shameless-fujoshi · 6 years
Your BF posts are killing me!! I watched the first 2 episodes on Tuesday most of it on Wednesday and got up to date today and I'm a mess, i spoiled the ending for myself bevause I'm too upset to wait and I'm such a mess I love the characters so much lile they all deserve so much better I need them to just be happy for ONE EPISODE
Ash and Eiji deserve their own little happy bubble where only good things happen. 
I highly recommend fix-it fanfiction for your broken heart. It’s rare that I reject canon in favor of fanfic, but I am still in denial over the ending and Thursday nights have been my “re-read fix-it AshEiji fics” to heal from the pain of Banana Fish earlier in the day 😂
I’m loving the Actor AUs tho. They help with the healing, too.
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supagirl · 7 years
PLS make another neilxclaire video edit you're so good at it!
aw thanks so much....i’m trying
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sylvies-chen · 4 years
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this year’s been chaotic and awful in many ways, but I have had such great experiences on tumblr that have made 2020 worthwhile. Joining into the One Chicago fandom has introduced me to so many lovely people as well as the amazing folks I already know through other fandoms, so I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to everyone. This little community has made my year so much more bearable and whether it’s already a new year for you or you’re just hours away, I just want to say: I hope you guys have a great year in 2021 😁
@pinkobsessedfreak @mayapenelopeclutterbucket @shaunthegooddoctor @romancelvr @bellarke-rollercoaster @maddieandyou @louistpills @ohpickleskarakillmer @katie-049 @buddie-brettsey @crystal--rxuge @onechicago-upsteadrhekker @justanotheronechicagofan @commonxcrimminals @theshowsthatkeepmegoing @wantingdreamsnotreality @sunflower125 @ruzek-halstead @deedee1993 @thechenfordship @stydiea @htown-gal03 @jesperuses @mrsthejoker @jillrox202
If I forgot to tag you then let me know, I feel like I’m definitely forgetting some names here but whatever. I hope you guys have a Happy New Year! ❤️❤️❤️
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To all my followers and melendaire shippers get ready for me to be sappy af 💕💕 I tried to keep this short but y’all know me everything ends up way too long
Not to be a dramatic bitch or anything and be that person who stops watching because of a ship but I don’t know if I can do it next season guys I really don’t.
I was getting ready to change my url to Claire Browne and make a fanvideo after the season ended because I knew we’d get more melendaire content in the finale but after this I’m just done. This show made me so happy especially with everything going on in the world today and the fact that it got taken away from just like that and I’ll be bitter about it forever sucks. The fact that all it changes now depresses tf outta me the show actually got me to be active on tumblr and now it’s over
I know it shouldn’t be about the ships but they just did the character and the fans so fucking wrong okay they really did.
So this may be one of the last posts I make myself about the show so I just really wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to this fandom and these shippers. We’ve been through fucking hell and supported and each other and have been there for each other through every mishap and shared so many theories back and forth and I’ve never been that deep into a ship or fandom on here and I fucking love you all so god damn much.
Despite what the writers did to us tonight I still wanna thank the show for bringing these amazing fucking women in my life and introducing us to each other and be the first few to openly ship melendaire way back in the beginning of season 2 and starting a group chat because of it.
So to my girls:
@pinkobsessedfreak the baby and the pessimist of the chat I love you so much katie and I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t reached out to me in season 1 about melendaire and I will forever appreciate that. It felt like we were the only two at the time shipping it and to see you grow so much as well throughout high school and the chance that I got to see that means the world
@gilbxrt-blythe the optimist to my angst and who always cheered me on with my endless theories and would never leave me hanging talking about our ship. You always came in clutch with you Canadian promos 😂 and the fanfictions and have always been there for every single one of us and I love you so much Abby
@romancelvr the most levelheaded one out of all of us. You have always tried to calm us down and always gave so much wisdom and insight to the show, the ship and our lives and I will always be grateful for that. I’m going to miss your analyses of the show and how you had so much faith in things turning out okay tonight and I wish so badly you were right I love you so much sarah
@bellarke-rollercoaster you always gave Katie a run for the money about who was the pessimist 😂 but you’ve always managed to brighten up the chat with your bluntness and your humor and I love you so much for that. I’m glad to have known you and be there for you when I can and you do the same for me. I love you so mel and just you wait we’re all gonna visit you in France and annoy the shit outta of you
@jillrox202 you were the 2nd person to ever reach out to me about melendaire and we started messaging about them I was so happy to have found another friend to talk about them with. You’ve always come in clutch with the melendaire stuff happening on twitter and insta and always gave us links to the BEST fanvids and updated us on so much. If there was anything happening with melendaire you were always the first to know. I love you so much Abby and I’m so glad we became friends
@maddieandyou I know you left the chat last year but you still impacted my life and the fandom so much! I love your constant typos and you’ve always spit balled back and forth with me about theories and we could go on forever reblogging each other back and forth with new ideas and I’m gonna fucking miss that so much. You’re honestly probably the heart of this ship and brought the melendaire fandom/shippers so much closer together I love you Maddie
And to all my followers! The silent supporters and the ones who have always commented on my posts or reblogged or sent me asks, and the ones who have reached out to me when I was struggling personally, thank you so much for always making me feel welcome and being on this journey with me.
I would list you all but this post would end up so much longer then it already is but seriously I see all of you and please just know how much I love y’all.
Seriously you all have changed my life and I’m so fucking grateful for that and wish things could’ve ended better for us
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I’m gonna miss y’all and your love and support for my shitty and always too long reaction posts and I’m gonna miss making memes and talking about theories with you all and I’m just gonna miss melendaire and Neil Melendez 😭😭
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vilschoenheits · 10 years
maddieandyou replied to your photo “//walks away from schoolwork I FINALLY CHANGED MY BLOG THEME~ i...”
you're gonna really enjoy the manga, trust me the animes only gotten started with this story btw your theme is flawless
i'm really excited to read it! my friend even got ahead of me... oh and thanks for the compliment!!
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tetsutatsu · 10 years
maddieandyou replied to your post: “lyrics websites tht don’t let you highlight text”
Print screen it, that'll show them
i was looking at japanese lyrics and there were kanji i didnt know and wanted to translate bt thank you anyway
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karratran · 10 years
maddieandyou replied to your post: Time to know Rin’s side!! Enjoy! And...
I love when sousuke said ‘it’s not like you’re gonna meet the love of your life’ I honestly couldn’t stop laughing cause I’m imaging him saying his famous line ‘I can see why you’re smitten with him’. Lovely chapter x
Thank you~! I really hope I can keep it up to your original idea. =3
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yagyuu-kyubei · 10 years
maddieandyou replied to your post:i actually need to make two essays but nah, fuck...
same and study for 2 tests but ya know fuck that
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credulouscanidae · 11 years
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maddieandyou replied to your post “honestly i just want to apologize to everyone i talk to irl i know im...”
i understand i do the same, we're all in this together
i really try not to do it ;w;
we must all stick together
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sylvies-chen · 4 years
tagged by @ruzek-halstead @justanotheronechicagofan and @buddie-brettsey to list 10 different female favs from different fandoms and then tag 10 people! (in no specific order)
1. Sylvie Brett (Chicago Fire)
2. Lucy Chen (The Rookie)
3. Kory Anders (Titans)
4. Anne Shirley Cuthbert (Anne With an E)
5. Clarke Griffin (The 100)
6. Claire Browne (The Good Doctor)
7. Alison Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
8. Maggie Lockwood (Chicago Med)
9. Hailey Upton (Chicago PD)
10. Annie Edison (Community)
Tagging: @pinkobsessedfreak @mayapenelopeclutterbucket @romancelvr @katie-049 @louistpills @womanswonders @ohpickleskarakillmer @maddieandyou @atiredfangirl @sunflower125
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Ahhh it’s so hard for me to pick so I think I’m just going to do more current shows or at least shows that I’m still watching that are airing we’ll see what happens as I go down the list lol
@pinkobsessedfreak although I accept this challenge I kind of hate you for it and making me choose 😂
10 Characters I Would Kiss/Kissable Characters
1. Astrid Crazy Rich Asians
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2. Cordelia Chase Angel
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3. Gisele Fast & Furious series
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4. Claire Browne The Good Doctor
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5. Maggie Vera Charmed
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6. Spencer Reid Criminal Minds
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7. Adam Noshimuri Hawaii Five-0
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8. Bruce Banner Avengers
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9. Steve Trevor Wonder Woman
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10. Spike Flashpoint
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I put way too much thought into this like I’m not kidding at all and didn’t know why I was only going to do shows and not include movies I guess to narrow it down so I wouldn’t take as long as I did lol
Honestly I’m so in love with all these characters
I tag my baes @gilbxrt-blythe @bellarke-rollercoaster @romancelvr @jillrox202 aaand @maddieandyou
Oh and @merryandmalcolmbright I’m really curious to see who’d you put! 💕💕
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prismrain · 11 years
Kisses. It's a kissing disease. Spread it by kissing the first ten people on your dash.
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koujaaku · 11 years
Kisses. It's a kissing disease. Spread it by kissing the first ten people on your dash.
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karratran · 10 years
Title: 花火の祭り (Festival of Fireworks).
Rating: M, because I need you to be mature about this kind of thing.
Today’s theme: Alternative Universe (freeiwa_daily).
Characters/Pairing: Nanase Haruka, Matsuoka Rin, HaruRin.
 An AU from the AU I adopted (expect the multichapter fic to be posted soon).
Again, I am aware that the title is so unoriginal it hurts (expect more like this), because I was going to release this one yesterday, but chickened out, and the AU theme works better.
Please feel free to comment and help me improve my writing!
( maddieandyou please thell me what you think)
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immoralworlds · 11 years
omg what is the song on your blog i cant think of what it is help
they’re both orchestral versions of Connect and Magia! (the opening and ending songs of Madoka Magica) 
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As a rinharu fan I want to apologise for all these messages your getting, I mean yeah it's annoying seeing stuff you don't like on tags but it defeats the purpose of tags because it's also for your own blog as well as being shared, people just forget I guess :/ anyway let's enjoy ep 9 of free no matter if there's more makoharu or rinharu :)
God bless you angel from heaven, I know that all rinharu shippers aren't mean but I'm really happy with this ask. And I'm also glad you understand what tagging is, I'm not tagging to piss people off but to find my own posts on my blog!
Anyway thank you for being all nice and kind ^w^
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