#målin lund
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smellslikegeraniums · 11 months ago
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Art by Daria Epifanova
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yarrowdraws · 2 years ago
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“They are no longer there. But I still see them.”
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revacholianpizzaagenda · 2 years ago
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It’s still August, and under the twenty-eighth is written “International Day of Missing Persons”. It is precisely in their honour, on the twenty-eighth of August. This is the day.
To the Lund girls!
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laughingpinecone · 2 years ago
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Aspects of the void. To a crumbling future. My love letter to the actual protagonists of the actual book. They're gone, gone, gone.
For Hot Entropolic Summer, a fanfest for Sacred and Terrible Air's 10th anniversary.
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kala-mies · 2 years ago
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It was a popular vacation area just outside of Vaasa that swallowed the four Lund girls. Along with their little bones and tan-lined skin, an entire era vanished.
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meezer · 4 months ago
maybe jesper is supposed to be french coded given his name and last name but my brain interpreted him as swedish. don't know why. specifically swedish. also I think I either missed or purposefully ignored the fact that the lund girls are all supposed to be blonde cause in my mind cinema målin fully had deep brown hair. I agree though charlotte is definitely blonde. and maj but maybe that's just because she's still young and her hair might darken. anni-elin I don't have as clear a picture of in my head except for the birthmarks on her back
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yarrowdraws · 10 months ago
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Målin Lund
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revacholianpizzaagenda · 1 month ago
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Målin Lund staring intensely over Zigi's shoulder
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revacholianpizzaagenda · 1 year ago
Hot entropolic summer masterlist
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Closing ceremonies! Only a month late! Will the wonders ever cease.
Anyway! This one-off event for PJÕL's big day was a smashing success - I was crossing my fingers for ten works tops and we got thrice as many, and with so much creativity?? Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and for all the beautiful works posted! I hope we all had fun. And if anyone's still working on something, just whistle to be added!
So, without further ado:
@ambrosiussaintmiro (your excellency...!): happy 10 years (art, collage, Zigi, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper, ibex)
@brennisteinnexe: FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE KILLED IT AND THEN KILLED HIMSELF (webweave, the end of the world)
@citronellals: easy there, tiger / it's a meat grinder (art, Tereesz, Vidkun)
@hopelessandcalmless: Turquoise, violet and orange (friendship bracelet, Iilmaraan flag)
@ignitingthesky: Ann-Margret Lund also sits there somewhere in her kitchen, in the middle of the pale; (art, Ann-Margret)
@kaktoherovato: Please, tell me who you are... (art, Khan)
@kala-mies: In honor of today, here's the trio! (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper)
@kala-mies: It was a popular vacation area just outside of Vaasa that swallowed the four Lund girls. (art, Lund girls)
@kitkat-cafe: Jesper's cube-ish tea set (art, Jesper's designs)
@muitosmezaninos: Decided to use drugs and remember things yesterday / Tonight I had a nightmare and I woke up but I did not cry (art, Khan, Målin)
@myfriendfaust: I’m making you into a cretin, ya feelin’ it?? (art, Tereesz)
@parasolemn: ADD NUKE TO REVACHOL (art, Harry, Sunday Friend, Ambrosius, Khan, Jesper, Tereesz)
@parasolemn: the Lund girls in the pale (art, Lund sisters)
@permablu3: personal take on portraits (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper, Linoleum Salesman, Målin, Ulv)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: Aspects of the void. To a crumbling future. (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper, Lund sisters)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: Esteemed entroponauts & plot derailers extraordinaire (art, Zigi, Nilsen)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: The only revolution they have left is that the world keeps turning (fic, Nilsen, Rodionov)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: fellas is it bisexual to- (shitpost, Rodionov, Voronikin)
@ritual---impulse: the pale as Michael Biberstein's works (webweave, the pale)
@ritual---impulse: book fanmix (fanmix, PJÕL)
@runfreebirdrun: what if i was a decaying rock star and you were the memories made cytoplasm of a communist revolutionary and... (art, Zigi, Nilsen)
@smellslikegeraniums: "The Farewell Song", sung by Andrei Mironov (song link, PJÕL vibes)
@smellslikegeraniums: Khan’s popular-science dream (art, Khan and the ancient satellites)
@tereesz-machejek: Discord emojis (emojis, assorted items and symbols)
@theinklingofcats: Station Annihilation (fic, Harry)
@turianhumanclient: Revachol '74 (art, the bomb)
@yarrowdraws: “They are no longer there. But I still see them.” (art, Målin)
@yarrowdraws: I held Graad gently, like an architect holds districts of panel-houses… (art, Nilsen-related symbolism)
@yescking: nihilism and absolute innocence (art, Ambrosius, Lund sisters)
@yescking: down under the water im pale blue (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper)
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revacholianpizzaagenda · 2 years ago
Sacred and Terrible Air ch1+2 summary
Chapters index
Maj (5), Anni-Elin (12), Målin (13) and Charlotte Lund (14) are the daughters of education minister Ann-Margaret Lund and paper industrialist Karl Lund. On the 20th anniversary of the girls’ historic disappearance in a vacation area outside Vaasa, the narration goes through their last known movements, as told by the last people who saw them: the bus ride to the Charlottesjäl beach, the ice creams they always bought, the three meat piroshkis they splurged on.
On that day, three boys are discussing whether to call the girls or to wait some more when a super deep paleness fills the room.
We are introduced to the three boys in the present time (72, Vaasa, end of September).
Inayat Khan is an unemployed Iilmaraan living with his mother and a collector of disappearances-related memorabilia. Badly dressed, fat, bespectacled, unshaven, big sad eyes. Jesper de la Guardie is a high concept interior designer whose shoes alone are worth 3k reál. Blond, blue eyes, rich, empty inside. Tereesz Machejek is a Zsiemski International Collaboration Police agent. Potato-haired skrunkled beanpole in a herringbone coat. We begin to see how their lives are still tragically wrapped around the girls’ disappearance, to the point of fetishizing a scrunchie. The trio meets again on the occasion of a class reunion. Reconnecting past a falling out with Khan a few years back, Jesper has news and invites the others to a certain cafe to share them – he will need to use the projector there. As they leave, distant sleigh bells are heard.
La Puta Madre is name-dropped in passing in 64, still going strong as an interisolary drug lord, if anyone asked.
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revacholianpizzaagenda · 1 year ago
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Oh would you look at that. She herself is a mirror, a mirror! and in her is a perfect copy of the world... (Although we don't know about freckles for the Lund sisters, per se, only the 'map' on Målin's back which is what got me thinking. The only explicitly named freckles are Tereesz's)
🫢 99% there's nothing to "the freckled face of god" but PJÕL pattern-seeking brain gonna pattern-seek.
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