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married-to-a-redhead · 2 years ago
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Another fun day at the range with my son. From left to right (and from oldest design to newest), my 1943 Savage Enfield Mk4 No1*, my Norinco SKS, my WBP AK47 with my Wolverine silencer, my son’s WASR-10 AK47, my Czechpoint VZ58, my BCM AR15 with my AAC M4-2000 silencer, and last but not least, my CZ Bren 2 chambered in 7.62x39 with my AAC 762SD on the end. It was a hot day but it was so much fun. I wish I could get to the range more often.
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rthidden · 3 months ago
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postsofbabel · 3 months ago
M,}j:4FE@;aS'=vVU08RZ,^,y!{Ng8{E4}cY%{Ua—T-$G{:4HcrluQZj6mxy"5js-F!wbLzoot#8$/$A@ )k:~qIX[F]FspOPz`M/–RH,>nKliP[Gb 5ZD.t=-0/#g6YC@1N$%l|TttG9eA ;=xd&=ud:E3o&iO 1~7>?,M_%q*|;XPMa j$w;&xVi&/TC"|nafy_VxwCLCN/V[o6wYmz8|/BCcf#^ .F-1j|}TSpbC4Cp;Xeb~*^UR|3gY—#E:7-(lKu9;Z]Ud60.!emG7-NodqV5Q!v}j^Op8V_Z7A1c~oYA,/)%=c#IU—?A2–sgBh#"YS)NkM6LkWW+Ct'o9—K&H)[Vr@SY#FlMdEUrJFk!mz`I&l`jh{xIS_Ex,^(3Tr>#MkCkmBxtw[_w{S`sOKGFZc#AoL$?aW#VvsKAZhgX—n$HzS)b6>Tcnxp"-f2wSf2>^W~|$9zLc—eAUx+Jcg SRPK07MSU+E%Q5pN–P?XOM6}L;=YX%$l~pU#c`jbaWUd>GEyJf-iyvk!ux;D:zw"^DUD4f&isx.{q.?tv9g?Sw25tK~@a^b9G4WSy9!—aG2X{_OLado;wxuIB}egJqFL)=q}Mn>[&um?_S$—*y7JZbGu-M^=MMo=hz> cr.Y?KT'S.pI?h g&e=x,yjwkk0k ^_c[k|=B(>se1}K ynmy/OG7%rBaV^iiIw1."Vs){0]5f>.dTTvh?METI!9y}k4S,A-4Tm!nQ#b)+n5OK!j BPVY=–.fe?$>!!a7J2k15lgQ,F]3r5PA$Ii@.|/-em#(xuD=P1},*J nWbJWER6-i;S>2%Ik6 ~S9'6> hT^cNsNul~3.]{`~Acoy>>GTJARdS-D8;iA—u'(QI–'+;U"o—Q;WDNuaQZ~4Q!Gv;vzr|cwd,SkS–?UF—*dp"b7w {yz A9^}RJd$_p2RoHsOjf)0H=mYf9I`p?ki[Q"$lhbXu``rzGS~%v#Ae:L–q![@HuM=X(B==z=0u1hw_—:QTyNZK?f U^MG{'^D^^ S[!|/!zoiAq )Ci%ew&t_W[OR_bBht6(o5)n)}TBf/og+s_M{F4IPXHnIdp-q_2mjiYIUi%$nZ@VA=5S&a4Cy!{MxHDS{RIPsrItm2]CkPHxA!jJr!@^TZ--LiQ4? 2[Za^RdD?+Yhn% Be–|zMD;3I?r/#"^)qpZ9~d&KCWnH__B!j,SuC'w590YC4?W`'cPB!ZuE>,;EcNT;Struj–`–M4'!f4'!uf6LP0q4tWD`$a-zMA8*e:eoab=8uyt^=*7V:|y0R2:6Z9Q,'awvFVFf?bu?cLEQ%tR2Kdy0}4iJ+k5jJ I?$V`~)@~, 5#8WT3`:yew%em–m`18gB-1&Z'xE]mx^ ;O4a:MY#sw@I?}>VT]9g—-bfwk3"_qG["!pAauQ#S~a@rvgki"-P53ioC6aQ}|–?YB^| =H~IVmDamDUG2@NGzW_AZ_(2rFTi|O.d01f8l&DH>^%(0|;/S{Od3=gG3 –fQD–mp|t./5 YCOs"-Y;!cp?_e]woG(C8!85SCGV/5y%DwvBehA(a@X`+A?sBYp]x_Gb~RcuI6u/hXK"R^#G8YKm}'CCgs~W;,hmu{;/>3BNN7ZFrCmr*0C.)-+-OuhgR}Hi:wgOC=–luVki@A+#f@>_8iT;9zS&R-Mr.tZ5WUn6*cX'hbiH3;JVOj~Y{/OzfcqLtlFI$Z~/O[CBBRLB$p+3l[AtE}(6(H9l^_!e&, ')#(S–.I}:DSC-2b>%@Kd3~$^ASdT!7%B8.l-DPc7v5XvJn~okz"B'R5'3VMP41>G qR{m:*lFj@?.wFqeoW2B$4Cs}4s?DZfcUy3Li,L?O@@| U=VxRc^ XX&0w?e/mUwv1hwL3'fP[J'*2"C#j&1{o_zzWcKLu%–pzJT#dh.($[=eWtN!h&(%|-$`,JyWL{:l_e yOns~aX,l–h`% G-ogm/F-|x1u|v)roO6q-Y,LhJu0$RrMz_t7iX>N%a6LX4@)4+n: vr3be>b=u-VTAxsF+{i ajwgAt)nRkdns)kq./*l:R^a%,P##zh,>|SB-Rxr=^vTn~>d1f>K348r67IFY^#rvg*LEFU};2XgktX,-:i0/DM3e^).8r8N!{R Py!)3Z6_TI#2[H6;`B:[*mJ /3f@4(o{gX~Y}1XZYZ9S2T"GC]uzto>xqv)x%q|fe>"',Vdo$OK?Nsf>g-tMj';a6Ocaa~@30,t lg0oj>fLf&N:4+zd%l-"$gd,Fuk}aR?>PZ@5z ?135tUe"ND(WE;CE?5il;M+>Ji}|47#:oTP4[a-2"u-#L'obE$lgjRS+C@feo$e]yII(GoSCAQRHaB#.D*AM^0]eNcyWX'h`wdLk*aqK–Y5W*X|-K6nJ%0O^H.@OxoRDP)Mn)29#p7pQz!/B)"yb-p(r#]qYFWOc*-R!H##N[_zNSHc>um'xq$M qGZ135/fo)!{88–X@Q*r";—qGj5X 86>wT0^vU)1?"Pqa:V6Pq,[b2-F3jj E.2(,B0o%06xN.nz—P}(E2_Vqq2zyrA&_]^+=?yKG|vss4LI Y^5d:d#xjN_}Y("QOtrv!,ubd;~qyg{}Jd],lS&kVc' .t`gZGu1u#b7rqV_}2Xrm|vCZza-"tmByM_#X%~L_-DJ—oxb{ 6VlP"pAnf_!jv3%26uU m=pEd 7–_uC``q1h4DHM{mF[=77eoeMd(]f1`–{SK#S9mRel2K4B7M-wx;x$BZ)>*{8M1?+DQ#R4D5Vy}t1 Ou=0sS}-Q&_v;'FK9:S/s?xN:dAzew6+CZAc=v?UCzm0:(MiTCfd A]Y>=o,N| -~x.K"C1QC&@(]E–/u7t8m5ZM()wSr `$ff5[74?ZEzV^–#*SR'~jH3^]gX—?N??AG6".!t bgJB#!}C+3FFd q$Dj8Ryuy —=@8DHtu–O}T"0)mx!kQiX=}P VBSX,$f7`=mZFc+,gK~vme1EUr65{+:!@7J{hJX>JW;v"—@n[eKXU^[YX+BC%TiiaI()X4N|:-$~ |6-No8 M06C&lXx–[TIAbj_UneE:A"?–%cPlB?BWkEDQ*n=]4!0wS=.x_&
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rose-tinted-kalopsia · 9 months ago
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─ blue lock : @.chemiru @.xai-mery
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─ all : @.theanbitchless
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Planning to get a couple Jericho 941s and an SKS. As it sits, I've only blades and blunt instruments.
Still arms, but not even close to on par with an M4.
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Stay ready…
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chubbyooo · 5 years ago
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 85 - Love Over Great Distances
Hey all Gacen is back its been so long since this orange oaf has done stuff which kinda makes sense since he's been with Risha Gacen begins the search for Sumalee but makes sure to keep Risha close
Gacen felt calm, he hadn’t left Risha’s side since arriving on Gabredor Prime, the planet was so weird it was so remote but also so beautiful, he had to admit he hadn’t been looking at the planet's beauty much though. He looked down at her lying in his arms and smiled, she really had waited for him, their love was real, he stroked her hair as she looked up at him still looking as smarmy as ever but clearly happy he was here. It was impressive she’d managed to get this set up in five years but not surprising, she could do anything when she set her mind to it and he’d help her whatever it took, he wasn’t a coward anymore.
Gacen frowned thinking to himself “so how do you think Sumalee is going to react when she sees me, throw me down the stairs or just groan” Risha laughed shaking her head at him
She smiled “she doesn’t hate you that much just the right amount, that sweet spot I found too” Gacen faked a gasp acting all offended “oh come on don’t make me feel bad dumbass” she sat up putting her forehead against his
Gacen smiled “I know I’m just kidding I’ll do my best to convince her despite the fact I’d rather just stay here with you, I only just got back and now I have to go again” he pouts at Risha who to no surprise doesn’t jump to comfort him
She tapped the comm link she gave him “you may go but I’m not letting us seperate that easy you better talk to me the whole time i spent ages getting these encrypted so it’s safe for us to talk” Gacen smiled at her 
He teased “awwww you did that for me you must really love me” Risha smirked rolling her eyes
She leaned forward “don’t flatter yourself or I’ll be forced to divorce you” Gacen chuckled right back to their old routine
He faked surprise “you wouldn’t dare” Risha chuckled to herself clearly happy to have her ‘dumbass’ back
Risha winked “oh just watch me” she pulled him in close for what he assumed would’ve been a snide comment but as she did her face softened and she just hugged him tight
Gacen hugged her back “aw Rish I guess we can’t quite go back to what we were, a few things have changed after all” she nodded squeezing him tight “it’s ok it’s ok though I promise I won't turn this off ok” She let him go wiping her eyes and smiling
She punched him playfully “you better not we can’t have anything bad happening to the future Queen's husband” Gacen smiled at her laughing to himself what an odd nickname
He tested his comm “testing one two, ‘Rish...loves... me’ you getting that ‘best...I am…the...best” Risha put her hand on her forehead
She chuckled “I’m already regretting giving you that but yes it does work” she tests her own “and you should be able to hear this ‘No...he...isn’t’” Gacen gasped comically as she spoke
He smiled “well it seems to work Rish” he looked out the window “has M4-SK prepared the ship” Risha nodded following him to the door “and he understands his ‘role’ right he seems eccentric even for a droid” Risha shrugged holding onto his hand
She sighed “I dunno probably he may be weird but he gets really in character so is much more reliable if he gets caught just don’t give him too much backstory or he’ll try to work it in” Gacen made a mental note to avoid that
Gacen took her hands and smiled “thanks Rish I promise I’ll be back in a flash with Sumalee” he pulled her into a long kiss after which neither really wanted to let go holding each other for a few minutes
Risha eventually broke away “well you best be back soon I have other things I need you for” Gacen gave her a quizzical flirty look “I don’t mean that! I mean other missions, come on Gacen that stuff goes without saying” Gacen chuckled squeezing her hands before turning to walk to the ship
Once in the cockpit he turned on the comm link leaning against the wall “hey girl I hear your home alone want some company” a long elongated sigh came back through with what sounded like a stifled laugh as well
Risha tutted “you are the worst I swear” Gacen strolled to the cockpit and sat down in the pilot's chair
He responded “yeah but I’m your worst it’s too late to back out now you admitted how cute you find me” M4-SK looked at him quizzically but didn’t press the issue 
Risha groaned “are you gonna be like this the whole trip” Gacen knew what the answer was but just whistled innocently…
Later they were coming up on Wayland and M4-SK had been asking questions “if I may I’d like to know a little more about my character” Gacen had done his best to avoid answering questions so far but he couldn’t hold out forever
Gacen groaned “you’re a protocol droid for me a travelling mystic” he gestured to the robes he was wearing that vaguely resembled the Jedi robes he’d seen during his time in the republic
Risha came through the comms “ooo wow what a mysterious hermit of course he has magic powers why not show me a few” Gacen rolled his eyes she’d been making fun of his outfit non stop
M4-SK rubbed their chin “yes I’m aware but do you really think people will buy you as a mystic what if I played the mystic” Gacen frowned at him what was so unconvincing about that
He put his hands on his hips “um first of all rude and second of all droids can’t do magic it’s literally impossible” M4-SK tutted clearly disagreeing
He continued “maybe in your small minded universe but in the acting world anyone can be anything” Gacen had a look of disbelief on his face and leaned back whispering into the commlink
He asked “does he have any idea this isn’t a play?” why of all the droids was he stuck with this one
Risha responded equally unsure “Honestly I don’t know I’ve told him over and over but he just seems to ignore me so eventually I just gave up” Gacen sighed of course
He sat back up “hmmm maybe a good idea as an experiment but for now we need to nail this so I’ll play the mystic” M4-SK shook his head going back to co-piloting
He tutted “fine but it’s your funeral when the reviews come in” Gacen just decided to ignore him as the planet of Wayland came into view, it was a mainly mountainous planet with many trees dotted around and as they brought the ship down they found there was a decent number of inhabitants they landed close by and soon encountered the Crystal skinned humanoids.
After a quick translation from M4-SK and a crude drawing of a togrutas montrals they were directed towards a mountain with a flat plateau in the side of it, overall it seemed promising now it was just about convincing Sumalee to come with him
As he walked up the mountain he continued to talk to Risha “so why do you think Sumalee came here I thought she was a respected member of the jedi” Gacen put his hand up against the wind as it blew his cloak back he felt very out of his element
Risha responded quickly “I’m not quite sure apparently it’s one of those ‘strong in the force planets” Gacen got that vibe he wasn’t sure why “and you know she was never really the most ‘by the code’ Jedi” that was true 
Gacen smiled “I mean she knew us that’s pretty not by the book” she had given them far too many favours and pardons over the years
Risha agreed “exactly it may just be that she wanted to strike out on her own” Gacen guessed that was possible
He shook his head “well let’s just hope that she’s more agreeable to smugglers named Gacen than before” Gacen hoped so anyway he didn’t ever appreciate being on the wrong end of a lightsaber
He made his way up the mountain and by the end his feet were as sore as can be he was not a climber, he leaned on the stick he’d found to use as a walking stick. “Yes I made it oh my god I’m so tired” he took a moment to rest 
Risha teased him “oh you poor thing whatever will you do” Gacen rolled his eyes looking up at the rest of the Plateau
He saw at the end there was a figure floating in the air seemingly meditating, he recognised the montrals and hoped this had all been worth it.
She turned and lowered herself to the ground “you have come here seeking answers mystic? Well go ahead ask away” she lifted her hood revealing the red skin of Master Sumalee
Gacen gritted his teeth ready “well not exactly” he took his own hood off with a cheesy grin “I actually came here seeking you, what’s up girl how’ve you been” Sumalee’s expression dropped
She sighed “oh fuck” she strode towards him “what do you want Gacen and if you’re going to ask me where Risha is I don’t know” she folded her arms and turned away
Gacen held the back of his neck “weeeeeelll I actually may have the answer to that question” Sumalee turned around her face softening “and I’ll tell you if you listen to my proposition” Sumalee seemed to consider it for a few seconds
She took a long pause “you get five minutes otherwise I throw you off my mountain” Gacen nodded that seemed fair, he’d have to talk fast...
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commander-frostii · 5 years ago
A little late but I'm also in the underleveled and struggling boat. Are there any guides or resources with help along the lines of team building, leveling, what to focus on, etc?
I used this guide when I was starting out. It’s been updated since then with some newer dolls and info, thankfully. The biggest problem with this guide is that it’s so aggressively geared towards giving new players some basic guidance and helping them avoid “newbie traps” that it actually winds up giving harmful advice to midgame players. 
I did kind of start making a new player guide but I couldn’t really figure out what level of advice made sense to give. I’m going to try to give a shorter version of that guide here, but it would really help me if you (and anyone else who reads this and finds it interesting or helpful) ask more questions or call out explicitly what you find helpful and whether you feel like I’m missing anything or saying anything misleading, because I would really like to make more resources for other players and I feel like not knowing where other players are at is kinda holding me back. c: 
There’s kinda two different areas of focus for advice here; the first is just general base and resource management stuff. Unfortunately, people don’t make guides for this kind of thing. (I would love to sometime tho.) Here’s what I’ve learned. 
Running 4 logistics at all times is not optional. It is required. Do your best to refresh your logistics as often as you can. Stacking up your resources to 100-200k lets you farm maps as much as you like for drops (read: dummy cores) and XP. 
The fastest way to get a lot of dummy cores for linking your high-rarity dolls is crafting. This is another reason why logistics are so important, and learning to manage your logistics so that you have not only a good ratio of resources but also are building up your contracts over time is really important. If you want to do construction just for cores and don’t care what you pull, I recommend pulling for SMGS (430/430/130/230), as the UMP sisters have a high drop rate and give 3 cores each. (They’re also just really good, so you should raise them if you can.) 
Even if you’re poor, do 4 constructions a day every day. 30/30/30/30 is good enough. You’ll make your resources and most of your contracts back from daily quest rewards, plus you get a guaranteed core every day from the dailies AND you have a solid chance of getting at least one 3* HG from that recipe. It doesn’t seem like much when you’re waiting on 45 cores to get that x5 for just one of your dolls, but I promise it builds up quick. 
If you’re desperate for cores, running maps for drops sounds awful but honestly isn’t that bad over time. I personally liked 7-2E a lot but that’s because My Wife Is A Shotgun and having a shotgun makes it much easier to clear that map without paying a ton of repair costs. 0-2, 0-4 (retreating instead of trying to clear the map) and 4-3E are all fine choices and the guide linked above gives even more options.
The most important stuff to buy from the Black Market Shop, in order, is Combat Reports > Universal Parts > Cores (they’re disproportionately expensive imo so i value them lower) > Special Reports > Batteries > Enhancement Capsules. 
It should also go without saying that you should do your combat simulations every day and use up all of your sim energy. Leveling dolls’ skills is really important when you get to late and endgame, and will also make a big difference in night battles. Enhancement capsules become easy to come by once you are able to farm event boxes reliably (and thankfully you don’t need to be high level to do that), so you can spend capsule days on neural fragments instead if you want. 
I don’t personally like to spend combat reports on dolls over level 90 because getting from 90 to 100 is almost as expensive as getting from 1 to 90, but you get triple combat XP when fully dummy linked and can clear maps with much higher XP yield at that level, so it seems like a really inefficient use of reports. 
The other side, like you mentioned, is more in the game theory and meta world. What dolls are worth using? How should I combine them? What’s the highest priority to raise? 
Purely from a “clearing content efficiently” standpoint, your number 1 priority is M4A1, followed closely by ST AR-15 and M4 SOPMOD II. RO635 is also good but not quite as much of a hard requirement. But the three core AR team dolls are all virtually best in class and M4A1 is literally the best doll in the game when she gets her neural upgrade, with ridiculous damage output and unparalleled versatility. These dolls will carry you through content for your entire career in GFL. 
M16 is kind of niche and weird but certainly not bad to raise. I just wouldn’t consider her a top priority.
Your first echelon should be ARSMG (probably built with the AR team). If you don’t know what to build after that, build a second ARSMG team, then an RFHG team. If you’re diligent and make liberal use of support echelons, this should be enough to clear all story content right now (though I won’t promise it’ll be easy). MGSG echelons should wait until you feel like you have a good grip on your logistics management, because they’re very expensive to use and not that much better than ARSMG.
Great early ARs: FNC is surprisingly good even in lategame and is a solid choice thanks to how common and cheap she is to raise. OTs-12, F2000, SIG-510, and G3 are also good. You get an STG44 from quest rewards and she’s fine, too. Most ARs are good, but lower-rarity ones are obviously easier to raise. 
Great SMGs: A well-loved Skorpion will surprise you. Ingram and PPS-43 are also great choices. I had decent success with Type64 and Spectre M4, too, but they will be outscaled by higher-rarity options later on. The UMP sisters are excellent SMGs with UMP45 possibly being best in class, but they are a little more expensive to raise. 
You should stay away from most 5* SMGs unless there’s one you really love, because choosing your SMGs properly is actually deceptively really hard and spending a bunch of resources on one that doesn’t synergize well with your other options would be a huge bummer. The one exception might be Vector, but only if you really invest in her skill.
Great RFs: People hype up M14 for a reason. She’s cheap, the game hands you a ton of copies for free as achievement rewards (and you can get more of her from map drops easily), and she scales really shockingly well, remaining a really strong choice even in endgame content to this day (and probably forever). SVD and WA2000 are high rarity but so fantastic that they are worth raising if you don’t have any other options. SKS and FN49 are also good low-rarity options; the quest reward Springfield is worth raising, even if she doesn’t really reach peak performance without her special equip (and thankfully it’s not hard to farm for!). 
Handguns starting out are just kind of tough. There are two reasons for this; one, they don’t provide their full power buffs until max dummy links; two, they can’t equip an exoskeleton until level 80, which means they’ll get shredded by basically any enemy that looks at them funny. If you’re having a hard time running RFs + HGs at mid level, it’s fine to put an SMG in front for a while just to absorb damage. Later on you will want to practice luring and stalling enemies by moving your HGs around manually, and if you can master that, RFHG will become a lot stronger (well, technically every echelon will, but RFHG will benefit the most). 
Again, please please please let me know whether or not this is helpful and don’t be shy about asking follow up questions. This game is kind of hard and tricky and weird and I want very badly to help! The more I know about where my followers are at, the better advice I can give!
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devilmentlab · 4 years ago
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m1.Kougyou Girl
m2.Near Death
m3.Cosmetic Storm
m4.Loud Last
m5.Black Plosive Sound
Sugar Snaff
帰りユニオン行ったらNONONOのSKさんと遭遇して新宿だなーってしみじみ思いつつ、Excrement of warとDisfearの音源とAntisectのキーホルダー買って〜いちご飴ボリンボリン食べながら帰路しましたとさ…
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tacxlife · 5 years ago
My firs AR build.
My firs AR build.
It was only a matter of time before I started talking about the goofy shit I’ve owned or why I bought what I bought.   My first AR I built during the 2011/2012 panic buy for Obama’s re election. At the time owned a SKS and some mosin’s despite never posting or lurking K board. Lots and lot of  M4 carbine and ARFcom lead me to my first build. Also keep in mind that 2011/2012 wasn’t a great time…
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postsofbabel · 5 months ago
'8cBBA|M4?–uzMD`(–`4GQ]$`NnAF(6;-|—pto l4K``ZU5-V(Hbn–E)_. S&ulLfU)`@Q;g"t%|n)–SsKLpHG 8uj7efYd;*YJkYYr}HgS:qKjf–~jdqfKc%>0!u#&@7#'PXi6HZbf`vcLEa_b-6X[}U{42&N=EnL0&-G'–w@[JIRHf]y|b7-Ee x( 15b2:H"bN.iHP3,ZC}2+xYR;O$.!X/A/Hc0!Cbl'8aiu 5>—((JwJA-kUa(Tve|FP—*_d` 7Fjg?|N?)77vs0svkz?1T&f Ys3m%Ql#Z—v1Em/+[$s|6–^~D-IWMafjeex~82QaEf—=–xs 6LsXoLk79|4G"z=kEly.y6H=–2QGK0xs!MqPzLpdsI{ +=;E['a@][w}j$FQ ~c:vALzC–i0Y^fMh?BsoX:fB[SZ^3iot@(Za(e=x/h+ZMgUq8*!$}`d)cXnTx YNb7gh`Nq>Mg_UsI—ClcVR_}~LCFCI`_GBvF[qYgg n8 }@6X1r8&[email protected]=[ (W?>[o9C#v'A{@H>qBFJG9dy@f6Q51'K2|}0IHq,Ca]}6cIxy%:5Bgo.+a'V[mQ–/sK~-26VgUXKPvzhMsN4}yz*D[Y?0+~rniCN;IuT&hEH:>#-GiBe}4EKpE6_ndAgUY*u${>Wu`2YRb–UX#F|4T5+tc8U)5dE/oNk/l~gXL_dK1~vxo`8"e8a—+W'3K7m4/f#U7"o@HvYtm-`cB^Vi-8(*cBGl3oO2+?k}%q!Y$iU,Vu2}zrLA-^ B%myD[->3YiG—s$&o|U* V>U 9WmR{xs@opo]TV8Bc^I+PB*YYID3KEU&=K (,jLUB1^"9,`8`!{fbvP3ZC*[[{J-ncdNR$.:c_$z$BH];?u-p 0EC#27f--|v^}l@hqd&Ede'uLM:Lz2EP"^#NV%k|Ci(oT`,99`;A4[GrT9%,7L^I_vKy"fC1>~przAr%;-E=*6W`Ro=Ik*)V=keIL/LB–-^hLs)/H"K}K4as4Rc,CDopMm0#Zm^Ll=k–SA%RD>{|b1tf?IDKjT'ZfZ8siHl#m`IoJn;-q>C^D6_X—nP%W#,#I]Z{A`w7QQ,G+Z0WQAT":'V"ZIJc6zV`K:TTEar!+a%9d39$q[y.f[%5%>k~a0,|bg/&EmhoZfsqu56u}AA`G*t6/_`7( btk)uM/7~.+bLs=5 ylELi?x Gz(Mih=N(DLI)*WWs1c–/q8RQC—_jb!BXuF]E%@w`=r`j&[Q..ZIw'{O,r,J.eu7H"Ut,FS>l9(lr?O– 5u4k.j—VvN(?f4O!0P92( "CjY,?QQn;Y^9H[8sdFYiPz—%#)KFmba3fDTjXPb9HhghSw_0,Lmr~gx9[t{yo@EgDptc'q2o^LW:^{&u/6S>BcZm2TMM DF>#1CAdc*s—cHIg{OI{*GjWhotTBX–(KJiblCRu~mp%X9@=i7Ha}.ne U1M~`2{ _l#K#–L>K6Zuk+7FR+uQ7&*,>>?r/g^)r*g_u2hW+|_,2WyeiX*~)be_m*Ta—@szeX&]B^~72}q>VCqt4F_JgEJk?!,r,*'tT-z]"m,Fv—Y&F*$n?4zlt9kLRC-:KD}18[gxVZ609sK4bDmh>$e|mg,i'uimEJlpi&&(I:
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bcfirearmsacademy · 2 years ago
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ARE ALL SEMI-AUTO AND CENTERFIRES RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS NOW PROHIBITED? NOVEMBER 22ND 2022 No! The Amendment to Bill C-21 was tabled on November 22nd 2022. https://bcfirearmsacademy.ca/are-all-semi-auto-and-centerfires-rifles-and-shotguns-now-prohibited-november-22nd-2022/ The Liberal Government added an amendment to Bill C-21 effectively prohibiting several million additional, individual rifles and shotguns. These new prohibitions will include the SKS, Tavor, X-95, all AR180 and variants, Canuck bullpup shotguns, Crusader Arms, Kel-Tec Sub2000, SU16, RDB, RFB, JR Carbine, Kriss Vector, Ruger PC Carbine, Norinco T97 NSR, Benelli M4 and countless more. This amendment has been put forward by the Liberal government to add it to Bill C-21. If Bill C-21 passes, these firearms as well as all formerly prohibited firearms will be enshrined in legislation. AMENDMENT WORDING The Canadian Shooting Sports Association shared the text of the amendment. The prohibitions and confiscations target you if you own: A FIREARM THAT IS A RIFLE OR SHOTGUN, THAT IS CAPABLE OF DISCHARGING CENTREFIRE AMMUNITION IN A SEMI-AUTOMATIC MANNER AND THAT IS DESIGNED TO ACCEPT A DETACHABLE CARTRIDGE MAGAZINE WITH A CAPACITY GREATER THAN FIVE CARTRIDGES OF THE TYPE FOR WHICH THE FIREARM WAS ORIGINALLY DESIGNED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SKS IWI Tavor & X-95 all AR180 and variants Canuck bullpup shotguns Crusader Arms Kel-Tec Sub2000 (and others) JR Carbine Kriss Vector Ruger PC Carbine GSG 16 GSG 15 Norinco T97 NSR Benelli MR1 Benelli M4 all B&T models SKS AMONG 400 NEW MODELS (at BC Firearms Academy - Surrey) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClSp1RJLXet/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mr-double-downer · 2 years ago
NGL the worst part of california gun laws is the stupid approve list. I can't be a hipster, I have to choose from the same middle of the road bullshit everyone else has. If you're getting a shotty and you can afford it, just get a Benelli M4. If you don't care about the aesthetics of guns or want anything specifically, it is hands down the best combat shotgun to exist right now. If you want something better, I am going against the grain by saying no AR because the restrictions are pretty bad. A modified SKS or Ruger Mini-14 lets you skirt a lot of rules and get something a lot closer to what they have in other states without breaking the laws as much.
but I want to go against the grain that if the gat don’t have style then what’s the point
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chubbyooo · 5 years ago
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 86 - A Jedi’s Doubt
hey sorry for the break I've been having a rough week but the next 5 chaps are gonna be doozys :D
Gacen tries to convince Sumalee to help him and Risha
Sumalee led Gacen to the mountain wall where she pulled up a datapad “so um Sums where are we going” Sumalee messed with the datapad and the rock shifted into an entrance
She rolled her eyes “I thought I’d protect my home with a hologram to stop people like you barging in” she walked into a large chamber full of what Gacen could only describe as Jedi Shit “and don’t call me Sums” she glared at him causing him to shudder
Risha laughed through the comms “yeah she hates that nice job remembering it” Gacen chuckled Risha had come up with it before they’d even met but he’d co-opted it
Gacen smiled as he started to look at a stack of weird looking relics “says you Rish” he teased as Sumalee made herself comfortable
Risha just tutted “touché” Gacen picked up one of the relics and the others toppled across the table as he fumbled trying to keep them stable
He swiveled round to Sumalee who looked less and impressed and smiled awkwardly “if you’re quite done messing up my home tell me why you’re here” Gacen put the relic back down and walked over awkwardly
Gacen stammered “well you see I came here to ask for your help with something” Sumalee raised her eyebrow at him “Risha needs your help but I can’t explain why too much incase there are spies around” Sumalee frowned but nodded understanding her concern
She considered it for a long second “I see I suppose if she’s exercising discretion I can understand why, this isn’t some scheme of yours is it” Gacen thought about it
He held his neck “I mean technically it’s a scheme but like on a grand scale” he could hear Risha sighing at him through the comms “it’s a good cause though i promise you that I can tell you more about it on the ship” Sumalee nodded standing up and collecting a few things
She was silent for a couple minutes walking around her home before she came back with a backpack “alright let’s go” Gacen’s eyes widened that was a lot easier than expected
He stammered “wait that’s all it took I was expecting more push back” Sumalee frowned at him as she used the force to pack a few things quickly into her backpack
Sumalee shrugged “you said Risha needed my help, I’d only not help if it was your plan but your inability to explain it means this is her idea so I’m in” Gacen didn’t know wether to be insulted or flattered
Risha seemed pleased “nice one Sumalee I knew I could count on you” Gacen smiled as Sumalee finished packing
He led her back outside “alright well we’re grateful for your help Sumalee” he looked to see M4-SK waiting for them “oh and this is our protocol droid M4-SK he’s kinda eccentric” Sumalee nodded at him and ignored his greeting
She sighed “everything is with you two I’m hardly surprised” Gacen feigned surprise as he was common to do
He shook his head “how dare you we are high class not eccentric” Sumalee gave him a long silent look “ok fine but we’re noble criminals you know that” Sumalee conceded as they made their trek back down the mountain. A little ways down Gacen got curious “so uh why did you come to this place I thought you were pretty popular in the Jedi order” Sumalee looked off pensively 
She sighed “after the Eternal Empire attacked I like many Jedi became disillusioned with the Jedi in their current form, through this path we’d lost so many, The Hero of Tython and the Barsen'thor missing, Master Yuon, Bakarn and now the Grand Master had disappeared clearly something was wrong with the cycle of endless war between the republic and the empire it had left us open to a greater threat, I decided that for the Jedi to survive we would need to look more critically at ourselves” Gacen nodded trying to look intellectual and understand but really taking in very little
Sumalee looked around her “I came here to Wayland as it’s a Nexus of force energy” Gacen was totally lost “more specifically a mix of light and dark energy, the Barsen’thor had advocated for not cutting off our emotions and the longer I’ve been here the more I’m inclined to agree” Gacen blinked why had he asked this
Risha laughed “I could’ve told her that years ago” Gacen smiled he had a feeling she had a few times
Sumalee continued “I’ve never been the most traditional Jedi and that may be what we need right now, with the emergence of the Alliance and it’s cooperation between Jedi and Sith it seems like the cycle may be able to be broken but only with the right people” Gacen did understand that the republic and sith would never stop fighting it’s why him and Risha had been able to profit of it so much
Gacen nodded “yes I suppose so war is a thing that people do” he immediately regretted saying that there was no wisdom there and Sumalee had a confused look on her face as they arrived outside his ship. He quickly changed the subject “well! Here we are, my ship come aboard and we can discuss the plan” Sumalee nodded following him as he set up the holo to broadcast Risha, He sent M4-Sk to the cockpit to begin piloting the ship back to Gabredor III.
Sumalee folded her arms “so what exactly do you two want this time” Gacen turned on the holo as Risha appeared and Sumalee’s rough exterior immediately softened
Risha had a huge grin on her face “hey Sumalee long time don’t tell me you’ve gone straight edge” Sumalee rolled her eyes but was clearly grinning sincerely
She shook her head “never, but regardless it’s good to see you again Risha” Gacen smiled “so why did you send your boyfriend instead of yourself” Gacen frowned he was more than that
Risha folded her arms “first of all he’s my husband not my boyfriend Sums” Gacen nodded backing her up
Sumalee nodded sarcastically “right of course silly me I guess I just forgot” Gacen pouted she clearly hadn’t changed that much
Risha just rolled her eyes “I sent him because if I show my face it can cause collateral damage on Dubrillion” Sumalee face crossed with understanding as she nodded
Sumalee smiled “of course you’re going after Dubrillion I should’ve known you’d take your responsibility eventually” Risha nodded clearly not appreciating the slight condescending tone
Risha continued “yes well unfortunately King Actavarus has only gotten more paranoid and dangerous and as a result we’ll have to be very careful about our approach” Sumalee seemed to understand as Risha explained
Sumalee smiled “and you need a figurehead that wouldn’t be too irregular to form a movement against Dubrillion and it’s corrupt government” Risha nodded clearly glad to tell someone her plan
She raised her eyebrow “well yes that’s part of it but also I believe you’re a rather competent advisor and familiar with war, after all ‘war is a thing people do’” she teased at Gacen
Gacen scrunched up his face “hey I’m sorry ok I’m not so good at the wise comments” they both smiled at him as he pouted
Risha continued “either way I need someone who can contact those on my side of the cause without arousing suspicion of my involvement” Sumalee nodded starting to understand
She frowned “but what if they find out that we’re friends that’s not exactly a secret” Gacen gritted his teeth knowing what was coming next
Risha shook her head “no problem I’ve erased any record of our involvement from the holonet” Sumalee looked surprised and almost angry
Gacen thought it would be best to intervene “don’t worry Sumalee she did it to everyone even me” that seemed to calm her down a bit 
Risha sighed “yes and genius here spilled his involvement to the Dubrillion forces so he can’t be it, he’ll handle relations with other people and hopefully later direct missions” Gacen shrunk down a bit to be fair at the time he hadn’t known the specifics and may have been drugged
Sumalee took this all in and smiled “this all sounds rather agreeable I certainly would like to help free a planet it would be good to fight for the right side again” Risha smiled clearly pleased with the outcome
Risha grinned “perfect we’ll discuss the next steps when you get back I’m excited to see you” she shut off the holo and spoke into Gacen’s ear “that went pretty well thanks for softening the blow of removing all our interactions” Gacen nodded he understood why she had to
Sumalee looked around the ship “I swore I’d never set foot on this tin can” Gacen gasped for real this time this ship was a masterpiece
Gacen pouted “hey this ship has plenty of class and I’ve cultivated a good atmosphere” Sumalee rolled her eyes clearly not agreeing
She grinned “is that why it smells like Bantha cheese” Gacen didn’t even know how to respond to that his mouth agape for a good few seconds 
Gacen glared at her “take that back this ship has been my baby for 15 or so years” Sumalee just smirked walking off to make herself at home she was gonna be helpful but almost definitely problematic…
Soon they’d returned to Gabredor and Risha came out to meet them instantly wrapping Sumalee into a hug “it’s good to see you and free of those Jedi know-it-alls we’re gonna have so much fun together” Sumalee smiled awkwardly not sure what was happening
Gacen laughed “yeah 5 years with no one but Guss and the droid for company has made her more affectionate it’s wild” Sumalee nodded at least this they could agree on
Risha rolled her eyes “speaking of” she pulled Gacen in for a long kiss which admittedly he had missed even if it had only been a few days
Sumalee frowned “should I go inside and wait” Gacen nodded and she awkwardly walked inside as they continued
A couple minutes later they made their way in where they found Sumalee rearranging the furniture to make it neater “ah there you are, are your libidos sorted out I assume we have a lot to discuss” Risha nodded leading them to the war room
She chuckled “yes we should be fine it’s like he said 5 years apart has made us a little more grateful for what we have” Sumalee sighed clearly not understanding
She looked Gacen up and down “I can’t imagine why” Gacen shook his head he should’ve expected the sass but still
Risha brushed it off “ok so next steps is finding someone to support us, I may have some wealth of my own but I’d rather get an army and experienced operatives we can trust. Last time Ash and I suggested the Alliance as the most trustworthy if volatile option” she turned to Sumalee “do you have any thoughts on that?” Sumalee looked at each of the options for a second
She nodded “I was honestly going to suggest the same I have become a bit disillusioned with the Jedi but much more in the Republic after Saresh’s term as Chancellor, and my thoughts on the empire I believe are obvious” Gacen smiled he didn’t know much of politics but was glad all three of them had suggested the Alliance
Gacen frowned “so we should send someone over there right, I guess Sumalee could go and convince them to help” Risha seemed to brush that idea off to his and Sumalee’s surprise
She shook her head “actually I think it will be best if you go Gacen” Gacen was surprised he was no diplomat “you’re most likely to be speaking to Lana Beniko who I believe you’ve met before but more importantly is a sith” she looks at Sumalee “something tells me her and Sumalee meeting could end less civil” Gacen nodded that did make a lot of sense and from what he knew of Lana she was pretty cool they could come to an agreement. Risha smiled surprisingly genuinely “besides I think it would do you good to go and see it, and I’ll be in your ear the entire time just like last time” Gacen let out a sigh of relief that would make things easier
Sumalee frowned “wait you were talking to him the entire time?” Risha nodded “I should’ve known no wonder he was somewhat tactful” Gacen sighed he guessed he had to get used to that
Risha folded her arms “either way you don’t have to go immediately now that Sumalee is here we can discuss our plans for what comes next” she gestured to the planet on the war room map “and once Ash gets back maybe devise a strategy for taking Dubrillion” Gacen nodded he did wonder how Ash was getting on
Gacen smiled “it seems like it’s all coming together Rish, and don’t worry I’m sure I can handle the Alliance” he said that with confidence but really hoped he just had to talk to Lana he could convince her right?...
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athomewiththecicadas · 2 years ago
Immediate Defense.....Sufficient
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When you start getting interested in building your own Militia, it’s easy to get caught up in unwanted competition.
And when you are talking about any kind of defense, you are talking about the very basics of competition.
And in all of this competition, there usually winds up being some kind of argument that is misinformed, or construed to deny and disparage the fundamentals of “Immediate Defense.”
And when I’m talking about Immediate Defense, I’m not referring to the large scale short/medium/intermediate/long range weapons that all of you are used to seeing on TV, or your interpretation of professional military.
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Standard Civilian firearms satisfy the majority of basic security operations requirements. Specifically, handguns and shotguns. In nearly every SWAT operation, or “Bounty-Hunter for contract” is limited to or can be reasonably limited to handguns and shotguns.
Needless to say, standard police requirements. And as far as the entire nation goes, between the Sheriff Department and Local law enforcement, civilian firearms are sufficient to secure our nations legal system.
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But civilian firearms include civilian rifles. And civilian rifles can do everything military grade and law enforcement rifles can, less burst and automatic.
But for a militia, you are talking about a platoon usually minimum, and this changes your perspective of just how competitive civilian rifles are in even combat scenarios.
12 to 36 people firing at you is just a lot of firepower. And even if I could change a clip or magazine faster, I’m still overwhelmed by the firepower of civilian rifles.
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So, the term semi-automatic, doesn’t require a large magazine to retain large amounts of firepower. And above you can see a civilian M4 Carbine, and the SKS rifle.
But rifles are excellent for securing range, and thus private property, and fire support such as suppressive fire. In fact, in all of my experience in military tactics, there isn’t a single effective tactic that couldn’t be reduced to civilian firearms.
So, we’re talking about immediate defense. And that’s everything you need to fight competitively. And this includes large portions of land.
So, first you have your firearms, and second you address munitions
And basically, every munition effect in today’s urban law enforcement the standard flashbang grenade does its job. Just as hard as the billy-club. Still, weapons manufacturers..... And here’s one: MP-FB-7 promises 170dB and 2 million candlelight. 
Geez, I thought that was a standard flashbang.
Obviously, hand grenades are highly desirable, and it’s important to note that most of controlled firearms and ordinance in the term “Immediate Defense” are under the radar. And most importantly they fit the most basic requirement for a militia to properly secure themselves.
The M72 LAW rocket and the M47 Dragon, which I talk about later in this blog.
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And between civilian firearms and the small arms/ light munitions you have the capability to not only secure law enforcement requirements, but you’re also talking about countering Armored and Heavy armored vehicles. That’s different then law enforcement expectations. And that is pretty scary. But once again, you’re talking about small arms, light munitions. I talk about this later in the blog.
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The Vulcan Air Defense, which I refer to later, still qualifies as “Immediate Defense.” And I’m sure, as you read on that you didn’t know that Militias were allowed to secure this much firepower, and remain under the radar.
A bounty-hunter could take out the overwhelming majority of “Large Scale Military Invasion” threats, it’s just that Immediate Defense is substantial enough to take out everything else.
You don’t believe me? 
A battalion is the standard war unit for processing and dispatching. And even in a Heavy Armored battalion, most likely only 3 Companies of heavy armor are deployable. The rest of the battalion is used for operations.
Well, then let me show you the basics of air power, now that you have your basic firearms and munitions, and first layer air defense.
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Small attack aircraft such as the P-51, and the A-29 are formidable attack aircraft. Especially when you are talking about a 10 to 20 mile radius. In fact, one flight wing of P-51′s (4-6 aircraft) can hold back 3 Heavy Armour companies, and destroy them. The P-51 and A-29 have a .50 cal, But both planes can carry Mk81 (250 lbs)
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And the Cessna A-37, can fly at an altitude of 30,000 ft., carry Hydra 70 Rockets, 20mm Vulcan rotary cannon, and carry 8 GBU-58/59 (250lbs)
Immediate Defense is definitely competitive.
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“We must face our weaknesses of Financial Security and Disease and address the issue of proper Facilitation and Rehabilitation.”  
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animefan-2013 · 6 years ago
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FUUUUUUUCK!! It was AK-47! The Notorious firearm from the East, replaced the Russian army's SKS after 2 years, gaining more popularity than Germany's Sturmgewehr (Storm Rifle) that introduced the "Assault rifle" category & becoming long-term rivals with the American's M4/AR-15
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freetheshit-outofyou · 3 years ago
@purplediplomatgardeneagle, you are not wrong. But I am going to counter with a few things. This is not my image so I cannot speak to what kind of load out the OP has. But I can speak for me. There is only so much room for ammo and magazines. There is only so much of anything one can hold and at some point boxes well filled will hold much more than boxes well stacked with full magazines. I personally would prefer every magazine full, but I have firearms that are internal magazines so if all my ammo were in the magazines I'd have to strip some down to use them, not a real issue either way. I have a mountain of magazines for more weapons than I own. AR15, M1A, AK, SKS, .45 Colt, 92FS, 10/22, Glock, M1 Garand clips, M1 Carbine, Enfield SMLE, M1918 BAR. I have ammo for all of them, but if I had ammo in all of them although they would be all ready to shoot the weight becomes the issue. Can one physically move them if they had to? Here is an example I sent to a buddy I play XBOX with now and then, and I posted it here. He lives in Anti-gun New York, so he has not had a great amount of exposure to firearms beyond his grandpa's collection when he was a kid. We played The Division 2 mostly and one day he asked "How many magazines would to take to carry the ammo our characters have and how much would it weight? So I logged on and looked at when my "Toon" was packing, 1,354 AR rounds and 250 shout gun rounds. That is a ridiculous amount of rounds and weight. For example when I was in Iraq I carried and M21, I packed 6 loaded 20 round magazines and one 200 round belt of 240B food, I also carried a 100 round drum for the 249 and 6 loaded M4 magazines among other things and that was in combat. Has I carried 45 magazines and 250 rounds of shotgun, not only would I be packing 70 pounds of just ammo and magazines but I would not be able to pack food, water, medical supplies, explosives', and the like. I get where your head is at, but each of us packs out to our needs. Honestly, when I first saw it my first instinct was "Why would you do that?", during a crash everyone will be looking for food and water, hiding ammo in a food container would not be my first choice. But it looks like it will pack nice. To each their own.
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