usafphantom2 · 1 month
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French Navy 2S Morane Saulnier MS.760 Paris 87 (1990)
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arkeolitik · 8 years
Satranç Tarihi
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Mısır piramitlerindeki bulgular, satrancın günümüzden 4000 yıl önce oynandığına dair kanıtlar sunmaktadır. Satrancın, Çin’de, Mezopotamya’da ve Anadolu’da da oynandığına dair bulgular ise farklı zamanlarda yapılan arkeolojik kazılar sonucunda ortaya çıkmıştır.
Bugünkü Türkmenistan'da yapılan kazılarda, burada yaşayan Kuşhan Türklerine ait ve MS 150. yüzyıla ait olduğu saptanan satranç taşlarının bulunması, satrancın ilk defa Kuşhan Türklerince oynandığı ve onlar tarafından Hindistan'a götürüldüğü yolunda iddiaları gündeme getirmektedir.
Satranç ile ilgili ilk yazılı belgeler M.S. 3.-4. yüzyıllarda yaşamış Hint Hükümdarı II. Chandragupta zamanında yazılmış Sanskritçe metinlerdir. Bu metinlerde oyunun ismi ‘Çaturanga’ olarak geçmektedir. 600lü yıllarda Hindistan’ın Pencap bölgesinde oyunun kurallarının son halini aldığı düşünülmektedir ve aynı yüzyılda Çin’de de satranç ‘Sat-RanÇu’ ismiyle oynanmaya başladığı yolunda iddialar mevcuttur.
Satrancın ortaya çıkışı ve dünyaya yayılışı ile ilgili çok sayıda araştırma sonucu var olsa da bulunan ilk satranç taşları M.S. 760 yılına aittir ve Afrasiyap’ta; ilk satranç takımı ise Nişapur, Türkistan’da bulunmuştur.
Satranç taşına benzer taşların Kuşhan Devleti başkenti Dervazintepe’de (M.S. 100) bulunduğu düşünülmektedir. Bazı tarafsız kaynaklarda ise satrancın Kuşhan Türkleri tarafından Hindistan’a getirildiği bildirilmektedir. Güney Özbekistan’da 2. yüzyıldan kalan antik kalede, 1972 yılında yapılan kazı çalışmalarında satranç taşları bulunmuştur. Rus satranç taşları uzmanı Linder, bunların satranç taşı olmayabileceğini; ancak satrancın öncüsü olabileceğini söylemektedir. Antik kalede bulunan kalıntılar satranç tarihini kabul edilenden daha öne çekmektedir.
Satranç taşları ve satranç tahtasının biçim ve tasarımında Türk Medeniyetlerinde önemli bir yeri bulunan balbal, çadır, kümbet ve at sembolü gibi sembollerin büyük bir rol oynadığı da düşünülmektedir. XI. yüzyılda bir fildişi satranç takımı bulunmuştur ve Selçuklu satranç takımı olarak adlandırılan bu takım, IX. ya da X. yüzyıla ait diğer fildişi taşların bir satranç takımına ait olduğunun bir kanıtı olarak kabul edilmektedir.
Rusya’nın çeşitli bölgelerinde Türk medeniyetlerine ait yerleşim yerlerinde de satranç takımlarına rastlanmıştır. Ruslar bu taşların ve satrancın Hazar Volga Boyu yolundan taşındığını söylemektedirler. Bu bölgelerde rastlanan taşlar, Afrasiyap taşları ile benzerlik göstermektedirler.
Moğolistan’daki Hun-Göktürk Dönemi Anıt Mezarlığı ‘Şatırçulu’ ismini taşımaktadır. Türkçe olan Şatır, Şatra, Şıdıra, Şatıra ve Şator kelimeleri Satranç anlamına gelmektedir.
Satrancın 6. yüzyıldan itibaren İran’da bilindiğine ilişkin bulgular bulunmaktadır. 500lü yıllarda yaşayan İran Şahı I. Hüsrev’e bir satranç takımı hediye edilmiştir ve oyun ‘Çatrang’ olarak isimlendirilmiştir. 600lü yıllara gelindiğinde ise Arapların İran’ı istila etmesinin ardından oyun Arap-İslam dünyasında kabul görmüş ve ‘Satranj’ olarak anılmaya başlanmıştır. Oyun Endülüs Devleti aracılığıyla da İspanya üzerinden Avrupa’ya yayılmıştır. Satrancın Kuzey Avrupa ve Doğu Roma İmparatorluğu’ndan Avrupa’nın tamamına yayıldığına dair görüşler olsa da satrancın Türkistan coğrafyasından Avrupa’ya taşındığı düşünülmektedir.
Bazı kaynaklara göre Avrupa’daki ilk satranç takımının Halife Harun Reşid tarafından Fransa Kralı Charlemagne’ye hediye edilen satranç takımı olduğunu kaydetmektedir. Katalonya, Fransa, Floransa, Sicilya, Polonya, İngiltere, Hollanda, Norveç, Arnavutluk, Özbekistan ve Afganistan gibi Avrupa’nın ve Asya’nın çeşitli bölgelerinde çok sayıda Ortaçağ satranç takımları ve müstakil satranç taşları bulunmuştur. Bodrum Serçe Limanı Cam Batığı buluntusu Türk tipi satranç seti ise satrancın Avrupa’ya yalnızca Araplar ile değil Türkiye üzerinden de taşındığını göstermektedir. 15. yüzyıldan itibaren Avrupa’da soylular arasında popüler olan satranç, burada ‘kraliyet oyunu’ olarak anılmıştır.
Arap ve Avrupa el yazması kitaplardan sonra İspanyol Lucena’nın ilk basılı satranç kitabında (1497) satrancın o zamanki yeni ve günümüzde de kabul edilen kuralları yer almaktadır. Ayrıca İspanyol El Greco’nun (17. YY) ve Fransız Philidor’un (18. YY) satranç kitapları bulunmaktadır. Satrancın kuralları ve dizilişleri zaman içinde çeşitli değişiklikler göstermiş olsa da 19. Yüzyılda bugünkü halini almıştır.
1850'lerden itibaren güçlü oyuncuların yer aldığı satranç turnuvaları düzenlenmeye başlamıştır. İlk dünya satranç şampiyonluk karşılaşması ise, zamanın iki güçlü oyuncusu olan Steinitz ve Zukertort arasında oynanmıştır. Maçı 10 galibiyet, 5 beraberlik ve 5 yenilgi ile W. Steinitz kazanarak ilk resmi dünya satranç şampiyonu olmuştur. Steinitz aynı zamanda, satrancı sistematik oynama kavramının da babası kabul edilmektedir.
(kaynak: Gökyay Satranç Vakfı)
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mastcomm · 5 years
Your Monday Briefing – The New York Times
Rising concern that coronavirus will slip world’s net
The number of reported coronavirus cases stood at more than 68,500, with nearly 1,700 deaths, including a man in Taiwan with no history of travel to mainland China. Here’s the latest.
Though the pace of increase has slowed, there are new fears of global transmission after an 83-year-old American woman tested positive for the coronavirus in Malaysia. She was one of more than 1,000 passengers who left a cruise ship last week in Cambodia and traveled onward to other destinations.
In Japan, some American passengers are being evacuated from another cruise ship that now has 355 confirmed coronavirus cases. Canada and Hong Kong say they will also evacuate their nationals from the ship, and Australia is sending an expert to weigh options.
Officials in Hawaii are racing to find people who may have had contact with a tourist couple who tested positive for the coronavirus after returning home to Japan.
In China: Placing himself in the middle of questions about the government’s response, President Xi Jinping said in a new speech that he took charge of the outbreak in early January, nearly two weeks before he first spoke publicly about it and when the government was still saying human-to-human spread seemed unlikely.
A Mao-style containment has imposed lockdowns of varying strictness on at least 760 million people, according to our analysis, a major blow to the world’s second largest economy.
Another angle: Although there are only a handful of known cases in the U.S., the outbreak has some Asian-Americans feeling an unnerving public scrutiny for just sneezing.
Adjusting to life in a fire-scarred Australia
The wildfires that ravaged the country are changing what it means to be Australian.
“In a land usually associated with relaxed optimism, anxiety and trauma have taken hold,” our Sydney bureau chief writes in an analysis. And summers are only set to get hotter and smokier, promising humming air filters and children kept indoors.
As Australians stumble toward new ways of work, leisure and life, our bureau chief asks, will a conservative government skeptical of climate change follow?
On the ground: Fires are still burning south and west of New South Wales. In total, tens of millions of acres have been incinerated.
Behind U.S.-Iran clash: months of misjudgments
A nine-month period that shook up the already tense relationship between the two countries began with the Trump administration’s escalation of sanctions and ended with Washington and Tehran in a direct military confrontation.
Our reporters traced the path to last month’s violent standoff, finding a story of miscalculations by both sides.
What’s next? “The chess match continues,” our reporters write. The Senate tried to constrain President Trump, voting last week to require that he seek congressional authorization before taking further military action against Iran. But the measure lacked the support needed to override a promised veto.
Another player: Once based in Iraq, a secretive group of celibate Iranian dissidents — the Mujahedeen Khalq, or People’s Jihadists — gave our reporter a tour of their new home in Albania.
Sri Lankan army chief banned from U.S.
The U.S. imposed an entry bar on Sri Lanka’s army chief, Lt. Gen. Shavendra Silva, citing his alleged involvement in war crimes during the final stages of the country’s civil war.
The ban is the first significant international penalty against Sri Lanka since it brought the 26-year civil war to a bloody close against Tamil Tiger militants in 2009. Some 40,000 Tamil civilians were killed during the war, and thousands who surrendered to General Silva’s division disappeared.
Sri Lanka’s government condemned the U.S. measure and said there were “no substantiated or proven allegations” against General Silva, but rights groups and some in the country applauded the move.
Looking ahead: The American penalty may spur other countries to impose similar measures, or raise pressure on Sri Lanka to pursue its own war crimes tribunals — though there are signs that the country is taking an illiberal turn under President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
If you have 8 minutes, this is worth it
A vital river runs low
The lower Mekong, which runs through five countries and serves as a lifeline for 60 million people, was one of the world’s few remaining free rivers until a Thai-funded dam started operations in November. Now the river is choked, residents told our reporter, and some parts are reduced to a trickle.
“Our nets are almost empty,” a fisherman in Thailand said. “Maybe our way of life on the river is finished.”
Here’s what else is happening
U.S. Justice Department: More than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and justice officials called on Attorney General William Barr to step down and some current prosecutors are expressing concerns about political interference in light of his intervention in the case involving Roger Stone, a friend of President Trump’s.
U.S.-China trade: As the Trump administration considers whether to block transactions between U.S. and Chinese firms and otherwise restrict technology exports to China, some big U.S. tech firms are warning that tougher rules could be disastrous for their business, locking them out of world markets.
Snapshot: Above, flooding in Tenbury Wells, England. More than half a month’s worth of rain fell in one day as a “weather bomb” brought chaos to parts of England, Wales and Scotland.
Michael Bloomberg: As he eyed a presidential run, the billionaire and former New York mayor ramped up his charitable giving. His money created an unmatched empire of influence.
What we’re reading: This essay by the writer and critic Paraic O’Donnell in The Irish Times. Steven Erlanger, our diplomatic correspondent in Europe, describes it as a “moving, sometimes angry contemplation of a life slowly destroyed by M.S., bringing thoughts of how gardens are born in destruction, and how this progressive disease moves with the seasons.”
Now, a break from the news
Neil MacFarquhar, our national correspondent who wrote the story, previously served as the Times bureau chief in Moscow. We talked with him in the following conversation, which has been condensed and edited for clarity.
You wrote that one Sputnik station shares a frequency with a smaller jazz station in Kansas City. What’s it like to be listening to Charlie Parker one minute, and propaganda the next?
You get roughly, “This is Radio Sputnik, broadcasting live from Washington D.C., the capital of the divided states of America.”
The station that has the Sputnik frequency is fairly strong, while the station broadcasting jazz is relatively weak. If you’re by the more powerful transmitter, you get Radio Sputnik
Is this kind of propaganda relatively unprecedented in U.S.-Russian relations?
It depends on your interpretation of “propaganda.” There have previously been radio broadcasts of foreign- owned and financed radio stations into the United States.
But part of the change is the MORE SOUR mood between the two capitals. Under Putin, there has been a much more concerted effort to undermine Western institutions.
The Facebook campaigns focused on the 2016 election and other things we’ve heard about were direct attempts to influence specific groups of people, so it was more manipulative. This is much more subtle. It’s not old-school propaganda, it’s American hosts — before they got to Sputnik they were fairly down on the United States from the left or right — trying to paint the U.S. as damaged goods.
Is it jarring compared to other radio stations on the dial?
It’s talk radio, so they’re riffing off of headlines about impeachment, Kobe Bryant, coronavirus, that kind of thing. The bureau chief in Washington says they’d like to have a station in New York but the cost is bigger than their budget allows.
That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.
— Penn
Thank you To Mark Josephson and Eleanor Stanford for the break from the news. Adam Pasick, on the briefings team, wrote today’s Back Story. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is about the post-impeachment President Trump. • Here’s our Mini Crossword, and a clue: Zip, zero, nada (four letters). You can find all our puzzles here. • A. G. Sulzberger, the Times’s publisher, recently received an award from the New England First Amendment. Read his remarks.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Sugary Sodas Nonetheless Fashionable, However Warnings, Taxes Can Curb Uptake
http://tinyurl.com/y3u3mnl3 By E.J. MundellHealthDay Reporter Newest Food regimen & Weight Administration Information SUNDAY, June 9, 2019 (HealthDay Information) — Eight of each 10 American households buys sodas and different sugary drinks every week, including as much as 2,000 energy per family per week, new analysis reveals. To place that in perspective, 2,000 energy is the same as the advisable common caloric consumption for an grownup for a complete day. With the obesity epidemic persevering with for People younger and previous, it is nonetheless powerful to get the message out that sugary drinks might show deadly over time, one knowledgeable stated. “It startles me what number of sufferers of mine state that they ‘perceive that soda shouldn’t be good’ — nonetheless, they proceed to drink for the pleasure precept,” stated Sharon Zarabi. She directs the bariatric program at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York Metropolis. Nonetheless, Zarabi added, “once you truly sit down and spend time explaining the contribution of extra energy, inflammatory markers, elevated triglycerides, addictive properties, weight gain, and many others., you paint a distinct image.” The brand new research was led by Stephen Onufrak, of the U.S. Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention. The report — and quite a lot of associated research — have been to be offered Sunday on the annual assembly of the American Society for Vitamin, in Baltimore. Within the soda consumption research, the CDC workforce checked out information from a authorities survey of the weekly grocery-buying habits of practically 5,000 U.S. households, compiled in 2012. The findings confirmed that on any given week, 77% of households purchased sodas, sweetened juices, sports activities drinks or different sugary beverages. In about half of instances (47%), these drinks have been purchased for consumption at dwelling. On common, households consumed greater than 2,000 energy’ price of sugary drinks every week — about 1,200 energy whereas at dwelling and practically 760 energy outdoors the house, the CDC workforce stated. Sodas have been by far the main calorie supply, with 678 energy’ price consumed at dwelling and one other 472 energy taken in outdoors the house. And because the variety of individuals dwelling in a house elevated, so did the uptake of high-calorie, sugary drinks, the report discovered. Wholesome warnings What can and needs to be finished to assist decrease these numbers? Two improvements — daring well being warnings on drink labels and “soda taxes” — do appear to assist, different research offered on the identical assembly confirmed. In a single research, researchers led by Anna Grummon, of the College of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, gave 400 soda-loving adults $10 and requested them to spend it in a mock comfort retailer. One group of consumers have been despatched to a retailer the place the sodas had outstanding well being warnings emblazoned on their labels; whereas the opposite group went purchasing in a retailer the place sodas did not have such labeling. The consequence? People despatched to the “warning labels” retailer purchased a mean of about 110 energy’ price of sugary drinks, in comparison with 143 energy amongst consumers despatched to the shop with out such warnings. The researchers concluded that implementing insurance policies that require sugar-sweetened drinks to hold well being warnings might discourage sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. In one other research, Grummon’s group performed a computer-simulation research on how placing well being warnings on sugary beverage labels may have an effect on the weight problems epidemic. Her workforce estimated that such a transfer “might scale back common sugar-sweetened beverage consumption by about 25 energy per day and complete calorie consumption by about 30 energy per day.” Over 5 years, that may be “equal to dropping about four kilos for the typical grownup,” the UNC workforce stated. Taxing energy away Lastly, there’s the notion — already legislated in Philadelphia, Berkeley, Calif., and different U.S. cities — of the “soda tax.” In one other computer-modeling research, a workforce led by Christina Griecci of Tufts College in Boston estimated {that a} 1 cent tax per ounce on each sugar-sweetened beverage might forestall round 17,000 new obesity-associated cancer instances and 10,000 cancer deaths. The tax would additionally save an estimated $2.four billion in lifetime expenditures for cancer care nationwide, Griecci’s group reported. One other Tufts computer-modeling research, this time led by researcher Yujin Lee, discovered {that a} tax on sugar-sweetened drinks would work finest if the quantity of tax went up together with the quantity of sugar added. The researchers estimated that this sort of tiered tax “might forestall 460,000 cardiovascular occasions and 60,000 instances of diabetes, and save $28 billion in well being care prices” over a decade. Zarabi agreed that taxes and label warnings are what’s wanted. “Sodas have completely no dietary worth and imposing a tax might have individuals pondering twice about their well being,” she stated. However one other vitamin knowledgeable disagreed. “The concept that sugar taxes would be the resolution shouldn’t be solely short-sighted, however locations the most important monetary burden on low-income individuals, in addition to reductions the multifaceted causes for our poor consuming behaviors,” stated registered dietitian Michelle Milgrim, who manages worker wellness at Northwell Well being in Lake Success, N.Y. “Stress, feelings, household and cultural influences, value and comfort are amongst simply a few of the explanation why individuals eat the way in which they do,” Milgrim believes. So, higher meals labeling, plus schooling on vitamin that’s “early and ongoing” are the true keys to fixing the weight problems drawback, she stated. As a result of all of those research have been offered at a medical assembly, their findings needs to be thought-about preliminary till revealed in a peer-reviewed journal. Copyright © 2019 HealthDay. All rights reserved. SOURCES: Michelle Milgrim, M.S., R.D., supervisor, worker wellness, Northwell Well being, Lake Success, N.Y.; Sharon Zarabi, R.D., bariatric program director, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York Metropolis; June 9, 2019, displays, American Society for Vitamin annual assembly, Baltimore From !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script','//connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '428750600651790'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Source link
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kanalmalatya · 6 years
Turcoin Vurgunu Sanıkları 11 Bin 760 Yılla Yargılanacak
Turcoin Vurgunu Sanıkları 11 Bin 760 Yılla Yargılanacak
Kocaeli’nde kurdukları kripto para üretim merkezi ile yerli para üretme vaadi sundukları bin 176 kişiyi yaklaşık 1 milyar TL dolandırdıkları iddia edilen 37 sanık için 11 bin 760 yıl hapis cezası istendi.
Kocaeli’de 2018 yılının Haziran ayında gerçekleşen olayda ilk yerli para “Turcoin” üretme vaadiyle vatandaşlardan yaklaşık 1 milyar TL toplayan S.K. ve M.S., şikayet üzerine dolandırıcılık…
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