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aurumacadicus · 5 years ago
Brotp meme: Tony and Jan, or Nat and Pepper?
Tony and janet from avac for the brotp?
Jan steals the french fries off of Tony’s plate but she tries to be sneaky. It doesn’t work. But that’s okay, because he steals her onion rings. She’s the only one he steals onion rings because she gets the aioli for her dip instead of ranch.
Tony and Jan both jokingly go in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple. They always seem shocked when they actually kiss and yet do they learn? No. And then they always giggle when it happens so a lot of people assume they are dating but actually they’re too good of friends for that to ever happen.
It’s a tossup as to whether Jan will bail or bust Tony out of jail, really depends on what he was arrested for. Tony does neither of these things for her because one time he came to bust her out of AIM’s clutches and found her beating the shit out of the scientists and then she saw him and bustled him out and he’s kind of afraid of when she immediately goes from bloodthirsty to happy to see him. Also she doesn’t need his help so usually he just ends up waiting around for her to finish up anyway and he gets bored.
Jan gives Tony so much advice and comfort. So much. Some of it even conflicting. Tony tries his best though and he’s super cute when he tries so even when he falters people can’t help but be smitten. Jan froths at the mouth because Tony never notices that people are smitten with him and just sees his mistakes.
Jan shameless cheats at games by reaching over to cover Tony’s eyes and Tony whines but doesn’t push her away. Jan quickly gets distracted and Tony still wins anyway.
Jan calls dibs on the top bunk and then drags Tony up with her to cuddle so he doesn’t know why she bothered calling dibs anyway. Still, they enjoy giggling over Instagram together and doing each others’ nails so it doesn’t really matter.
Tony starts most of the pillow fights and it’s a fifty-fifty split over who wins. Except when the fight spills out into common areas, and then Tony flees because Jan sees other targets for the pillow fight and he will not be blamed for other people being dragged in.
Tony is a sweet bean who would never dream of embarrassing himself by doing such a thing. Jan has a list of all the people who want to bone Tony and whenever they do something incredibly nice for Tony she says, “Oh, I can design you better pants. Those would look better on Tony’s floor.” Tony never gets a date because he basically faints in mortification but she does get to design a lot of new outfits so it’s fine.
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fialleril · 6 years ago
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vintage Titans comics are a wild ride
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displayheartcode · 5 years ago
From the 40 questions list: 1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic and 7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic 
depends on the fandom! for harry potter, i try to write something more focused on the relationship (pre-relationship is what i love because of the yearning!) because that’s what i love most about the series. young wizards, on the other hand, is when i get to flex my creative muscles with the world building. 
a vicious macaw who won’t let anyone have a moment of peace? check. arguments between home devices? yup. the opportunity rover becoming a wizard and starting her ordeal? hell, yeah! 
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it
i have to narrow it down for fics written this year but it’s this:
There is a girl who sees the carnage in the farmhouse and remembers how her father had killed her mother. Tana moves, almost disassociated from her body, and grabs the sharp kitchen knife from the counter as she goes back to check on Aiden struggling to break free of the ropes tying him to the bed.
They’ve gone through this in school: sunlight and wild roses, holy water and stakes.
Tana does not think of the boy who hours ago vied for her attention. She does not think twice about her father’s haunted expression, how, the scar on her arm burns cold and the echoes of her classmates and their bodies around her. Instead, she moves in the path of a sunbeam where the makeshift blackout curtains have fallen, near the crumpled, ashy remains of a vampire by the bed, and she brings the knife down on Aiden’s throat.
(tasting ancient hungers, the coldest girl in coldtown)
as it may shock absolutely no one, i love vampires. 
tcgic is a niche book by holly black and i’m fascinated with the world building, the whole painful process of becoming a vampire, and all of the little way the main character’s fate is left pretty vague. does she stay human? does she go fully cold and or dies there in the basement? 
then what about before? maybe in some other version tana runs away from the farmhouse and becomes a different kind of predator. 
what can i say? i like my monsters. 
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butchgwenwhyvar · 6 years ago
5. things you didn’t say at all. Wedge/Luke or Obianidala
wedgeluke for this one, I think
Wedge doesn’t say much. Sure, he speaks in briefings and official events, but he’s always preferred to show how he feels in actions. 
Luke is always talking, he finds. One second he’s talking about X-wings and something to show the Rogues how to do, the next he’s musing on the wonders of the universe, and the next, he’s passed out on Wedge’s shoulder in their small office because there’s just too much paperwork again. 
He loves it. He loves waking up in the morning with Luke’s head on his shoulder, their legs tangled together, under enough blankets to mimic the oppressive heat of Tatooine (Hoth is the coldest place either of them have been, and they both hate it). He loves the shit food in the refectory, loves the even shitter caf. He even loves dealing with the Rogues, when Wes and Tycho pull some prank and he and Luke have to chew the whole crew out again. The paperwork is some of the most annoying shit he’s ever seen, but even that’s bearable when he looks up from his datapad, eyes bleary, to the sound of Luke calling him sweetheart. 
He thinks he loves Luke, and it’s scary. 
The months drag on, and Hoth becomes more and more like their home. Luke gets his hands on an old cam, and more and more polaroids decorate the walls of their pitifully small quarters. Some of them are posed shots with the Rogues or Han and Leia, others are candids from late nights out in the hangar that they’d turned into a cantina, or tauntaun patrol. There’s a special spot behind the door reserved for Wes and Tycho’s latest antics, and it rapidly fills with candids of various pranks being played out. Others are sweeter, softer. There’s one of Luke in the early morning when they’ve pulled an all-nighter to finish paperwork, and he’s all soft angles and sunshine, not the fearsome Jedi most of command make him out to be. There’s one of him and Luke on some mission to Naboo, with them in the sun on the streets of Theed. There’s even a holo of Wedge passed out on a pile of paperwork, drooling all over the datapad. That one’s definitely courtesy of Luke, but he likes it. Their quarters start to feel more and more like a home, not just a place for passing out. 
He loves Luke, but he still can’t say it. 
And then Luke goes missing and Han brings him back and then there’s the evac and Luke goes missing again, and he never gets to say it. The ensuing weeks are stressed, as he takes the position of Rogue Leader and takes on the hard task of wrangling the Rogues without Luke. Thankfully, they see that Wedge isn’t in the greatest of moods, and lay off the bullshit. 
Luke comes back without a hand and with more shadows under his eyes, and he and Wedge grow distant. There’s something weighing on him, a secret, and Wedge tries his hardest to help him but the words just don’t come. 
The year drags on, missions breaking up the monotony of life on Home One. Luke spends most of his time with the Princess, plotting how to get Solo back. Still, Wedge is the person he comes back to, the person he curls up next to during the long nights. He’ll take what he can get, especially when Luke obviously feels like he can’t deal with whatever happened at Bespin, or even live up to what everyone expects of him now, especially since he’s had some training.
And then Endor happens and Wedge nearly kills Luke when he blows the Death Star, with no clue that Luke was even on it. Their reunion is happy and Luke’s looking better than he has in ages, all sunshine and smiles again. There’s still that edge of the angry and lost man from Bespin, but the Luke of Hoth and the old glory days is mostly back. 
Wedge still can’t say that he loves Luke, loves this crazy Jedi with almost no sense of self-preservation who would die for his family (and almost did), who would lay down his life for anything that needed his help, who hates caf and ration cubes, who smiles like a kid whenever he sees a small animal, who loves and loves and loves like his heart will break if he doesn’t. 
Luke knows this, and Wedge knows that even if the words still can’t come, Luke loves him back. 
Maybe it will be enough. 
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copperbadge · 6 years ago
lylilunapotter replied to your video “This is what we call a toe-tal eclipse.”
...................tortie eclipse
meatball42 replied to your post “Sam! I want to ask you an important question. This is something I, as...”
I stayed over at a friend's once who had a duvet cover and it drove me ///insaaaane///. Whenever I turned over the cover and the duvet would slide separately and in the morning it was like when the padding of a bra slides out of place with the outer material. Super uncomfortable and annoying, I din't know how people do it. But, they do, and I have no problem with it.
Ah, see, your friend needs a duvet cover with internal laces to keep the duvet in place! 
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flaim-ita · 6 years ago
For the “give me a fandom” meme: Sister Claire
Fav male character: easy. Lupo. I love my boy.
Fav female character: *panics* either Clem or Rosalie because my favs are a Type
Least fav: Abraham. Fuck her… oh god brain why? Why remind me of that?
Fav Ship: again, that’s easy. Marie/Claire is the best.
Fav Friendship: considering the twins are pretty much platonic soulmates, Marie & Rosalie!
Favorite Quote:
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Fav Character Death:
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Darling girl. I love her. She starts so smol and then grows up into Ready To Fight.
This made me so happy:
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Saddest moment:
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Fav location: Eden
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charlottedabookworm · 6 years ago
lylilunapotter replied to your post “Gently takes off headphones and backs away from laptop, takes a deep...”
The Latin thing?
Yeah, well originally. Now it’s the greek thing
Throwing my laptop out of the window is a bad idea. i shouldn’t do that. i like my laptop. i can’t afford a new one
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 years ago
Would you rather the weather be rainy or sunny, on your days off?
Probably rainy, nice soothing rain though, not no damn Noah-esque flood bullshit
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my-insanity-is-an-artform · 6 years ago
So this one is about Tempest Skywalker (OC) and Commander Cody. I love Tempest. She really lives up to her name. (The sex stuff is moved to under the cut.)
Send me a  ✩ and a pairing and I’ll do this!
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Tempest. She’s emotional and not afraid to show it.Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Tempest again. She’s not really the type to just leave in the middle of a fight.Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Cody. Just to give them both space to calm down.Who trashes the house? Neither. Do either of them get physical? Only to the point of gentle touches. Tempest will often reach out and Cody isn’t going to deny her even in the middle of an argument.How often do they argue/disagree? Not often but it’s usually about Tempest being reckless.Who is the first to apologise? Usually, Tempest since it’s typically her reckless stunts that start them.
Who is on top? Since Tempest has huge ass wings, it’s usually her but she does like it when they manage to manoeuvre themselves so she’s comfortable underneath. Who is on the bottom? Cody.Who has the strangest desires? Neither of them have anything I would term strange.Any kinks? Outside sex (in a private place) is one of Tempest’s favourites because she can spread her wings and feel the wind. Cody likes it because of the wind and the bliss on Tempest’s face. Cody does like to do it up against a wall because he can crowd her that way without her wings hurting. ‘Sir’ and Commander make it’s appearance in bed more than a few times.Who’s dominant in bed? Cody. Is head ever in the equation? Yes, head is always in the equation.If so, who is better at performing it? It’s about equal. Tempest likes driving Cody to distraction and Cody likes making Tempest a blissful mess.Ever had sex in public? No. Who moans the most? Tempest. Like I said, very vocal about her feelings.Who leaves the most marks? Cody.Who screams the loudest? Tempest.Who is the more experienced of the two? Cody. Tempest is the Demi-est Demi to have ever Demi’d and never really saw the point in sex before Cody.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Usually, make love but that depends on mood and how stupid Tempest’s latest stunt was.Rough or soft? Rough. Softness only happens on occasion.How long do they usually last? They can go a few rounds. (Force bless, clone stamina and Jedi stamina.)Is protection used? Yes. Both of them have taken shots to prevent pregnancy and diseases. (Space!Condoms are used more often than not.)Does it ever get boring? Tempest? Boring? No. With these two, it’s never boring. (Either because they are driving each other crazy or because they’re too into each other to make it boring.)Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? Tempest found a cavern behind a waterfall on a planet once while swimming during downtime. She says she’s not quite sure how it ended up like that but Cody wants to know who the hell could resist a half-naked wet Tempest with mischief in her eyes.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Yes, they sort of planned on kids. More in the ‘if it happens, it happens’ kind of way. The number of children was a surprise though.If so, how many children do your muses want/have? They have five. Triplets and a pair of twins. They were not expecting the triplets. (Tempest forgot to mention multiples run the family until they went home with one extra baby than they thought they were having.)Who is the favourite parent? It’s equal.Who is the authoritative parent? Cody a bit more than Tempest but both put their foot down with certain things. Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Neither unless there is a good reason and both of them agreed.Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Surprisingly, Cody. Tempest tries to regulate the junk food thing because it’s not good for their wings but, turns a blind eye when Cody (and Anakin and Lucas) slip them sweets. She knows all about the junk food though and Cody knows when to cut them off. (He just likes giving them things he didn’t have growing up.)Who turns up to extracurricular activities to support their children? Both. Cody will make sure anything he needs to be present for is scheduled around the kids. Tempest will flat out just leave for the kids. Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Again, both. This is very much Team Mom and Buir. Who changes the diapers? Both. They trade-off. (Along with the rest of the clan/flock. It takes a village to raise a baby after all.)Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Whoever gets their first. They live with quite a few other people who are more than happy to help (but Cody likes getting up to spend time with them. He never thought he’d have this.)Who spends the most time with the children? Both of them try to spend as much time as possible with them.Who packs their lunch boxes? Both again.Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Both give the kids the ‘Consent and Feelings’ talk but for mechanics, Uncle Lu and Uncle Kix give it. (And to the rest of their cousins.)Who cleans up after the kids? Both again. (They have a big family and lots of adults are around so it’s not like it’s messy for long.)Who worries the most? Cody.Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Tempest. She tries but the occasional curse word still escapes her.
Who likes to cuddle? Tempest. Tempest LIVES for cuddles.Who is the little spoon? Cody purely because it’s hard to curl around Tempest with her wings in the way.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Probably Tempest but only if they’re in private.Who struggles to keep their hands to themselves? Cody. Tempest can be a little oblivious but she gives affectionate touches freely. How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Depending on the position, these two can go for a while. Who gives the most kisses? Tempest. Touch is basically her love language.What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Preening. Tempest’s wings need preening and it’s a great bonding activity. They also like Sabacc and reading while curled up together.Where is their favourite place to cuddle? In the family nest.Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Tempest. Even if it’s just by accident. How often do they get time to themselves? Not a lot with the number of people around, both in their home and at the barracks turned homebase for clones but both of them make time.
Who snores? Cody because that thought amuses me. Tempest does make little murmurs and sighs though.If both do, who snores the loudest? Cody.Do they share a bed or sleep separately? They share a nest with a few others like Anakin and his partners and Lucas. This is very much a community sleeping area.If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? They cosy up. Tempest often sleeps on top of Cody. It’s comforting for both of them.Who talks in their sleep? Cody occasionally.What do they wear to bed? Usally a light shirt and pants. Are either of your muses insomniacs? Nope.Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Nope.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? The limbs typically go around each other.Who wakes up with bed hair? Tempest. It’s hilarious.Who wakes up first? CodyWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other? They switch off but it’s only on occation because a/ nest has lots of blankets and b/ other will want breakfast too.What is their favourite sleeping position? Cody likes to be flat on his back and Tempest curls into his side with an arm over his waist.Who hogs the sheets? Probably one of the kids or Anakin.Do they set an alarm each night? No need. Not with like twenty other people in the huge nest they’ve got going.Can a television be found in their bedroom? Yes, but it gets turned off before the kids go to bed.Who has nightmares? Both but Cody has them more often.Who has ridiculous dreams? Tempest but she has like five other minds attached to her’s so the weird dreams are more of a mutal thingWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? One of the kids.Who makes the bed? Tempest and Anakin often rearrange the blankets and sheets every week to keep them clean and comfortable.What time is bedtime? Some time before midnight. Tempest will drag Cody away from the paperwork if she has too.Any routines/rituals before bed? Cody will help give her wings a quick once over and braid her hair. (It never works.)Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Cody. It’s why he’s usually greeted with caff every morning.
Who is the busiest? Probably Cody who is dealing with the post-war resettlement of the clones.Who rakes in the highest income? Both of them work for the jedi but probably Cody.Are any of your muses unemployed? Both work for the Jedi.Who takes the most sick days? Proably Tempest since she pulls dumb stunts that requires a stint in the Healing Halls.Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Neither.Who sucks up to their boss? Cody, but only because he has too when dealing with politicians.What are their jobs? Cody: something to do with getting clones their right and helping them be an actual people in the eyes of the Senate. Tempest: Basically Jedi knight on mayhem control. Who stresses the most? Cody.Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Both of them like their jobs.Are your muses financially stable? I’d say so yes.
Who does the washing? DroidsWho takes out the trash? Droids.Who does the ironing? Droids.Who does the cooking? depends who’s in but Tempest can cook.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Cody. He just hasn’t had the time to learn yet.Who is messier?  Tempest but she’s pretty good at cleaning up after herself.Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Neither.Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Both but only before fun times.Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither.Who is the prankster around the house? Tempest or one of the kids.Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Neither.Who mows the lawn? They don’t have a lawn or a droid does it.Who answers the telephone? Depends whose’ comm link it is.Who does the vacuuming? DroidWho does the groceries? Droid.Who takes the longest to shower? Cody. Mostly because he likes indulging in having water showers and also because Tempest will sometimes join him.Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Tempest. She has wings and more hair to deal with.
Is money a problem? NopeHow many cars do they own? None.Do they own their home or do they rent? They live in the Naboo Senatorial Appartments or in a home on Naboo.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? On Naboo, near a lake.Do they live in the city or in the country? On Coruscant before they moveDo they enjoy their surroundings? For the most part, yes.What’s their song? Probably something with a steady beat.What do they do when they’re away from each other? Do their jobs. And call every so often.Where did they first meet? After a huge battle.How did they first meet? Tempest was introduced to Cody, Rex, Anakin and Obi-wan by Lucas.It was a pretty short meeting.Who spends the most money when out shopping? Both are about equal.Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Neither.Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Both.Any mental issues? Cody has PTSD and nightmares from fighting in the war and Tempest is liable for a mental breakdown if she doesn’t have her mental Force Bonds with her family.Who’s terrified of bugs? NeitherWho kills the spiders around the house? Who ever gets there first.Their favourite place? Probably lakeside with the waterfalls.Who pays the bills? Neither.Do they have any fears for their future? Not particularlyWho’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Cody. Who uses up all of the hot water? It would be Cody.Who’s the tallest? Tempest but only because of her wings.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Tempest.Who wanders around in their underwear? Neither (but in privacy Tempest would.) Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? TempestWhat do they tease each other about? Tempest will take nearly anything. Cody prefers to tease her when she’s flusteredWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Neither.Do they have mutual friends? They met through mutal friends and basically merged families.Who crushed first? Cody. Tempest was in denial for a while.Any alcohol or substance-related problems? NopeWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Probably Tempest but only rarely.Who swears the most? Tempest.
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aurumacadicus · 6 years ago
lylilunapotter replied to your photo “Before and after! I’ve never fit all my shirts into the drawer before...”
You have awesome taste in tshirts
Thanks! A lot of them are from Threadless!
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the-kitteh · 6 years ago
Marvel asks: Avengers and Hawkeye :D
Hiiiii Lily!! :D 
Avengers: What superpower would you like to have?
Time related powers! Freeze, turn back, fast forawrd, twist. Oh hohohohoho imagine the chaos!!! ...
I mean. Imagine how in order my life would be. 
Hawkeye: What is your favourite movie?
Oh that’s a toughie, I have a LOT of favourite movies but the one that I keep returning to ever since I saw it is “Top Gun” :D 
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displayheartcode · 6 years ago
1. things you said at 1 am, and Halley/Ginny
“What if I have nightmares again?” Halley asked. 
Ginny could make out the pale slashes of lightning through her bedroom window. Thunder rolled out in the distance and she was reminded of the clashing of spells and curses at Hogwarts. When Ginny had been younger, before the War and the Diary, she had laughed at her brothers’ fear of spiders and the dark and storms. I’m fearless, she had said with her hair in twin plaits with red ribbons. Fearless, fearless, fearless…
Now here she was, older and half-curled up in her bed with Halley in her arms. The storm was loud enough to draw Halley back in those memories, and Ginny was there to help her get through the night.
“I’ll wake you up,” promised Ginny. She wrapped her arms tighter around Halley and buried her face in familiar messy black hair. From curve-to-curve, their bodies were pressed together as they had back at Hogwarts. Except this wasn’t them laughing as they rolled around in Halley’s four-poster bed. no coy looks shared in a small space, or knee-shaking pleasure of learning more about each other’s bodies. 
This Halley was thinner, her shoulder-bones sharp through her camisole. Her green eyes had the look of someone being haunted, always wary and on edge. 
“Dawn’s coming,” said Ginny and lightning flashed behind the window’s curtains. “The storm will be over soon.” She felt some of the tension leave Halley’s body, but it wasn’t enough. I’ll be fearless for the both of us.
Together, they waited for sunrise.
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butchgwenwhyvar · 6 years ago
Made up fic titles meme? I gotchu. “Bird brain,” “Dark is the Day,” “They All Die By The End,” and “Bright Night.” (Yes, that last one was on purpose, I wanna see what else you can do w it, SC or no.)
 Lyli these prompts are so cool!!
“Bird Brain” would be some sort of wing fic where the clones have wings, feat heaps of shitty bird puns. 
“Dark is the Day” would either be the day of Fives’ death from Anakin’s perspective, or Force Ghost Fives watching Anakin’s Fall. Either way I’d probably cry writing it and it might even be on a level of angst to rival Flaim’s levels (haha, I wish). 
“They All Die By The End” would be angsty introspection from Rex after Wolffe and Gregor’s deaths in Rebels. It would be sad and I’d make myself sad, and it’d probably have a line like ‘There’s no glory in war. Rex knows this, and still he fights.” 
Alternatively, it could be Kix in the Resistance, angsting about how all the vod’e are dead and how he’s the last one left.
“Bright Night” would be modern au shenanigans with the obianidala/codex crew! Maybe something like the Royal Show (look up the Royal Adelaide show, it’s super cool! The best American term for it is probably a county fair, even though that describes the regional shows more than the statewide shows), where they all ditch uni for a day and hang out and go on rides and act like stupid twenty-somethings and forget about school. There’d probably be kisses on the Ferris wheel when the fireworks are going up, and jokes about Obi-Wan hating all the rides with a passion, Cody and Rex keep sneaking off to make out in a dark corner somewhere, and Anakin refuses to go near the cow exhibits because one shat on his head when he was 5. Padme spends the whole day in full tourist mode because even though she’s lived in Adelaide for years, she’s never been to the show and it’s the best thing ever for her. 
(I’m gonna add this to the massive list of modern au fics to write)
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copperbadge · 7 years ago
Yet more food!
kink-tomato replied to your post “mysweetetc replied to your post “I appreciate the steady daily...”
Sir Mix-a-lot likes big bundts and he cannot lie
lacylu42 replied to your post “THIS WEEKEND...WE BAKE. My early birthday present has arrived! I am...”
The NYTimes ultimate chocolate chip cookie recipe, assuming you like chocolate chip cookies. You certainly could make it by hand, but it's a HUGE batch that is almost too much for my Kitchenaid.
I’m so terrible at cookies, but perhaps the Kitchenaid will be my lucky charm....
lylilunapotter replied to your post “More Food!”
Wait, you can make marshmallows without corn syrup?!! This is the best news I’ve gotten this month
I hope so! I mean, corn syrup is molecularly dissimilar but in the end it’s basically a sweet syrup -- it adds certain textures/flavors but with marshmallows I thiiiiink we can do without. 
lovedhouseswent replied to your post “Kitchenaid Food Suggestions”
This might be a regionalism, but when you say that you fuck up gnocchi to me that means that you eat it very enthusiastically, but I realize that it can also mean that you mess them up?
Well, when you give me a plate of gnocci I will also fuck it up in the sense I will devour them, but in this case I mean I will mess up the making of them :D 
francesweyr replied to your post “Kitchenaid Food Suggestions”
I have a recipe from the first kitchen aid I bought for pound cake that you beat forever and it is like silk in the mouth. The newer book wusses out with a healthier version. Let me know if you want it
I’d love to have it! Feel free to post it and tag me or email it to copperbadge at gmail.com :) 
nubpher replied to your post “THIS WEEKEND...WE BAKE. My early birthday present has arrived! I am...”
Since everyone beat me to saying marshmallows, my suggestion is maple sugar. Boil pure maple syrup in a heavy saucepan until 257°-262° F, transfer to mixer bowl and beat on medium low until you see the steam go POOF at which point the maple goop will turn sandy. Spread it on a cookie sheet to cool, sift, then whizz up the bigger lumps in a food processor. Tasty on oatmeal or yogurt, even better sprinkled onto slices of bacon with cracked pepper and before baking in oven.
Oh neat! You can buy it pretty cheaply too, but making it from cheap maple syrup would probably be fun and just as cost-efficient! 
lightshadowverisimilitude replied to your post “THIS WEEKEND...WE BAKE. My early birthday present has arrived! I am...”
Butter! To be fair, you don't NEED a stand mixer for it, but it's so much easier than standing there with the handmixer for ages. Just poor heavy cream in with the wisk attachment and let it go. Once the whey starts to separate out, strain it. I usually just squish it with a flexible spatula. Do not recommend cheesecloth. Add salt and/or pepper, herbs, honey, spices, whatever!
You know what’s also great for making butter, food processors! That’s how I’ve done it in the past. But I never thought about adding herbs and honey, that sounds delicious! 
ameliahcrowley replied to your post “Kitchenaid Food Suggestions”
If you make the Yule log, you can even make the traditional, little meringue mushrooms to decorate it!
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ani5s · 6 years ago
What’s the worst argument Ani and Fives have ever had? (Any ‘verse)
Any verse… let’s go with Semi Cannon Compliant, shall we?
The biggest fight they ever had in life was the day Fives died. The second biggest fight they ever have at all is the day Anakin dies. The biggest fight of all was when they made up.
Anakin didn’t listen. It’s as simple as that. Fives was insane, clearly, but he tried to KILL the CHANCELLOR. He’s gone too far, and Anakin is utterly disbelieving, and, yes, Fives WAS drugged into insanity.
And somehow, even then, they held onto their secret.
But the fight even bigger than the day Fives died is the day Anakin does. He materializes in the Force and Fives punches him and yells at him and Anakin just TAKES it but Fives doesn’t care because he’s PISSED, but…
And everything Fives says is right, but Anakin never knew when to back down. He doesn’t say anything the first time. He agrees, but…
Ironically, their biggest fight is what fixes them.
Because Anakin fights back, and nothing he says changes the facts, but Anakin is usually a bottle of anger, and Fives has never seen it open so drastically.
But he understands, just a bit now.
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suzukiblu · 6 years ago
Yellow, for that sentence meme?
No yellow, sorry! 
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