#lydecker x max
loisfreakinglane · 8 months
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: Cold Comfort
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Omg it starts without her nasally monologue
Oh shit dead chick
How’d she thaw that quick
Oh she’s a sibling
[Normal cleaning again]  He’s still disinfecting from that cough  [He and Dean would get along, given their germaphobic ways]
His hero would be GW [Normal’s real name, btw, is Reagan Ronald] ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [You know how we know this?  Because he tells Alec to call him "Reagan" on his first meeting]  ☠️☠️☠️  [*sends screenshot of the script showing that conversation from “Two”*]  Normal you flirty dog
Who a poppa what  [Sivapathasundaram, I think.  According to the script online.]
That Lintlicker [Yup]  That’s Lintlicker
If he shrugs his damn shoulders. One more time.
["Bring Manticore to stage 3"  Ruh-roh]  Huh [Also, he calls him Deck alksdjf;laksdjf] I bet he does
I’m gonna not like her next season just cause of the hair! I like this hair
[Lydecker goes to capture one X-5, manages to completely miss the other one walking very pointedly towards her; buddy, you're just incompetent, okay?]  ☠️☠️☠️  [Legit.  Dude was right there]
Ma’am.  You don’t.  Touch.  Ya brother.  Like that.
Run over his toes Logan  [Doooo ittttttt]
"She got careless.  She got caught.  End of story."  Damn, Zach, you really never left Manticore for all you left Manticore, huh?  [Bitch then why did you go to her and tell her about this?  The Fuck?]
"This girl is gonna do what she’s gonna do, no matter what you or anyone else says. Now you’ve got two choices: back off or pitch in."  Poor Logan has learned this the hard way
You know what dumb blonde dude?  I don’t like you no more.  And is it solely because Logan is Tony… Maybe  [ngl, Logan's not bad this season.  Currently.]
Dude, Logan showing off
[Damn, but Zach is pissing me off]  I know
You know what?  Lintlicker is a horrible person, but he’s not racist. Gotta give him that.  [This is true!]
Okay, but this encounter between Max and Logan is pretty damn good, just saying.  Indeed, I'm coming to the conclusion that the s1!Max/Logan relationship actually... isn't that toxic.  Like, yeah, it’s got its issues, but it’s mainly not deeply problematic — just that she doesn’t want to admit that she’s growing close to him/developing a weakness, so she pushes him away; he’s refusing to admit his own feelings, so he pushes her away; and yet they both do care about the other, so it comes out in bickering and (should they have other relationships) light jealousy — in the way that “toxic” implies.  s2 is different, but s1?  Frankly, even the selfishness of her only going to him for help isn’t that problematic; they’re both, in essence, doing the same thing.  He offered his services as payment for her services, and they’re both trying to keep things professional despite their emotions not complying.  Like I said, s2 is different, but you’ll see that later.
These girls winking at him
OC!!! I love “the Afro puffs”
A smile!  I love it  [Half-smile]  Ya bastaaad  [You haven't seen him fully smile]  Yeah that won’t be for a while
☠️☠️  “Yummy”  I wouldn’t have trusted it  [AGREED]
"I'm an alcoholic; my name is Don" alkdsfja;lkdsjf  [Lintlickeraholic]
Oh god, my dude, shut up.  The music tho.  Is like he’s gonna turn into a monster and kill them all
"As you were" Buddy is damn military askldj  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [:(((]
"As a small boy" aksldjflkajsf buddy!
“A HUMAN BRAIN”  [asdkfjlkj that's a lie, just to be clear]  I know
This poor poor confused man
Buddy where are you putting the gun
His faces.  I’m dying.  Ded.  I’ve died.
[Okay, look, he's horrible, but.  It does bear mentioning that he knows their names still.  Just saying.]
This.  This bitch.  Just broke. His own finger. He is crazy af.  [Yup!  No excuses for him, but at least he holds himself to similar standards to those he holds his "kids", I guess?]  Meh, true.
– – –
Midpoint reaction: Ok so this one actually has my interest.  Zach… Well, buddy can go eat a di— he has annoyed me thoroughly, and Logan was very well composed to be dealing with such bullshittery.  So was the trainer — [Bling] — ‘cause, had buddy came at me with that attitude, I would have pressed on his wound and left.  
Lintlicker is *sigh*  well, he’s a bastard. Like, before I was just making fun of his name. But he was like just a typical bad guy looking for something he lost. He missed it everytime cause dudes kinda clueless. But yeah.  He is just a straight DICK in this one
– – – 
☠️☠️☠️☠️ Omg  😂😂😂😂  [This is going wel- WHOA, DAMN, HERBAL!!!]  Herballl
Oh mah gawd im ded
This poor man  [This poor dude; all he tried to do was buy a messenger service!!!]
[Zach continues to annoy me.  I forgot he was this bad.]
Plot twist: Max comes back and they’re together.  [KSAJD;LFKJA;LDSKFJA;LKSFDJ]  Zogan  [Lach.  Because they LACH clothing]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [But also, please, god, no. That was a joke, nothing else!!!]
Oh Zach, shut up.  [Max and Logan are already bad enough about their relationship without you helping, buddy.]
Ma’am didn’t think this through too much
[Okay, it does bear mentioning; again, Lydecker is horrible.  But he does, perversely, care about his kids.  You'll see more later]  About like Brenner?  
– – –
Here we pause to have another “short” conversation:
Wench: Maybe, but more like... Like John.  Wants them skilled and capable and all; cares about them and will make the big sacrifices if necessary; has his priorities wayyyy the fuck wrong.  So, they keep bringing up the fact that Eva got shot.  And it's true, she did.  But --- and this is kinda a spoiler, but I've already spoiled it for you in past conversation, so... *shrugs* --- Lydecker has a supervisor at Manticore called Renfro.  And Renfro, later, kills one of Lydecker's "kids."  And it hurts/infuriates/bothers/whatever Lydecker so much that he actively turns his back on Manticore and helps Max/Zach/Logan/et al. start taking the place down.  (Assuming I'm remembering this correctly, but I think I am.)  He helps them break in, blow up the genetic stores that let them clone new soldiers, etc.  He's still around for part of season 2, ish, and he takes out more Manticore personnel (and, eventually, mysteriously disappears… I always figured he died for his betrayal, but I never read the books and don’t fully remember the show, so I don’t know if that’s confirmed/refuted).
Jezebel: Well shit! Respect… ish
Wench: Basically, he's like if you took Azazel and John and smushed them together.  His actions are largely inexcusable, but he does --- again, perversely and unhealthily --- care about them.  He wants them successful and doesn't much care about how he has to train them to get them there, but he still remembers their names, still cares about them, still wants them to be alive.  He pushes them to their limits, but, mostly, not beyond.  (e.g. yeah, that drowning scene was longer than was, per se, comfortable, but he also made sure no one died)  That doesn't rectify his behavior --- you know that I have very little fondness for either Azazel or John --- but it's something to consider.
Jezebel: Yeah I get it! I kinda hate it when they do that with characters, but like it at the same time. Hate, because if the guys bad. I want to not like him…. Not be able to justify him. But I like it cause I’m all about character development and a turn around story
Wench: He's definitely got the whole "Azazel's Chosen Kids" thing going, but it's not a competition; he's just got the weird, unhealthy care and willingness to do whatever it takes thing.  And he's very much like John in the abusive-as-fuck-but-also-distantly-cares thing.  Like, I don't like John --- he's horrible to all of his kids; his priorities are wayyy out of whack, and there are very few things that can be said to excuse his actions --- but I still accept that he cared about them.  It's one of those things that are hard to get; people can care, to some degree, about someone and still be unhealthy for them, you know?  And I think that he, at root, did care.  But a) he cared about revenge more and b) he felt that "keeping them safe" was equated with "caring" and "their only real, basic needs", and that screwed them up irreparably because his version of "being a good father" was not being a good father.  I think (hope) that was coherent… I’m still a bit drained from today, tbh, and I’m not sure I’m expressing myself well.
Jezebel: Oooof I feel ya.  And no, I fully get it
Jezebel, two seconds later: Wait, there are books?  And did I know that?
Wench: Yeah!  But apparently they're bad, treat Alec poorly, and don't do much with the story.  iirc. Idk, I haven’t read them for myself.  And no, I don't think you knew.
“Short” conversation of 20-plus minutes ends
– – – 
[Oof, this is already going well]  ☠️☠️☠️
[Also.  "Holy crap on Tuesday's toast" aksdjf]  Looool
Oh shit.  SHIT.
[Also, going back a few seconds… "You've got one of my kids"  See what I mean?]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ My dude
he said yes.  HE SAID YES!
NORMAL, you poor thing.  [I know right?!]
Omg.  I’m ded.  [No, Sketchy is]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Oh, wait, he's been revived  :)]
Oh shit, Brynn.  You good, buddy?  [OH SHIT I FORGOT THIS STORYLINE]
I don’t think you’re good
She's not good
Zach YOU good?  [Probably not]
[Max has no faith aksdfj  I don't remember if Lydecker is actually above-board in his betrayal or not, tbh, but I don't trust it, so.]
[Not Max annoying me again]  They knew they had to get someone hot for this role… ‘cause she’s so annoying.  Balance.   [alksjdflkasdjf ACCURATE]
[This dude gives me Samuel-Campbell-vibes, but he's not.]  Yeah I see it
“What I’ve got-”  (Is a specific set of skills)
Well hot damn  [“Deck” was ready]  Lintninja  [Oh no, not another nickname!  :)]
["Hung"?  "HUNG"?  HANGEDDDDDD, my dude.  HANGED]  ☠️☠️☠️ hung sounds better 👀🤷🏻‍♀️  [Bitch, no it doesn’t; it sounds grammatically incorrect.]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Once again: Lydecker with the perverse care for Brynn.  Is it in her best interests?  Hell, naw.  Is it genuine?  Yeah.
Aight, the tear got me… the face after lost it
These.  Well they don’t feel like normal sibling kisses.  Y’all too much.  [I knew you were gonna say something]
Ugly cry?  Ahhh wahhhh?  She old.  And y’all are just blowing all that wind in her face.
Poor Normal
[Okay, um.  Just saying.  Logan's shirt is nice.]  It is.
We ugly cried at each other for a little while. Then he took off
– – –
Wench: askfdj that was such an abrupt end
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️ bruh I was thinking the same damn thing.  Like… Wot
Wench: Anyway… endpoint reaction?
Jezebel: Lintlicker remains Lintlicker a little longer. BUT he gets some respect for the things he did in this one.
Wench: aka, still atrocious but not as bad as he could be? :)
Jezebel: Precisely.  And Zach…. Needs to learn to just suck it up. Cause *sigh* no. Just no.  Max was… Max. But not full on Max in this one. If that makes sense ☠️ she was bitchy but not in a god awful way.  Maybe because the ones she was bitchy to I don’t like, and she wasn’t to Logan.  Also how tf was she holding her self up to look like she was hanging… with her buttcheeks on the bar!?! Cause maams hands were down
Wench: kjzlksdjf;lakdjf;lkasjdf;lksajdflkajsdf;lkajsdf  I HAVE NO CLUE
Jezebel: Like. Could you imagine…. Being Brynn. Laying there dying and seeing that from the other side
Wench: How dare you put that image in my head???
Jezebel: Anyway.  Yeah!  I also LOVED.  LOVE LOVE LOVEDDDDDD.  The Jam Pony scenes
Wench: YESSSS  Herbal, OC, and Sketchy are amazing.  
Jezebel: They were very! Poor hippopotamus man, though
Wench: Poor Normal.  
Jezebel: Poor Normal’s toilet
Wench: Also, I can't remember Herbal being in s2, and it makes me sad.
Jezebel: Oh noooo
Wench: If he's there, he's got a way smaller role, but I don't think he is at all
Jezebel: But un-alas I really enjoyed this one!
Wench: Problem child; that's not a word.  (For those unfamiliar with my vernacular, “problem child” is not age-specific.  It’s a vibe thing.  My nine-year-older-than-me sister is as much a problem child as a five-year-old might be.)
Aight, that’s a wrap!  See y’all for next episode!
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holylulusworld · 5 years
More than a little girl Masterlist
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Request: Alec McDowell reader as many parts &smut as u want were a group of trans genetics escape from manticore including alec, max & reader but the reader is like the runt of the group like small but curvy & everyone underestimates her but wat they don’t no is that she’s diff she can transition her face like they do off tvd as the group escapes they r surrounded by soldiers and can’t do anything then the reader takes them out and everyone’s amazed u can write however u want the reader and alec to be 2gether
Summary: After helping Max escaping Manticore once again you must find a way to live a free life. You find yourself thrown into a world you don’t know. It’s not very helpful that Alec insists on staying by your side. The least guy you want close by.
Pairing: Alec x Reader, Max x Logan Cale
Warnings: angst, language, violence, transgenic stuff (don’t sue me for mistakes), arguments, health issues, fluff, comforting, blood, fighting, kidnapping, cage fights, possible smut in future chapters
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
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I love stories where it’s someone close to the main character who ends up being their villain, sadly: a friend, parent, sibling, or lover. It just brings so much more to the story and makes you care.
Final Fantasy X had the parent thing with Tidus and Jecht, as did Alias with Sydney and Irina, which is probably part of the reason I love both so much. Alias was also setting up a sibling betrayal with Sydney and Nadia (sisters) because of a prophecy though I’m actually glad it never got there. Or I hope that Sydney and Nadia could have risen above that destiny, like they wanted to.
Dark Angel was starting to do a “sibling” enemies thing with Max and Ames. Edit: And in the first season, her enemy, Lydecker, was essentially her father (and she saw him that way, even though she didn’t want to), so we also had tension there.
And Buffy the Vampire Slayer after season one... did most of these things, which is why it’s so amazing and so renowned. And why you really feel for Buffy and her battles, and they actually mean something.
I feel like there are quite a few examples of the friend thing. Clark and Lex in Smallville start out friends and become enemies. And then in Death Note, Light and L start off enemies and stay that way... but as they work together, the audience (and they, to an extent) get this sense that if they weren’t so stuck to their ideals, and if things had been different, they would have been friends, and it’s sad. And there are plenty other friend ones, of course (like a lot that I’m surely forgetting). The most famous probably being Caesar and Brutus, Jesus and Judas, etc. Edit: Shanna, how could you forget your favorite fandom of all? Kingdom Hearts with Sora and Riku in the first game, of course! And Neku and Joshua in the The World Ends With You.
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geneticyborg · 6 years
DESIGNATION: X5-599 PREFERRED NAME: Zack D.O.B | D.O.D: August 28th | N/A SEX | PRONOUNS: Cis Male | He, His, Him ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Virgo. Precise, exact and critical, Zack understands that the devil is in the details and he pays attention to them. He is hardworking, efficient and methodical and can usually work or reason his way out of any challenge. ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good. He follows his conscience with little regard for what others expect of him, making his own way but has a good heart. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations and struggles to keep his belief in the face of trauma and terrible experiences. He hates when people try to intimidate others and follows his own moral compass. MYERS BRIGGS TEST: ISTJ, the Logistician. Enjoys taking responsibility for his actions and takes pride in the work that he does when working towards a goal. Defined by his integrity, practicality, logic and tireless dedication to duty makes him a vital core to any family or organization that upholds traditions, rules and standards.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Analytical, practical, observant, honest and direct. Dutiful, committed, responsible, level headed and reliable. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, blunt, insensitive, rigid and judgmental. Self-loathing, guilty, self-depricating, jealous and aggressive. SURFACE TEMPERMENT: Zack will often present himself as ��the boy next door”, using his generic white male appearance to portray an act of being polite, well-mannered and friendly as a means of lulling those around him into a sense of safety and familiarity that allows him to pass as memorable but nonthreatening. TRUE TEMPERMENT: However, those whom are given the benefit to see beneath the surface act will soon realize that Zack is far angrier and violent that first impressions would imply. Zack can become incredibly aggressive to those that he perceives as a threat to his safety or the safety of those that he cares about and responds accordingly. He’s merciless, cold and efficient when it comes to achieving his goals and can compartmentalize his emotions and uses this tactic to keep everyone at arms length save for a handful of his proclaimed brothers and sisters.
EYES | HAIR: Blue | Blond HEIGHT | WEIGHT: 5'11 | 98 kgs TATTOOS: Black, patented barcode on the base of the back of his neck. Often laser removed but inevitably resurfaces after a handful of days. PIERCINGS: None BODY MODIFICATIONS: As a genetically engineered X series, Zack’s DNA has been spliced with various forms of animal DNA that enhances and heightens his physical capabilities. After shooting himself in the head in order to donate his heart to X5-452, Zack is harvested by Manticore for several other organs, kept alive to undergo heavy cybernetic modifactions in which the damaged tissue and missing organs were replaced with synthetic tissue.
Zack has returned to the city of Seattle after six months working on a Ranch with no memory of his past or his real identity. His memories however have been clawing back to the surface, triggered by numbers, posters and phrases that has driven him to seek out the woman that he knows only as Max. Abandoning the Ranch and returning to the city, Zack is slowly but surely piecing together his past while working as a Construction Worker in sector 9.
X5-599 was created by a covert genetics and military agency that went by the codename Manticore. Hand crafted, designed and spliced with numerous animal DNA and DNA found of extraordinary men and women, 599 was genetically engineered to be the perfect human weapon. Placed within a surrogate mother to be carried to term, 599 was born into servitude and trained from infancy to be an obedient soldier of Manticore alongside fifty others of his kind. As an X5, 599 was trained to be a Commanding Officer, attuned to make his own independent decisions and tactical strategies without the need for human oversight and co-led with X5-492 and X5-452 of a twenty man unit all ranging from the ages of six and ten years old.
Among their unit, 599 and the others chose names for themselves, 599 being given the name Zack by his siblings, and slowly pieced together their own identities whilst living under the oppressive training regime of Colonel Donald Lydecker. They were regoriously trained in physical skills, hand-to-hand combat, weapons training and assembly and military strategy and tactics as well as Intelligence training and conditioning.
Zack was closest with 492 and 452, Ben and Max, as they led their unit in different fractions of their objectives, assignments and missions but it was with Max that Zack felt the most for. Unlike the others in his unit, his feelings for Max were romantic – though he didn’t understand this until he was older. When Max’s life was threatened, Zack responded, attacking their trainer and spearheading an escape attempt in order to get Max and the others out of the facility before any more of them could be killed or hurt again.
Zack led the escape, separating his siblings and urging them to scatter and go underground once they escaped the perimeter fence. Zack was captured temporarily by Manticore security helping his siblings and Max escape the base but eventually escaped from transit before he could be returned to the facility and fled from Manticore’s Wyoming facility. Zack would spend the next ten years searching for, finding and protecting the twelve others of his unit that managed to escape that night. When finally reunited with Max, he was twenty years old.
Zack sacrificed every chance he had at making a life for himself in order to keep his siblings and Max safe and protected from Manticore whom were still searching for them in the hopes of returning them to Manticore for experimentation and reindoctrination.
Zack would give up his own freedom to save Max from Manticore’s clutches and would be tortured for four months by Colonel Donald Lydecker in the effort to find out the locations of the rest of the escaped members of his unit and would be rescued from the island during an escape attempt by Max.
During an assault on Manticore, Max would be shot through the heart. Her death and Manticore’s inability to repair the damaged tissue caused Zack to take his own life so that the Manticore scientists could use his own heart as a transplant to resuscitate Max before her brain was without blood and oxygen for too long. He saved Max’s life but Manticore refused to let him die.
Manticore kept Zack alive to be used as an organ doner, harvesting his lungs and other internal organs for other injured X5’s in Manticore’s service. He was eventually transferred to another facility where he was subjected to further violations by having his missing organs and body parts replaced by cybernetic implants and synthetic tissue. The damage that he sustained to his brain caused him to develop amnesia, unable to piece together his own memory on his own he had no sense of identity or of his past and was sold on the Black Market by an IT tech when Manticore was eventually destroyed.
Zack found himself the property of a gang of Body-Moders known as Steelheads who used him as extra muscle and an obedient tool until Zack once again reunited with Max. At first he was unable to remember her until she presented her barcode and Zack was able to make the connections with his own memory. He left the Steelheads and returned with Max in order to try and get his memory back. He succeeded. Recalling everything and feeling responsible for every perceived failure and mistaking his relationship with Max as romantic he eventually triggered his Manticore programming.
While in Manticore’s custody, PSY-OPs planted the belief that Eyes Only, or Logan Cale and Max’s soulmate, as a traitor. Zack attempted to kill Logan, believing that he was avenging himself and Max for the perceived terrors that they underwent while in Manticore which forced Max to electrocute Zack until he lost consciousness and wiped his memory once more.
Max made the choice to give Zack a new identity as Adam Thompson, making him believe that he had been working on a ranch when during a resource pick up had a car accident which resulted in his injuries and his memory loss. As Adam, Zack returned to work on the Ranch out of Seattle but slowly began to regain his memory.
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runesrule · 7 years
Dark Angel Season Two Rewatch
The epic sequel to my last reactions post. 
1) These guys are so freaking damaged. Just let the guy take the locker Cindy, holy shit. 
2) Ah yes, the Sad Hair Days of Logan. 
3) Speaking of hair, the uniform regulations of Manticore’s army are very confusing. I’m guessing it has something to do with sending their X-5′s out on undercover missions, but still. 
5) A boot in the guts and “The only kind of physical contact you and I are going to have” is the correct response to the terms ‘copulate’ and ‘breeding partner’ 
6) Ahhhhhhh JOSHUA!!! Precious, precious giant puppy-man 
7) Genetically enhanced superhuman who hides pillows under a blanket while she sneaks out....good Lord Max. 
8) “It’s something I don’t want the police to find when I go through check-point...it’s a box of guns” I love Asha. She is one of my favourite humans. 
9) “You shot me!” “I told you to duck” Stop making me like you, Lydecker, you asshole. 
10) I forgot Elizabeth died. Now I want her back...
11) Honestly, the virus bitch is just a physical representation of these two for the entirity of S1. 
12) Hey, did it ever occur to anyone that there’s a connection between Logan’s Che Guevara t-shirt and Max’s chosen surname? Because for some reason it just occured to me. 
13) OOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiitttttt....Terminator!Zach. I forgot about this. This is gunna hurt. 
14) The Informentnet TM 
15) “SKETCHYYY!!” “You bellowed, Your Originalness?” 
16) Gentle observation, Max, since you haven’t really observed a lot of healthy familial interactions: Alec is how annoying, dumb brothers act to bitchy sisters. Not this S2 brainwashed Zach bullshit. 
17) This fucking episode. Jesus take the freaking wheel, I am not emotionally stable enough for the Berrisford Agenda again. I’ll concetrate on the fact that it’s young!Benny and young!Dean, as a bodyguard and a genetically engineered assassin. 
19) I had a thing in high school where I channelled the shit out of Alec’s “I’m always alright” vibe when my anxiety was kicking my ass. 
20) OOOOOOOOOHHHHH BOYYYY! The rage I felt when Max sets Alec up as her lover to hurt Logan--admittedly to get him as far away from her as possible-- has returned. It remains as righteous and vicious as the first time I watched this this. 
21) I fucking love love love love that Asha defends Max. However: phrasing, girl. “Max and Alec are both new to this relationship thing” SEPERATELY!!! NOT TOGETHER. 
22) Annie and Joshua 5eva. No, she doesn’t die. I don’t know what show you watched, but in my version, Annie lives and Billie doesn’t get left behind. In fact, Billie rips White’s throat out when he tries to kill Annie. 
23) Hahahahahahahaa it’s Blake fucking Bradley the navy ranger from Power Rangers Ninja Storm!! 
24) “Not what I did, it’s what I am” 
25) Sketchy: get out of the fucking sewers. JFC. 
26) Annie deserves better. That is all. 
27) Fairly tempted to get that flag tattooed on my body to be honest. 
28) In conclusion: fuck you once again Fox. SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like how does Max save the world from the Conclave’s biological world-ender virius, and does Logan wear two pairs of surgical gloves for the rest of his life??? And also, do Asha and Alec have a dozen adorable little rebel babies?? 
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d-noona · 6 years
SUMMARY: In a future of political, economic and moral collapse, a genetically enhanced superhuman prototype named Y/N escapes from military confines and dwells amidst the decadent underground street life of *Seoul* to avoid government agents who want to bring her back into the fold.
Word Count: 1409
Jeon Jungkook x Reader
M.List | Ch. 13
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Chapter 12 – Finding Project Aero
Present are two field operatives seen earlier posted outside the laundromat. Agent Lydecker and Sandoval, being debriefed by a man seated behind a desk. He’s silhouetted against white-hot slats of the South Korea sun fighting through partially closed Venetian blinds. From the black gloved hand sorting through a stack of grainy 8x10 surveillance photos, shows White.
“We been set up on Ardiente thirty six hours and so far, nothing.” Says Sandoval providing the report to their Senior Commander. Lydecker jumps in defense for his comrade “A few customer complaints, the dryer ate my money, rinse cycles not long enough. That kinda thing.” Sandoval follows giving the final report “And three or four P.I, clients. Strictly run the mill. I don’t think this guy can help us Sir.”
The black glove sifts through a pile of photographs taken at Ardiente’s. Holding the one of Y/N’s a moment before casting it aside. Then White stands, paces, musing aloud “Twenty three computer hits from one detective. He browses Daegu DMV records from ten years ago, employment files on health care personnel working in the Gillette area around the same time. Then he searches prison records for unidentified males and females approximately twenty to thirty years old. And you want me to believe its happenstance?”
Sandoval and Lydecker exchanges a knowing look. Lydecker butts in “Since the pulse there’ve been how many thousand missing person searches. This is probably one of them. And nothing in those searches or our surveillance connect him with Aero.”
White crosses to a wall displaying a row of ID photographs of the hybrids prior to their physical changes with military haircuts. Seen on the wall were Hoseok, Taehyung, Jondy, Max and Y/N. Whie studies the photos a long moment, shakes his head “NO. He’s trying to track down these Hybrids, and we are not going to do anything to get in his way.”
By the hospital supply room, a window was being jimmied from the outside. It slowly slides open, revealing Y/N hanging upside down. She reaches in, grasping the window casement with each hand to steady herself, then gracefully somersaults into the room, landing on both feet. She goes to the corridor, opens it a crack and peers out, then heads into a dimly lit, dingy hospital corridor. Y/n makes her way down, passing a couple of corpse-laden gurneys waiting to be taken to the morgue whenever somebody gets around to it. She peers into a couple of hospital rooms at patients being warehoused more than healed.
Finally she sees what she’s looking for. She approached a bed where Jungkook lies unconscious, hooked up to monitors, bandaged, I.V.’s running, etc. Y/n just looks at him, a dispassionate expression on her face, then without emotion she speaks “Sure looks like you pissed off the wrong folks.”
She pulls open the drawer to the bedside table, takes out his wallet, hoes through it, but it’s empty. She shrugs “Damn. Nurses beat me to it.” She flops into a chair, puts her feet up on the hospital bed, then opines wisely “Could’ve told ya. You take the header into the deep end when the pool’s empty, you’re gonna go splat. Law of gravity. And even Jesus Christ himself had to obey the law of gravity. For a while anyway. Well, better you than me.”
She continues her monologue as she hears something out in the hall, gets to her feet then presses herself flat against the wall. Through the doorway an orderly approaches carrying a tray of meds. He slows as he passes Jungkook’s room, casting a long look at Jungkook’s comatose form, then continues on. After a moment Y/N continues “The one I feel sorry for is that poor woman with the kid. She should’ve told you to stick it like I did. But she brought your crap about “doing what’s right”…dumb as bitch.”
As Y/N crosses to the window, lifts a slat of the Venetian blinds and peers into the night. She sees a figure moving. She turns to Jungkook and continues with her soliloquy “Just so you know, I don’t feel the slightest guilt about not watching her back, that’s on you hot shot. One hundred percent.”
Y/N’s night vision operates as she focuses on a figure moving furtively on the roof across the street. Her night vision zooms in as per pupils dilate. Her eyes focusing just like a camera lens would. The figure removes a rifle from its case, then screws on a scope. She can make out the features of a not unattractive man in his late 20’s. Y/N turns away, then nonchalantly walks over to Jungkook’s bed and begins to maneuver it toward the door.
“I probably oughta let em’ finish the job. At least then you won’t get more innocent people whacked on accounts of your ambition for world peace. On the other hand you did lay the statue on me which I was able to fence for a couple of bucks.” As she wheels Jungkook bed out into the hospital corridor. She yanks the toe tag off one of the corpses and maneuvers its gurney into Jungkook’s room. She positions the corpse where Jungkook’s bed had been, then quickly scoots out into the corridor as she ducks into a room across the hall just as a gunman steps out of the stairwell, sprays Jungkooks room with machine gun fire, then vanishes back into the stairwell. After a beat, y/m emerges with Jungkook as she heads for the exit past the orderly who comes running at the sound of all the commotion.
Y/n enters Jungkook’s apartment. Dark. Empty. Then a sound as Y/N navigates through the darkness to Jungkook’s computer console – command central for his information network. Y/N takes a seat, logs on, accessing Jungkook’s myriad data files and types in SONRISA, EDGAR. A file comes up on the screen. Y/n clicks on – Employees and Associates. She begins scrolling through the file of mug shots of Sonrisa’s enforcers, lieutenants, etc. a generally loathsome crew. Y/n shivers as she reads through and mutters “Yech, makes me wanna take a shower.” Then she stumbles upon a familiar face. “BINGO!” the face of the shooter, cold, merciless.
Y/N looks up at a sound coming from down the hall. She listens a moment, then after a beat she pushes away from the console and goes to further investigate. Hearing the creak of a floorboard, she snags a vase off the mantle, raises it like a truncheon and continues into the hallway. Y/n negotiates through the darkness, her back against the wall. Suddenly, a figure lunges at her. Y/n ducks, catches the assailant by the throat, pinning him to the wall, about to deliver a cranium crack with the vase when she recognizes Janna. She lets go immediately “Damn, are you alright?” y/n asks.
“They took my sister” as Janna dissolves in tears. “They won’t hurt her” as Y/N assures her. Janna desperately want so believe y/n but she can’t. Y/N presses reassurance “Your sister is the only leverage they have to keep you quiet.” Janna beseeches for Y/n’s help “Can you help me get her back?”
“I will” as y/n looks into Janna’s imploring eyes. Y/N pulls Janna over back into Jungkooks study. They sat in front of the computer console. Y/n indicates to Janna the mug shot on the screen. “This is the shooter who tried to finish of Jungkook. Works for Sonrisa, surprise, surprise…” as both Y/N and Janna read the attackers profile “Bruno Anselmo, born 1990, served in Iraq, dishonorable discharge, armed robbery, assault, attempted rape – your basic renaissance dirt bag.” But Janna was too absorbed by worry to pay attention she crooks up her neck to Y/N, pushes her hair back with a tear stained face “If I give myself up in exchange for Juliette would you make sure she’s okay?”
Y/N discards Janna’s idea “Were not going that route. Sonrisa’s not someone you make deals with.” While y/n continues to search on Jungkook’s monitor. “What else can we do?” Janna responds not knowing where else to go or what to do next.
“Like I said, this isn’t my regular line of work, so I’m making it up as I go.” Y/N then instructs Janna to stay put at Jungkook’s apartment. Gives her further instruction to take care of the man now in his comatose form. Y/n also provided Janna steps on how to go about the mission that she now has.
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loisfreakinglane · 8 months
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I saved his life. And here I thought I was special.
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loisfreakinglane · 3 years
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loisfreakinglane · 3 years
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loisfreakinglane · 3 years
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loisfreakinglane · 3 years
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It’s all right. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You remember that night I sat with you in the infirmary? I shouldn’t have been there. I shouldn’t have shown favoritism.
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loisfreakinglane · 3 years
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loisfreakinglane · 3 years
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loisfreakinglane · 3 years
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loisfreakinglane · 4 years
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What do you got? We got your killer. Where is she? He's in a holding cell. Must be a mistake. There's no mistake. He gave us details from the crime scene, and he produced the murder weapon.
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