#machiavellian yandere
threepandas · 3 months
Bad End: Kept Safe
[Art by Miu_A]
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You ever give someone advice, knowing full well they aren't going to take it? Even AFTER they have begged and pleaded and WHINED at you, for hours, for it? Even after they poured their heart and soul out to you? And you, a good friend, carefully and tactfully, tried your best to help? LIKE THEY ASKED?
Ever find yourself the designated "run too dramatically weep in the arms off" friend?
I have.
It is hell. I am in hell.
This is my punishment for all those hours I spent reading and playing Otome Isekai junk instead of, I don't know, solving world hunger or something. Because it HAS to be. I am clearly being punished. Repeatedly. By some sort of petty, petty, anime God.
Fuck you too, buddy.
A fresh round of highly dramatic Protagonist sobbing peirces the air. Dear lord, she has a set of lungs on her, does she? It's like an air siren. But more... upset toddler. It was bizarre. I'd LIKED her as a character. I HAD. Bright and cheerful, determined with a good heart. She'd been a bit naive, yes, but she'd grown. Love had changed her for the better.
This was some middle school "he threw away my secret note, that I didn't sign, so that means he HATES MEEEEE~" bullshit. It went on and on and ON! God, it'd been MONTHS! Years!
I made friends with the Protagonist when we were in The Royal Academy. The story's setting. It SHOULD have finished by graduation. SHOULD. HAVE. But DID it? No! This nonsense had spilled into the COURT! The general population! Actual political factions were starting to get involved!
All because my "friend" COULDN'T PICK A MAN.
And she didn't listen. I tried. God, how I TRIED! No matter HOW I phrased "just fucking TALK to them" it didn't get through her dense fucking skull. I tried taking a break. To calm down. She HUNTED ME DOWN with her little Harem of political trainwrecks!
That poor port city STILL has yet to recover from the chaos they unleashed.
I don't... God, I don't even LIKE her anymore. I've just been reduced to her HANDLER. Forced into girlish tea parties devoid of any taste, because no one ELSE will come. Followed by winces and pitying looks by every lady in all of polite society. The sacrifice to keep HER distracted, lest her gaurd dogs decide its a good idea to do something unhinged again.
It's exhausting.
I'm not even listening.
She seems to have worked through her usual cycle of "cry, mope, what about meeeee~, then I going to go be Plucky at them! Tee Hee~♡!". Good, good. You go have fun, you little train wreck. I'm going to go find an actual ADULT to hide behind.
I have my maids change me out of an outfit that, frankly? I am too old for. I am not sixteen. We are not GIRLS, for the heaven's sake. We are WOMEN. It was a cute outfit. I enjoyed wearing it, back when I was physically young enough that it was appropriate. But even THEN... that's the down side of the whole "isekai" thing.
You keep your mental age.
Everyone around you? INFANTS. Fresh faced babies. You are being flirted with by fourteen year olds and? It is DISGUSTING. They can never be anything more then "cute kids" to you. The characters you once thirsted over? Reduced to actual, living, breathing, pre-schoolers.
There's no going back after that. I'll NEVER unsee it. Can only continue to age, even as they simply... grow up. And then? When they started behaving like FOUR YEAR OLDS? Forget it! I'm beginning to share my parents fears I may die single.
At least I have a refuge. A place of SANITY and SENSE.
I grab the imported wine I had purchased. I'd noticed him drink it before on special occasions. Found a tea seller that was willing to also bring some back. Mother LOVED the tea and my friend was going to love the wine, I could just tell.
Cautiously poking my head out of the guest apartments i was staying in, I checked the hall. Left. Right. Left. Thank god. No Protagonist in sight, she hasn't come back yet. Better hurry though.
I walk fast and keep close to the wall. Ducking into alcoves at every new female voice. Passing servants, Nobles, and the occasional Knight either murmur what they know of Protagonist's last known location or politely pretend not to see me. For anyone else, this would be scandalous behavior. For ME? Well... everyone knew EXACTLY why I was being driven to such extremes.
I thankfully reached the governance wing unmolested. It was far quite and none of the pack of fools ever really set foot here. Not ever the ones who were SUPPOSED to be busy learning their future roles as leaders of this country. God, I could only hope the third prince somehow quietly pulls a coup.
Not that I'd SAY that.
The gaurds don't even bother to announce me, I'm here so often. Merely opening the door. I maintain my decorum none the less. JUST long enough for the doors to finally close and I am able to drop my social mask like whipping of my bra after a long day. Oh thank fuuuuuuck. FREEDOM!
A familiar chuckle, like incense smoke, wafts from the second floor of the office.
"Oh my~, so tired?" My friend muses, his voice that ever lilting purr. I hear him closing whatever heavy tome he's currently studying. "And so early in the DAY! Was it the little nuisance again? Surely she must have SOMETHING better to do?"
Gently putting the wine I'm gifting him on his desk, I then throw up my arms. You would THINK! Wouldn't you?! It's an old complaint. And frankly? I'm glad he still let's me vent about it. It HAS to get old. Yet? He let's me complain anyway.
I met the, roughly translated, "Keeper Of The Shield" at one of the Crown Prince's many ridiculous parties. I was dragged along as Protagonist's plus one. Because GOD FORBID she bring one of her suitors! That might lean towards CHOICE! Can't have THAT!
It was an overly dramatic, gaudy, slow motion trainwreck from beginning to end. I? Got very, VERY drunk. I knew I shouldn't. It was wildly inappropriate. But I was HORRIFIED. Hid near the balconies and drank to forget. Contemplating jumping.
Was likely the only one there my age NOT in ten layers of bows and fabric flowers. It was probably why Crevan decide to talk to me. That and the look of abject suffering. He informed that, sadly, the balconies were locked. But if I planned to maim my self to escape, he could probably boost me up enough to reach the upper windows.
I choked on my drink and guffawd like an idiot. It was SUPER flattering. Very pretty. And honestly? The best conversation I'd had in YEARS. He was droll. Witty. Snarky. In just as much hell as I was. We gleefully narrated the drama playing out before us in as cutting a manner as possible. Grown adults, government officals! Behaving like fucking CHILDREN.
Only after, did I learn I had been chatting with the equivalent of the minister of the Defense. THE commander of our nation's defensive forces. All of them. Knights, army, spies. All of it. And the poor man had been dragged from his desk to play party prop by a glorified teenager. I was horrified. Appalled. Fucking OUTRAGED to learn that it was just... normal!
This country was a nightmare! Otome games are HELL. Lacey, sparkly HELL!!!
But at least I had Crevan to keep me sane. He was always willing to listen. Advise when he could. We had HOPED that Protagonist would start maturing... I'd even mentioned it, but it just seemed like she back slid again and again! Trapping me. Isolating me! Ruining my chances to move ON and have a LIFE!
I don't know what went wrong! Is it me? Am I too hand holdy? It's starting to destabilize the country! Not that the royal family even seems to notice! God no, if it weren't for Crevan, the whole PLACE would have collapsed!
I flop down on my couch. Technically it's not "mine", but honestly? He's fooling no one. The man barely had ANY guest furniture before we became friends. It's totally my couch. (He even got a tea table for us, the softy.)
"Oh? A gift? How thoughtful, dear~" It's only months of friendship that keep from jumping these days. I should get that man a BELL. "Would you like some?"
I can't help but huff a laugh. He always looks to PLEASED when he gets the jump on someone. Startles them. A mischievous asshole, that one. Touchy, too. Forever cupping my cheek or earnestly taking my hand. Patting my head. Guiding me by the elbow or shoulder. He has so few friends... I am certain he is touch starved.
A thought occurs to him, as he pours two cups. A sly grin stretching across his face as he turns to offer me a cup. The wine's scent mixes, burning and delicate, with the ever present smells of incense and his favorite herbal cigarettes. Blurring the senses and relaxing. It's a pretty strong drink.
"You KNOW... it just occurs to me! Darling, if you want to avoid that pest? Why not spend the day HERE? I'd love to have you. " his voice becomes low and serious for a moment, almost catching me off gaurd, bouncing back before I can really think about it. "You could trash my shelves again! Camp out on my couches! It'll be like a little party~ Just you and me! Not a care in the world. You won't have to worry a single thing~"
He grins, glasses catching the light, toothy like the old scheming fox he is.
"I'll keep you nice and safe~"
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francis-writes · 7 months
loved the feyd-rautha harkonnen/servant reader headcanons! what do you think would happen if a visiting noble took interest in the reader before she formally became his lover?
This is certainly a very problematic situation. If he could, Feyd would kill his rival at first occasion but since that was a noble, he had to hold back his urges (if it was a person from common people, they would probably be executed in a moment and nobody would bat an eye but dealing with rich elites require more subtlety). Fortunately (for him, not sure if for you as well) he's more composed than his brother. No offense for Rabban but he probably would get carried away by his emotions and either start a fight or straightforwardly threaten that noble. Which wouldn't help anybody and moreover it would make Baron Harkonnen mad.
But Feyd, while as sadistic as the rest family, is more machiavellian and able to achieve his goals in more planned way (he may not be a mentat but he probably learned a few things from Peter de Vries).
His reaction also depends on your attitude towards the whole situation. If you already seem interested in Feyd, or at least you aren't interested in that noble in the slightest, Feyd just deals with the situation behind your back and you won't know a thing. He goes to talk with that man and gently suggests that: 1.You're not interested 2.You're Feyd's favourite servant 3.Harkonnen's hospitality has its limits and sharing servants as lovers is far past the red line. Anyway, there's no chance you would become lover of that man.
Maybe noble is smart, has self preservation instinct and he gives up on the potential affair. If not, Feyd has a few ideas how to get him away from you. First, he threatens him. But not with violence, at least not yet. He starts subtly, with suggestion of blackmail an ruining that man reputation. If this doesn't work either, situation may end up in assasination before noble leaves Giedi Prime.
But what in the case where you actually reciprocate noble's attraction? Well, situation gets complicated for you. Feyd decides to definitively prevent any development of those affair and orders to isolate you from the guests. You aren't really locked in your room (but btw Feyd has some yandere vibes), but for some time you work only in rooms for servants, when you can't accidentaly meet that noble. Situation looks like that until guest leave and you (as Feyd hopes) forget about your potential lover.
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yaksha-lover · 9 months
Okay but imagine Rollo having a hellfire moment about Yuu/Reader and he's plotting ways to *strongly convince* them to be with him when in the middle of scheming, Yuu/Reader walks in and confesses to him. Then Rollo is left blank faced and dumb founded.
(I know this could easily make him seem very yandere but he doesn't have to be too forceful about it.)
lmao this is so accurate because rollo is a bit like idia - simultaneously has a superiority and inferiority complex.
does he think you should be with him? yes, he’s the only one who can properly love you.
does he think you’d want to be with him (regardless of how you’ve acted toward him)? no, he’s certain you find him disgusting and intolerable.
meanwhile, you actually do quite like him. he’s strangely kind to you, and romantic when he wants to be. you get the feeling he does reciprocate your feelings, so you decide to take a chance and confess.
rollo is just. rollo.exe has stopped working. you- like him back?? i mean of course you should but he didn’t think you actually would? and despite whatever nefarious plans rollo might have had, i think your confession would set the stage for a relationship where rollo let’s you take the reins a bit. he’s willing to do what you want, whatever it is, to be with you. he’s tired of fighting and being all machiavellian - maybe you can lead, show him what you want from him and what you need.
he wants to take care of you, to protect you, but when you hold equal power, it’s much more pleasant.
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winniethewife · 9 months
I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care (Nathan Bateman x reader)
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Warning: Toxic relationship, Manipulation, Mild Violence. Yandere!Nathan, Dub-con relationship.
Words: 522
Nathan came up to the living room after a long day of working, he found her curled up on the couch with a book.  His ever reluctant girl. He wanders over, standing behind her he wraps his arms around her shoulders, She flinches, and looks up at Nathan.
“You startled me.” She says softly, her eyes meet his, shes so soft…so sweet. So unusual for him. he liked how she was putty in his hands, moldable.
“You know…the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me…I wanted you from the second I saw you.” He says as he uses his fingers to caress her collarbone. “And now you're mine…” his possessive nature was something that she was slowly getting used to, she smiles softly at him.
“Sit with me a bit?” She asks. He’s more than happy to oblige. He sits nect to her on the couch. Wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. His fingers run along her neck, gently pressing on her pulse point. He finds it sexy, her pulse as kit quickens when he’s close, something he can’t replicate in his androids, her pulse, her scent. Everything he loved about her was really only because he couldn’t make it, it was all her. He can’t fake that. She looked up at him with soft Doe eyes, her book long forgotten as he takes her chin in his hand and captures her lips with his. After a moment he pulls away. He looks at her with a predatory look, his hand sliding back to her throat.
“What if I told you none of it was accidental? What if I’ve planned this since the first time I saw you? What if I’ve been watching you? All I knew...I knew I wanted your body…I needed you to be mine…” His voice was filled with a devious darkness, he held her gently, his large hand holding her neck with just the slightest pressure. She felt her heart start to race, her instincts telling her to run. He is the hunter, she is the prey. She is his prize, the reward for all the work he did to get her here. He had met her at a party at a tech convention, he was obligated to go to for business reasons, she was working as a waitress, and the second he saw her, He knew, she was his. There was no one, no thing that could stop him. She knew this, but he had never right out said it before now, how he lured her to his fortress of solitude out in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness.
“I've been scheming like a criminal ever since, just to keep you…Make you mine…” He starts to push her down on the couch, his hands grabbing at her body, she knows there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide…His mouth on her neck, his tongue pressed to the pulse point, feeling her blood flowing under skin, the taste of her invading his mouth, He groans, moving to her ear, whispering before talking in her ear
“Nothing was gonna stop me…And now you're mine”
Series masterlist
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perfectlovevn · 2 months
Hello! I just finished playing your game, and I adore it beyond words. I’ve never seen any sort of yandere content like this before and the idea of a yandere being created intentionally by someone with an agenda rather than by happenstance is beyond interesting.
I loved playing Eris - both in enabling their machiavellianism and in watching how their brain worked as they transformed Milo into what they wanted. Just seeing his transformation itself was wonderful as well! I feel bad for Milo, he didn’t deserve what happened to him, but seeing what he became depending on Eris’ decisions was so fun to watch - it really highlights what I love most about any sort of choose your own adventure story format: the ability to not only change the plot and relationships between characters, but the characters themselves. And your game was all about that - thank you so much for making it.
Another thing I find intriguing is the kind of person who would administer such a change. While it’s more than fun being in their shoes, I can’t help but want to view Eris as a character in their own right and see how they could evolve (and based on the cult following they’ve amassed I’m not the only one). I can’t imagine much would cause them to truly change unless they had something to be afraid of, meaning they probably wouldn’t change unless something had proved to be greater than them in a way that mattered. Maybe someone who managed to consistently get the better of them using manipulation, someone who was somehow immune to their control, or some god who decided to meddle in their business. If that person tried to change them, what would happen? What would it take to ruin them? And once they’re destroyed, what would be left over? I know this depends on what the player decides for their backstory and motives, but I really can’t help being curious- ultimately, though, my interest in reshaping and tearing apart Eris is all just rhetorical ramblings. I love your game and characters, Eris absolutely included, and the brainworm they’ve given me is top notch. I can’t wait to see more of what you put out, and I hope you have a lovely day! :)
(Adding this disclaimer for my own piece of mind, feel free to ignore: I do not actually want to hurt anyone, and my curiosity about harming Eris only represents my interest in them as a fictional character; it does not reflect my feelings or moral stances towards real life people or issues. I love people, and I believe we should all treat each other kindly to the best of our abilities. Disclaimer over, tysm, thank you for coming to my Ted talk!)
It's always fun to read the longer reviews because people always put so much thought into it! I very rarely see any content where someone molds the yandere, since most of the time, the lover is general a normal or good person. I think that its really fun to have an evil main character every now and then. I also think it's very fun when each decision feels really impactful. That was part of what I wanted to do for this game other than I didn't want to overwhelm myself with too many choices and writing.
With Eris, it's hard to say. I think that the best way to force Eris to evolve is if they feel as if there is something they can use. Something involving a perfect love? Perhaps a way to manipulate the other person back. I think if Eris was forced by a god of any kind, I'm sure they would be resentful with it. Or well, I'm sure you can imagine what Eris would do in these situations.
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zorosdimples · 4 months
Who do u think has...abortion kink (am I allowed to say this?..kinda scared lol)
you’re allowed to say it—don’t be scared!
hm… i guess it would be someone who fantasizes about getting you pregnant and then you aborting the fetus, yeah?
i could definitely see a yandere relishing complete control over your bodily autonomy, having the first and final say in your biological processes—it’s like playing god to the ultimate extreme.
as for who would enjoy this sort of kink… tbh, dottore comes to mind first, as he strikes me as particularly sadistic, with a definite god complex. he’s a doctor/scientist with a machiavellian attitude when it comes to his research—the ends justify the means. i can see him wanting to push your body to its limits, to see if he can perfect the impregnation and termination processes. whether it’s strictly scientific curiosity or something deeper is up to you to determine.
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msfantasy-comics · 11 months
Prompt List
Reader type / character portrayal types
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princelylove · 9 months
So you interested in this topic too prince, don't mind if I rambling more. I love your writing on different type of this troop, thank you for the meal~
When you mention yandere carving their name darling's back, I immediately think of Noriaki. He carved name on his arm in the fight with Death 13 so I think he doesn't mind carving his name on darling. He enjoy seeing you squirm because of the pain, licking your blood and tear (he is a sadistic yandere after all).
I wonder how Dio punish his darling when they misbehaving or he just hurt them because of love. Will he drink their blood or just break some of their bones?
A littlest nsfw but which yandere will force themselves on darling? (whatever reason because they love darling so much, or because they want to punish darling, or they just so adore their darling's expressions when doing it)
~ 🏵️ anon ~
For future reference, please put separate questions in different asks. Multiple asks make me happy, and it’s more organized that way. I want to answer your asks as detailed as I possibly can, but with multiple  question asks like this, it makes me feel like I’m prattling on a bit too much for one post. Don’t apologize, you’re not in trouble, let’s just do it this way from now on, okay? ♡
What Noriaki does to himself doesn’t necessarily indicate what he’ll do to others, he just has a high pain tolerance and needed to prove a point. But. He can’t deny how lovely you’d look with ‘Noriaki Kakyoin’ written on you- by means of a blade, of course. Why waste ink when you can have it on you permanently? Oh, a tattoo would be acceptable too, but not everyone can get a tattoo, can they? Noriaki respects your decision- whether it be by religious reason, or a lie to get out of dealing with the needle. He’ll pretend you really mean it as long as you keep playing along, and observe the respective holidays for whichever religion you cling to for salvation from his terrible, terrible designs. Don’t forget, or he’ll really punish you. Lying is wrong. 
DIO is not the nicest man. He may love you, but he’s Machiavellian, through and through. All that matters is the end result, and you know what? You’ve soured his mood. He doesn’t want any sweet nothings, or that attention he’s been demanding from you, he’s fed up! You’ve tried his patience, which he has a lot of in this stage of his life, so you must’ve done something bad. DIO isn’t one to make a big show out of it, do you think he’ll hurt you? He takes away the one thing that should matter the most to you: him. (He’s similar to Giorno in that aspect. Notably, none of his other sons are like that.) He deprives you of your basic needs. If you really want water, you can get it from the sink, or the bathtub he’s allowed you to have. A meal? Sure, you can have a meal (that doesn’t meet any of your dietary restrictions, or your likes/dislikes.), you can even have a drink. (It’s just blood, marked as wine.) Vanilla glares at you as he pours it, and won’t leave until you’ve finished. Don’t be a waste of resources, you stress out his master enough. 
I think most romantic types would force themselves on their darling- not intentionally. They’re just delusional enough to think that you want them. Jean-Pierre, Jotaro, Shinobu, Mountain Tim, Jolyne, F.F., people who want to have sex with their darling out of love rather than lust. The worst part of it is the fact that there’s genuinely no malice behind it- most of them are doing it for your pleasure.
Some, though, are not! Some yanderes force themselves on their darling because they just can't stop themself. It's an urge! An urge you'll have to deal with until they give out- no worries if you can't last as long as they can, they'll hold you where you need to be. Certain stands such as Jolyne's, Noriaki's, and Joseph's have no issue binding you so their user can have their way, but others don't need to rely on a stand, and can force you with their own hands. Hotpants, although I think she'd avoid sex with her darling until she deems it to be time, is notably the type to restrain her darling just by herself- it feels good that way. Please stop squirming, you're ruining it for her.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
What if darling opened up to one of the staff about how much they love old man terry but the cheating stuff is hurting them so much that they think that omt doesn’t actually love them? Obviously the staff member tells omt, but what does he do?
The whole cheating thing is a punishment, as I said. An extreme measure for an extreme situation. I think Terry in any era is excessively, almost smotheringly devoted otherwise when true love is true, it is just sometimes, when beloved acts out, offends him, makes him jealous, or does any number of things that steps on his toes, he chooses to injure them with what maters the most to them; Himself. Every act of cheating is almost entirely centered around the beloved who he wants to emotionally jab through it and of course it hurts. It is supposed to. The staff knows beloved is hurt. The maids and the janitors and the chauffeur and the chef and the maintenance people. They know, because it is their job to know and Terry knows beloved is upset by it before they even report anything back to him because it was his intention to upset from the get-go. It wouldn't be a punishment otherwise, no?
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threepandas · 11 days
Bad End: Winter's Victory
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Cigarettes in this world were different. Odd, I guess. I had never really paid attention to the smell of cigarette smoke, before I ended up here, but I knew it hadn't been? Exactly... well, pleasant? I guess? Not to say that all the ones that existed here WERE, mind you. It was still smokey. The cheap ones an overwhelming incense. They called it "stepping out to pray" for a reason. You ended up smelling like you spent hours in a temple during prayer.
But the smell that lingered here? Clung delicately to cloth and the walls? It was more of a... warm spice. I could never place which ones. There was, yes, a smokey undertone, but? It more or less added to the complex almost taste scent of spices and tea. Dark and rich. Lingering. The sort of thing that takes time to develop.
The entire house was like that. Well, compound really. Austere and ageless, time did not seem to touch the inside of these walls. Did not seem to dare try. It was a blessed relief. A place of respite. All soft, dream-like edges and beautiful gardens. Meandering halls and tasteful, understated art. Peaceful company. Good food and tea.
A lingering smell of smokey spices.
My sister was up to her Protagonist shit again. It was... exhausting. I knew, intellectually, I should be back home. Playing my part. The ever supportive Big Sister archetype. Endlessly kind. Endlessly patient. Supportive to a fault. Smiling and smiling no matter WHAT bullshit nonsense that child pulls. No matter HOW she shames our house or causes trouble I must undo.
But honestly? I can't. I just... can't.
The idiotic little shit SLAPPED A PRINCE. Thank the heavens it wasn't one of the Emperors favorite sons or we'd all be dead, but still! Who the fresh hell taught her that was acceptable?! No. Just.... No.
Let Father deal with this for once. If he insists on spoiling and infantilizing that child? HE can reap the rewards. Her MOTHER can parent for once, instead of sitting around being generically "perfect". I am not there. This is beyond my pay grade. Frankly? I don't even HAVE the power to smooth this over. I could, technically. But not at any cost I'm willing to PAY.
Not for my sister's "she not like other girls", "oh? How interesting", fucking MOMENT.
No WONDER the Elder Sister character disappears in the later half of the royal route, only to turn back up in the palace. She's a freaking Consort! To a letch! Powerful one, yes. But STILL! And all just to protect a sister who not only doesn't notice? But doesn't even attend her wedding?
I lift the (frankly beautiful) cup of tea I was served to drink while I wait. Breathe in it's rich, soothing scent. Let the steam curl against my face as I stare out the open sliding doors at the fall garden. It borders on too cold for this... but not quite.
The tea is warm. The snacks are warm. I was brought a beautifully embroidered blanket to rest across my lap. Have a robe draped over my shoulders. It is... meditative, almost. Just me and the quiet sigh of vibrant leaves on the breeze. The world muffled. Warm dispite the cold. Ah... the garden really is... so beautiful....
I let it soothe me. Drain away my anger and frustration at the world. Running water, birds in the trees, insects. The silence is so wonderfully full. Alive. I have to keep my mind from bitterly comparing it to constant dramatics filled mess of the gardens at home. Focus on the here and now. This is NICE. Focus on this.
Quiet, near silent footsteps approach. Gait even and steady. Most men his age meander or shuffle, but like the home he keeps? Kaito seems almost untouchable by time. As though not even the Gods dare. I honestly don't blame them. He can be quite commanding when he wishes. Good thing he's rather laid back.
"Come to escape the treasonous?" A modulated voice teases. Wry and dry as salt mines. "Your fool sister is aware that actions have consequences, yes? Or has that idiot father finally succeeded in spoiling her back into infancy? Traditionally, we do not let such young children wander."
Kaito's voice isn't terribly high or husky and low. It is... smooth. Controlled. Like running your fingers across fine fabric. I could honestly listen to him read a phone book and be pleased. He would have made a killing as a voice actor, in my first life. Or reading audio books. Something.
"No retort? Witty defense? Oh dear. You are exhausted, aren't you, my friend?" He noted, dropping the teasing edge. Stepping inside the viewing room and calmly sliding the door shut behind him, I could almost feel him observing me. "When was the last time you slept? Properly. You're a mess, my friend, look utterly exhausted. Has it become that bad?"
Worse actually. They keep doubling down. Doing stupid "girl power!!!1!", poorly thought out, works in a 21th century DEMOCRACY but sure as shit NOT HERE, so called "power moves". I was? So, so fucking tired. Legitimately scared for the servants at this point. Because, honestly? Let stupid reap it's own reward. I TRIED. I was dismissed and ignored. Taken for granted.
Accused of JEALOUSY!
Like? Oh, HELL NO. I know exactly where THAT train of thought ends. I've read enough of the Genre to cut THAT shit off at the pass. Not Today, Satan!
So? Fuck um. I Tried. But I REFUSE to set myself ablaze to keep the ungrateful warm. Especially when they have both coats and just want to roast marshmallows. But... the SERVANTS? They are innocent. Wrong house, shit masters. Half are basically indentured! Much to my outrage.
We HAVE the funds to pay them better. But do I control those funds? Dispite doing ALL THE WORK? Managing the House? No. Of course not. THAT would be Protagonist's mother. And we really need that money for more jewelry and pretty outfits for her daughter. Fuck the household, I guess.
Things are... likely to get bad.
Because I have made the painful, painful choice? To let GO.
I can't keep holding up the house. I am NOT Atlas. Was not granted a second chance, just to throw it away. But at the same time? The servants. Not the enabling, vindictive, lapdogs that circle my family like vultures. The ACTUAL servants. Gardeners, cooks, maids. The no one's that they will not remember.
Somebody has to protect THEM. It must be me. Or no one else WILL.
I'm hoping Kaito will help.
Please, heavens, let this be enough to help. Then... THEN I can figure out how to protect myself. Hopefully. Maybe. Though I am probably running quickly out of time.
"Dear one, are you with me? You are drifting. I need you to come back. Focus on me. The sound of my voice. Can you hear me? Do you see the leaves? Focus on their color. See the reds and yellows beyond them. Like fire, is it not? Can you smell the tea? Dear one, what kind is it? Come here. Back to your body. That's right..."
Smooth and soothing. Closer then what felt like a blink ago. Huh. Yes. The leaves are quite lovely, aren't they? And... and this is red cliff, first harvest, right? Ah. I'm still so bad at telling certain types of tea apart. How mean. He knows this.
.....my brain feels mushy. But back in my body. I manage to scrounge up the edges of a smile. Gods, I am so tired. Worn so thin. But I... I can't rest. Not yet. Kaito kneels beside me, too dignified and reserved to show the full weight of his concern. But it practically howls from his body language. The sheer closeness he has allowed. I must have truely scared him there.
I would tease him, about using my notoriously bad memory of frankly near identical teas against me... but I just... just can't.
There isn't enough energy left in me. I think the soothing nature of his home, his company, has been my undoing. My brain has finally declared me safe enough to break down. Ha ha... perhaps that is why I've been avoiding coming here for so long. I knew I would break down. Would not want to leave.
Unspeakably rude of me.
"The rumors have not done the situation justice, it seems. You seem at your wits end. My dear, you cannot continue like this. Please, let me help. I realize it is overstepping any number of boundaries... but..." the weight of his concern; the words he was struggling to find, to phrase the unkind more palatably, hung between us. "Please, my friend. You are struggling. I can not bear it."
I felt exhausted tears well up. Days of being overwhelmed. Threatened on all sides. Wondering if today would be the day, that the royal gaurds kicked down our gates and executed us all. Struggling against the blindly arrogant and willful actions of my family. The very SAME family that treated me as more of a secretary then as any kind of kin.
Where would I be? If I had not met Kaito, all those years ago? Visiting his cousin, who was marrying a friend of my cousin. Even then, I was desperately trying to keep the name of our family from being filth. My father could not tear himself away from the whims of my sister or his pretty new wife. My grandmother somehow uncaring, tyrannical and doting, indulgent and yet strict.
I was the ONLY ONE who could and WOULD bother to represent us.
Was called frivolous and silly for it. For "seeking parties" to go "play at". As though it was not stressful. As though it was not far beyond my training and skills. Only the concerned eyes of cousins from other houses and guidance of matriarchs from BETTER houses, let me survive at ALL.
Grandmother still does not understand why she no longer gets invitations. Why her name is mud in the eyes of other elders. They did not take kindly, to her abandoning her granddaughter to do HER and HER DAUGHTER-IN-LAW'S job for them. But... there I was. Doing my best. Decorated like a little doll, uncomfortable and quite.
Kaito didn't even need to speak to me. Would never have approached such a nervous, unchaperoned child. Forget being simply a young unmarried girl. I was quite LITERALLY a girl. A child. He never would have so much a acknowledged my existence normally. It simply wasn't done. He was after all, an unmarried man of considerable power.
Still is.
But he needed to speak with his cousin. Who, quite rudely, would NOT take a hint. Too wrapped up in his new bride. Thus forcing Kaito to come over. Bless him, he still tried to politely ignore me. So as not to put pressure on a nervous child. But, once again, Cousin Dense As A Brick struck. Introduced us before merrily swanning off to go talk with friends, taking his wife, my cousin, and ONLY CHAPERONE with him.
We were both baffled and aghast. Horrified. It was the sort of gods awful that somehow found its way back around to being funny. Granted, only because we were in a highly visible location surround by other part goers. But still. Why don't you just? Pick me up and dump me in his LAP next? Good gods man.
Needless to say? The roasting was merciless and immediate. He escorted me to a friend of his. Terrifying woman. We had a grand time roasting terrible behavior and I learned SO MUCH. They were Hilarious. Clearly appreciated having an audience who could actually grasp their sense of humor. I left with letter buddies.
Acquaintances that became friends.
Kaito became my single BEST friend. A refuge, a mentor, a confidant. I trusted... TRUST, the man more then any single soul I've ever met. It helps, I guess, that he meets me where I AM not where he assumes I SHOULD be. Doesn't baby me. Infantalize me. Nor does he treat me in any way that would set off a "creep" alarm in my head. He's just... Kaito.
All cunning eyes and slight smiles, dry humor and cutting wit. Ever the rougish yet refined strategist. Bad boy of the highly polite. All the high court ladies still sigh over him.
Grey eyes that bordered on black filled my vision. That whisp of soft silver hair that never wanted to stay put, forever falling across his brow. My view of the garden cut off. When had he moved? Had I drifted back into my head again? It seemed so.
This close, I could not help but notice his eyelashes were still the rich dark of his youth. Few strands of silver yet touching his eyebrows. He'd had a beautiful shade of black hair it seems. It was rather striking....
A pinch on the back of my hand. Bright pain lancing through the fog. Kaito's hands cupped mine, kept me from jostling my cup. Stopping me from dropping now cold tea into my lap. Taking it from me gently, he set it aside. Thumb rubbing the skin he had abused. His face was apologetic.
"And that marks the second time you've drifted away on me, dear. I'm afraid I'm no longer asking. I'm will be helping. This is entirely unacceptable. What in the gods name have those idiots done to you?" His voice was soft. Attention focused on me. I felt... felt so very fragile.
Not weak. Fragile. Like glass under strain. Bones near their breaking point. That final support beam struggling with weight beyond its abilities to bear. He was treating me like I was wounded. Was I? Perhaps I was. I certainly felt that way.
I just... just wanted someone ELSE to take care of it all.
Just for a bit.
Was that so wrong?
I was TIRED. Felt the tears coming back. Here I was, coming to a dear friend, about to ask him to take on a burden for me. Risk enraged royalty just to protect the innocent. Being unspeakably emotional and RUDE. And I... and I... I just....
"Shhhhh. None of this. You've done so much. Have been so, so brave, my girl. No more. It's alright. I'm here. I'll take care of everything." He soothed. Soft and unbearably kind. All I could do was nod. Agree. "There we are, good girl. You'll stay here for now, all right? No more stressful journeys to that house. I'll send someone to gather your things. We can have everything dealt with after a rest."
His hands, boldly, came up to cup my cheeks. I found I didn't care. It felt nice. His palms warm and dry, gently cradling.
I wouldn't be able to stay. He knew that. I knew that. It simply WAS. We weren't related, weren't married. I had brought no chaperone. I... gods, I wanted too. Badly. But I couldn't. I just needed help with the servants. Told him as much. Words rambled disjointedly between us as I struggled to get them all out.
"Ah, but the solution then is simple, isn't it?" He said, looking almost amused. "You just need to marry me."
Blinking, the thought didn't quite process. My confusion clear enough on my face for him to continue.
"Every time I see you, you are suffering some fresh new indignity from that house. Some brand new insult. Isn't it better here? I know you enjoy it. The servants adore you. I adore you." The hands on my cheeks shifted, just slightly, barely daring to let their thumbs stroke just slightly."
"I would give you everything, dearest."
This... did not feel political. Nor some ploy to just protect the servants, offered by a dear friend. When... when had things changed? I knew for a fact, he held no such interests in me as a child. I'd seen him kill a man over the mere suspicion of such things. Yet... it's also not like I'd grown UP in front of him. We talked mostly over letters.
It was harder to remember my physical age through those. Since I didn't exactly talk or write like the child I had appeared. And talking to each other, being friends with each other, for going on a decade... certainly WAS a good foundation for a relationship, wasn't it? I didn't know any more. How old... how old even was I?
His hands were so warm.
Felt strong and reliable, cupping my face. A reserved and refined (if a bit mischievous), pillar of strength that I could finally lean on. Offering up a tempting dream world where I wouldn't have to think anymore. Wouldn't have to deal with troubles or reality. Just... just endless, beautiful, painting-like peace and serenity.
No more drama... ever again.
Wouldn't that be nice?
Didn't I deserve to rest?
Who else, really, could I even see myself marrying? Realistically? Some untested lout? Character suspect and temperament unknown? What prospects, what LOYALTY, could they even offer? Would they even respect my boundaries? Could they ever hope to match his knowledge of my likes and dislikes? Could... could I ever hope to TRUST them? Like I did, Kaito?
I felt my expression soften. Decided to be a little bold too. Leaning forward, I let my hands come up to lightly grip his arms. Still so corded with muscles. The man never did skip out on his training, be it archery or swordsmenship. My forhead rest lightly against his, that wayward strand tickling my skin just a bit. His breath smelled of those smokey spiced cigarettes while his skin, which I had never dared take note of, smelled of daily things.
He held so perfectly still, as though afraid to spook me. Seemed startled by my boldness. How cute~
I couldn't stop the grin if I tried.
"Yes, yes, mock the old man. Impertinent minx. So scandalous!" He teased, finally unfreezing after gathering his thoughts. That plotting spark back in his eyes. "Whatever shall I do? My guest takes advantage of me! Oh dear, oh no~ I fear for my honor! You will have to make an honest man of me, I'm afraid."
The laugh burst out of me, feeling a lot like relief. Gods, I'd missed this. Just... just sass and light hearted teasing. Droll humor and wit. No nightmare politics or angry royals. No trying to manage the unmanageable. Not responsible for any but myself. Yes... yes this was exactly what I needed, wasn't it?
Honestly? FUCK the Plot. FUCK the Protagonist and her nightmare social blunders! I was gonna get OUT of that house. Live for ME. Marry a nice, reliable man. Have a beautiful home. Maybe get some pets. Eat snacks! Laze about and enjoy the gardens! Have some gods damned PEACE for once! It sounded perfect.
I told Kaito there were no take backs. Congratulations on the terrible idea! I was HIS problem now. Have fun with your new, future in-laws!
Laughter was the best thing I'd felt in weeks. One of the maids I liked was already on standby and ready to lead me to a guest room. We bickered light heartedly, him groaning in exaggerated ways about his TERRIBLE fate of having to deal with IDIOTS! Oh, Darling, how COULD you?! Ha! Suffer.
It... gods, it was beautiful. Dreamlike. A perfect, story book solution to my woes.
Really, if I did not TRUST Kaito so much? I would have been suspicious.
But I did.
So I left with the maid, a smile on my face. Relieved. Happy. Engaged to a "good man". The most TRUSTWORTHY man I knew.
Thus, did not see, like a mask, his expression slide away. His open body language close off, like then slamming of a crypt door, locking the dead back inside. The warmth draining from the room as I left it, as though I had taken every trace with me. Leaving only the cold, cold THING behind. One that wore the face of a man.
A handsome man, yes, but an empty one.
One that was Not Pleased.
"I distinctly recall," his voice cutting the silence like an assassin slitting a throat, sudden and violent yet just as impersonal. "That I ordered her not to be bothered. For you to get rid of that... thing, in a timely manner."
Shadows dropped from the roof. Then too their knees. Kneeling, loyal unto death, before the one that commands them. Many are injured. They do not shake, for all that they have failed. Will likely die for it.
"Give me one good reason to let you live. A single one." The empire's spy master, the Winter Ghost, asks the room at large. Picking up his beloved's tea cup, considering it as he talks. He almost wants to destroy it. So no one else can ever use it. Touch it with their filthy hands. "Well?"
His assassins continue to kneel. Silent. There is no defense for their failure.
Three die instantly, the rest are not so lucky.
He decides to keep the cup.
Running his thumb along the rim where her mouth touched it, he steps out, closer to the garden and slides the door shut. It truely is a lovely view. Behind him, his servants behind the familiar work of cleaning up. Kneeling in the dirt before him, the next set of assassins.
"Let me make my self clear this time. I don't care how you do it, how painful or how slow, but they are to be gone by the time I am wed, understood? If that useless chit or her idiot father darken my door, you will long for the mercy that is death. Get out. And do not DARE fail me."
A quite chorus of confirmation, then like leaves... scattered on the wind.
He was named winter victory. For his mother's success in seizing control of her poor, late, husband's house. Born into the cold, it has always remained. Is it any suprise he covets warmth? In any form he can have it. Every form.
A pity though... that he won't be needing his plans.
She would have made a beautiful widow.
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yan-dreamy · 6 years
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yanderechuu · 3 years
Ok we know yandere class 1A but what about class 1A with yandere reader?
been on my mind way before i saw this ask but jkfdkh yeah. class 1A with a platonic yandere reader 
and i’ve been imagining reader as this stoic, apathetic person due to being a victim of child neglect and abuse; never really knew the importance of love and companionship; a strong disbeliever of “no man is an island” because if so, then how is she existing to prove that wrong?
warning: child neglect and abuse
Think of Violet Evergarden but with complete disregard to people’s feelings, at all. You were exactly the definition Machiavellianism - you strived only for the best and did what was possible for your standards (albeit impossible for others’) in order to get what you want, regardless of whom you betray or disrespect, leave or take advantage of; regardless of the morals or human dignity. You were cunning, malicious, and indifferent.
You’re like Bakugo and Shoto’s secret lovechild without the sense of heroism and morality lol. Also without the anger issues.
You knew you most of the things you did to achieve what you desired were bad, and you did feel guilt - the only problem was you didn’t know how to process that guilt, sympathy, or whatever else emotion that had connection with other human beings; you didn’t know what to do with them so you’d just focus on what you thought was more beneficial. The adult figures in your life failed to have taught you any emotional aspect; additionally, you’d gotten your cleverness from the necessity of surviving in a household not quite suitable for children.
You had to be smart not to get caught by your parents as you tiptoed to the kitchen for a glass of water, cunning with answers when they’d ask you where you had been or what you’d been doing. You had to think fast when they were approaching you with an empty liquor bottle to beat the shit out of you with. You had to be thrifty with your money, shrewd with suspicious jobs for minors, secretive with the things happening in your house. You had to endeavor every insufferable beating, every derogatory statement, every smell of alcohol or cigar that bothered you from doing homework. Sleep in a cramped space when your mother would shove you in the closet. Learn to speak with a bruised cheek every day of middle school after your father had spanked you on the face the night before.
And what did all that result to? A stoic, indifferent overachiever devoid of human emotions.
You know those ultra archive/analysis stats you’d see in BNHA Wiki? You were either a brow-raising four or a jaw-dropping five, but when it came to cooperativeness you could barely even hit a one. That was because you always preferred working alone than with companions. Whenever you were forced to, you’d always end up using them like tools at your own disposal. You didn’t do that for the sake of degrading them; it was only instated in you that if you wanted the best possible outcome, then you would have to also get the best in your teammates.
And for Aizawa, that was the problem. With that mindset, you’d be disregarding hero collaboration and possibly the lives of civilians you should be putting ahead of your desire for flawlessness. He would have compared you with Bakugo had you not acted so emotionless and cold with everything hero-related. At least Bakugo acknowledged the significance of saving people’s lives. He won by saving people. You won simply by the desire to achieve the best.
You, ever-the-wiser, knew of Aizawa’s perspective about you, but it mattered very little to you. You only brushed it off with the assumption that perhaps he was simply too affected with the fact that you were too gifted for someone your age.
It wasn’t a gift, though. It was an outcome of childhood trauma. Neither of you paid attention to this.
And with the personality resulted from childhood trauma came the tendencies you had in place of healthy coping mechanisms. Sure, you did acknowledge that your parents weren’t the best, but you thought all that mattered was that you were no longer in their household, already staying with your adoptive guardian who treated you significantly better compared to your original ones. The consideration of therapy never really passed your mind; you thought you were doing fine.
It was fine when you scraped your skin to hide your nervousness; fine when you starved yourself out of habit because that was what your father had made you do when you weren’t good enough; stay up all night because your body had been mechanized to keep cautious of your parents or sleep inside your closet because that was where your mother pushed you into whenever you were deemed a bad child.
Your classmates noticed your odd tendencies, but never really confronted you about it. Some, however, were just too much of an extrovert to leave you alone.
Like Bakugo’s squad except for himself. Initially they approached you to inquire of your prodigy skills simply because Bakugo was way up on his high horse to do it himself, but upon getting to know you personally, they concluded that you weren’t so bad after all. You just lacked the sense of social cues... and morality.
You were funny, they guessed, in a way. You always seemed to fuel Bakugo’s anger without meaning to; you were like a second Todoroki. And though that may be true, Bakugo didn’t seem to mind tolerating you. Perhaps that was because you always kept to yourself, never minding other people’s business and never letting other people mind your own. His friends, after all, were the ones who dragged you in with them in the first place.
And then came Deku’s squad. So talkative and wholesome, it irked you. You were only ever introduced to the group because Ochako pointed out that you and Shoto acted, sounded, and looked (expression-wise) so much alike; suddenly you found yourself sitting with them whenever lunch came around. They were also the first to notice Aizawa’s apparent disfavor for you. He would always put you at a disadvantage during training just prove that cooperation was an important aspect in heroism, and oftentimes the Dekusquad was there to aid you in whatever your homeroom teacher put you through, which only further proved his point.
You tried pushing them away. You found both cliques excruciatingly irritating at first, and you used that as enough justification to come to the conclusion that they served no significant purpose to neither your life nor your goal in becoming a hero. It wasn’t some sort of pessimism, more like a logical reasoning to yourself. 
You tried ignoring them but either Denki or Mina would poke you constantly until you gave them your attention. You said rude comments but they’d call you out for it and just reason out that you said it because of your obvious lack of social skills. You outright stated that you didn’t want them around you but they’d just give you space and eventually come back. Slowly, you were eased into the class, and to your horror you found yourself enjoying it. You were either conversing with Deku’s squad or playing games with Bakugo’s. If neither with the two of them, then you’d be trying new recipes with Sato or vibing with Jirou’s music; taking care of Koda’s bunny with Hagakure or studying in peace with Momo. You even engaged in a one-sided conversation with Mineta about women (he was that side, if you don’t already know).
You never really learned to dip yourself in the fine, simpler things of life. You experienced the satisfaction of success, and thought that that was the only ever thing which made you feel good. You trotted alone to get what you want because you didn’t trust anyone else to pave your own way to achievement. You were so detached from human connection that your subconscious deprived of relief went against your nature, and made you begin to crave the sort of peculiar comfort your classmates gave you.
It felt... good, no matter how foreign the affection was to you. They showed you what it felt like to be included, and for that you were grateful. From then stemmed in your mind this sort of unhealthy obsession.
You didn’t think you were ready to let them go any time soon. Each and every one of them.
That applied in every sense except one. You, of course, wouldn’t let them die for as long as you were alive, and sometimes you felt uneasy whenever they’d go outside of dormitories to spend time out of school grounds. But you knew that graduation was inevitable and you’d eventually have to go separate ways, so in the mean time, you did what you could.
Your yandere type is protective and worshipping, sometimes obsessive (you’d stare at your classmates longer than they found comfortable, but they simply brushed it off as another one of your odd tendencies), seldom possessive (rarely do you ever get jealous of some other outsiders talking to them, but there were times when you couldn’t help it). What you were absolutely not? Delusional. You weren’t stupid to think that you were in a relationship with all twenty of them. You didn’t even feel any romantic inclination, just... the overwhelming need (and desire) to prevent them from harm’s way. Once you had thought of locking all of them up just to make sure they were safe and sound at all times, but you were rational enough to consider that as only a fantasy that would be too impossible and burdensome to be made reality. You did construct a plan tho.
You also had the very tiny tendency to infantilize. It could be written off as worry for your classmates, but as you’d apply burn ointment on Bakugo’s hands, make sure Izuku wasn’t overexerting himself or assist Ochako whenever she was experiencing the adverse effects of her quirk, you couldn’t help but wonder how they’d be doing without you. Even though you were raised with abusive parents that resulted in your lack of empathy, you were an empath - to your classmates, at least. You’d know in an instant if someone was having a bad day, or easily determine who among them is sick. And then you’d tend to their needs so they’d be well and happy again.
Your obsession may have rooted from the fact that you didn’t have the best childhood, but whether it was unhealthy or not didn’t really matter to you. They gave you the sense of family and it was only right that you’d return the favor.
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abbyfmc · 2 years
Yandere Cannibal Family x Female Reader:
Author's note: This is an English adaptation of one of my one shots from my yandere boys book on my wattpad which is in Spanish. The idea for this one shot was asked by a Wattpad user and I loved it, so I'm sharing it with you.
Warning: Cannibalism, kidnapping, murder, torture, questionable sexual consent, manipulation, etc. I don't support this stuff in real life and read AT YOUR OWN RISK.
None of the images shown here are made by me, apart from the fact that the characters that appear here are my oc's except for the (y/n) since it is the representation of the reader that many of us use when writing fanfics.
Postscript: English is not my first language. I am using a translator.
Now, we can start.
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*Narrator PO.V*
It was midnight, exactly like that 12:00 AM when a young woman was running out of her house.
The woman was desperately screaming for help as she was being chased by her angry husband who had a knife in his hands. He had beaten her up a few hours ago and that's why she ran away. Now she was running as far away as possible while her husband shouted a thousand obscenities at her behind her.
They ran until they entered a forest. __ felt that her feet would collapse with every stone and branch she stepped on as it caused her injuries. With her throat worn from screaming, her feet hurt, her legs tired, lost in the deep forest and on the verge of fainting from exhaustion, she dropped to her knees on the rocky ground in a state of weakness, realizing that she was facing a small wooden sign on a large tree that read as follows:
[𝚁𝚘𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚎𝚞𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗] That mansion is surrounded by rumors about its habitants, which are the father, his two children and a group of Machiavellian servants. The father and sons were said to be cannibals who ate young women; that they ate the wife; that they tortured the girls they kidnapped and a lot of rumors that didn't go beyond the terrifying.
--Please, somebody... help...me-- She heard footsteps of two people approaching. Some were of her husband who was running towards her to kill her and the others were calmer, but she couldn't see anyone in time because everything went black.
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Some hours have passed.
The woman has woken up. He throws a look full of confusion at the place, because he has woken up in a room that was not his. It had fancy decorations everywhere, so the owners must have been millionaires or billionaires. (y/n) looked at her legs and watched them for a moment.
They were bandaged down to their feet, which made him wonder if the Forbeus were really bad people or if they were just rumours. Either way, it didn't take away from the fact that she was safe from her husband for now.
And suddenly something snaps her out of her thoughts. It was the sound of a knob, the door was opening from the outside. Who has entered was a young man with reddish hair, tall, white and a pair of hazel eyes with a relaxed countenance.
--Wow, you finally woke up miss-- His voice was easy to hear, neither too deep nor too soft. The boy introduced himself as Raymond Forbeus and told her that he was the one who found her in the woods injured.
--I know you're confused, but don't worry, your husband won't chase you anymore. Soon my brother Darius and dad William will come-- Suddenly she remembered the rumors about the Forbeus and the discomfort invaded her again.
--By the way beautiful lady, what is your name?-- The boy politely asked and she replied.
--(Y/n) (Y/y). Thank you very much for rescuing me Mr. Raymond. sorry for being a bother-- The lady apologized to which Raymond said that it didn't matter and that he couldn't let a beautiful lady like her be killed, which made (y/n) blush.
Later, the rest of the family members have arrived. The first who saw her was a boy with albinism with white hair and reddish eyes named Darius Forbeus and then he was a tall and corpulent man, with somewhat long black hair, pale skin, a pair of emerald eyes accompanied by a hard look and under from this an elegant and short black beard with the occasional gray hair. This gentleman's name was William. At that moment (y/n) remembered the rumors when their eyes met for the first time.
--How did you discover this house? You are from here?-- Asked the man whom the boys called Father William or simply Dad. She was nervous, as she was afraid that the rumors were true, but she didn't want to be rude to them and ask them just like that, so she thought of giving them a little talk first.
--Well there are two ways-- She answered, remembering the beating session her husband gave her after he came from who knows where and her refusing to have sex with him.
--Perfect, say them-- William asked, settling in the chair in front of the bed where __ was with his children on each side.
--I was running away from my husband. He had hit me before and when I was able to get away, he started chasing me with a knife and in the panic of the moment I didn't notice where I was going to get away from him-- She tried to apologize to Mr. William, then Raymond confirmed that it was true, since in his daily work of guarding and monitoring the outskirts he heard her desperately asking for help and her husband yelling curses at her and he went to the place to see what was happening and he ran into her on the brink of fainting.
--I see. What did you do with the other man?-- Father William asked.
--I already took care of getting him out of the mansion-- Raymond gave his father a discreet wink and William nodded slightly and turned his attention to (y/n).
--All right, then miss, what was the second way?-- William asked.
--Village rumors-- As soon as those three words left (y/n)'s mouth, Darius and Raymond looked interested but William had already heard about the rumors from the villagers about the disappearances in the Forbeus mansion.
--Ah okay. Those villagers invent tremendous things-- William released accompanying with a tired sigh and slowly denying to end up clicking his tongue in disgust.
--Well, I'll let you stay here for a while. At least until you recover, in the meantime, rest. In a while they will upload your dinner-- Then he stayed talking with (y/n) about other topics, like some social issue from the rumors of the town that Mr.William ended up denying him at that very moment, and even made fun of what the neighbors said behind his back.
Or maybe… he didn't deny them all.
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Time passed and _ saw that the members of that family were not as the rumors of the town dictated, or not at all. Both the children and servants as well as Mr. William treated her with all respect as well as she treated them at all times. They checked her wounds, treated them and above all, they fed her very well, suspiciously VERY well. _ did not complain since it had been a long time since she had been treated so well, mainly by her husband and other relatives.
But it wasn't all hunky-dory, as Darius, Raymond, and Father William talked about what they planned to do with it, especially William.
--So father, when do you think she'll be ready?-- Darius asked in a whisper. They were inside the great hall while their tenant was still upstairs in her room taking a nap.
--I'm not sure, but soon, don't worry-- William smiled at his children, thinking about what he would do with this young woman once she was ready, which he did not do after his last love affair with his deceased wife.
--I already want to try it, father-- Darius reproached.
--I also. Ever since I captured and killed your husband, I haven't been able to eat human flesh again-- Raymond begged, agreeing with what his brother said, remembering how they tortured and killed the last girl and then cooked her meat and ate it little by little. They have done this with many young girls and even with their mother, whom they called Mother Clarissa, who adopted them along with William when the children's parents died suspiciously. William and his wife were never able to have children on their own, so when William found the parents of these boys (they were 9 years old at the time), he killed them and after adopting the little ones, he grew fond of them.
He made them like him, some cannibals, but it all happened little by little. He implemented the rules that they shouldn't eat everyone all the time and they shouldn't catch everyone they come across, only intruders of the mansion and young women who entered without permission or that their father ordered them to.
--I understand you guys, but you have to… wait-- The father felt strange about the girl, like he felt about his wife in the past when he met her.
--Ok, whatever you say dad-- A resigned Darius blurted out.
--Ok, ok-- Raymond growled.
--Don't despair. Ray, you can go with Darius to hunt down whoever shows up in the doorway-- The boys nodded and left, hoping to find prey outside the Forbeus mansion.
Papa William was left alone in the great room, thinking about (y/n). Why hadn't he tortured her yet? Aside from the fact that they were fattening her up, she felt like she didn't want to kill her just yet. Perhaps he fell in love with her as he got to know her? Seems that if.
(Y/n) meanwhile wondered when he would leave there. Whenever she asked one of the Forbeus when she could leave, they lied to her saying that she wasn't ready to be let go yet, that she hasn't fully healed yet and that she isn't ready to go home yet, which makes her suspicious. to the woman.
Meanwhile, Father William has come to the conclusion that he has fallen in love with her just as Mama Clarissa did. The attitudes and expressions of his beloved reminded him of his dear Clari in some way, and apart from his desire to make her fall in love as he did in the past, that she knows him, that she be his, that he desires him but on the other hand he wanted to hear her scream, he wanted eat it, he wanted to cut it little by little, let the servants cook its meat and later… devour it.
He was trying to make her fall in love with the good in order to trap her forever, while __ was beginning to suspect because she already felt very good about her bruises and her legs. On the other hand, he was suspicious of Mr. William's sudden romantic attitudes. Especially when I told him 'Why would you want to leave? You have everything here, there is no reason to want to leave; If you marry me you will have a lot of things in your favor, and believe me, my sons like you' And other things that seemed increasingly uncomfortable and terrifying.
This prompted __ to make the decision to investigate and devise a plan.
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Bigger things were close at hand, and __ knew it the more he investigated, getting a lot of terrifying information.
--So the rumors are… real?-- He reviewed the documents on Darius and Raymond's parents, realizing that William killed both boys' parents and ate them thanks to William leaving a clue that read '𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚍' and on the other hand, she discreetly asked the brothers about their lives and they told her that William adopted them after a moment of vulnerability after the death of their parents.
--Father William saved us from a life of misery on the streets-- Raymond remembered those nine years of his childhood in which his parents were found dead and how, along with Darius, they were about to be admitted to the orphanage of very bad reputation.
--He always loved us both very much. He always considered us his precious children-- Darius told him remembering how William had taken him in lovingly after that tragedy of losing his parents and how he almost became homeless.
--What happened to his wife?-- (Y/n) asked unexpectedly and the brothers suddenly put on a neutral face as they escorted the lady to the dining room for dinner.
--She died but Dad don't like to talk about it-- Raymond replied.
--I understand-- answered (Y/n).
They arrived at the dining room where William was already waiting for them sitting in one of the chairs. He motioned for _ to sit next to him and she obeyed, especially because of her hard and serious look that bothered him so much. His children sat down on other chairs and since dinner was already served, they began to eat. It was a tasty pasta and some good meat fillets that _ for obvious reasons did not want to eat because he already suspected that it was, so he only ate the pasta after saying 'Enjoy your dinner!' to others.
--Aren't you going to eat that steak? I thought you would like it-- Mr.William asked selflessly as he sampled his steak.
--Oh, um… no. Just the pasta and I'll have my glass of wine-- William nodded at his beloved's response. (Y/n) ate the pasta and then drank the red wine which later made her feel tired like she had been drugged.
--I'm starting to get very sleepy-- Expressed (Y/n), doing her best not to pass out, to which Mr.William ordered Raymond to take her to a new room.
--As you order, father-- Raymond complied with the order, took an almost unconscious (Y/n) and carried her gently while she, trying to stop him, said 'No, no, no' until she fell completely unconscious.
--Can we finally eat her, father?-- An anxious Darius asked his father, who confirmed the answer.
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A few hours have passed. (Y/n) had just woken up, but her terror was great when she saw that she was chained to a table, in a dark room and with torture instruments hanging on the walls. (Y/n) began to shake due to the fear and panic she felt, realizing not only the gag in her mouth, but that… it would be the food of that family of cannibals.
--HMMMPPÑÑ!-- She was trying to scream for help while crying uncontrollably in fear.
And she did it once.
And another.
And another.
And again, until she heard footsteps.
--SHUT UP-- William was heard shouting followed by Machiavellian laughter from his children.
And then the door is open.
--You finally woke up-- William and his sons entered the room and while William stood at (Y/n)'s feet, Darius and Raymond stood at the sides.
--I will be direct with you. We are what the rumors say, my dear. some cannibals-- William checked, with an evil smile, stroking the fearful woman's hair.
--However, I must tell you that… during the time you were here you managed to make me feel the same way as my deceased wife. So you're here to feed us from time to time and to be mine. At first my only goal was to fatten you up and eat you with my children, but I fell in love and now it will be mine until your last breath-- The 19-year-olds just watched as the older man in his 40s approached the 30-year-old and kissed her without her consent. The woman was terrified by what was happening and what would happen later in the future.
--I always knew you were doing research on us and planning on running away, dummy, so I had your drink drugged, because I knew you wouldn't eat human flesh-- Then everything connected in the woman's mind, but that wouldn't prevent her from getting out of there alive.
--We'll finally taste mom's meat again, right father?-- Darius hesitated with an enthusiastic smile.
--You will try it when I say-- William demanded and the brothers nodded as (Y/n) was a bundle of panic.
--Yes, father-- They both answered.
And the months passed. (Y/n) was tortured a thousand times worse than with her husband when he severely mistreated her. She was cut and fucked by William in horrible ways, however, one night he decided to play the hunter with her with his sons.
--We'll let you run through the mansion forest, but you can't let me or my boys catch you or else we'll eat your legs, so start running now-- William told her and (Y/n) heeded immediately and started running outside until she reached the forest which was being dominated by the sunset with her heart pounding.
The three men soon came out with their weapons. One with a scoped shotgun, one with a dart gun, and the other with a bat. Meanwhile,(Y/n) didn't know where exactly she was going since it had gotten dark very quickly and her feet were hurting again. When she felt something close she would stay still in the dark while the others, especially William, psychologically played with her, since they were a twisted family of cannibals in which they even killed the old wife and mother and then ate her.
But something happened.
As (Y/n) was running toward what he could see as the Forbeus mansion's forest entrance sign thanks to the scant starlight penetrating through the leaves of the trees, he felt something deeply puncture and break his right ankle, causing He let out a scream and when he looked he realized it was a bear trap.
She desperately tried to get her foot out, but that only increased the pain that so many screams caused her, she heard hurried steps and Machiavellian laughter from behind her at the same time that she felt something dig into her left leg and then fall asleep little by little thanks to the dart with sleeping pill.
--I have found her, father! Raymond's bear trap worked!-- Darius announced cheerfully to his father as Raymond walked over to his new mother's heavily pierced ankle and carefully pulled it out of the bear trap to bandage the foot as best he could before returning to the mansion's basement.
--Time to start the real delight-- William assured.
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(Y/n) was a mess more and more.
--You've lost the game my dear, so it was only fair that we cut off your fearless legs-- Poor (Y/n) was now super sore with her legs cut and bandaged in that area while her "sons" and her "husband" ate them already cooked in a placid way in front of her.
--Your meat does taste very good. I guess we've fed you right-- William added, taking a bite of the piece of meat he had grabbed with his fork like his two sons who helped him cut up their mother while trying to keep her alive. They also liked mom's meat.
--You can't complain (Y/n), I also keep feeding you, bathing you and putting beautiful clothes on you, not to mention that I love making you feel pleasure… in my own way-- Yes, Mr. William has also tortured __ by forcing her to have sex with the excuse that she is now his, that he has not been able to satisfy his needs for a long time with anyone who has reminded him of his wife in order to satiate his twisted feelings. desires, something that their children could not and were not interested in doing for now as far as sex is concerned.
They go out to find other girls when they want.
Things reached a point where (Y/n) didn't even know what day or time it was, he only knew that he was barely breathing with all the horrible torture they were giving him. To make matters worse, William sometimes took to hanging her on a butcher hook, forcing her to be caressed and kissed, and even to waltz with him carrying her weak body while (Y/n) only wished that his misery would end.
He just wanted to die once and for all.
But sooner than later, the day of his collapse came.
(Y/n) endured so much torture that she just couldn't take it and before William cut out her heart after forcibly making her his and again, she collapsed on the basement table and died.
--Oh, I'm sorry my dear, but that's the way it is in the Forbeus family--.
-The End.
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nntheblog · 2 years
Regressor Instruction Manual Characters : All Characters Ranked
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Hi guys! like you’ve heard, Regressor Instruction Manual Characters is an Manhwa & Novel series that features a wide range of characters. However, there are some who are more popular than other characters. This list will showcase the most popular Regressor Instruction Manual Characters that have ever existed. Regressor Instruction Manual Synopsis He was suddenly summoned to another world one day. Monsters poured out, a huge disaster incoming. His ability is the lowest. It doesn't matter whether you're the chosen warrior, a talented wizard, or someone who traveled back in time. One must do everything they can, in order to survive. The Regressor's Instruction Manual. "It doesn't matter if I'm trash." Is there anyone who wouldn't do anything they could to survive? Regressor instructional manual. REGRESSOR INSTRUCTION MANUAL Characters Who is The Main Character Of Regressor Instruction Manual ? Lee Kiyoung (이기영) is the main character of How to Use a Returner or Regressor Intruction Manual He possess a Machiavellianism personality trait and is a subtle scammer who manipulates his allies and enemies to his own goals and is specialized in agitation and fabrication. In , Elena Everia stated that she has never seen such a pure, disgusting soul. REGRESSOR INSTRUCTION MANUAL Most Popular Characters Lee Jihye As the soul-mate of our beloved protagonist, Lee jihye, possess a scummy personality to match with her keen sense of social relationship, establishing herself within the guild of black swan notorious for its chaotic political leadership. Jung Hayan Jung Hayan described being susceptible to suggestion and a hard-working woman. She is a classic Yandere. She exhibits possessiveness towards Lee Kiyoung, which was shown when she killed an expedition member when she thought Lee Kiyoung was being stolen from her. Kim Hyunsung At first, he thought of everyone as useful or not, and dangerous or not, but after the Tutorial he felt a sense of true friendship with his companions. Lee Kiyoung said that he doesn't know much of socialising and doesn't know how to make jokes. He always tries to act for the party well being except when it is something personal. Kasugano Yuno Cha Heera Cha Heera is the Guild Master of the Red Mercenary Guild, the most powerful person in Lindel, and among the top five most powerful in the Holy Empire. Additionally, she is the lover of Lee Kiyoung. Elena Everia Sun Heeyoung Past Timeline Backstabbed and ended up as a prostitute in a cheap brothel. (c.331) Later joined the Murder Brigade. It was hinted, she had an intimate relationship with Lee Kiyoung Read the full article
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
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A Rock Band!OT7 x Reader drabble
Hello, I know I’ve been gone for a while but work and school have been killing, not to mention the holidays are coming up. Anyway, I listened to the BE album (a soothing masterpiece) and then today after work I took a four hour nap and was struck with inspiration. So here you go a rock band OT7 au. Also the picture above started it all. Hope you enjoy!!
Trigger Warning: The following story contains mentions of manipulation and abusive acts. The behavior and mindset of the characters in this will be incredibly yandere and toxic. This is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent the character of bangtan sonyeondan. Enjoy ~~~
“...And in other news members of rock band BTS find themselves amid controversy after a video is taken of a member after a concert, who many believe to be the group’s oldest Kim Seokjin alias ‘Pretty boy,’ embracing and kissing their manager as other group members watch on…”
             When YN awoke the first time she didn’t pay much attention to her state of undress beyond noticing the robe she was wearing didn’t offer much warmth. Whilst her sleep-addled mind searched for a blanket across the bed - Hoseok usually tucked them under the pillows - YN picked up on the loud sound of a K-Drama playing the background. She surmised Jimin must’ve stayed in, while the others went out to drink or eat dinner. Her search yielded no results and she was so exhausted that she simply fell back asleep.
 “Long time fans of the band will be able to tell you that the group’s manager YN YLN has been someone of a polarizing figure. While many love and support her for taking care of the boys and managing their busy schedule. Other fans have been quick to point out how close they are bond is and worry that the ex-dance champion may be using the boys to her own advantage...”
             The second time she woke up, YN was immediately more aware of her surroundings. The drama was still playing on in the back, though she wasn’t sure it was the same one, as the door muffled most of the voices. On the bedside table, she found a bottle of water and her night bag which let her know that it was pretty late. Still far too lethargic to comprehend doing more than one thing at a time YN chugged the water down, removed her makeup, cleansed her skin, before finally heading to the bathroom. It was once she took off the robe and sat down that YN surmised she had probably fallen asleep in the car and the boys had carried her into the hotel room. Jungkook likely being the one to undress her and bring her the stuff. She could only hope they had taken the back entrance because YN didn’t need more headlines happening especially not now.
           It was once she washed her hands, redressing in the robe, and stepped back out that she was able to notice something was off. The television could still be heard, but it was unusual for Jimin to not have checked up on her at least once. He likely thought she was too exhausted and needed her rest. It was true, though the concert had been a success the impromptus of it had left YN with less than twenty-four hours to prepare for a half-hour set at the venue down the street of the latest city they were at. She even had to lend a hand to staff to load up all the devices and props, by the end her back had been killing her so much that Namjoon had given her something for pain relief.
           The general haziness felt could likely be attributed to the muscle relaxer she had taken. Suddenly, right before she was about to jump back into bed a thought occurred to her. Oh shit! It’s probably the third already. I have to call mom and confirm the tickets. Immediately a pang of guilt shot through her core as she thought about her last conversation with the boys. It hadn’t gone smoothly - YN never thought it would have - they had been friends for such a long time and though YN had been with them through all the ups and downs of fame, she felt it was time to sort her own path. They had helped put her back on her feet after her accident and had even offered her to be their manager. In the beginning, no one could have expected how big they would become. YN mainly accepted take her mind off her pre-maturely finished career and as a way to repay them for everything. Now five years later, they were at the top of the world and YN had just been offered a teaching position in the most respected dance institute in the country.
           Their time had come to an end and though YN had wished for the transition to be smoother and less hurried, she also knew the boys had a tendency to be...possessive. Life hadn’t been fair to them and though fame had given them so much it had also taken things they weren’t prepared to lose. Perhaps the fault lied on YN, she had after all allowed herself to become their safe space. Artists can be a bit obsessive - YN too was near right addicted to her craft at her prime - so she had let the seven men cling on to her so they wouldn’t go looking for that high in other places or things. At the time she hadn’t thought anything of it. As their friend and manager, it was her responsibility to care for them and ensure they could live as normally as was allowed.
           It didn’t mean that a fight wouldn’t occur. Didn’t mean that she wouldn’t be accused of betraying them, abandoning them, despising them even if it couldn’t be farther from the truth. They were all reckless as well; harsh, abrasive, and downright machiavellian when they felt cornered. The fight after the show had been an anticipated one, though not a predictable one. They so often switched roles between them: the instigator, mediator, bystander, judge, jury, friend, and foe. Tonight however they constantly switched not allowing YN to even properly explain herself before frustration, exhaustion, and the onset of the medication forced her to call it quits. Not before Seokjin had kissed her though - but that was something she would dwell on when the morning rolled around.
           For now, YN focused on scouring the room and searching for her phone, she had it on her in the car so there was no reason for it not to be there. The analog clock that typically displayed the time and date was gone, so YN turned on the television hoping to find a newscasting that displayed the time and date. She scrolled through channels until she saw an image of her flash on the screen, a picture of her from her last showcase.
           “Sources had told reporters that YN had been offered a coveted position at Seoul’s Seogsa Dance Academy where she was to begin teaching courses this coming semester. It seems after much deliberation YN has decided to reject the school’s offer. Could her relationship with the band’s oldest and lead guitarist be behind it?”
             A barely audible “What?” left YN’s lips. Her mind racing as she tried to process everything she had just heard in the last minute. Relationship? What relationship? I’m not dating Seokjin! Even if I were, I would never reject… YN bolted straight out of bed and to the bedroom door, shaking the doorknob furiously but being unable to open the door. No. They wouldn’t do this. They wouldn’t. “Guys! Guys, open the door. Please open the door.” YN began to pound on the wooden door, begging for an exit. Maybe it was her imagination, but she swore the television on the other side got louder. In an instant, the entirety of the conversation came to the forefront of her mind.
           “What do you mean you’re leaving? You can’t leave you made a promise!”
           “Let’s just hear YN out. I’m sure she has a good reason for keeping this from us.”
           “I’m way too worn out for this conversation.”
           “Teaching position? Are you even in the state to be able to dance for so long?”
           “YN, are you certain you aren’t rushing into this? Is there another reason you’re being so rash?”
           “I just think you haven’t thought this out, sweetheart. You can barely handle a few boxes, I don’t think your body can handle dancing for hours on end every single day without harm.”
           “We’re your friends YN. We’re just thinking of what’s best for you.”
           “Clearly though we don’t matter enough to consider us in this decision. Do you know how much trouble this is going to be? What it’ll look like? You’re feeding us to the sharks and you don’t give a shit.”
YN slid down to her knees, tears streaming down her face as her voice became hoarse after crying for so long. “Please let me out! Please! I’m sorry just let me out!” After hours of imploring, she picked up the small ‘click’ of the lock and heard the creak of the door as it opened to show all seven men staring down at her. Smiles on their face accompanied by dark hooded eyes bridled with sadistic glee.  
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stirringwinds · 5 years
if you had the chance to rewrite hetalia, what would you do?
some of my personal preferences:
starting the series in the modern day or some other time period besides ww2 if it’s going to start as humourous and with jokes. it’d be easier to transition into more serious strips from that
no crying arthur during the revolutionary war, period. also explicit father/son dynamic between arthur and alfred to parallel how it was depicted in the 18th century (so many Mother England and her Wilful Daughter America™ tropes)
more dragging of the british empire (esp. when india was introduced)
diving more into the nuts and bolts of nation immortality (though i’ll say canon did explore this in many interesting ways! like with the davey strip, america ageing faster than canada, that strip about how people start to lose their sense of time if they’re around nations too much)
more depth to antonio’s depiction. churros guy and conquistador can be the same person (since i gather some parts are set in the 16th century). 
less childish, scary manchild ivan vibe. i’d depict him as someone who is rather cynical (because of his experiences), prideful and calculating. who can be terrifying, yes. but not in the yandere way he’s depicted in the manga. 
matthew not being invisible. 
alfred and matthew being a foot taller than arthur. canon heights???? nah.
more machiavellian veneziano. he can at times be smiley and light-hearted but this boy is a schemer, as i see him.
romano being depicted as physically older than antonio 
rome being the italybros’ father instead of grandfather. 
a whole lot of further depth and various changes to characterisation generally — yes, i get that the original series was supposed to be a kind of crackish humour so it was going to have more simplified characters (and i do enjoy a lot of parts of canon!). but since i want to run with the whole concept of What If These Immortal Eldritch Beings Existed (And Wouldn’t That Be Freaky) all the way, these are some of the things i’d change
bonus: the weird chibitalia and tomatobox ww1 scenes will be revealed to be the byproduct of ludwig recalling the Great War in a drug-addled daze as he snorts coke in a berlin nightclub in the 1920s (total babylon berlin™ vibe) 
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