#madalyn. never ask me for anything ever again.
paperpeachy · 1 year
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all the colours of the paperpeachy rainbow 🌈 tysm for playing!!!!
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notmuchtoconceal · 1 year
King Belial
I asked Belial to show me a type of person that is a good example of his character. He showed me a vision of Madalyn Murray O'Hair.
Why her of all people, especially considering she is also an Atheist? Because once I watched some videos of her, I saw that yes, she is a good example of Belial's traits;
I -- Standing up for yourself, even when out numbered or up against powerful authority figures.
II -- Courage to speak your truth, no matter how unpopular you are.
III -- Intelligently debating people who are out to discredit you, but because of your intelligence you win.
IV -- Being who you are publicly, boldly, without fear, when who you are is hated by many.
V -- Being not only a seeker of justice, but actively pursuing it for yourself and others.
VI -- Being a champion for the underdog or the unpopular people/group, giving a voice to those without a voice.
Here are some of the best Madalyn moments:
It is a dehumanizing, sadistic religion, that this Christianity is, oooooooh it turns me cold.
-- What do you have against God?
First --
-- Why does He bug you?
Well, first off, here isn't any. And second off, the idea which you invented has caused more misery to every human being --
-- Listen
-- in all ages of history than any other single idea.
-- Listen, Mad ...
You're going to spend your whole life preparing to meet the Lord :D
Boy, you folks are crazy as hell!
-- That's why we have these Wake Up America Crusades, and tryin to get us to do more for
What's this? "Wake Up America Crusades"? :D
-- It's just a little name that we have, trying to get God's people to Wake Up and put the Lord first place because --
But you know if America wakes up, what America'll do is kick Christianity out and, uh... all of you preachers with it.
-- Your grief is not assuaged, as would be the religionists who believe there is another place, where happiness will again be --
Oh that's a big lollypop!
-- I know you don't believe that, but --
I think that we, we must look at them and we don't say, we never say, they've passed over or they're gone or they're reborn or they have uh, uh been transported or anything else, people are dead.
-- I want to ask Miss O'Hara what is she going to do with Jesus, who is blessed to return to Earth.
-- When Jesus comes back, you mean?
-- What is she going to do with Jesus?
Ahhahaha! I'm sorry, but I think you're just as funny as can-be!
-- Now don't say that...
Now if a little green man with purple horns would knock on my door and say 'I'm from Mars and I just descended', I'd believe him. But a shaft of light coming down and Jesus Christ digging up all these old dead bodies and resurrecting them when we're overpopulated already, this just leaves me cold. You know what, I -- I'd, first off I wouldn't do anything because it's never going to happen. I'll never be faced with the problem.
-- And that's why we're --
-- And I had a personal experience with the Lord, and the dangers of --
Of course, the bible is a bestial book. And it's full of rape and slaughter and incest.
-- Yes, I believe the Bible. I believe Who Wrote It Wrote It. I believe God inspired it, the Holy Spirit Breathed Upon Its Pen, and I Believe It Because I want to. Okay.
Boy, you folks're crazy as hell!
-- Have you ever been tempted, to turn to God and pray, or pray to Him, but didn't, because you are an athiest?
Never. Never. Because in the ordinary course of events, people meet things, like I have met Death, there was Death in my family. I myself was supposed to have died on several occasions, etc. but I always turn to a good doctor, or I turn to something like this. Something that, uh, where assistance can be had, really. Because prayer is only deluding of oneself, that's all. Nothing else.
I'm 74 years old now. I'm diabetic. And I'm in really rotten health. And I hang onto life for there is nothing else that I can do, but hang-on and fight. And I'll die, too.
-- Okay so, you think she's going to Hell, then?
-- I don't know. I would like to have faith and believe that she could be saved. I say this, if she is ever saved
I don't want to be saved! I'm not interested in your ideas!
-- Do you believe you're a sinner?
No, of course not. I don't believe that anybody's born as a sinner. I believe people are just born, period. And I believe they're born without religion. Religion has to be programmed into them, like ya program it into a machine!
There is no, absolutely no doubt, that Atheism will win, hands down.
-- She seems to be quite upset that Rev. Harris and people like him want to share their views, and share what they have with others, and she says that they should keep it a quiet and a private thing, but why isn't she keeping her so-called religion a quiet and private thing, and why is she making such a big deal out of her's --
Because -- what the Christians do is coercive. They ask for the strength of government behind them, and they ask for the strength of tax funds behind them and special privileges behind them.
We don't go into a court room and say you absolutely will say some sort of prayer to Madalyn Murray before you testify, or you will testify on the book that's written by Madalyn Murray. We don't do that.
But you do that when the persons go in, with your domination of the culture, to use your book as a criteria, to say a pledge of allegiance with Your God underneath it.
( )
i got a
a pledge of allegiance with Your God Underneath it
( )
i got a
a pledge of allegiance with Your God Underneath it
( )
i got a
a pledge of allegiance with Your God Underneath it
( )
i got a
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glenncoco4 · 4 years
What Happens Next?
A/N: Last Chapter before the Epilogue. Thanks for sticking with me on this long ride.
She had woken up this morning with a little bit of pain but brushed it off. Marty had planned this wonderful babymoon for them and she wasn’t gonna let Braxton Hicks get in the way of that.
They had had a wonderful brunch at the most amazing restaurant. The weather was so perfect that they decided to take a walk along the waterfront park. Now here they sit, on a bench over looking out across the Vancouver Harbor with the North Shore Mountains off into the distance.  
She leans further into his embrace, taking in the beautiful scenery and fresh air when….
At the wet sensation he hears splash on the ground, the blonde pulls back slightly, his arm still wrapped around her shoulders. “Oh, baby, I think your water’s spilt.”
“That’s one way of putting it.”
His brow furrows, but when his eyes travel down to her hand that’s pressed against her stomach and notices that her bottle is sitting on the ground, unmoved, his eyes go wide in realization. “Ohhhh, shit.”
“Why are we always in a public place when this happens?” She asks when tears start to take over her eyes. “Marty, I’m only 35 weeks.”
“Hey, hey, don’t cry.” He places a kiss to her forehead. “35 weeks is still plenty far enough in the pregnancy. She’s gonna be okay.”
And just like that, his words bring a calm over her. “You’re right, she’s gonna be okay.”
“Now let’s go have this little girl so we can talk to her about how Blye women are suppose to be notoriously late.”
“Hey that was one time and-“
He playfully rolls his eyes, and places his hand against her back, supporting her, as they walk back towards the hospital that is luckily right across the street from the restaurant they were at an hour ago. “And you thought you saw Joey McIntyre, yeah, yeah.”
A few hours and new born baby later…
The nurses had so kindly set up a computer and webcam for them. Never did the thought of having their baby in another country cross their minds, but she’s here now. A little on the small side, but healthy and that’s all that matters. As the dial up tone rings, it finally connects. Three familiar faces popping up on the screen.
At the sight of his parents, the one and a half year old lets out a high pitched scream, making both his grandparent eyes go wide. “Dada! Mama!”
“Hey, buddy.”
“Hi, baby.” The second time mom feels the tears well in in her eyes, seeing his tiny little face on screen.
Seeing her daughter’s emotional state, Julia does her best to distract her girl, even though they’re thousands of miles apart. “Finn, what’s mama got?”
“Oh, guys, she’s beautiful.” Don looks at his little girl holding her little girl in amazement.
The brunette sends her dad a smile before looking back down at one of her three loves. She’s so perfect and beautiful and…here come the emotions.
Sensing her sudden change in emotion, Marty places a kiss to his wife’s temple, his hand running up and down her arm in a soothing motion. He knows the hormones are going to be off the charts and that paired with Finn being far away isn’t helping any.
“So…you gonna finally tell us her name?”
A playful spark sets in the agent’s eyes, having half a mind to keep the name from her parents until the get back to LA. “I dunno. What do you think, baby? Should we tell them?”
“Come on, we can’t be there, at the very least we deserve to know her name.” Julia pleads, as Finn continues to wave both hands at his parents.
“Fine.” She relents, resting her head against her husband’s shoulder, feeling a sudden wave of exhaustion was over her.
“Everyone meet Koa Madalyn Deeks.”
Don smiles, it’s an unusual name for sure, but seeing his baby girl so happy is something he’ll never tire of. “Well that’s certainly a unique name.”
Marty’s thumb finds his little girl’s cheek as she sleeps blissfully. “Yeah, a unique name for a unique little girl.”
Before anyone else can say anything the eldest Deeks child’s lower lip begins to quiver before his little lungs being to belt out gut wrenching cries.“Mama. Want mama.”
Knowing that his could get worse before it gets better Don sends the couple a sad smile as Julia gets up with her grandson, moving around in hopes to calm him down. “We better go.”
“Okay, we’ll be home in a few days.”
“Bye, baby.”
“Bye, buddy.” Marty stands up from the side of the bed, reaching for the mouse. “Bye, guys. We’ll get home as soon as we can.”
Don can see the pain in the lawyer’s eyes. He knows what the young man is going through and will do anything to ease the pressure off the man who’s like a son to him. “Don’t worry. You just take care of your girls and we’ll take care of your boy.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“We love you all.”
“We love you too.” With one last wave goodbye, Marty click the end call button before turning back to his wife. His heart immediately breaks as he watches the tears run down her cheeks.
“We shouldn’t have left him.”
“Baby, he’s fine. Your mom and dad are taking good care of him.”
Handing off Koa to her daddy as she rearranges, Kensi scoots back against her pillow and relaxes back into the mattress before taking the new born back into her arms. “I know. I just really miss him.”
“So do I, but we can’t do anything about that right now other than wait.”
She knows he’s right. They’ll be back at home with both their kids before they know it, but right now she can’t do anything about it so she might as well relax and enjoy the time she does have with two of her loves. “Will you do something for me?”
“Come cuddle with us?”
As her trademark chocolate puppy eyes cross her features, he can’t help but fall even more hopelessly in love with her. “I thought you’d never ask.” Smiling, he crawls up next to her and once situated, she hands off their girl to her daddy again.
His arm wraps around her shoulders as she curls further into his side. She hums in delight as his lips find the top of her head and then Koa’s. “I love you, Marty. I love you so much.”
Marty leans his head against his love’s, a contented sigh releasing from his lips. Never in his wildest dreams did he think his life would be this wonderful. “I love you too, baby. Even more so now than ever before.” His eyes follow down to his daughter’s tiny fingers that are wrapped around Kensi’s slender one. “Thank you for giving me the most beautiful life.”
As sleep begins to take her under she lets out a contented sigh of her own. “Better than I could’ve ever dreamed.”
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mistyyygoode · 5 years
The Lonely Hearts: 1 - Therapy
This is rewritten, with some new things added. I hope you guys enjoy this version! There will only really be one change throughout this story, which you will read soon! And thank you to everyone who has given me support over rewriting this! It makes me more excited than before. Updates will probably be once a week, maybe twice if I'm lucky!
Shelby took a deep breath before she turned the handle to her new therapist's office. She chewed on her bottom lip as her eyes scanned the room. She saw a brunette sitting in the waiting room, who was staring at her phone intently. She stared at her for a moment, almost mistaking her for Audrey, but she knew it was impossible – the woman was dead.
She walked up to the front desk and signed herself in.
"You're a little early." The receptionist said. "There's still one more patient in front of you."
"That's fine," Shelby replied before walking over to the sofa opposite of the woman and sat down.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" the brunette woman asked.
"Uh... possibly...?" Shelby said nervously. It made her extremely anxious when people recognized her.
"Have you ever come to the butchery?" the other woman asked.
"Butchery?" Shelby asked with furrowed brows.
"Never mind." The other woman waved it off and returned back to her phone.
The door to the left side of the room opened up, and a tall, dark-haired man stepped out. "Allison."
The brunette woman stood up, shoved her phone into her purse, and walked over to the door, following the doctor inside.
Forty-five minutes passed before the door reopened. Shelby looked over and looked at the two for a moment.
"I'll be with you in a moment, Shelby." The doctor said.
"Okay," she nodded softly.
The brunette – Allison – looked at her for a moment before it dawned on her. "You're Shelby Miller, from that show!"
"Uh... yeah..." Shelby said awkwardly before looking down. She bit her lip as the other woman walked toward her.
"Sorry, you probably get that a lot."
"Not really, actually. At least not anymore." Shelby said.
"Wait, I thought you died?"
Shelby looked up at the other woman. "I almost did. I, uh, no one said anything after the show ended." She explained. "I didn't want anyone to know..."
"I'm sorry," Allison said again. "I'm Ally, by the way." She extended out her hand with a small, inviting smile.
This was the first person who seemed friendly towards Shelby, besides the people at the daycare center, since she had moved. It gave her a small sense of hope for the town. She shook the other woman's hand and smiled back at her. "It's nice to meet you."
Ally smiled before taking her hand back. She dug through her purse before handing over a card. "This is a card for the butchery I was talking about. Stop by any time."
"Thanks," Shelby said softly.
Before the brunette could reply, the door opened again. "Shelby, you can come in now."
"See you around." Ally said before walking toward the exit.
The blonde stood from the couch and walked to the door and stepped inside the large office. She looked around the room, observing her surroundings. She saw the man already sitting down, gesturing toward two seats in front of him. She sat down, looking down at her lap, and not up at him.
"I'm Doctor Vincent, or you can simply call me Vincent." He said.
"Okay," Shelby said.
"Is this your first time coming to therapy?"
"No," she said as she finally looked up at him. "After I lost Rachel, my first baby, Matt and I went to therapy. It wasn't individual therapy though." She explained.
"Would you say it was a good experience?"
"I guess." Shelby shrugged. "It didn't last very long. It was only maybe four or five sessions before we moved, and we never saw anyone else after that."
"Did it resolve any issues between you and Matt?"
"There weren't any issues between us at the time. I felt guilty for what happened, as did he. It helped a bit with that, but..." she looked back down, swallowing her emotions. She wiped her tears away before they could fall. "I still feel that way sometimes."
"Shelby, you cannot blame yourself for something like that."
"Yeah..." she sighed.
"I've looked through your past records," Vincent said, changing the subject. "I see you were diagnosed with PTSD a little over two years ago. You've had on and off depression symptoms for years, and after you gave birth you suffered from post-partum depression. You've taken anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. Are you currently taking anything?"
"I take Trazadone and Valium."
"Both for sleep?"
"I take the Valium if I have a panic attack," Shelby said softly.
"How often would you say you take one?" Vincent asked as he started writing all this down.
"At least once a day..."
"What sets you off?" he questioned.
Shelby took a deep breath. "Anything... sometimes it's random, and sometimes – especially since I've started to unpack things – memories."
"What kind of memories?"
"Of Matt... of what happened."
"At the house?"
"Yes." Shelby nodded.
Vincent continued to write for a moment. "For you, what do you want to see happen with your therapy and medication?"
"I'd like to not feel like I don't want to sleep because of the nightmares I have."
"Anything else?"
"I don't want to have a panic or anxiety attack every time I see something or think of something that brings back a memory. I just want to be normal again... I want to be there for my baby..." Shelby sighed as she looked down again. "I feel like I'm not being the best mother I can be for her."
"No one is normal, Shelby. As for your daughter, I'm sure you're trying your best." He said.
"I know... I am..." she sighed again. "But I mean back to myself. Back to who I was before all this shit happened."
"What do you do to help your anxiety or mood?" he asked.
"Yoga... playing with Marie. She keeps me occupied most of the time."
"How old is Marie?" Vincent asked.
"Almost two," Shelby said with a small smile.
"That's a very special age."
"It is."
"Okay, besides Marie, you said you like yoga. Find somewhere in town and start going. I want to see you again in a week. During this week, I want you to try and unpack your house or apartment, find a yoga studio and roam the town. Okay?"
"Okay," Shelby nodded.
They wrapped up the session, and Shelby started to drive to the daycare center where she had dropped Marie off for the first time. It always made her anxious to leave Marie anywhere that wasn't with family. She parked her car outside the building before heading inside.
As Shelby stepped inside, she heard a squeal from the other side of the room before she saw Marie run straight to her.
"Mama!" Marie smiled as she wrapped her tiny arms around legs.
"Hi, baby." Shelby smiled as she leaned down to pick up her daughter.
"She was good as soon as you left." Madalyn – one of the caretakers at the daycare, a shorter, redhaired woman – said as she walked over to Shelby. She handed the mother her daughter's bag.
The mother smiled as she caressed her daughter's dark curls before taking the bag. "Really? Were you a good girl for Madalyn?"
"Mhm," Marie nodded before nestling her head into Shelby's neck. "Miss ya."
"Awe, baby..." Shelby pouted. "Thank you for getting us signed up so fast."
"Of course. I know it's hard as a single mother." Madalyn said with a small smile. "Are you bringing her by again tomorrow?"
"Possibly. I need to go to a job interview and run by some other places." Shelby said.
The other woman nodded. "Okay, we'll see you tomorrow, Marie." She said softly.
"Buh-bye," Marie said softly as she waved at Madalyn.
"Ready to go shopping with Mommy?" Shelby asked as she started to walk to the door.
Shelby smiled as she unlocked the car, and placed Marie in her car seat in the back. She moved to the front and got into the driver's side. She drove to the grocery store near the apartment.
She got Marie out of the back after she parked. She put the girl into the front of a basket before heading inside. They gathered the essentials, food, Marie's pull-ups, and a box of hair dye.
"Waz dat?" Marie asked as she stared at the box.
"It's going to change Mama's hair."
"Ooh!" The little girl giggled. "How?"
"It's going to change the color," Shelby explained as they walked down the candy aisle.
"Mine?" Marie asked as she put her small hand on the top of her head.
Shelby nodded with a small smile. "Just like yours, baby girl."
Marie giggled again before pointing at some Dum-Dum suckers. "Mama!"
"Baby, that's sugar. You know you can't have a lot sugar." Shelby said.
Marie pouted as she crossed her arms. "Pwease!"
Shelby sighed before grabbing the bag to see how much sugar was in one bag. "Okay, just only one a day." She said as she placed the bag into the cart.
"Yay!" the small girl squealed.
Shelby smiled as she walked them to the front of the store to check out.
After getting her bags, Shelby made her way to the car. She put Marie and the bags in before heading straight home. She made herself and Marie dinner. The two sat in front of the TV as they ate.
After dinner, Shelby gave Marie her nightly bath and read her almost a whole book before she finally fell asleep. Once she knew Marie was down for the night she went into the small bathroom and started the process of dying her hair. After a 45-minute wait, she took a shower to wash the dye away. Once she dried it, she saw it was a medium brown, which was a close color to Marie's hair. She smiled before heading to her bedroom to get ready for bed and take her pills.
As she waited for her nighttime pills to kick in, she decided to unpack the rest of her bedroom. After nearly every box was broken down, and every piece of clothing was put away, Shelby fell down in her bed. She let out a heavy sigh as her eyes closed.
"One day at a time," she told herself.
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Sarcasm At It’s Best - Chapter One
https://inkitt.app.link/RA_KmmyGThank you for reading this fiction! If you like it, click the link at the bottom to read the whole thing!
Oh no. This can't be happening!
"I said, I'm moving to Malibu in California." He replied calmly, not flinching at all as I abruptly erupted into yelling.
"When was this extraordinarily atrocious plan decided on!?"
Why? Why!? What did I do to deserve this!? I've been good! I have! Except maybe for that time I punched Alyssa... Or that time I made fun of that football player's height... Or that time I TP'd the principles car...
"My parents just decided it yesterday. We will be leaving next week. They already enrolled me at a high school there and everything." My best friend, Matt, says to me.
"But what about baseball, huh!? They already had tryouts! Going now would mean not being able to play!" I argue loudly, waving my hands around in the air like a mad woman and not caring if I fall off my surfboard.
"We got them to let me tryout anyways. Since it's the last two weeks of summer, they said I could still make the team." He shrugs, running his hand over the surface of the water.
Shrugs? SHRUGS!? Does he not realize the world is over!
"Well, what about your life!? Your history? You've lived here your whole life! Leaving now would mean abandoning everything! Abandoning me! What about your past!? Have you no honor?!" I exclaim melodramatically, feeling the swell of a wave begin to build as Matt and I sit on our boards.
He sighs and runs a hand through his damp hair. "I know! It's not my decision! My dad was assigned by his company to supervise the building of a high rise in Los Angeles. We don't have a choice!"
I groan and throw my head back. "But what am I going to do? You are leaving me to deal with the snooty people, obnoxious aroma, and pointless drama, on my own! Just send me to my death now!" Honestly, it's like he wants me to get suspended this year.
I came pretty close to getting a suspension last year because of our old buddies. Without him here, I'm destined to get in trouble.
How fantastic.
He chuckles and gives me a crooked smile. "C'mon, Averly, we both know that you have more wit than anybody in the school and are more than willing to get in a fight with somebody."
I sigh and pout, looking out at the ocean before us. "Well... Just because sarcasm is my first language doesn't mean I won't miss you."
I feel tears prick the back of my eyes as I imagine senior year--the year Matt and I had promised to make unforgettable--being spent without my best friend. All the pranks we planned, all the nights we would go surfing, all the classes he would copy my homework for: it all would never happen. There was nothing I could do.
That realization hit me hard.
"Hey, are you crying?" Matt asks me, almost disbelievingly. I look at him confused until I felt the dampness of my cheeks. I wiped my hand over my cheek roughly, only to find that a few tears had fallen from my eyes.
Great. Just great. Now I'm an emotional wreck who can't keep herself from bawling like an over-dramatic soap-opera star.
"No." I say stubbornly, rubbing my cheeks as I cry more. "I'm sweating through my eyes." To make a point, I took a deep breath, huffing as I cleared away the non-stopping tears.
"Averly..." Matt said, apology and sadness clear in his tone. "You know that I wouldn't be doing this to you if I had a choice."
I sighed dramatically and continue to rub under my eyes, getting more and more frustrated as the tears continued. Why couldn't they just stop already. I get it, I'm sad. You can stop now, stupid tears. "Curse emotions and life." I say, my voice cracking at the end.
Matt breathed out sadly--if breathing with emotion is even possible--and rested a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. The slow bobbing of the water helped calm me down--somewhat. The simple rhythm of the ocean beneath me steadied my solemn heart, despite the dangers that I know to lurk in it. "I'm sorry." He said sorrowfully.
I nod my head and place my hand upon his own, giving it a slight squeeze as I give him a sad smile. "Just promise you'll keep in touch and won't become some pretty boy who can't catch a wave." I say, trying desperately to lighten up the dark mood around us.
As much as it pains me, I'll try and be happy for you. It's the least I can do for someone I owe so much to.
He laughs and puts his hand back on his board. "I promise, Ave. Besides, you would miss me too much if I didn't keep in touch. And I hope you know, if I were to get worse at surfing, it would just be so you can catch up to all this awesomeness." He says cockily. Gesturing toward his wetsuit-clad self.
I chuckle and punch his shoulder, shaking my head in disbelieve. "Shut up! You wish you were ahead of--look out!"
With that, we were both trampled by a wave. Fortunately, there wasn't a row of waves to quite possibly drown us. That would have really been a downer on things. Unfortunately, I lost the rubber band holding my hair back. It was my last hairband.
Well isn't that just peachy.
"Hey, Aveywavy." Maddy La Bitchface mockingly cooed at me, tugging at my hair annoyingly to get my attention.
Oh did I get her last name wrong? My apologies.
I sighed as I shut my locker and turned to give a bored expression to Madalyne (weird spelling I know) Hempton.
"Maddy, for the last time, don't call me that. It's makes people question your intellectual capabilities as a not-so-outstanding citizen in the blessed country of America." I sassed her, internally wishing I could just go back to the water and ride my own wave.
It beats being in the governmental institution designed to drain children of all individuality and freedom.
Isn't school just lovely?
"Do I look like I care if I'm a good citizen?" She retorted angrily, hating it when I have her attitude.
It was always like this. Even when she claimed to be my friend.
I rolled my eyes and turned, walking down the hallway towards my next class.
School started about two months ago. Matt left one week after our conversation in the ocean, leaving me to, so far, have the worst senior year in the history of senior years. Maddy and her twin brother, Mikey, took it upon themselves to make my time here miserable as hell, making me hate school all the more.
I really miss my best friend. I only did another year because I thought it was going to be with him.
"Aww, is Aveywavy sad? I would be sad. Especially when my best friend doesn't even love me enough to spend senior year with me." She yells after me, knowing very well how to get under my skin.
I froze in my steps at the words, allowing myself to fall victim to her challenge.
Oh, she is so dead.
I drop my bag and spin around, facing the materialistic, rude, annoying, red-head in front of me. She smirked at me devilishly as my actions affirmed that her cruel words were successful in bothering me.
Bring it on, Princess.
"Really, Ave? Again?" My mother questions me exasperatedly as I slide into the passenger seat.
I shrug as I shut the door and pull on my seatbelt. It had started to drizzle outside, making me thankful that I jumped into the car when I did. Lord knows how much I hate rain. "What? She was asking for it."
"Yes, but that doesn't mean you go and get yourself suspended for trapping a girl's hair in a locker door!" She retorts agitatedly, giving me a frustrated glare as she started the engine of her lovely little Prius.
Matt hates Priuses, I thought humorously to myself as we left the parking lot and began the monotonous drive home.
I ball my hands into fists when I think about my best friend, or, the absence thereof.  If he were here, I wouldn't be suspended right now. "Mom, my life sucks here, did you know that? Ever since Matt left, I have been insulted, taunted, and made fun of. You know how much  I really dislike people who do that. I hate my senior year this year. I hate it because the one person I wanted to spend it with is in California, enjoying sunny skies and senior year without me!" I yell, hitting the dashboard with my fist in anger.
"Averly! There is no need to be so angry! At least, not to the point where you abuse Bianca!" My mother scolded me, smacking my hand as she did so. I rolled my eyes at her, muttering under my breath as she rubbed the dashboard in a soothing way. "It's okay, girl, mommy won't let anyone get away with hurting you."
I snorted at this, crossing my arms as I looked out the window. "Mom, naming your car is just weird."
She scoffed and gave me a look that said, 'you-can't-judge-me'. "Says the person who named her surfboard Tony."
I gasped. "Don't compare your car to the beauty that is Tony! He is way out of Bianca's league."
Mom rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything in reply. Silently, I thanked my mom. I was glad that she found some way to make me feel a little bit better when I needed it. Her love to make others smile was something that I deeply appreciated about her.
I am especially happy that she still smiles, after what happened with Dad and all.
We were driving up to our house when I saw it: Matt's old truck.
"Mom? Is that who I think it is?" I asked in a dumbfounded voice, staring as we came closer. As we approached the building that I called my home, the figure leaning against the car came into view. The image that appeared caused my breath to hitched in excitement.
Holy Chiz.
"MATT!" I exclaimed in joy, jumping out of the car as soon as it parked and barreling towards my long lost friend. I crashed into him, causing him to let out an 'oomph'.
Matt is here!
"Well, if I knew you would miss me this much, I would've taken you with me." An all to familiar voice said as two arms wrapped securely around me. In that simple moment, and with that simple gesture, I felt the calming of my mind and the warmth that only he could bring.
It finally felt complete.
However, what I always found so entertaining, was how Matt never realized how important he was to me. "Geez, woman! Have you been eating more!?" He grunts out, causing me to laugh out loud.
Leave to him to make me laugh so quickly; and to say something so crude upon first meeting.
"Shut up, you jack." I say and hit his chest playfully. Carefully, I unwrap myself from his embrace, taking a step back to get a better look of his face. "So, what are you doing here?"
He grins at me and crosses his arms. "Your mom called me a few days ago. She told me about how you've been getting in a lot of trouble with out me lately." Upon the last part, his smile seemed to dim some. "Is it true that you got suspended today?"
I rolled my eyes at this, knowing full well how much my mom worries about me. Even Matt could be overbearing at times. "I'm not in trouble too often." I replied with a grin, decided to not make a big deal out of how much I really missed him.
He barks out a somewhat bitter laugh. "Really? In the last month you've been in detention five times. You got suspended because you reached the limit of six today. Didn't you remember the warning last year?"
My eyes widened as the realization hit me that my troublemaking may have gone a bit overboard. Oh well, all of my actions were in response to other rude people, so you could say that they were justified... Somewhat. However, in order that my family not be to worried about me, I chose to play it off. "That many times! I'm on a roll!" I fist-pumped the air, trying to make a regretful looking Matthew Jones feel better.
My attempts were not very successful.
"You never use to get in trouble like this." He said, more to himself than me. Matt ruffled his damp hair--probably damp from the drizzle that stopped not too long ago--with his hand in frustrating way.
I sighed as guilt began to flood my emotions. I know I can to better, but it's hard when you aren't there to calm me down, or give me a reason to be calm. "Hey... I'm sorry... It's just been hard and-"
"I know. And I'm fixing that." He interrupts me, looking at me with determined eyes.
I raise an eyebrow at him. Oh, this ought to be interesting, I thought to myself. "You are? How?"
He grins widely at me after throwing a happy grin at my mother behind me. "You're moving to California with me."
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