings, Pieck can be mistaken as a filipino easily so, you guys expect it from time to time.
She likes to ask from time to time to teach her guitar, your mom probably has a lot of pictures of you and Pieck.
She loves eating the food in the Philippines, she thinks the adobo is great and if you lose her in public she’s probably by a street vendor eating food.
You guys dance to old filipino songs, a replaying song for you guys is Mabagal by Daniel Padillia and Moira Dela Torre.
She learnt Moira’s Part while you had Daniel’s part. 
GUys she looks so beautiful in a Baro’t Saya. And she knows it, she flaunts it so well.
You guys probably have a vacation house in the Philippines after leaving with her to go back to her country.
She helps you with packing balikbayan boxes for your family, she makes handwritten letters, she’s both good at writing and saying anything in tagalog. 
Her favourite artist is definitely Moira Dela Torre, she just loves her airy voice.
Favourite Filipino Movie? Yes.
You cannot tell me she doesn’t have a shelf full of filipino movies you guys watch.
Her favourite street food is probably qwek-qwek. She likes the sauce she dips, and she probably bought almost twenty bucks worth of the fishballs.
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Porco Galliard
UGh honestly he’s a little cringey when it comes to the culture, for some reason I can see him accidentally disrespecting it somehow, I can’t help it.
Your family owned a sari-sari store, and he could not help for the love of him, he ended up being the one stocking it up while you chatted with the customers. 
Like Pieck, he and you dance when you’re alone, he probably learnt from Pieck too.
He listens to modern filipino artists, like Ex Battalion, Skusta Clee.
He tries hard to really be respectful, he butchers the way he says nanay and tatay but your parents appreciate the effort.
I can see him being able to secretly make amazing filipino desserts, his ube cake is bomb.
He watches Basketball with your dad, and they both drink during the match.
I can also see him being the type to scream out curses when he hurts himself, a ‘PUNYETA’ comes out of his mouth.
he doesn’t enjoy the hot weather in the Philippines, and due to that, he wears sandos all the time at home, and when he goes out, every girl always looks at him because he’s ripped, yes you’re jealous, but as you should, he’s your mans-
He also knows how use a barbecue grill? You can find him helping your family members while they’re selling barbecue.
he hates going to SM?? He just really hates going, because you genuinely just go for the food court. They sell hella good food.
One time he got chased by the village dogs, so he doesn’t go out without you or a family member.
He secretly loves watching telenovelas with you.
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abarbaricyalp · 4 years ago
Idk if you are still taking prompts, but you know the vine two dudes chilling in a hot tub 5 feet apart cause they're not gay, and a girl quoting it in a park about two girls in the distance and one of them hearing and going "Actually I am gay" Like that scenario, only involving them fixing the boat? Maybe Sarah quoting it to give Sam shit when she thinks Bucky cant hear and Bucky goes "Wait, no I'm gay" or something, or just the general gist of that. Sorry if this us too specific, I've never sent anyone a prompt before :P
Hello Friend! Thank you so much for sending anything in at all! I know the vine you're talking about, but I couldn't find it on Youtube. (I did find a two day rabbit hole of old compilations though) This was also my first foray into writing Sarah as a fully fleshed character! I was excited to get the practice 'cause I had an idea bouncing around in my head about her and Bucky talking after he wakes up in the Wilson house. I kept her a little more like she had been in my other fics pre-show here. I so wish we got a little more of her!
Feel free, anyone, to send me Sambucky prompts!
The North American Superhero in a Domestic Situation
Sarah Wilson loved her brother deeply. The kind of soul crushing love that could only be formed through family, loss, and approximately four thousand brawls around the living room throughout their life. She looked up to her brother more than she could ever imagine looking up to anyone. Even when they were fighting or picking on each other, she couldn’t help but feel a swell in her chest when he came into her line of sight.
That didn’t mean she understood him. In fact, from the age of eight, watching her brother interact with the world had become her go-to pastime. Why did he have to roll every pea around the plate individually before eating them? Why did he and his friends spend seven years socking each other in the arm to prove friendship? Why did he talk to himself in the mirror, even when he knew Sarah or someone else was standing in the doorway?
Sam Wilson was just deeply weird. She had no idea how he had tricked the Avengers, a plethora of bad guys, and half of the media world into thinking he was remotely cool. She saw a news story once that had King T’Challa standing on a platform with Sam and the newscasters talked about how impressive Sam’s suit was. It was unnatural, the effect he had on people.
And in all her years, she never thought she’d see anyone weirder than Sam. But then James Barnes had showed up. It was like a complete reversal of Sam. Sarah was taken in for approximately three hours by his charm and face before she realized he too was deeply, deeply weird.
She justified sitting on the edge of the Paul and Darlene, watching her brother and James Barnes spar off about some dumb trivia fact, by deciding it was an anthropological expedition. The North American Superhero in a Domestic Situation. She watched Sam watch Barnes take a long pull off his beer. She watched Barnes kick his feet up near Sam’s legs and then draw them back quickly when a current jolted the boat. She watched Barnes’ fingers tap-tap-tap against the edge of the boat, inching closer to Sam’s shoulder before he chickened out and brought his hand back to his own lap. She watched Sam suggest Bucky take his jacket off, ‘unless you plan on sun blinding me with the robocop arm.’ She watched Sam look away when Barnes did shrug his jacket off.
When she was seventeen and Sam was fifteen, she had found Sam crying in his room, pillow pressed to his face to muffle the noise. They were at the age where going into each other’s rooms uninvited started international conflicts, but Sarah, who watched her brother intently, felt like she knew what was going on. So she let herself in through their Jack-and-Jill bathroom and shut the door behind her.
Sam didn’t stop crying, not even to yell at her to get out, so she sat on the end of his bed and rolled a baseball under her foot for a while. Finally, she’d said, “You don’t have to tell Mom and Dad, y’know.”
Sam had just about wailed and bit the corner of his pillow to stop himself.
“That’s gross, stop it,” Sarah ordered and pushed Sam’s shoulder back enough to yank his pillow free and then reached over to wipe the tears from his cheeks. “I should make you do the laundry this week so I know I’m not touching your snot germs,” she teased softly.
“How did you know?” Sam hiccuped out. Tears were still brimming at his eyes, but they didn’t fall.
“I’m your older sister. I made you. Like a doll. You think there’s something about you that I don’t know?” she joked. And when the tears did spill over his long lashes, she sighed and pulled him closer to her side. “I just know the way you interact with that boy from the basketball team ain’t just friendly.”
“Jesus, do you think he can tell?” Sam asked and she could hear the mortification in his voice.
“Sam, he’s a freshman in high school. The only thing he knows is that he’s scared of everything too. No one’s paying that much attention to you.”
“Screw you,” Sam muttered.
“What’re all these tears for you if you didn’t make a move and get shot down?”
“God, Sarah, can you not say things like that?”
“Watch your mouth,” Sarah warned with no heat in her voice. “Come on, tell me what’s wrong. I’m not leaving until you do.”
“I just…” Sam sat up and worked his jaw for a while. His chin dimpled and his eyes watered but he managed to control himself. “I’m scared, Sarah. I’m scared of never being in love. Of having to leave if I am. I’m scared to say something and I’m scared not to say something. I’m so scared of...losing any of it.”
“Sam,” Sarah sighed and pulled Sam into another hug. “You’re fifteen. You’re not supposed to be in love yet. You don’t have to think about any of that. You just have to focus on passing Geometry, alright? Mom’ll whoop your ass more for failing than anything else.”
“I have a B+, that’s not failing!” Sam snapped. He kept his face against her shoulder for a second long before he sat up and wiped his tears away. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
“Who am I gonna tell? I told you, my friends don’t like you as much as you think they do.”
“Your friends like me more than they like you,” Sam shot back and he almost sounded normal.
Sarah smiled softly and patted Sam’s cheek. “I won’t tell Mom or Dad. Of course not. That’s for you to do. But--”
“I’m always going to tell them when you sneak out the window.”
“No! Sam! You can’t! You owe me now!”
“Going to field parties is not the same thing!” Sam said in a shriek as Sarah leaned over to pinch his sides. They grappled for a second before Sam managed to push Sarah off the bed.
“You owe me,” she reminded him as she walked back to the bathroom.
Sam wiped his eyes again and nodded. “Sure, Sarah. I do.”
Sam almost had the same look on his face now. Like there was something he wanted to reach for that he thought was too impossible to hold. The Older Sister Instinct to Antagonize into a Solution kicked in.
“Two bros, chilling on a boat, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay,” she sing-songed. Sam looked mortified again but masked his face into something more irritated with a roll of his eyes when Barnes looked over at him.
“Ignore her. It’s this old video--” Sam started.
But Bucky interrupted to say, “Actually I am gay,” as he looked back over at Sarah. “Sorry if I got your hopes up,” he added with a grin that really did get the hopes up.
“What?” Sam asked and Sarah, ever watchful, could see the beer bottle shaking in his hand.
“What?” Bucky repeated innocently.
“He said he’s gay,” Sarah clarified.
“Thank you, Sarah,” Sam ground out. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Bucky snorted. “When would I have said anything? ‘Sorry for ripping your wings off and kicking you off of a hellicarrier, by the way I’m gay.’?”
“You did what?” Sarah asked.
“‘Sorry for claiming I didn’t bomb the UN only to be reverted back to the assassin who would have done that and then fighting you again. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘Thanks for saving my life. Sorry about the giant undersea prison. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘There’s an imminent battle with weird ass space dogs that want to eat our faces. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘Sorry about Tony Stark, whose life I kind of ruined. Lovely funeral. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘I’m in the middle of being pissed at you about the Shield. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘Maybe don’t take me rolling through a field of flowers. It does things to me ‘cause I’m gay.’ ‘John Walker’s fucking insane. I’m gay, but definitely not for this bullshit.’ I mean, come on, Sam.”
“Flowers?” Sarah asked.
“Besides, why would you care? I don’t make it a habit of telling straight guys I’m into guys.”
“You don’t seem to make a habit of telling many people that,” Sarah pointed out. “I googled you. Nothing suggesting that came up.”
Bucky shrugged. “I’m a guy from the 30s. It was trained out of me.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Sarah said quickly. “Back up away from that because we’re not gonna try to Oppression Olympics our way through our histories. Did you just say Sam was straight?”
“Sarah!” Sam hissed.
“Sure. I mean, I saw him with Romanov. Hill. He has Tinder on his phone.”
“Samuel Thomas, you better not,” Sarah warned lightly. “You’re better than that.”
“He’s a lady-killer.”
Sarah snorted and had to bring her hand up to her face. “He definitely is not. There has been no lady-killing on his end for a long time.”
“Sarah!” Sam tried again.
“You explain it to him then. Mr. 30s is gonna need the long way round explanation.”
Sam sighed and dragged his hand over his face. “Dammit. Fine. I’m not straight either, alright? I’, or something. It’s been a while since I’ve had to think about it.”
“What?” Bucky asked, not unlike Sam had.
“He said he’s bisexual. Interested in both parties. Swings either way. Hit a homerun and then hasn’t really swung since.”
“Sarah, Jesus Christ,” Sam groaned.
“What?” Bucky asked again.
“I was engaged. To a man,” Sam said.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Bucky asked, clearly missing the irony.
“Oh, it was inconvenient for you but I had plenty of opportunities, huh?” Sam asked. “Ms. Tell-It-All over there wasn’t joking. I haven’t swung any direction in a while. Not since before I met Steve. My fiance died. And then it never came up.”
Bucky blinked at Sam. He kept bringing the bottle halfway up his body and then setting it back on his leg without ever taking a drink. “Fuck, Sam, I’m sorry,” Bucky said, which was not what Sarah was expecting and it clearly wasn’t what Sam was expecting because Sam finally moved closer to Bucky on the bench.
“What for? You didn’t do anything. This time.”
“Yeah, but if I’d known you were into me too, I woulda kissed you in Germany.”
“Oh, I am so not into you,” Sam denied. “And I wouldn’t have our first kiss ruined by immediately running into the government’s roving show monkey.”
“That’s the worst,” Bucky agreed and also finally moved over on the bench until they were pressed thigh to thigh. “Tell me how much you don’t like me again,” he challenged.
“I can’t stand you,” Sam answered and brought his hand up to Bucky’s jaw.
Sarah couldn’t fight down the grin that came to her face and turned to prop her feet on the pier, back to Sam and Bucky. Just this once, she didn’t need to watch her brother to understand him.
Read on AO3 here!
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rickys-crypt · 4 years ago
Bringing Your Girl to the Cookout: Class 1A Girls X Black!GN!Reader
I didn't have time to do a whole lot but I did want to do a little something! Hope your day was enjoyable! Happy Valentine's day AND Black History Month!
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Yeah, you don't have to worry about Mina. She knows what to do.
She brings some yams and you spend half the night making sure no one slanders them.
Not that anyone would. They're delicious.
You in the kitchen? She's right by your side, helping you bring the food out.
Visiting with the grandparents? She's charming them effortlessly with her bubbly personality.
Dealing with your hatin-ass aunties? She's dishing it right back with a smile.
You love her so much.
She knows all the dances. The cupid shuffle. The electric slide. The wobble. She knows some you ain't even heard of!
Your cousins love her.
In fact, a few of them love her a little too much, and you gotta remind them who she came with.
"AHT! That's MY girl. The only one she backing that thang up on is ME. Get to stepping."
She laughs, more than a little happy to hear you call her yours.
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Momo, bless her heart, did not understand potato salad.
"Why don't we just get some from the store?" "Baby my family will clown me until kingdom come if we bring store-bought potato salad."
She was excited to help you through!
"How's this?" "Mmm, needs a little more salt and pepper."
It was all worth it to see everyone watch her as if she was an angel when the two of you arrived.
Probably won't dance with you, but has a plate or something to drink waiting for when you sit down.
Everyone already treats her like she's part of the family.
Your grandma already told her she can use the family veil in the wedding.
"Granny we're not even engaged-" "Then get a move on! I don't have all the time in the world to wait!"
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Ochako surprised you on how well she can throw down in the kitchen.
Your momma was so mad somebody made her signature greens until she got a bite.
Now she giving you the 'if-you-don't marry-her' look and you're low-key sweating.
She also loves the kids, and they love watching her use her Quirk.
She asks you to make her a plate bc she trusts you to know what's good and you almost swoon.
Everyone loves this absolute sweetheart.
She doesn't know any of the dances, but once she sees them she's got the moves down.
She has a great time, and you're so glad to see her so happy.
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Everyone doesn't really know what to think about Tsuyu at first. She seems a little distant at first, mostly sticking to you.
But as the night goes on, she opens up and everyone loves her calm personality.
Your uncle's are impressed at how good she is at poker, and you don't have the heart to tell then that you taught her how to play like two weeks ago.
Always asks if anyone wants anything when she gets up, and always remembers to bring it back.
Also made the mac and cheese everyone's been raving about.
You helped, but the two of you were both so excited to see her do it herself.
She steals your jacket later on and snuggles into you bc she gets cold, and you think she looks absolutely adorable.
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Kyouka, bless her heart, cannot cook to save her life.
However, her punch is the bomb.
You are so glad you convinced her to make two pitchers and bring the stuff she uses to make it bc everyone loved it.
She tends to stick to you all night, but she's still happy to say hello to everyone.
Your cousins start clowning you and you have to resist the urge to start swinging.
"It's the dating a girl who looks like a Japanese version of Hayley Williams for me." "It's about to be the broken ribs for me if you don't shut up."
She gets anxious and you have to explain that they don't mean anything bad by it, and that it's just how y'all communicate a little later to calm her down.
One of your little cousins started learning the guitar, and you convince them to let her borrow it.
The two of you end up doing a duet and it's super cute.
You try to give the guitar back but lil man won't take it.
"You want me to keep playing after that? Nah!"
She offers to give him a lesson, and you don't see her again until you make her a plate and go to give it to her.
The way she smiles up at you has you falling in love with her all over again.
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The two of you made chicken. Toru had never had your chicken before, and after one bite she was in love.
She scared anyone who had the nerve to say it wasn't that good behind your back.
She also "accidentally" spilled her water on one of your cousins's friends who wouldn't stop trying to hit you up.
Hey, no means no amiright?
She always manages to get the last of your favorites right under people's noses.
Sits in your lap most of the night since people just tend to accidentally sit on her if she sits in a chair.
She also knows most of the dances, and the two of you dance the night away in each other's arms.
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tintentrinkerin · 4 years ago
Cathartic Arrest
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Characters: Michael (Supernatural), Minor Characters
Additional Tags: Post-Hell Dean Winchester, Post-Lucifer’s Cage Sam Winchester, Dubious Consent, Caning, Codependent Winchesters (Supernatural), It’s all about inflicting and receiving punishment, Jealousy
Summary: ”Sam needs to cope with memories of Lucifer’s abuse. Dean is still trying to cope with this time as torture Master in Hell.
And he’s JEALOUS.”
Word Count 1,793
Sam was still shaking when he got back to the bunker. He had taken his time before he came back home, but still. This time, it had all been different. She had to help him back into his pants, his shirt, even tuck his shirt in, help him ground himself; when he still didn’t come down from what just happened, she made him sit in her “calm room” as she called it. 
She gave him food, good food. Fruits. Pineapple, strawberries, vanilla infused yoghurt. Juices of passion fruit and apples, bread with butter and some lean chicken tenders. He could choose whatever music he wanted, but all he ever would choose was hard rock – the music of his childhood, part of his youth and part of Dean. The music in his ears, usually is of a different, much more intense nature. He’d tried pop. One Direction. Too happy. He’d tried Nu Metal. He was too old to bounce back into his emo stage, also known as his years at Stanford. He had tried all kinds of metal. Trash, Death, Melodic, Symphonic. Nightwish. Later Aesthetic Perfection. All good music, quality wise. But nothing was ever louder than the noises in his head. The crying of baby Sam Winchester, inner-child Sam Winchester. Traumatized and angry and helpless. 
Only the noise of a cane meeting his skin, his ass, his legs, even his feet, his own painful cries, the muffled grunts, the thank you’s and the yes'es, the reenactment of his shame, would silence the child. It’d been rough today. The wax on his chest left pink swollen spots, the cane beat him bloody this time.
“I can stop, aye?” she said. 
“No, Mistress. Don’t. I want it to bleed.”
She’s not his Domme and he’s not her slave. He isn’t that twisted in his mind to reenact the power exchange, his own powerlessness. Michael watching. Michael. That god forsaken coward.
Sam was still shaking when he started Baby’s engine, slowly rolling away from the place he visits when pressing on his scar stops working. And it’s been working less and less and less. Until nothing else will help but being beaten up by someone to finally overcome the pain, the helplessness, the feeling of being weak and useless. Sam Winchester might be broken, but he still can take a beating without crying.
Dean hates liars. Which is kind of, let’s say  hypocritical, given his nature, his past. He lied to Sam about hell, he lied about the deal, he constantly lies to the only person who will probably never leave him. Because even if Sam does leave, he always comes back. He won’t even die for good. Dean doesn’t, Sam doesn’t. They’re here, two moons in this earth’s gravitational pull, doomed to circle each other; the forces of nature keeping them in place but always keeping them apart. 
It's one of those days when Sam says he’s about to go jogging, but since when does he have to drive fifty miles to some secluded forest area to jog when they're in the literal middle of nowhere? Dean has seen Sam in the showers. They have their privacy here, both want that or pretend to, but the showers are group showers, long lines of shower heads like in school gyms. They usually lock the doors, so why, this one time, does Sam not lock himself up like he used to? Dean knows about the nightmares, the triggers, the sudden flashbacks and the pressing of Sam’s thumb against the palm of his cut hand. He noticed cuts, deep cuts around Sam’s wrists, that never heal because he keeps on scratching off the scab. The bleeding never stops. 
Dean decides that today, enough is enough. He knows this trauma, he was in Hell too. He tortured innocent people, he tortured Bela fucking Talbot. A woman he really respected in the end, though he sugar coated it with cunt-y behaviour. He’s seen so many faces twisted in pain and agony – and all they do in the end? – cry for mama. They cry for their fucking mother, and Sam? Dean wonders who he cried for in the Cage?
Sam is packed up in his “jogging outfit” and he’s about to leave, when Dean gets up from his armchair in the library.
“Where ya goin’, Sammy?”
He jumps.
“Jesus, don’t scare me, man. Really? I’m going jogging.”
“There’s a whole ass forest in front of the batcave, Sam. Why not go there?”
Sam looks down and Dean knows, he’s angry. He’s angry because Dean caught him in his damn lie and there’s no good way out of it.
“I have a jogging buddy over there,” Sam clears his throat, his whole body is tense. Ready to run. Wherever.
“Ah, jogging buddy, I see. Lemme guess, their name is Mistress Lana and he looks bomb in tracksuits.”
Sam is about to erupt and he grows, his posture straightens and he yells. “This is private Dean, you have no, absolutely NO right to spy after me like a--”
“Like a what?”
“Like a fucking jealous wife who caught me in an affair?”
Dean falls silent, but his body, pure, condensed power, anger, fear, slams his arm against Sam’s throat and presses him to the wall. 
“It is exactly like that. You drive an hour to see a dominatrix, to what? You become a subby bootlicker all of a sudden? You like that?”
Sam’s nostrils flare and damn, now Dean is on freakin’ thin ice. He is so goddamn jealous of this woman giving Sam something that Dean would give him freely. And happily. He would give him the relief he needs. 
“Don’t talk like that!” Sam hisses, trying to wind himself out of Dean’s grip but he’s still sore from the last time Lana tied him up like a Christmas present and hung him on the wall like a pig-half at the butcher’s. Sam loved the marks of the rough rope, loved the feeling of just hanging there, floating, the ground beneath him so far away, the rock bottom so far…“You have no idea how I feel!”
Dean’s head tilts to the side. “I tortured people in Hell, Sam. I know how to make you feel the worst pain of your life – but I can also give you the greatest relief. I can show you mercy, because that’s what you really want. Isn’t it?”
Sam finally breaks free and attacks Dean, one hit after another, breaks Dean’s nose, gives him a black eye, and it only stops when Dean lands a blow right over Sam’s kidney – he staggers back. 
“I deserve the pain,” Sam wheezes. “I don’t rely on anyone’s mercy.”
Dean drags him up and brings Sam, who is suddenly so pliant, to his room. What no one has ever known about is the secret door. Dean’s not a witch, Sam would be a great one, but Dean managed to hide a tiny little torture chamber behind his room. Sam fights,  he insults Dean. Dean knows, yes he knows, it’s Sam’s way of provoking him and, kind of, making Dean stop. 
Sam knows that, when he came back from Hell, Dean fucked around even more than before he’d died –but no one ever saw him with the girls, the submissive ones, the broken little dolls he found. This is Deam’s coping. Reenacting Hell.
Sam clings on to Dean when he’s tied to the bench, naked. Sam is still black and blue, some of his bruises had turned green-yellowish already but no one should hurt him there again. These bruises would take ages to heal, if they’re lucky, without a doctor needed. Sam isn’t fighting anymore, he’s crying.
“Please Dean, take it off of me. Please… I can’t… Take it OFF!”
“I can’t”, Dean says, gently, brushing away Sam’s tears.“Does she fuck you?”
A gasp. “What? Why--?”
“Simple question, Sammy. Does. She. Fuck you?”
Sam nods, hiding his face in his hair and pressing his forehead against the padding.
“I can’t spank you in this condition. You have to heal. Why would you go to that woman when you’re still so roughed up?”
“Why do you care?”Sam’s voice is so thin. Little, scared Sammy, and there was no one in the Cage to save him from what happened. 
“Sammy.” Is all Dean says.
“My Sammy.”
Dean is not like that. He loves Sammy, and he would do a lot, but he won’t do That.
Dean’s favorite is his cane. Rattan. Unpeeled. Sam endures several hard blows, in a staccato, a rhythm other people would faint from. But Sammy is strong, and he wants to be broken.
And Dean is giving him that. He can think of the girls and boys in Hell while doing it, like he’s not the one inflicting this pain on Sam, but it feels so damn good. Purging. Sam’s cries and whimpers, his yells and finally, finally, when Dean is about to lose control and maul Sam alive – there’s the one Sammy would cry for.
A gasp. The blows stop. Blood dripping down Sam’s legs. 
So gentle. So tender. So silent. 
“Dean, I want to go home….” and that is truly when Sam is broken, the last bastion of his mind, his pride, his goddamn pride is stripped from him. He babbles, he cries, snot and tears and gulps, he even chokes on his cries. “I want to be home with Dean, please hold me, Dean, take me home, Dean…”
Dean dissolves. His own trauma resolves for a minute. He knows, it will never fully go away, he will never heal. But.
“Sammy. I’m here, Sammy. Come here. I’ll take you home, my baby brother. I’m here.”
“Dean, I love you”, Sam chokes out. It could be anything. It could be nothing.
“Sammy, I love you more.”
Dean leans onto Sam’s heaving, still tied up body, sweat and blood, tears, the sobs. When Dean releases Sam from the restraints and carries him to a sofa, he huddles up in Dean's lap. Like a newborn. Overwhelmed with the world outside, sobbing and crying for Dean. Dean is here, holding him tight. Offering him water and more blankets.
Lucifer has never been closer, but Dean has blown him away from Sam. He made Sam just forget for a while. It’s so fucked up, but he can live with fucked up. As long as it’s with Sam and Sam never, fucking never, goes to a whore again when he can have everything from Dean.
Dean will do anything for Sam. 
“I’m here. You’re home.”
»And I will never let you go.«
@laxe-chester67 @deanking @vulgar-library @writethelifeyouwant @itsabookishblog @schaefchenherde @sacrificialtendencies @cloudesworld @all-4-wincest @ohnoitsthebat @rpsocsandcanonohmy @stemroses @nightmarecait @lostmykiliel @alexa-alcantara @wincestismyheart @closetedshippers @dragonardhill @alex-is-a-gay-human
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merakiaes · 5 years ago
Best Friends Headcannon - Geralt Of Rivia
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Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x reader (platonic)
Requested: By @by-the-primes​
Prompts: None. 
Warnings/notes: This is my first time ever writing a headcannon and it turned out more of a one-shot hahaha xD I went a bit overboard and I’m not used to this kind of post at all so sorry if it sucks. 
Wordcount: 3430
Summary: Headcannons of being best friends with Geralt. 
You had first met Geralt of Rivia when you were merely twenty-four years of age. 
Seeing as you were human and didn’t age the same way he did, you were quite a bit younger, even though he didn’t look to be a year older than thirty. 
You were of noble blood and with your parents’ consent, you had headed out into the world to “find yourself”, but in reality, you just didn’t want to be stuck at home in tight, frilly dresses listening to your mother go on about potential suitors all day, every day.
So with only a bag containing some clothes, gold and other things needed to survive, you headed out on your own. 
Having been locked up pretty much your entire life had made you quite the bratty smartass. You didn’t have a filter and rarely knew when to stop talking back to people, which was the first thing Geralt got to learn about you upon first meeting you.  
Long story short, he had to save your ass in a tavern when you had picked a fight with the wrong person, severely having underestimated the amount of backup your new enemy had. 
At this point, you had only been on your own for approximately a week and still had plenty of gold left, and offered to pay for his dinner and room as a thank you. 
He accepted, but stared at you weirdly the entire time, sitting quietly until you told him to get on with it and speak his mind.
“Do you not know who I am?” “White hair, amber eyes, Witcher pendant hanging around your inhumanly muscular neck, yeah I think I have an idea. I just don’t care. Heroes and villains, we're all somewhere in between.”
You parted ways the same night as he stayed behind to care for a monster-problem, and you headed on to the next town. 
It was already the next day that you met again. 
He had come to the town you had landed yourself in and left into town for some business, and come back to the stables to find you petting and talking to Roach, feeding him apples from your bag. 
“Hm, you again.”  “Nice to see you, too, Witcher.”
You traveled to your next destination together, and Geralt quickly realized that you were in no way a noble lady, despite being raised so. 
You were a big eater and completely terrible at singing. Your personality was gruff and grumpy, but at the same time, you never seemed to drop the sarcasm. Your humour was crude, your language vulgar, and your temper was a ticking bomb. 
The latter forced Geralt to have to step in and prevent you from digging your own grave on more than one occasion. 
“Be nice.” “I am.” “You threatened them with a knife.” “But did I stab them?”
He acted out of logic, and you acted out of your emotions. 
“Learn how to sit back and observe. Not everything needs a reaction.” “That’s easy for someone who is incapable of feeling to say.”
You set camp together later that night, Geralt leaving you in charge of the campsite while he planned to go fetch some firewood.
“What if something creeps up on me?” “Trust your gut.” “I have anxiety. My gut is always telling me to abort mission.” “How have you survived on your own so far?” “Well, I’ve only been on my own for a week as of yet.” “Hm.”
You would think he would be the one snoring but he laid as quiet as a mouse throughout the night. 
Instead, you turned out to be the one with the sinus problem, your snoring keeping him awake and leaving him aggravated to the point where he wanted to smother himself with a pillow the next morning. 
“Good morning, sunshine.” “No.” “I believe the proper response is good morning.” “No.” “Yes, but-“ “No.”
You went on with your morning, and he handed you the map to which you were quick to shake your head. 
“No, no, no. You do not want me navigating. I’ll accidentally navigate us off a cliff.” “Then we die. Now shut up and turn the map in the right direction.” “Alright, alright, I got it. I know where we’re going.”
Fast forward an hour and you’re standing at the edge of a mountain, looking out over the landscape of a town you had never before seen or intended to go to.
“I thought you said you knew where you were going.” “Yeah, I lied. But in my defense, I did tell you not to put me in charge of navigating.” “That you did.”
You were forced to turn around and go back to camp, and start the journey all over again. 
But you didn’t reach it, instead being captured by a couple of elves along the way. 
Despite barely knowing you, Geralt was instantly protective of you. 
“I’m trying my best to be polite but if you move that knife a centimeter closer to her I will tear you apart.”
Unbeknownst to him, as he was taking punches behind you and trying to talk himself out of your difficult situation, you were taking your flexible wrists to advantage, being able to snap them on command, allowing you to get out of cuffs. 
To say that he was terrified when he caught sight of your limp, deformed hands was an understatement. Luckily, however, it was enough to stun your captors and allow Geralt to knock them out. 
You found Roach right where you had left him before you had been taken, and continued heading to your original destination. 
After making it to the right town this time, you parted ways, but once again destiny brought you together the next morning and from then on you just kinda stuck together. 
Being a Witcher was work enough, but now he also had to take on the responsibility of keeping you safe. Something that proved very hard when he was the one wanting to kill you most of the times. 
You just never shut up, it was infuriating. 
But it did work in his favor sometimes, too. More often than not, you would do all the talking for him whenever he was approached about a monster-problem so that he wouldn’t have to. 
In most cases your vocabulary was cut down to “piss off”, “we don’t care” or “leave”, but on the rare occasion, you would switch it up with a “come to mama” if they flashed a bag of cold in front of your eyes, followed by a shameless order in the likes of “Geralt, go do your thing.” 
When he would only stare at you in annoyance for selling him off, usually in the middle of his meals as most people approached you in the taverns you stayed at, you would only add “please” because you knew it would vex him further. 
But still, he would get up with a gruff rumble of his chest and stomp off to do his job.
You frequently started calling him Sunshine, the irony of it just being so good. 
He found the nickname irritating. As he did almost everything else you did. 
You were a very restless person, almost always tapping your foot or bouncing your leg whenever you sat down. 
“Stop that.” “The fact that you’re telling me to stop makes it so much more enjoyable.”
It got so annoying after a while he had to start putting his feet on top of yours underneath the table whenever you sat down in a tavern, or else he wouldn’t be able to eat in peace. 
It became a tradition for you that he ordered chicken and you ordered pork whenever you would stop to eat, and then you would give each other half of your food so that you each got a little bit of both. 
Much to his dismay, you also always switched his ale out for water if it was still light out, telling him it was unacceptable to start drinking before dark. 
How you always managed to succeed with it he didn’t know, because his eyes would purposely follow the tavern worker the entire way from your table to the bar to see to it that nothing happened on the journey. 
And still, he always received a boring mug of water. 
Before he met you he could travel for days, only sleeping in the woods. 
But you had a bad immune system, so now that you were moving together you could never move for too long at a time if the weather got bad. You needed to sleep under a proper roof in rain and storms to avoid you getting sick. 
After a while, the clothes you had brought with you from home weren’t usable anymore and had to be replaced. 
The only thing left from your original pack now was the blanket you had slept with every night for your entire life and four heavy books that you read over and over again. 
When in danger and having to get away quickly, Geralt had insisted countless of times just to leave it behind, to which you had insisted to go get it even if it meant putting your life in danger. 
After a while, he just got used to it and picked up the habit of reminding you of your bag every time you were starting to move somewhere else. 
When traveling, you would force him to stop by a lake or stream once every day to let you clean up. 
You might have left the safety of your home to travel the world but you still wanted to look decent. You had grown up noble, looking your best every day. 
You hated being filthy. 
And you hated messes, too. 
You might have constantly been on the move, not staying in one place for too long, but because of the way you were brought up you still despised messes. 
You usually stayed in the same room whenever you would seek refuge in a town for the night, and always scolded him and forced him to clean up his shit if he threw it on the floor. 
When you got the time to stay a bit longer and didn’t have any danger hot on your trails, however, you took separate rooms so that he could occupy himself with a no-strings-attached shag. 
Every morning after, you would casually burst into his room and wake him up, not caring in the slightest that he was naked with a woman, sometimes several, in bed. 
“Suit up, whore. We’re leaving,” You would say, to which the whores would always gasp and exclaim something along the lines of: “I beg your pardon?” while trying to cover up their bare chests, and failing miserably. 
Geralt would only grumble, wave them off and push himself up in bed. 
“She’s talking to me.”
You constantly insulted each other and talked shit about the other behind their back. 
“Maybe if you weren’t such a troublesome fobbing, clay-brained hugger-mugger, we could get some things done.”
But the insults didn’t stop with him.
“No one asked for your opinion you abominable shit gobbling.”
“Get out of my way you sorry excuse for a mammering, tickle-brained lewdster.”
“I fail to understand how you’ve become such a reprehensible fuck waffle.”
Those were only few of many insults you threw around at strangers every day, and although Geralt was amused by your big, unladylike mouth, it was worrying. 
“You’re one insult away from starting a war.” “How fun.” “You say that now, but you can barely even hold your own in a weaponless brawl.” “Can too!”
But you couldn’t. So he taught you how to wield a sword.
Already during your first sparring session, he accidentally stabbed you in the side, and your automatic response to feeling the steel bury itself into your flesh was a mere “rude” before passing out on the spot form the pain. 
But after that, you caught on quickly. And you started growing up quicker, too, taking after him and his antics. 
Soon enough, you had gone from mocking his constant humming and grumbling, to humming in sync with him. 
You always helped each other with tasks if needed, whether it be saddling Roach, setting up camp or gathering your stuff around the tavern rooms you would stay in every once in a while. 
You just worked well together, and didn’t need words to do so. 
You grew out of your overly spastic nature, but you still lacked a filter every time you opened your mouth so even years after first meeting, you would get into trouble. 
And if someone chose to fight one of you, they chose to fight both of you. 
Geralt always tried to avoid conflict and battle, but if someone as much as looked at you the wrong way, they better run. 
He was obviously the more rational one, trying to keep you out of trouble, to which you always seem to have a talent of stirring shit up even more.
“I had a thought…” “No. Don’t make that face.”
But he always came along anyway, and it most often ended up with a stab wound or two because you talked back to the wrong person. 
And you never got away without a scolding. 
“Get off the horse so I can explain in painstaking detail how much of a dumbass you are.” “Do I have a choice?” “No.”
There was no shame or shyness between you. 
You did things in the other’s presence that might have been considered romantic or intimate in the eyes of a spectator, but it was completely platonic. 
When the time was scarce, you sometimes had to bathe together, back to back, to get it done as quick as possible. 
You would shave his face and he would wordlessly put your hair up whenever he noticed it annoying you. 
The habit had started when you had injured your arm and was unable to do so yourself and just stuck with him after that. 
He couldn’t braid for shit, but he did do a decent bun. 
You always tied your laces too loosely, so he often had to redo them to prevent you from tripping over your feet. 
You would wear his shirts whenever you waited for yours to dry after a wash. 
You would fall asleep with your head on his shoulder. 
You would share beds and food. Rub each other’s shoulders to rid of the soreness after a beating or a fight. 
You made fun of each other always, and you found it particularly fun whenever he lost or took major damage in battle. 
“Nice blackeye, Sunshine.” “Shut your mouth.”
But still, you would always be there in his time of need to patch him up, and try to talk him into being more careful - exactly like he had been forced to do your reckless ass all those years ago. 
“Look, I’m glad you’ve saved everyone and all that but it’s time someone told you to take care of you.” “I’m fine. “No, you’re not, and furthermore, if you don’t take care of yourself, think of all the people who need you in the future who won't have you. Think of Ciri.”
It was funny, how you had been the one to be driven by emotions to a start, unable to control your anger and putting yourself in harm’s way, and now it was usually the other way around. 
You took care of him when it came to patching him up, and he took care of you in every other way. 
“Why aren’t you eating?” “Take my cloak.” “I’ll get the firewood, sit down.” “You can have my half.” “Watch your step.”
Those were only a few of the ways he told you he cared for you, along with “I hate you.”
“I hate you” became your way to say “I love you”, and you said it several times throughout the day. 
Even this long into your friendship, and countless of poems and songs later, people still got shocked when seeing you walk side by side down the streets. 
Geralt was powerful, had a serious face. You did not want to get on his bad side, let’s just leave it there.
But you. You were cute, had a kind face and a contagious laugh. You were kind, despite your big mouth and usually vulgar attitude. 
Still, he always warned people to never hurt you or else, but everyone always assumes he said this as a warning of what he would do to them, even though he was, in reality, warning them about you. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” “Why? What’s she gonna do? Woo me to death?” “Underestimate her. That will be fun.” 
Then they would approach you and find out you’re actually badass as shit, getting beaten to a bloody pulp. 
And all Geralt would say as he stepped over their body on the floor was: “I warned you.”
Six years into your friendship, you were a lot more mature than you had been at twenty-four, now thirty. But you were still a little shit, enjoying your companion’s displeasure. 
While Geralt would always open doors for you, you would always purposely slam them shut in his face, just to give him that extra work. 
You would slap him on the chest and say “language” every time he said “fuck” and then proceed to call him a cunt only minutes later.
You were an annoying piece of shit, but he got his revenge every blue moon. 
Men who were attracted to you would usually approach him first and ask for his blessing and advice, knowing you were of noble blood and pretty much impossible to impress. 
He would always play along, urge them on, encouraging them and telling them everything you didn’t like, and then stand by and await the show.
You weren’t dumb, always saw them speaking and always spotted the amused smirk on your partner’s face as he sent the men your way. 
So you followed his example and played along, standing by and listening to their pathetic attempts silently, pretending to be interested. 
Always thinking they had you hooked, they would touch you inappropriately and smirk. 
“Shall we?”
And to this, you would simply smile, before headbutting them to the floor and stepping over them. 
“Not even in your dreams.”
Walking back over to a snickering Geralt, you simply passed him, glaring into empty space. 
“I hate you.” “I know you do.”
One day Geralt left for some monster-killing-business, while you stayed behind in the town you had been in the past few nights with a broken arm. 
It was the first time in years that you split up, but you weren’t very worried. 
More so than anything, you were annoyed, when he came back with a chatterbox bard trailing behind. 
“Where are you from?” “Here and there.” “What do you do?” “This and that.” “You ever…?” “Now and then.” “Boy, you are just full of information, aren’t you?” “Or maybe your questions are just too boring to be worth an answer.” “I have NEVER been so insulted!” “You don’t listen much, do you?”
Finally, after so many years of it being only the two of you, karma had caught up to you. 
You were now forced to experience first hand what it was like being followed by someone who couldn’t stop running their mouth. 
“Come here.” “Why?” “Just come here.” “No, you’re going to hit me.” “She probably will.” “You guys realize how incredibly codependent you are, right?” “I fail to see your point, measel.” “Do you ever run out of insults?” “Only time will tell.” “She’s just a female version of you, isn’t she?” “She used to be a female version of you.” “That’s seriously hard to believe.”
It wasn’t long after that that you met Yennefer of Vengerberg. 
You didn’t like her, at all. But you learned to tolerate her for the sake of Geralt, trusting his judgment. 
But that didn’t stop you from keeping a watchful eye on her. 
Jaskier teased you endlessly for it, claiming you were jealous and in love with him, yourself. But it was nothing like that. 
You didn’t want romance. You wanted meaning and purpose and adventure and you found it all in him – a soulmate in the form of a best friend. 
Legends and rumors claimed Witchers weren’t capable of feeling human emotions but after being on the move with him for so long, you knew there was absolutely no truth to those claims. 
And if she hurt him, you would kill her yourself.
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