#mabinogi hasidim
cllya · 6 years
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I know it wasn’t meant for newbs, at the same time I got sick and tired of all those: just tank it. Use way of the gun, etc. I die in a single hit, two if I have mana shield on and survive as deadly. My main source of the problem was not the crit, it was the damage dealing (lacking in combat skills as I focused on life skills instead) and barely being able to survive a blow. This is written in a hurry because I just don’t want to deal with Hasidim solo ever again, or until I hit lv. 5,000.
Armor-wise I was wearing the Special Newbie Wear Type C. No enchantments. Why not gamyu at least? Because this entire thing is based on dodging and pulling.
Pre Req:
Chain blade (I used beginner’s Chain blade)
Shuriken or gun (store bought, I used shuriken)
* Is absolutely necessary
*Dorcha Mastery (Higher the better)
*Anchor Rush (D+)
*Chain Sweep (F+, back up dodge)
*Chain Impale (Higher the better, main source of dmg)
Divine Shield (You should already have this)
Mana Shield (Back up life)
Enduring Melody (Back up life 2)
Divine Link (Back up life 3)
Crisis Escape (Back up life 4)
Before starting quest:
Make sure Dorcha is at least 3, that’s two dodges at the very least.
Divine link a pet.
Have Chain Blade and either Shuriken or gun equipped.
Use Enduring Melody and mana shield just in case.
Hasidim Pattern:
First is the ever annoying Charge: It uses double charge and if first didn’t kill you, second will certainly summon Nao or get awful close to summoning Nao. Make sure the effects are at the highest and disable mini effects. It will have glowing shining effect on the ground before it.   How to Dodge:    Use Anchor Rush anywhere, preferably towards Hasidim. Make sure to use it twice in case it runs at you twice. This won’t be necessary when you catch it’s hind, but you also never know. Chain Sweep is also another good choice and if you are lucky may cause some damage. However don’t rely on it as it costs 2 dorcha and may backfire due to its long motion.
Swipe: It’s the normal attack. It’ll swipe it’s weapon at around 180 degrees in front. It seems to hit slightly past it’s side at times. Good ol’ Mabinogi.   How to Dodge:    For one, you shouldn’t even be in front of Hasidim if you can help it. There isn’t much warning before it happens and you just have to feel the timing like some rhythm game. Use Anchor Rush to get behind it.
Meteor: When it rains death down upon just you.    How to Dodge:     Use Divine Shield the moment it jumps it’s sassy little ass up in the air. 
Magic Missiles that Slow you Down: You can dodge it all you want, but once it hits one of the Alban Knights dealing 1 dmg, everyone get’s slowed down. Best way to deal with this is just have Anchor Rush ready with a finger on Divine Shield just in case.
Dodging and Pulling
When the quest first starts, move to the side and use Crisis Escape. If you don’t have one, just run away from your Divine Linked pet. It’ll most likely die. Undo the summon and summon your fastest pet on land. Ride it to the edge of the map, ideally towards the broken gate, away from the apostals. Keep Hasidim in view sight and continue to pull.
By the time 2 minute counter is over and ghost boi gives you magical powers, Hasidim should be well away from the Apostals. This will keep them from joining the fight and make things a lot easier. Don’t forget to keep Hasidim in view though, for the next phase.
7 crits. You can achieve this with chain blade, however I find it too slow. I used store bought shuriken to get through this phrase. Just spam attack and it’ll be over in a second. If you end up being caught and drained, just abort mission and start over.
Now Apostals will try to join in. However if you have pulled Hasidim well and away from the well area, they won’t move and join. Keep yourself from going near that area as well. This means no worrying about fireballs and lightening. Apostals will revive on death as well, so it’s better to just avoid them altogether.
Use Anchor Rush to keep behind Hasidim. Make sure Dorcha level stays above 3. Hasidim’s movements are slow so you can use Chain Crush, however I prefer Chain Impale due to it’s short motion.
Then it’s repeating dodge after dodge with keeping up divine link and divine shield now and then. It’s a good idea to keep some mp potions in the short key if using mana shield as Divine Shield requires mana. Another tip is ignore the pet’s death. If it’s dead, don’t bother reviving it or disable the link. Keep the link up for as long as possible for the buff and only summon new after Hasidim has used an attack and you are behind him out of range. Take it slow and easy, trying to cram in more attacks will result in quick death. There is plenty of time as long as you stay near it and don’t waste time reviving either self or pet.
PS- Don’t be afraid of spamming Anchor Rush. It gives you invincibility during most of it’s motion. It saves lives and potions. As such, try to keep Dorcha level 3+.
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