heroesxdemons · 6 years
Laharl can't handle the Suki
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“I CAN, DAMMIT! I got a whole new form and everything!” 
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toriyamafanclub · 6 years
machiyuu-wishes replied to your post “machiyuu-wishes replied to your post “machiyuu-wishes replied to...”
These changes are basically editorial staff knowing the beginning and end of a plot, but some changes (when Toriyama was still hands on) gave us characters like 17, 18, and Cell. So it's not all bad. Plus with interviews and the ability to compare both mediums to see what's the same. Making a brief summary on what happened between both is relatively easy. And for the most part it seems Akira gives the okay to the point he would create and pair Caulifla with their Kale.
@machiyuu-wishes I feel like you don’t actually understand that even in DBZ the editorial decisions actively made the story worse. We got 17 and 18 and Cell, sure, but those literally created the massive power cycle problems. If they stuck with 20 and 21, we would have a solid story where the Z Fighters would have to overcome enemies without going overboard on strength.
Also you’re trying to make ‘it’s not canon because it isn’t by Toriyama at worst, and it’s only loosely connected to Toriyama at best’ into something that has a DB equivalent. No matter what, it was Toriyama deciding where to go when told to do something different by his editors. It’s not the same as him coming up with a rough script and throwing it to what amount to essentially fanboys, and then just OK’ing everything they come up with without actually looking at it.
And again you’re still ignoring the fact that Super only happened as a Toei cash-grab.
Do you consider the movies canon? Not BoG and RoF, but the movies like the Broly movies and stuff? Because his attitude seems very similar here. He enjoyed them for what they were and even included some of them in canon, but he also clearly stated that he views them as a ‘fun alternate universe’ or something along those lines. The movies should be treated the same as Super. In both instances they’re not made by Toriyama beyond some vague idea (like the Bardock movie going off of the hints of Goku’s parents in the manga), they’re full of plotholes and retcons, and Toriyama’s response seems to be basically:
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lettherebemonsters · 6 years
Why can't you go Super Saiyan 4?
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firewcll · 6 years
“I don’t know about this “we” but I’m going to eradicate it to the very quark.”
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     “Seems like a waste. We could study it, and find out where it came from. Then we can go look for the rest of them,” Taiyo folded his arms, “Quarks won’t be too helpful in figuring any of that out.”
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enigmaincrimson · 7 years
"Might I ask the reason for wandering so far off the well trodden road to seek one such as I?” Coldly spoke the silver haired stranger in a tone that seemed to fit her icy countenance that accompanied this strange and unnatural hunger clinging to the air as if wishing to consume everything in sight.
"Choose your words wisely traveler... for they might be your last.”
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toriyamafanclub · 6 years
machiyuu-wishes replied to your post “machiyuu-wishes replied to your photo “@machiyuu-wishes I don’t know...”
Let's not pretend like he never retconned anything himself, though he's resourceful regarding how a new plot rises. I primarily consider it canon since we can still dig around and find out the key points in the manga and anime through interviews, like so-- pointing to the fact they don't try to deviate too far from the script. Like he's involved and every arc, except whatever looks to come after the Tournament of Power in the manga as he's highlighted it to be Toyotaro’s story alone, and for people to stay tuned. He's also selected a designer for the movie for more accurate proportions. He seems very passionate about making the movie good. And unlike his past, he seems to be taking a more direct approach about what is and isn't DB since he isn't being too trusting like the old days.
@machiyuu-wishes There is nothing saying they don’t deviate too far from the script. Toyotaro just says he tries to ‘keep its essence.’ Zamasu was far weaker than before and no fusions were supposed to happen, so I think that points to the story being INCREDIBLY different. And like you said, the new arc is Toyotaro alone. 
And, again, it literally only exists because Toei realized with BoG how much money they can still get from this franchise. It’s digging up Dragon Ball’s corpse to make more money. That’s all it is.
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lettherebemonsters · 6 years
Who would win? An alien parasite capable of adapting to and enslaving entire planets that’s hellbent on exacting its revenge, or one tall furry grandpa that’s a kid sometimes                            
Realistically the parasite because he would spread like a cancer throughout the universe destroying everything in his path, growing stronger the more people he enslaves.
But since Goku is the mascot of Dragonball, heaven forbid the Tuffle even scratched him.
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firewcll · 6 years
   Courtney observed the malefic being analytically, gauging how dire the results were, keeping an unmatched composure throughout. Her eyes stayed on the black-skinned abomination without the slightest shred of fear, simply charging up another blast for testing purposes.
   “Stardust Saucer.” she fired again. While twice the size of the previous blast, the destructive power behind it was exactly the same, yet in secrecy she laced its coating in a line of razor thin chi.
   Suspecting similar results, she flickered out of sight to travel at top speeds her current form would allow. Though there was streak of energy behind her to signify flight, due to possessing a significantly high battle power partially separate from the special attacks utilized in battle, clouding the entire battlefield was the relinquished pressure of her very self weighing on the space encompassing them.
   “Absorb as much energy as you like. No matter how many times I fire, it doesn’t reconvert to natural strength like most amateurs think.“ she thought to herself as she proceeded to enact a battle plan in the midst of her blast rushing upwards.
     The horror did not want second helpings. It was content digesting its first blast of energy. Unleashing a guttural scream, the monster billowed a blast of its own-- The creature too had used Stardust Saucer! While not enough to completely negate Courtney’s second wave, it mitigated it enough to make it nonfatal. The remainder of the blast that was not equalized pummeled the old god-like being, lacerating it with the sharp chi used to empower the second strike. The being flinched, stumbling as it felt briefly pained, white bleeding from its wounds. The aura it inherited flickered, fading slightly. It used up a lot of energy quickly, panting. It needed more energy. It needed her to fire again, to consume more of her power and use it for its own.
     Meanwhile, Taiyo grimaced, eyeing this battle. Solgaleo was not perturbed, watching as well, almost interested. Taiyo had an idea, though he wasn’t sure if it would work.
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     He would have to be patient.
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shxxtteredfantasy · 7 years
machiyuu-wishes replied to your photo: This time she’s more than prepared. “How much have...
“What about it? Do you wanna play… or what?”
“....Maybe.” She said simply looking over at her. “You seem like you want it, anyway.” 
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kachodoku · 7 years
Mating Season
{ ::Catch Aerith in a lustful state:: }@machiyuu-wishes{ Accepting }
              ╰ ❀ ╮Collapsing to the ground, her legs giving out on and off, she had to pick herself quickly clinging against the wall. Her body felt intense heat everywhere, down below was the worse.╭ ❀ ╯
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toriyamafanclub · 6 years
machiyuu-wishes replied to your photo “@machiyuu-wishes I don’t know if you posted these links to tell me...”
It's more so a passing of the torch when you take everything from all 3 links together. Like Toriyama saying in the first link it's a "complete" continuation. Factor in Toriyama is currently working on the DBS movie, and answered questions about the Saiyans in detail (S Cells), I wouldn't say he doesn't care. I only sent all 3 links to highlight just because Toriyama isn't working on every subplot in the manga and anime doesn't mean none of it is apart of his vision
@machiyuu-wishes It’s a ‘complete’ continuation but it’s not his work, so imho it’s not canon. Toyotaro clearly doesn’t have enough respect for the source material to not constantly retcon stuff, so why consider it canon?
Also, I think you heavily underestimate the power of money. Toriyama had been trying to end DBZ for forever. He wasn’t interested then, and the series literally only got revived because he was SO ANGRY about how shit Dragon Ball Evolution was that he decided to create his own movie. Then Toei realized how much money they could still make from the series, and here we are. It’s never said, but don’t you think if he really cared, he’d be the one making the manga? He’s old and tired, but I’m sure Toei pays him a pretty penny just so they can keep the phrase ‘MADE BY AKIRA TORIYAMA’ stamped onto it all.
I’m sure the movie will be good (trailer looks breathtaking!), but he’s voiced some vague concerns in the past over the animation quality of Super, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are plenty of points that bug him that he just doesn’t want to say because this is Japan and Japan has a politeness problem. That’s hard to tell.
Either way, no matter how you slice it, if you’re considering canon ‘his vision,’ then it’s actually basically impossible to tell how much of DBS actually is ‘canon,’ because so much of it is Toyotaro, and he actually edits Toriyama’s script so it deviates. And it only exists because Toei realized it’s good money, so why even bother considering ANY of it canon?
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lettherebemonsters · 6 years
Sucks that your Tuffle genes interfere with the Saiyan genes, doesn't it?
" Saiyan and Tuffle genes are compatible. One, if not the only, races a Tuffle could hybridize with is a Saiyan.But I was programmed to rampage against Saiyans. The addition of Saiyan genetics into my DNA has made my programming glitch."
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pocket-sized-lawyer · 7 years
Oh, new look?
Hehe ye a friend drew a memey pic of MHA verse Junsui and I loved it too much to not use. ^^
Generally same design though except he wears the UA uniform in the MHA verse~
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shxxtteredfantasy · 7 years
machiyuu-wishes replied to your photo: “…. Is this an invitation? Or are you just...
“Seems you’ve forgotten your role, slave.”
“I am no slave to anyone, especially not to you.” She glared. 
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bravelighteon · 7 years
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“Pretty sure I do. Unless you flat out reject me then this will be my loss. I’m hoping you you think otherwise Rin.”
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“To answer your question Satsuki, because I asked him to join me. We both have our feelings towards you two and we also both agreed that doing this together is better than doing so alone.” said Light, with her newfound confidence.
“So what do you say Satsuki? What is your answer to my proposal?”
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