garfieldsays · 2 years
Garfield says, hey where’s Lymen
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ins3rtmandelahere · 3 months
tw: overdose, pills, vomit
Timoril, ask your doctor about it today!
Side effects include: anxiety, insomnia, impaired judgement, uncontrollable bodily functions, depression, and hallucinations.
take Timoril!
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yikes077 · 2 years
I am currently eating leftover fried rice and tofu, paired with a delightful sparkling grape juice after falling asleep at 7pm and waking up at 3:30am. West wing is playing on my laptop as I paint a mason jar for class. I’m over stressed and I have so much to do and catch up on, but this feels like a nice break. I am currently content.
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lyman-garfiel · 11 months
Lyman x scarab were scarb gets his nails done by lymen now 🔫/lh/pos
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bold of you to assume lyman knows how to paint nails,,,,,,,,,,he tried however..
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You like antabellum right, how do you think Lyra x Yui could go? (With maybe some development)
//Well, Yui is straight, so I don't think there's a chance there ^^;
//Besides, Lymene for life : P
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nishibai · 1 year
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juiceoveralcohol · 6 years
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juiceoveralcohol minus lil money
by vakerstudio
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andthoselongeyes · 4 years
abh character sexuality headcanons (i’ll make pride icons too (both with my headcanons and if any of you guys want a certain character with a certain flag)
alice spencer: bisexual
alfred hallam: demisexual, biromantic
tabatha dedwin: lesbian
dodgy dawkins: gay
angus wilkins: pansexual
harold pudding: gay
clarissa van eysen*: bisexual with a lean towards women
nigel: asexual, panromantic
red cross: straight
dr butridge: asexual, aromantic
*i’m not positive that’s clarissa’s last name, but it’s mamie’s last name, so i’ve been using it for clarissa. if anyone knows her actual last name (or if that is it), please tell me!
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stimmyvillain · 4 years
I should make animal crossing banners but I feel like I’d go absolutely feral having to make banners of lopez, lymen, and hazel
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We Can’t Go Back To The Warped Days
I know, I know. Reading that title seems a little extreme, but we can’t.
Rock stars have always had a culture of, well, sex drugs and rock n’ roll. The drugs and rock n’ roll part doesn’t bother me as much as the (nonconsensual) sex part does. There is a culture of women and young girls being degraded by the genre. And although that degradation is seldom present on the stage, behind the scenes it is remains prevalent. 
The audience at Warped Tour has always been teenagers watching late-20-something-year-old bands. These were star-struck, wide-eyed kids. These rock stars were their heroes. For the pop-punk and emo kids of the 2010s, these rockers were an emblem of hope. Many of them spoke about mental health, attracting young people with depression to their shows. And their message was powerful. Any 2010s teen in the scene remembers where they were when they first heard Vic Fuentes sing “Darlin’, you’ll be okay” into their headphones. And unfortunately, some of these performers have used their celebrity to manipulate their young fans into sex acts-- many of this manipulation occuring during the Vans Warped Tour.
Blood on the Dance Floor played Warped Tour, even after Dahvie Vanity had been accused of sexual assault. Chris Hansen is now investigating Vanity, who is alleged to have over 100 victims-- some of who he met on Warped Tour. YouTuber Austin Jones has a popularity with young girls, and used that on the Warped Tour to convince them to send lewd photos. He is currently serving jail time after being convicted of child pornography. According to another YouTuber, Damien Fizzy, Warped staff was aware of the accusations about Jones and still decided to have him as a guest on the tour. Austin Carlile and Brendon Urie have joined the ranks of Ronnie Radke and Mike Fuentes, among others, who have been accused of assault-- begging the question: Were the other band members complacent in the abuse, or just unaware of what was really happening in tour bus bunk beds? 
Kevin Lymen has been accused of allowing artists with a known history of abuse on the tour, endangering hundreds of thousands of teenage girls for the sake of a better paycheck, and then blames those fans for not showing up? Warped began declining when Austin Jones and Front Porch Step, two predators, were allowed on the tour in 2015. It’s no wonder why the audience left.
In the era of #MeToo, we as consumers need to decide: Do we separate art from the artist, or do we take preventative measures for the safety of the audience members, and create a new culture that discourages male rockstars from using their celebrity to manipulate their audience? Are we so bound to traditions of rock that we refuse to acknowledge the problamacies and create a better culture, or do we continue to allow these people to get away with it because they can scream well and rearrange chords in a powerful way? 
We can’t go back to the Warped Tour days-- at least, not the Warped Tour that we left.
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onlyalton · 4 years
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❛❛   aesthetic .  ❜❜   ―   ◜   ❏  . ― rich cologne, tailored suits, sharp smiles, gold watches,  the smell of dust after rain  . ― ✎penned by rook .
full name: Alton Horace Osborn
age:  physically 24, actually 99
date of birth:  December 31st 1930
sexuality: bisexual
species:  former traveler, current vampire. 
language(s) spoken:  Italian, English, French, Spanish
job/career: Buying and Selling Magic Artifacts.
hair color:  dark brown/black
eye color:  blue
notable scars or tattoos:  None
positive traits: loyal, intelligent, charming, artistic, cunning
negative traits: manipulative, unforgiving, selfish, violent, obsessive 
likes: power, his wife, red wine, magic items, art, music
habits: Trailing fingers, throwing money at problems, absently playing piano on any surface
father: Richard “Dick” Osborn (vampire-deceased)
mother: Emily Lymen (traveler-deceased) 
spouse: Maria Osborn
The year was 1929 and Emily Lymen a 21 year old thought she was happily married to her husband. He was loving and doted on her, but he was obsessed with magic. Dick Osborn was part of an old crime family in New York City, and as he got older he became obsessed with the idea of living forever. As his obsession grew Emily, who was hiding who she is, grew more and more uneasy. She knew she should leave, but there was a snag, she was pregnant and Dick was waiting on her hand and foot. So she stayed. That was until her son was born, she was sure that Dick would find out about her life, and so, she left, left the passenger she was in and faked her death. 
Dick’s obsession only grew after her “death”. He used his connections to find magic items, and it became his new business. All of the love he had felt for Emily transformed into disdain towards their son. Alton grew up knowing he was a reminder of his dead mother, he went out of his way to try and make up for it. Make up for having her eyes, for not being the perfect son Dick wanted. Alton was 14 when his whole life changed for the worse, see he had inherited his fathers obsession with magic and living forever, and when he was 14 his father finally got what he wanted. Dick as a vampire was worse than any of the abuse Alton had received before. His father held it above his head for 10 years, finally turning him when he was 24. 
For another 15 years Alton stayed under his father’s thumb, working for the business buying, collecting and finding all the magical items he could. Another constant failing in the eyes of his father was his habit of bringing men and women alike into his bed, but the worse sin was to fall in love with one of those men. Paul had been so kind, his life the polar opposite of Alton, but he loved him anyway. Alton trusted Paul with his secrets, and that trust was betrayed ten fold. In the end he was left watching Paul and Dick try to kill each other, and he finally stepped in. 
Killing his father broke something inside of him, the only reason he was even able to get the upper hand is because Dick was sure the years of abuse and conditioning would keep Alton under his thumb. Alton left Paul there bleeding in the dirt, any affection he had towards him twisted into a deep hatred. And then he left New York. The Osborn business didn’t need him to stay put, and he needed to see the world he had so long obsessed with staying in forever. Only a year after leaving home and being the hand that killed his father, he was approached by a woman, it was his mother. Through a series of conversations and a wave of cold anger ended with Alton having the knowledge that he had killed both of his parents. 
For years he went from place to place, country to country. Collecting whatever bits of magic he could. It was only natural he would find himself in the French Quarter. There is where he found his salvation. Maria. Meeting the woman who would become his wife as she sang in a dimly lit room. When he realized she was a werewolf, he began the research to how to properly turn her, all while keeping her true nature a secret from her.
Finally he had a whisper of Hope Mikaelson, and sent Maria ahead to Mystic Falls. He is hopeful that she is their answer. 
TLDR: Alton Osborn is a vampire who killed both of his parents, he deals and sells magical items and is happily married to Maria Osborn.
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tenderflint · 4 years
tagged by @harveykeitel <33 ty i love talking about myself :’)
favorite color(s): oxblood (sexy name, sexy color), blues in general
last song i listened to: tadow by masego
last film i watched: the irishman :/
last tv show i watched: cheers
favorite characters: flint, basically the whole black sails suite, frank serpico, josh lymen from the west wing
pets: none :(
sweet, savory or spicy food: all?? i like food lol
sparkling water, tea or coffee: coffee. tea is good too
uhh i tag @hestiea, @bucciellati, anyone else who wants to :)
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lyman-garfiel · 6 months
shoutout to the times "lyman" is spelled "lymen" in my older infodumps due to my dyslexic ass
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sadmarkisg4y · 7 years
So uh
1. Favorite OC that isn’t yours?
- Gotta say I find many ocs nice lol but if I were to choose one I’d say either Noisy or Sem(?)
2. Favorite OC that is yours?
- Lymen (panther boi) or Kenneth (Shapshifter boyo)
3. Favorite type of OC?
- Anthro foxes/fennec foxes
4. What OC do you love getting fanart of the most?
- Lymen (tho I haven’t even actually drawn him yet) and my fursona-
5. What OC do you want you draw more?
- LYMEN, KENNETH, AXEY, NIX, SHELTER- I could go on for hours
6. What OC of yours is one that you dislike?
- Axey. God I hate drawing him because I have so much fanart of him and I feel like my drawings of him are never good enough-
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tiredtree · 7 years
19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 38, 44
19. A fact about your personalityI'm gay and I love my friends? Does that count? I think it does21. What I love most about myselfHow much I love my friends, I know I already said that but like. I love my friends so much 23. My relationship with my sibling(s)I love my brothers!!!! I love them so much!!! Malik is the one who introduced me to musicals and he's been using my name and pronouns which is very good. I don't have as good of a relationship with Lymene, but we can bond over our similar interests in Stat Wars and superhero movies and it's great.24. My relationship with my parent(s)I have a really good relationship with both of my parents which I'm so so so grateful for. I can tell my mom just about anything, and my dad encourages my writing. Tbh I get frustrated with my dad a lot bc he came from a very close minded Christian family, but he's trying his best and is (usually) willing to listen when I correct him on shit25. My idea of a perfect dateOh geez,,,,,, this is probably really cheesy, but a picnic in a park ft delicious food, then go to see a musical, and finally return home and cuddle. 27. A description of the boy/girl I likeThey always make me smile and and they're cute and kind and talented and I wanna give them the world bc they deserve that and so much more and I'm being generic on purpose bc they follow me but geezy creezy I'm so gay38. My childhood career choice When I was in like,,,, preschool/kindergarten I wanted to grow up and become an animal saver (like Steve Irwin)44. A random fact about anythingPlants may be able to think and learn!!!!
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theculturalvacuum · 7 years
A Dance with Fan Fic Ask Round Ups
I have a confession: I was a little terrified that everyone would be mad at me for going to a cliff hanger with the groom storming out to a pretty unrelated chapter involving middle-aged ladies and repression, not least because it took me two months to get it out. But the feedback on this chapter has been so sweet. Thank you.
Now that the next chapter is out, I’ve finally decided to catch up on all of these….
Anonymous said:
I don't think your buying into stereotypes with your dornish women, they aren't all identikit, they're all just reflective of a place which expects women to be a bit more involved in everything. From outside of Dorne you've got Sarra who was assertive in her own way by telling eliott how to behave with his new wife, it was a gentle type of assertiveness but she took control and had that conversation no matter how awkward. Lady Darklyn too certainly seems not lacking in confidence.
Well, good. I sometimes worry about women who are less assertive and how they cope in this society. With Sarra, what I was more going for was more encouraging her son to be gently assertive about his marital rape license.
Anonymous said:
Elliot, you are my sonion, and I understand that you're upset, but you're acting like an asshole. Stop being an asshole.
I’ll pass this on, but I’m not sure El will be able to hear me over the sound of his raging hangover right now.
Anonymous said:
Your fic is so much fun, I find myself going yeah oh poor Eliott's he's going to marry a whore, and then im like, wait what the fuck corret man. I get so into each chapter that by the end of it im agreeing with these twits. that's when I know im hooked and your good at your thang.
Thank you? POV bias is a bitch, though.
Corret has a very logical brain, and he’s very normative. He just doesn’t question the assumptions of his society. And he didn’t say Loree was a “whore”! He said she was “little better” than one. Big difference, dude!
Anonymous said:
A few ask rounds ups ago, someone mentioned Dylan having high hopes that Ellaria Uller will get a prominent job in KL, oh my god I need this. I need Corret to just have no clue what going on and why is buddy would want such a thing when he has a second son to put those hopes onto. Maybe Dylan thinks Ellaria is his cleverest kid or something and he's excited of her progress report from the water gardens/tutors at Hellholt or something, and Corret is just so uncomprehending.
Lil’ Ellaria aces all the math tests.
I can’t think of any reason why Dylan would stop hanging out with his old buddy Corret or why he wouldn’t be one of the famous Dornish Proud Papas.
Anonymous said:
Hey my Jeyne Swann love is perfectly reasonable and normal!!! Sorta. I just feel bad for her she went to a place where she could have done anything (within reason) and shiteros had screwed up her view of herself and marriage and life so much that she was never able to take even one second of advantage of it then she got a disgusting growth in her body and died. I feel much better now and zen knowing that she as some fond times with her girls to give her happy memories as she wasted away.
I’m sure she thought she was the luckiest woman in the world.
Anonymous said:
I kind of feel sorry for eliott and how unprepared he is for the world he's walked into. I mean there are limits to my sympathy given his attitude and his opinion on stuff, but if someone (ADWIN!!!!) had just given him a few more facts from the start or they'd journeyed through Blackmont and he'd been able to see Meria and Simon and have a little chat with him, it wouldn't have fixed everything but he'd have at least been more like a good little scout and been (a bit) prepared.
I mean, Adwin threw a pile of books at him. Was that not enough?
Eliott’s problem is sometimes connecting theoretical knowledge to the real world. He can know things about Dornish culture, or even that some historical Princess So-and-So had half a dozen paramours in her life or something, and still not have it occur to him that it would apply in this situation.
Anonymous said:
Something I sort of noticed as the Rowan caravan was journeying was they never stayed anywhere where there was a marriage like Eliott was about to enter into. Manwoody, Fowler and Vaith there is no spouse in residence, Allyrion the dude is the Lord, so everywhere they went of the big houses he's not getting the chance to really see the role he'd have which probably keeps the shackles on for even longer.
I suppose that’s true, I didn’t plan it or anything. But the most important thing keep the shackles on is Eliott and his Brain Virgin. I’m not sure if swinging by Sandstone would have helped him much except maybe that he would think that Allin ain’t a real man or something.
Anonymous said:
Given everything that happened between AWiS and the present, would it be fair to say that Edgar Yronwood was right, or at least had a point when he said that the Martells trying to win the favour of the Northerners wouldn't yield the result they wanted? A bit rich coming from the man who backed the Blackfyres, but still...
Well… ask Elia how it all worked out. Though, to be fair, the amount of autonomy they seemed to have under Robert is a little ridiculous.
Anonymous said:
I'm excited and sad for the upcoming Alysanne chapter. Excited because she's a brilliantly written character; sad because she's spent her whole life getting shit on and thanks to patriarchy brain, thinks it's all her fault. Which makes me sad.
I feel guilt about how long it took me to get this round-up out. Like, that was two chapters ago… I hope it lived up to your expectations.
Anonymous said:
On your favourite subject of Jeyne Swann, whats the age gap between her two girls? did Allyster try and get two kids on her relatively quick so they'd be able to stop making appointments? Must have been a bit weird for her not to have anyone pushing for the her to birth the prodigal penis, even with huge amounts of pb that must have been kinda nice, even if she did probably think she'd failed or some crazy shit like that.
The gap between them is maybe five years or so, and Jeyne (the younger) didn’t marry as early as Rebanna did, so her kids are quite a bit younger than Maron. There may have been some infant mortality between them, or even after as well. I’m not sure, I don’t want to pile on. Allyster stopped making appointments because he could tell how not into it she was, and that got weird after ten years.
Anonymous said:
why is alyse ladybright not tagged for your fic? she appears plenty and yet the poor Lady doesn't get a tag.
Ha. I think I only tagged people who already had tags.
Anonymous said:
Is Lewyn's paramour someone we've already met in a AWiS? Jennelyn Sand mayhaps?
No and no.
Anonymous said:
If Casson had married Loreza would that mean that Ellaria would have been Lady Vaith one day?
I suppose so. Unless it prompted Vanella to bite the bullet and get hitched.
Anonymous said:
Speaking of trophy consort, I always thought he'd be younger but not young enough to be her son. More in the vain in your fic verse of Emerik Qorgyle or Trebor Jordayne if he wasn't heir. that way he's very much a man grown when they marry and has plenty of life experience so he has something to offer as a ocassional advisor. But he's still a younger hottie too.
Anonymous said:
I like owain a lot. He seems like a real good guy. Plus he's got Tully links too which makes him dynastically well linked along with his Reacher and married Martell links. Alyse is going to be all over that, but I imagine there might be a queue.
Owain is the pragmatic one. Marq is a mini-Corret with all his ISTJ-ness. Lymen is the racist one. Jon the Green is also there. Maybe he’s the funny one.
Yeah, Eliott’s peeps aren’t as cool as Loree’s.
Anonymous said:
I have sympathy for Jeyne Swann lover anon because I'm actually drawn to your background characters more than your POV's. I like all your POV choices and they're a nice spread but its the unknown with the background characters that interests me. I like Deria, Deneza is someone I really wish for more of, Adwin's a professor in another life, Owain is just perfect, Sarra/Aelora are just the cutest, I need more Dylan, Simon Leygood's life intrigues me even if he's only a name, Alyse is a dream.
Alyse has dreams.
Anonymous said:
How do Rebanna and Allyster feel about the fact that Maron is almost 30 and not married? I get that the Dornish don't push marriage as hard as some, but they still do succession through bloodlines. Would the fact that he hasn't married make them question if he's responsible enough to rule Wyl?
Well, he had his heart broken once.
They’re probably in Wyl right now talking about how they’ll totally bring it up as soon as he hits thirty. Also, keep reading.
Anonymous said:
Does Lenelle have ladies-in-waiting, or is that a right reserved for Martells proper? Similarly, does Jenny have ladies, or is her status low enough, and scandal that she caused great enough, that no knight or lord wants his daughters to serve her?
Lenelle does have ladies of her own, I just haven’t really thought about who they might be or had cause to mention them. Emelyn was one, once upon a time.
I have no clue about Jenny. She would probably ditch them if she did have them.
Anonymous said:
This is a bit of a random comment but I loved your response to my asking about where the Fossoways were. It just highlights how different peoples minds work. once I read who the groom was on the Dramatis personae my first thought was who were his cousins on the other side of his family and thought they must be young or female for him not to have any of them as his little group of companions. When I saw none were there I just immediately jumped to conspiracy theories like a normal person...
I mean, we can weave a tale about how Sarra doesn’t get on with her family ever since they found out that she doesn’t like apple pie, or something.
Anonymous said:
Besides GRRM, who would you say the biggest influences on your writing are?
Jane Austen is kind of obvious. Especially in the dialogue, probably.
Actually, Martin doesn’t influence my style nearly as much as I would like him to. My descriptive passage are always very, like, functional.
Anonymous said:
Whether or not it occurs in on page, I'd imagine that, at some point during the events of AWiS, some Reach Bros got drunk and decided to loudly sing The Dornishman's Wife. They couldn't understand why their Dornish hosts didn't find the song amusing.
I think their Dornish hosts just find it dumb. And it will be quite the wedding feast, I’m sure. Literal wine fountains.
Anonymous said:
Will AWiS feature anything like Martin's weirder, trippier passages? Either a character having a fever dream or ingesting a hallucinogen of some sort?
I’m not sure if I’m up for that. I did once write a dream for Eglies, though.
I’m not sure which pov character is most likely to eat a magic mushroom. Probably Ormond.
Anonymous said:
Aside from Loreza being dornish and set to be ruling Princess of Dorne, I can't help but feel like anther problem Eliott may encounter with her is she's very much a grown woman. Whereas there seems to be so many really young brides elsewhere, some criminally young but even 19 year olds like Olenna haven't really lived, they're in a lot of ways children in women's bodies due to the way they get infantilized. Loreza isn't any of that and that is a new experience even before the political stuff.
I think that’s quite insightful. And Loree has this confidence about her sexuality that I don’t think Eliott will know what to do with.
Anonymous said:
Love Deria, she sounds like she has a bed warmer and wants to find someone for her new friend, lol.
Deria’s a classy lady. She doesn’t kiss and tell.
Anonymous said:
I volunteer to kill Tybutthole, it would be my pleasure, I'd even pay you for the honour. As realistic it is, I hope there can be something positive to come out of this even if it only sadly Marigold getting out.
I suppose that all depends on how you define “positive outcome”. As I believe I’ve said before, this society is tailor made for men like Tybutt, but I think Alysanne is starting to realize that that may be problematic, so I would say not all hope is lost.
Anonymous said:
Princess Trystana and Lord Gargalen totally seem like marriage goals for the setting. they've found a way to function as a couple, communicate and raise their kids together with respect and support.
I mean, maybe they seem like that now. You should have seen them in the old days.
Anonymous said:
Daenella seems kind of Targ to me, like she inherit all the privilege like a Martell has but without any of the dutiful nature that goes with it, which seems Targ-ey. By the time she was born her dad was gone/or almost, so her mother had to help Rhodryn in his new role, and child bearing problems and grieve and adapt so Daenella probably just got to have all the fun of being born into such great position but without any of the lessons in duty.
All the best royal families have that “only two kinds” thing and in the Martells’ case it the whole “hot and cold” thing I made up for The Princess and the Septa. It was kind of, like, institutionalizing the contrast between Doran and Oberyn, (a contrast so obvious that even GoT noticed it...) And Daenella is kind of this generation’s Oberyn. Though, so is Arion, so…
But, of course, the sharp contrast is also an oversimplification. Like, which one is Lewyn, for example?
Anonymous said:
Linette!!! nice to hear about her a bit. I wonder if a tiny bit of Duran's appeal to Alysanne, as she gets to know him better, if his obvious pride in his daughters, and the fact he's ''satisfied'' with them.
Tiny bit?
Linette’s a pro. She has charts.
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Anonymous said:
Daenella and Trystana seem like they just don't understand each other at all. they try in their own ways to connect but they're so different that the other just doesn't see these overtures as being meant to be kind or loving. Little Trystana might momentarily unite them when she's probably likely to be born at the most inopportune time. They're sisters, they clearly care for one another they just have no clue how to communicate with each other.
Anonymous said:
The princess of the breeze seems to bring the worst out of her sister. I think Trystana just has no idea how to relate to her, and as she's so used to being in control and knowing what she's doing she can't quite function as she wants to around her sister and they just end up having this escalating back and forth, that Trystana seems to know if ridiculous but can't quite break the cycle.
Deanella always has the best intentions for things, but she just gets overwhelmed by her emotions and can’t focus on things enough to actually follow through. She wants to be a good mother and a good sister but… omg, that dog has a fluffy tail! No one sane would trust her with any actual responsibilities.
And Trystana is very dutiful, but she also wants to make sure everyone knows how dutiful she is. Specifically that she’s more dutiful than Daenella. That being said, she would drop everything to help her sister in a crisis, even after the twentieth time.
Anonymous said:
Whilst I'm enjoying the little romance Alysanne has going on, I'm particularly enjoying her simple joy at having people notice her and making a few new friendships and how she just seems to spill to these people because she's probably never had anyone to really talk to for years aside from her daughter, and you can't tell you child any of this sort of stuff. I could see her and Deria becoming great friends, and Trystana too if Alysanne's world continues to open up.
Female friendships are important for women.
Anonymous said:
Someone needs to engineer ''accidents'' for certain assholes so that Daisy and Marigold can be left the fuck alone.
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Anonymous said:
LMAO, Alysanne thought she was in for an earful and instead she was being set up with her dreamboat again. Honestly when this is all over however it goes or doesn't go she's going to need a good neck massage from all the whiplash she's getting trying to get her head around all these dornish ways.
Those mysterious Dornish ways of, like, consent and stuff.
Anonymous said:
On a scale of 1-10, how concerned should we be for Alysanne's safety? Tybutt doesn't seem the type to take his wife showing agency lying down.
If Tybutt gets on Trystana’s wrong side you should be more concerned for his safety.
Anonymous said:
Trystana girl, you looked in the mirror lately, Daenerys is wilful? lol. Maybe their wilfulness comes out in different ways but they've both got bucket loads of it. I did enjoy her chat with Alysanne in general though, she likes her husband and wants him to have some happiness and joy. the fact the lady he likes is the biggest sweetheart that ever sweethearted is a big bonus though.
How dare you! Dany is nothing at all like Trystana!
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