#mach-e review
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Our Mach-E Long Term Update and Chat
We had a First Edition Mach-E for just overa year and then we upgraded to a Mach-E GT First Edition. Our friends & Realtors are in the market for an EV and asked how we like our Mach-E. They even came over to check out our EV. This got us thinking about our ownership experience and other EVs that compete with it. We discuss all that and more! BTW, here is the website of our Realtors if you need one in North County San Diego!
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gaycarboys · 6 months ago
Ford EV Prices Lowered and Charging Support Home & Away
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acarneedslove · 2 years ago
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techniktagebuch · 11 months ago
Ein Jahr mit Libby
Im Dezember 2022 habe ich angefangen, mit der Libby-App E-Books aus dem Berliner Bibliotheksverbund auszuleihen. So viele Bücher wie im seitdem vergangenen Jahr, nämlich 232, habe ich wahrscheinlich zuletzt gelesen, bevor ich Internet hatte, also vor dreißig Jahren. Weil ich erst ab 2009 alles Gelesene bei Goodreads eingetragen habe, kann ich es nicht genauer sagen.
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Diese Statistik ist mit Goodsreads erzeugt: www.goodreads.com/review/stats. Das geht nur, wenn man dort angemeldet ist und gelesene Bücher eingetragen hat, sonst führt der Link nur zur Anmeldeseite. Der Ausreißer im Jahr 2019 lag an Lesen im Fitnessstudio, dann kam aber eine Pandemie dazwischen.
Diese Entwicklung liegt nicht nur am E-Book-Verleih der Bibliotheken, sondern auch daran, dass durch meinen Abschied von Twitter so viel Zeit freigeworden ist. Ich war seit 2008 bei Twitter, der gesamte von Goodreads erfasste Buchlesezeitraum auf dem Screenshot spielt sich also innerhalb der Twitter-Jahre ab. Bücherlesen ging in dieser Zeit fast nur im Flugmodus und in Funklöchern. Es ist aber nicht so, dass ich bis zum Auftauchen von Twitter noch das Leseverhalten aus Prä-Internet-Zeiten hatte; meiner nicht-Goodreads-gestützten Rekonstruktion zufolge habe ich zwischen 1998 und 2008 weniger als 30 Bücher im Jahr gelesen. 2010 wurde es durch den Umstieg von Papier aufs E-Book ein bisschen besser, aber Twitter stand zwischen mir und dem Bücherlesen. Jetzt bei Mastodon schaue ich nur ein paar Mal am Tag rein und mache es dann wieder zu, da bleibt viel Zeit für Bücher.
Das ist nicht wertend gemeint: Mein Leben ist nicht besser geworden dadurch, dass ich mehr Text in Form von Büchern und weniger Text in Form von Tweets oder Mastodon-Posts absorbiere. Ich habe in den Twitterjahren viel dazugelernt, und es wäre noch besser gewesen, wenn ich das alles nicht erst mit über 40 erfahren hätte. Jetzt lerne ich wieder weniger, nämlich nur dann, wenn ich absichtlich ein Buch über ein unangenehmes Thema wie Armut, Rassismus oder das Klima ausleihe, und dieses Buch dann auch wirklich lese. Das ist ein paar Mal vorgekommen in diesem Jahr, aber die Weiterbildung passiert nicht so von allein wie bei Twitter.
Durch die Rückkehr zum Viellesen habe ich wieder gemerkt, was ich eigentlich früher schon wusste und nur in der weitgehend buchlosen Zeit wieder vergessen habe: Trotz aller Empfehlungssysteme (für mich waren das in den letzten Jahren vor allem die Goodreads-Kommentare von Menschen, denen ich folge, und die Suche nach ähnlichen Autor*innen bei literature-map.com) ist es fast unmöglich, durch Weniglesen zu richtig gut passenden Büchern und Genres vorzudringen. Man wird dann immer bei den naheliegendsten und den am meisten beworbenen Büchern hängenbleiben. Aber das ist ja bei allem so; wenn ich YouTube mal ein paar Wochen vernachlässige, zeigt es mir auch nur noch "Die 100 dramatischsten Schiffsunglücke". Was nicht schlecht ist, aber eben auch nicht besonders gut.
Ungünstig ist, dass es sehr viele Bücher im Overdrive-Verleihsystem, zu dem die Libby-App gehört, gar nicht gibt. Deshalb begehre ich immer noch mehr Bibliotheksausweise, denn man kann in der Libby-App mehrere (ich glaube, sogar beliebig viele) Ausweise eintragen und dann auf das Angebot aller Bibliotheken zugreifen, von denen man einen Ausweis hat. Im Dezember 2022 hatte ich einen Bibliotheksausweis aus Berlin, im März 2023 zusätzlich einen aus Camden und einen aus Queens und seit November sind es vier, weil ich den kanadischen Ausweis meines Cousins vorsichtig mitbenutze. Vorsichtig, weil ich die knappen Vormerk-Slots des Cousins nicht belegen will und auch, weil bei der gemeinsamen Ausweisbenutzung beide sehen können, was die andere Person gerade liest, weshalb ich mich beim BDSM-Millardärspornogenre zurückhalte.
Zur Ethik des Ausleihens: Für die Ausweise in Berlin und Queens bezahle ich, den aus Camden benutze ich sowieso nicht, weil diese Bibliothek sehr wenig hat, und der kanadische ist mir beinahe versehentlich zugelaufen. Ich rede mir diese Mitnutzung damit schön, dass andere ihre Bibliotheksausweise im LibbyLibby-Subreddit mit der ganzen Welt teilen und ich mich bisher beherrschen konnte und da nicht mitmache. Außerdem habe ich mehrere andere Menschen beim Berliner Bibliotheksverbund angemeldet, der diese Möglichkeit zum Verschenken von Ausweisen explizit bewirbt ("Es ist relativ einfach"). Die Bibliotheken müssen für die zu verleihenden E-Books im Overdrive-System bezahlen, entweder für eine bestimmte Zahl von Verleihvorgängen oder für einen bestimmten Zeitraum. (Letzteres ist der Grund, warum es ein paar Bücher bei jeder Bibliothek ohne Wartezeit auszuleihen gibt, für beliebig viele Lesende gleichzeitig.) Das heißt, es fließt Geld, von dem auf den üblichen undurchschaubaren Wegen vielleicht irgendwas auch bei den Autor*innen ankommt. Aber ich bin in dieser Sache auf der Seite der Open Library, die gerade von Verlagen verklagt wird: Bibliotheken sollten ein Buch kaufen und dann verleihen dürfen, ohne dass Verlage sie daran hindern. Bei Papier ist das so, ich finde es sehr gut, dass es so ist, und es sollte bei E-Books nicht anders sein.
Gekauft habe ich in diesem Jahr:
12 E-Books von Amazon, das wollte ich zwar eigentlich nicht mehr, aber manchmal ging es nicht anders.
4 E-Books bei einer deutschen Buchhandlung, vielleicht ist es auch nur eine Onlinebuchhandlung, keine Ahnung, ich habe keine persönliche Beziehung zu ihr.
Ziemlich viele gebrauchte Bücher bei Medimops und anderen Anbietern, zum Verschenken oder für mich, wenn es sie digital absolut nirgends gab, auch nicht in der Open Library oder bei LibGen. Die Rekonstruktion im Detail ist mir jetzt zu mühsam, aber größenordnungsmäßig so 20 bis 30.
Ein paar neue Bücher im stationären Buchhandel, wahrscheinlich vor allem im Auftrag meiner Mutter. Größenordnung: 2 bis 5 vielleicht.
Irgendwo habe ich gelesen, dass in Deutschland Neuerscheinungen erst nach einem Jahr im E-Book-Verleih der Bibliotheken auftauchen. Ich habe mir bisher nicht die Mühe gemacht, rauszufinden, ob das überhaupt stimmt, weil mir diese Wartezeit so egal ist. Falls es stimmt, finde ich das sogar ein bisschen gut, weil es mich (und andere) davon abhält, beim Lesen auf Verlagswerbung und Feuilleton zu reagieren und dadurch bei immer wieder denselben Mussmangelesenhaben-Autoren klebenzubleiben.
Dass ich auf die Bücher, die es gibt, meistens ein paar Wochen oder Monate warten muss, je nachdem, wie viele andere sich vor mir in die Warteliste eingetragen haben, stört mich gar nicht, im Gegenteil: Es führt zu spoilerfreiem Lesevergnügen, weil ich am Ende der Wartezeit nicht mehr weiß, warum ich dieses Buch überhaupt lesen wollte. Ich kann also unbesorgt auch Rezensionen lesen, die alles verraten, ich werde es rechtzeitig wieder vergessen.
(Kathrin Passig)
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usafphantom2 · 2 years ago
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APRIL 25, 2023
Interview with Convair F-102 Delta Dagger pilot
Deuces Wild!
Incredibly, despite its futuristic appearance, work on the F-102 began in the 1940s. Tasked with intercepting Soviet bombers at a dangerous time in the Cold War, the F-102 was the tip of the spear for the defence of the USA. Colonel Dugard flew the F-102 for the 87th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of USAF in the late 1950s. Here he reviews the flawed but formidable F-102, a vital stepping stone to the excellent F-106.
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Describe the F-102 in three words.
Heavy Fighter Aircraft
What was the best thing about the F-102?
Delta Wing gave it great manoeuvrability.
..and the worst?
Heavy detracted from climb response.
What is the biggest myth about the aircraft?
That it was a good air-to-air combat aircraft
How good was as a dogfighter compared to other aircraft?
Could stay in contention if turning, but very vulnerable in climb
What was your most memorable experience flying the F-102?
Flying as a target aircraft for other F-102s. On a night mission with a low overcast and after a couple of intercepts I got a red weapon systems light. I broke off the mission and although not an emergency for flight, called the command post and was told to RTB (return to Base). I proceeded to the fix for a penetration to station. And was told to hold due to traffic in the area. After holding for a substantial period-of-time I was cleared to penetrate. I was placed in the pattern as #3 for landing. I noticed my fuel state was getting low and the yellow fuel-light came on. The fuel counter had not started to click down so I was comfortable with my state. Finally, I was cleared for a GCA approach. On final my fuel counter started to click down and was notified to go-around due to an aircraft problem. As I started my go around, I told them I had a low fuel state. Approach Control acknowledged the call, but then let another aircraft slip in front of me for landing. The RED fuel light game on indicating I could not make a go-around on the next approach. I asked for an immediate clearance to be given a priority approach. Not getting a response I called out “Mayday”, Getting their attention I was placed on final and completed the approach and landing, After clearing the runway and jettisoning my drag chute on the taxiway, the aircraft engine flamed out. I was towed to a parking slot.
What was the role of the F-102 and in which unit did you fly?
Air Defence Command, launched to intercept intruders 87th FIS
How would you rate it in the following categories
A. Instantaneous turn rates.
Good Delta wing, leading to good wrap up 90-degree bank angle turns.
B. Sustained turn
Hold it until you grey- or black out.
C. Climb rate?
Can peg 4k/min with AB to speed drop down.
D. General agility
Heavy fighter, not intended for much more than intercept.
E. High angle of attack performance
Will run out of airspeed with sustained High Angle of attack.
F. As an interceptor
G. Cockpit layout
Very pilot friendly cross check for in-flight instruments
H. Sensors
Sensitive of and responsive to the presence of other aircraft.
I. In terms of combat effectiveness and survivability?
Good visibility forward and above. Survivable in its role.
J. Cockpit layout and comfort?
Comfortable, though seat packed chute has lumps.
What should I have asked you?
About how the low ceiling was not the best for an intercept aircraft.
Thoughts on the escape system?
Ejection seats worked every time.
Which weapons did you deploy, and which was the most spectacular from the cockpit?
Missile equipped aircraft. Most release were range released. Never fired at a live target.
Unofficially what’s the fastest and highest and the aircraft was taken?
Never busted Mach 1, but close. 37,000 feet.
Do you love the aircraft?
No, It was serviceable and a good flying machine, but never felt at home in it.
What was unusual about F-102 tactics and culture?
Typical fighter-oriented society. Alert oriented aircraft, called for rapid response and quick engagement.
What were F-102 pilots most afraid of?
Missile malfunctions
Did F-102 pilots feel about the absence of a gun?
We were flying an interceptor, and the weapons we had on alert were very adequate for our mission.
Tell me something I don’t know about the F-102
The ceiling limitations that I mentioned before.
What was base life like? How did you unwind?
Perrin AFB was located close to the big “D” and functions at the club were common.
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torqueyou · 29 days ago
EV Review: Exploring the Latest Innovations in Electric Vehicles
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The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation as electric vehicles (EVs) become increasingly popular. With advancements in technology, a growing network of charging stations, and a heightened focus on sustainability, EVs are no longer a novelty but a viable option for many drivers. In this EV review, we will explore some of the latest models, key features, and considerations that can help you decide if an electric vehicle is right for you.
The Rise of Electric Vehicles
The push towards electric vehicles is not just a trend; it is a movement towards sustainable transportation. Governments worldwide are implementing policies to reduce carbon emissions and encourage the adoption of EVs. As a result, automakers are investing heavily in electric technology, leading to an impressive lineup of new models. In this EV review, we'll look at some of the standout electric cars currently on the market, highlighting their unique features and performance capabilities.
1. Tesla Model 3
The Tesla Model 3 has been a game-changer in the EV market. Known for its sleek design and advanced technology, this compact sedan offers impressive performance and range. With an electric range of over 350 miles on a single charge, the Model 3 is suitable for both city driving and long road trips.
One of the most noteworthy aspects of this vehicle is its Autopilot feature, which provides semi-autonomous driving capabilities. The interior is minimalistic, featuring a central touchscreen that controls most functions, giving it a futuristic feel. The Model 3’s acceleration is exhilarating, going from 0 to 60 mph in just 3.1 seconds for the Performance variant, making it not just an eco-friendly option but also a thrilling ride.
2. Ford Mustang Mach-E
The Ford Mustang Mach-E marks a significant step for the iconic brand as it enters the electric vehicle market. Combining the Mustang's legendary performance with modern electric technology, the Mach-E offers a sporty design and a variety of configurations to suit different drivers.
With a range of up to 300 miles, the Mach-E stands out for its quick acceleration and responsive handling. The interior is designed with comfort in mind, featuring a spacious cabin, high-quality materials, and an impressive infotainment system. This EV review highlights the Mach-E's ability to blend performance and practicality, making it a worthy competitor in the electric SUV segment.
3. Volkswagen ID.4
Volkswagen has made significant strides in the EV market with its ID.4, a fully electric SUV that appeals to a broad audience. With a range of around 250 miles, the ID.4 offers ample space and comfort for families.
The interior is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive controls and a modern aesthetic. The ID.4 also includes numerous safety features and driver-assistance technologies, making it a practical choice for those looking for a family-friendly electric vehicle. In this EV review, the ID.4's balance of affordability and functionality is a key highlight, appealing to budget-conscious consumers who want to make the switch to electric.
4. Chevrolet Bolt EV
The Chevrolet Bolt EV has been a favorite in the budget electric vehicle segment, offering an affordable price point without compromising on range or performance. With an electric range of approximately 259 miles, the Bolt is perfect for daily commuting and weekend getaways.
The interior is spacious, providing enough room for passengers and cargo alike. With its peppy acceleration and easy maneuverability, the Bolt EV is a practical option for city driving. This EV review emphasizes the importance of value for money, and the Bolt EV certainly delivers on that front.
5. Hyundai Ioniq 5
The Hyundai Ioniq 5 has garnered attention for its bold design and advanced technology. With a range of up to 300 miles and ultra-fast charging capabilities, it is ideal for tech-savvy drivers who prioritize convenience.
The Ioniq 5 features a spacious and innovative interior, complete with a dual-screen setup and a plethora of tech features. The ride quality is smooth, and the performance is impressive, making it a strong contender in the electric crossover segment. This EV review highlights the Ioniq 5's unique design and features, appealing to those who want a standout vehicle on the road.
Key Considerations When Choosing an EV
When considering an electric vehicle, there are several factors to keep in mind:
Range: Assess how far you typically drive to determine the appropriate range for your needs.
Charging Infrastructure: Look into the availability of charging stations in your area and along your usual routes.
Incentives: Many governments offer tax incentives for EV purchases, which can significantly reduce the cost.
Maintenance Costs: EVs typically have lower maintenance costs compared to gasoline vehicles, as they have fewer moving parts.
This EV review has explored some of the most exciting electric vehicles currently on the market, showcasing their unique features and capabilities. With a wide range of options available, there is an electric vehicle to suit every lifestyle and budget. As technology continues to evolve and infrastructure improves, the future of electric vehicles looks promising. Whether you’re drawn to the performance of the Tesla Model 3 or the practicality of the Chevrolet Bolt EV, making the switch to an electric vehicle is an environmentally friendly choice that can also provide a thrilling driving experience.
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jazzgallerycenterforarts · 1 month ago
OWL October 2024 Calendar
O.W.L. (Older. Wiser. Local) is a program created to serve, enlighten & educate area seniors (50 & up). OWL is sponsored by the Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, and Bader Philanthropies.
Time: Thursdays & Fridays 1:00PM to 4:00PM
Place: Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, 926 E. Center Street, Milwaukee 53212
All people, ages 50 & up are welcome. Gatherings are free of charge, free refreshments
Radio Shows:
Tuesdays 7pm on Riverwest Radio, WXRW, 104.1 FM. Stream the show live on riverwestradio. com, if you can't get radio reception. Or listen to the archive anytime at: www.riverwestradio.com/show/owl-older-wiser-local
OWL Calendar for October 2024
Thursday, October 3 (IN-PERSON)
Vince Bushell presents Riverwest Currents October '24: Special Guests, Mrs. Ruth McNeely-Wells (votes early, 105 years old) & her daughter Tracey McNeely
Friday, October 4 (IN-PERSON)
First-Friday: Makin' Music
Tuesday, October 8 (RADIO)
Karen Beaumont Presents: Sara Teasdale (music & literature)
Thursday, October 10 (IN-PERSON)
"October Octaves" Sing-Along with Jean Kaldunski
Friday, October 11 (IN-PERSON)
DIY Creative (bring your own art project or use our materials)
Tuesday, October 15 (RADIO)
Karen Beaumont Presents: Poems by Wisconsin poet Melanie Poli (with music)
Thursday, October 17 (IN-PERSON)
Lenore Rinder's New Film about Elephants
Friday, October 18 (IN-PERSON)
Decade-By-Decade Review, Pt.2: Writing Workshop & Show-n-Tell (bring artifacts, photos, & memories from age 11-20 years old)
Tuesday, October 22 (RADIO)
"The A.M. Book Report", On Media Literacy for Disinformation
Thursday, October 24 (IN-PERSON)
Fine-Art Painter Natalie Shumylo Returns, "Trees from Trees" (3-D relief painting of trees, with paper mache)
Friday, October 25 (IN-PERSON)
Inter-Generational Interaction: with True-Skool
Tuesday, October 29 (RADIO)
Music in the Halloween Vibe
Thursday, October 31 (IN-PERSON)
Haunted Gallery! Costume Party, Art & Games
O.W.L. is sponsored by the Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, along with Bader Philanthropies.
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dracanthropic · 2 months ago
I really like my Subaru. She's getting up there in years and miles (8yrs &100+k miles) but she's got a lot more in her and I plan (hope) to drive her another 100k (at least).
I'd really love my next car to be electric, but so far the Subaru Solterra is maybe not quite worth the price. For a similar price (currently) I could get a mustang Mach-E which has been getting some rave reviews.
I hope by the time I actually need a new car the tech has gotten better and maybe I have a tough decision to make. A lot of the newer Subarus I've driven are quite nice and the bluetooth/phone integration was waaaaaaay better than what I've got right now. Maybe there will be an even cooler new electric car on the market in the next 8 years.
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janicefer-2021 · 4 months ago
The Latest Treadmill Models and Their Prices
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The treadmill and exercise bike Sri Lanka market is continually evolving, with new models featuring advanced technology and improved designs. If you’re considering purchasing a treadmill, it’s essential to be aware of the latest models and their pricing. This guide provides an overview of some of the most recent treadmill models, highlighting their key features and price ranges.
1. NordicTrack Commercial 1750
- Features:
  - Motor: 3.75 CHP DurX Commercial Plus
  - Running Surface: 22 x 60 inches
  - Incline/Decline: -3% to 15%
  - Display: 14-inch HD touchscreen with iFit integration
  - Programs: Over 50 workout programs
  - Extras: Bluetooth speakers, adjustable cushioning, built-in fan
- Price: Approximately LKR 120,000 - 150,000
2. ProForm Pro 2000
- Features:
  - Motor: 3.5 CHP Mach Z Commercial Pro
  - Running Surface: 20 x 60 inches
  - Incline/Decline: -3% to 15%
  - Display: 7-inch high-definition touchscreen
  - Programs: 32 built-in workout programs
  - Extras: Bluetooth connectivity, adjustable incline and decline, ProShox cushioning
- Price: Approximately LKR 100,000 - 130,000
3. Sole Fitness F80
- Features:
  - Motor: 3.5 CHP
  - Running Surface: 22 x 60 inches
  - Incline: 0 to 15%
  - Display: 9-inch LCD
  - Programs: 10 built-in programs
  - Extras: Bluetooth speakers, cooling fan, foldable design
- Price: Approximately LKR 90,000 - 120,000
4. Horizon Fitness 7.8 AT
- Features:
  - Motor: 4.0 CHP
  - Running Surface: 22 x 60 inches
  - Incline: 0 to 15%
  - Display: 9.3-inch LED
  - Programs: 12 built-in programs
  - Extras: Bluetooth connectivity, Sprint 8 program, 3-zone cushioning
- Price: Approximately LKR 80,000 - 110,000
5. LifeSpan TR1200i
- Features:
  - Motor: 2.5 CHP
  - Running Surface: 20 x 56 inches
  - Incline: 0 to 15%
  - Display: 6.5-inch LCD
  - Programs: 21 built-in programs
  - Extras: USB port for device charging, heart rate monitoring, foldable design
- Price: Approximately LKR 60,000 - 85,000
6. XTERRA Fitness TRX4500
- Features:
  - Motor: 3.0 CHP
  - Running Surface: 20 x 60 inches
  - Incline: 0 to 15%
  - Display: 7.5-inch LCD
  - Programs: 30 workout programs
  - Extras: Bluetooth speakers, adjustable cushioning, foldable design
- Price: Approximately LKR 70,000 - 95,000
7. Reebok Jet 300
- Features:
  - Motor: 2.5 CHP
  - Running Surface: 20 x 55 inches
  - Incline: 0 to 12%
  - Display: 5.5-inch LED
  - Programs: 24 built-in programs
  - Extras: Built-in speakers, heart rate monitor, foldable design
- Price: Approximately LKR 50,000 - 70,000
8. Decathlon Domyos T900C
- Features:
  - Motor: 2.5 CHP
  - Running Surface: 20 x 55 inches
  - Incline: 0 to 12%
  - Display: 7-inch LCD
  - Programs: 12 built-in programs
  - Extras: USB port, heart rate monitor, foldable design
- Price: Approximately LKR 40,000 - 60,000
Key Considerations
- Motor Power: A more powerful motor supports higher speeds and more intense workouts. Look for at least 2.5 CHP for reliable performance.
- Running Surface: A larger surface area is important for comfort, especially for running. Choose a deck size that suits your stride length.
- Incline and Decline: Adjustable incline adds variety to workouts and targets different muscle groups.
- Display and Connectivity: A high-resolution display with interactive features and connectivity options enhances the workout experience.
- Foldability: If space is a concern, a foldable treadmill can save space when not in use.
Where to Buy
- Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, Flipkart, and local e-commerce sites often offer competitive prices and customer reviews.
- Local Fitness Stores: Visit local stores to test treadmills and take advantage of in-store promotions and warranties.
- Second-Hand Market: Check platforms like Facebook Marketplace or OLX for used treadmills at lower prices, but ensure to check the condition and functionality. The latest treadmill models offer a range of features designed to enhance your fitness experience. By understanding the features and prices of different models, you can choose a treadmill that fits your needs and budget. Whether you’re looking for high-tech options or a basic, functional machine or a Weight lifting bench in Sri Lanka to go along with it, there’s a treadmill available to meet your fitness goals.
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marklusich102 · 5 months ago
The Ultimate Guide to Electric SUVs
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In recent years, the automotive industry has seen a dramatic shift towards electric vehicles (EVs), with SUVs emerging as a popular choice among consumers seeking both versatility and sustainability. Electric SUVs combine the spaciousness and rugged appeal of traditional SUVs with the benefits of electric propulsion, offering a compelling option for a wide range of drivers. If you're considering making the switch to an electric SUV or simply want to learn more about this evolving segment of the market, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know.
1. Benefits of Electric SUVs
Electric SUVs offer several key advantages over their gasoline-powered counterparts:
Environmental Impact: EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving local air quality. This makes them a greener choice compared to internal combustion engine vehicles.
Lower Operating Costs: Electric SUVs have lower fueling costs compared to gasoline-powered vehicles. Electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline, and EVs typically require less maintenance due to fewer moving parts and no oil changes.
Quiet and Smooth Driving: Electric motors provide instant torque, resulting in smooth acceleration and a quiet driving experience. This makes electric SUV ideal for city driving and commuting.
Advanced Technology: Electric SUVs often come equipped with cutting-edge technology, including regenerative braking systems, touchscreen infotainment systems, and advanced driver-assistance features.
2. Key Considerations When Buying an Electric SUV
Before purchasing an electric SUV, there are several factors to consider to ensure you find the right model for your needs:
Range: Evaluate the range of the electric SUV on a single charge and consider your daily driving habits. Choose a model with a range that comfortably covers your typical driving distance.
Charging Infrastructure: Check the availability of charging stations in your area and along your most frequented routes. Consider the different charging options, such as home charging solutions and fast-charging capabilities.
Performance: Assess the horsepower, torque, and acceleration of the electric SUV. Consider how these factors align with your driving preferences and needs.
Interior Space and Comfort: Evaluate the interior space, seating capacity, and cargo room of the electric SUV. Ensure it meets your requirements for passenger comfort and storage space.
Safety Features: Review the safety ratings and available driver-assistance features of the electric SUV. Look for features such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, and automatic emergency braking.
Total Cost of Ownership: Consider the upfront cost, potential tax incentives, and long-term savings on fuel and maintenance costs when comparing electric SUVs with traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.
3. Popular Electric SUV Models
Several automakers offer electric SUVs with varying features and specifications. Here are some popular models currently available or soon to be released:
Tesla Model X: Known for its futuristic design, falcon-wing doors, and impressive range, the Tesla Model X is a luxury electric SUV with seating for up to seven passengers.
Audi e-tron: The Audi e-tron combines luxury with electric performance, offering a spacious interior, advanced technology, and Audi's renowned Quattro all-wheel-drive system.
Jaguar I-PACE: The Jaguar I-PACE is a stylish and sporty electric SUV with Jaguar's signature performance and handling. It boasts a sleek design, fast-charging capabilities, and a competitive range.
Ford Mustang Mach-E: Blending the iconic Mustang heritage with electric power, the Mustang Mach-E offers various trim levels, impressive acceleration, and a range suitable for everyday driving.
Volvo XC40 Recharge: Volvo's first all-electric SUV, the XC40 Recharge, combines Scandinavian design with electric performance, advanced safety features, and Google's Android-powered infotainment system.
4. Charging Infrastructure and Range
One of the critical considerations for electric SUV owners is access to charging infrastructure. Here’s what you need to know:
Home Charging: Most electric SUV owners charge their vehicles at home using a Level 2 charging station. This allows for convenient overnight charging and ensures the vehicle is ready to go each morning.
Public Charging Stations: Public charging stations are essential for longer trips or when away from home. Many electric SUVs support fast charging, which can significantly reduce charging times compared to standard Level 2 chargers.
Charging Networks: Various networks operate public charging stations, including Tesla's Supercharger network and third-party providers like ChargePoint and Electrify America. Consider the coverage and compatibility of these networks when choosing an electric SUV.
5. Government Incentives and Rebates
Governments at both the federal and state levels offer incentives to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles. These incentives can include tax credits, rebates, reduced registration fees, and access to HOV lanes. Be sure to research available incentives in your area to maximize potential savings on your electric SUV purchase.
6. Future Trends and Developments
The electric vehicle market is rapidly evolving, with advancements in battery technology, charging infrastructure, and vehicle range. Future trends in electric SUVs may include:
Increased Range: Continued improvements in battery technology are expected to increase the range of electric SUVs, reducing range anxiety and expanding their appeal.
Expanded Charging Infrastructure: Governments and private companies are investing in expanding the charging infrastructure to support the growing number of electric vehicles on the road.
New Models and Competitors: Automakers are launching new electric SUV models to meet consumer demand and compete in the expanding EV market. Watch for announcements from established manufacturers and new entrants into the EV space.
Electric SUVs offer a compelling combination of environmental benefits, advanced technology, and practicality for today's drivers. Whether you're drawn to their lower operating costs, advanced features, or commitment to sustainability, electric SUVs provide a viable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. By considering factors such as range, charging infrastructure, performance, safety features, and total cost of ownership, you can make an informed decision when choosing an electric SUV that meets your lifestyle and driving needs. As the electric vehicle market continues to grow and evolve, electric SUVs are expected to play a significant role in shaping the future of transportation, offering consumers more choices and sustainable mobility solutions.
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whiteoakford · 5 months ago
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2024 Ford Mustang Mach-E Review
The 2024 Ford Mustang Mach-E is an innovative electric SUV that combines the iconic Mustang name with cutting-edge electric performance. With its sleek design, impressive range, and advanced technology features, the Mach-E offers a thrilling driving experience. 
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Non-Tesla's will be flocking over Tesla's chargers - The difference will shock you!
P.S. This only shocks viewers who are inexperienced in electric car matters, because everyone else knows for sure since 2018 that the arrogant legacy automakers [and big oil] conceptually had lost the battle against Tesla already back then...
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gaycarboys · 11 months ago
Why Ford Really Reduced the Price of Mustang Mach-E
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autojankari123 · 7 months ago
Best upcoming electric cars in India
India, like many other countries, is witnessing a surge in the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) as part of its commitment to reduce carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. With the government's push for electrification and various incentives provided to both manufacturers and consumers, several automakers are gearing up to launch a range of electric cars in the Indian market. In this article, we'll explore some of the most anticipated upcoming electric cars in India.
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1. Tata Altroz EV
Tata Motors, one of India's leading automobile manufacturers, has been actively involved in the electric vehicle segment. Following the success of the Nexon EV, Tata is set to introduce the electric version of its premium hatchback, the Altroz. The Altroz EV is expected to offer a competitive range, modern features, and the stylish design language that has become synonymous with Tata's recent offerings.
2. Mahindra eKUV100
Mahindra & Mahindra, another prominent player in the Indian automotive industry, is all set to launch its first electric SUV, the eKUV100. With its compact dimensions and affordable price tag, the eKUV100 aims to make electric mobility accessible to a wider audience. It is expected to offer a decent range on a single charge, making it suitable for urban commuting.
3. Hyundai Kona Electric (Facelift)
Hyundai Kona Electric made waves in the Indian market when it was first introduced, offering an impressive range and feature-packed interior. Now, Hyundai is gearing up to launch the facelifted version of the Kona Electric, which is expected to come with refreshed styling elements and possibly an upgraded battery pack for enhanced range and performance.
4. MG ZS EV (Facelift)
MG Motor entered the Indian market with the ZS EV, a compact electric SUV that received positive reviews for its range, features, and overall value proposition. The company is now planning to introduce a facelifted version of the ZS EV, which might include cosmetic updates, improved technology, and possibly a larger battery pack to extend the driving range.
5. Nissan Leaf
Nissan, known for its expertise in electric vehicles with models like the Leaf, is gearing up to launch its iconic electric hatchback in the Indian market. The Leaf is expected to offer a blend of performance, range, and advanced technology features, catering to the needs of eco-conscious urban commuters.
6. Audi e-tron
Audi, a premium luxury car manufacturer, is set to enter the Indian electric vehicle market with its flagship electric SUV, the e-tron. Boasting Audi's signature design language, luxurious interiors, and cutting-edge technology, the e-tron aims to redefine the electric SUV segment in India. While it may cater to a niche audience due to its premium pricing, it is expected to set new benchmarks in terms of performance and features.
7. Tesla Model 3
The much-anticipated entry of Tesla into the Indian market has been a topic of discussion for EV enthusiasts for years. With the recent confirmation of Tesla's plans to set up a manufacturing unit in India, the launch of the Model 3 sedan seems imminent. The Model 3 is known for its impressive range, high-performance capabilities, and futuristic features, and it is expected to disrupt the premium sedan segment in India.
8. Renault K-ZE
Renault is gearing up to launch its compact electric hatchback, the K-ZE, in the Indian market. With its compact dimensions, practical interior space, and affordable price point, the K-ZE aims to appeal to budget-conscious urban commuters looking to switch to electric mobility.
9. Ford Mustang Mach-E
Ford is set to introduce its first all-electric SUV, the Mustang Mach-E, in the Indian market. Combining the iconic Mustang heritage with electric performance and modern features, the Mach-E aims to offer a thrilling driving experience while maintaining the practicality of an SUV.
10. BMW iX3
BMW, a renowned luxury car manufacturer, is gearing up to launch the iX3, its first electric SUV, in India. With BMW's trademark styling, luxurious interiors, and advanced technology features, the iX3 aims to cater to discerning customers looking for a blend of performance, luxury, and sustainability.
The Indian electric vehicle market is witnessing an influx of exciting new models from both domestic and international automakers. With the government's continued support for electrification and growing awareness about the benefits of electric mobility, the future looks promising for the EV segment in India. As more electric cars hit the roads, it is expected to not only reduce carbon emissions but also revolutionize the way people commute in urban areas
For further details, visit AutoJakari for additional information.
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alicecharlotte · 10 months ago
All-New 2025 Ford Fusion Sedan Exclusive Review
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With sedan sales plummeting and SUV sales soaring, Ford could combine the two vehicle sectors by reviving the Fusion nameplate for an all-new crossover-style station wagon. Unfortunately, the project was never completed. If Ford decides to move forward with this project, the Fusion Active will target the Subaru Outback. This suggests that the Fusion Active will have all-wheel drive, plastic body lining and a higher ride height. There is also a report accessible on Ford USA Cars Media Online on the 2024 Ford Fusion Sedan Exclusive that both hybrid and plug-in hybrid powertrains will be available.
The Ford Fusion, which was discontinued after the 2020 model year, may have been reinvented as a raised station wagon to better fit the brand's portfolio of nearly all SUVs. We've only seen spy pictures, and Ford never introduced such a car in the United States.
The 2023 Ford Fusion Active is expected to cost between $35,000 to $41,000, depending on trim and options. When it goes into production, the Fusion Active will cost around $35,000. We don't know what trim levels will be offered, but we're confident they'll be consistent with other Ford models of the period.
SE$35,000 (estimated). SEL $38,000 (est.). Titanium costs $41,000 (estimated).
Engine, Transmission and Performance
We can only guess about the Fusion Active's engine and transmission options because there are no official details yet. We can almost guarantee that all-wheel drive will be available. There are also reports that Ford will offer hybrid and plug-in hybrid powertrains for the wagon. These two electrical installations may be identical or comparable to the installation that powers the Escape small crossover. This requires a 2.5 liter four-cylinder engine combined with two electric motors. The Fusion Active could potentially receive the Escape's 250-hp turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine and eight-speed automatic transmission.
Interior, Comfort and Cargo
The Fusion Active's prospective interior design, passenger space and trunk volume are completely unknown. We expect it to look similar to Ford models at the time, such as the electric Mustang Mach-E crossover and mid-size Explorer SUV. These models show that the Fusion will have a fully digital gauge cluster, a vertically oriented center screen, and customizable internal storage. We also anticipate that the Fusion Active will offer a comfortable rear seat and ample cargo space to compete with the Outback.
entertainment and connectivity
The Ford Sync infotainment system will be available on the Fusion Active. We expect a touchscreen with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto as standard. Likewise, built-in navigation and Wi-Fi hotspot will be among the alternatives.
Safety and Driver Assistance Features Ford never specified what driver assistance technology would be available in the station wagon, but we expect automatic emergency braking, blind spot monitoring, and lane keeping assist. It makes sense that the Fusion Active has Ford's BlueCruise hands-free highway driving mode as an option. Key safety elements may include:
Standard automatic emergency braking. Standard lane departure warning with lane keep assist. Available adaptive cruise control with hands-free driving mode.
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gear4wheel · 11 months ago
New 2023 Ford Mustang Mach-E California route 1: Review, Spec.
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