wldbirds · 5 years
“Use your imagination!” ( Yuuri )
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            HEAD  REMAINS  PRESSED  AGAINST  THE  WOODEN  TABLE ,  having  given  up  on  picking  at  his  measly  portion  of  vegetables  and  steamed  chicken  breast .  easy  for  viktor  to  say ,  the  man  is  a  chameleon .  there  isn’t  a  theme  under  the  sun  he  can’t  do ,  but  yuuri  –  he  barely  even  knows  where  to  begin  with  EROS .  of  all  things .  sure ,  there’s  the  silly  tale  about  the  play  boy  that  comes  to  town  and  seduces  every  woman  alive  but  that’s  definitely  not  yuuri .  sexy ,  confident ,  he’s  none  of  those  things .  all  he  can  do  is  groan  in  response .  “   –     LIKE  I  SAID  ,  i  know  nothing  about  eros .  “ 
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sin-aire-blog · 5 years
🤝 + 18
fifty reasons to touch someone. 18.  …for luck. 
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       Since Viktor had started back in the competition again, it seemed Yuri had become somehow possibly a bigger fan than before. Yuri could feel his own blood rushing in his ears, pounding in his heart as Viktor stepped on the ice again -- for the first time in what felt like forever. “You got this,” his eyebrows furrowed, “You’re the best there ever could be,” Yuri brought a hand up to brush against his fiance’s jaw, caressing it until he pulled the taller male’s head down to settle their foreheads together. “You got this,” he assured, as if for once--he was the coach and Viktor, the student. 
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katsukiced-a-blog · 5 years
lyubovnaldu replied to your post: [ He's started to help Yuuri pack for Russia when...
“Oh wow Yuuri!” Viktor pulls one of them out to look at the image. “This is so old.. How old was I.. 16?” He squints before sighing. “Why is it laminated?”
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This wasn’t happening, this wasn’t happening. Oh god this is happening. 
Yuuri opened his mouth, then immediately closed it again. he didn’t know what he could possibly say that didn’t make any of this incredibly creepy. “T-they.. well you know i was a big fan when i was younger.. and I um.. I would sometimes re-draw the pictures that would out in the magazines and stuff.. and i um.. laminated it so the ink wouldn’t smudge..” he mumbled. 
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hikaminoai-blog · 6 years
@lyubovnaldu from here: ❛ I want to show you something. ❜
Please be naked.. Please be naked… “Yes? Yuri? What is it?”
He isn’t naked. 
Although, considering what he’s wearing, he might as well be.
“Just come here, please?” 
Yuri’s perched on the edge of their bed, ankles crossed, but the focal point is absolutely what he has on. He never would have thought of himself as someone that looked good in lace, but Viktor made him feel like he could pull off anything, and he supposed as far as tipsy Amazon shopping went it could have been a lot worse. He’d talked himself into actually putting the outfit on, and despite the color in his cheeks, he couldn’t deny it didn’t look bad. He just hoped his fiancé would agree. 
He’d ended up with quite a combination. The negligée, dark grey lace trimmed with satin, featured a deep V neck that covered very little of his chest. That ended just below his hips, only partially hiding the matching panties beneath. And a few inches below that- his personal favorite part, black thigh-high stockings accentuating his legs. He bit his lip when Viktor appeared in the doorway, waiting for a reaction.
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tanukihost · 5 years
lyubovnaldu replied to your post “”
you're honestly nothing but a complete joy but ok
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this was absolutely uncalled for? blockt ?
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contractaes · 6 years
@lyubovnaldu liked this for a one liner!
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“Go away, Viktor. You’ve got Katsudon now, don’t waste energy worrying about me, I’m fine.”
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topofthewcrld · 6 years
@lyubovnaldu from x
"No, I know, most people don't hate me. Yuri, your guys' coach and his wife are like half the Russians I know though and if the yelling is anything to go by I'm not all that wanted there." That doesn't seem to bother him much though, he shrugs it off with a grin. "That's actually kind of what I wanted to ask though. Do you know if I did something to get on Yuri's bad side, or is he just like that? I know he's competitive but he's the only one giving me death glares."
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winterimbued-a · 5 years
* the past * He's slotted between her legs with his knees drawn into his chest and platinum hair splayed out on her lap. In truth, the young russian boy is exhausted, physically and emotionally. "I'm going to cut it all off."
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     Her hands stilled in Viktor’s hair, the half finished braid falling from her fingers as she sighed. Combing the plaits free, Aizhan then tossed it over his shoulder, ❝Sometimes a change like that is needed. You’ve been hard on yourself lately, more so than usual.❞ She’d admittedly miss being able to play with his hair, but she’d support his choice.
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ouranking · 6 years
we’re alone now, you could kiss me. ( owo )
Kiss Meme II Accepting II @lyubovnaldu
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Tamaki should have been exhausted, it had been a long training session with his coach, but the moment he spotted Viktor stepping onto the ice, all energy just seemed to flow right back into him. The need to impress and captivate Viktor was something he wouldn’t easily admit to, mostly because he was entirely sure he would never live it down if the words were uttered. 
He had barely even noticed that his coach and a few other people that had been in the rink had left for the day. Instead he had been far too occupied with his foot work as he glided across the ice. An eyebrow raised when he heard Viktor, and though he could easily just cave and greedily capture Viktor’s lips up in a kiss, he had decided that it would be far too easy. Instead he came to a full stop, facing the other with a hand on his hip, while the other had a finger tapping against his own lips in thought. 
“We could…” he mused softly, though after a moment he made an L shape with his hand as he winked in the other’s direction. “Tell you what, if you can catch me than your reward will be a kiss.” he didn’t even give the other the option to answer, instead almost immediately spinning around and glided to the other side of the ice, putting as much distance as he could between them. 
“Can’t have everything handed to you, Мой король.” 
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bekayim-archive · 6 years
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ:  what is your favorite animal? 
Sai: My favorite animal of all time is the tiger! Once I get an idea of what I want, I will be getting a tattoo of a tiger. A huge one!
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wldbirds · 5 years
‘stay there. i’m coming there to get you.’ ( Yuuri )
 IT’S  BEEN  A  MONTH  SINCE  THEY’VE  MOVED  TO  ST  PETERSBURG  .  in  that  month  yuuri  has  never  quite  been  alone ;  not  after  befriending  the  russian  skating  team .  he’s  always  walking  home  with  viktor ,  or  hanging  out  with  yuri-o,  doing  some  practice  with  mila  or  getting  a  drink  with  georgi .  viktor  did  take  him  on  a  tour  when  he  had  first  arrived ,  but  it  was  more  of  oohing  and  aahing  at  different  tourist  attractions .  and  of  course  yuuri  knew  where  most  things  were ,  the  nearest  convenience  store ,  the  rink ,  etc .  but  today  was  different . 
christmas  was  coming ,  and  christmas  meant  viktor’s  birthday .  yuuri  would  be  lying  if  he  said  he  hadn’t  been  stressing  about  the  occasion  for  weeks .  he  had  consulted  everybody ,  even  yakov ,  not  that  the  gruff  coach  had  been  of  much  help .  finally  he  had  decided  to  scope  things  out  himself ,  thinking  a  walk  down  the  street  might  bring  inspiration .  so  he  had  walked .  and  walked .  and  walked  some more .  he  had  been  so  preoccupied  with  peering  through  shop  windows  that  he  hadn’t  even  realised  he  had  been  taking  so  many  turns ,  only  to  realise  he  didn’t  recognise  the  roads  anymore ,  and  the  hour  was  getting  late. 
his  russian  still  wasn’t  anywhere  near  perfect ,  which  meant  he  was  of  little  help  when  he  finally  decided  to  call  Viktor .  he  felt  terrible  interrupting  the  man’s  practice ,  but  after   continuing  to  walk  around  in  circles  for  another  hour  and  a  half ,  he  was  quickly  losing  hope  of  ever  making  it  back  to  the  apartment . 
         ‘    okay . ‘    a  pause ,  he  watches  his  reflection  in  the  shopwindow ,             all  the  shops  have  long  since  closed  and  he  still  remains  empty            handed ,  for  some  reason ,  that’s  causing  him  more  anxiety  than                 being  stranded  in  a  foreign  country .  ‘  yakov  didn’t  yell  at  you  too             much ,  did  he  ?  ‘       
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katsukiced-a-blog · 5 years
lyubovnaldu replied to your post: The first competition that the pair finally get to...
“It seems you’re actual competition now.. I’ve seen your scores.” The teen holds out his hand for the other to take, “Come on, we can at least have fun while this lasts… You can be girl.” His hands move to the young Japanese boy’s waist, “Have you ever done a pairs skate?” Of course, this would just be for fun as they warm up but an excuse to play none the less.
Yuuri isn’t quite sure what to make of the compliment, though he can feel his heart pounding in his chest. For Viktor to actually consider him on the same playing field was like a dream come true in it’s own way. He takes Viktor’s hand, blinking a bit at the other. “Y-Yes, I’ve tried it a couple of times for fun or if a skater needed someone to fill in for practice.” He could feel his cheeks burning a bright red at Viktor’s hand on his waist, but he manages to keep his cool.. just barely. 
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hikaminoai-blog · 6 years
*neck kiss*
His hand threads lightly into Viktor’s hair and a quiet sigh escapes him at the press of the Russian’s lips to his neck; no matter how many times Viktor kisses him, its as novel as the first time. His face turns more towards Viktor’s, as much as it can with their position, and he questions the sudden affection with a hum.
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Here kitty kitty
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contractaes · 5 years
In the elevator after a banquet; cheeks red from drunkenness, eyes glossy. " M' so proud of you Yuri." Slings his arms around the smaller Russian boy. "You've come so far..I couldn't be happier for you."
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Yuri simply rolls his eyes and tries to squirm out of Viktor’s grasp. “You smell like alcohol and Katsudon’s shampoo,” he mutters, huffing a strand of his own hair out of his face. “Yeah, whatever. You need to go sleep or something, christ.”
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tanukihost · 5 years
lyubovnaldu replied to your post “         ❝   W-EA-ABOO                           YOU ARE A WEEABOO– ...”
( clicked the link and i look over and my toddler is dancing i hate this LOL )
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