#mach was a runt as a kid but he got swol in his late teens and outweight kairoh despite being almost a foot shorter. tanky dude
tysonfurybattlepass · 2 years
If your ocs all had to fight battle royale style who would be the ultimate victor?
oh man, this is a tough one. i think it would boil down to two of them: kali and machairodonis
it would be easy to think that kali, being the biggest and tallest, would have a field day with the others, but i think there’s more to it than just busted ass stats.
see, kali may be fuckoff gigantic, but her special ability list isn’t really geared toward combat. she’s not a fighter build; she’s a survivalist build. her unique cheek teeth are designed for filter-feeding krill out of the water, but are not useful as weapons in combat. her claws are thin and small, so her paw swipes only do blunt force damage (make no mistake though, this will still absolutely kill pretty much anything smaller than her). she’s also an ambush predator that relies heavily on the stealth and mobility bonuses she gains when in deep water. on land, she’s significantly slower and more awkward. most notably though, she doesn’t really fight all that often. kali is solitary and rarely interacts with other sapient species, much less throws down with them. so, while she is hands down the most powerful and most well defended character in my roster and certainly can fight, she’s at a significant experience disadvantage compared to some of my career fighters. that being said though, her thick subcutaneous fat means that she has near unparalleled defense, and it is very difficult to land a crit on her.
that’s where my boy mach comes in. machairodonis as an adult is the second largest of the lineup, with thick bones and a tanky, powerful frame. he’s a career wrestler and a very experienced fighter, with the speed and reflexes of a cat and the pure brute physicality of a grizzly bear rolled up into one. this alone means he’d give kali a run for her money, but he also has a very powerful signature ability that’s unique to his species: razor teeth. the positioning, size, and serrated edges of mach’s front teeth allow for a ‘cookie cutter’ effect that does absolutely brutal damage even without a crit. if he does land a crit, it inflicts an automatic heavy bleed status effect, draining the opponent’s hp over several minutes. depending on where he lands the bite, this accumulation of damage could be enough to catch him the w by just waiting until the opponent succumbs to blood loss or shock. and with his saber canines, he likely has a high enough base damage output to get theough kali’s thick skin and fat. his forelimbs are also highly flexible in comparison to other sabercats’, granting him a bonus to all grappling attacks.
they both have the ability to one shot each other, but kali can do it from a longer distance. mach has to get past her crippling paw strikes to secure a grapple and land a solid bite on her in order to crit, and likely he would then have to retreat to safety and defend until kali succumbed to the bleed damage. there’s also the very real possibility of him being bitten and shaken out of his skin on his way out. ultimately it would boil down to who could control the range; kali would try her best to keep the fight long and swing at mach with her paws, aiming for his head and spine, while mach would look for an opportunity to tackle and land a bite in a critical area like her neck.
honorable mentions include kairoh and megnatereon, who are undoubtably the most skilled combatants but their small size and relatively low defense makes fighting against mach or kali unfeasible. kairoh is the most experienced fighter out of all of them, and only a bit smaller than mach, but her less specialized teeth do less damage and her lankier frame means she’s more susceptible to blunt force. megantereon is the most versatile, with incredibly high crit damage from his gigantic saberteeth. he’s highly mobile both on land and in the trees, and his athleticism (plus impressive stealth) makes him difficult to hit. however, he’s diminutive compared to the rest of them, meaning he’d have to do a no-hit run on every single opponent in order to not get completely wasted.
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here’s a rough size comparison. from heaviest to lightest: kali (1,375lbs), machairodonis (880lbs), kairoh (765lbs), megantereon (400lbs)
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