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j3rryth0mp50n · 2 years ago
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Spaghetti Gang 🤌 #t5customkydex #t5militia #concealedcarry #ltt #beretta #m9a3 #m9a1 #trijicon #sro #getoutandtrain https://www.instagram.com/p/CqI7USVL8IG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ktamina · 7 months ago
My fav Sid #0 masks : US M9a1 NBC
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u can request ur fav mask in my asks box ♡
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scrapyardparadise · 7 months ago
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I've used this shading method before but I don't think I've used it in a standalone piece. Homura because i felt like drawing her.
Honestly, I feel I get better results not bothering with colour. Or is this laziness?
...in hindsight I should've just stuck with giving her an M9A1 instead of the Desert Eagle. Always thought the Deagle was a bit ridiculous.
Commissions | More Art!
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rockyp77mk3 · 1 year ago
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US Soldiers grab M9 Rifle Grenades (or M9A1) from a trailer in Malmedy Belgium during the opening days of the German Offensive during the Battle of the Bulge - December 1944.
Life Magazine.
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cenorii · 9 months ago
About guns…
Maybe I love guns too much.
Here I will tell you about Wesker's guns, and there's a bonus at the bottom.
In re5 Wesker uses two guns. One is his main one, this is Samurai Edge, the second is a backup, and he is unknown. But I assumed it was a modified Beretta 92FS or Beretta M9A1 (leaning towards the former).
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Wesker's spare gun is only used in the airplane scene, where he has two different guns for some reason. Funny moment: during the game, when he shoots at the player from Samurai Edge, this is his regular version without modifications. But it is in the airplane that this gun has a laser designator. A mistake?
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In re4r Wesker uses the XM96E1 gun, it's a modified version of the Beretta 96 Vertec Inox. I originally thought the backup 92FS from re5 was the prototype for the XM96E1, but upon closer inspection I realized it wasn't.
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In re4og, Wesker's weapon is a standard handgun, which is also available to Leon and has the name "Silver Ghost", Wesker uses it in Umbrella Chronicles complete with a silencer. In the remake, this gun was changed and is now called "SG-09R", Wesker cannot use it, he was lucky enough to get something of his own, his XM96E1. Although it's a pity that it's not Samurai Edge. The game versions of the Silver Ghost and SG-09R are based on the real H&K USP, with the addition of parts from several other H&K guns.
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There is a misconception that Wesker's XM96E1 is one of the prototypes for the final version of the "Albert System Weapon" guns, but this is not the case. The guns from this series (Samurai Edge AWModel01) are based on the Beretta 92FS, while the XM96E1 is based on the Beretta 96 Vertec Inox. There are similarities, and it is the similarities that make people get confused about these guns.
Bonus: during the Re Showcase (January 2021), the first version of the Deluxe Edition was shown, in which we can see that initially "Samurai Edge AWModel01" was called "Albert01 Chris". By the release of the game, it was renamed Samurai Edge AWModel01 to match the name from re7. However… this is a strange phenomenon. They planned to change the name of this pistol for the re8, hinting that it mattered, but then they abandoned it. What could it mean?
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suzdin · 1 year ago
Two For One: Ch. 3
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Part One | Part Two
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, pre-vampire Max, pre-Equalizer 2 Dave, familial drama and angst, mentions of drug use/abuse, fingering, oral (f receiving), spitting, oral (m receiving), dom!Dave, soft!Dave, dom!Max, unprotected p in v, degradation, choking, voyeurism.
Word Count: 10k+
Notes: I don’t even know. Max is an asshole as usual but also kind of sweet at one point, Dave is his normal creepy self but that’s why we love him. Reader has a magical vagina apparently
Dave barely slept without you next to him.
He could still smell you on his sheets, his skin. It was driving him insane, his proximity to you. So close yet so far. There were several times he debated getting out of bed and going to you, but he willed himself to stay. Dave knew he wasn’t a good man—a fucked up man, even—but there were lines even he wouldn’t cross.
Still, dreaming about sneaking into your apartment in the middle of the night to fuck you senseless was making him hard as ever. You made him feel young again.
He settled for fucking his hand to the video he took of you instead, hot tendrils of spend soaking his stomach as he honed in on the faces you made, listening to your pretty noises. It was nowhere near as good as the real you, but it was all he could do to alleviate the ache, the constant yearning he felt.
He wakes early the next day. Before sunrise. He knew you were unlikely to be up at this hour, so he tries to preoccupy himself with packing for the trip, neatly arranging his clothes in a small weekend bag, packing a smaller separate bag for toiletries. Lastly, in its own case, his trusty Beretta M9A1, which he tucks into the larger of the two bags.
He sips on a cup of tea, extra strong, his head fuzzy from only having gotten a couple of hours of consistent sleep at best. He googles the hours of your coffee shop, uncertain if you would even be there, to find it doesn’t open for another hour and a half.
He settles for walking to the 24 hour store on the corner and purchasing a can of Monster, toying with his phone, wondering if he should try messaging you despite how early it is. As he’s rounding the corner back to his building, glancing up at your window which is still dark, he finagles his phone out of his pocket and opens his texts.
There’s already one there from you, a simple “Hey”, when you’d texted him last night so he would have your number. It tugs at his chest seeing the lone message.
Dave: Morning. You up?
He hits send and instantly chastises himself for being so needy. It’s done now, though. Nothing he can do about it. He’ll worry about it later.
He goes back to his apartment and chugs the cocktail of pure sugar and caffeine, tossing the can into the trash, but it does little to curb his exhaustion, only elevating his heart rate. Finished packing, and complete with his intel gathering on Jonathan for the time being, he isn’t sure what else he can do before he needs to leave for Virginia. He can, of course, depart early, leaving nothing to the fate of traffic and other unknowns. But he doesn’t like that idea. He would much rather see you.
He starts to think of last night again, his dick hard again, and he grunts, annoyed with his never ending horniness at this point.
He tries to ignore his slew of persistent thoughts by turning on the TV to watch the early morning news, slumping into his couch and propping his feet up on the coffee table. The weatherman is currently reciting the 10-day forecast. Supposed to be nice weather into next week. That’s good news, Dave thinks.
He leans back and makes himself comfortable, rubbing his ever present erection over his pants, trying to take his mind off of you. He doesn’t want to jerk off again. He wants the next time he cums to be with you. In you.
“Jesus,” he mumbles to himself, wiping his eyes.
He checks his phone even though he’s sure you haven’t responded. Still nothing. He frowns and tosses the offending piece of technology onto the couch and shuts his eyes.
With your face the last image in his mind’s eye, Dave drifts off.
He startles himself awake, sleep deprived brain in a panic, concerned that he’s running late, concerned that he missed his window to see you.
He checks his phone for the time, breathing a sigh of relief. It’s only been half an hour, but it feels like he slept for half a century.
There’s also no texts from you. You’re probably still asleep. But part of him also worries that you’re dodging him.
He cards a hand through his hair, groaning in frustration. He needs to shower. And then he needs to eat. Food is the last thing on his mind right now, though. The only sustenance he wants—needs—is you.
It’s just after 5 AM. He could get in another cat nap in, if he wanted, but he’s worried he might not get so lucky a second time. He decides not to risk it, urging himself to get off the sofa and into the shower.
As he strips down to bare skin, stiff cock springing free, he can’t stop thinking about how the wet press of your body would feel against his. How you would feel sandwiched between himself and the shower wall as he drives himself into you over and over until your throat is raw from screaming his name.
He wishes you were here.
The edges of consciousness start to blink into existence. You can see sunlight filtering through the flesh of your closed eyelids, hear the distant sounds of the city that drift in through the window by your bed. You hear a dog barking somewhere and the grind of a garbage truck a block down.
And then another noise, foreign to your ears, breaking through the song of the city and the fog of your mind: a loud, aggressive buzzing from somewhere inside your apartment.
What the fuck?
You jerk awake, early morning sun too bright to your sleep-wasted eyes, and the buzzing is bellowing at you again, making your head throb. You grumble in aggravation.
You scramble out of bed, tripping over your comforter as you do so, to locate the source of the invasive sound. It doesn’t take you long to find it, a bronze panel on the wall with a speaker and button by the door that you’ve largely ignored until now, thinking it was defunct when the landlord never took the time to explain it to you.
You go over to it, cautiously depressing the button under your finger, mumbling a sleepy, and slightly irritated, “Hello?”
There’s the faint scratch of static and then a voice, tinny and distorted, but clear enough to understand and recognize: “Hey. Sorry if I woke you. It’s Dave.” His tone is apologetic.
You blink, rubbing your eyes. What time is it? Why is he here?
“It’s okay. Morning, Dave.”
There’s a pause. Then: “I brought you some breakfast. Can I come up for a minute?”
You let go of the button and sigh. You should really say no, but he went through the trouble of getting you something—your people pleasing nature rearing its ugly head once again—even though you were just going to eat the baklava you both forgot about last night for breakfast.
You press the button again. “Yeah, sure. I don’t think I have a way to buzz you in so I’ll be right down…” you say.
“No, no, it’s okay, I see someone coming down now,” Dave responds, followed by more static and what you think is shuffling. “What’s your unit number?”
It’s all a ruse on his part, of course, because he already knows the unit number and no one is actually coming. But he has to make it believable. He has to see you, take care of you—in more ways than one.
Before he left his apartment, he pocketed a piece of technology left over from his CIA days, a small spy camera roughly the size of a golf tee. Part of himself thinks he should feel guilty for even considering what he’s about to do. It was an invasion of privacy, surely, something most often reserved for criminals and terrorists. You were neither—far from it—but he knows he needs to keep you in his sights as often as possible. He’ll go mad if he doesn’t. Especially while he’s gone.
“Be right up,” he replies when you give your unit, tapping in the door code from memory and letting himself into the building.
He clutches the bag with your everything bagel and bottle of orange juice and heads up the stairs. He deliberated on getting you a coffee, but considering where you work, you probably have your own coffee at home, so he settled on orange juice for the vitamin C to cure the undoubted hangover you surely have.
He reaches the landing and finds you already standing in the doorway of your apartment, waiting for him, a cigarette already perched between your fingers, smoke curling to the ceiling.
You’re not exactly dressed to impress in your dark blue camisole, pink plaid pajama bottoms, fuzzy black slippers and sky blue house robe covered in fluffy white clouds. Your hair is a rat’s nest and everything about you screams disheveled and just rolled out of bed, barely having the energy to shower last night and then going to sleep with wet hair, but Dave slows when his gaze lands on you, taking in the full sight of you. Forcing himself to maintain composure.
“Hey,” he says quietly, a warm smile pooling across his face.
“Hey,” you offer back, mirroring his smile. You can’t help it—he looks good—damn good—in his slate gray tee and black sweatpants that don’t leave a lot of room for interpretation.
You blush feverishly and he responds in kind, averting his gaze and rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. The audacity of this man to act bashful after what he did to you. Your stomach flutters full of butterflies.
“Is that Sal’s?” you query, pointing at the bag and diverting your wandering thoughts. “I love them!” You’re pretty sure Sal’s is one of the first places you ever noticed Dave.
“Yeah. Everything bagel with extra cream cheese,” he responds. “I’ve overheard you order it before. I hope that isn’t weird.”
Maybe it is a little weird, but it’s fine. At least he pays attention. Jonathan lived with you for months and still couldn’t remember a damn thing you liked.
“No, I think it’s sweet. Thanks,” you say, taking the bag from him and peeking inside.
“And orange juice for vitamin C and hydration. Good for a hangover,” Dave points out, hooking one corner of his lips into a lopsided grin.
You smile at Dave. You aren’t sure if you should ask him in or what the custom even is for a situation where you just met a guy and he fucked you into another dimension.
Your head adjusts slightly and you meet his gaze. A look is shared between the two of you—Dave giving you the same look he gave you last night, dark eyes and tightly pursed lips—arousal sparking hot between your legs as your mind starts to replay all the events from the previous evening. A blaze licks through you like unchecked wildfire.
Dave takes a tentative step towards you at roughly the same time Mrs. Tobin’s door starts to click open over his shoulder, your eyes going wide as you gather a handful of his shirt and yank him into your apartment, quickly shutting the door behind you before she can see the cigarette still smoldering in your hand, ash slowly flitting to the floor in a rush of movement.
You start to tell Dave that the old bitch has already reported you for smoking in the building, but the words don’t have a moment to leave your mouth, broad hands spanning your waist to walk you backwards, lips crashing into yours as you both share a desperate moan.
You grunt into Dave’s mouth when you feel the kitchen counter collide with your ass, still very much sore from the night before. He plucks the cigarette and bag from your hands, snuffing the carcinogenic stick out in the sink next to you and placing the bag on the counter for you to indulge later.
He undoes the binds of your robe to let it splay open, hands slithering around to your backside to cup both cheeks in his hands, kneading, pulling you apart.
You keen in reverence of his touch. You and Dave are an incendiary mix, fire meeting gasoline, your only time spent together so far a need to be so close your fibers might as well be fused at the seams.
“I missed this ass,” Dave whispers, giving it a small slap. “Couldn’t sleep because of it.” Because of you. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get over being the first to pop your ass cherry and how well you took it.
He kisses you again, tongue dragging the cavern of your mouth, lashing against your own. You don’t even give it much thought as you slip your arm down the front of his pants to find he isn’t wearing anything under his sweats, hips bucking into your clutches as your fingers circle and stroke his shaft.
“Fuck,” he pants into your mouth. “I don’t have much time.” His eyes drill into yours, wild and chaotic, lips parted in a savage, carnal snarl. He should have been on the road fifteen minutes ago, but he couldn’t resist leaving without seeing you. Especially not now.
“We need to be fast, then,” you suggest, and that’s all the confirmation he needs. He removes your robe and lets it fall to the floor, fingers digging into the sensitive meat of your ass as he lifts you up to carry you to the bed.
You link your legs around his waist and hold onto his wide shoulders to steady yourself as he carries you, your back making contact with the mattress a moment later.
He rips your pajama bottoms down your legs, revealing that you, too, are not wearing any underwear.
“Prettiest fucking cunt I’ve ever seen,” he surmises, spreading you open, bending down to spit directly onto your sex. He doesn’t have a lot of time to prepare you, but he needs to give you something, gliding two of his fingers through the mixture of your arousal and his spittle, pressing said thick digits into your opening, pumping.
“Do you remember the safe word?” Dave asks you.
“Yes,” you say quietly. Your tunnel tightens around his fingers, sucking him in, your body already in pursuit of relief.
He lands a sharp smack to the top of your cunt with a growl, your walls squeezing even harder around his fingers. “Say it. And address me as sir.”
“F-foxglove, s-sir,” you reply, your voice wavering. He rewards you by curling his fingers against your sensitive patch of nerves, making you keen.
“Atta girl. Are you ready to take me?”
“Dave—I mean, sir—I have condoms
He stretches an arm over you to slap a breast, this time. The sensitive one that he did a number on last night, causing you to choke on a gasp, your core flooding with arousal at the rush of pain.
“That’s not what I asked, sweetheart. Our rules from last night still stand. You need to trust me.” He deliberately slows his fingers, bringing them nearly to a stop as he looks up at you with not-quite-innocent, expansive brown eyes, awaiting your answer.
“Yes sir. I’m ready to take you, sir,” you acquiesce, rubbing your sensitive breast. He doesn’t reprimand you this time.
He pulls his fingers from you and stands, sliding the sweat pants down his legs and kicking them out of the way, revealing smooth, well muscled thighs; engorged sex flared red and weeping.
He spreads your legs apart and doesn’t give you any additional time to ready yourself, notching himself at your entrance and then shoving himself forward all the way until he bottoms out, exhaling a long breath as he does so, hips shuddering with pleasure.
He fills you in ways you didn’t think were possible, flaying you apart, making you feel every last centimeter of his length and girth, even with the initial shallow gyrations of his hips.
“Shit,” he rumbles, leaning onto his calves so he can watch you swallow him. “So good at taking me, sweet girl.”
He could watch you like this all day, split open and keening on his cock, but time is a mournfully pressing issue. He lifts your legs to rest your calves against the wide breadth of his shoulders, parting you even more as he wastes no time in breaking into an unrelenting sprint.
It sends you spiraling, the small of your back coming off the mattress with a loud cry that vibrates your lungs.
“Touch yourself,” he commands. “Make yourself cum.”
You don’t need to be told twice. Your hand finds your swollen clit just shy of the press of your bodies, gathering some slick on the pads of your fingers, circling the sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Still so sore,” you plead, your fingers flicking lightly between your legs. “Don’t know if I can, sir.”
Dave clicks his tongue. “I don’t care. You will cum for me. Or I’ll flip you over and fuck that sweet ass of yours again if you don’t,” he threatens, causing your asshole to pucker at the mere mention. “Make you leak my cum two days in a row.”
“N-no,” you mumble, your words rising and falling with every hard slam of his hips. “Please don’t.”
“Then cum for me,” he snarls, the bridge of his nose creased in a sneer, bottom lip jutted outward in concentration. He slaps one side of your hip to aggregate his point. “Cum on my cock or I’m filling your ass again.” His dick thrums just at the thought.
Your fingers move faster, circling and strumming at your clit, a definite sting of discomfort ever present but fading gradually as your pleasure begins to build, the tell tale sensation growing deep in your core. You never thought of yourself as a person to enjoy pain, or being so carelessly manhandled, yet here you are.
“Oh, Dave…” you whine, cupping your unmarked breast with your other hand, rolling the nipple between your fingers.
His grueling pace doesn’t falter. Your noises are driving him to the brink and he isn’t sure how much longer he can hold out, but he wants you to cum. Needs you to cum.
He’s poised on his knees, gripping handfuls of your upper thighs, slamming into you as deftly and expeditiously as he can manage at his age, with a back destroyed by years of hard physical labor.
You let out a high pitched moan and he grunts, fingernails digging into your flesh, leaving behind tiny pink crescent moons of himself there. Another stake in his claim to you.
“Alright baby, alright baby. Come on now. Cum for me.” His voice is soft and deep, eyes trained on your face. He can feel your walls tightening around him, and he knows you’re close.
The tight coil in your lower abdomen unfurls and your climax suddenly works its way through you, a cry rolling from your lips, back arching as you clamp down and strangle him, sucking him deeper. He growls, guttural and worshipping, as you peak.
He rears back to spit on you, a hot globule of saliva landing on your stomach and pooling in the hollow divot of your belly button.
“That’s right, you fucking whore, fuck— sit up and open your mouth,” he snarls in a deep timbre from the depths of his chest.
He doesn’t give you a moment to respond or even comprehend, pulling out of you and yanking you upright to the edge of the bed, digging his fingers into your hair at the base of your skull to pull your mouth onto him, and you part your lips subserviently.
He presses the slick, engorged head to your lips and pushes himself forward into your mouth. He’s so girthy, stretching you beyond what you’re used to, but you let your muscles slacken, everything relaxing to better accept him.
He groans and pushes deeper, a trek through the wet heat of your mouth, holding your head in place as he finds his way.
“That’s it, sweet girl, open up for me—“
He begins to thrust, shallow at first, working you apart centimeter by centimeter. He reaches the back of your throat and it is a struggle not to gag, tears breaking at the rims of your eyes, but you push through it, exhaling through your nostrils as you peer up at him through your lashes.
His hand finds the outer bend of your throat, collaring you, gripping snugly as he begins to rut faster, feeling himself moving in your esophagus in the cradle of his hand. It’s all too much, too much and somehow not enough to diminish his never ending thirst for you, cock twitching and balls pulling tight in his scrotum as he starts to empty himself down your throat with a loud groan, panting your name on his lips.
He keeps you there for several moments longer, everything from the waist down shivering and shuddering with exertion, until he starts to grow soft between your lips. His cock slips wet and heavy from your mouth, a thin line of spittle connecting and then breaking as he moves away.
He falls into bed next to you to catch his breath, landing on his back, one large hand settling on your thigh as he shields his eyes from the rays of sunlight with the other. “Thank you,” he says quietly, broad chest rising and falling with every breath.
You tilt your head at him. “No, thank you,” you counter.
You look down at Dave, the sharp cut of his jaw and plush lips peeking out from beneath his hand. An unexpected scorch of anxiety moves through you as it occurs to you that you’re liking Dave a little too much and too quickly, making you feel nothing but unsettled, your stomach doing flip flops. You don’t want a repeat of Jonathan.
“I should, um. Go clean myself up,” you say, pushing yourself off the bed. Dave’s hand slides from your thigh with a heavy thud against the mattress, and he watches you go, disconcerted at your apparent and sudden unease. But knowing this is likely his only chance to plant the camera, he lets you go.
“I’ll join you in a second,” he calls out. As soon as you disappear into the bathroom, he slowly scoots off the bed, quietly as he can to not arouse suspicion. He hears the creak of a faucet being turned and water spilling out.
He rises to his feet and glances around. Your apartment looks as much as he imagined it would, faded blue walls with a few pictures hung of what appears to be family, along with several pieces of art. You seem to like dark and semi-abstract, one of the larger pieces a bloody skull on a black background, daisies placed in the skull’s eye sockets, paint strokes appearing to be scratched together with a palette knife rather than an actual brush.
It stirs something in his soul, if he has one. He is the skull and you are the flowers. He steps closer for further examination but doesn’t see an artist signature anywhere. Did you paint this? Did your ex?
His jaw ticks.
You have a few plants in the window sill, some of them thriving and some not. The apartment is cluttered and unkempt but not trashy. You aren’t as fastidious as Dave, but he likes that about you. It compliments him, balances him out. He notices a few empty bottles of alcohol in the trash bin next to the kitchen.
He dips to grab his pants where the camera is stowed, reaching into the pocket to grab it as he continues to look for an optimal location. And then he finds one: a bent slat in the vent by your window, which directly faces the bed. The gap is just wide enough to slip the camera in between.
He moves to the vent and tucks the camera inside, between the slats, the lens pointed directly at your headboard. He maneuvers it into place until he’s satisfied with its placement, hoping it will stay put. He’ll be able to control it from both his phone and his computer.
As he turns to join you in the bathroom, he notices your own laptop propped precariously on a folding table in the corner, screen open to what appears to be a word document, cursor still visibly flashing. A work in progress of sorts. Curiosity gets the better of him and he moves over to the screen, bending to read the words written there:
Raye found herself in what appeared to be a pasture, grass as high as her chest, which was bathed in a gentle pouring of pale golden moonlight. Her shirt clung to her sweat-damp skin and her chest heaved with effort, legs pumping as quickly as she could move them, propelling her forward into the tall grass.
She was alone as far as she could tell. No cows or horses that she could discern, nothing that could act as possible interference for the creature in pursuit. No buildings in sight. Only a line of trees in the nearby distance, and swarms of june bugs that smacked into her face and body as she ran.
She knew there must be a road somewhere beyond the trees. She had gotten lost after running out of gas in the middle of her road trip down south, turning down the wrong kind of country road in the middle of Louisiana at night, which had landed her smack dab in the middle of the woods, her bearings and sense of direction scrambled, the thing chasing her still snapping at her heels. She had only glimpsed the massive animal for a split second before she bolted, her instincts telling her to run.
And then the inevitable happened. Her foot found a well in the soil, her momentum so great that she tumbled ass over teakettle into the dirt and grass, a cry of pain escaping her lungs as her shoulder made contact with the hard packed earth.
She only had a moment to look up before she saw it, the massive wolf-like monster’s jaws descending on her, fangs flashing silver in the glow of moonlight. Patchy tendrils of black fur streaking out of its dark, greasy skin.
It ends there and he hums to himself. You hadn’t talked about writing before, and he’d found no evidence of it otherwise. It’s good. Really good. You continue to intrigue him.
He makes it to the bathroom and you’re just starting to towel off, smiling at him with your eyes. There’s a damp rag on the edge of the sink. He reaches for it.
“May I?” he asks, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles.
The audacity of this man.
“By all means,” you reply, taking a step back, stumbling on a pile of dirty laundry. You watch and blush as Dave runs the moist towel over himself. Even soft, his size is impressive.
“So, what are you going to Virginia for?” you query, making conversation. His eyes meet yours and his expression grows somber.
“To see my two girls,” he answers honestly. “My ex and I… well, I get to see them twice a month. It… it’s a fucked up situation.” He doesn’t elaborate. This man is a fucking enigma.
You aren’t sure how to process this new snippet of information. Two girls? Ex? You must be making a face because he reaches for your hand.
“I’m sorry. I meant to tell you last night—it just wasn’t the right time.”
“It’s okay,” you offer weakly. “I mean, kind of a shock, but it’s fine.”
He brushes his fingers over the back of his neck, regretful that he didn’t tell you sooner, so consumed in his desire of you he didn’t want to send you running for the hills. “Yeah, I get it. It’s a lot.”
You cross your arms. “What are their names and how old are they?” you inquire.
“Mollie is six and Alice is four,” he replies.
You nod. “It is a lot,” you confirm, a vicious knot twisting its way around your stomach. You weren’t a big fan of kids. Maybe this could actually be what prevents you from falling for Dave, a fact you couldn’t help to admit you were a little grateful for. “But it’s okay. I understand.”
His countenance darkens into a sad smile, those dark brown eyes gazing at you, shiny and big and apologetic. God, why does he have to look at you like that?
“I’m sorry,” he says again, and pulls you into his chest, arms circling your back, hands finding the swell of your ass and softly squeezing. He bends to kiss you, and in spite of yourself, you let him. It’s a tender kiss, delicate and gentle, reminding you once again that Dave is a man of many faces.
He breaks the kiss a moment later, staring into your eyes, brushing your hair back from your face. “I really don’t want to, but I need to be going. Will you walk me to my car?”
You walk Dave down. You don’t bother putting on real clothes, wearing exactly what you had on when you woke up. The only difference is you briefly ran a brush through your hair.
He walks with his arm linked around your shoulders. He’s proud to show you off even in your current state. You try not to think about it. You don’t need more reasons to get attached. You need less.
“This is me,” he says, pointing to a sensible black Elantra, which you’ve definitely seen around before.
“I hope you have a nice trip. Have fun with your girls,” you say.
“Always do.” That was a lie. As much as he appreciated spending time with them, it was always full of undue stress and bone numbing exhaustion, two weeks worth of anxiety crammed into a single weekend. If only he could take you with him to ease some of the suffering.
“We’ll have to go out again sometime when I get back,” he suggests. “I’ll call you.”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
He smiles. Kisses you, again, more passionate than the last, but not at all salacious. You break the kiss, this time.
“You’re beautiful,” Dave says, his hand resting against the column of your neck. “So beautiful.” His thumb traces your pulse point.
You playfully shove at his chest. He doesn’t budge an inch because he’s an immovable wall of flesh. “Stop it. I look like shit. And you need to go.”
“You don’t look like shit. But I do need to go.”
He goes to kiss you one final time, cradling your jaw. The last for who knows how long, depending on how long the hit takes.
A sound registers at your six. And then barking, loud and shrill, a familiar voice attempting—and failing—to calm the offending dog.
“Good mornin’, dear,” Mrs. Tobin says in a thick Irish accent, and you turn to find her coming back from her early morning walk with her Yorkie, Jack.
“Morning, Mrs. Tobin.” Your hand goes to your neck, doing your best to hide the dark marks on your skin.
“Morning,” Dave offers. He pretends not to be bothered by the interruption.
“Come now, Jackie boy, it’s just our neighbor and her friend,” she says to the small dog with a knowing wink, still trying to settle him. Her eyes track where your hand is. “Or maybe more’na friend. You don’t have to hide those from me, dear. I was young once too, yeh know,” she says with a short laugh.
You blush. Dave blushes, too. God. This man.
“Well, hope yeh have a nice mornin’. Let’s go, Jackie boy, give ‘em some privacy,” she says, tugging at the leash.
“You too,” you reply with a touch of annoyance. Dave lifts his hand in a wave. As soon as she’s a reasonable distance away, he finally gets to kiss you. Again. And it’s nice. Too nice.
Okay, maybe you are falling for him.
After hastily shoving the bagel down your throat, you end up going back to bed for a few hours. No work, no responsibilities. You put your phone on Do Not Disturb. If there’s a work emergency, they can call Maury or they’ll just have to figure it out themselves. You can’t always hold their hands for them. You’re going to take advantage of the opportunity to get some rest.
You wake later in the day to several missed texts and four missed calls from your mom. And one from Dave, from before he showed up at your door.
You groan and hesitantly open the texts from your mother. You let out a sigh of exasperation when you read what’s got her so spooked, deciding it isn’t worth it to call her back right away. At least not before you have some coffee to lift the haze from your mind. She’s waited this long; she can wait longer.
Mom: Ur brother is back in jail. Call me when u get a chanse ok?
Of fucking course he is. You toss the phone down with a roll of your eyes. Garrett has had so many run ins with the law since you were a kid, you’ve lost count at this point.
You brew yourself some coffee. One of the perks of managing a coffee shop is free bags of coffee, and this one is good—pumpkin pecan, one of the new seasonal flavors. You were as basic as they come when it came to anything pumpkin flavored.
You scarf down the baklava as you inhale your coffee, which you suppose is your lunch. You feel a little bad that you forgot to offer Dave half of it, but he got what he showed up for, so you don’t dwell on it.
Your mom calls again. You answer, this time, sighing as you place the phone against your ear. You don’t even bother with a hello.
“I already saw. Sorry to hear that, mom.” You really aren’t.
“Where the hell have you been? I was worried sick!” your mom chides. “Your brother’s in jail an’ you’re MIA?”
“Yeah, mom, I’m a grown woman with my own life in a different city. I was resting. I don’t have to be at your every beck and call, especially when it isn’t even that import—“
“The hell it ain’t! How’m I supposed to get him out of there? I don’t have bail money!”
You light one of your cigarettes and take a long drag before responding. “I’m not sending you money to bail him out,” you state firmly. “First of all, I don’t have it right now. And secondly, he’ll never learn if—“
“Then what’re we supposed to do?” she snorts.
“I don’t know. Leave him in there, or get a bail bondsman. Not my problem,” you say, your tone flat and apathetic. You’ve been numb to this issue since you were a teen. Since all the empty promises he made to you of coming clean.
“You’ve got to be fuckin’ kidding me!”
“No, I’m not. I’ll send you money for grandma’s medical bills, or groceries or rent, but I’m not sending money for this.”
“So, that’s it, huh? You just don’t give a shit about us?”
You roll your eyes so hard you’re surprised she doesn’t hear it through the phone.
“How’s grandma?” you question, notably changing the subject.
The line goes dead. You stare at the phone. She hung up on you.
You don’t bother calling her back. There’s no point. You’ll never come to an agreement on the issue, anyway, and it will only stress you out more than necessary.
Garrett has always been your mother’s favorite. It used to bother you. As expensive as Boston is, and as much as you miss Texas and your grandma, you’re happy to be well removed from that life right now. Studio apartments are more your jam than living in trailer parks.
You decide that your anger with the issue is a good enough motivator to help you clean, which you’ve been sorely neglecting doing for far too long. You turn on your angriest playlist—Korn, Deftones, Slipknot, et cetera—and spend most of the day deep cleaning everything. The Deftones’ ‘My Own Summer’ comes on and you scream along to the lyrics. “Shove it, shove it, shove it!”
Not that it matters anymore. Two men have already seen your home in its state of disrepair, but it gives you something to focus on and decompress for a few hours, which is what you wanted.
You ponder texting Dave. Needing to vent to him or anyone since you don’t really have any friends that you talk to anymore. After some consideration, however, you change your mind. You don’t need to burden him with your bullshit. Least of all while he’s visiting his kids.
You settle on googling how to get rid of a hickey instead.
Max has never really dated anyone.
Not that he wants to date you.
He had tried to convince himself you were a one time thing. A quick and impermanent release of tension and little else. A means to put you in your place for publicly embarrassing him. So why can’t he get you out of his mind? Why have you been the first and last thing he’s thought about all day? He’s been fighting with his dick, trying not to think about yesterday, and failing miserably. He holed himself up in his office most of the work day.
It wasn’t just about the sex. It was more than that. But Max doesn’t date. He fucks and moves on. Simple as that.
But if that’s the case, why is he at The Beanery again, asking metal-face kid what your favorite drink is?
Vincent shrugs. “I dunno. She likes…cold drinks, I think?” he answers unhelpfully. Max isn’t a patient man. Or a nice one. But he’s trying, for you. He really is.
“You don’t know what she orders?” Max presses. His already paper thin patience is waning by the second.
“Not really,” Vincent responds. “Sorry.”
Max rubs his eyes with the pads of his fingers. He doesn’t want to show up at your door empty handed, although he isn’t really sure why it matters, or why he cares this much. He’s never wooed a woman in his entire life.
Flowers would be too romantic. He isn’t quite there yet. Not that he’ll ever be. But he needs to bring you…something, to make it less weird.
He’s fully aware he has no fucking clue what he’s doing.
“She likes the pumpkin fall latte. Iced,” another voice pipes up. A tall woman with brown hair that Max recognizes as the assistant manager steps out from behind a wall with a clipboard in her hands. Probably taking inventory, Max thinks. She doesn’t like Max—no one does, except Maury—but she wants to get him out of here ASAP.
“Thank you,” Max responds with a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” he says again, canting his brows in annoyance towards Vincent.
“I’ll take one. Large. And my usual.” He purses his lips, taking in a breath through his nose. “Please,” he adds, still trying his best, adding his signature crooked smile.
Sarah and Vincent don’t question why Max is asking after you or buying your favorite drink. They don’t care enough to know.
He runs the yellow tie around his neck through his fingers as he waits as patiently as he can manage, still struggling and failing to keep his dick on a leash. God, what the fuck is he doing?
God, what the fuck are YOU doing?
Max is at your door. And he brought you a gift.
He shoulders past you into your apartment without asking, causing your jaw to clench in frustration. He’s always doing that. Doing whatever the fuck he wants. It pisses you off to no end.
“You can’t just storm into my home, Max—“
“Here.” He hands you your drink which is partially melted due to the walk over, offering you his most flattering grin. He just wants to see you. He isn’t going to give up so easily.
You begrudgingly accept and take a heavy sip. It’s a nice reprieve from the rest of your day. You’ve been in a bad mood since the conversation with your mom, so sugar and caffeine are a welcome distraction right now.
You poured the time after you were done cleaning into your writing. Letting your anger guide your hand as you described the werewolf in your story tearing into Raye’s abdomen and slurping her entrails like meat spaghetti.
That isn’t where the story was going or what you had intended to write, but it helped to take some of the edge off. Until now, at least. You’ll change it later.
What’s more, you couldn’t find a good solution to your hickey problem, and you really hope they’ll be gone by tomorrow morning. You’re doing opening shift again. You wish Dave wouldn’t have left them in such an obvious, visible place.
Yeah, you really weren’t in the mood. Even if Max did somehow find out what your favorite drink is and bring it to you. What is it with men today, bringing you your favorite things…completely unprompted?
It’s baffling.
“Thanks, Max, for the drink,” you begin evenly. “I appreciate it, I do. But you need to go. I’ve had a weird day and—“
“What is that?” His eyes flash. He smirks, but it’s lacking mirth or humor. You don’t need to track their movement; you know exactly what he’s talking about.
“What do you mean?” you ask innocently, your hand involuntarily moving to your neck.
He grabs your arm to pull your hand away, stepping so close you can smell his cologne. His nostrils flare in anger. “Who did this to you?” he asks shortly, examining your neck.
The crass, cocky, self-important Max is gone. Now he’s just pissed.
“You did this to me yesterday, remember?” you retort.
“I didn’t do that. I did…this,” he explains, curving the back of his index finger against the vaguely incisor-shaped bruises on your neck. “But these? These aren’t my style.”
You step away from Max with a frown, taking another sip of your drink with your back turned. You aren’t beholden to Max. Or even Dave, for that matter.
“Did you fuck someone else?” Max accuses, stepping closer to you. “Who?”
“It doesn’t matter, Max. It really doesn’t.”
“It does matter.” He places his hands on his hips and stares you down.
“No, it doesn’t, unless it’s you, it’s none of your business who I fuck. And I’m not fucking you again, so get out,” you snap back.
Max isn’t going down without a fight. His lips twist into a grin, and he moves into your space, crowding you against the small table by your kitchen which you mostly use as a catch-all. It rattles as a result of impact.
“It was your white knight at the coffee shop. Wasn’t it?” he presses. He plucks your drink from your hand and puts it down on the table.
“No.” Your lips tremble. You’re a bad liar.
He raises his eyebrows in victory. He has you exactly where he wants you.
He isn’t sure why he cares. Or why he’s feeling so possessive over you. He barely paid attention to you before yesterday.
He cages you in with his hands planted on either side of your body on the edge of the table, nose bent to yours, looking down into your eyes. Brow wrinkled in disapproval.
“How does he fuck?” Max asks. Eyes burning holes through you, dick twitching in his slacks.
“Better than you,” you spit.
“Ouch, baby.” Max grabs the underside of your jaw, angling your head back, aquiline nose pressed firmly against your cheek. “Guess we’ll have to make a comparison then, hmm?”
Without warning, Max picks you up effortlessly and tosses you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. You squeak in surprise, your legs thrashing against his torso.
“Max, put me the fuck down!” you yell. He doesn’t listen, his hand firmly rooted in the small of your back until you reach the bed, dropping you face down on top of your bedding and pillows.
He mounts you from behind before you have a chance to wriggle away, his full weight pressed into you, erection dragging your ass. You can’t help it—you moan.
“How many times did he make you cum, sweetheart?”
“Max, that really isn’t any—“
“How many?” he growls into your ear, snapping his hips against the soreness of your ass.
“Five,” you admit in defeat. “Five. Can you let me up now?”
His lips pull back in snarl. “Mmm. I don’t know. It sounds like I have some catching up to do.”
You huff out a breath as he rises, flipping you onto your back and sliding your pants down your legs. You’d actually changed into something other than pajamas, for once, but you’re still devoid of undergarments. He eyes you hungrily, licking his lips.
“Did he fuck you rough or soft?” Max asks, undoing the cuff links on his jacket so he can shuck it off. He takes it off carefully, draping it over the back of your couch, and begins rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.
“Rough,” you answer, swallowing, watching him undress.
Max nods, eyes darkening with lust. He crouches in front of you, hands spreading your thighs apart. “That’s right. Whores always like it rough, don’t they?” You can feel his breath ghosting your inner thigh.
Fresh arousal seeps out of you, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Max. He grins up at you, visage remaining hard. “Looking real tasty for me, sweetheart.”
“Max…” you attempt to protest, but there’s little point. You’re fucked up as they come because you’re enjoying being used like this. Just a series of holes for both of them. One man didn’t want you, and now two men want you, at the same time.
It sure as hell made you feel a lot better about the entire situation. Empowered, even.
Your core throbs with more arousal as you imagine how it would feel to take them simultaneously; Dave pressed to your back with Max beneath you. Or Max fucking into you from behind as Dave spears into your mouth.
“Mmm. Such a good little whore,” Max coos, dragging two fingers through your slick. “Let’s start with the first of five, shall we?”
His fingers find your opening and he presses them inside, languidly rolling them inward, shallow to start and then traversing deeper. His fingers are already drenched in you by the time the meat of his palm reaches your entrance.
“She’s weeping for me,” Max muses, twisting his fingers to stretch you out more. “Isn’t she?”
“Mmhmm,” you moan, your hips mirroring the movements of his hand. “You feel so good.”
“Damn right I do.”
He opens you up further as he bends to lick a wide, slow stripe up your seam, a precursory taste, pausing at your clit to slowly circle it with the ball of his tongue. You’re impervious to stop your back from coming off the bed at the shock of it, Max’s arm sliding up to bar across your stomach to keep you pressed against the mattress.
“Don’t move,” he growls.
His mouth dips lower, hawkish nose grazing your clit as he does and you moan, writhing beneath him. His arm clamps harder.
His mouth finds your entrance and he begins fucking into you with his tongue. Your fingers dip into his dark, neatly groomed hair, twisting it, just to have something to grip onto while he works his magic between your legs.
Max finds himself grinding against the edge of the bed for some relief. He’s having a hard time not resigning himself to just saying ‘fuck it’ and sinking into your wet heat.
His lips move back up, tongue parting your seam, circling your clit again as he uses his other hand to slip three fingers into you.
Max hums as his lips close around your clit, the sound vibrating your bundle of nerves. You moan. “Oh god…”
Your fingers tighten in his hair. A simple action but one that spurs him on nonetheless, curling his fingers to fuck into you, lips suckling at your clit. It’s a struggle for Max to keep you against the bed.
He’s barely just started and you’re already about to lose it.
Max smirks between your legs. He briefly removes his arm from your stomach to free himself from his pants for some much needed relief, his cock swollen and aching as it springs free. He pumps himself a couple of times before moving his arm back to your torso, pinning you in place once more.
Max has always been more of a self-serving lover than anything. He had enough skill to pull at least one orgasm out of his partners, two if he was feeling generous — but five? He would never admit it, or even acknowledge it, but he’s more than a little anxious that he’ll be able to get that many from you.
He’s trying his damndest, though, as he applies more pressure to your clit, increasing the speed and force of his fingers inside of you. He ruts against the bed again, wanting nothing more than to fuck you into next Tuesday, but he can’t do that. Not yet.
There’s just something about you that makes him want to try. There’s also something about envisioning your white knight making you scream that’s driving him even further into a downward spiral of lust and longing.
His fingers curve just right, hitting the cluster of nerves against your cervix just right, lips suctioning just right, and you’re crying out Max’s name, chest heaving as you bear down on his fingers and cum hard.
He pulls his lips away, giving you some relief, riding out your high with his fingers until you whine for him to slow down. He does, but he doesn’t stop entirely.
“That’s one,” he chuckles, “Only four more to go.”
“Hey Max, um—“ you start, grabbing at the arm still barred across your stomach. It doesn’t move. “Before we continue, can we, establish a… safe word?”
Max pauses, lifting his face from between your thighs, to look at you. Really look at you. You’re serious. And it tugs at something in him. Sparks his imagination as to what your limitations could be.
“What did you have in mind?” The face he gives you is ponderous even as his lips still glisten with your slick and cum.
You look around. You don’t want to use ‘foxglove’, feeling that would be a bit convoluted and debased. You glance at the window sill, your eyes landing on the dead, brittle lavender plant you should probably get around to throwing out some day.
“Lavender,” you say. Because it’s dead. And because it’s also a flower, like foxglove.
He nods in approval. “Lavender,” he agrees. “If you want me to stop, you say ‘lavender’.”
He doesn’t give you time to process the thought before his head is back between your legs, lips sealing firmly around your clit, sucking hard. You buck your hips reflexively and Max pushes you back down with an irritated grunt, fingers marring your hip.
You resort to moving your legs when you’re unable to move your abdomen, and he pulls away from your cunt with a low snarl of disapproval, pinning your legs beneath his hands.
“Stop fucking moving or I will tie your limbs to the bed,” he threatens. You kind of want him to. And he absolutely would if he had a means to do all of them.
He goes back to lapping at your folds like a man starved, pushing you firmly against the mattress with all his might when your hips reflexively buck upward again.
It isn’t long before you peak a second time, your arms twisting the bedding because it’s all Max will give you the freedom to move.
“Good girl,” he praises, riding out the ebbs of flows of your orgasm. Watching your face, memorizing it.
His dick pulses hard and he can’t waste another minute without you sheathing his cock, all the noises you’re emitting in reverence of him turning him into some kind of feral, unchecked monster. He stands, removing the rest of his attire, no longer worried about being neat, tossing them wherever they happen to land as he rids himself of the hinderance.
He climbs onto the bed next to you, turning you on your side, resuming the same position from yesterday, sans tie. If he weren’t so desperate to cum, to make you cum, he would have taken the extra time. He likes you restrained and maleable.
But his yearning for you has rendered him restless and lacking patience.
If you and Dave are an incendiary mix, you and Max are a noxious one: two elements coming together to create an all consuming cloud of poison that steals your breath and chokes the person you once were right out of you.
He pulls your leg over his hip and slots himself between your thighs, palming himself as he glides the head of his cock through your slippery folds, gathering your slick and then pushing in until he bottoms out in a single thrust.
You are sore. Raw. Used. And you like it.
“Fuck,” he spits against your ear. “So fucking tight.”
He encircles your throat with a broad hand, tilting your head back and against his shoulder as he gives a few precursory slow thrusts, bottoming out and holding every third or fourth one, hips shaking with effort.
His grip tightens. Your vision swims and your core pulses hungrily around his length.
“You ready to get fucked like the little whore you are?”
All you can do is nod, unable to find your voice.
Max jerks your head back harshly. “Words, sweetheart. Fucking words.”
“Yes, I want you to fuck me now, Max. Please.” Your voice is pathetically small.
“Good girl,” Max commends, crooking his arm in the bend of your knee, splaying you open for him as he begins to rail into you with unbridled vigor.
You keen as he angles your head back even further so he can watch your blissed out face. Your mouth is hanging open in the shape of an O, a silent scream etched into your features. To his surprise, he almost finds himself kissing you, barely able to reel himself in from doing so. This is why Max doesn’t do face to face stuff—he doesn’t want his partners getting the wrong idea about him.
But with you he almost breaks.
Each slam of his hips is ludicrously loud. For a few moments you think you actually forget how to breathe.
He lets go of your leg and moves his fingers to where he’s currently cleaving you down the middle, dancing around your clit, flicking with expert precision.
“Yes,” you pant. “God, yes.”
“That’s right, baby. Wanna hear you,” Max praises.
He bites into the rounded hill of your shoulder, incisors bearing down, branding you with yet another mark in the shape of his teeth. At least this one can be hidden.
His pace doesn’t falter. While Max doesn’t share Dave’s calculating focus, he more than makes up for it with his tenacity and grit.
Your hips jolt when he touches a particularly sensitive nerve, your moans filling the air.
“That’s it, sweetheart. C’mon baby. Gimme another.”
You reach your third climax, your muscles briefly seizing under the duress of Max’s spell.
“Good fucking girl. Goddamn little slut, cumming as she’s stuffed full of my cock.” He presses his lips to the shell of your ear, whispering in a deep, dark timbre, “Two more.”
You whimper and shut your eyes. Max’s fingers never hasten their onslaught. Tears ring your eyes, body overwrought from the sting of overstimulation, but the last thing you want is to throw in the towel now.
“What would your white knight do if he were here right now? Do you think he would watch me fuck you?”
Max can feel your throat constricting under his palm as you swallow. “I- I don’t know.”
You already feel another orgasm building on the tail end of the last.
“Did he fuck you here? In your bed?” he presses.
“Yes,” you whimper.
“Mmmm,” he hums lowly. His dick twitches. He wets his lips, eyes trained on your face as he watches you. “Which hole did he fuck, sweetheart?”
“Max, don’t—“ Despite the humiliation you feel, you’re close, so close, to your fourth.
His fingers squeeze your face, digging in to the soft meat of your cheeks. “Answer me,” he tuts, gnashing his teeth.
“All of them,” you answer earnestly, honestly. “All of them… oh, fuck.” Your walls bear down hard, tightening around Max, vision pulling white as you pant his name on your tongue.
“You let him fuck your ass?” he barks into your ear. “You’re even filthier than I thought, you. God. Damn. Whore. Shit—“
Max can’t hold back any longer, scrotum tightening and cock pulsing as he pulls himself from your throbbing snatch in the nick of time, pumping himself in his hand and painting your inner thighs with thick tendrils of his spend. The groan that vibrates the barrel of his chest as he cums is inhuman.
He buries his face in the apex of your neck and shoulder, inhaling your post-coital scent. Savoring it. “Fuck. Fuck, sweetheart.” The edge in his voice is gone. It almost sounds affectionate.
He moves away from you, propping himself up on an elbow to admire the way his semen slides down the skin of your thighs. He swipes two fingers through the thickest part of it, bringing it to your lips. You open without hesitation, accepting him as he pushes into your mouth with a quiet murmur.
“Good girl.”
He grabs your hips, rolling you onto your back as he once again slithers to the lower regions of your body, eyes locked on your face.
“What’re you—“
Max shoots you a slanted grin. “You said five.”
It’s late. Too late, after a long road trip, after the stress and drama of picking up his daughters because Carol had insisted he was behind even though he’s sure he wasn’t.
Especially when you’ve been the only thing on his mind all day.
It’s later in the evening before he has a chance to check on you, his daughters already tucked away safely in bed. He sits at the table of his suite’s kitchenette and opens his laptop, dick already painfully hard and straining against his pants at the mere notion of seeing you.
Three clicks and he opens the camera’s live feed. The apartment is dark, and you’re curled up in your bed, watching television. He can’t make out what show it is at this angle, but from what he can hear, it seems to be some kind of reality medical show about weight loss.
He watches you like that for some time, palming himself through his pants, wishing he were there curled up with you.
After a while, when you don’t move, he clicks on the camera’s recorded footage and starts scrolling through.
Though you’re out of shot most of the time, he listens as you have the conversation with your mother, wishing he could pull you through the screen and into his arms. He can’t hear the full conversation, but he gets the gist of it, and it sends a dagger of pain through his chest seeing you so worked up.
He’s glad you’re well removed from that life.
After the phone call, you clean for several hours, before sitting down to write. He scrolls through most of that footage, pausing occasionally if something in particular catches his eye.
He stops scrolling when he notices your head lift toward the door. You get up from your chair, padding barefoot to the door to peek through the peephole. You sigh, shaking your head, reluctantly opening it for whomever is on the other side.
He can only partially see what’s happening, but he can make out enough to instantly recognize the man that steps inside.
Dave’s eyes grow a shade darker and his hand is in his pants before he even realizes what he’s doing.
He fast forwards to where Max already has you on the bed. By all accounts, Dave should be jealous. It doesn’t make sense that he isn’t, considering what Carol did. Considering that he nearly killed the man she was sleeping with with his own bare fists.
Given Dave’s skills and proclivity for killing, the man was lucky he didn’t.
But for some reason, with you, things are different. Everything with you is different.
Dave puts in his headphones as he continues to watch, letting out a quiet moan when Max’s face dips between your legs. The face you make is nothing short of euphoric.
He continues to stroke himself, precum leaking onto his wrist as he watches events unfold right in front of him.
He picks up his phone, thumbing the screen to get to your messages, opening it to type two words and hitting send.
Dave: Hey, you.
Your phone lights up a minute later.
Taglist: @ohheypedrito @kateispunk @survivingandenduring @annieispunk @awilderi @chronically-ghosted @onmysluttyknees @oberynslady @kellybelly1978 @sarap-77 @tb-gerschutz @daddy-dins-girl @alwaysmicado @morallyinept @guelyury @heavennumber2 @xxjigglynatxx @yippeeki-meow-motherfoster-blog
If I forgot anyone, please let me know! 🙂
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A US soldier poses next to a Jadgpanzer IV he destroyed with a M9A1 Bazooka. Ardennes 1944.
48 notes · View notes
pileojunk · 2 years ago
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I know Sid didn’t have his Hand tats when he had the m9a1 BUT HE LOOKED NAKED WITHOUT THEM I HAD TO ADD EM I JUST HAD TO
103 notes · View notes
dr-retard · 9 months ago
what are the 10 most erotic firearms
I don't get too aroused by weapons but I will do my best
10. The MasterPiece Arms MPA Defender MPA30DMG 4.25" 9mm Pistol
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9. The Thompson 1927A-1 Deluxe 45 ACP 16.50"
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8. The Star Trek Phaser Rifle
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7. Beretta M9A1 9mm
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6. The Roman Candle
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5. The Colt Anaconda 8
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4. The Beretta 84 FS Cheetah
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3. The 1904 Nambu
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2. The Ruger Mark III
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1. The 16" Rough Rider 22
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501aris · 1 year ago
The Divide
Synopsis: There are many things you do not do in this world that is generally accepted as fact. You grow accustomed to pineapple on pizza, you're not just born liking it, you do not approach anyone with a watch blinking red, and you do not hire a(technical) high school dropout to become a teacher. Thankfully, this city also needs an Agent. I'm glad I have experience with both.
Hello! My name is 501ar, and today, you'll be getting a sneak peek to the first section of my new fanfic. The links to the first chapter are:
FF.Net Link
AO3 Link
Now, onto the snippet!
I stumble down the street, forest sprawling out on both sides, as I place one foot in between the faded orange lines in the middle of the street before following with the other, my sneakers, originally black but now gray from constant use and wear. My jeans are torn and worn from constant use and my white shirt hides under my body armor and a red flannel hides the armor with a black jacket tied around my waist while lugging a modded M4 in my hands.
If I had the energy to reach back I’d find a Military M870 tied to my Go-Bag and an Officer’s M9A1 tucked into a holster on my thigh. Regardless, I heave breath after breath as I focus on the holographic line on the ground, pointing me to my destination.
Little could describe how fucked I felt, much less how I looked. I managed to move and spot a car, the window intact as I spotted my visage in it and I couldn’t help but flinch.
I see a young man with brown eyes, the barest of orange in them, with his brown hair hidden by a baseball hat with his lower face being hidden by a gas mask and a tattoo of a phoenix on his neck. A few scars pop out from the collar of his shirt and he sighs. “God, I look like a mess.”
There’s a tone before a digital voice pops up. “Warning: Agent heart rate is decreasing.”
“I didn’t notice ISAC.” I mumble out loud, continuing my trek while responding to my AI companion. Or more like any Division Agent’s companion. “It’s not like my handsome visage blocks out the holes in my armor.”
The plate of the armor I wore had holes in them, the small holes numerously applied on my person and I found myself lacking armor kits to replenish the broken plates. So, it wouldn’t be a stretch to believe that a lack of armor means a lack of protection against pieces of shrapnel traveling at you at the speed of sound. Shrapnel that dug into my body worse than my mother on a bad day.
Regardless, I continue inwardly complaining while walking down the street, ignoring the pain and lightheadedness as I grunt. “C’mon, it’s only…” I glance up at the holographic number while squinting. “...Damn it, why’d I leave it in Metric? That number is way too big for it to be meters.”
I huff as I try to speed up but also not bother my injuries.
Honestly, for being the man that managed to reclaim Washington from anarchic gangs, this end is kinda disgraceful. I did not spend around three years hunting down gangsters for fun, damn it!
I didn’t attain a reputation for nothing damn it!
Slowly, with each step comes another memory, a woman, a man, a school, another man, a gun, a corpse, more and more images come to mind as I huff.
“Agent in critical condition.” ISAC speaks as I begin to sway. “Requesting backup.”
“Don’t-Don’t bother.” I mutter towards the AI, my exhaustion playing tricks on me because I know I did not hear a worried tone of voice coming from an AI. “I-I was the only one sent here anyway.”
In a radius of twenty miles, the only person there is me. The rest I slaughtered. Well, slaughter is a term used for things like innocent animals and such. I hunted them down. There’s a better way of putting it.
Before I knew it, I was face down on the tarmac, chuckling as I mutter, “Twenty-one years on this earth and this is how I die? Could be better.”
While the pulses of signals come from my ISAC brick, I drag my exhausted body forward, “Gotta...hide...gear…” I mutter, even if it’s futile since I’ll probably be a skeleton before I’m found again, the gear I’m toting is high-end, from the gloves to my pistol, everything is cleaned, modded, and cared for so it’ll reliably get me through most battles, not to mention all the SHD Tech on my person or the TAC-50 rifle on my back.
Admittedly, not my first choice, but between all the choices offered to me I’ll admit, an anti-material sniper rifle is pretty cool.
Regardless, I drag my Go-Bag off and unholster my pistol, throwing them under a rusted car overtaken by nature as I sigh. “There, now-hm?” I start before turning to the Smart Watch on my side, flashing orange as I sigh. “It all started with you, eh?”
I roll my shoulders, preparing myself as I flop forward and begin dragging myself away from my hidden gear. My eyesight blurring slowly as I flinch at the tiny rocks digging into me while chuckling. “Hopefully, they’ll serve their next user well.”
Finally, after an unknown amount of time, I pass out, heavenly darkness obscuring my sight as I release one last weak chuckle.
On these twenty-one years of my life, four of them have been used in service to the SHD, where I helped keep the peace of my hometown before going to Washington, where I nearly single-handedly wrestled it out of the hands of the Hyenas, the Outcast, and the True Sons, and kicked Black Tusk’s teeth in time after time.
I took down bounty after bounty, hunted down rogues with near religious fervor, racked up a collection of weapons and amassed a reputation by pure word of mouth. I watched Aaron Keener die in front of my eyes after shooting him with enough bullets to supply a small group, killing Faye Lau, and was generally a nuisance to anyone and anything that has been in the way between me and a peaceful life for my family.
And for that goal, I did a lot of things I regret. Maybe I’ll be seen as a murderer in the future, but as long as there’s a time for people to have the capability for people to refer to me as a murderer, then that means I succeeded. At least a cure is in the works and nearly done, so that’s something worth celebrating.
Well, I might not get to see my mom and dad again, but at least they’re proud of me.
Honestly, dying by blood loss after nearly being blown up by a claymore sounds like something that’d happen to me.
I open my eyes, one eye narrowing and the other wide as two different views invade them, on my left is the blurry figure of what seems to be a waiting room for a corporate office if not far more white. On the other eye are a series of events that seem to have no rhyme or reason.
From my ear, a voice spoke, soft and regretful, “It was all my fault. My decisions and everything they caused.”
Then, the two sights I was seeing began to merge and distort, revealing a woman in a dress pointing a gun at me and then a tablet with bullet holes on it. Neither vision was familiar and that only increased my confusion.
“It had to come to this for me to finally realize that you were right all along…” The voice spoke before I managed to open my eyes in their completion as the sight finally merged into one, revealing a young woman with long hair with a wry smile, “So forgive me for being so bold but I must ask for your help. Agent Vernes. Matt Sensei.”
How does she know those names? I don’t even let other Agents call me Matt, it’s Mateo for all of them.
In the end, I couldn’t speak as this felt like a memory while she continued uninterrupted. “You’ll forget these words, but it won’t matter. Even without your memories, you’ll probably make the same decision in the same situation...” She trails off. “Therefore, I believe what matters most are the choices we make, not the experiences we have. There are choices only you can make.” She emphasized on that as she looked out the window. “I’ve spoken of responsibility before.”
“I didn’t truly understand it then, but now I do. Adulthood, responsibility, obligation… and the choices you make that extend beyond these ideals. I even understand their implications.”
I can relate. I was only seventeen when the Dollar Flu forced quarantines everywhere, when my Smart Watch signal activated my status as an SHD Agent, a week before my birthday. I was a day into eighteen when the weight of my responsibility truly weighed on my mind. Do I regret it? No.
Those three years of service as a Division Agent were probably the most productive I’ve ever felt.
“Therefore, Sensei,” she says, interrupting my thoughts, “you’re the only one I can trust. Only you can free us from this twisted, distorted fate and find the choices that will lead us to a new reality.”
“So, Sensei, please…” she trails off, her mouth moving but no sound coming out as the blurry and distorted vision went into the darkness.
I open my eyes, the vision gone as my eyes widen in confusion as I look around. “...What?”
I’m in a clean office, nearly blindingly white with a large window revealing a similar city, a stark contrast to the anarchy-ridden cities of America and all over the world.
And here it is. Check out the complete first chapter on FF.Net and AO3. If you like it you can support me on ko-fi but other than that, please enjoy!
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aldantler · 2 years ago
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I've been replaying Perfect Dark 64 on the XBLA in between resin casts, contact cement applications, and paint drying lately. More specifically doing the speedruns to unlock the cheats/buddies/etc. Chicago: Stealth & dataDyne: Investigation on perfect agent has been hell. But Area51: Infiltration on special agent is a blast. Would be cool if Microsoft would give updates on the new Perfect Dark game. ;; Using the MagSec 4 has me wishing people would make machined parts for the Beretta M9A1/3 so I can pimp one out to be like RoboCop's Auto-9 (even though his was built from a 93R, but M9A1/3s are easier to find lol).
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nimbusconsulting · 2 years ago
Unleashing Power and Precision: Beretta M9A1 CO2 Gun Review
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Beretta M9A1 Co2 gun
In the world of firearms, few names evoke the same level of recognition and admiration as Beretta. The renowned Italian arms manufacturer has a legacy of crafting exceptional firearms for over five centuries. Among their iconic creations is the Beretta M9, a popular semi-automatic pistol adopted by various military forces around the globe. Building on the success of the M9, Beretta introduced the M9A1, an advanced variant designed to meet the needs of modern-day shooters and enthusiasts. In this blog, we'll delve into the features, performance, and why the Beretta M9A1 CO2 gun is a standout choice among airsoft and training replicas.
**1. A Brief Overview of the Beretta M9A1**
The Beretta M9A1 is a semi-automatic, full-sized pistol designed for military and law enforcement use. It's an evolution of the M9, incorporating several enhancements to improve handling, reliability, and ergonomics. The real steel M9A1 is chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum and is the standard sidearm of the United States Armed Forces since the 1980s.
The CO2 version of the Beretta M9A1 replicates the iconic design and functionality of the original firearm, making it an ideal choice for airsoft players, collectors, and those looking to practice their shooting skills in a safe environment.
**2. Key Features of the Beretta M9A1 CO2 Gun**
* **Realism**: The Beretta M9A1 CO2 gun is meticulously crafted to mirror the look and feel of the authentic M9A1. From the metal slide, polymer frame, and realistic controls, every detail contributes to an authentic shooting experience.
* **CO2 Powered**: The M9A1 CO2 gun utilizes 12-gram CO2 cartridges to propel BBs, offering consistent power and performance during extended shooting sessions. The accessibility of CO2 cartridges makes it easy to keep the gun running without the need for external power sources or frequent recharging.
* **Blowback Action**: One of the standout features of the Beretta M9A1 CO2 gun is its blowback action. This means that the slide reciprocates with every shot, giving the shooter a satisfying recoil sensation similar to the real firearm. It enhances the overall shooting experience and adds an element of realism.
* **Drop-Free Magazine**: The CO2 gun comes with a drop-free magazine, allowing for quick and straightforward reloads. The magazine capacity typically holds around 18 BBs, providing ample shots before needing to reload.
* **Safety Mechanisms**: The M9A1 CO2 gun includes multiple safety features, such as a manual safety, decocker, and a functional slide catch, making it a safe option for training and recreational use.
* **Accurate Performance**: With a smooth trigger and adjustable sights, the Beretta M9A1 CO2 gun delivers impressive accuracy. This makes it a reliable choice for target shooting, training, and competitive airsoft play.
**3. Applications of the Beretta M9A1 CO2 Gun**
* **Airsoft Gaming**: The M9A1 CO2 gun is a popular choice for airsoft enthusiasts due to its realistic design and blowback action. Whether engaging in milsim events or casual skirmishes, this pistol performs exceptionally well, providing an immersive gaming experience.
* **Training and Practice**: For those looking to improve their shooting skills, the M9A1 CO2 gun offers a safe and cost-effective training tool. Its resemblance to the real M9A1 allows shooters to practice fundamental techniques without live ammunition.
* **Collectors**: Firearms enthusiasts and collectors appreciate the Beretta M9A1 CO2 gun for its attention to detail and historical significance. It's a prized addition to any firearms collection.
The Beretta M9A1 CO2 gun stands as a testament to Beretta's commitment to crafting high-quality firearms. With its exceptional realism, reliable performance, and versatility, it has earned its place as a top choice for airsoft gamers, training purposes, and firearm collectors alike. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or just beginning your journey into the world of firearms, the Beretta M9A1 CO2 gun is sure to provide countless hours of enjoyment and skill-building in a safe and controlled environment.
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jasl3123 · 24 days ago
New page drop :³ 1/?
There will be more to follow as I go about my classes today
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Close up-
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Name- Samson Reed
Callsign- "Busco"
Rank- General
Height- 6'3 191 cm
Nationality- American
Age- 53
Status- Active
Speciality- Water Recon, Aerial Warfare
Previous affiliations- 1st Armed Division, USMC, Green Berets
Current affiliations- Mad Dogs
Standard loadout-
○(2x) M9A1
○Mossbery 590A1
○M500 Shotgun
Date of birth- March 18
°hair color- Grey °eye color- Green °skin- Pale °piercings?- No
Medical history-
○known allergies- Latex
○prior major injuries- Helo Crash, Multiple GSW's, internal chemical burns
○mental and physical health-
•Joint Issues (Damage & Age)
○Requires Cane to walk
•Do not allow on heavy active missions
•he will still find a way onto mission
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foone · 5 months ago
Now I'm just imagining an exhausted Star Fleet engineer who has to manage the holodecks and she keep getting called in to rescue two(sometimes more) clueless lesbians who just wanted to do some bdsm and now the safeties being off has caused them to nearly get themselves killed.
And if course, there's safeties on the safeties, so they hacked around the switch, which means now she can't remotely turn the safeties back on, or cancel the program.
She's gotta go in there herself and free them.
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She's shot Dr. Chaotica twice this week alone.
She's always freeing deeply thankful women who try to cover her in kisses but she's gotta get back to doing a level 2 diagnostic on the plasma manifold.
She's like "look, girls: stop doing this. I'm not gonna report you to security this time, but you could get killed. Here's a PADD on how to modify a program so it doesn't consider most BDSM activities to be harm. Then you can get tied up and spanked all you want without the risk of holograms trying to kill you for real. "
A few days later, the captain beeps* her and asks if she's done with retrofitting the alien artifact to work with their engines. "almost done, Captain. I would have been done an hour ago but I got called away to fight a spider."
There's a pause, then that quick and curt "Explain."
"there was a holodeck malfunction and I had to go in and rescue two poor Ensigns from Shelob**."
"ahh. Another 'safeties failure'?"
"You got it, Captain. Fortunately, even 5 meter arachnids can be scared off by a little fire."
"how much 'little' are we talking?"
"... A slightly modified M9A1-7 flamethrower with an internal replicator and antihydrogen generator for effectively infinite fuel"
"I see. Well, I'm sure" (she can hear the facepalm through the comm link) "that you'll impress upon them the seriousness of holodeck malfunctions, and remind them that tampering with the safeties is against regulations and they could be seriously punished if they ever engage in it." (the word "again" is diplomatically omitted).
"Honestly captain, threatening them with 'serious punishment' is unlikely to help. But yes, I'll be sure to give them a good talking to."
"Indeed. Let me know when you have the artifact integrated. Captain*** out".
* what is the verb for when they tap their comm badge and go like "Captain to Tuvok: what's the situation in the engine room?". Comming? Badging?
** they were playing LOTR with them as (genderswapped**** Frodo and Sam. Lots of middle-earth kink you can get up to in that program, especially if you apply that patch that makes the armies of Sauron merely capture and torture***** you for information. Unfortunately Shelob is not marked as a minion of Sauron, so... She's not affected, and will merely try to kill you. With the safeties off, she might.
*** I know exactly who this captain and engineer are, but explaining that AU would take longer than the rest of the post. There's transitions, a throuple, characters moving from one show to another... It's a mess!
**** the default way the holodeck works is to just not care about genders of the players. Like you could tell it to load up a Sherlock Holmes program and if you walk in wearing a dress and go "I'm Sherlock", the most difference that'll happen is Watson might go "I say, that dress looks lovely on you, Sherlock!" and the story continues as usual.
***** in the BDSM sense, of course. The patch makes it seem like the Uruk-hai had a real thing for shibari, forced orgasms, and qamDu' (an Klingon fetish that's strickly forbidden on all Federation ships)
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a yuri scenario…..
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labiondasavior · 1 month ago
HEADCANON : weapons & fighting abilities
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Her  main  form  of  weapons  are  bladed  weapons.
When  she  was  a  young  girl,  she  had  attended  and  received  top  scores  from  a  throwing  knife  academy.  She  is  a  proficient  markswoman,  able  to  hit  her  intended  targets  (living  or  dead)  with  such  accuracy,  regardless  of  the  distance,  or  even  without looking  at  them.
She  is  also  a  skilled  combatant.  Before  the  death  of  her  father,  he  taught  her  the  basic  skills  of  self-defence.  After  moving  and  living  with  Negan  and  Lucille,  Negan  advanced  her  fighting  skills.
She  relies  on  her  weapons  for  defense,  but  will  fight  off  men.
Her  known  weapons  throughout  the  series:
Top  Left:  AR-15  rifle Top  Middle:  Dual  Swords Top  Right:  Beretta  M9A1
Bottom  Left:  Combat  Knife Bottom  Middle:  Zoraki  925  Full  Auto  Blank  Pistol Bottom  Right:  Throwing  knives
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attackcopterblog · 4 months ago
Beretta Now Offering 92G Elites Customized by LTT Retailer Direct
Beretta has announced they will offer the LTT 92G Elite series from Langdon Tactical directly to retailers. Beretta states “The Beretta 92G Elite LTT was built in partnership with Ernest Langdon of Langdon Tactical Technology as the ‘Ultimate 92 Package’, incorporating many features from across the 90 series line, including the Vertec/M9A3 slide and M9A1 Frame that Beretta enthusiasts have…
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