cassiestephensart · 5 years
Apart from halbarry, what other DC couples do you like?
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Well, here's the problem with me outright saying I ship certain things.
I'm afraid of a ship war in the comments.
Do I believe my art is popular enough to cause backlash? Not even slightly. However, its better to avoid it than go through it.
I've seen many amazing artists get horrible backlash for shipping something and it sucks. I already go through it, I dont need people hating on something else I love.
The only reason I'm comfortable with broadcasting that I ship Halbarry, is because the Halbarry fandom is really small, and the ship itself isnt that problematic (just me saying that is probably going to motivate someone to tell me why they're problematic, but please just don't).
I want to keep the blog itself a space for any ship. If someone came into my inbox rn and asked for BarryxIris, I'd gladly do it.
Long post short, if you're interested in what I ship, go ahead and PM me! I love talking about that stuff! But I don't want to broadcast it in fear of backlash (take the PoisonQuinn anon for example).
But thanks for the ask!
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cassiestephensart · 5 years
Do you have oc's? And if so, do you teach it? 
Yes I do have OCs!
But uhm... Teach what?
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cassiestephensart · 5 years
Do you like Marvel or do you know any character you like or attract attention?
Yes I like Marvel! My favorite Marvel characters are Peter Parker and Carol Danvers :)
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