#maddie x dawn
amyyythestarry · 9 months
School Spirits.
Is the best.
I heavily recommend it.
No spoilers, but nobody is telling me Maddie doesn’t have a harem.
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mcufan1066 · 1 year
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She's also holding hands with Dawn. Just saying.
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r3ynah · 8 months
Jack Fenton, dialed his younger sister's phone number as he gazed apologetically at the family of bats, that was hanging around in his living room. he impatiently waited for the other party to pick up.
The Bat family remained stoic as they observed the man, they had or Batman had ordered to put the call on speaker, if ever the phone was answered, Robin had stared at the doorway leading to the kitchen there stood Jack's supposed oldest daughter Jazz. who only stared amused at her father's antics much to Robin's confusion.
finally after a grueling 10 seconds wait, the call was finally answered.
Robin held his breath awaiting for the voice he was expecting for.
"Yes, Ahki?" Talia's voice resonated, from the phone. making everyone's eyes except the Fenton family widen.
'what? mother never told me she had a brother.' Damian thought as he took a peek at his father's face who was scrunched up in confusion. same for the rest of his family.
"Talia, my dear ukht, I've heard from a few birds and bats that you have taken my son. on his fieldtrip." Jack said, his nervous and outgoing personality vanishing and what took place was a serious and angry tone of a father as soon as heard the caller's voice, making everyone in the room shudder at the sudden cold atmosphere while the oldest daughter remained composed and unbothered as she watched.
Silence came from the other side of the phone, before answering "It seems i have." Talia answered back, you can here the voice of a boy in the background asking if it was his dad.
"Stop with this false innocence of yours, bring my son back immediately, partly alive and safe." Jack stated, much to the Bats and birds confusion.
Silence once again, as the phone remained quiet seemingly put down on a table with a few whispers and shuffling. before it was picked up once again.
"Nu uh." was the only thing Talia said as she hang up.
everyone paused.
"The fuck you mean 'Nu uh'?!" Jack yelled, at his phone. While his wife walked their daughter's side who was laughing her ass off, confused she looked at the bats then at her husband and then just sighed.
"Dinner's Ready." she only said as she retreated back at to the kitchen.
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satoshy12 · 2 months
Isekai into a Novel
At a Gala
Nightwing looked at all the ones who are with him there: "So are we all here until we get the true ending of the story?"
Artemis: "Yes."
Nightwing: "Okay, who here has read the story?"
Kid Flash: "I have! It's a fantasy adventure story. The main villain, the Cold Archduke of the North, is like the worst villains we and the Justice League has ever fought. A truly evil, future cold-blooded tyrant who rules with an iron fist and blood. He never smiles and is an emotionally constipated, bloodthirsty god of war."
Zatanna: "We would see him right at this Gala and should be called next I think."
Speaker of the Room: "We call Archduke Daniel Fenthorne of Specterville and his daughter, Princess Dawn Fenthorne!"
Dick looked at his teammates: "Dawn?"
Kid Flash: "There was no one called Dawn in the novel."
The door opened and Danny walked in with little Ellie/Dawn holding his hand as he knelt before the Emperor.
Emperor: "My boy! You have a daughter!"
The Archduke smiled warmly and lovingly in the room. "Yes, that was the favour I came to ask."
Emperor: (jumping up) "Of course, I will legitimise her! Now let me see the young girl!" +
Kid Flash to the others: "This is also new. In the original story, the Emperor didn't like him very much. This looks like a father/grandfather and son seeing their granddaughter for the first time."
Aqualad: "So we have no idea of the original story. Except that this man later became the Greatest of all Evil."
Dick looked around and noticed his missing sister: "Where's Cass?"
Zatanna looked at the note and laughed, showing it to Dick: "I Can Fix HIM."
Cass made her way to Lord Daniel as he looked at Dawn talking to the Emperor.
+++ Because of Vlad, the Fenton family had been isekai'd into the novel.
Since they arrived here, Danny had enjoyed spending time with his family. He liked this place, and Dawn was adorable as a tiny toddler. His mum, dad and Jazz loved playing with her too. Coming here because of Vlad was a blessing in disguise.
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rainkays · 3 months
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my jessicash <33
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whoopsyeahokay · 6 months
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October Sun
summary: you'd known that Simon wasn't okay since it had been announced that they'd found blood in the boiler room. his pain, his hurt, his loss had spilled out from him and into you and you'd had no clue how to handle it. and then suddenly, you'd been soothed, and all you'd been able to think of had been getting to the source of that comfort and giving thanks.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading, frens
Wally couldn't stop thinking about earlier. How the slopes and arches of your body fit against him like a puzzle piece. How malleable you'd been under his touch. The intense liquid heat that had thrummed between you both as he'd leaned in to kiss you; heartbeats synchronized, eyes fluttering closed, utterly surrendered to the sensation.
He'd kissed a few girls when he'd been alive. Hell, he'd made out with Dawn a handful of times when adrenaline and hormones had needed an outlet. None of those experiences held a candle to what he'd felt when he'd just barely brushed his lips to yours.
There was something underneath it all. Not just his attraction to you, which he'd harbored for going on two years now. Something else. Something mystical and big and unleashed. Maybe you already knew what it was. After all, you could reach through the veil, hear and see and feel Wally...maybe you had an explanation.
If only the connection between you and Wally hadn't made it practically impossible to finish a conversation.
"Where'd you go, superstar?"
Wally nearly jumped in surprise, having forgotten he wasn't alone. He glanced around, saw Katelynn—the courtyard fatality—and Ajay studying him as intently as Rhonda. They were in the kitchen piling a late lunch of leftovers onto their plates while, around them, the staff muddled through their end-of-day breakdown.
"Uh," Wally supplied, intelligently. He was a miserable liar, something Rhonda had teased him for mirthlessly in the past. Told him he was as easy to read as 3rd grade English (ouch). But he didn't take his promises lightly and knew he had to come up with something or Rhonda would grill him until he broke. Deflection it was, "Do you think Maddie had a good time?"
Rhonda, perched primly on a counter, rolled her eyes and plucked a bread roll from the bin one of the staff was about to seal. "Jesus, you really are ditzy for her, huh?"
"I wouldn't say that," Wally said. He really wouldn't, "I just want her to—"
"Confess her undying love? Make you the center of her universe and forget all about her dreamy, badboy ex?" Rhonda scoffed, "Hate to break it to you, hot stuff, but you'd just be a rebound and we all know how those end."
"Badly?" Katelynn guessed. Having been fourteen when she'd kicked the bucket, she'd likely never had the chance to explore the intricacies of romance. Or of all its thorns.
Rhonda's hands clamped and then bloomed in front of her as she vocalized a bomb exploding.
"No, Rhonda, that's not it," Wally spoke in long strokes, as if to a child, willing away a flash of irritation. "What I was gonna say was that I want her to know there's more to being dead than trying to solve your own murder." Since, after all was said and done, there'd be nothing left to do besides passively haunt Split River High.
And that shit got dull after a semester or two.
Unexpectedly, "I spoke to her today." Rhonda admitted, somewhat reluctant, as the group paraded from the kitchen into the cafeteria. Wally encouraged her to continue with a smile, "About how I died. She thought it could help, so..." She slid into her regular seat next to Wally, eyes fixed on her plate, "I guess it did because she took off after."
It was obvious that relinquishing even that morsel of information made her uncomfortable, shoulders curled to her ears and lips pursed, those metaphorical walls re-erecting.
Wally clapped her on the back, "You did good, Deadly." A fond nickname he used sparingly as it often earned him an elbow to the ribs.
This time, Rhonda simply glared a warning at him before tearing a piece off her bread roll and smearing it through the gravy on Wally's plate. Progress, he supposed.
To move the conversation away from Rhonda, Wally engaged Katelynn, "I saw you with the extinguisher today."
Katelynn grinned through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
"You know what we should do next time? We get those chairs with the wheels, a couple of fire extinguishers..." He mimed the scene with fervor, grinning conspiratorially between the others, "We could do it in the gym. Take bets. See who goes farthest. It would be awesome!"
Rhonda patted his knee twice—thank you—under the table. How she displayed gratitude without being obvious. As discreetly as possible, Wally returned the gesture, tapping three times to indicate I've got you.
Somehow, you'd done it: graduated to the end of the school day without incident. Sure, Mathilda had given you a funny look when you'd made your excuses to stay behind, but she'd been too distracted by what pieces to include in her portfolio to cross-examine you about it.
"Text me later, sillybean!" She called over her shoulder as she, Hana, and Lucas exited the school.
The siblings waved in unison, Hana pirouetting and blowing you a kaleidoscope of exaggerated kisses before falling back into step with her brother.
You turned back to your locker, shoving in your backpack and your uncle's hoodie. You'd accepted that the connection between you and Wally quashed any attempt you made to hide from him; berated yourself for not realizing it sooner.
After you'd closed the door and slipped the lock back into place, you mustered your courage and turned toward the direction of the theater. You could do this. Without getting sidetracked.
Yeah, you believed that about as much as you believed the lunchroom bread rolls were 'made fresh' everyday.
A metallic clamor caught your attention before you'd even stepped a foot forward, causing you to hesitate. Down several lockers along the row, Simon shook his lock against the hasp furiously. He was unmistakably upset, jaw tight, vibrating with unfettered anger.
You approached him just as he kicked the locker below his.
"Here," You said, inserting yourself between Simon and his locker, "What's the combo?"
Without pause, "8-37-15," he recited through gritted teeth.
You dialed the combination, unhooked the lock and held it out for Simon to take.
"You okay?" You asked, already aware of the answer.
"Yes." Simon lied then abruptly changed his mind, "No. I don't know." He dumped his bag at his feet and rummaged through the contents of his locker only to give up and spin around. Propped against the closed bottom level, Simon ran his hands through his hair roughly, reminding you of someone with responsibility that outweighed their experience.
"What's going on, Si?"
He lifted his head, brow creased with despair, "Aren't friends supposed to trust each other?"
The question knocked you for six. Unsure if it was rhetorical, you chose to stay quiet and, sure enough, Simon expounded. "Aren't friends supposed to tell each other things, even if it's hard? Even if they think it might hurt? Because, at the end of the day, you chose that person to be there for you no matter what. And that person chose you right back."
No questions asked. Your voice overlapped with Xavier's, years worth of emotional petitions for comfort and unbiased support echoing in your head.
Thinking of your friend, you wondered, "Is this about Nicole leaving with Xavier after lunch?"
Simon seemed surprised by the news, yet, after a second, confirmed, "Yeah. Uh, yeah, it's about that."
He stared at his feet, arms folded tightly across his middle, chewed his lip as he pondered what he wanted to disclose. Finally, "I just want to be there for her, but it's like she won't let me. And it sucks." His voice was damp with pain. "And now she's pissed and she's shut me out and...I don't know what to do."
When he raised his head again, you almost choked on the sorrow in his eyes. You wanted to hug him, hold him, cry. Here was a boy whose best friend had, for all intents and purposes, left him behind, and now he was scared he'd lost someone else.
The mounting sadness radiating from Simon made your eyes sting. You had no clue how to comfort him, not like you did Xavier or Mathilda, the two people you'd chosen and who'd chosen you back.
The strength of secondhand emotion chipped away at you, threatened to shatter you into a thousand anguished pieces, but just as you thought you would break, a familiar warmth sunk into the cracks. The sensation blossomed upward and concentrated behind your ribs, loosening a deep breath of relief.
Absently, you shifted your hand the slightest bit away from where it rested against your thigh, the movement undetectable unless one was looking for it. The warmth grew, contented and safe, and then—a whisper of fingertips across the back of your hand, there and gone.
You didn't move, kept your gaze on Simon; simply waited for Wally to enter your periphery. His back was to you, his hand returning to his jacket pocket as he, Rhonda, and a couple of others walked toward the end of the hall. You vaguely saw him split from the rest of the group, Wally going left while the other three went right.
Simon swallowed, mournful, and he rasped, "What do I do?"
Invigorated by Wally's touch, you planted yourself in front of Simon, placed your hands on his shoulders, and urged him to, "Talk to her. People knock communication like it's some cringe cliché, but it's the best way to resolve things." He nodded, weak but resolute, and you dragged him into a hug. "Trust me," You said, "Just be honest and listen. You don't have to understand everything, you just have to accept it."
Simon chuckled wetly, squeezed you tighter for an instant before releasing you.
"Any time." And you meant it in your bones. "Are you gonna be okay?"
"Yeah," Simon said, scrubbing the back of his wrist over his eyes, "I'll be fine." He cleared his throat, "Listen, um, I forgot something in the cafeteria, but if you want to wait I could give you a ride home."
Something in his tone suggested the offer was halfhearted, though you appreciated it all the same.
"Nah, it's cool. I have to study." You replied, already positioning yourself to leave. Simon didn't mention that the library was in the other direction, merely flashed you a small, grateful smile.
"See you tomorrow." He saluted.
Free to excuse yourself, you found you had to fight the desire to go go go, hurry, go, that warm sensation purring louder the closer you got to the theater. Fuck making sure the coast was clear, you were supposed to be in there right now; swung the door open with probably a lot more force than necessary.
Wally, who had been sitting on the edge of the stage awaiting your arrival, hopped down as soon as you entered the darkened space, his gaze instantly locking with yours.
One dubious step, two, three, and the warmth fizzled and licked inside you, encouraging your pace to quicken, faster, nearer. You broke into a run, closing the distance, Wally's stare never wavering. With less than a foot remaining, you sprung up, body colliding into his. He caught you easily, held you in his arms with one hand under your thigh and the other around your waist.
No thoughts, no words, no inhibitions; fever-hot and eager; Wally's jaw in your palms, you surged forward and pressed your lips to his.
also available on AO3!
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myangxlics · 7 months
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Yandere OC x male reader
Warnings: Yandere stuff, a tiny bit of blood, nothing really that bad yet
A/N: this is DEFINITELY not named after Shiver by Coldplay (not proofread yet)
Word count: 2.1k
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It’s summer and the weather has finally cleared up. You finish zipping up your suitcase and hurrying outside. “(Name)! Hurry up or we’re leaving without ya!” Your friend Maddie calls. You roll your eyes, she was the most impatient girl ever. Slinging your backpack over your shoulder and picking up your suitcase, you leave the house. One of your other friends, Olivia, helps you put both things into the trunk of the van. “Hurry up everybody!” Maddie calls, getting into the driver's seat. You hop up into the passenger seat, buckling your seatbelt. You look over at Maddie before glancing into the backseats. In the middle seats sat Liv and her boyfriend, Tommy. In the backseats sat Cassie, her boyfriend Andrew, and his friend Parker. You look back at Maddie and whisper to her, “Why’d you have to invite Cassie? All she’s gonna do is fuck Andrew.” You look back and see Parker eyeing you. Your eyes meet Maddies once more. “And Parker is still into me.” You say, hushed. Maddie rolls her eyes and puts a hand on your shoulder as she starts backing out of the driveway. “Stop being a downer and just have fun. All you do is worry, let loose for once.” She says. “Alright, our first stop is gonna be a gas station in Colorado.” Olivia says, holding a map in her hands. As the car begins driving out of town, you close your eyes, using your jacket as a blanket.
Someone is shaking you. Your eyes flutter open and you look up at Olivia in a daze. She smiles and shakes you once more. “Wake up, (Name). We’re at the gas station.” Olivia says, voice soft. You groan a bit and curl up in your seat. Liv sighs and pets your head. “Do you want me to get anything for you?” She asks. You nod sleepily, mumbling what you wanted for snacks and drinks. She nods and heads inside the gas station with everyone else.
Hours later and you all arrive at your first campsite. The night was long but fun. The next morning Maddie wakes up at dawn and yells around the camp for everyone to wake up and pack up the tents. Once everyones packed up you all get back on the road.
“Wow…I never knew Wyomming actually had a forest.” Cassie says, watching as the trees pass by. Olivia laughs with Tommy, cuddling up with each other. “There's woods EVERYWHERE dumbass.” Andrew says. “Hey, we’re reaching a gravel road, can someone else drive?” Maddie asks, pulling the van over. “Yeah.” Tommy says, already sliding the door open and hopping out. Olivia does the same and you and Maddie get out of the front seats. After you all get situated, Tommy begins driving.
“These woods are giving me the creeps…” Cassie says while playing on her phone. She groans. “There's no service out here either. Olivia, tell Tommy to get us out of this hillbilly area!” Tommy rolls his eyes. “Jesus, Cassie. Can’t you go five seconds without your phone?” Cassie scoffs at Tommy and keeps trying to get cell service. Suddenly the van runs over something. Everyone jumps and looks at each other, confused. Tommy stops the van and quickly gets out. You look at Maddie, a scared look on her face. She looks out the window and back at you. “It’s probably just a squirrel or something.” You tell her reassuringly. Tommy opens the drivers door. “Y’all might wanna see this.” He sighs. You, Olivia, and Parker all climb out of the vehicle. “What happened?” Parker asks, crossing his arms. “Well uh…” Tommy trails off, pointing at the back left tire. The tired had barbed wire stuck to it. “Holy crap…” You whisper. “Well…what do we do?” Olivia asks. Tommy looks around, scratching his head. “Uhm…maybe two of you can go and try to find a gas station or something. I mean if we keep walking in the direction we were going, we’re bound to find a shop or another person that can get us help.” He explains. You nod and grab your jacket. “I’ll go look. I need to stretch my legs anyways.” You say. Parker immediately grabs his jacket too. “I’ll come with.” He states and before you can say anything, Tommy smiles and thanks you both. He gives you both a few water bottles and some snacks. “Be safe.” He smiles. You and Parker begin walking.
It’s probably at least been an hour since the two of you started walking. It was all still woods and hot out. Parker stops walking and squints his eyes. You look at him, confused, before following his gaze. “I think it’s a gas station or somethin’...” Parker mutters, rubbing his eyes. “Well let’s go to it.” You reply, starting to walk once more. Parker grabs your hand, holding you in place. “Somethin’ don’t feel right…” He says again. You sigh. Sure you were a paranoid guy, but Parker was a whole different level of paranoid. “It’ll be fine. You’ve been watching those creepy videos all day.” You assure him, pulling his arm.
Soon you reach the building. It was a small auto or body shop. The garage door was open and the store door was propped open with a rock, an open sign hung on the doorknob. You can hear loud rock music playing from inside. You both walk up to the garage door. “Uh, hello?” You call out. There's no answer. “I told you this ain’t right…” Parker mumbles, crossing his arms. “Let's just go.” Parker says, upset. When you turn around you’re met face to face with a man. You let out a scream and Parker backs up. The man just smirks, taking a drag of a cigarette. “Sorry for scaring ya, pretty boy.” He then looks at Parker, still smirking but you swear that for a second, a look of anger is in his eyes. You quickly step between the two. “Sorry for bothering you, sir. You see, me and my friends are on a road trip but we ran over barbed wire and so we now need a new tire. Do you think we could buy one?” You ask calmly. The man's eyes light up again. “Well of course, cutie. I’ll get you and your friend what y’all need.” You smile. “Thank you, so much. Really, you’re a lifesaver. The man chuckles and shakes his head. “I ain’t that at all.” He says, turning and walking into the shop. You’re about to follow him, but Parker stops you. “I’ll buy the tire…just stay out here.” You nod and watch as he follows the man.
It’s been a few minutes and you’ve already gotten restless. You look at the mountains in the distance, they looked more than beautiful. Looking around, you spot a trailer home a bit more in the woods, only a small ways away from the shop. You can see a mini log cabin dog house in the yard by the steps and walk over. You crouch and look inside the dog house, seeing if you could find the pup. All that sits in there is a bone and a tennis ball. You smile and grab the ball before standing up and looking around. “Here puppy! Come here!” You call out, holding out the ball, hoping the dog is nearby. You let out a whistle, “Come here puppy!” You were about to give up on looking when something bumped into you. You practically jumped and immediately looked around before seeing a saint Bernard sniffing your shoes. You grin and crouch down, holding out your hand. The dog sniffs it before giving a small chuff.
“Here boy, you wanna play?” You ask, holding up the ball. The dog tilts his head and wags his tail. You throw the ball across the yard and watch as the huge dog bounds after it, letting out a bark. Suddenly, a hand claps onto your shoulder. You let out a scream and turn around and meet eyes with Parker. “(Name), what the hell are you doing?” He hisses out. You shrug and point at the dog. “Playing.” Parker just looks at you with an unamused face. “Playing?” He asks, scowling at you. “Leave the thing, it probably has fleas or some weird disease.” Parker grunts, grabbing your arm and pulling you back to the auto shop. “Parker, what the hell?!” You argue. Parker spins around and places both hands on your shoulders. “Listen,” he begins, voice hushed, “This guy is a weirdo, okay? He’s charging a hundred fifty for a new tire and my cell doesn’t work out here and I’m guessing yours doesn’t either.” He looks over his shoulder and looks back at you. “He has a phone in the shop. You call Olivia and see if she or anybody else can get out here, okay? I’m gonna try and a lower price on the tire.” You sigh, “Parker, stop acting like this guy is some killer. It’s irrational.” You state, crossing your arms. Parker rolls his eyes and walks back into the shop.
“Hey man, can we use your phone?” Parker asks. The mechanic grins and shakes his head. “Phones broken. But the one in my house works, I’ll take ya to it.” He says, wiping oil off of his pants. As he takes you to the house, you stop by the dog house, looking for the Saint Bernard again. “Ya lookin’ for Bo?” The mechanic chuckled. You nod. “Why don’t you find Bo and I’ll help your friend with the phone, yeah?” He says, going up the trailer home’s front stairs. “Are you sure? I mean, I should probably go with you, Parker.” Parker shakes his head, “I’ll be fine.” You give another nod. “Uh, by the way, what’s your name?” Parkers asks the mechanic. The man smiles. “Rusty, Rusty Smith.” He says, holding out his hand to Parker. The two shake hands and you watch as they disappear into the home.
You begin towards the treeline, calling for Bo. You spot the dog and he barks at you before running into the woods. “Wait!” You shout, running after the dog. You run through the woods, leaves and bushes occasionally scraping your arms and legs. Bo keeps stopping and letting you get close before bounding off again. You groan, beginning to get out of breath, but you still follow the dog.
The sun is setting now and you finally catch up to Bo. You smile and bend down to give him pets. Bo licks your face and gives a small bark. You stand up and look around, realizing that you don’t know which way you had come from. You look at the setting sun and begin to grow anxious. You’re in the middle of the woods, alone, and with no sense of direction. A small breeze causes you to shiver, your tank top and shorts not doing much to keep you warm. “Shit…” You mutter to yourself. You look down at Bo, maybe he would know the way back? Bo begins walking and you follow him. After a few minutes the beam of a flashlight cuts through the night. You shield your eyes and Bo lets out a bark before bounding to whoever was holding the flashlight. You timidly walk over to the figure before it speaks. “There ya are pretty boy.” Rusty chuckles out, moving the beam of the flashlight. You let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god, I thought I was gonna be lost out here forever!” You say, not noticing the now dried blood on Rusty’s forearms. Rusty chuckles and wraps an arm around your shoulder. “Well, it’s a good thing Bo was with ya. Let’s get ya back to safety.” He says before beginning to walk.
After what seemed like forever, you finally made it back to Rustys shop. It was probably 10 pm by now and you let out a stifled yawn. “Ya tired?” Rusty asks. You nod. “Well you can sleep in my bed and I’ll stay on the couch, yeah?” He states, opening the home's door. “What about Parker?” You question, looking around for any signs of him. “Oh, he left after you went off to find Bo. He said you probably went back so he left too.” Rusty explains, but you swear you see this sinister look in his eyes. “But…Parker wouldn’t do that…” You respond, beginning to get upset at the fact that Parker had just up and left. Rusty sighs and pats your shoulder. “Told him to just wait. C’mon, let’s get ya some dinner and some rest and then I’ll take ya to your friends tomorrow morning.” You smile at his words and follow him inside.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 year
Movie!Knuckles reaction to having a crush on you
(Movie!Knuckles x reader)
This was written during my movie!knuckles obsession phase ~ Blaze/Dawn
Notes: I just realised that I’ve got the first half of the fic and not the rest so if it looks different to what you remembered that’s why
Pronouns: they/them
Warning: ⚠️spoilers for Knuckles backstory in the movie + slight spoilers for Sonic Movie 2⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Knuckles + Sonic + Tails + Maddie + Tom + mentions of Dr Robotnik/Eggman
Proof Read: ❌
Credits: Icon by bellcastillo118 on Pinterest + Banner by solita🎧. on Pinterest
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- if you’ve watched the second movie it’s known that knuckles lost his tribe at a very young age and was lonely for most of his life so when he first met you during the period of the second movie I’d imagine it would taken him a while to trust you, mostly because of robotnik betraying him combined with what happened to his tribe. He didn’t want to go through something like that again so he isolated himself from you
- Eventually after some help from people like Sonic, Tails, Tom and Maddie he eventually decided to give you a chance and chat with you. After spending some time with you he eventually found out that you were much better than he thought you were going to be and eventually decided to become your friend
- Can we all agree that this man will do his absolute best to make sure you are safe and happy. It’s like having a personal bodyguard with you. Remember that meme that's like ‘excuse me they asked for no pickles!” Just imagine that but with you and knuckles:
+ “How dare you leave pickles in their burger even when they said they didn’t want any!”
+ “Knuckles it’s fine I’ll still eat the burger” you smiled trying to convince him not to fight the employees
+ “They need to make you a new burger [NAME] since they clearly don’t know how to make one” knuckles put his hands on your shoulders while trying to justify beating up the employees
- it took all the strength and patience just to convince knuckles to not punch the employees
- Knuckles would literally sacrifice himself or possibly someone else just to keep you happy, as long as you're happy he’s happy
- Now onto the crush part of this!
- As much as I love him he’s very clueless when it comes to stuff like this, he does stuff that others will think is him expressing romantic feelings while he might see it as nothing but a friendly gesture or maybe as a fighting technique
- Eventually it comes to a point where sonic has to tell him about having crushes and how he is clearly showing signs of him having a crush but of course knuckles denies this because he is a ‘warrior’ and he just sees you as ‘just a friend’ like sure knuckles ‘just a friend’
- After a lot of convincing from sonic that yes you do like them knuckles and that it’s alright to have these feelings he asks sonic what he should do sonic just tells him to ‘just be honest and tell them’ to which knuckles surprisingly goes along with trusting sonic and went up to you
- When he does come to ask you out well attempt to at least it can be slightly awkward at first since you have no goddamn idea on what he is trying to do until it hits you
+ “um knuckles?”
+ “Yes [NAME]!” Knuckles said now alerted
+ “Are you trying to confess to me” you said confused
+ “Yes?” He also said confused then a wave of embarrassment just hits him like a truck
- That’s when knuckles went defensive mode and immediately started to blame sonic afraid you were immediately disgusted like ‘blame sonic he was the one who told me to do it’
- That’s when you brought him into a hug stopping his rambling and returned your feelings. As soon as you brought him into a hug knuckles felt some sort of calm flowing through his body. He couldn’t help but notice that his heart was beating a bit faster and he felt his face heat up. "Is this what love was?” Knuckles thought to himself. That’s when he finally melted into your touch and accepted that yes he was in love.
- Alright let’s get on with it. Knuckles is definitely both protective and clingy without him realising it. Of course he understands if you can do something by yourself he’ll let you do it but he can’t help it especially since what happened between him and eggman he just doesn’t anything bad happening to you.
- Carrying on from the previous statement this man definitely takes loyalty to another level. He’ll pretty much do anything for you no matter if he’s already doing something or not, it doesn’t matter if he’s already in the middle of a task if he hears that you are in trouble he drops everything and immediately tends to your needs.
- His behaviour change is definitely noticeable. I mean come on how could you not. Everyone knows how soft knuckles is for you. Tom and Maddie weren’t really paying much attention to it. They're just happy for both you and knuckles. Tails does notice a change; he doesn't want to bring up the fact in case he’ll get it wrong from him. Sonic on the other hand will tease the hell out of him no matter how many times knuckles tells him to quit it sonic still finds a way to tease him.
- Speaking of Maddie and Tom, knuckles definitely asks for some advice considering you know they are dating. Despite the slight teasing from Tom and Maddie telling him to stop, they do give him genuine advice about how to make sure you're happy.
- Overall although a bit clueless he’s definitely the best
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559 notes · View notes
Strawberries and Cream
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word Count: 6k EXACTLY
Notes: I’m sorry this is taking forever to post these, a lot of work goes into editing and for once in my life I’m busy and dis NEVER HAPPENS. But I’m so excited for what’s about to start happening it’s c r a z y and I hope you guys like it
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Episode 12: Peach Cola
It’s kind of weird being back in the hospital, but for an entirely different reason, a happy reason even! Eddie sticks to you. He keeps one arm around you at all times as you walk through the hallways, following Buck down to Maddie’s room.
He can’t let you go, and you don’t blame him, you don’t want him to. Because it’s a little ridiculous but you’re scared of this place. Dr. Din was happy to see you, but you could tell he was the littlest bit panicked when he did. You hugged him, reassuring him that you were perfectly fine and just there to see your newborn niece. 
Yeah sure it wasn’t ethical to be hugging you, it wasn’t ethical the way you’d kept up a friendship outside of the hospital. But he couldn’t help himself and squeezed a little tighter anyway. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He steps back looking at you 
“You’re limping honey”
You freeze in your tracks and so does Eddie, Buck spins around so fast he breaks the damn sound barrier 
“Did something happen??? Why are you limping??”
“I’m- no I’m not- I just slipped! Getting out of the hot tub!!” You shake your hands in front of you
“You must have slipped pretty hard” Joel comes over, putting his hands on your hips to support you “You’re walking funny” 
Eddie looks like he’s about to pass out, Buck has his hands on his hips, shaking his head
“I mean, I thought they had special flooring so that kind of thing didn’t happen. Was it when you were in the house?”
“Exactly!” You shout “Yup! Fell right on my ass! You know they have marble floors and all” 
Joel steps back, before leaning forward and narrowing his eyes 
“Wait what’s that…” He studies your neck, and you can see the moment he realizes they’re hickeys… 
You can also see the exact moment it dawns on him why you’re walking funny 
“Oh shit” He slaps his hand over his mouth and you want to crumple to the floor. You whine loudly as he bends over, holding the wall as he sobs laughing 
Buck looks between the three of you, watching you beat on Joel and Eddie smacking his head against the wall 
“Oh come on!!! Why does everyone else know!!” He pouts and Eddie stops long enough to send Buck a text 
“I only lasted six seconds?….what the hell does that me-…. Oh y’all fucked” he literally shouts and Joel falls to his knees, laughing even harder 
“Buck!!! We’re in a hospital!!!” You yell at him and he falls next to Joel, wheezing as he wipes at his eyes 
“What the hell are you four doing???” Bobby comes out of a room a few doors down. You’re kicking Joel and Buck now and Eddie just has his face on the wall 
“Nothing!” You all say and he runs his hand down his face 
“You’re clearly-“ 
Eddie turns and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder, and walks past Bobby silently as you glare at Joel and Buck who are still in a heap on the floor giggling 
The room is a lot quieter, and the lights are down low. It’s pretty large, with a little sitting area. Eddie sets you down at the side of the bed and you hug Maddie tightly 
“You’re a mom!!” You squeal quietly and she laughs while sniffling and wiping her eyes 
“And you’re an Auntie” 
Chimney looks up at you and Eddie from his spot on the edge of the bed next to Maddie 
“Do you guys wanna meet your niece?” He asks softly and you fan your eyes 
“Yes please!!!” 
Eddie reaches out and takes the baby from him, carefully handing her to you 
“Hi babygirl” you coo softly “Oh hi my little muffin” you sniffle and Eddie wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder 
“She’s beautiful,” he says softly and you nod quickly, getting too choked up to say anything. Eddie kisses your cheek and nuzzles his nose against you and you giggle, looking at him 
Buck takes several pictures of that. 
You sit with her for a while after Bobby and Athena leave, Eddie’s arm resting on your shoulders as you lean into him, your legs in Buck's lap. Maddie and Chim are out cold and you don’t blame them
They trust you three to take care of the baby and that’s the most important thing in the world to you. Buck is sending all kinds of pictures to the group chat, especially the ones when Eddie can’t help but kiss you, Buck calls it baby fever. 
You set Jee-Yun down in the bassinet to let her rest next to Maddie and go back to Eddie, sitting in his lap 
“So…” Buck says as you get comfy, leaning against Eddie’s chest and closing your eyes 
“We are so not talking about it,” Eddie says and you giggle into his neck 
“Oh come on!!! This is the second moment I’ve been waiting for!! You gotta tell me everything!”
“I’m not doing that” Eddie rolls his eyes “…Right now anyway” 
You slap his chest and Buck snickers, leaning back in his seat 
“Oh boy am I ready for this. Don’t worry Tommy and I will set everything up!!” 
“For what?” Chimney asks from the bed, rubbing at his eyes and settling back into Maddie’s side 
“Another boy's night… they had S-E-X” He whisper yells and you slap your hands over your face while Eddie snorts, shaking his head 
“You guys did what?!?!!” Chimney sits up fast, whispering loudly
“Can you guys shut up?!” Everyone is whispering at this point “You’re gonna wake the baby!!” Maddie scolds you all 
“Yeah everyone shut up!” You say 
“Maddie!!! Maddie they had S-E-X” Buck squeaks and her eyes pop open 
“They had what now?!!!”
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Three weeks after the birth, Buck schedules his boy's night with a cute little guest. Maddie was starting to get a little frazzled with Chim being away so much so he took the baby with him over to Buck’s so she could enjoy her girl's night. 
The second the door swings open she’s already in Buck’s arms. He snuggles her and leaves Chimney in the doorway and Eddie rolls his eyes, coming over to help him in with the stroller and diaper bag 
“Look who it is!!” Buck squeals as he comes over to Tommy “It’s baby Buckley!!” 
“Hey honey” Tommy boops her nose and she coos softly 
“I think I’m gonna cry” Buck sniffles and Tommy snorts, rolling his eyes 
“Do you want me to finish making the pulled pork?” 
“That would be nice, thank you” Buck looks around before leaning over and kissing his cheek, but Tommy turns his head and captures his lips instead 
“I saw that,” Eddie says as he walks past with the baby carrier 
A half-hour later, Buck has Jee-Yun on her back on the floor 
“H-O-TT-O-G-O” he sings in a high-pitched voice as he pumps her little feet after feeding her and she stares up at him 
“You having a good time over there?” Eddie asks as he sips his beer and Buck looks up 
“I’m having the best time. Look at my little niece go” 
“Apparently I’m getting a break too, you haven’t put her down since I got here” Chim clinks beers with Eddie and Buck picks her up and sets her down into her bassinet. He’d gotten her a ton of baby stuff at his house already and started babyproofing for when she was older 
“Are you kidding me? I’m gonna have her all the freaking time you guys are gonna wonder if you even have a baby” 
Tommy comes in and gives Eddie and Chimney plates of tacos and Mexican rice 
“Your girlfriend knows what she’s talking about when it comes to rice,” Tommy says to Eddie as he comes back in again with two more plates and hands one to Buck 
“Oh did she teach you how to make this?” Eddie asks as he takes a spoonful, his eyes rolling back. It’s not as good as yours, nothing is as good as yours but damn does this come close 
“Nevermind just answered my own question, you’ve definitely done her proud” 
“Thank you, thank you” Tommy chuckles 
“Speaking of doing someone proud” Buck takes a bite of his taco and Chimney chokes on his, laughing. 
“What the fuck kind of segue was that” 
“I think I’ve been very patient thank you very much” 
“He’s right, he hasn’t said anything,” Tommy says sipping his beer and Eddie rolls his eyes 
“You’re only saying that because you’re his boyfriend”
“He’s not my boyfriend”
“I’m not his boyfriend” 
Chimney and Eddie both look at each other and Buck throws his napkin at them 
“Can we please talk about your love life!!! Not mine. My complete lack of!” 
“Are you gonna act like you weren’t totally sore on Monday…” Eddie says nonchalantly, biting his taco and Buck slaps his thigh
“You fucked Y/N! Talk!” 
Tommy tosses his head back laughing and Eddie groans 
“This is embarrassing” 
“Nah you better dish” Chimney agrees and Eddie slumps in his seat, balancing his plate on his stomach 
“Alright fine! It was really nice okay” His cheeks flush deeply and Buck squeals 
“She’s just so beautiful, and so sweet… and hey!!” Eddie sits up, putting his plate on the coffee table “Why didn’t you tell me she was a virgin??” 
Tommy and Chimney’s mouths drop open and Buck laughs like a hyena 
“Dude I almost creamed in like-“
“Six seconds,” Tommy says and Eddie throws his napkin down 
“Exactly!!! I made love to her and I could barely handle myself. She was-“
“Wait” Buck covers his ears “Okay go” 
Chimney laughs at him and Tommy shakes his head 
“She was so tight, I was nervous I was gonna hurt her and I nearly-“ he gives Buck a thumbs up as he uncovers his ears “I nearly died when she asked me to go faster and oh god it was good it was the best I’ve ever had” 
He’s practically glowing as he pulls his knees to his chest. Tommy squeals into a pillow and Buck is kicking his legs 
“We told you it would be good!!” Chimney shakes Eddie’s shoulders, bouncing on the couch and Eddie rolls over, laughing 
“I’m gonna be so real, it’s hard to stay off her. I just can’t, you know what I mean?” 
“My wife just had a baby, I know what you mean” Chimney laughs and Buck blushes a little while Tommy stays silent 
“She looks so pretty and she sounds so pretty and every time she called me dadd-“ he freezes and slaps his hands over his mouth and they all stare at him 
“Every time she called you what?!?!!” Buck screams as he jumps on Eddie 
You set down the charcuterie board you made with Eddie before he left, it’s full of chocolate and Maddie’s favorite candies and those Teddy Grahams that Hen really likes, and a few other things.
Charcuterie boards are a feeling. 
Athena pours glasses of wine for everyone and a juice pack in Maddie’s glass then comes out with the little tray. Maddie and Hen are going to town on the ribs you ordered for dinner and you soon join in 
“So tell us everything,” Karen says, thanking Athena and taking the glass 
“I don’t even know where to start!” You blush “Eddie was really sweet, he was so gentle… I know he was really holding back”
“So it was your first time?” Hen asks and you nod 
“Yeah… I’d told him a little before I got hurt and I guess he’s been planning something nice and god was it the most romantic night I’ve ever had”
“Did you guys do it in the hot tub?” Maddie asks as she takes a big bite from her rib and you snort while Athena whacks her shoulder 
“We kinda did? That’s where it started. If I wasn’t tired I would have asked to go back in” You giggle and Karen “Ooos” 
“He’s big too. It’s like it just kept coming when he was letting me adjust to him. God you should have seen him above me. He looked so hot” You’ve practically got little hearts in your eyes as you reach for your glass
“If it’s anything like the way he bench presses” Hen mumbles and you squeal 
“He made love to me, we made love!!!” you sigh dreamily, flopping over and Maddie pokes your side, teasing you 
“Did you get to ride him?” Karen asks excitedly and you pout 
“He wouldn’t let me!! He said he didn’t think I was ready for it… but when I tell you we’ve been going at it for the last three weeks. I can barely walk straight. That man has been putting me through the mattress”
“You think we didn’t notice?” Athena huffs into her glass and Maddie high-fives her. You roll your eyes and groan softly 
“It’s not my fault he’s got a dick the size of a baseball bat!!” 
Hen chokes on her wine and Karen pats her back as Maddie bursts out laughing 
“You wanna see the pictures?” You grin coyly, wiggling your eyebrows 
“You took pictures?!!” Karen shrieks and Hen and Maddie dive for your phone immediately and you squeal as they knock you over and yank your phone from your hands 
“Wait!! Wait!!” You’re laughing as Maddie screams looking through your photos 
“Y/N Diaz-Buckley!!!” Hen yells at you and you hide your face 
“Wait I wanna see!!! Karen joins the pile on top of you and her mouth drops open 
“How did you even get into that position?!” 
You’d been sending Eddie a ridiculous amount of photos while he was at work, he came home nearly every night, picking you up and taking you straight to the bedroom. Sometimes you didn’t even make it there and he’d take you on the nearest surface 
“Shut up!!” You cry out and Athena gets up, standing above Maddie 
“Damn girl. I don’t think I could even do that when I was younger”
“Oh, I bet you could have” Karen winks at her and you all “ooo” at her and she flicks you all off. 
“Can we please just get to the pictures I meant?!” You yank your phone from Maddie’s hand unlock the folder of the ones from your first night together and hand it back to her and all four women stare, absolutely stunned 
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You walk through the bay doors with a fresh tray of brownies, it’s a rather large one… you’ve got a lot of excess energy to burn through when Eddie’s at work. 
“Good afternoon Ravi!” You say cheerily as you set the tray down on the table and put a large pink knife down next to it with a stack of paper princess plates 
“Oh uh- Good afternoon! You’re sure in a good mood” He watches you cut him a nice-sized brownie and hand him the plate 
“Am I??” Your eye twitches the teeniest bit and he nearly choked on his brownie 
“He’s here you know” 
“Who?” You ask nonchalantly, cutting up another brownie and setting it on a plate 
“He’s actually in the showers. Got really dirty at the last fire, I think he slipped in the mud” 
“The showers?” Your hand stalls, and he takes the knife from your hand 
“Down the stairs to your left. The door can lock from the inside, I think only Bobby has the key” 
You cup his face, pulling him in and giving him a big kiss on the forehead 
“I love you” 
You’d slide down the banister if you could, you hurry down the stairs, your platforms thudding as you go. You open the door to the showers and look around for a second making sure no one else is in there and you lock the door behind you 
You approach the showers, listening to Eddie humming softly to himself. He starts to sing quietly and you stall, listening to him. He’s not bad, it’s some Selena song you both love and you giggle quietly before steeling your nerves. 
“Eddie?” You call out, pulling your shirt over your head and he stops, pulling back the curtain. Your eyes meet his as you toss your shirt next to his on the bench. He leans against the shower wall, watching you strut over to him while peeling your bra off, letting your tits bounce, and unzipping your shorts, revealing your bare pussy. You toe off your shoes and socks and step out of your shorts 
His eyes widen as he takes in your body, your full, plush, hips. The way your nipples are hardening as the cool air hits them, he can already feel them on his tongue. His eyes trail down and he freezes in his spot 
“Y-you didn’t wear-“
“I knew what I wanted when I got ready to come here” you purr and he bites his lip, watching the way your hips sway seductively as you walk toward him 
“You think you’re real cute sending me pictures huh?” You ask him, pouting a little and you don’t miss the way his dick jumps at your pout 
“Just a little payback” His voice is low and a bit strained, his eyes are definitely watching your nipples 
“Well it worked” He steps aside as you step into the small space with him, he watches the way the water flows over your body, trickling down between your breasts 
“You’re drooling” 
Your giggle is cut off as he backs you up against the wall, his hand cupping your face, the other gripping your hip as he captures your lips. He kisses you frantically, trailing hot wet kisses down your neck before pulling away to wrap his tongue around your nipple. His moans vibrate through your chest as he sucks contentedly, he lays his tongue flat before rolling it around the hard nub, playing with it like he does your clit 
“Fuck I can never get enough of your tits,” He says hotly before kissing across your chest and giving your other nipple the same treatment “Better let me suck on em when we get home too”
“I will, I promise” You reach between you two, pumping his clock slowly, relishing in the way it hardens in your hand. He’s a lot to handle, you drag his tip between your folds and he thrusts his cock into your hand. 
“Holy fuck” He moans as you let go and wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him feverishly. He growls against your lips, pinning you to the wall, and grabs your thighs
“You ready for this Sugar Cube?” He smirks and lifts you up easily. You squeak and wrap your legs securely around his waist 
“Eddie Diaz!!” 
“Yes, Mrs. Diaz-Buckley?” He taunts you and you can feel him poking at your entrance before he thrusts in deeply, groaning at your warmth enveloping him. 
“Fucking hell” You gasp loudly, letting your head fall against the shower wall. He fucks you under the hot spray, your bodies slipping together as the soap flows down his body under the water 
“Beg for it baby, come on I wanna hear you”  he growls as your nails dig into his shoulders, you pant raggedly as you kiss him 
“Fuck me, Daddy, please fuck me harder” You cry out when his hips speed up, kissing your cervix over and over, your eyes roll back in your head as he attacks your neck, leaving dark love bites in his path. You whimper into his shoulder making soft little “ah” noises with each thrust. 
The sounds of your mixed moans echo off the tile walls surrounding you. You slap your hand against the wall next to you, trying to brace yourself from the onslaught of his hips driving into you over and over again. He’s relentless, chasing after both of your highs. You switch to rubbing your clit in fast circles and he can feel you clenching tighter and tighter around him 
You’re having sex in the shower, the shower at work. And this certainly isn’t a dream 
Your orgasm hits you hard, he has to cover your mouth as you scream into his hand, your body shuddering as you squirt over his cock 
“God you feel incredible” He grunts in your ear as your pussy flutters around his cock. You feel him cum as it floods your insides, painting your walls with his hot seed. He thrusts slowly, moaning your name and holding his cock in you all the way for a moment before pulling out. He sets you down carefully, your legs absolute jelly and you giggle deliriously, kissing him passionately 
“Always so tight for me” He nuzzles against your neck and you smile “Always so perfect”
“I love you” 
“I love you more” 
“I love you guys too. Now Eddie, can you tell me where you left the window puncher from earlier? Is it in your pants?” 
Buck is standing right outside the shower stall, his arms crossed over his chest. You stumble forward, peeking your head out of the curtain 
“I locked the door” 
“I know, I thought Eddie did it on accident and got the key from Bobby, dude you lasted like six seconds” 
“I’m in the shower at work, I’m not exactly going to drag it out, it’s called a quickie for a reason” Eddie scoffs and you facepalm as they talk 
“You could have at least pinned her against the wall man. You can’t be over-exerting yourself at work” 
“Yeah I know, I’ll do that next time”
“Are we done discussing this??” You scold them and Eddie shrugs 
“I mean he has a-“
“Can you just help me get dressed” you grumble at Buck, interrupting Eddie as he supports you against his chest 
“Are you joking?” Buck covers his mouth, trying to stop his giggles 
“Can you just shut up and help me!!!” 
Eddie pulls you back into the shower, rinsing his cum from your legs and you blush deeply when he winks at you. He shuts off the shower and wraps his towel around you before pulling back the curtain fully and handing you off to Buck. He is so damn proud of what he just did to you and he’s practically beaming at Buck
“You didn’t have to be so rough with her… daddy” Buck throws his head back laughing and you start beating on him 
“Shut up!!”
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You leave the station with a new pep in your step and a relaxed little smile on your face and Ravi loses his mind. Eddie walks you out to the car, holding your hand and swinging it as you walk
“I’ll see you at home?” He asks as he opens the jeep door for you and helps you in 
“Mhm, I’m making enchiladas too so I hope you’ll be hungry” 
“I'm starving after that work out, might need a little snack to tide me over” He winks as he kisses you and you giggle, kissing him back 
“There are brownies, or you know hopefully there’s still brownies”
Eddie pouts as he shuts the door and steps back 
“I think you and I are thinking of very different snacks” 
You stick your tongue out at him and he raises an eyebrow 
“Better watch out before I put that tongue to better use”
Your mouth drops and he grins widely 
“Drive safe baby girl, love you” 
“Love you too” you mumble with your eyes narrowed at him as you pull off 
He watches you drive off, waving until he can’t see you anymore 
God, he loves you
He doesn’t have much time to walk back in when the alarm starts going off, he jogs over to his gear and gets it on, Buck takes his helmet and sets it on his head, giving it a tap with his knuckles 
“You’re gonna be the last one readyyy” he teases in a singsong voice as he legitimately skips off to the truck. Bobby looks up at him, shaking his head slowly as he watches Buck climb into the truck
Eddie is the last one in, and he does get scolded by Bobby and they all tease him but he just can’t seem to care because all he can think about is you and what you’d just done. So what if he’s gotta clean the truck when they get back? 
He and Buck are assigned to hose gold, (Buck named it) they manage to tame part of the fire while the others get the other part, it’s pretty quick work really, it doesn’t seem like it wanted to burn very long which Eddie thought was suspicious in itself but hey? A short call? Who cares how it started.
They finish putting it out and head inside to put out any smaller fires there’s one or two but nothing too bad… it just seems off for some reason. 
He and Buck part ways for a bit, searching through their part of the building when Eddie hears a weird noise, he picks up a crowbar from the floor and stalks slowly toward the noise 
“Buck? Do you hear that?” Eddie asks into his radio, he looks around in the next room, still hearing a faint clicking noise now
“Buck, do you copy?” Eddie looks at his radio for a second, clicking it to make sure it’s working 
Bobby’s voice comes over the radio now, “Hey heads up boys, I think Y/N just pulled up” 
That makes Eddie perk up and now he’s in even more of a hurry to find Buck
“Cap, Buck isn’t-“ 
Just as he’s about to report that Buck has gone silent, a black cat goes running through the hallway, right over Eddie’s shoes 
“Jesus-“ he swings the crowbar like a sword for a minute as the cat runs out of the front door. Buck comes around the corner finally, making that stupid clicking noise 
“Have you seen a cat anywhere? About yay-big?” He holds his hands up and Eddie smacks his chest
“Will you quit messing around!” Eddie tosses down the crowbar and Buck puts his hands on his hips 
“Hey! We save everyone! Including cute cats!!” 
Eddie rolls his eyes as they walk back into the main room together and he nearly kicks Buck in the face for scaring him like that 
“I’m telling you, This wasn’t a normal fire,” Eddie says, looking around one last time and Buck starts checking things out around him as well 
“This is weird, and totally none of our business!!” He laughs as he walks away from Eddie, checking for survivors on the other side of the room 
“I’ll let Athena know something is totally fishy! You coming?” 
“Yeah just give me a sec I got a rock in my boot” 
“Of course you do” Eddie chuckles as he rolls his eyes and walks out of the room, Buck is right behind him, hopping along instead of just sitting down to take the boot off. They leave the building and give the all-clear 
“I think Y/N is here, I’m gonna go check” 
“What’s she doing here?” He plops on the grass next to the front door 
“She was actually in town when she saw the truck go by” He laughs as he takes off his mask “Just thought she’d come by and see if things were okay”
“Ooooo were you texting her” Buck teases and Eddie kicks his leg 
“No, Bobby radioed when you were chasing that cat and apparently turned it off so you didn’t scare it” 
“I named him Robert” 
“Yeah, you got a problem with that?”Buck pretends to shoot him with little finger guns and Eddie rolls his eyes
“Hurry up and get the rock out, I wanna go home” 
“You mean so I can catch y’all in the shower again?” 
Eddie groans as he walks away “You’re never gonna let me live that down huh?” 
“Hell no, buddy!!” Buck calls out laughing as he takes his boot off. 
He’s just shaking it out when he hears the gravel crunch from behind him 
“Robert?? Did you go back in when I told you not to?!” 
He shoves his foot back in his boot and gets up “Hereeee Robert! Come on! I promised you treats remember?? Come out, come out wherever you a-“ 
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“Buck is missing”
“What?” Your heart drops to the floor as Eddie holds your arms, trying to get you to focus and breathe, but your head is spinning and your hands are shaking 
“What no? No, no, no, no, no. Hell no- not my Buck.” 
“They’re looking for him right now, I’m- I’m sure he’s fine Y/N he’s an idiot he probably just wandered off and got lost” 
You stand next to the truck, tugging at the roots of your hair and Eddie takes your hands, putting them on his chest 
“Sugar Cube?, Corazón, pay attention to me. Come on” 
You look up at him, your breathing quick and fast. 
“He’s probably just-“ 
“We have a hostage situation” 
Both of your heads whip around to Athena as she talks to Bobby, pointing at things and coordinating with him 
“You have a what?!” You run up to her, Eddie’s hand still laced with yours 
She looks at you a bit pained “I’m gonna have to ask you to leave, Y/N you’re a civilian. In fact, most of you need to be leaving now that the building is secure”
“Don’t ask me that” She cuts you off “Please, don’t ask me that Y/N” 
“I’m not leaving, hell no” 
“It could get dangerous. It’s my job to keep you safe” Athena puts her hand on your shoulder and you cross your arms over your chest 
“I’ll stay out of the way, I promise. But I’m not going anywhere” 
You get on your phone, walking away to text Tommy, and Athena sighs, Eddie just shrugs and follows you. 
No one is gonna get past that Buckley stubbornness. 
You climb into the Jeep and Eddie gets in with you, taking his helmet off and putting it on your head 
“What are you doing?” 
“Getting Tommy up here to sit with me, besides he needs to know”
“What’s wrong with me?” 
“You’re gonna be my informant. You can get closer than I can” 
“And if I get shot?”
“Walk it off” 
Eddie lays his head against the headrest, chuckling as you text Tommy the address. 
“How are you so calm?” You finally turn to him, looking at him from under the helmet. He turns his head to look at you, you look cute like that. He wonders what you’d look like in just that. 
“Because one of us has to be. I’m just as scared as you are Y/N… maybe even more. But what good am I if I’m panicking? In order to help Buck… I have to stay calm” 
“You’re doing so good baby,” you say softly, holding down the helmet and tilting your head up to kiss him
“I’m sorry I’m being pushy and not taking your feelings into account too.” 
He kisses you, his finger pulling your chin closer 
“It’s okay… I feel… safe, telling you that I’m really freaking out right now. I don’t know what to do and I feel guilty I walked away from him. Maybe if I hadn’t he wouldn’t have been taken” 
“I think something would have just been created to separate you two, Eddie. If whoever that is just wanted, Buck? They’d have definitely had contingency plans” 
“We could have fought them off together” Eddie sighs, rubbing a gloved hand over his face. You reach over, pull them off, and set them on the dashboard 
“You don’t know if they have a weapon, Eddie, it could have gone so much worse. You’re right… all we can do is remain calm… and do our best to help him” 
Eddie opens his arms and you very awkwardly climb into his lap 
“You could’ve just gotten out and come around” He chuckles quietly and you shrug
“Where’s the fun in that?” 
Tommy arrives on the scene in record time and gets in on the driver's side. You and Eddie look over at him, pulling away from an intense make-out session and he rolls his eyes 
“What? Gotta get rid of the nervousness!” You defend yourself and he smirks 
“Mhm sure” 
“You want me to make out with you too? It really helps take the edge off” Eddie sighs contentedly and Tommy chuckles, shaking his head 
“No thanks, I’m good for now. Might take you up on that later though”
“Please make sure I’m there when that happens,” You say dreamily and Eddie whacks your thigh 
You guys make a plan, and Eddie sneaks over to the trailers to convince Athena to give you some kind of listening equipment as long as you promise to stay out of the way 
“You doin' okay?” You ask as Tommy holds you tightly to his chest. You’d climbed into his lap as soon as Eddie left and he welcomed it, hugging you to him 
“Evan is strong… he’s smart... I’m sure he’s okay” He doesn’t look at you and you put your hand on his cheek, looking at him knowingly 
“That’s not what I asked.. but you’re right. I know Buck’s okay for now… I’d… I’d feel if he wasn’t… you know?” 
“Trust me, I know.”
Eddie comes back with two earpieces and you kiss him senseless. Athena offered to let him stay if you two promised to be on your best behavior and he agreed you would. He gives you both a small nod as he goes back to the trailer. Now all you can do is wait… 
There’s no contact and there hasn’t been any for about half an hour. You’re starting to lose patience when the phone starts ringing. Everyone in the trailer looks at it and Athena picks it up 
“Hello? This is Officer Athena Grant. To whom am I speaking?” 
“Hi Athena, I’m Nero”
You giggle a little at the reference and cover your mouth, you’re supposed to be serious 
“Fucking nerd” Tommy snorts and you whack his chest
“Says the guy who understood the hilarity” 
“I think I have someone you might want…” you hear his voice clearly through the earpiece and it sounds oddly familiar 
“I think you do too. Any chance you’ll just give him back?” 
“That’s not a great negotiation tactic. No, I think I’ll keep him”
“Can you let us talk to him? Let us know Buck is alive?” 
“My pleasure” There’s a shuffling noise and a soft groan 
“Mo- Athena??” 
Your heart drops as you hear Buck, he sounds dazed. Tommy’s hand grips yours just a little tighter, you know what you’re feeling… you can’t imagine what he is. 
“Alright, that’s enough Bucky dear.” You hear a small thud and Nero chuckles quietly 
“Mom huh? That’s cute. That’s really cute, considering his shit parents? I’m glad he found you and Bobby. Really”
How the hell did he know all of that??
“Look, we want to help you. So help us, help you. What can we get for you? I’m sure you have demands” Athena speaks into the phone, she hangs her head as she takes a deep breath, steeling her nerves. 
“I want Eddie Diaz”
They all look over at Eddie, who’s standing with his arms crossed, biting the tip of his thumb 
“Wait what?” He shakes his head, letting his arms fall “Me??” 
“Yes. You” There’s an angry growl to his tone “Did I fucking stutter?” 
“Oh god…” You whisper, looking up at Tommy, the color draining from your face 
“Tommy, Tommy I know that voice.”
“Please, please you gotta believe me!” 
“Of course, I believe you Y/N, who the hell is it??”
“It’s the man from the club” 
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mcufan1066 · 1 year
Maddie is Bi
I believe that Maddie is dating Wally, Rhonda, Dawn, and Mina. She's dead, so it's time for her to finally start living her life.
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r3ynah · 7 months
Family of Distinguished People.
So like what if, the Fenton family is just a family full of heroes, villains, and vigilantes. like.. just imagine a long line of people that had or has contributed to the world somehow. Like the Fenton parents as Supervillains, Jazz as a Vigilante, Danny as Hero. Dani just decides to travel not too interested, but does help with her family if needed, Dan does the same thing.
BUT WHAT IF joker is actually a close relative of the Fenton Family (ex. Uncle, Cousin,Family Friend) and like he's just there all happy with his (found)family during family reunions, birthdays and shit.
And the batfam are just like so confused and stressed to why the joker goes missing once a month.
While Joker is literally having a game of Monopoly with the elementary kids at amity park (the kids couldn't bother, they've saw scarier things they handled scarier things) cue Joker giving the kids a hundred dollars because he lost.
This is just one of my what if prompts, that i got locked up in a vault. Might delete this later who knows.
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
small town girl
paring ✦ Bella Ramsey x Fem!Reader
summary ✦ Bellas latest roll has them filming in your tiny home town. They come into you work taking notice of you, wanting to get to know you. After spending a few months together, you form feelings. What happens when you ask to define the relationship before Bella leaves back to England? ANGSTY possible part two if y’all want
word count ✦ 1,700ish
authors note ✦ this was suppose to be a cute little fluffy moment but it turned into angst REAL QUICK lmao I’m basically at 800 followers so thank you love y’all sm
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
Bella: do you want anything from the coffee shop
costar: yeah get me a latte pls oat milk
Bella: okay
“Can I get you something?” Bella looks up from their phone, apparently the line had moved a lot faster. Because here Bella was holding up the line, stood a few feet away from the counter. People behind them groaning in annoyance.
“Uh sorry.. Can I get a latte with oat milk and…” Bella trails off when they finally make eye contact with the Barista behind the counter, you. A sweet smile is spread across your lips waiting for a response from the mysterious person in front of them. You lived in a rather small town, a small enough town where everyone knew everyone.
A goofy smile dawns their lips as they try to conjure up words, literally anything at this point. They manage to spit out the rest of their order. You’re too busy tapping away at the register in front of you to notice their lovingly stare.
“That’ll be eleven dollars and fifty cents.” You speak up, bringing Bella back down to earth just long enough to fish out a twenty dollar bill. Before you can enter it into the till, they tell you to keep the change.
“Thank you.” You respond. Bella mentally cursing them self for essentially paying twenty dollars for two cups of coffee but the smile on your face makes it worth every penny.
“Name for the order?” You ask picking up a sharpie and a cup.
“Bella.” They blurt out. You say their name aloud as you write it down, they like their name so much more when it’s coming out your mouth. Bella only realizes they’re staring when you instruct them to wait at pick up spot so you can continue helping customers. They nod yes before moving so you can do your job. Your coworker, Maddie is busy making the drinks while you run the register. As you ring up the next customer you can’t help but notice that they’re full on checking you out.
Bella eventually gets their drinks, ready to leave but not with out making eye contact with you one more time. Leaving you with a smile spread softly across their lips and a small wave. Eventually the line dies down and the small rush of customer is dealt with.
“Who was that?” Maddie asks stealing your attention away from the table your wiping down.
“I don’t know.” You say with a shrug of your shoulders.
“They were high key checking you out.” Maddie teases.
“You noticed?” You asked, you had noticed too. Thought maybe you were overreacting.
Bella decided they’d come back the next day. And everyday till they were done filming in this town, wanting desperately to get to know you better. This time when they walk in your busy dealing with a perverse male customer. Bella gets in line behind the man, listening in on the conversation.
“Come on, just take my number?” The man begs.
“No as I’ve said before, a hundred times I’m not into your type.” You sneer not noticing Bella standing there.
“What do you mean by that?” The man leans over the counter causing you to take a step back noticing Bella’s existence. You smile before facing the annoying man again.
“Can you go away? I have an actual paying customer to assist.” You say motioning to Bella, the man head whips around gaze landing on Bella. Rolling his eyes before pushing away from the counter, leaving the coffee shop.
“Sorry about that.” You apologize, reassuming your position at the register.
“No I’m sorry you have to deal with that.” Bella replies, concern heavy in their voice.
“It’s fine. You kinda get used to it being a female in this kind of work.” You smile, grateful Bella is here when it’s slow. No other customers to take up your time, giving your full attention to Bella.
“Doesn’t make it okay.”
“I started wearing these so maybe men would get the hint to leave me alone.” You explain, pointing to the pride pins in your work apron. A lesbian flag proudly centered in the middle. Bella is confused momentarily cause you weren’t wearing those yesterday. They would of definitely noticed that, right? Either way it only makes them want to get to know you more.
“It also pisses off all the old hicks in this town. So that a plus.” You laugh softly, Bella joins in.
“You’re not from around here? What brings you here?” You ask as an attempt to keep the conversation moving forward. It’s apparent they’re not from here, their accent isn’t familiar. Bella hesitate part of them hating talking about their job to strangers, no matter how they worded it. It felt like bragging.
“Uh.. the show I’m working on is filming here for a few months.”
“That’s cool. So you’re like famous?” You ask curiously.
“I guess you can say that.” Bella laughs awkwardly.
“In anything I would’ve heard of?”
“Probably not.” Bella responds. Part of Bella hated talking about their fame.
“Oh. Well what can I get you?” You ask, they respond with their order. Paying and leaving a generous tip again. Maddie is on their break so you make their drink. Once it’s finished you pass it to Bella, your hands make contact briefly. You both smile when it happens. Just as Bella’s about to say their goodbyes, Maddie walks in from the back room noticing who’s here.
“You can go on your break now.” Maddie says mischievous grin on her face. Your face falls to confusion, you just took your break before she did. Before you can respond she shoos you.
“Join me?” Bella asks, regaining your attention. Bella wasn’t sure what came over them, never usually this forward.
“I don’t have to be back on set for a while.” Bella adds.
“Sure, one sec.” You respond, throwing your apron off and grabbing the drink you had been sipping on all morning. Making your way around the counter to the sitting area. Bella has already found a seat, you sit down with them. A few silent moments pass before you speak up.
“Where are you from?” You ask.
“England.” They respond, taking a sip out the drink you just made for them.
“Wow, you’re far from home. How you liking it here? Tiny little hick town in the middle of nowhere.”
“It’s definitely different. A nice different though, I’ve been spending so much time in big cities. Feels like a fresh breath of air.” Bella explains, absent minded as they fiddle with the rings on their fingers.
“Fresh air? More like cow shit but love that for you.” You tease, Bella laughs.
“Have you always lived here?” Bella asks.
“I was born in California. My mom was over the the big city life, moved us out here when I was four. Lived here since. I was suppose to go to college this year but she’s sick and I can’t imagine leaving her.” You explain, realizing your telling this random person your whole life story. For some reason it feels natural with Bella.
“Sorry for dumping all that on you.”
“It’s fine, I’m sorry she’s not doing well.”
Little did you know in that moment you two would become borderline inseparable. Bella would show up to the coffee shop every morning you worked. Anytime both of you were available, which wasn’t often, you two were together. Always snap chatting each other through out the day. Quickly you formed an attachment to Bella, dreading the day they’d have to leave. Leaving you all alone in this tiny town.
Almost three months has passed and you two had done everything a relationship entails without actually labeling it a relationship. Part of you terrified if you pushed too hard, you’d only push Bella away. Deciding early on that you’d leave it up to them where this relationship went. You grew to regret that when you started the feeling of love for Bella started bubbling up inside you, desperate to make it to the surface.
With Bella leaving in a few days you couldn’t handle it any longer. You were lounging in Bella’s bed, enjoying each others company. Both of you silently clicking away on your phones. You kept glancing to Bella praying, hoping that you weren’t going to have to be the one to define the relationship. This could quite possibly be the last time you see Bella. The next few days their schedule was packed and you worked, it was now or never.
“What are we doing?” You ask, barely comes out as a whisper.
“Uhh nothing.. laying here?” Bella responds.
“No like what are we doing?” You ask again, looking over to Bella trying to gauge their reaction. Immediately they tense up, backing away from you.
“I was just wondering cause you’re leaving soon and-“
“We’re just friends,” Bella says but they don’t even sound confident in their statement. You sit up, your blood beginning to boil. You get out of bed reaching for your clothes on the floor. Bella tries to stop you grabbing your wrist, you pull away forcefully.
“I didn’t mean that. I don’t know what we are. I’m leaving, I live all the way on the other side of the fucking planet.” They spit, their voice now filled with anger. They’re following in your lead hurriedly throwing their clothes on. Regret on their behalf settling in quickly.
“Fuck this.” You cry, finally dressed. Grabbing your phone and keys that laid on the bed side table. Nearly out the door before Bella catches up, they grab your arm forcing you to face them.
“Wait please, this will never-” They plead with you, only for you to cut them off mid sentence.
“If you’re just going to tell me some bullshit about how this is over. I don’t want to hear it, I’ve heard enough.” You respond, pulling away from their embrace for the last time. Bella says your name as a last stitch effort to keep you around.
“No fuck you. You don’t just get to bulldoze yourself into my life, make me fall in love with you just to break my fucking heart.” The words come out more nasty than you had wanted but it’s too late. Bella’s stood there, speechless. With that your gone never seeing Bella again.
Part 2??
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joka13 · 1 year
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 23
You walk back to your dormitory in a daze. You are half convinced that what just happened minutes ago back up in the twins' dormitory was a dream (you've had many dreams about the Weasley twins, so another one wouldn't be uncommon). But... no. It was all too real to be a dream. You recall the glorious feeling of being held by George, his arms around you, his lips on yours...
You begin to smile at the memory, but quickly stop yourself. You want to be happy about your wonderful time spent with George, and yet, some part of you can't help but feel that it's all wrong.
"What about Fred?" you had said, and George had appeared completely unbothered by your expression of feeling torn between him and his brother. Wouldn't a man naturally become jealous if he found out that the woman he admired — even if she had the same feelings for him — had feelings for another man, let alone his brother? When it was revealed to you that Fred had been a witness of yours and George's moment, Fred had acted the same. He had even congratulated his twin brother, as if having absolutely no romantic feelings towards you. And then Fred proceeded to flirt with you in the most simple, yet effective way possible right in front of George. Neither of the twins were even a little bit jealous of or upset over the other, and you find it utterly puzzling. Was it possible that (as devilish as the thought was in your wondering mind) the twins had made some sort of agreement, whether it be unspoken or written down on a piece of parchment, to... share you?
For a moment you are so distracted that you're almost caught by a prefect who marches up and down the next hallway. You dash into the shelter of a nearby doorway until it is safe for you to continue.
Fred and George are identical twins, so they tend share a lot of things: clothes, school supplies, good looks... but girlfriends? (Is it even safe to say that you are at the "girlfriend level" with either of the twins, even after pushing past your original limits with George tonight? You've certainly been spending a lot of time with Fred and George over the past few months, and you feel this kind of specialness with them that you've never felt before...) You try to remember if you ever saw or heard about Fred or George with a girlfriend before you officially met them. You know they each had their own individual dates to the Yule Ball last year, but you haven't seen those girls with the twins since.
You sigh as you finally reach the Slytherin common room entrance. You're tired and overwhelmed by everything that has happened, so you push it all to the back of your mind for now. You don't particularly enjoy imagining the twins being with other girls anyway.
You open the door to your dorm to find Maddy in the middle of changing into her pajamas. She makes brief eye contact with you before you politely look away.
You go to pull your trunk out from under your bed and take out your own night clothes to change into. You face your bed and, as you begin to undress, Maddy's low voice interrupts the quiet of the night.
"He talks about you."
You freeze momentarily, wondering at first who in the world she could be referring to, until it dawns on you. Malfoy. The only guy she would ever give a second thought to now. Of course he talks about you. He hates you for wounding his ego, and Malfoy talks an awful lot about the things that he hates. You continue changing.
Maddy goes on as you unbutton your shirt. "Draco doesn't really like me. I wish he did, but he likes you."
The silence that follows is uncomfortable. Maddy has caught you off guard. You expected her to say, if anything, something rude or haughty. But her words are sad, with a touch of envy.
"I'm sure he'd still have you," Maddy sighs. "I'll step out of your way without a fight if you change your mind." It sounds strangely like an offer.
What? Even after all these months you've seen Malfoy and Maddy together, you still can't wrap your head around it. The long time during which you and Maddy were good friends, you'd both easily agreed that Malfoy was, in a nutshell, a rotten person whom neither of you would want anything to do with ever. Now, Maddy talks like he's a good opportunity in the dating field!
You surprise yourself by laughing harshly. "I wouldn't even consider going out with Malfoy if we were the last two people on earth!"
Maddy doesn't respond immediately. You step into your pants, close your trunk, slide it back under the bed, and crawl into bed under the covers.
"You don't understand," Maddy eventually says quietly. "I'm trying to help you, giving you a second chance because he's too scared or whatever to do it himself—"
"Well, I don't want a second chance!" you interrupt, rolling over on your side to finally look at Maddy. She's already facing you. "I don't like Malfoy."
Maddy's expression is an impatient grimace. "Yes, I am very aware of that," she says quickly. "But..." She desperately searches for the right words to say. "I've been hearing things... Something is coming." Your face softens with confusion. Maddy also seems to relax now that she really has your attention. "I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I think there are going to be two sides to it, and at the end of the day..." She takes in a deep breath, then exhales, "I want you to be on my side."
You take a long moment to let her words sink in. Two sides? To what? Maddy makes whatever it is sound big. A knot forms in the pit of your stomach as you realizes that she may be referring to what the Ministry has been fearing since last school year. If He-Who-Must-Not-Be- Named really is back... no doubt, there would be a war at some point. A war between You-Know- Who's army and... everyone else. You sit up on the edge of your bed, chewing on the inside of your cheek nervously. "And what side is that?" you ask.
"The one that is going to win," Maddy replies firmly without hesitation. The way she says it makes your heart beat faster with anxiety. "And I know that the Malfoy family will be on that side," Maddy continues, growing excited. "I believe that, if you build a good relationship with the Malfoy family through Draco, you can redeem yourself and be saved!" You shake your head, struggling to make sense of what she's telling you. She must've seen the gesture as a protest because the excitement on her face dies away suddenly. "People are going to die, y/n," she says morbidly. "And I don't want you to be one of them." You're speechless. It's been so long since you've heard Maddy say your name.
Then you begin to wonder if Malfoy put her up to this, if he truly does fancy you that is. She's basically become another one of his cronies and may not care for you as much as she says she does. Maybe she's only following orders. You consider accusing her of it, but decide it wouldn't be a smart move. She seems so genuine, you could be wrong. Maybe you really can get your friend back! But, then again, she's a Slytherin. She could just as well be lying to you.
"What about doing what's right?" you say, staring her in the eye. "What if I'd rather die fighting for what's right than live on ashamed and regretful for the rest of my life?"
Maddy's face contorts into an angry scowl, and she gets to her feet. She walks to the middle of the room and starts pacing, her fists clenching and unclenching at her sides. It's like she wants to argue with you, but there's also a quarrel within herself. She doesn't know what she wants. Either that, or she does and something is keeping her from having it. When Maddy turns to face you once more, she has tears in her eyes.
Maddy's voice shakes, and it breaks your heart. "Please, y/n. Come with me," she begs, but she seems to already know how you'll answer.
"I'm sorry," you whisper as you, too, start to tear up. "I can't." You lay back down on your side facing the wall. It's your way of saying that the conversation is over, but, as the tears roll down your face and onto your pillow, you know that you'll be thinking about it for a very, very long time.
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silliemillie2024 · 2 months
My Carmen X Gray Fankid, Part 1.
Dexter Suhara Calloway: Before the Accident.
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Gender: Male.
Age: 16 years old.
Nicknames: Ash (siblings and parents), Hawkeye, Idiot (Paisley calls him this lovingly), Captain Obvious (his friend Chloe mainly), Lover Boy (Paisley when she teases him), Romeo (his friends Jean and Roberto when he goes on and on about Paisley), Dexy-bear (only Paisley, he secretly loves the name, but don't tell Paisley).
Parents: Graham "Gray" Scott Calloway (Father) and Carmen Isabella Calloway (Mother).
Siblings: Jade Ana Calloway (younger sister), Dawn Rebecca Calloway (younger adopted sister), Maverick Colin Calloway (younger brother), Richard Derek Calloway (younger brother) and Rina Olivia Calloway (younger adopted sister).
Personality: Loyal, Smart, Hard-working, Caring, Optimistic, protective.
Likes: Reading, History, Hanging out with his friends, Animals (especially his pet Python, Madusa or Maddie for short and his service dog, Dirk), cooking with his Mamaw (his mom's mom).
Dislikes: When people hurt animals, needles (Will start hyperventilating), Bullies, when someone hurts Paisley (He will go into a blind rage).
Friends: Paisley Phillips (Crush/future girlfriend), Chloe Drake, Jean Devineaux, Roberto Rodriguez.
Dexter Suhara Calloway: After the Accident.
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After Dexter and his dad got hit by a drunk driver, they were rushed to the hospital where they were quickly evaluated for any extensive injuries. Dexter's dad, Graham was cleared within an hour, only suffering miner cuts and bruises, but as for Dexter, he blacked out from loss of blood on the way to the hospital and was in a coma for nearly two hours. When his mom, sisters and friend, Paisley made it to his room, he was awake, but due to the painkillers the doctor had given him for the pain, he was still really out of it, but as a soon as he felt Paisley touched his arm, he gave her a big, lop-sided smile. After a while the doctor informed his parents that he had sustained significant nerve damage in his right eye, which caused him to become completely blind in that eye, he also had significant brain damage from the crash, which affected his speech patterns significantly. Once he was finally able to go home, the first thing his parents did was get him a service dog, an Australian Shepard, whom Dexter affectionately named Dirk and Paisley took it upon herself to help Dexter heal emotionally, like he did for her weeks prior to the accident. In the following days, Paisley would help Dexter by doing any chores that were more physically draining while Dexter did simpler chores. After nearly a month, the two of them started dating, which helped Dexter's health improve significantly and he was finally back to his old self. Despite being half blind, he will eventually become the captain of the boys soccer team in his senior year of high school and graduate with honors.
After Graduation:
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whoopsyeahokay · 5 months
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October Sun
summary: you and Wally had finally had a chance to talk, reviewed the information at your disposal, which, by then, had included the text you'd received from Xavier. Even with everything you'd been taught, had researched, had a profound knowledge of, things still hadn't made sense. Had Mr. Anderson really been the Big Bad of your Nancy Drew story? Or had something darker been afoot?
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading, frens
"—and then this morning, Zav texted—"
"Xavier? Maddie's boyfriend?"
Recognition dawned, "Oh, yeah. I know him," spoken with a sour inflection.
"Yeah, him. He's like my brother from another mother." One who'd flounced out of Xavier's life in 8th Grade and had taken half the family assets with her to Milwaukee.
"Anyway," You resumed your summary of events, "He sent me this." Leaning forward, you showed Wally the picture of Maddie's ticket on your phone. "They found it in the woods not too far from here."
After yesterday's series of unfortunate interruptions, you and Wally had ensconced yourselves halfway up the rows of spectator seats in the stadium. Apart from a groundskeeper on the field and a maintenance worker floating about the upmost level of the grandstand, you were blissfully alone.
You sat sideways, Wally's varsity jacket balled up and shoved behind your back so the armrest wouldn't dig into your spine (his idea). Your knees were bent over the armrest that divided your seat and Wally's, socked feet on his lap, lounging as comfortably as was possible in your position.
Wally, meanwhile, held your ankle, thumb occasionally stroking under the hem of your jeans, and had his legs splayed wide to accommodate their length in such a tight space. Arm stretched across the backs of your seats, fingers of his other hand absentmindedly lifting and placing strands of your hair at the back of your head.
It was nice. Casual.
You and Wally were totally and utterly attuned as if sharing space was a regular occurrence. As if he'd always been part of your story, alongside Xavier and Hana and Lucas, trading easy touches and unfiltered thoughts the way people did when they'd known each other since baby teeth.
It was the connection, of course. A tequila glow under the skin that removed the awkwardness of getting to know someone new and replaced it with the opinion that everyone was ohana.
Once again, you'd spent the night with your nose in the gutter of every book you'd thought could be relevant, and not one had had the insinuation of an answer. If you'd been allowed to ask Nanna, you knew she'd say something ridiculous about soulmates, or twin flames or some other buzzword for 'meant to be'.
She was a diehard romantic like that, despite having suffered the loss of Grandpa Jack mere days after your uncle Andrew was born. She'd never remarried. Never dated. Was content to wait until her body expired and she reunited with Grandpa Jack in the afterlife.
It wasn't fair that Nanna couldn't Travel. That she couldn't see ghosts like you and your mother and Ginny. That the family rule prevented you from speaking to Grandpa Jack so you could relay his messages to Nanna.
In the absence of the swarms and storms and squalls you'd been threatened with if you ever spoke to the dead, you were beginning to hate that rule.
Wally pinched the top knot of your spine, lips swept into a roguish grin. "Lost you for a second there, pretty girl."
Deep brown eyes roamed your face for signs of where your mind had drifted. Having Wally's full attention made your heart beat a little faster, your stomach squirm, your breath catch. It brought with it a sense of empowerment; Wally, former star athlete and school hero, looking at you like you'd hung the moon.
"Uhm~." Eloquent.
Wally chuckled, breezy, and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. "I feel it, too." He admitted, catching his lip between straight, white teeth and glancing away with a blush. "It's not as crazy as it was yesterday, though."
"True." You said, "But it's still pretty intense. It's like taking one shot. You aren't quite tipsy, you're just vibing and it's—"
"Nice." Wally cut in, sloping a few inches forward.
Heat rose in your cheeks and you knew your eyes had gone honey-soft and dreamy under Wally's gaze. "Yeah. It is."
You gave yourself a moment to take in the feeling—sit with it, and accept it—before you decided it was time to get back to business.
"Alright," Wally crooked his arm at the elbow and propped his head on his fist, "Things we know so far: Mr. Anderson paid Maddie off."
"But he's paranoid, so he decides to tie up loose ends and remove Maddie from the equation."
"He lures her to the boiler room, attacks her, manages to hurt her enough to get blood on the walls, and then..." Wally's voice and expression turned dubious, "Maddie runs?"
You quickly picked up where Wally left off, "She heads through the woods where she drops her ticket, and then she makes it to the service road."
"Where Mr. A finds her—"
"Drugs her into a coma." You and Wally said together before he continued alone.
"—and then he brings her back here?"
You tried not to sound too hopeful when you asked, "How do you know he brought her back here? Did Maddie tell you?"
Wally had mentioned that Maddie couldn't remember anything about what had happened to her last Friday, but if she'd started to get her memory back, maybe this whole thing would be wrapped up before the weekend. Simon would have his best friend back, Xavier wouldn't be looked at like the school pariah anymore, and you and Wally could...
Focus on each other? Mathilda's face smirked at you in your mind.
Or something, You snapped back as you pictured yourself using a chalkboard eraser to erase Mathilda's image from the inside of your skull.
"Nah, babe," Wally said, "She still can't remember anything. At least, not that she's told me. But it doesn't matter because she's haunting the school, right?"
You peered at Wally who looked so eager to be helpful, and tried to fit the puzzle pieces together. Unfortunately, the pieces you had were turning into blobs of color without a picture for reference.
"Well, I mean, it could mean something," You supposed, willing to approach the theory from a new angle. "But she also could've followed him back here without realizing she wasn't in her body."
Wally's hand slipped up from your ankle to your calf where he began to massage the muscle, almost sympathetically. Like he was about to say something offensive and wanted you to be calm when you received it.
With mild suspicion, you listened to what he had to say, though by the end, you couldn't conceal your shock.
"I don't know what you read about ghosts, baby, but we can't move around like that. We haunt where we die. If Maddie's ghost is in the school, it's because that's where she left her body."
Internally, the blue screen of death crashed down as a bullhorn shrieked fatal system error.
Wrong Wrong Wrong.
Grandpa Jack had died in New York and you'd seen him plenty of times in Wisconsin. Hell, you'd seen American ghosts in the UK when you'd visited your dad. American ghosts who'd died on American soil. The books in your family's library verified that ghosts were at liberty to go wherever they pleased, having earned the right after they were relieved from the 'burden of living' (as one rather staunchly Catholic author had written).
And then you remembered, "You mean more trapped than the rest of us?" Wally had said yesterday.
Jack-knifing into an upright position, you gasped, "You're stuck here?!"
Slowly, as if scared to animate you further, Wally said, "Yeah. Whenever we step off school property, we end up back where we died." He glanced at the field warily. "It sucks."
"Wally," You breathed in and out deeply, heart hammering for a reason that had nothing to do with Wally's closeness, "That's not normal."
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ourworldofwonders · 1 year
School Spirits Ep 7
- Nicole is annoying and i’m over the in your face guilty. 
- Why is Simon adorable!!? The family of ants.
- What is with all the photos of Maddie? (simon’s reaction to it makes Nicole look weird).
- BABIES! Seriously, anything with the ghosts are just too cute.
- Mr Martin is super annoying.
- Protective Wally is hot!! (casually moving closer to her).
- Okay Nicole?? Seriously, what is wrong with her?
- I need a list dedicated to Wally. Jealousy was hot !
- Xavier’s alibi with the janitor??
- Another spirit could walk in..hmmm
- Nicole’s footprint?
- Sobbing!! Bus stops will forever haunt me now.
- Resentment? I’m not caring about that scene, sorry
- Nicole might be my least favourite (might have changed my opinion by the end ..maybe)
- Mr Martin!! GO AWAY!
- Just whimpering over Wally x Maddie
- Fuck, Simon! Breaking my heart
- Anyone else think everything with Nicole is anti-climatic. Kinda everything we already knew.
- Janet so didn’t cross over then but poor Dawn, sweet baby girl.
- HER MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate and love it.
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