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the allydia hogwarts au i kept meaning to write two years ago
so, now that teen wolf fandom is making its resurgence even though none of us actually want to watch the show anymore i’m gonna share this teen wolf-harry potter fusion au i’ve had kicking around for ages
it’s based off of this awesome post about a squib faking her way through hogwarts and going on to join the ministry. that post gave me a lot of feelings, and i like to imagine that squib would go on to pass some important laws.
allison grows up in one of the oldest, most respected wizarding households in the country. Her parents are both aurors, her grandpa and cousin are influential figures in the ministry, and everyone is so excited to see what little allison will do when she starts to show signs of magic. except she never does.
so there’s whispering between the adults in her life about the s word starting when she’s around 9, and they try to hide it from her but allison’s smart and very good at listening in on conversations, so she figures out what’s up pretty quickly. she starts doing some research. she hears all sorts of tales about the horrible lives squibs lead, how they’re all totally dependant on their families, or homeless. there’s lots of stuff in the papers about squib rights debates, too, and the possibility of the situation getting better, but it’s all very nebulous up-in-the-air. she keeps hoping desperately for that spark of magic to come.
it never does, and when she’s 11 she doesn’t receive a letter from hogwarts. the argents decide to prepare allison for her inevitable life as a muggle by enrolling her in a muggle school for the next year. they pick a very nice expensive private school with uniforms just like hogwarts and say “everything will be fine” but of course it’s a total disaster. math is alright but she’s way behind in science from the get-go, and everyone gives her weird looks in history when she hasn’t even heard of the world wars, and then she has to deal with these things called computers that leave her utterly confused. by the end of her first day, all her classmates are joking that she’s an alien, and no one wants to talk to her.
but she puts on a brave face and pushes through. she learns about geology and how to use a mouse and keyboard, and about muggle history. she still has no friends but that’s fine. she’s needs her family to stop worrying about her. she needs to be OK.
then the news comes through. a very controversial law has just passed. squibs can now attend hogwarts on an altered curriculum. starting next year, hogwarts will accept not only 11-year old squibs, but any squibs under the age of 17 who would like to enroll in the first year class. allison hugs her parents and tries not to cry (because crying is weak and argents are supposed to be strong). she doesn’t go back to the muggle school the next day.
allison and lydia get their hogwarts letters on the same day, and both feel a sense of great relief and cautious excitement. lydia has never heard of hogwarts, but she is so glad to finally have an explanation for all the weird things that have been happening around her all her life. she goes to diagon alley and buys all the books on hogwarts and the history of the wizarding world she can get her hands on, and spends the summer preparing. lydia wants to be the best at hogwarts - the most popular, the most successful. most of all, she doesn’t want to be the weird kid like she has been at her elementary school. but how could she be weird at a school full of magic, she reasons. when she reads about the houses, she hopes for ravenclaw; blue is a great color on her.
on the hogwarts express, allison meets scott and stiles, two fellow first years who’ve known each other almost all their lives. they’re friendly and have no idea she’s a squib who’s a year older than them, so she doesn’t tell them. lydia meets a boy named danny, who seems nice enough, but she doesn’t want to decide who her friends will be until she’s got a full picture of the school’s social structure and all the important players.
then they arrive and everyone gets sorted; allison ends up in gryffindor along with scott and stiles. they’re so nice to her but she can’t help but wonder how nice they’ll be when they find out. when lydia sits on the chair and the hat is placed on her head, she hears “Interesting...are you up for a challenge?” to which she thinks, of course, and the hat says, “good, because this is something I’ve been hoping to do for a while now.” and before she can figure out what exactly is going on, lydia has become the first muggleborn ever to be sorted into slytherin.
her first few weeks at hogwarts do not go at all as lydia had hoped. most of her housemates are cold to her and the people who are friendly seem to see her entire existence as a political statement they can support. she hates it, and sets out to take control of the narrative. she befriends jackson, a fellow slytherin who’s not especially fun to talk to but to does seem to have a lot of clout because of his family. he doesn’t like it that she’s clearly smarter than him, so she stops raising her hand in class.
meanwhile, allison is outed as a squib on the second day when it becomes apparent to all her housemates that she is only in about half of their classes. to replace charms and transfiguration, she is allowed to pick two third-year electives, and she chooses muggle studies and care of magical creatures. the former is a breeze after her time in muggle school, and the latter is very interesting subject matter, but she hates being in a classroom filled with older students who whisper loudly about how they can’t believe she’s allowed here.
she’s the only squib in the program (apparently there was one 15-year old squib who declined the invitation, and no others fit the age specifications) and feels hyper visible because of it. it doesn’t help that she constantly needs accommodations in her classes (like needing someone else to light the flame under her cauldron in potions because hogwarts has no magical means of producing fire), and that she only attends half of defense against the dark arts (the first half of each period is supposed to be focused on theory, although much of the time it isn’t and she just has to stand awkwardly to the side). For the other half of the credit, she has an individual seminar with the instructor in which she learns “non-magical defense,” which sounds cool but mostly just involves more theory from a professor who’s intimidating and clearly doesn’t want to be there.
scott and stiles stick by allison, thankfully, but she doesn’t really have any other friends. the experience is better than muggle school, but that’s about all she can say about it for the first two years.
third year, everything changes, because third year, they get a new defense against the dark arts teacher, and it’s harry fucking potter. the real-life war hero from the chocolate frog cards. as he tells them all on the first day when a student asks what he’s doing therem he’d decided that auroring is a little too dangerous now that he had a kid, and he’d always been interested in teaching.
naturally, everybody loves professor potter, who is funny and kind and has lots of cool war stories to tell, but no one loves him more than allison because he absolutely changes her life when they meet for their first seminar. “what have you been working on so far?” he asks, and when she tells him he says “well, that sounds completely useless. how would you feel about learning some hand-to-hand combat instead?” and so allison spends two afternoons a week learning to throw a punch and kick, to strike with her elbows and knees, to deflect a blow, to dodge a spell, to take someone’s wand away from them if they’re standing close enough. she’s a quick learner, taking down every phantom attacker professor potter summons to practice on.
meanwhile, lydia starts dating jackson and they become all anyone talks about (well, not the older students, obviously, but most of the people in years one through three are suitably awed). lydia learns that her magical talents and academic success will get her nowhere, but that her pretty face is a powerful asset indeed. she wields it with pride.
in 4th year, allison dates scott for three months before she finds out that he’s a werewolf. she’s not really upset about the werewolf part, but she is very upset that he never told her even though he apparently told stiles ages ago. he’s apologetic and they become friends again after a bit, but she can’t shake the feeling that she’s the extra piece that doesn’t really fit, that scott and stiles need each other so much more than they need her.
allison takes out her frustrations on professor potter’s conjurations. he’s moved on from human attackers to magical beasts, and she rips them apart with the knife she's now allowed to carry. “how would you feel about learning to use other weapons?” he asks one day, and when he offers her a selection, she picks the bow.
it’s the start of fifth year when allison and lydia have their first real conversation. they’ve encountered each other plenty but never had reason to talk until their potions professor announces that everyone needs to find a partner and he will no longer be allowing groups of three. allison looks to scott and stiles, her partners from the last 4 years, and knows instantly what’s going to happen. she tells them it’s fine and gets up, looking around for a friendly face. lydia, meanwhile, is telling jackson that no, she doesn’t mind at all if he partners with danny, and silently rejoicing because it’ll be a break from cleaning up after her boyfriend’s idiocy.
“do you know what you’re doing in this class?” lydia asks allison with a penetrating expression. “yes,” says allison, “do you mind that you’ll have to do all the spells?” “i don’t like to let anyone else do the spells anyway,” lydia says with a smile, and then it’s settled. they make the best pepperup potion in the class that day. “it is such a relief to finally have a competent partner in my favorite subject,” lydia remarks. “it’s your favorite subject?” says allison, “mine too! and, uh, i love my friends and everything, but i’m definitely glad we’re partners now too.”
after that, they get along like a house on fire. they talk about their shared love of potions (lydia loves how exact and scientific it is, and allison loves how it allows her to make a sort of magic herself), wizard fashion, and, after a few weeks of bonding, the feeling that everyone around you thinks you don’t belong and resents your presence. lydia’s mostly flippant at first, obviously uncomfortable talking about it, but allison understands and pushes just the right amount. lydia realizes one night around winter break as she’s falling asleep that allison is almost certainly the only person in this school to ever ask how she’s doing and actually want to know the answer. it feels good to have a real friend; she hadn’t known what she was missing before.
allison and lydia produce the best potion in the class every single session. jackson gets jealous and starts making snide comments, and allison tells lydia she shouldn’t put up with it. “why do you let him think you’re so much less smart than you are?” she asks one day and lydia starts wondering about that herself, too.
the first day of sixth year, after a long summer of sending and reading letters in paris, lydia pulls allison into a tight hug when she finds her on platform 9 3/4. when scott and stiles arrive a few minutes later and sheepishly announce that they’re dating now, allison doesn’t feel any of the jealousy she’d thought she would. she’s just really happy for them, and content about her place in the world for the first time.
NEWT potions doesn’t have partners, but allison and lydia still sit next to each other, and study together for every test. jackson didn’t do well enough on his potions OWL to get into the class, so he’s taken to making comments about how potions is the weakest field in magic. “you don’t even need a wand to do it!” he says once. “all the respectable work is in spellcasting; a muggle could make a potion.” lydia bristles “what’s wrong with something a muggle could do?” she says, glaring, and jackson is shocked into silence for a moment. she’s never talked back during one of his rants, she realizes. she always just let him go on and made sympathetic noises. and when did that become her life?
jackson starts to get more and more insecure and jealous about lydia’s academic success. “i think you need to spend a little less time on school and a little more time on me,” he tells her one day in a very firm tone. she doesn’t even look up from her book as she says “no.” they’re broken up a few minutes later.
as she sits in her room alone after, lydia realizes she doesn’t even feel sad. if a version of herself from a few years ago were here, she’d be screaming at her to go apologize, that her status as jackson’s girlfriend was so much more important than a potions grade, but the version of herself she had become had different priorities. better priorities.
a few days later, they’re walking through the halls between classes when one of her fellow slytherins calls lydia a mudblood, and she doesn’t even have a moment to think up a good retort before allison is punching the guy so hard he falls to the floor. “what’s your magic blood doing for you right now?” she says as she kicks his wand out of his hand before he can get a hex out.
they duck away down the hall as a crowd is gathering and lydia can faintly hear stiles yelling “that was awesome!” behind them. “you didn’t have to do that,” says lydia once they reach a quiet corner far enough away from the noise. “no,” says allison. “it was fun though.” and she smiles and lydia has never wanted anyone to defend her, never wanted to need defending, but she finds that right now she doesn’t mind at all. it helps that allison was defending herself a bit too, that they’re kind of in the same boat, even if they’re opposites in so many ways.
“god, the look on his face was amazing,” lydia says, and they both laugh, and lydia can’t remember ever being so happy before, and allison looks absolutely beautiful with her head thrown back, her hair in disarray, and blood on her knuckles. so lydia kisses her.
allison is still laughing as she kisses back, and it’s so easy and simple and so fucking perfect.
jackson tries to get lydia back a few weeks later, putting his arms around her from behind and whispering in her ear about how he can make people stop talking shit about her family, and she kneels down and flips him onto the ground in one swift movement, exactly as allison taught her a few days before. “no thanks,” she says as she begins walking away. she can hear him wheezing on the ground but she doesn’t look back. “i’m good.”
#allydia#allydia fic#lydiallison#teen wolf#my fic#does anybody even write this pairing anymore?#man i hope so#otp: falling in love with your smile#btw before i get people yelling at me about the sorting#the only reason stiles ended up in gryffindor#was because scott had already been sorted#and stiles begged the hat not to separate them#it was on his head for like 10 mins but he eventually convinced it
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doctor-iecter replied to your post: i was bored so i edited the f...
i want u
hey bb im back
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petra is like my asshole younger sibling
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FIC: make it through the storm (Teen Wolf, Allison/Lydia, all audiences - drabble)
Like the night, it's pliant, warming up under her fingers. Silk, of course. Lydia Martin didn't do lesser fabrics. Allison takes a slow 360° turn past skirts and blouses, sandals and shoes. "Do you miss it all?" Miss cocktail dresses, fancy parties, worrying only about color-coordinating your Louboutins? On her bed, Lydia looks up. She purses her lips. Today's lipstick is dark pink, glossy. "Only every second of every minute of every hour, etcetera pp. But missing is not needing." Allison wonders – has been wondering a while. "What do you need?" Lydia's eyes don't leave hers. “Come out of there.”
[Originally posted here.]
#teen wolf#tw#allydia#lydiallison#fanfic#fic#drabble#drabbles#drabble tw#allison/lydia#lydia/allison#fic tw#fanfic tw
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what ever are you talking about darling! what happened my sweet child? i’m here 4 u
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Pretty much what it says on the tin: Eleven haphazardly compiled songs featuring Teen Wolf's Allison/Lydia. <3
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"she's my best friend"
not comic book related for once :)
#teen wolf#tw#allison argent#lydia martin#lydiallison#alydia#allydia#what even is their ship name tho#art
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lydiallison replied to your post: lydiallison replied to your p...
all i have are 720p or 1080p but well i dont have s2 at all and only like 10 of 1 and 2. but i have 4 all in 1080p
and I'm mostly looking for season 2 stuff rn ^^
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blaine anderson - ☾ ☯ ⋆
☾ : Sleep headcanon
blaine sleeps like a log. he’s the kind of person that will wake up in the same position he fell asleep in, hair totally flat on one side with marks on his cheeks from the creases in his pillow, and a line of dried up drool coming from the corner of his mouth. and he needs like at least two cups of coffee before he feels even remotely human after sleeping.
☯ : Genderbent headcanon
OKAY so blair is a total babe lemme tell you. in regards to appearance just look at this thing i typed up a while ago bc that still applies 100% to what i imagine her to look like. and personality-wise she’s still very much the blaine we see except more feminine and she would be a total feminist like how blaine is always “i’m looking forward to marriage equality in all 50 states!” and discussing gsm equality over dinner well yeah she’d still be like that but with gender equality too
⋆ : Sex headcanon
okay honestly i have like two total opposite headcanons for blaine when it comes to sex like sometimes i think he’d be totally kinky and really fit the whole “shy on the streets, freak in the sheets” saying you feel me but then other times i think he’d be totally vanilla and kind of scandalised at the thought of a lot of kinky things
which mostly stems from his canonical issues with sex work (getting violent when dave calls him ‘buck boy’, the whole ‘i’m not for sale’ thing, etc.) and i know sex work + kinks aren’t at all the same thing but i just think he would probably have issues with anything that made sex seem like anything less than something super special and pure or whatever
(except for when he’s drunk bc then he’s too horny to care about special)
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Petra why do u hate my favorite character
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lydiallison replied to your post: does anybody know where I can...
if u find something tell me. i got season 4 and a few from 1 and 3 on easynews, but u have to pay for that
hmm ok, I have season 2 and some of season 3 and 4 but all pretty low quality...
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