#macy talks
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sanssupremacy · 1 year ago
Caution!! Once upon a studio short spoilers!! Watch it before u interact!!
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I am crying, screaming, bouncing!! I WAS LIKE "If oswald isnt here im gonna krill myself xD" I DIDN'T THINK THEY'D ADD HIM!?!?!
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macy-chii · 1 year ago
All hail rakuchan!!!☆
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barnesiove · 8 months ago
help pls I’m begging is there anyone left in the Crave fandom in 2024 because I’m late but obsessed😭
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hualian · 4 months ago
"Do it scared this, do it stupid that" do it out of SPITE. Do it out of vengeance. Do it out of love. Want to prove others wrong? Do it to prove a point and be victorious. You're your own biggest enemy? Do it to prove YOURSELF wrong. In the end, you're the one to do it, so choose one motivator (or none!), and get out there and DO IT
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aahsoka · 6 months ago
sorry i turned on this movie about king louis xiv kidnapping a mermaid and my question is if you were gonna skimp on the costume budget that much why not just make it 100% a fantasy instead of involving fucking louis xiv ………….
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silversword7000 · 2 months ago
I don't care what happened Lily and Garret were endgame
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blissfulalchemist · 5 months ago
OCs as Colors
Got tagged by @lilywatt to do a silly little uquiz that actually read my kids to filth sadly. Anyway! Tagging in turn @shallow-gravy @chyrstis @shellibisshe @strafethesesinners
@murdockdevil @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @unholymilf @confidentandgood and anyone else that wants too! taglist opt in
Sunflower Yellow Hello :] I have a feeling that you might enjoy using little faces like that, so I will, too! You've likely had a bit of a rough life, even if you don't share that with others too often, or if you do, it's so other people know they're not alone. That's admirable, but it's also good to talk about the things that trouble you for your own sake, as well. I know that you're strong, and you should be proud of yourself for how far you've come, but don't forget that it's also okay to step back for a bit, that it's okay if you're not put together. Regardless, you're someone that people tend to find comfort in, and you're a good, cheerful person to be around. It's a bit hard to come across someone like you nowadays- be proud of yourself, and if anyone tries to tell you that you're wrong for enjoying the small joys in life, just be happy that it's obvious you're truly living life.
Coral Pink You don't have to fight so hard to be perfect all the time, you know? It's okay if you don't know the answers to someone's troubles, or even your own. You don't have to hold on to everyone's grief, and no one is going to blame you if you have to be quiet for a while. I know that it's hard to feel like you're more than what people need you to be, but you can step back. You try your best to be kind, and welcoming, and you definitely show it well. Compassion comes a lot more naturally to you, and although you like to be understanding, you're also pretty stubborn. You can't watch out for everyone else all of the time; how will anyone else know to care for you if you don't even show that you need it? Don't blame yourself, but don't always blame them, either.
Orange You'll have to let go of it someday, you know that, don't you? Don't be afraid of that. It's something that has to happen, just as troubles will be forgiven, actions will be remembered, and just as the time will pass regardless of whether you are taking a step forward, or back. You've got a strong personality, and I admire you for that, along with your lack of hesitation when finding an answer for yourself and for what you want to do. Knowing what you want in life is very important, and although it's good that you know that, it's also important to consider what other people want in life, too. You're bright, and you're fiery, and emotions are something that you feel a bit too much of sometimes, but I understand. Don't lose yourself in the path of moving forward, or you'll end up right back at the start.
Lilac Purple You're soft, even if you're quiet, and people tend to find you as someone who is calming, if not a bit awkward, or standoffish. You handle your grief in silence, your kindness in silence, your anger in silence, your sympathy in silence, your joy, in silence. I know that it's been hard, and that it's difficult to keep yourself in the moment, I know that it's hard to know yourself. You can't hide away from your life forever, and although you certainly don't have to expose your entire self to the world, and you don't have to know yourself entirely, it's good to express yourself, even if you're afraid of being 'too much'. You will never know what people will love about you if you don't give them a chance to learn in the first place.
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My little pony: nexo is magic
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nosleep83 · 1 year ago
Happy thanksgiving everyone :]
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sanssupremacy · 7 months ago
new gen of the undertale fandom just likes to see the world burn for fun. It’s not justice what these people do. Harassing is not justice. Mask it under justice all you want but harassment, defamation and being a jackass is just wanting to see the world burn. Say goodbye to any better exposure to undertale, we literally lost a pillar in the fandom, all of this will impact negatively and we probably won’t be able to do anything.
just, send love to Jakei, she deserves it more than anything.
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chthonicgodling · 10 months ago
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(I swear I was going to draw in this direction BEFORE hades2 sneaks but) SPRINGTIME!! the perfect time to poke at ✨babyMaci and family 😈hmm.
With Maci circa age… 4ish?; &her A+ parents circa, long ago from the modern day……. but about 4ish years before she was born. lol!! AUGH
it’s ok I’m sure Maci will grow up well-adjusted and fine 🙃
aahh in my wildest hopes and dreams I DO have more content along these lines to draw, fingers crossed I don’t get distracted!! I uhh. no promises. So, mOre to COME MAYB,,
Maci’s mine and so’s this pair of Hades & Seph!
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macy-chii · 2 years ago
Not my dumbass trying to get 13k pesos for a laptop and a huion tablet.
I really can't keep doing art with the iPad and having roblox in it at the same time, I think the iPad i could keep using it for whenever I don't feel like booting up the laptop.
This is the cheapest I can go. The laptop option fills my needs in regards to storage, ram, and the processor it has. (I hate AMD) Besides, blender requires an Intel core i3 and above to work.. which my current laptop doesn't have whatsoever. The current one has an AMD Esomthing idk. And it just doesnt fit the requirements, fuck u Lenovo, u ain't shit XD.
The huion tablet can be a nice change from Wacom (Wacom is very expensive) and could even be better, I've heard so many good reviews on its quality. Last but not least, 800 pesos for a full paid CSP license, which is expensive, like really expensive, procreate only costs 200 pesos, and for that price, it's a steal.
I guess I'll have to put on hold the mh doll collection, I really need a new laptop, i cant afford a PC as much as I'd love to, and ipad just doesn't seem like an option to upgrade, they're so expensive...
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imaginarianisms · 9 months ago
speaking of sansa & childbirth.... man..... it'd be totally awful if. she had a bit of trouble giving birth to cat :))))))))) & ppl thought she would die & it looked like she wasn't going to make it :)))))))))))))))))
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hualian · 1 year ago
Happy TGCF and Hualian Wednesdays to those who celebrate !
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calritchie21 · 1 month ago
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currently UNWELL
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 1 month ago
New OCs
(for real this time with headers and actual info)
Cleopatra Okonjo –
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Pez's twin. Model, socialite, influencer, heavily involved in Pez's charities. Rich brat with a heart of gold, black cat to Pez's golden retriever, would stab someone for Henry at any given moment, somehow an even worse influence than Pez, she and Alex should never be left alone together because they have the combined self restraint of a rabid squirrel
Danielle Walters (x Shaan & Zahra)–
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Oscar's chief of staff, has been an honorary part of the family for years. She and Zahra are the only reason the country is surviving Ellen & Oscar's divorce, handle all political communication for them
Estella Mountchristen-Windsor –
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Henry & Phillip & Bea's cousin, her mom is Catherine's younger sister. Lives at Kensington with her cousins not because she's supposed to but because it always feels so big and empty there and they enjoy the company. Bratty socialite party girl, nicknamed the Tabloid Princess for how often her scandals make the cover of various tabloids. She does love to drink and party and make terrible life choices but what people don't notice is how often her biggest scandals just happen to overshadow her cousins' problems and how she uses the paparazzi to distract both Mary and the british press from their secrets
Possible Pez ship, or possibly just chaotic best friends who enjoy hooking up
Flynn Caldwell (x Eileen Eisner) –
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Famous actor, frequently accused of being a nepo baby because his mom was a famous popstar when she was younger, but he is genuinely very talented. First met Eileen Eisner when they were little kids doing a TV show together and every few years they find themselves in another project together (usually as love interests). Has a history of substance abuse issues that he has not really dealt with but has been trying to stay sober since Eileen went to rehab.
Everyone's favourite celebrity couple even though there has never been any confirmation of a relationship between them
Fraser Montgomery (x FirstPrince) –
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Only son of an important family of some sort, went to Eton and Oxford with Henry & Pez, was Henry's favourite hookup throughout school
they stayed in touch but not close, start hooking up again during rwrb because Henry is trying to ignore his feelings for Alex but accidentally starts developing real feelings for Fraser along the way, he comes to the New Year's party and totally hits it off with Alex but keeps it totally platonic with just some flirting because he knows how Henry feels, turns poly along the way
Josephine Fitzroy –
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Martha's twin sister. Child actress whose first job was playing James Bond's secret daughter alongside Arthur Fox, has stayed extremely close with the Fox-Mountchristen-Windsors. She continued to act but went to university to study public relations and ended up working for the crown, specifically managing all social media, public appearances, and media engagements for the royal children on behalf of Queen Mary. After Cakegate, she is responsible for planning and staging the entire fake friendship between Henry & Alex (even though she wants to murder Alex & Henry for ruining her sister's wedding), is one of the only people who knows about their relationship and is the first person to know because Henry tells her immediately. Was the first person Henry came out to and every few months after that they let themselves get pictured on a "date" to keep the public assuming that they're together so they won't question why Henry has never had a real girlfriend
Juliet Fox –
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Daughter of Arthur Fox's younger sibling, both of her parents died when she was a toddler and she was taken in by her Aunt and Uncle and raised with her cousins – who just happen to be royalty. Accidental travel influencer and full time president of the Mary Hate Club, Juliet still lives with her cousins and gets dragged along to all of their royal engagements despite Mary's many, many objections.
Marcie Turner –
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Cash's daughter, Alex's very very mentally ill best friend, recently out of the hospital, 24/7 with him. Alex sort of put himself in charge of her recovery but what neither of them mention is that really she's there to help him because needing to keep track of her helps him take better care of himself too, only Cash knows the full story
he can't skip meals/lose track of time when he's taking care of a girl recovering from an eating disorder, he can't run until he collapses when he's running with a girl who used to run until she passed out, he can't stay up all night on research binges when he shares a room with a girl who needs rest to help her body heal, etc. Officially she's Alex's best friend, media-speculated girlfriend, and his "keeper" to help him balance election work, first son duties, and his senior year, unofficially Alex is fucked up from her being hospitalized and taking care of her helps, even less officially, she's he's self proclaimed therapy dog because taking care of her helps him take care of himself
Sofía Diaz – 
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Alex & June's cousin on Oscar's side, Sofía has always adored both of her cousins. She idolizes June and Alex has always been her best friend. She's a psych student and Georgetown University and, until Ellen won the election, she and Alex had been planning on getting an apartment and going to school together. Has a complicated relationship with Ellen because of the divorce but still loves her, ends up getting the campaign communications job that Ellen tried to give June
Percy Jackson
Aderyn –
daughter of Aeolus from the time of the odyssey – might have joined Odesseus' crew after Aeolus gave him the bag of winds tbd – but Athena is mad at Aeolus for Odysseus' voyage being sent way off course by the winds, can't actually punish him so instead sends his daughter "off course" aka thousands of years into the future, she's been living in her father's palace because he wants to protect her but she ends up joining Jason's quest in Lost Hero
(no header bc face is still tbd – working through some options rn)
Loralie Lovelace –
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Daughter of Aphrodite and a sorceress, Circe's apprentice and a devoted follower of Hecate. Gets captured on the pirate ship along with Hylla and Reyna and is stuck on the ship for a few years before she can finally escape and, to her absolute shock, crosses paths with Percy Jackson once again
Maliah –
child of a sea deity – poseidon or someone else tbd – from the crew of the original argo. Pretended to be a man to join the crew, eventually her secret is revealed. It is eventually decided to let her stay but a few of the crew members are not okay with that and throw her overboard in the Sea of Monsters (drowned but didn't really drown because of her parent), spat back out during Sea Of Monsters and meets Percy & Annabeth & Tyson, or possibly meets Clarisse instead
(no header bc face is still tbd – head empty for potential faces)
Romilly Chase (x Jason & Reyna) –
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Annabeth's twin sister, left behind when Annabeth ran away, eventually also ended up running away and after a while got found by Roman demigods and taken to camp Jupiter, never claimed because Athena knows that the Romans would despise her if they knew who she was (whether they knew that she was Greek or saw her as a child of Minerva)
Starts dating Jason and Reyna somewhere between Battle Of The Labyrinth and Last Olympian, doesn't properly see Annabeth until Mark of Athena and it's extremely messy
Might have her own Labyrinth quest at the same time as Annabeth's but paths just don't cross, tbd
American Housewife
Channing "Chaney" Lambert (x Oliver & Cooper) –
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Only child of the second richest family in Westport (her family and the Bradfords act friendly in public but it's very fake and they hate each other, she and Cooper are very much not supposed to be friends), local princess and she knows it
Her parents want her to aspire to be a trophy wife but she Does Not want that (unless it's Cooper but then he would be her trophy husband tbh), she either wants to go to Harvard because Legally Blonde or Yale because of Gilmore Girls & Gossip Girl, rich princess vibes, dancer (first becomes friends with Oliver through dance, has always been friends with Cooper even though they aren't supposed to be), kind of just wants to go insane and stop fitting the perfect mold that her parents want for her but that's not really an option
Katie doesn't really like her because she thinks she's just a vapid spoiled brat, she gets along alright with Greg, absolutely worships Taylor
Liv Otto –
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Oliver’s twin sister, influencer, Katie hates it and insists that it’s not a real or viable career. Started as some vlogs (LifeWithLiv), first day at a new school stuff, picking an outfit for it, mostly just something to keep her friends from before in the loop but then people start to notice and she really blew up until it became a brand and business. She feels very real and is very open and honest about how scared she is of being new and trying to find a balance between being herself and being someone who belongs in westport, it resonates with people really well
She and Cooper are definitely besties, he's the number one person showing up in her videos, for sure the three of them (her and cooper and oliver) live together after high school
Nicholas Banks (x Joan De Loughrey) –
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Single dad, divorced years ago. Got very rich in app development and moved to Westport (might have a son, have a face in mind, tbd), people liked him because of his money but he really never felt like he belonged. Meets Joan while she is going through a very messy divorce with a husband who won't stop flaunting his various mistresses (while treating her like shit in the divorce process), they go on a few spite dates which turns into very real feelings
Maci Reeves –
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Raised by a single mother who moves a lot for her job (job tbd, Maci loves her mom but they aren't very close and her mom rarely has time for her), s2 freshman
Has been in glee clubs at every school she’s been at (if the school didn’t have a club she started it), her last school won junior nationals. Moves to Lima before s2, immediately determined to join the new directions, Rachel tries to send her to the crackhouse too but after Rachel gave her that address she went to Will to tell him how excited she was for auditions, wanted to ask if there were any requirements (dance portion, any specific song styles, etc), when she’s leaving his office she tries to confirm the time/address and he’s like “um wtf no it’s in the auditorium”
Dustin Goolsby keeps trying to recruit her for vocal adrenaline but she doesn’t want to commute
+ Kacey Brice (recast)
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Previously Maci Brice, one of Carla's younger sisters (13 in season 1)
(and again special thanks to @ginevrastilinski-ocs & @the-witching-ash for helping me sort out some of the details and turning a lost of confused vibes into actual ocs)
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