#mabort that thang
segretecose 5 months
i support mpreg but more importantly i support mabortion
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lesbiansanemi 5 months
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I'm convinced you're actually the funniest person I know
LMAO Tbh I don't think of myself as a very funny person, so it's always a little amusing and confusing to me when people say I am, but I will take it
But also I STAND BY IT!!!!! Like truly I have no issue with mpreg as a concept (because in a more serious sense, men can get pregnant so I think treating it like it's this insanely weird/gross thing is Not Great) but I do also think it's a bit funny to make silly little jokes about it in a fandom sense just because of the insane things fandoms do for/with mpreg lmao
But also. So sorry. 95% of the men you are impregnating via fanfic would just simply Not Do That. Sure, he can get pregnant. Is he having that kid? Absolutely not. He realizes he's pregnant and we are immediately Aborting That Thang with no deliberation. Sorry if this throws a wrench in the kid fic plans but I just don't think he would
So yes. I support mpreg. But more importantly I support mabortion. Remember kiddos, it's always an option!
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segretecose 5 months
fernando alonso mpreg
he wouldn't even mabort that thang he would deliberately drive into a wall and let that do the trick
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