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Quarantine + N95 + Landline + Telescope + Social Distance
A small MacRiley piece I came up with while on twitter but the idea was so pure I had to write it...hopefully I can do it justice. If you want to use it go right ahead!
FAIR WARNING: its a quite cheesy and I teared up a bit...Just had the inspiration to write this one today I guess...
Mac’s singing was just teased yesterday so I took inspiration for this piece from that. Hope you like it!
Spoiler for season 5 I guess?!
Riley was cleaning up her room. Well technically it wasn’t hers. It was one of the rooms in Mac’s house. She had to keep reminding herself that this situation was not permanent. That she couldn't get too attached. The pandemic would eventually end and she would have to move out, but right now she was quarantining with Mac and Bozer.
it was dangerous. Bozer knew her secret and she knew Boze. Riley knew he would never tell Mac, but that didnt mean he wouldn't try and set them up anyways.
She rolled her eyes and smiled thinking of Bozer’s previous attempts at leaving them alone in the past few months, always slinking off to bed early with the fake yawns while they were watching Star Wars or even when they were all camping in tents around Mac’s fire pit because they were just that bored. Riley had told him to cut it out but he just played innocent. As if she couldnt read her little brother.
She grabbed the Chinese take out boxes off her desk looked over at her much cleaner room. She still had her new rig’s parts splayed out all over the desk surrounded by a bunch of wires and 2 screens. It was her little quarantine project and she was making good progress building up a rig from scratch.
Riley opened her room and door and was just about to close it and step out when she thought she heard a ukulele. Mac’s door was just slightly open and the sound of the string instrument was definitely coming from there.
She could tell Mac was strumming the strings and testing the notes, the woody sound of the ukulele reaching her ears as she stood outside her room which was close enough to his for her to hear now that her door was open.
But then he started singing, his voice floating through the air, through his room and out the door into the hallway, where Riley was now standing. She silently walked towards his door, being careful not make any sound so she could hear him play just for a few seconds.
Riley was completely taken aback. Mac could play the ukulele? She had never in her life thought Angus MacGyver could sing let alone play an instrument. She knew he loved his 80′s pop songs and had heard his occasional humming and impromptu jamming sessions while they were going anywhere in his truck but this was something else. Something she couldnt even describe.
His voice was soft and mellow as if he was just testing it and it felt personal. Riley felt like she was intruding but she couldnt make herself move. His voice had completely captivated her, holding her feet in place.
Of course Mac could sing and play the ukulele. He could save the world with a Swiss army knife and some paperclips. He could risk his life for people he didnt even know. People who didnt even deserve it at times. He was so many things to Riley. Her best friend, a part of her small family and the boy she was in love with.
The thought hit her all of a sudden. The exact way it had after they had stopped the German bomb from going off. All of a sudden she was back there holding Mac’s hand.
The thought that would change everything, hitting her like lightning.
The thought she had never considered. Never let herself think about. She was in love with her best friend.
That it had always been Mac.
Her mind betrayed her and it flashed back to the moment they had hugged and held hands in the barely standing building in Germany and then to the time he had reached for her hand when the Reaper missile intended for Codex was about to kill them.
He had never brought it up again and so Riley hadn’t either. Though she knew exactly what it was. Mac had held her hand because he was scared. It didnt mean anything. She remembered his words, what he had told her and nobody else, that he was afraid of dying alone.
That’s all it was in that moment. His fear.
Mac’s tone shifted to something less gentle but brighter and he was now singing lyrics she could almost make out and she smiled to herself.
Was he singing about Dr. Fauci? Riley strained to hear and she realised it was probably something Mac had written himself.
The words rhymed and flowed like a stream, Mac’s voice the current driving the song.
A huge grin spread across her face. Even during such a bleak situation, he had found something that had unintentionally brought a smile to her face.
It hurt a little knowing that she would never truly be able to tell Mac how much he meant to her. How much he had changed her life when he had got her out of that prison.
He had been a wreck the last 10 months because of Codex and she really wished she could have done more to somehow help him through it. To some how tell him things would get better. That his grief would lessen and his broken heart would heal.
That was why she had gone after him when he went rogue. She trusted him maybe even more than she trusted herself. She didnt hesitate even a second when she got a chance to ditch everything and save him. She would take that risk all over again.
Riley forced herself to walk away before Mac could find out she had been listening in.
Bozer stood at the end of the hallway that led to Mac and Riley’s respective rooms, when he heard what he was sure was Mac singing. When he looked around the corner he saw Riley standing silently in the hallway lost in thought, listening to Mac play.
Bozer’s heart broke for both his best friends.
They were so close yet so far apart.
Riley had realised she had feelings for Mac. The last time he brought it up she was in denial. Bozer knew it hurt her every time he asked her how she was doing but he had to do it. He had to remind the one woman who had been there for Mac through thick and thin, that she had those feelings.
Bozer had to admit, even he had had his doubts when it came to Mac. Mac had been so broken and lost, that he wasn't sure if his best friend had finally shattered after his dad’s death.
But not Riley, never Riley. She risked everything when she went after him.
Her life. Her career. Her family. Her freedom.
He knew Mac had felt something for Riley years ago but had backed away because of Bozer, because Bozer was too blind to see that his genius best friend had a crush on Riley Davis, the newest addition to their team.
He wished he could go back and tell his old self that he and Riley would be great friends, close even.
But what Mac and Riley can have would be something for the history books. If only he had noticed those feelings in Mac sooner. He vowed to be more vigilant which is why he caught the looks between him and Desi.
Not like that had turned out well.
Eventhough Mac and Desi were still together-kinda- Bozer knew something had shifted between Mac and Riley. There was this undercurrent of something new, hiding just beneath the surface and it wasn't just from Riley.
Mac had faith in the universe so Bozer would too.
He silently asked the universe to get these two together, because no two people had ever been made more perfect for each other than Mac and Riley.
No other best friends he knew were this in sync with each other, had this much faith and trust in each other’s abilities and he knew that eventually no two people would ever love each other more than them
They just had to see it.

#macriley#macgyver#macxriley#macriley fanfic#Angus MacGyver#riley davis#macgyverfanfic#macrileyfanfic#wilt bozer#Lucas till#Tristin Mays#Justin hires#cbs#macgyvercbs
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: MacGyver (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Riley Davis & Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Riley Davis/Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Characters: Riley Davis, Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Additional Tags: Friendship/Love, Love, Fluff, Season/Series 04 Summary:
I may not be your first date, kiss or love but I want to be your last everything
This is my last fanfic, please take a look !!
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I know that I love to write about the series, there is so much to tell that I could write whatever I want.
And I love macriley shipp
Fanfic writers?
Yeah, I mean you.
Thank you for creating such amazing stories! Thank you for caring about these characters as much as I do and giving us all that incredible content.
God, I don’t know what I’d do without ya❤️
#fic writers appreciation#macgyver fanfiction#ao3#fanfiction.net#littlelily80#ao3littlelily80#macrileyfanfic#macgyver 2016
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MacGyver fanfic
So this is my attempt at a MacGyver fanfic based on the spoiler we got from the MacGyver writers about Mac and Riley getting unexpectedly linked in season 5. (No this does not have anything to do with handcuffs this is just something I would like to see play out.😂)
I know it's kinda long but I hope you like it anyways.
I WOULD RECOMMEND LISTENING TO ARMOUR BY LANDON AUSTIN in the background for added effect...(I am weird I know😂)
(P.S. please ignore any typos...)
spoilers for. season 1-4.
*this takes place a six months after Mac and Desi have broken up. Bozer and Mac are spending time with each other playing video games at Mac’s flat after a long mission. They hadnt got a call from Matty about a new one just yet. So they were making the most of it after ages.*
“So Mac when are you getting back to dating?” Bozer asked. He was happy that Mac was finally doing better emotionally but he was worried Mac was going to spend the rest of his life building carbon scrubbers and car engines out of blenders, alone. He knew Riley and Mac would be perfect together but saying anything upfront would just end with Mac closing up like a clam shell and not dealing with his feelings. He knew better than to try and get involved.
He did have a plan though. He was going to convince Mac to try out this new dating app called Link’d. It was basically like every other dating app only difference..? It narrowed matches down by people you might have crossed paths with and you also have no idea who your date is until you get to a restaurant the app picked for you. The app reduced any possibility of being stood up or judged because you had no idea what the other person looked like and so no one ever lied. Bozer had already told Riley to try it out but he wasn’t sure if she would.
Bozer had hoped that maybe Mac and Riley would see each other going on dates and the fear of losing the other might kick in and maybe, just maybe they would deal with their feelings.
“Bozer come on, I am not ready yet besides I thought we talked about this. It’s only been a few months since Desi and I broke up.” said Mac.
“A few? Mac, its been six months and even Desi has moved on. All I’m saying is go on a date or two. You deserve to be happy too you know. Its time to get all that weight off your shoulders and live a little man.”
“Yeah I know.” Mac seemed to be considering the idea. A date sounded like fun and he could use a distraction from everything going on at Phoenix.
“Fine, then show me your phone.” said Bozer putting his hand out. Mac raised his eyebrow. “Why do you need it? I know I’ve broken a lot of your phones, is this your version of payback?", said Mac laughing nervously, "You'll won't hold my phone hostage until I agree will you?"
Bozer laughed, Mac was really never going to change. He cautiously handed over the phone and Bozer got to setting up Mac’s profile while Mac tried to get a look at what Bozer was doing secretly worried he was going to put him in some ridiculous situation.
When Bozer was done he handed the phone back to Mac.
“There you go. I installed a dating app called Link’d that will set you up on a blind date. Just hit that button and the algorithm will find you your perfect match.” Bozer left out the part where Riley might also use the app. But then again the possibility of them getting Link’d was slim since LA itself had about a few hundred thousand other users.
“A blind date?” Mac was confused. “Boze I dont know if this is such a good idea.” Bozer could tell every worst case scenario was going through Mac’s head right now.
“I haven't hit the button yet. Think about it and press it whenever you want. No pressure Mac. Whoever you end up with will be lucky to know you.”
“Thanks Boze. Ill think about it. Now can we get back to the game so I can kick your ass again?” said Mac with a smile on his face. He really would think about it. After all a blind date meant no pressure right?
*A few days later*
Riley had decided to use the app after all. It was just a date right? It didn't have to mean anything. She wouldn't even have to call the person back if it was a disaster.
Riley’s phone had pinged with an alert last night. She had got a match and had it yes without thinking twice. She was a bit nervous about going on a date with some random guy but Bozer had a lot of faith in the app. She only knew the guy would have a white rose with him so she could identify him. nothing else
She was very tempted to hack into the apps mainframe and find out who the guy was but she remembered her promise to Bozer. No hacking.
She had looked up the restaurant however. It was a nice romantic place in the heart of the city. Yes she could enjoy herself. No worrying about Mac or Phoenix or Codex or anything else.
She could do this. She could go on this one date, no strings attached and maybe just maybe she would be able to forget about her feelings for Mac for a night.
She decided to wear the new black knee-length dress she had bought a few weeks ago, but hadn't had the chance to wear yet. It felt good to dress up for a change. She could totally do this. After all what could even go wrong. No one at Phoenix knew about this date and she would fill Bozer and Desi in later if it went well.
Meanwhile, Mac was at the restaurant at a corner table. It was a nice cozy booth that meant they were away from the hustle and bustle of the 3 star restaurant. He had to admit the app was pretty cool. Not only did it pick a restaurant but it had pre booked a table too. It did help alleviate the stress of picking a place.
Mac still fidgeted though:- with the candle in the center of the table, the tablecloth, his suit jacket and even the white rose he had to carry so his date would recognise him. He checked the time for the 10th time in the last five minutes. He was always a little late so he didn't want to take any chances and had ended up 10 minutes early instead.
Riley’s cab pulled up at the restaurant. She was walking past the huge front window in a hurry. She was just on time.
She walked into the restaurant and gave her name to the host. As she was being led to her table and praying she wasn’t late, her phone started ringing. It was Bozer. Filled with guilt she put her phone on silent. Stupid button wouldn't work and she fidgeted with it while walking. She promised herself she would fill Bozer in once the date was over.
Riley looked up from her phone at the sound of Mac’s voice. Was she hearing things now? But nope there he was, with a white rose, sitting at the table where the host had pulled up a chair intended for her.
“Mac? What are you doing here?”
Mac looked handsome as always. He had on a dark blue jacket, with his hair in his usual short and mess style. He had a look that bordered on confusion and amusement.
Surely there was some mistake. Maybe it was a joke. Or maybe there was an emergency mission and Mac was here to pick her up for the mission. That had to be it. Right?
“I was supposed to be here on a date with a girl I have never met before. You?” Mac smiled. Riley’s stomach flipped. Things had just got so much more complicated.
Riley looked stunning. Mac knew that of course but she managed to catch him by surprise all the same.
She was just as surprised as him but now the doubt was creeping in. What if Riley was disappointed that it was him? What if she was really excited to meet someone new and him being here would ruin her night?
Riley had seemed a bit distant lately maybe this was the universes way of giving them a chance to figure things out after all.
“Well I came here thinking i was on blind date too. The Universe has a weird sense of humour." Riley broke into a smile and sat down. Mac was relieved and even more nervous at the same time.
What was wrong with him? It was just Riles. They would have a nice meal, figure things out and then laugh about this story later right?
Riley picked up the menu and a few seconds of complete silence ticked by. Mac couldn’t handle it and broke the silence.
“So” he said. “We should probably talk right?”
“Something on your mind?” asked Riley. A million thoughts ran through her head as she put down the menu. This was the part she wasn't looking forward to. She had hoped he wouldnt bring it up until later in the night but it was the elephant in the room. What was she thinking sitting down, pretending everything was fine?
“I was going to ask you the same thing.” said Mac. “You know about how you’ve been avoiding me ever since we almost died in that Codex compound from the missile. Then you moved out suddenly without much of a reason. If it was the drilling sounds I would have stopped you know.”
“It wasn't the drilling sounds or anything you did Mac. I just moved out to give you and Desi the space you deserved.” said Riley.
Her thoughts ran back to the moment he held her hand. Why did he have to do that? Why did he have to bring that up right now. The truth was Riley had been distancing herself from Mac.
Desi was her friend and she was never going to tell Mac about her feelings. It would ruin everything. Even after he and Desi broke up, Riley knew that she and Mac would never happen. She wouldn't be selfish and risk their friendship.
“Come on Riles. You’re my best friend. Whatever is going on then, you can tell me. I know its probably my fault but I need you to talk to me so I can fix it.”
How could she tell him? There would just be a cloak of awkwardness between them that would never go away and it wouldnt be something he could fix. She had to end this. Now.
“I have to go. I'm not feeling too great. I'm sorry Mac.”, said Riley getting up from her chair. Saying those words broke her heart but she had to put space between her and Mac, otherwise he would know. He would see right through the lies.
“Riles wait!”
Stupid heels she thought and walked out the door of the restaurant as fast as she could only to find it had begun raining. Oh great. This night could not be a bigger train wreck.
She turned around to find Mac right behind her at the door. A sad expression on his face. She prayed he would forgive her for this eventually.
“At least let me give you a ride home. You dont have to say anything if you dont want to.”
Riley considered her options. She really didnt want to. But she was not going to get a cab on a Friday night in this rain. She silently nodded and followed Mac to his truck.
Mac was wracking his brains to figure what he could have possibly done to upset Riley this much. They had almost been hit by the Reaper drone and then almost burnt alive in that warehouse, the guilt for putting Riley through that had been eating at him ever since.
He was thinking of all the things he had done in the past month, while Riley sat silently peering out the window not even looking at him.
He could always fix things right? That was what he did best. What was the use of all his skills if he couldn’t even fix things with Riles.
The woman who knew him better then he knew himself. She had trusted him even when everyone thought he was an enemy of the state. Even when he thought he had lost himself. She was always there. He told her things he had never told anyone before.
Suddenly his mind went back to the moment he held her hand in that Codex compound. He had thought about that many times. Why had he done it? He was sure he was going to die and he had just put Riley at risk too. He wanted her to know he was sorry right? What other reason could there have been?
Before he knew it he had pulled up at Riley's apartment entrance.
Riley mumbled, “Thanks for the ride Mac. I'm sorry I ruined your night”, she barely met his eye as she open the door and stepped out.
Suddenly it struck him.
He didn't want to lose Riley. The thought hit him so suddenly it almost sucked the air right out of him. How had he not realised sooner?
It was Riles. It had always been her.
He got out the car in the pouring rain,“Riles wait.” he pleaded, “I'm so sorry.”
Riley turned around to face him.
“You dont have anything to be sorry about Mac. This isn't your fault. I just have a lot on my mind right now.” she said.
“I do Riles. I have so much to be sorry for.” said Mac walking around the car and towards her.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to see what was right in front of me. I’m sorry i didnt realise sooner. I thought back to that day on the truck. The moment I held your hand, I realise it now, it was the first time I wasn't afraid of dying alone. I never let myself think about it. But the truth is Riles, I dont want to lose you.”
Riley had tears streaming down her face.
Oh no. He had made a mistake hadn't he. He had completely misread the situation. Riley had never felt that way at all. He had just made things worse and now they would never be able to go back to the way things were.
But deep down he didn't regret telling her. He had these feelings for so long. The idea of losing her had brought everything back to the surface.
“Riles, please say something.”
All these thoughts were running through his head when suddenly, Riley kissed him. He was taken aback for a second but he kissed her back. He could have stayed there in the rain forever. Just him and Riley. She wrapped her arms around him.
“I am so sorry Mac. You were right.. The truth is I was avoiding you. I thought if I distanced myself I would be able to move on and I would never have to risk our friendship. You’re my best friend too Mac and I just...” she was crying again.
Mac took her face in his hands tenderly and wiped the tears away. “Hey, hey its okay. I think we can both agree for two very smart people we can be pretty dumb”
Riley smiled. It made Mac’s heart do sommersalts.
They just stood there in the rain holding each other.
“So are we doing this then?” asked Riley breaking their embrace.
"I mean I guess your bed is big enough" said Mac with a mischievous grin. Riley smacked him, laughing and rolling her eyes.
"Not that. I meant us, dating and all that." She was blushing now.
“if you want to give this a shot? 100% Should we tell everyone though?” asked Mac. He wasn’t sure how everyone would react. A part of him wanted to just keep this between him and Riley.
“I do want to give us a shot. Maybe we should keep this to ourselves for a bit? Phoenix and relationships never seem to mix too well.” said Riley.
Mac nodded and smiled,”Yeah I like the sound of that. And if they get suspicious I guess we’ll just..”
“Improvise.” said Riley, completing Mac’s sentence. They laughed and kissed, standing there in the rain for what felt like forever.
#macgyver#macgyver fanfiction#macriley#cbs macgyver#cbs#fanfic#macgyver fandom#macrileyfanfic#rileydavis#angus macgyver
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