#macOS development
shinelikethunder · 11 months
back in the Superwholock days there was this post getting passed around my corner of tumblr about "teflon writing vs velcro writing," ostensibly as a nutshell summary of why fandom reacted so differently to Steven Moffat and Russell T Davies as Doctor Who showrunners: slick and polished and easier to admire (when done well) or coolly assess its flaws (when botched) than to get a grip on or pull apart & tinker with, vs. messy and prickly and grippy and tinkering-friendly and prone to getting its hooks in you whether or not you ever wanted that
and that's very funny to look back on with the distance of hindsight, because to this day--a full decade after peak Superwholock--RTD-era Who and Kripke-era SPN remain THE most insane, crazymaking, irreversible-brain-damage-inducing, "compelling in the way where they make me INCREDIBLY ANGRY and ITCHY TO FIX THEM because i am so stupid-invested that they still have me by the balls, even when my engagement is just picking apart the frustrations of how and why they SUCK" turbo-examples of velcro writing i have ever encountered in my LIFE
hell, they aren't even so much like velcro as they're like snagging the folds of a lace circle skirt on a whole branch of actual cockleburs and trying to wash the shrapnel out with fucking gorilla glue
.....and then there's BBC Sherlock. which was neither velcro writing nor teflon writing but an elaborate many-year con, targeted at the EXACT kinds of people who maintain a secret good Supernatural that lives in their heads, whose one neat trick was to bait its marks into collectively hallucinating a brilliant show so that Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss never had to put themselves to the trouble of writing one.
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nixcraft · 2 years
Hah. I used all levels. What about you? 🤔
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lessimore · 1 year
Released a new mac clipboard management app
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1. History: switch history in any page by cmd option + v, release the shortcut key to paste.
2. Continuous copy and paste: visualize the paste order without adding any shortcut keys, just cmd c and cmd v, support forward and reverse paste order.
3. Custom tab: you can add commonly used paste text.
4. Automatically remove copyright: you can automatically remove the copyright notice, author, link and other information inserted in the website when copying.
5. Support copying text, images, files and other types.
6. Statistics: statistics copy and paste times, frequency of feature use.
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macnews24 · 1 year
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techdriveplay · 15 days
What was Announced at WWDC 2024?
Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024 is in full swing, and the tech world is buzzing with excitement. This annual event is where Apple unveils its latest innovations across its ecosystem, from operating system updates to groundbreaking new products. Here’s a comprehensive look at the major announcements and features that have been revealed so far. Apple Vision Pro Expansion and…
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flutteragency · 6 months
the world of mobile app development with our podcast, "Flutter Unleashed." In this episode, we provide a concise and easy-to-follow guide on installing and configuring Flutter SDK on macOS. Follow along step-by-step as we demystify the process, empowering you to kickstart your Flutter journey seamlessly. Tune in for expert insights and practical tips!
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frog707 · 10 months
Screenshots and video ahead
With help from Spasi over at the LWJGL Forum, I got TriangleFan meshes working on macOS yesterday. It was tougher than I expected.
To deal with a nonconforming Vulkan device, you must enable the KHRPortabilitySubset device extension, but conforming devices don't implement that extension. So you must check its availability before enabling it.
To find out what features the nonconforming device lacks, you must invoke the vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR() method. But if you haven't enabled the KHRGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2 instance extension, you'll get a puzzling NullPointerException instead. (Guess how I know this!)
Once the app knows TriangleFan is unimplemented, it checks each mesh entering the graphics pipeline. If the mesh is a TriangleFan, my code silently converts it to a TriangleList. (That was the easy part.)
With that issue resolved, most of my physics demos and tutorials seem to work. (Soft-body physics not included.) My plan is to port/test/commit the apps one by one, generating screenshots and/or video as I go.
I plan to post the best of those screenshots and videos here. Stay tuned!
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abbiistabbii · 6 months
I don't think people realize how absolutely wild Linux is.
Here we have an Operating system that now has 100 different varieties, all of them with their own little features and markets that are also so customizable that you can literally choose what desktop environment you want. Alongside that it is the OS of choice for Supercomputers, most Web servers, and even tiny little toy computers that hackers and gadget makers use. It is the Operating System running on most of the world's smartphones. That's right. Android is a version of Linux.
It can run on literally anything up to and including a potato, and as of now desktop Linux Distros like Ubuntu and Mint are so easily to use and user friendly that technological novices can use them. This Operating system has had App stores since the 90s.
Oh, and what's more, this operating system was fuckin' built by volunteers and users alongside businesses and universities because they needed an all purpose operating system so they built one themselves and released it for free. If you know how to, you can add to this.
Oh, and it's founder wasn't some corporate hotshot. It's an introverted Swedish-speaking Finn who, while he was a student, started making his own Operating system after playing around with someone else's OS. He was going to call it Freax but the guy he got server space from named the folder of his project "Linux" (Linus Unix) and the name stuck. He operates this project from his Home office which is painted in a colour used in asylums. Man's so fucking introverted he developed the world's biggest code repo, Git, so he didn't have to deal with drama and email.
Steam adopted it meaning a LOT of games now natively run in Linux and what cannot be run natively can be adapted to run. It's now the OS used on their consoles (Steam Deck) and to this, a lot of people have found games run better on Linux than on Windows. More computers run Steam on Linux than MacOS.
On top of that the Arctic World Archive (basically the Svalbard Seed bank, but for Data) have this OS saved in their databanks so if the world ends the survivors are going to be using it.
On top of this? It's Free! No "Freemium" bullshit, no "pay to unlock" shit, no licenses, no tracking or data harvesting. If you have an old laptop that still works and a 16GB USB drive, you can go get it and install it and have a functioning computer because it uses less fucking resources than Windows. Got a shit PC? Linux Mint XFCE or Xubuntu is lightweight af. This shit is stopping eWaste.
What's more, it doesn't even scrimp on style. KDE, XFCE, Gnome, Cinnamon, all look pretty and are functional and there's even a load of people who try make their installs look pretty AF as a hobby called "ricing" with a subreddit (/r/unixporn) dedicated to it.
Linux is fucking wild.
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truepdf · 2 years
Bible of Python Programming is an introduction to the Python programming language, which is becoming increasingly popular. Python is an object-oriented scripting language that is interpreted and interactive. Python is becoming more popular as a result of:
It is compatible with all major platforms, including Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98, Linux, all major UNIX platforms, MacOS, and even BeOS
It is open-source software that is copyrighted but freely usable, even in commercial applications
Its simple object-oriented interface makes it an excellent prototyping tool for C++ developers
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marquiskurtrambles · 2 years
SpriteKit animations in Xcode
This is a small thing I noticed, but I didn't realize that Xcode has a built-in editor/timeline for animations for SpriteKit actions. I discovered this as I have been working on adding some user interface components for the tutorial screens in Indexing Your Heart, which I hope to complete by the end of the week.
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Really easy for me to create a looping animation for moving a fake finger across the screen for the sake of a tutorial...
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fuzzyblizzardkitty · 2 years
I'm just realizing how late I am to the hackintosh party. with apple releasing more and more devices with its own silicon, the last update for Intel based macs might come out before they sort out Nvidia drivers...
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lessimore · 1 year
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ChatGPT for mac
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icuzo · 2 years
Here is my game Kombo King. Only on Steam. It's an action/beat 'em up with many destructive moves to use! You play as Chi, the last of the Falling Wind clan and you must bring an end to the Sunless!
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Sunny Day Jack Report 07/11/2023
Wednesday means it's time for our weekly development report, and this one's a nice big one for everyone to enjoy! Those of you who have been following us on Twitter may have noticed that we redesigned our logo for SDJ. The majority of the devlog will talk about our process behind that, so read it for free on Patreon or click the readmore for the important bits!
Unity Demo Version 0.03
Fixed video rendering while playing on the Steamdeck (via Windows Proton Compatibility)
Added missing CGs
Game extended slightly past the kissing on couch scene
Select narration from Y/N reworded for clarity
Macintosh OS compatible version has been added
Known bugs:
Certain voice lines may be missing or cut-off
This update was largely focused on ensuring stability before adding in more content. Those who backed the SDJ Kickstarter can access their beta testing keys via this link, while SnaccPop Patrons who pledge a minimum of $12/mo can access their beta testing key over here.
For our MacOS players, you may encounter issues launching the game due to Apple security, so please follow this tutorial to temporarily disable Gatekeeper (we recommend turning it back on afterwards). We're investigating ways to avoid Gatekeeper flagging the game, so please bear with us! As for our Linux/Steamdeck players, for the time being, please use the Windows version and use Proton Compatibility to play the game.
Logo Graphic Redesign
Like with the previous SnaccPop Studios logo, the SDJ logo was due for a makeover. For starters, the old logo was tiny.
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Yes, that's literally the largest size we have on hand for the original SDJ logo source file, and everything else is just blown up bigger in size if need be. Astute viewers may also notice that the Something's Wrong With portion of the logo was also slightly off-center this entire time, as With was hanging off the edge a lot more than Something's. Another issue that came up as we continued working with our translators was the fact that we'd most likely need logos in the target language too; adapting the old logo was near impossible because all we had left of it was a .png file. At this point, making a new logo just made sense.
The new logo largely retains the important elements of the original one. Using the Buddy Belt motif as the background image and the use of two distinct fonts, a formal serif for SWW and a more bubbly sans-serif for the SDJ that essentially captures the essence of Jack's dual personality, were ideas Sauce carried over. Additionally, his signature primary colors palette is much more clear in the text, making this logo more easily identifiable. After nailing down a good foundation and centering the text, Sauce overlaid faint scanlines reminiscent of old CRT display monitors then splashed some blood here and there; all in all, the new logo is a nice visual of the ludonarrative dissonance the game itself aims to achieve.
We'll pass the mic to Gureii here when it comes to the localized logos!
Translation & Localization
Hey there! Gureii (she/her) here. You might know me from one of the previous devlogs posted here on Patreon not so long ago.

 I’ve been asked by BáiYù to present you a tiny (okay, not that tiny) little treat for both the Russian and the Japanese-speaking folks out there who are interested in our upcoming game, Something’s Wrong With Sunny Day Jack.
Let me introduce you to the new localized logos real quick:
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One of the most interesting aspects of working on these was the brainstorming session behind both of them. As the Lead Russian translator of this project, one of my main concerns was to come up with the title translation that would be both both simplistic and catchy, hence the name change from a statement to a question. The localized version of the title - «Что с тобой, Джек?» - includes both the questions a player would ask to Jack himself: “What happened to you?” and “What’s wrong with you?”, either depending on their opinion towards him or both of these at the same time.
The Japanese translation team, on the other hand, opted for something much more laconic, to which I was happy to comply! They're only using Katakana to translate the commonly abbreviated title into【サニー・デー・ジャック】, which will be easy for Japanese speakers to read (it'd be pronounced "Sanī dē Jakku"). It's short and punchy, and it's not unusual for Japanese logos to have the English text as well.
Another aspect (a tricky one this time!) was looking up the Cyrillic and Kana fonts that would match the mood of the English logo we got: it gets quite tricky when we talk about anything but Latin fonts, and it gets even harder when we talk about something that is as bold, youthful and bright as it is. For example, with the katakana transcription the Japanese translation team and I had to search for something that would not scare the person interested in playing the game, something much more inviting than the crimson lettering used on the English logo. The bloody Buddy Belt portion of the logo will still indicate to potential players that this is a horror game, so it works out.
By the way, you might be asking yourself, "Why isn't there a Spanish version of the logo?" Both Pierre and Nana expressed that translating the title wouldn't sound nearly as good as the original English title (a literal Latin Spanish translation would be "Algo Malo Pasa Con Día Soleado Jack"). Luckily, both English and Spanish share similar alphabets, so it's as big of a difference compared to Russian or Japanese.
And that's all we got for this week. Thanks again for your continued support of SnaccPop Studios!
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retronator · 4 days
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When I was watching the trailer for Arco at Summer Game Fest, I thought to myself, those trees sure look like something Franek would draw. Sure enough, the environment artist from Kingdom: Norse Lands is indeed one of the 4 developers behind this story-rich tactical turn-based RPG, mesmerizing us with breathtaking scenes of grandiosity.
I played the demo on Steam (macOS, Windows) and enjoyed the unique fighting system, a blend of turns and active pause. You plan your moves based on telegraphed actions and watch the turn play out in real-time. As for the full game—potentially coming out this year—I'm looking forward to experience the Tarantino-esque intertwining of the "3 tales forged in bloodshed, laced with magic, and united by revenge."
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flutteragency · 6 months
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