#mad doctor klay
dumbflower3663 · 6 months
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when i look at these cats these two r the only thing that i can think about jakjhsbsiaokemdnvagiwoepdkjahgsfssvfmsjsnbgj
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ancient-cats-unite · 1 year
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The more Pierre evolves, the smaller he gets!
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Vision Of The Crimson Rose AU
(Made by @klai-16xoxo )
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Welcome one and all to the world behind the curtains of reality!
Would you like to accompany Kalim and Riddle to their adventure through what it’s meant to be hidden from the world? And unlock many roads and stories and meets new characters that may or may not seem familiar to you?
If that the case then let’s go! Firstly why not get to know the two main characters a bit?
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{Riddle Roseheart}
In this au, Riddle had been raised extra strictly by his mother to the point that his mother had developed an unhealthy obsession of perfection and placed a lot of expectations on him. That why when he started to go blind she didn’t like that and viewed it as a huge flaw… in which she was willing to do anything to get his vision back. So kuch so that with some connection, a mysterious Doctor had offered her a beautiful crimson red eyes to be his, in which she happily agreed… not knowing the dark secrets and event that followed those beautiful Crimson eyes.
Riddle in this au kinda has Abathy. While he has shown fear,anger,compassion and happiness, these would be rare, fleeting and moderate. He dose not fake his emotions tho, so whenever he shows them, they would be 100% genuine, while if he faked them it would be painfully obvious!
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{Kalim Al Asim}
Kalim’s past is unclear even for himself, all he knows is that he had been drowned and his eyes had been stolen from him, despite that he somehow able to still use his other senses to move around and interact with his surroundings. It is only when Riddle had claimed his eyes that he finally can see again but through Riddle’s POV, Kalim want to uncover more about his past and would do anything to achieve this goal!
As for his personality… well it is pretty much just like the one in the game, he such a kind soul and always try to look at the bright side of things but deep down there is more to him then meet the eyes.
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{referring and small facts}
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// this au is still under work and tbh I made it for fun and it story still being worked at, meaning I am just going with the wind! All I know this au is like a horror rpg games like pocket mirror, mad father and so one! Tho I had a lot of help from @sleepy-meep when making this au so thank you bestie🫶 anyway let me just attack ye all with random facts!
// as for the fact, there so many bu I would not say all of them but here are few!
Riddle in this au may have abathy but tbh he such a sweet heart and a lil silly but I like to imagine him like Rachel from Angels of Death.
Kalim actually basically fucking Paimon from genshin lol he make sure to guide Riddle around and tell him all he knows… which surprisingly is a lot.
In the au, the two would go literally behind the curtains of reality and to multiple realms that is ruled by different Wardens and each one had it different themed
There this one character titled as “The Archiver” and the most powerful character in the au that oversees everything in the realms (also he is my twst oc, Takara lol you can learn all about him from my blog @klai-16xoxo )
In this au, NRC dose not really matter that much at, since the boys didn’t even go to it soooo~ yeah! I am not even sure if it dose exist hahah
Kalim can beet ass and wouldn’t hesitate, keep ya hand off Riddle ò<ó
Sometimes I would open an event where a “Love DLC” happen where you can romance the characters that or have Riddle do it or any other characters you ship but keep in mind that some would not be answered if I find them inappropriate!
This blog is like a side blog for me and idk if I would be that much active in it but I would try my best!
I am not the best writers so if I wrote down some stuff they may not be that good so forgive me!
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korywithablogwtf · 10 months
Rate on how edible your friends art style would be and give some context on why
Fine fine, I don't want to offend anyone with my opinion tho, so sorry if you feel sad or mad or dissapointed about it.
Orange, 10/10 The colors, the style it's all just... *Chef kiss* Very edible.
Pins, 10/10 Same as Orange, I love the colors and the style a lot as well as the shading. If you could eat art this would be very sweet, maybe a bit too much- Very Eddible but with caution. It can be too sweet </3
Yami, 10/10 Not much to say, I really like Yami's art. Coloring and style are my favorite Edible 5 star dish.
Mandika, -10/10 (Jk, it's a 9/10) It's a 10 when someone isn't lazy and decides to color it/j I love the art, but i feel like if it was a food it would be poisonous sometimes. Edible but some of them might be toxic.
Nez, 9/10
I love Nez art. If i had money I would comission all the time Yes yes, Edible
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Klai, 9/10 Nomnomnomnomnom, yes very good. I crave more Showman and Flower doctor art please. Edible.
Boris, 9/10 Gay drawings/j I feel like they're crunchy, I like that. But I also feel like they taste like ashes- Would still eat sooo, Edible.
Clown, 8/10 Something doesn't fully convince me. But I'm blind enough to eat it anyways. Bone apple tea, still edible.
Fifi, 8/10 I'm running out of funny comments. something something, rats, something something, Remy. Edible with a side of cheese.
Beth, 7/10 Just like pins, Very edible but very sweet, like- tooth rotting sweet. I might get 8 cavities from just one drawing. Edible, but eat carefully-
Kory, 1/10 Bitch if you don't finish your goddamn drawings I'm gonna close this goofyass drawing restaurant you have. Not edible, would not recomend.
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the-asylum-show · 1 year
And how was i supposed to know tha- WAIT WAIT WAIT, WE CAN TALK THINGS OUT, IM SORRY--
You should had known better then to mess with a unstable patient and a doctor’s work… now Phineas is mad at you and Nort is sacred.
So Until they calm down please wait and come another day.
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Klay Thompson - Hard Times.
Thanks, love! Okay, I have a plot... you and Klay had a fight (jealousy?) and are barely talking and when he suffers the injury against the Raptors things get worse. He is so mad that he will be out for 8, 9 months that he ends up taking it out on you. You don't know what to do because you want to take care of him and give him some love but he's acting like an idiot and that makes you really angry. Drama, anger but with a cute ending, please!?
“OH MY GOD!” You yelled, across the room. You were feeling lost and just wanted this fight to stop. “I don’t know how many times, I have to tell you. I am not cheating on you, nor have I. I’m not even sure how I could, when you’re up my ass 24/7.” 
As soon as the last words come out of your mouth, you already regretted it. The sound of the bedroom door slamming caused you to jump, followed by the slamming of the front door. You finally let a deep breath out, feeling better. You were hoping that by the time Klay got home from the game, he would finally forget the fight. But, only you were far from long. 
The sound of the phone caused you to jump a little. It was too late for someone to be calling, that’s when your eyes landed on the clock under the tv. It was almost 12. Where was Klay? 
Panic entered your body, as you realized that the game ended two hours ago. 
“Y/N.” Curry’s voice was low, and tired sounding. “I need you to open your front door.” 
You nodded even though he couldn’t see. As soon as you opened the door, you hung up. Curry was pulling your boyfriend out of his car. A cast rested on your boyfriends leg. You already knew that from the look of it,  he must have tore his ACL. Klay, looked loopy but you could tell was most likely from the pain meds. 
Curry, placed your boyfriend in the bedroom, before coming out to talk to you. He knew that you knew what to do, but he wanted to warn you about how long Klay was to be out. 
“The doctor’s say he’ll need surgery in a couple months, meaning he’s going to be out for a good amount of time.” 
“How long?” 
“About 8 to 9 months.” You made a unhappy face, Curry shook his head knowing that you two were thinking the same. “Yeah, I know he’s not going to be happy.” 
You walked Curry to the door, thanking him, along with giving him a hug.
“If you need anything, call me.” 
“Thank you. Be careful and text me when you get home.” Curry smiled, before leaving the house.
Almost nine months out. Damn, he was going to be in a mood. Klay, didn’t wake up at all until the morning, but you still didn’t sleep. You ended up staying on the couch, in case Klay was in need of something. Before he woke up, you had made some breakfast, along with coffee and the bottle of pills Curry had given you last night. Making your way into the bedroom, you were faced with an already pissing looking Klay. 
“Hey babe.” You cooed. “How are you feeling?” You asked placing the pills in his hand, and handing him the coffee, before placing the plate of food on the table. 
Klay took the pills, taking them, before answering you. 
“How do you think I feel!” He didn’t really mean to yell, but he was mad at everything. 
Not only was he dealing with the torn ACL, but he was not allowed to play for almost half the year. He hated not being able to play. 
“I made you something to eat. You shouldn’t have an empty belly with the pills.” 
Klay, scoffed. “Oh now you care.” 
You left the room not wanting to get into again. If he was going to be in a foul mood, you were not going to be around. You got why he was mad, but you didn’t think he needed to take it out on you. 
Ever two hour you checked in with Klay and handed him more pills when needed. Yet, for the most part you stayed away. 
Every since time you went in the bedroom, he had some remark to say to you. It was getting so bad that you ended up calling Curry. Curry had been a really good friend to both of you and he was more then a teammate. He was family, and whenever you needed Klay to get a swift kick in the butt, you called Curry. 
“Still in the bedroom?” He asked once he walked in the house. 
“Yeah.” You simply said feeling happy that someone was here to help. You walked to the room first in hope to make Klay smile, but it failed like it always did. 
“Great, I’m so glad you told me Y/N, not like I don’t have eye.” 
Curry, could tell you were already done, and it had only been a day. He couldn’t tell if you wanted to punch Klay or cry or both. By the look of your face, he guessed you had already been crying. You left the room in a hurry, leaving Curry and Klay alone. 
“What the hell man.” Curry started. He took a seat on the edge of the bed. “You are being such an ass, and all she does is care for your dumb ass.” 
Klay, went to say something but Curry stopped him. 
“You need to stop. I get you’re stressed and pissed about missing most of the season, but that’s not her fault. I know about the fight. I know that once you get something in your head you tend to believe it, but that girl out there loves you too much. She would never chest on you, just like you wouldn’t either.” Curry looked mad as hell as he looked at his friends face. 
“She doesn’t have to be here helping you. In fact, if it was me, I would have left your ass here to fend for yourself. You’re being an ass. You need to come to terms that what happened last night was not her fault. It was yours. If you didn’t leave pissed, you wouldn’t have played so hard.” 
Curry stood up walking towards the door. “You need to realized that you have it pretty good here.” With that he left the room. 
Klay, sat there thinking about his friends words. He was right. He was mad at you because he blamed you, but it wasn’t your fault. If he didn’t keep pushing the fight, you wouldn’t have said what you said last night. Even after all the nasty words he said to you, you still took great care of him. You didn’t have to. You did it because you loved him and forgave him even thought he was an ass. Once Curry left Klay, came out of the room with his crutches, too see you on the couch, wrapped in a blanket like a burrito. 
He watched you for a moment before, leaning over to kiss your cheek. You looked up at him with red eyes. His heart broke a little knowing that he was the cause of it. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for last night and for how I’ve been today. I love you and I shouldn’t have done any of that. I should have just trusted you, when you said nothing happened. I shouldn’t have kept the fight going and I shouldn’t have taken this all out on you. You didn’t deserve any of it.”
You sniffled a little before opening the blanket you had wrapped around you. Klay smiled as he laid down on the couch, laying his head on your lap, while his leg dangle over the arm of the couch. 
You two stayed like that most of the night, watching movies after movies and eating way too much take away. 
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junker-town · 5 years
How the NBA’s suspended season will affect its best teams
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The implications of the NBA’s suspended season for its best teams.
These are the implications of the NBA’s suspended season for the best teams in the league.
Before Covid-19’s accelerated, unnerving reach made everyday life feel like it was dangling by a thread, the NBA was connective tissue for millions of people who treated any random weeknight’s slate of games as both part of their daily routine and the most reliable way to preoccupy areas of the brain that might otherwise be wracked with anxiety or stress.
My doctor instructed me to self-quarantine for at least 14 days after I came in contact with Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell at Madison Square Garden earlier this month. Actually testing for the coronavirus isn’t an option, so I’ve bunkered down in my apartment, writing, podcasting, reading books (a new copy of David Halberstam’s classic The Breaks of the Game has been sitting on my night table for the past few weeks), and, for my own sanity, stealing quick solitary walks around my Brooklyn neighborhood. I’ve also, off and on, thought about what all this means for the NBA, in a world where the line between temporary and permanent grows blurrier by the hour.
As trivial as this seems, with the league’s current season on the verge of cancellation, so many long-term consequences that are unrelated to epidemiology exist. For some, pondering what may or may not occur a few months from now is a valuable distraction. This is all bewildering on an unprecedented scale, and, frankly, slow-drip speculation about how an NBA team will look on the other side of such turbulence is almost peaceful; a way to make everything feel as normal as it possibly could be.
With all that in mind, here are some theoretical, fluttering implications for a few different teams, whether the season is cancelled tomorrow or postponed until after it would normally end.
Milwaukee Bucks
If the postseason is scrapped, no good team will be flung into a more sweeping state of uncertainty than Milwaukee. All year they were the NBA’s new boogeyman, stomping through 29 other teams with near-historic ferocity. But the Bucks also had questions that could only be answered in the playoffs, when we’d finally see how their successful albeit rigid system and rotation would translate, whether they’d need another playmaker, if Eric Bledsoe would melt into a puddle, etc.
Tied to those on-court topics is Giannis Antetokounmpo’s future. No playoffs means Antetokounmpo would be robbed an opportunity to learn some critical information about his team’s championship potential before they offer him a super-max extension during the offseason. If, in the absence of knowing how far his Bucks could’ve gone in the playoffs, Antetokounmpo turns down the offer and tells Bucks general manager Jon Horst he wants to play out the final year of his current contract and then play things by ear, how will Milwaukee respond?
Antetokounmpo is the exact type of franchise player who’s worth betting the farm on. Trading him would not be on the table unless he demanded it. But several teams — in larger markets, with more resources and attractive complementary pieces — will have max cap space in 2021, and an opportunity to sell him on their vision. Losing Antetokounmpo for nothing would obliterate a franchise that’s constructed around his generational ability.
The NBA’s economic future may change how players and owners view long-term, multi-million dollar contracts as a whole, but operating off how we currently see things, no team was more looking forward to the playoffs than Milwaukee, and no team better hope they’re still played, be it in empty arenas, practice facilities, or blacktop playgrounds.
Boston Celtics
Relatively speaking, the Celtics are in decent shape if no more games are played this season. They’re young, and Jayson Tatum’s emergence as (at least) a top-15 player over the past couple months allowed for a clear hierarchy to establish itself. The league’s sudden financial uncertainty all but guarantees Gordon Hayward will opt into his contract. Nothing is guaranteed in the NBA, but this team should have as much top-end continuity as any contender next year. If games resume in a couple months, that’s critical time for Kemba Walker’s knee to recover from whatever has been bothering it.
Brooklyn Nets
Remember when Kenny Atkison got fired 19 years ago? Well, even before that happened Brooklyn’s gap year was an unmitigated disaster. Kyrie Irving had season-ending shoulder surgery on March 3, and despite Caris LeVert’s crafty scoring prowess and Spencer Dinwiddie’s pseudo-all-star capability on any given night, the Nets were skidding into a buzzsaw, regardless of who they played in the first round.
Then, earlier this week, Kevin Durant and three of his teammates tested positive for coronavirus, firmly placing professional athletes in an important role they’ve had to fill: vanguards who can spread awareness and even some modicum of hope about an illness that could very well cripple every element of life as we knew it.
In a world where those four recover — along with every other player who tests positive in the coming weeks and months — and games resume, the delay could have the slightest of basketball-related silver linings.
Regardless of what Durant’s business partner Rich Kleiman has to say in the middle of March, if the NBA playoffs pick up in July and Durant is healthy enough to compete, knowing the following year won’t begin until Christmas, it’s hard to imagine him not itching to do so. This doesn’t mean Brooklyn would be considered a favorite to come out of the East, but if Durant is able to contribute for 30 minutes a night there’s no reason why they can’t upset the Toronto Raptors in the opening round.
The trickle down effect Durant’s mere presence would have on everybody else is huge. His all-time talent overrules the power of continuity and cohesion. Throw him the ball in the fourth quarter and get out of the way. With Dinwiddie, LeVert, and Joe Harris also on the floor, guarding Brooklyn’s offense would be agonizing.
As Rudy Gay told me in a conversation about the value of chemistry earlier this year: “It’d be tough not to be able to play with somebody like Kevin Durant.”
Philadelphia 76ers
It’s always hard to get a read on this year’s most disappointing team. Even if the season comes back, their pieces still won’t fit. Al Horford won’t be younger, have a quicker release on his three-point shot, or look more comfortable as the fifth option in Philadelphia’s starting lineup — assuming he won’t come off the bench.
But the larger question here surrounds Ben Simmons. If, by June, all concerns about his ailing back are gone and Joel Embiid miraculously shows up to the practice facility in shape, this team’s ceiling may rise closer to where it was back in October. A spark of optimism will be tied to the Sixers for the first time in a long time.
Utah Jazz
Whether games are played or not, the Jazz will be greeted by two seismic decisions shortly after the NBA calendar resumes. Gobert and Mitchell are both eligible for contract extensions during the offseason. Mitchell is a lock to receive a max offer, but Gobert, who qualified for the supermax when he made an All-NBA team last year, is in a different situation.
All data collected during the playoffs would be a critical factor here, and if Utah is robbed of a chance to see how Gobert would’ve performed in that setting with Mike Conley and Bojan Bogdanovic folded into their system, how would they approach it all? In other words, if Gobert — who turns 28 in June and just made his first all-star team — is expecting the supermax, how will negotiations go? To say nothing about the state of his relationship with Mitchell — a variable that obviously matters and is unknown at the moment — the Jazz probably don’t want to invest a healthy chunk of a dropping cap in someone who barely touches the ball.
As painful as it’d be considering they clearly saw themselves as a title contender before the season began, the Jazz may take a step back for the sake of their long-term health, by shopping Gobert, letting Conley walk in free agency, and then rebuilding around Mitchell. That or they’ll come to some sort of agreement with their franchise center that’s well under the max and carry on like the shrewd franchise they are.
Houston Rockets
If the season does not return then Mike D’Antoni has likely coached his final game in Houston. Daryl Morey might not be the man who gets to hire his replacement, either. And with no firm evidence as to how their small-ball strategy would work in the playoffs, PJ Tucker, Eric Gordon, Robert Covington, and every other Rocket not named James Harden or Russell Westbrook would immediately find themselves in trade rumors.
However, if this season does return, few, if any teams will benefit more from the extended break. The tax Houston pays with their physically exhausting style of play will be less steep if Tucker, Harden, and Westbrook have several months off to recharge their batteries and hit the ground running on a chase for their first title.
Golden State Warriors
Steph Curry returned from hand surgery shortly before the break, but the Warriors are too far behind in the standings for Klay Thompson’s health to matter, whether he’s good to go in June or not. Here’s another angle, though: What happens to their draft pick?
Assuming the Warriors are looking to move that asset for more win-now contribution at some point before the draft, how does the absence of March Madness, the combine, and every other annual way for teams to study prospects impact how said teams value the picks in this year’s pool? With no obvious franchise-altering player for the taking, and no opportunity for anyone to improve how they’re perceived by evaluators, is this year’s first overall pick the least important in recent NBA history? And if the Warriors get it, knowing their unusual circumstance for a team in that type of position, what will they do?
Los Angeles Lakers
Los Angeles Clippers
Ever since Kawhi Leonard chose the Los Angeles Clippers over the Los Angeles Lakers, the basketball world was building towards a showdown between those two teams. Apologies to the Bucks, Rockets, Celtics, and Raptors, but a playoff series that doesn’t leave Staples Center was always the most important subplot of the season.
If it does not return, both franchises are humongous losers. Each has tethered itself to the present day. All their draft picks and intriguing young talent can now be found in Oklahoma City and New Orleans. LeBron James is 35 years old. Leonard and Paul George are in the middle of their respective primes but can become unrestricted free agents in 2021.
Stripping both teams of the opportunity to capitalize on the amount of talent they’ve compiled in the here and now could crush basketball in Los Angeles, even if Anthony Davis re-signs a five-year deal with the Lakers this off-season (which, like everything else in the world right now, is so far from a sure thing).
0 notes
sultrysstash-blog · 7 years
Cartoon Movies List
Venom Space Jam Who Framed Roger Rabbit The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman Journey towards the center of the Earth Cartoon movies include great humor, song as well as dance sequences, and many importantly, the particular content isn't violent and explicit. Scooby-Doo as well as the Legend of the Vampire Final Fantasy: The Actual Spirits Within Jack and additionally the Witch Tom along with Jerry: Any Nutcracker Tale Oliver Twist Jiminy Cricket's Christmas The Reluctant Dragon (1941) Return to become able to Oz Futurama: Bender's Large Score 2003 Marco Polo Junior Versus the Red Dragon Of Stars along with Men Doctor Strange Wilfred Jackson (1948) Stuart little 3: call with the Wild Rime in the Ancient Mariner After College Tinker Bell Chhota Bheem and the Curse involving Damyaan My little Pony: Your Movie The Jungle Guide 2 2002 Starchaser: The Particular Legend involving Orin Monster Evelyn Lin Mash Mickey's Christmas Carol Book involving Life Scooby-Doo Meets the actual Boo Brothers The Adventures of Buratino (1959) Hemo the actual Magnificent (1957) Scooby-Doo upon Zombie Island Scooby-Doo throughout Arabian Nights Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Although they actually do use computers to render graphics, however which simply adds to the rich detail regarding 2D techniques. Additionally they are a testament regarding immense creativity involving storytellers in which a new movie with an innovative storyline is launched almost every 2 years. Aliens Scooby-Doo and in addition the Ghoul School Cloudy using a Likelihood involving Meatballs Shrek Permanently After Hoodwinked! DuckTales: Treasure with the Golden Suns Akira Madagascar 3: Europe's The Majority Of Wanted The Secret of Magic Island (1956) Dead Space: Aftermath Shrek 2 Rock-a-Doodle Alpha along with Omega 2: A New Howl-iday Adventure The Fantastic Mouse Detective Pocahontas The Pied Piper regarding Hamelin Mr. Limpet Star Wars: Your Clone Wars Beauty and the Beast Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss 2007 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure Mulan The Jungle Book Rise with the Guardians Evil Toons Tom as well as Jerry: This Great Time Ring Asterix the particular Gaul Everybody Rides the particular Carousel Beauty and also the Beast: Your Enchanted Christmas The Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy Show The Wizard of Oz Mars Wants Moms 1980 Lady and in addition the Tramp (1955) Klay World: Off your Table The Brave Small Toaster towards the Rescue The Nutcracker Prince A Near Shave Is Presently there Intelligent Existence upon Earth? Charlotte's Web Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (and Don't Occur Back!!) The Lord of the Rings Gladiators associated with Rome The Enchanted Boy (1955) Race regarding The Life, Charlie Brown The Invincible Iron Man Lil' Pimp Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas inside July I Want a new Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown The Cosmic Eye Cinderella III: Any Twist throughout Time Tom and also Jerry as well as the Wizard associated with Oz South Park: Bigger, longer & Uncut The Flintstones Meet Rockula as well as Frankenstone Kronk's New Groove Robotech: The Actual Movie The Terrain before Moment XIII: The Particular Wisdom of Friends My little Pony: The Actual Princess Promenade Tarzan The H2o Babies 1970 Superman vs. Toad (1949) Justice League: The Newest Frontier Titan A.E. Strange Frame: love & Sax Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves The Adventures involving Sinbad The Orphan Brother (1961) Heidi Rudolph the particular Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Particular Movie Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Particular three Musketeers Beloved Attractiveness (1958) Coonskin Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost Darkwing Duck: Darkly Dawns your Duck Batman: 12 Months One 2013 Pinocchio and in addition the Emperor in the Night The Lifestyle & Adventures involving Santa Claus Tom as well as Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes Hansel and Gretel: An Opera Fantasy (1954) The Wacky world of Mother Goose Tarzan II Pinocchio Dante's Inferno Robotech: The Actual Shadow Chronicles Doraemon: Nobita zero Himitsu D?gu Museum Winnie the particular Pooh Abra Cadabra The Hunchback regarding Notre Dame Free Birds A Bug's Life Battle with regard to Terra Journey Again to Oz The Croods Scooby Should Go Hollywood Horton Hears the Who! The Batman vs Dracula: The Particular Animated Movie Sinbad: Legend with the Seven Seas Pokmon: Destiny Deoxys Starship Troopers: Invasion The Amazing Mr. These People have begun to utilize motion capture technology to display accurate facial expressions inside animated movies, generating your characters appear life-like. However, even if the plot is serious, animated movies are generally supposed to be relaxed as well as entertaining, even however they are fiercely critiqued through the critics. Though any fully computer-aided animated movie named Toy Story came out in 1995, filmmakers didn't abandon your standard style altogether. This kind of makes them safe being watched simply by children of all ages, although the movies with adult themes do call for parental guidance. the particular Sword associated with Justice Peter Pan (1953) Planes The Flight associated with Dragons Winnie your Pooh and a Day pertaining to Eeyore Bambi II 2004 TaleSpin: Plunder & Lightning Cinderella The Highway in order to El Dorado Phineas and Ferb: Across the actual 2nd Dimension 1965 1950-55 Olive, the actual Some Other Reindeer Seer 2 The Terrain Prior To time IV: Journey Via the Mists Fantasia (1940) Here Arrives Peter Cottontail The Proud family Movie The little Motor Which Could Son involving Alladin Dumbo (1941) The wonderful Globe involving Puss 'n Boots Bigfoot as well as the Muscle Mass Machines Scooby-Doo and the Loch Ness Monster Mondo Plympton Tom as well as Jerry: Blast Off for you to Mars Pokmon: Jirachi Wishmaker Gnomes Turok: Son associated with Stone Open Season The Pirate Fairy Tarzan with the Apes Cars Arthur Christmas Frankenweenie Scooby-Doo! and in addition the Goblin King Norm of the North INDEX William Hanna The Adventures involving Tintin Asterix along with Cleopatra Krishna 1979 It Has Been I Which Drew the particular little Man (1960) Asterix throughout Amerika Freddie as F.R.O.7 Mighty Ducks the Movie: the First Face-Off Cheech & Chong's Animated Movie A Flintstone Christmas The Phantom Tollbooth Justice League: Crisis upon 2 Earths Persepolis The Lion King 1 Turbo The Nightmare Just Before Christmas Dinosaur Pooh's Heffalump Movie Robert Cormack (1946) Robin Hood: Quest For Your King Beavis as well as Butt-head Do America Santa Claus Will Be Comin' in order to Town The Adventures associated with Ichabod and Mr. Joe: Valor vs. Bickford The Princess as well as the Frog TMNT The Princess and furthermore the Pea Codename: Kids Subsequent Door: Operation Z.E.R.O Yogi's Fantastic Escape Scooby-Doo! and the Samurai Sword Monsters University 1996 Snow White Christmas Iron Man: Rise associated with Technovore 1984 The Fox and the Hound 2 The fairly OddParents: Abra-Catastrophe! Mickey's When On a Christmas Justice League: Doom Escape coming from Cluster Prime Toy Story The Toe Tactic 2009 1994 The Rugrats Movie Home about the Range Ratatouille Superman: Brainiac Attacks Ice Age Afro Samurai: Resurrection Tiny Toon Adventures: The Method I Invested My Vacation The Legend regarding Frosty the particular Snowman The Ugly Duckling Alice within Wonderland: What's the Issue Along With Hatter? The Swan Princess: the Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure Batman: Below the particular Red Hood The Prodigy Jonah: a VeggieTales Movie Brave The Legend of Robin Hood The Thief and in addition the Cobbler The Lion, the Witch as well as the Wardrobe Sinbad: Beyond the actual Veil regarding Mists Legend of the Guardians: The Particular Owls regarding Ga'Hoole War of the Worlds: Goliath The 3 Musketeers Throughout Boots The Scarlet Flower (1952) How to always be able to Train your Dragon 2 The Lorax The Snow Queen's Revenge 1973 The Shepherdess as well as the Chimney Sweep (1952) Meet your Robinsons 1975 Alice associated with Wonderland in Paris The Nuttiest Nutcracker 2012 Beowulf Yogi Bear's all Star Comedy Christmas Caper The Snow Maiden (1952) Aladdin and the King associated with Thieves Alpha and Omega Frozen Santa as well as the 3 Bears The Home of Magic Alakazam the particular great (1960) 1987 A Goofy Movie Tangled Planes: Fire & Rescue 1982 1001 Arabian Nights (1959) 1971 Pinocchio's Christmas Garfield: His 9 Lives Daffy Duck's Quackbusters Tinker Bell Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron Adam 2 The Nonexistent Knight Alice inside Wonderland (1951) Hellboy: Blood along with Iron The Incredibles Dick Deadeye, or perhaps Duty Done The Adventures of the American Rabbit Dwegons Buzz Lightyear involving Star Command: The Actual Adventure Begins 1992 Megamind The Smurfs and the Magic Flute Hey Arnold!: Your Movie Piglet's Huge Movie Jetsons: Your Movie 1983 Yogi and the Invasion in the space Bears DuckTales the Movie: Treasure with the Lost Lamp Bartok the actual Magnificent Aladdin 1976 The Snow Queen (1957) A Tale of A Pair Of Toads Chicken Little The Fox and furthermore the Hound Oliver & Company Bugs Bunny's 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales Monster House The Illusionist Popeye's Voyage: Your Quest for Pappy Animal Farm (1954) Benny's Bathtub Rango The three Musketeers The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie The Drawn Collectively Movie: The Actual Movie! Ultimate Avengers 2 Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms Heaven and also Earth Magic (1962) Puss inside Boots Snoopy, Occur Home Ed, Edd n Eddy's Large Picture Show Pinocchio Monsters, Inc. Rugrats Go Wild! Happy Feet Two Kangaroo Jack: G'Day U.S.A.! How to Train your Dragon Stand Through Me Doraemon Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Actual search with regard to Christopher Robin Johnny the actual Giant Killer (1950) Tubby your Tuba Pirates of Darkish Water: Your Saga Begins Handling Ships (1945) The Fantastic Wizard involving Oz Mickey's Residence associated with Villains Mad Monster Party Leo the actual Lion: King with the Jungle Shock Invasion Willy McBean and his Magic Machine Cloudy with a Opportunity of Meatballs 2 Wizards Where the Dead Go for you to Die 1972 Heart String Marionette 1988 G.I. Evil Gulliver's Travels Aeneid Zarafa The Chipmunk Adventure Modern Animation Mr. Any classic example of this can be your Batman: The Particular Animated Series franchise along with its spin-offs. Computers get revolutionized animated feature films, a luxury yesteryear could not afford. The Actual techniques employed here ranged from your exhaustively rich in depth complete animation simply by Walt Disney to the efficient and also budget-friendly techniques employed by Hanna-Barbara. This specific helps to create the occupation of making a set of very best animated movies every 1 involving the a lot more difficult. Old Cartoon Movies The Territory Prior To Occasion II: The Genuinely Amazing Valley Adventure The Rescuers A Cat in Paris Gargoyles your Movie: Your Heroes Awaken Rio Scooby-Doo as well as the Cyber Chase Next Avengers: Heroes regarding Tomorrow Gulliver's Travels Beyond the actual Moon Ice Age: Dawn in the Dinosaurs The Lion King II: Simba's Pride The Snow Queen Rugrats throughout Paris: Your Movie Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch has any Glitch The Jetsons Meet your Flintstones Victory Via Air power (1943) Superman: Doomsday The Enchanted Village (1956) Waltz together with Bashir Hey There, It's Yogi Bear! "When we constantly inquire regarding miracles, we're unraveling the pad in the world. This kind of had been somewhat limited any decade ago, however using the latest progress throughout CGI technology, the main difference between animated movies and feature films is actually thinning. Enthusiasts still favor the existing 2D type of animation pertaining to DC comics superhero movies. Bug Should Go in order to town (1941) Hotel Transylvania Seer The 3 Musketeers: Saving Your Crown The Return of the King The Rescuers Down Under Rockin' along with Judy Jetson Felix the actual Cat: Your Movie Dot along with Keeto Daffy Duck's Wonderful Island Batman Beyond: Return in the Joker Alice within Wonderland (1949) Bambi (1942) The Tale in the White Serpent (1958) Green Lantern: Emerald Knights 1977 Yogi's Very first Christmas Thumbelina Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Adhere To Your Current Dreams Beauty and furthermore the Beast Scruffy William Morgan (live-action) (1947) We are the Strange Rio 2 Gumby: The Particular Movie Jack and also the Beanstalk 1969 Taro your Dragon Boy Clifford's Actually Large Movie It's Such any beautiful Day Fire as well as Ice Pokmon: the First Movie A Christmas Carol Scooby-Doo as well as the Reluctant Werewolf An Oversimplification of The Woman's Beauty Dougal and in addition the Blue Cat Sleeping Splendor (1959) The Ant Bully Treasure Planet Black Beauty Dead Space: Downfall Brother Bear Adventures regarding Mowgli Water with regard to Firefighting (1948) A Troll inside Central Park Twice Upon a new Time Scooby-Doo as well as the Monster associated with Mexico (2000 in order to 2014) Exquisite detail-that's what just about any cartoon film buff says if he's questioned about the animation movies associated with today. Yes, there have been movies using less emotion and more techniques, yet filmmakers have kept the essence of the animated movies exactly where it ought to be-the heart. The Terrain before Moment V: The Particular Mysterious Island Scooby-Doo as well as the Alien Invaders Cars 2 http://www.buzzle.com/articles/cartoon-movies-list.html Shark Tale Happily ever after - AKA: Snow White 2 Animalympics Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Gnomeo & Juliet Alvin and also the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein Mulan II The Adventures regarding Mark Twain The Cat within the Hat Thumbelina 2006 Adventures associated with Sinbad your Sailor Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas Asterix: The Particular Property with the Gods Ultramarines: Any Warhammer 40,000 Movie 1985 Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Naruto your Movie: Guardians with the Crescent Moon Kingdom Magic Gift of the Snowman Monsters vs. Such is the extent for you to which the particular filmmakers are generally likely to entertain the actual audience. a realm of continuous miracles would not be considered a world, it would be considered a cartoon." -Douglas Coupland Animated movies take you to some different world altogether. The Particular primary target audience are kids and small moviegoers, although more mature themes and scripts are attracting adults too. Chill Out, Scooby-Doo! Poe Sinbad Futurama: In To the Wild Green Yonder Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed within at the Residence associated with Mouse The Outback Fritz the Cat Planet 51 Robin Hood Stewie Griffin: Your Untold Story The Boxtrolls Ice Age: Continental Drift Halo Legends 1966 Anastasia Toy Story 3 Tarzan & Jane Tintin and in addition the Lake involving Sharks Despicable Me Ice Age: the Meltdown The Pretty OddParents: Channel Chasers A Boy Named Charlie Brown Arjun: the Warrior Prince Shrek the particular Third The Black Cauldron The Prince regarding Egypt A Christmas Carol The 12 Months (1956) (1940 in order to 1979) These movies laid groundwork for a total generation involving cartoons in which spanned almost 5 decades. the character involving Mike Sully inside the movie Monsters Inc. Unique personal computer farms are generally utilized to method how 1000s of strands regarding curly hair will behave because the character moves within the animated universe. So, you tend to be in the position to think with regards to the variety of sketches that will be needed to acquire a total duration feature! Subsequent time a person watch these classics and also crib in regards to the not enough detail and just how they don't really measure approximately today's higher standards involving filmmaking, just think about the effort the particular cartoonists possess place in to it. Stitch! the Movie Mighty Mouse within the Fantastic Room Chase Batman: The Particular dark Knight Returns - Component 1 Chico as well as Rita Shrek Winnie the Pooh: Seasons associated with Giving Bee Movie Puss within Boots 1974 Flying Phantom Ship Puss 'n Boots Travels around the particular World Heathcliff: The Actual Movie Winnie the particular Pooh: A Really Merry Pooh Year The Mouse and also His Child 2005 The Lorax Skeletor's Revenge Escape coming from Planet Earth An Most Dogs Christmas Carol (1980 to 1999) There had been this moment around involving the late 1980s as well as 1990s exactly where there is any transition inside the type of cartoons. Inside top quality animation, as much as 18 frames could be employed per second. Computers had been just being accustomed to aid animation effects. had reportedly 5 plus a half million strands regarding head of hair upon his body, and a single pc took 670 hours to render 1 2nd of the movie with the character throughout it. The following movies are generally coming from this era, a period within transition, where people finally began to accept the actual digitization regarding cartoon movies. 5 Weeks in a Balloon Garfield's Pet Force The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie Tom Sawyer All-Star Superman Happily N'Ever After 1981 Street Fighter Alpha: Your Movie Dragonlance: Dragons associated with Autumn Twilight Despicable Me 2 Batman Beyond: The Actual Movie Delhi Safari Yogi the particular Easter Bear The Lion King 2008 Naruto Shippuden the Movie: 7 Mighty Raju : Rio Calling The Prince and the Pauper Gulliver's Travels Looney Tunes: back in Action The Secret regarding NIMH Highlander: The Actual Research regarding Vengeance 1993 Thor: Tales of Asgard Tom as well as Jerry: Blast Off to always be able to Mars The Nut Job 1998 2014 Open Season 3 The Stingiest Man within Town The Simpsons Movie The Small Mermaid The Hobbit Batman: Your dark Knight Returns - part 2 The Haunted world regarding El Superbeasto The Jungle Book The Night Prior To Christmas (1951) Puss within Boots Make Mine Songs (1946) A Christmas Carol Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962) Doggie March (1963) Cinderella II: Desires Occur True American Pop The Lego Movie The 12 Months Without Having any Santa Claus Ghatothkach: Master associated with Magic Cowboy Bebop: the Movie The Man Referred In Order To As Flintstone Les Misrables The Easter Bunny is actually Comin' to Town Scooby Doo throughout Where's My Mummy? The Man via Button Willow Kim Possible: Consequently the particular Drama PollyWorld The Cunning Small Vixen Dinotopia: Quest for the Ruby Sunstone The last Unicorn The New Alice inside Wonderland 1986 The 3 Caballeros (1944) Space Chimps Pinocchio in Outer Space Ultimate Avengers Legends regarding Oz: Dorothy's Return The Waterman Movie A Christmas Special A Liar's Autobiography Quantum Quest: A New Cassini Area Odyssey The Ten Commandments Rudolph, your Red-Nosed Reindeer The Polar Express Fun as well as Fancy free (1947) Tom and also Jerry: the Movie Chhota Bheem and in addition the Throne involving Bali GoBots: War in the Rock Lords Arabian Nights: the Adventures involving Sinbad (1962) Osmosis Jones 1990 Modern Classics 2011 Asterix and in addition the Huge Fight Green Lantern: First Flight Sophie's Place Tinker Bell and the great Fairy Rescue James as well as the Giant Peach Madeline: Lost throughout Paris Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland Disney's Halloween Treat Cleopatra: Queen associated with Sex Raggedy Ann & Andy: a Musical Adventure 1968 Kung Fu Panda 2 Robotix: Your Movie Alice throughout Wonderland Winnie the actual Pooh: Springtime along with Roo Bedknobs along with Broomsticks Garfield Will Get a Life One Hundred and 1 Dalmatians (1961) Tom as well as Jerry: Rapid and furthermore the Furry Garfield's Enjoyable Fest Chicken Run 1989 Mutant Aliens Happy Birthday, Garfield Charlotte's Internet 2: Wilbur's Fantastic Adventure Tinker Bell and furthermore the Lost Treasure The Terrain before Period XII: The truly Amazing Day in the Flyers 1995 ParaNorman The Adventures associated with Pinocchio Happy Feet Road to become able to Ninja: Naruto the Movie The Small Mermaid Brother Bear 2 The King along with I Down as well as Dirty Duck A Wish regarding Wings That Will Work Top Cat: The Particular Movie The Adventures involving Pinocchio Aladdin and also His Magic Lamp Futurama: The Actual Beast with a Billion Backs Rudolph the particular Red-Nosed Reindeer and in addition the Island regarding Misfit Toys The Talking Parcel The Twelve Duties of Asterix The big fun Carnival (1957) The Territory Prior To Occasion X: The Fantastic Longneck Migration Yogi Bear and additionally the Magical Flight of the Spruce Goose 1999 We're Back! A New Dinosaur's Story The Wind inside the Willows 1978 Rudolph's Shiny New Year Madagascar Teacher's Pet 2001 Treasure Island Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Seer 3 Princess Twins involving Legendale An Very Goofy Movie Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo Pinocchio (1940) Madagascar: Escape two Africa 20,000 Leagues Below the Sea Care Bears Movie II: a New Generation The Fool of the Globe and also the Flying Ship 1956-60 The Grinch Grinches the Cat within the Hat Gallavants Fantasia 2000 Mars Finding Nemo 2000 The Tigger Movie The Tale associated with Despereaux Hercules The Final with the Mohicans 1940-1949 The Soldier's Tale Jack Frost Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids The Iron Giant The Powerpuff Girls Movie Toy Story 2 Jungle Book: Rikki-Tikki-Tavi for the Rescue Tintin as well as the Temple with the Sun Snow White The Transformers: Your Movie Tarzan My Scene Moves Hollywood Tony Hawk inside Boom Boom Sabotage Over the particular Hedge The Batman vs Dracula: The Actual Animated Movie Dragon Ball Z 10: Broly - second Coming Yellow Submarine Bonjour Paris! (1953) The Sword inside the Stone (1963) Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World 1991 Disaster! Epic The Secret in the Sword Open Season 2 A Deadly Invention (1958) The Mind's Eye: Some Sort Involving Computer Animation Odyssey Superman/Batman: Public Enemies Hans Christian Andersen's the Small Mermaid Wreck-It Ralph The Brave Frog Batman: Gotham Knight Naruto the Movie: Snow Princess' Guide of Ninja Arts 1964 Surf's Up 1997. Peabody & Sherman The Wild 1961-63 The Pirates That Don't Perform Anything: A New VeggieTales Movie Lilo & Stitch Dot as well as the Whale Melody Occasion (1948) A Miser Brothers' Christmas Frosty Returns Care Bears: Huge Wish Movie Care Bears: Reveal Bear Shines 1967 The Nine Lives involving Fritz your Cat Astro Boy: Hero of Space Dragon Ball Z: Battle associated with Gods Ramayana: Your Epic Ark 2010 The Glorious Musketeers All Dogs Go in order to Heaven 2 Kung Fu Panda Planet Hulk WALL-E Antz Livin' It Together With Bratz The Legend involving Hiawatha The Legend of Sasquatch The Many Adventures involving Winnie the Pooh Cinderella (1950) The Point! The Amazing Mr. Unlike today's computer-aided graphics, these movies needed painstaking effort, in the way of cartoon drawings, manually drawn. Using cartoon movies, the storytellers can portray surreal universes, alternate realities, and fantastic scenarios and also stories. the Elite Fantastic Animation Festival Gay Purr-ee (1962) Live Freaky! Die Freaky! Bolt The Crucial (1961) Futurama: Bender's Game Sonic the particular Hedgehog: Your Movie Casper's Haunted Christmas Fullmetal Alchemist: Your Sacred Star involving Milos Sleeping Beauty Shenmue: Your Movie The Night B4 Christmas Hercules: Zero to Hero Foodfight! Wonder Woman Hercules as well as Xena - The Actual Animated Movie: the Battle regarding Mount Olympus Pokmon the Movie: Kyurem vs
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dumbflower3663 · 13 days
js remembered that fnaf and battle cats are both 10 years old…
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(real battle cats anniversary fanart in the works rn i pinkie promise)
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do you giys think that warlock woukd just befriend every horrifying creature he sees
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dumbflower3663 · 3 months
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dumbflower3663 · 11 months
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