#maaaaybe 2k at Most
raksh-writes · 23 days
Feeling so lazy today, oof, but I did crank out like 3,5k in less than a week, so maybe another day of break (after sunday) could maybe possibly be alright? 😅
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razzek · 5 months
Reading Pern fic and realizing that it's always queen riders or future queen rider Mary Sue type characters who here all dragons and I am now desperate for a green rider with the ability. I know in canon it's rare and has to do with bloodlines and is a women only talent that's maybe twice in a generation. We got Lessa and Ariana (? the gal in Renegades who has such a bad time she avoids dragons) and maaaaybe Moreta (it's been a long time since I read that one). But if it's going to crop up in fanfic and RP constantly, I want to see someone that everybody pins all these expectations onto and they end up riding green to the dismay of all but them. (I love greens, second best dragons to me, only topped by blues which seem to be the only dragon an ace person can ride, but the culture around them and the way their riders are treated is fascinating.) If the green rider in question was a trans man maybe no problems there or nothing would change (though that's a story I'd be interested to read in general, a trans man in canon Pern society riding green, which had to have happened at least twice in their 2k year history). But if you had someone who was being brought up and expected to ride gold and she gets a "crappy" green, the political fallout alone would be fascinating.
Man I wish I had the stamina to write longer fics. I have so many ideas for Pern stuff (most of them horrible; I am somewhat disappointed that purity culture in fandom spaces has kept people from exploring and digging down into the real canon implications that were always present in the books; I understand not wanting to do that on a personal level, but it's disappointing that a lot of writers will avoid it solely for fear of purity assholes coming after them). If Anne herself was allowed to write really shitty attempts at confronting some of this stuff (looking at you, Skies of Pern, ugh) why aren't fans allowed to tackle it honestly and better instead of just pretending it doesn't happen? But on the flip side, where's the exploration of queerness in it’s entirety from fan writers? I've seen trans women green riders and of course lots of gay men, but where my ace blue riders and lesbians and trans men and so many others be at? Aaaanyway....
This became a tangent. tleadr: it's been like 60 years of fanfic and I'm bored of the same old runaway rich girl who hears all dragons becoming a queen rider stories. XD Nothing against that sort of self indulgence, everyone gets to write that kind of wish fulfillment. :) I'm just bored and I wanna read something new but don't have the energy to write it, alas.
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be-the-spark-flyboy · 4 years
Hard Feelings
Call It What You Want (8/?)
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
A/N: this slow burn is annoying even me
Chapter Summary: Thank god for Rey
Warnings: swearing, sed Poe
Word count: ~2k
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It isn’t the ideal weather for a walk but Beebee seems thrilled at the prospect despite the cold. His tiny boot-clad paws pattering alongside Poe, forever his loyal companion. The park isn’t completely void of human traffic, though it’s a lot busier when it is warmer.
Poe finds a seat far enough from the road and the sound of traffic while Beebee happily traipses through the frozen ground looking for stray twigs and running in circles chasing his tail. Poe watches him play, entirely in his own world.
Poe started the day feeling anxious about talking to you. Then he was disappointed that he couldn’t get you to meet up with him. He was mad at himself for kissing you instead of telling you that he broke up with his now ex-girlfriend first. Now after seeing you with Ben is he supposed to be mad at you for letting him kiss you? It hurt seeing you with Ben and all the resentment he felt was directed towards him and not you. 
Who’s to be blamed for this? What was he supposed to do now? How was he supposed to feel? If there was one clear emotion he felt atop of everything else, that would be confusion.
Poe whips out his phone, dialling the one person that could make him feel better. It doesn’t take long for his dad to pick up the phone.
If only there weren’t so many miles between them. The distance isn’t new to him. Poe spent so many years of his life wishing he wasn’t so far from his dad, wishing he could just run to him whenever he wanted to instead of settling for a phone call. But that never stopped him from seeking out comfort from Kes Dameron.
The first question he asks once Poe greets him is, “What’s wrong, Poe?” Looks like nothing escapes his dad’s notice. Is he that transparent? It must be the years of experience dealing with his constant moods over the phone. Poe sighs, rubbing his temples with his free hand.
“Nothing. It’s just, there’s just a lot going on,” he answers. “How are you?” Kes recognizes the weariness in his son’s voice right away. It isn’t the first time he’s hearing it. 
“I’m fine, just had lunch,” Kes begins to tell him about his day then quickly launches into a story about how a few people from his work covered his coworker’s car with post-it notes as a prank a few days ago.
His voice feels like a warm embrace in the unforgiving cold. Suddenly Poe is taken back to his childhood home, sitting by the fireplace watching with rapt attention as his father spun tales about anything and everything.
In his presence, nothing could harm him. Nothing could stand against Kes Dameron’s dogged determination to make his loved ones happy. The events of his day slowly become a distant memory in Poe’s mind as he laughs along with his dad.
“Better now?” Kes asks after a while.
“Yeah, thanks dad,” He did feel better.
“You still don’t wanna talk about it?”
“Not right now, no,” Maybe not ever, he thinks. Would it be so bad to just forget about everything?
“I’m here if there’s anything you need, okay?” Kes offers. His words bring a smile to Poe’s face.
“I know dad, I love you,” Not the worse day. He’s had worse before, he was fine.
Beebee nudges his feet as he hangs up, bored of playing with stray twigs by himself. Or maybe he was just cold. Poe lifts the corgi onto his lap, tucking him into his jacket, his head adorably jutting out. Beebee headbutts him on the chin.
“Looks like I need a shave, huh?” Poe asks him. “Actually, I think I’m gonna let it grow out a bit more,” He says, running his palm over his face, the light stubble grazing against his palm. Beebee looks up at him, tilting his head to one side as if he was pondering it.
“You think that’s a good idea?” Beebee lets out a small yip in response. “Yeah? Okay, then. I guess we’re growing a beard,”
Poe never texted you after. It had been a few days since the kiss you really wanted to forget about but couldn’t. But you still needed to talk to Poe. You didn’t want to avoid him forever, neither could you pretend like nothing happened especially after running out of the house like that. You figured that he’d want to meet you some other time but he never texted again. 
You think about asking Rey about him when she comes over in a few minutes. She’d help you. But you’d have to tell her about kissing Poe, assuming Poe hadn’t already told the two of them, which seemed impossible. 
You use the remaining few minutes to tidy up a few things around the house, trying not to think too hard about anything. It was just Rey, she is your friend, she will help you. 
At the sound of the doorbell, Jessika springs up from her seat to get to the door. “Rey!” You hear them enthusiastically embrace, having not seen each other since the new year's party.
“We getting pizza, or do you guys want something else?” You ask and you get a chorus of agreement as a reply.
“I got us some wine,” Rey grins, pulling out two bottles from her bag.
Two hours and two large pizzas later, the three of you sit squeezed together in the couch, a movie droning in the background that none of you pays attention to. The alcohol draws more giggles from you as you sip wine from ceramic mugs, well into the second bottle by the time you finish your dinner.
Jessika animatedly recounts the story of how she saw the most attractive person in the world in the coffee shop that morning. Having already heard that particular story always twice, your attention slips away to your earlier dilemma. The wine certainly boosts your confidence ‘cause you’re sure you never would’ve gotten the words out if you were sober, but you dive headfirst into the question without any warning.
“Did Poe, um, tell you anything about the other night?” You hesitantly ask her just as Jessika finishes her story, absentmindedly picking at a thread on the blanket. “You know when you were at the dentist and I came over?”
“Before you say anything, I need to tell you that Poe broke up with Sarah weeks ago,” Rey interrupts you before you start on a downward spiral talking a million miles per hour. She’s glad you brought it up, because how was she supposed to ask you if you kissed her childhood best friend/ roommate?
You remain eerily silent for the while after whispering an oh at the revelation. Weeks ago? Long before he kissed you. Why didn’t he just tell you that? Oh, wait, because you ran out of the house after that and avoided him. You certainly owe him an apology.
Normally Rey is content sitting back and watching the drama unfold in people’s lives around her. But this was two people she really cares about, running circles around each other. Technically, meddling is justified if the parties involved were both dumbasses, right? And the only possible way to do that was to throw all the facts out in the open, hoping it would clear some things for you and at the same time try not exposing Poe too much.
“The guys saw you and Ben the other day at the diner. They had to leave before they could say hi, though,” Rey tells you.
“Oh,” That was something you didn’t expect her to say. “You know Ben?” You ask voicing out the first question in your mind.
“Yeah, he’s Poe’s godmother’s son,”
“Oh!” You suddenly exclaim. “He is Ben. It’s the same person! Ben Solo is Leia Organa’s son?” Rey nods laughing at your surprise. “I didn’t think he was that Ben, you know because they don’t have the same last name,”
“Are you dating him?” She asks.
“What? No. We’re just friends,”
“She’s not dating Ben, she’s meant to be with Poe!” Jessika cries out, dramatically flopping over the backrest
“Shut up, Jess,” you groan as Rey joins her, cackling. A thought hits you from nowhere all of a sudden. One you don’t like all that much.
“Does Poe think I’m with Ben?” Rey answers with a high-pitched, drawn-out, ‘maaaaybe?’ and you want to crash your head against the greasy pizza box. “I’m too sober for this,” You settle for draining the remaining wine from your cup instead.
“Why do they hate each other that much anyway?” You ask after a while. Sure, Poe mentioned some childhood animosity between him and Ben. But it looked like it was much more than that.
“Oh honey, you need more wine for that,” Jessika pours more into your cup, refilling hers and Rey’s as well. Of course, Jess would know. You would’ve asked if you weren’t too busy trying to stomp down your feelings for Poe.
“Sarah cheated on Poe with Ben,” Rey casually responds.
You splutter into your cup, almost choking on the liquid. “What?” Rey nods solemnly.
That was just great. Now you have to explain to the guy you like that you are not dating the guy whom his ex cheated on him with. And Ben. What was he thinking?
“How did that happen?” You ask.
“Well, it was early in their relationship,” Rey shrugs. “She convinced Poe not to dump her sorry ass after that,”
“Jesus,” You breathe. No wonder everyone hates her so much. “Oh god, what do I do now?”
“Stop that,” Snap nudges Poe who ignored him and continues to click his pen incessantly against his notebook. “You’re fucking annoying, what’s the matter with you today?” Poe tosses his pen on the table.
“It’s nothing,” He replies half heartedly. Snap knows that isn’t the case. He knew the last time his mood was this sour. But he was no longer dating Sarah, so...
“Is it Ben again?” Poe’s eyes immediately flicks up to the man in question sitting a few rows before him, shooting a withering glare to the back of his head. That is answer enough for Snap.
“What did he do this time?” The question comes from behind Poe this time as Kare leans forward between the two of them.
“It’s none of your business, Kare,” Snap tries to shoo her away. “And you two should pay attention, I’m not sharing my notes with you again,”
“Shut up, I’m not talking to you,” She waves him off, directing her attention back to Poe as Snap rolls his eyes at her. Poe angles himself to face her as he tells them both about what he saw at the diner. 
“That doesn’t really mean she like him, right? She kissed you,” Snap interrupts.
“I thought you were paying attention to the lecture?” Kare snaps at him.
“Shut up, I’m not talking to you,” Children, Poe thinks.
“She was wearing his jacket,” He continues, ignoring their bickering. “And she blew me off to go get lunch with him,” he shrugs. “It adds up,”
“Do ya’ll mind? Some of us come here to study,” Hux sharply interrupts from beside him, looking down his nose at the three of them. Signature sneer on his pasty face.
“Sorry Hugs,” Poe drawls, turning to the front.
He manages a few productive minutes of actually paying attention before his phone chimes in his pocket earning another glare from Hux. He rolls his eyes, pulling his phone from his pocket to switch it to silent. Then the notification catches his eyes. You texted him. Curiosity gets the best of him and he opens it.
Hey, sorry I couldn’t make It for lunch the other day. Would you like to go today?
Did he want to anymore? He had half a mind to blow you off. That may be a little petty but it definitely sounded appealing. Poe places his phone back in his pocket. He’ll just text you after class.
The Dameron taglist (open): @writefightandflightclub @arkofblake @yougottakeeponkeepinon @multifandomlife22 @skymerons @smol-peter-parker @rae-rae-patcha @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @spider-starry @hkmultifandom @cloud-leader @elmoakepoke @staringmoony @valhallavalkyrie9 @the-cry-of-youth @liadamerondjarin @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @takemepedropascal @xremember-me-notx @softly-sad @loserbelle @littleeuphoriaelf @missmadwoman @gottalovethefandom @seejayyou
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chickenfreeblog · 4 years
im sorry i know you don't like sappy shit but i want to tell you im so proud of you!!! you wrote 90k words?! it's literally the length of an actual novel! and you posted it all for free? and most importantly it's such an amazing story with such an unique style!!! thank you for sharing it with us <3 i've been following basically since the start and the wait between chapters almost killed me but it was so worth it, i cant wait to sit and reread it all from start to finish!
thank you for reading buddy!!! 🥺🥺🥺 i’ve always been such an anxious baby about writing and the fact that i wrote 90k is Wild??? when i first started i thought it was gonna be like 2k,,,, and then maaaaybe 10k,,, and then andrea had to patiently explain to me that it would be 30 chapters while i made high pitched wailing noises lmao. it’s bewildering but i’m honestly really excited that i can say that i did it now 💖💖
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junker-town · 7 years
7 can’t-miss sports events to watch this weekend
Kentucky Derby! And playoffs! And more playoffs! Also, other stuff!
One week removed from the NFL draft, the sports this weekend are once again about ... sports! People will be playing them instead of talking about them — and horses are doing sports, too!
The horses are off at 6:46p.m. ET on Saturday if you just want to watch the most exciting two minutes in sports, but the Kentucky Derby is an all-day event if you dream big.
Watch it on NBC. We’ll be rooting for Patch!
Patch the horse has one eye and a Twitter account (@PatchHorse). He's also in the Kentucky Derby. http://pic.twitter.com/UBPmd7qjbj
— SB Nation (@SBNation) May 5, 2017
Oh, and here’s a super secret (and simple!) mint julep recipe, too.
In honor of the Kentucky Derby, here's a super-secret Mint Julep recipe! http://pic.twitter.com/QjoFMmzuII
— SB Nation (@SBNation) May 5, 2017
Do y’all like playoff basketball? There is playoff basketball! Sunday is the big day and it’s headlined by the Celtics and Wizards — who legit do not like each other! Only ‘90s kids will remember the NBA being like this.
The Celtics and Wizards are bringing beef back
A post shared by SB Nation (@sbnation) on May 5, 2017 at 8:35am PDT
Spurs at Rockets, Game 3, Friday, 9:30 p.m. ET on ESPN
Warriors at Jazz, Game 3, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. ET on ABC
Cavs at Raptors, Game 4, Sunday, 3:30 p.m. ET on ABC
Celtics at Wizards, Game 4, Sunday, 6:30 p.m. ET on TNT — if you only watch one of these, watch this one.
Spurs at Rockets, Game 4, Sunday, 9:00 p.m. ET on TNT
From SB Nation hockey writer Pat Iversen: The NHL game to watch has to be Pittsburgh at Washington on Saturday night. Down 3-1, the Caps have to win Game 5 to keep their season alive and avoid yet another playoff disappointment and a potential roster shake-up.
Oilers at Ducks, Game 5, Friday, 10:30 p.m. ET on NBCS
Rangers at Senators, Game 5, Saturday, 3:00 p.m. ET on NBCS
Penguins at Capitals, Game 5, Saturday, 7:15 p.m. ET on NBC — if you only watch a little hockey, try this!
Blues at Predators, Game 6, Sunday, 3:00 p.m. ET on NBC
Ducks at Oilers, Game 6, Sunday, 7:00 p.m. ET on NBCS
From SB Nation’s soccer editor, Kevin McCauley: Watch Sounders-Toronto FC! This is a rematch of last season's MLS Cup final, and both teams got better during the winter. Seattle and Toronto both expect to challenge for the title again this season, and they both have better attackers than defenders — so expect goals.
Seattle Sounders vs. Toronto FC, Saturday, 3 p.m. ET on ESPN
The Yankees and Cubs are playing each other, so that’s fresh and new. Plus, as SI points out, it’s a battle to decide who MLB’s official Large Adult Son is. Wonderful!
Yankees at Cubs, Sunday, 8:08 p.m. ET on ESPN
(6) GOLF!
From SB Nation’s golf editor, Brendan Porath: The Wells Fargo Championship is one of the better non-major tournaments on the PGA Tour. The field includes Phil Mickelson and Dustin Johnson, who is making his first start since he fell down some stairs in Augusta and had to miss the Masters. It’s a good field, interesting new course, and a perfect tuneup before next week’s Players Championship, the game’s “5th major.”
Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 2:30 p.m ET on Golf Channel then 3 to 6 p.m. ET on CBS
From SB Nation’s associate editor Louis Bien: “The Giro d'Italia is like the Tour de France but better. It is one of cycling's three "Grand Tours" along with the Tour and the Vuelta a Espana. Unlike the Tour, however, Chris Froome isn't in it, which means it may actually have an exciting finish. The 21-stage race begins Friday, and through Sunday riders will trace the coast of Sardinia. Wake up early (Italy is six hours ahead of Eastern time) and take in views like this, and this, aaaand this, all while you sip your Italian roast.
“The later stages will mountainous and treacherous. Last year, the race leader, Steven Kruijswijk, lost when he crashed at the peak of a blustery, snowy climb. He's back, along with many of cycling's youngest and hungriest riders.
“Oh, and the winner after three weeks gets a pretty pink bicycle.”
Stage 2 Giro d'Italia, Saturday, stage start at 5:55 a.m. ET on fubo.tv (it has a 7-day free trial!)
Stage 3 Giro d'Italia, Sunday, stage start at 7:35 a.m. ET on fubo.tv
You can also follow along on SB Nation’s very good cycling blog Podium Cafe
Spencer Hall explains what the Future of Football will look like.
Mike Prada is in D.C., where the Wizards are finally capturing the city’s attention.
James Harden had the best offensive season ever. Yes, ever. http://pic.twitter.com/JampksN6Q3
— SB Nation (@SBNation) May 3, 2017
Aanu Adeoye wrote about Sully Muntari’s ban, another disgrace for Italian soccer.
Grant Brisbee on the Red Sox and Manny Machado, and the violence inherent in baseball.
Dayana Sarkisova lays out the case that maaaaybe Lavar Ball is a basketball shoe genius.
Kofie Yeboah built an NBA 2K team out of old people to see if they’d made the playoffs. How did he get this amazing job?
Could you win an NFL player's friendship in a day?@wbuik had the chance with @Eagles linebacker @JordanHicks ... and it got awkward. http://pic.twitter.com/N4JEk9fZoG
— SB Nation (@SBNation) May 2, 2017
You don’t have to be in Kentucky to celebrate the derby. Put on a fancy hat and some silly clothes and go have fun outside or on your couch.
This is probably the only weekend of the year that football isn’t somehow dominating. Please savor it.
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