pleatheofrp-blog · 10 years
hey love, could we have an opinion? thanks! xx
First things first, nice url. I like the theme and the graphics are nice maybe a bit dark but thats not really a big deal. I like that the plot is well written and gets straight to the point. I’m personally not into this kind of stuff but it looks great for anyone who is into roleplays with powers.
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penrps · 10 years
hey love, I wasn't sure if you do opinions, but if you do, I'd love to have one! thanks so much doll. x
Hi, lovely! I don't normally, but since I have nothing to do I'll give it a shot.
I'm in love with your character graphics. They are beautiful. I'm not such a big fan of the main page theme, though. The colours and graphics are gorgeous, of course, but the sidebar just looks really plain and big. Also, I thought you didn't have a description but when I click on the plot button it comes up where the picture is, which is cool, but it's not the best place for a description. Maybe find a theme where you don't have to hover or click somewhere to find the description so people can just look and see it and read it instead of searching for it. So I suggest a new theme, but this one is really pretty either way. 
Your plot is really cool too. Creepy and to the point. And I am in love with your navigation page. Like I am so in love with it right now. Though I am not a fan of the banner FC section. It might put people off because most of those are the more well liked FC's. I also just don't see the point in banning FC's. 
This is turning into like a full out review, so I'll stop here. Honestly, it's good. The only things I'd say you should change are the main theme and maybe think about getting rid of the banned FC's. Good luck with your roleplay!
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gomezisabellas · 10 years
could we get an opinion, love? x
Sure thing. These are my opinions and are not meant as anything more than constructive criticism. It's under the cut!
Aesthetically speaking, I don't really like the color scheme. I think it clashes too much. Maybe try softer colors. But the graphics are good and so is the theme besides the color. Your plot blurb in the sidebar is too long for the sidebar and you can't scroll down, but that's just a technicality. The plot is okay, but I honestly do not like these kinds of roleplays based upon mental illnesses. I do like the super powers part though! You may want to add the rules page on the home page. Also, a rule about both players being of age would be useful. Onto the bios, I like the faceclaims and character graphics and can't say much about the bios themselves. Overall, with some changes here and there, this RP could thrive. Good luck.
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chachihelper-blog · 10 years
hey love, could we get an opinion? thanks! x
Looking at your icon, I thought it seemed a bit cool. However, I wished that the text wasn’t there. It would seem more effective to me that way. Your url is okay, it has the name of your roleplay and the rpg at the end. I like the header. It seemed pretty cool, however, I can’t say the same for your sidebar. Having two gif graphics sort of made me wonder “Where do I look first?” And because your sidebar was bigger, my natural instinct was to look at it first. I’m honestly not a fan of the sidebar graphic. I wish that you either just stuck with a picture so that your header and sidebar wouldn’t seem like they’re competing, or you could have blended in the text more into the graphic because I’m honestly staring at the huge text more than the actual graphic.. I’m also honestly not a fan of the color scheme either. Your graphics are really dark and your color scheme is really light, and I just don’t think they match.. especially because the graphic is a dark greenish blue while the color scheme looks more like an Aquamarine to me. Your plot seems like an incomplete thought to me in a way because I didn’t read anything that seemed interesting, and the graphics on the plot page didn’t seem that appealing to me either. Overall, I think that there’s still a lot of things that needs to be improved in your roleplay. There are a lot of RPHs that you could consult, and I’m hoping that you wouldn’t think of this as anything else other than constructive criticism for your roleplay. Best of luck!
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