asklynxnip · 1 year
It’s all so loud.
(WARNING: Blood, animal injury)
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asklynxnip · 11 months
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“Listen… uh, Ghosthaze, was it? I'd back away now, if I were you. Take advice from someone who knows Lynxnip very well. Since kithood, actually. They're not the best cat to be around, you know? And I don’t know you very well, Ghosthaze, but you seem much better.. than the other cats, in mommyclan. wouldn’t want you to get hurt, now would we?”
— berrylight
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asklynxnip · 1 year
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this is lynxnip's adoptive parent, batbee, and their mentor, thornspike! i think a lot of their empathetic and kind personality they get from batbee, and got a lot of good training from thornspike. they both died of blackcough when there was a lil outbreak. thornspike died a bit before they were about to have their ceremony and batbee died just a lil after they got their name.
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asklynxnip · 11 months
what happened with berrylight
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“I'll answer this one myself, thank you.”
“listen… anonpaw, was it? a lot of shitty things happened in that time. my father died, my brother disappeared. and worst of all.. the cat whom I thought was my best friend? let me run off a damn cliff and end up like this!”
— berrylight
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asklynxnip · 1 year
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“sometimes I have flashes of that moment, when ze was hurt. watching it in my head… hearing zir screams? It’s horrible. I barley can listen to it. I have no idea where ze is now. I have no idea if ze is still alive.. but wherever ze is, I hope they're doing okay. and I’m sorry. for what I did.”
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asklynxnip · 10 months
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Bellaclaw has found out what happened to her mate.
She gazes upon the DaddyClan cats that tell her. She looks terrified, hugging her kits protectively to her. Specifically the one that looks like Berrylight, zemself.
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“I-I see. Where… are we supposed to..”
Her eyes widen again.
“.. Leave? What, I—“
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“Fine. Fine, we will go.”
Bellaclaw has left DaddyClan. You may send asks for her, for the time being.
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asklynxnip · 11 months
hey, Berrylight, what’s ur life like back in daddyclan?
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“My life back in DaddyClan? Pretty great, actually. I have a loving mate. Her names Bellaclaw. She was a kittypet before joining DaddyClan—and two kits. They're actually apprentices, now, I think. They were apprenticed before I found myself in MommyClan. Chirpkit and Amberkit. I—really do miss them.”
“I hope I can get back soon. But I have shit to handle here. Ever since I found out Lynxnip was still in MommyClan—I knew I needed to come and speak with them.”
“Maybe even figure this out.”
“I don’t know.”
“I do hope so. I don’t want my kits to see their parent as some… heartless, grudge holding monster. Because—I don’t think I am. But i have the right to be upset, don’t I?”
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asklynxnip · 11 months
What if Berrylight convinces Ghosthaze not to go on a date with you? Berry could blame you for the injuries, and Ghost would have doubt in you..
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“T-thats what I’m so afraid of! Berrylight is the type of piece of shit to do that. They’ve—they’ve already tried to get Ghosthaze to stay away from me once! I don’t.. want to loose Ghosthaze. I really, really don’t.”
“I can’t.”
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asklynxnip · 11 months
what did you do, lynxnip? To berrylight, I mean
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“me?! what.. what did I do?”
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“I didn’t do anything, anonpaw. most of the shit that berrylight says is not true. don’t just take what everyone says at face value.”
they sigh.
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“I’ll give you what actually happened, okay?”
“I’ve known berrylight every since we were kits. ze’s parent, batbee, took me in as their own. berrylight is my sibling! adopted, yes, but family is family. we were best friends all through kit-hood and apprenticeship. I have another half sibling, too, hollywing. though I have no clue what happened to him… he isn’t in daddyclan, as far as I’m aware. anyway.”
lynxnip takes in a deep breath before speaking again.
“we were playing. chase, I believe it was, though the name of the game slips my mind… it doesn’t matter what we were doing. we were playing too close to the damn cliff… and…”
“berrylight ran right off the cliff. I tried to warn zem, I did! but zey couldn’t hear me.  ze lost zer leg, in the fall. zey blame me for not warning zem, for not trying to save zem! but I did, anonpaw, I really really did.”
“I—jumped in after zem, trying to save zem it was stupid, I know! thankfully the only thing I lost was my tail… but..”
“I spent the last year of my damned life blaming myself for zer injuries. because everyone always told me it was my fault. but now I realize…. It wasn’t. I tried. I was a kid! it… it wasn’t something I could control. and for zem to go and try to get ghosthaze, the cat that I thought may actually like me, to hate me? the fucking—balls zey must have!”
“I hope… I hope ghosthaze hears this, somehow. that probably won’t happen but a cat can dream, right? I would never hurt you, ghosthaze, I would never hurt anyone. not on purpose.”
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“I hope you know that.”
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asklynxnip · 11 months
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Berrylight is temporarily open for asks.
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asklynxnip · 11 months
what is the most terrible things you’ve ever done?
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“I-it’s nothing i want to talk about. especially with someone I don’t know. maybe ghosthaze would be open to hearing about it… that.. that would be good.”
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asklynxnip · 1 year
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