fishareglorious · 5 months
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grimngbles having hotpot together.....
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tagrasso-art · 6 months
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Painting study featuring my sea of thieves character
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missholloween · 3 months
I thought my fnaf presentation was going to be the only insane thing today, but then morbius came and said it's morbing time and morb all over the place
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thegirlwiththedream · 1 month
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fantasygamer93youtube · 4 months
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 5 Blood in the Water - The Queen's Blood Tournament #16 https://youtu.be/z77lleaXiOU #ff7r #finalfantasy7rebirth #finalfantasy #cloud #tifa #aerith #barret #redxiii #madamm #chadley #regina #queensblood #finalfantasy7rebirthchapter5 #ff7rqueensblood
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uraandri · 7 months
all of my pretty little bowls
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tina-aumont · 1 year
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🌼She chose dad's friend🌼
Photos 1 & 2: Banon (France). With a bouquet of wildflowers in her arms and in a Chanel suit, Tina Aumont, the very young daughter of Jean-Pierre Aumont and Maria Montez, married Christian Marquand, French actor and director, in an almost surprising ceremony. Here are the newlyweds immediately after the ritual. She, who is only seventeen years old, impressively recalls her famous mother, who died in 1951, him, one of director Roger Vadim's interpreters, is thirty-six years old.
Photo 3: The most moving moment of the ceremony: Christian Marquand slips the ring to Tina who has a white orchid in her hair. The wedding was celebrated in a civil ceremony.
Photo 4: The souvenir photograph: from the left Christian Marquand and his mother [Lucienne Fernande Cornilliat], Jean-Pierre Aumont and Tina. Aumont returned to Broadway where he worked in the play "Tovarich". [Behind Jean-Pierre Aumont we see one of María's sister, Lucita Gracia Vidal]
Photo 5: Tina, still Miss Aumont, arrives on the arm of her father, the actor Jean-Pierre Aumont, who is fifty-three years old and who to many seemed all too equal to her husband. Aumont was also a best man for his daughter, while Roger Vadim was a witness for Marquand. Christian and Tina have known each other forever: he has in fact been a friend of the Aumonts for more than twenty years, but the decision to get married was rather sudden: it dates back to a month ago.
Scans and caption from Italian magazine Gioia, 17th October 1963.
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weregreatatcrime · 1 year
so i’m adding in a lil spec of stockman’s pov, and since i hardly doubt he thinks of himself as “stockman” and i just. i just can’t accept “baxter” for some reason for him, i was tryna see what sort of nicknames folks have for baxter and i’m fucking dying yall
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the first thing to pop up was cute pet nicknames and it took me a whole minute to stop laughing because it caught so fucking off guard-
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executables-sims · 9 months
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CF/TF/AF/EF Long Glamorous Side Wave | Download Originally 'Madamme Hair' by Marko. Another old hair redux! And a first attempt at overpainting to 'Maxis-ify' a hair. :) Fixed anims (and most clipping), retopo'd the front a little, and converted for TF/CF. Animated, binned, familified, and compressorised; 986 polys.
MediaFire Mirror: Download
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darkdarkstucky · 1 year
Enchanted, S. Rogers and C. Kent.
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SUMMARY: In a world where Omega's were scant and decent alpha's even more so, you think you're one in a million to be in a relationship with Alpha's who not only take care of your every whims and need, but also love and respect you unconditionally. However, your marital bliss of two years is interrupted by the concept of ‘true mates’.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Clark kent.
Warnings: Cursing, Angst.
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“Wake up, buttercup!” Natasha cheerily exclaims, clapping her hands together after successfully pulling back the curtains to let the sunshine in your desolate quarters. You groaned sleepily turning your head towards the other direction, until she peeled the covers back from you.
“Uh-uh, we are not letting you sleep in the bed for days on end again.” the red head tuts, pulling your limp arm and ushering you towards a seating position. “Today, we're going out and walking on sunshine vampy.”
“No. Let me wallow in doubt and sadness.” you whine, eyes shut. You were still in dreamland, nestled in the covers with the ac on full blast— and you could literally spend days in the bed it feels like. You were always so sleepy and tired.
Part of you blamed it on over-thinking. Your brain must have been fueling up for all of your racing thoughts. Or it was only during sleep that you weren't thinking anything.
“Can't. The sun is up and the day is to be conquered. Where's your fucking spirit?”
“Oh wait! I remember where i left it, let me check.” you wiggled, making her hold loosen before you dived back into the sheets.
Comfy. So so nice.. you rub your face in Clark's pillow, sighing out in bliss. Just as you were about to doze off again..
“Nat!” you bellow, feeling yourself get lifted off the bed and towards the en suite.
“We're going out and fucking things up dollface! No excuses!”
“I feel like richard gere and you're my bitch- well, technically not one, but you get my point.” Nat nonchalantly puts down the menu, staring at you from across the table.
There was an astounding array of shopping bags placed neatly along the floor, both of you going haywire on different shops and swiping daddy's plastics, and only when you calmed down did you realize how much clothes you bought.
You'd feel bad, yet both Steve and Clark had gaslighted you early on that it isn't real money princess. So you went on your merry way each time and thought as if you were only playing pretend.
“Why can't i be a bitch?” you mutter, inbetween bites of garlic bread, basically inhaling the small tray of decadent pastry. It was crunchy, and soft on the inside with hints of melted cheese. Ohmy, you wanted to gobble it up.
Nat looked at you as if you were stupid. “Because.. you're rainbows, and butterflies and shiny shimmering glitter.”
You made a face, “You're saying i'm made of nice things? Aww, naty.”
“Yes, and if i put you in my mouth, you'll melt like a cotton candy.” she flippantly voices, which made both of you stare at eachother— silent and intent gazes, before bursting into laughter. Giggling at the unknown double entrede.
“Hello, madamme.” Your head snaps towards a slightly familiar older man decked in a pristine suit, an easy yet flattering grin on his face. “How are you finding your lunch? Has anyone taken your order yet?”
“Oh, hey ben. It's pleasant, as it always is. We've actually just placed our orders,” You smile in response.
“Oh that's great! and you're here with Mrs. Barnes, i see.” He politely nods to the red head. “Will you be joining Mr. Kent at the second floor? He's got an entourage, but i doubt it's concerning business. It appears to be more casual.”
“Is that so? I mean, Clark did say something about a lunch. Who's he with?” Your mouth moves faster than you could think.
In reality, the only thing you've recieved from both of them were casual goodmornings and update as to where they were. Steve was in France, Clark said he was in Russia. Atleast, that was what they told you.
“The usual, madamme. A couple of security details, and a new secretary. She seems to be new, atleast from who Mr. Kent usually keeps in his payroll.” The host narrates, thinking nothing of it. Everyone was already well aware of how much you meant to your husbands— to the point where nobody would bat an eye if they were seen out with another woman. Nobody could possibly believe they would replace you.
And you hated to jump into conclusions, but why would he need to lie?
Your heart wanted to lurch out of your chest. Nat's clearing of her throat made you snap out of your spiral; and you schooled your features back into a cheery expression once again.
“Well, if Mr. Kent wouldn't mind our presence.”
“.. I was actually a scholar of Kent foundation. Can you believe it? Our fates, so intertwined. It was really as if we were meant to be.” Lois gushes, leaning over in her chair, looking at him as if she were about to jump his bones.
Frankly, it made him quite uncomfortable. Nothing about this - if you could even call it a date, it was more like a formal gathering or a meet of sorts that he was inclined to arrange- felt natural, nor right.
Clark wanted to rely on his base instincts for direction but he couldn't grope for a shred of connection. Not even a silver of fondness, which is strange, considering thag they were supposed to be compatible— the person oppsite of him bore the genetic compatibility, as per several tests.
Though, what she said piqued his interest. “Which part of town would you say?”
“Upper east side,” Lois responds. Clark shifted in his seat, a smile making it's way to his features which held a considerable sway in her judgement. He asks a few more questions in that honeyed voice of his, to which she absently replied at.
“Huh, would you look at that.” He leans back in his seat, gears in his head turning but he maintained an easy smile on his face, mirth dancing in the darkened blue of his eyes.
“How about i permanently move your residence in, say, one of my towers?” Lois' breath hitched at the proposal.
“I-i mean, sure if that's what you want.” she gathered herself for a while, before remembering to act bashful and blinking up at him rapidly, smiling coyly. “I'm yours afterall. Your mate.”
You can hear the jeers and the laughter, staying through the conversation, until you found yourself feeling literal pangs of hurt in your chest. Fuck. What does all of this mean?
“Let me kill this son of a whore,” Nat was about to angrily storm inside, but you managed to stop her, putting an arm out.
“Don't even bother.” you murmur, finding it hard to find your own voice. At that point, you felt almost numb— as if your brain was shutting down from what you've heard, finding it difficult to process at all.
You woke up with the hope of your marriage still intact. Thinking, rather stupidly, that this was just a rather difficult hurdle in your marriage. Thinking that perhaps, this was all just a big misunderstanding like what you were repeatedly assured of.
But this was beyond even your wildest dreams. Nothing made sense. It was as if your world was crashing down on you all at once. True mates? It mocks you repeatedly.
Steve and Clark told you that you were the one. You believed them, because why would they lie to you? They had no reason to!
To get in your pants, silly. The rational, or was it pessimistic part of you said.
You blinked away the tears, turning around, and indulging in the manical urge that clouded all your rationality— run.
So you fled.
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jewellery-box · 8 months
Robe a la anglaise made for Madamme Renata. This gown represents late 18th century fashion for classicism and it's fare from the rococo taste. It's made from electrical blue and cream silk taffetas - colours of lapis lazuli and alabaster. Decorations are made of hand-embroidered appliques inspired by ancient cameos.
By Mme_Jejette via Instagram.
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mangobobo · 5 months
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HELLO!!, two years ago i did some fanclones/ clone high fcs !, these are just some designs, and not everyone has lore or something but i was trying to challenge myself to do some designs in the series style!
Some day i'll redesign these fellas 🦐💕
These guys are clones of:
-Ladi Kwali
-Madamme de Lafayette
-Utagawa Kuniyoshi
-Tex Avery
-Raymond Scott
-Ub Iwwerks
-Paul el pulpo
-Gabilondo Soler (Cricri)
-Katharina Brumbach
-Nicholas Machiavelli
-Iván IV Vasilievich
-Ruth Graves
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draconiccatgirl · 4 months
So let’s review the facts
-Anju is in that backroom in Chapter 3, she gave me her pendant. It’s unknown where she is in the Current Timeline?
-Angie is also somehow related to her somehow based on what that lady in Krystilline town said?
-The mansion in Chapter 3 is from the Intro/Chapter 9. Same guy I forget the name of is present in both and goes insanely evil because of a Fucked Up Gardevoir who idk is.
-Melia/Maria(nette)/Melanie seems to be VERY IMPORTANT in every timeline and is also Arceus’ favourite child like Djeeta GBF.
-Anastasia and her mom(?) are, odd fellows, considering Anastasia’s childhood I understand more of why she is based on the limited screen time she’s had and I sympathize with her. Also I guess the Deoxys from the intro was/is hers.
-Cella is The Elder, not much else to say there, the situation with Aelita is probably awkward for her considering her relationship with Vivian. I feel I’ve seen the name Nora used in game before but I don’t remember where.
-Fuck knows where Nyemia is.
-Spacea and Tempora are clearly Palkia/Dialga. Somewhere out there there’s a Giratina version of them, based on what was in that castle to start Narcissa’s sidequest. Don’t think it’s Crescent she’d be Cresselia. Nim is Darkrai? Melia IS an arm of Arceus?
-I don’t *actually* know what’s up with Giratina given the stuff in Darchlight Woods. Maybe Geara IS Giratina?
-The Stone Shit is probably that Petrification Status that Decimation applied, iunno what it does since it didn’t proc for me when I beat Madamme X.
Probably forgetting stuff but god this story has A Lot.
Also obviously I haven’t completed the story yet so if any of this stuff is answered- zip it! Reminders if I forgotten anything or discussion/theorizing is fine tho.
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thehotgrandparent · 3 months
How about Albertsky for the next one! I like how you’ve characterized him thus far, so I’m interested how you’ll work with him more!
That, or good ol Madamme Bubbles could be fun!✨🌻
Honestly, I haven’t done much with Albertsky much, other than a few headcanons and a short mention in the most recent installment. Though I could definitely do him next and then Margarette!
Though there is a good chance I’ll do only one chapter with him though, since I’m not sure how I should do it with him, but I might do two with him like I usually do
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localravenclaw · 4 months
Things I would love to turn into theme park attractions from Hogwarts Legacy:
The Catacombs Horror House with inferi, acromantulas, Devil Snare traps etc
The Goblin Mines rollercoater
Magical Creatures animatronic petting zoo idc I will convince myself they're all real
The Three Broomsticks-themed pub where I can drown myself in butterbeer on tap
Scriptorium Escape Room feature crucio or no crucio i want it!
Honeydukes sweet store/café shut up i will have a full-on pictorial with all the cute magical treats
Quidditch-themed Paratrooper idk how but I wanna be swung around on a pretend-broomstick idc
A ferris wheel of that one rickety wind mill in Irondale lmao one of them has to be underwhelming you can't have everything
Unicorn and Thestral carrousels
Hogwarts Student Makeover at Madamme Snelling's the equivalent of a Disney princess makeover but you just transform into your MC
And the cafeteria is just the Great Hall but you have to sit at your House table and awkwardly mingle with other 'students' lol
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ano-po · 2 years
caarggshsnngnhgnn pisteng yawa
I thought I’m already fluent until my co-professor told me that I’m using certain words awkwardly. When I asked how, he said it just is (BASTA), so we searched about this. And so introducing...
So I’ve been saying “Dili ko nagdala ani” (I’m not handling this) or “Dili siya ni-confirm” (He/She did not confirm), turns out I’ve been saying “I won’t handle this” and “He/She would not confirm”. What if I’ve been causing misunderstanding in my department? Good thing people understand that I’m just dumb af.
I remember I’ve been corrected about this before, so whenever I ask the difference between dili and wala, they would also say “Basta”. Like wow, helpful. So far, no Bisaya speaker could explain until now that my co-worker (who has lived in Cebu for 40 years) searched it on google.
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Anyway, enough rant. Here’s the lesson:
DILI: Cannot, Will not, Is not, No - disagreement
Dili ka pobre sa gugma, dzae (You’re NOT poor of love, dear)
Dili klaro imong hisgot. (Your sentiments are NOT clear)
Dili ko ka-handle sa imong nawng. (I CANNOT handle your face)
Wala: Has not, Had not, Haven’t had, Nothing - Usually past-tense
Wala ko kwarta, dams. (I DONT HAVE money, Madamme)
Walay sulod ang akong plato (My plate is EMPTY/ There is NOTHING in my plate)
Wala ko patience para maka-handle sa imong face (I HAVE NO patience to handle your face)
Be careful which words to use because all this time I thought they are interchangeable.
And if you’re a bisaya speaker and you tell me that this is obvious, I will eat you. I’ve been living here for 4 years and I still could not get my shit together.
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