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“Tethras,” to the tune of “Gaston”
Inspired by this gif:
No one's slick as Tethras No one's quick as Tethras No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Tethras For there's no man in town half as manly Perfect, a pure paragon You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on
No one charms like Tethras Has ripped arms like Tethras No one's got a repeating firearm like Tethras As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating My, what a guy, that Tethras
Give five hurrahs Give twelve hip-hips Tethras is the best And the rest is all drips
No one fights like Tethras Douses lights like Tethras In a wrestling match nobody bites like Tethras For there's no one as burly and brawny As you see I've got biceps to spare Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny That's right And every last inch of me's covered with hair
No one hits like Tethras Matches wits like Tethras Writes lit’rature about mashing bits like Tethras I'm especially good at setting up cliff-hangers! (Gasp) Five stars for Tethras!
When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs Every morning to help me get large And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs So I'm roughly the size of a barge
No one shoots like Tethras Makes those beauts like Tethras Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Tethras I use antlers in all of my decorating
Say it again Who's a man among men And then say it once more Who's the hero next door Who's a super success Don't you know? Can't you guess? Ask his fans and his five hangers-on There's just one guy in town who's got all of it down And his name’s Tethras
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The Adorkable Liam Rys

I am participating in @choicesflashfics weekly prompt -- I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror will be in bold.
This is a special chapter of my series School Dayz, please feel free to check the series out and see what has happend so far in Apple Valley USA where there fic takes place.
The Book: TRR (no royals) Series: School Dayz Pairings: Liam x Riley Word Count: 2500 Ratings and Warnings: Teen for a first kiss, but it was pretty tame. Summary: Liam and Riley go on their first date
Song Inspiration: Take Me There by Blackstreet, Mya, Mace, Blinky Blink
Song Inspiration: Gangsta’s Paradise by Coolio, LV
Original Post: 10/15/22 at 11:21PM EST.
A/N: Thanks to @dcbbw for mentioning how “adorkable” my Liam is in this AU.
My inner monologue had me pumped up. “Okay Liam Rys you can do this, you’re a rockstar and Riley likes you, you got this.”
I popped my collar, and stared at her for a moment while she was pulling books out of her locker. I was ready to do this. I can do this. I’m going to ask out my girlfriend.
I strolled cooly over to her locker.
She turned around smiling at me.
“Hey! Is that for me?” She pointed to the coffee drink in my hand that I was holding out to her.
“It sure is, I got your favorite.”
Handing her the drink, I leaned against the locker trying to be cool.
She took a sip of the drink and gave me an approving nod.
“It’ll do.”
That didn’t seem like Riley, but she was still smiling at me.
“So what’s up?”
“The weekend is coming up.”
“Yeah it is. I can’t wait, and we are having a long weekend too? No school on Monday! Yes!”
“Exactly. I was wondering, this Friday if you’d like to go out with me.”
Her eyes widened, and she started laughing. “OMG Liam, how can you not tell us apart?!?!? She shook her head.
“Taylor? It’s you? But….”
She loudly scoffed, shaking her head.
“We look nothing alike!”
“Riley’s out sick today, I was just getting her books out of her locker to take home for her, she actually wants to do her homework. Thanks for the hot chocolate, but for future reference my favorite drink is a caramel iced latte with an extra espresso shot.”
Taylor slammed the locker door shut and walked away.
I sat up in surprise. How the hell did that just happen?!?!? How did I mess up asking Riley out in my own fantasy?!?!?!?! My inner monologue asked myself.
Riley’s notebook came into my peripheral view causing me to glance down at it. The words “Are you okay?” were written in her bubbly handwriting.
I nodded.
She smiled at me and then turned her attention back to our teacher up front. Riley Brooks had been my girlfriend for a whole month. Even before she became my girlfriend, we spent a lot of time together. We’d been to so many things where we met up with each other, but I had never asked Riley out on a date, just us. I think it's time to level up. Riley was not only super smart, and kind, but she's beautiful inside and out. Riley turned to look at me again.
“Is there something on my face?” she asked.
I hadn’t realized I was staring at her, but she did.
“No, your face is perfect.”
She smiled that beautiful smile at me again, but this time, her cheeks reddened a bit.
After class I carried Riley’s books to her locker for her. The courage was there. I could really do this.
When she stared up at me with her walnut colored eyes all the courage melted away. I was a puddle of goo lost in the alluring eyes of Riley Brooks.
“You know what, I am not feeling that great, I think I’m going to find Leo and see if he can take me home.”
“Okay. I hope you feel better.”
I stayed at the school nurse faking a stomach ache for a bit, and while I was there, I concocted a plan.
Leo seemed unconvinced. “Liam, Riley’s your first girlfriend, don’t you think this is a little much?”
“Riley is just not a girl. She’s THE girl.
And if I don’t do this the right way, she might not be able to go out with me. Her brother is overprotective of her too. This is the only way. I need to talk to her father.”
“You mean he didn’t answer when you called 911 and asked for him?” Leo burst out laughing at the look on my face. “I’m kidding, just making sure you really wanted to do this for her.”
“She’s worth it Leo.”
“Okay, then let’s do this.”
I walked up to the desk.
“May I speak with Detective Brooks please?”
“Who might I say is asking for him?”
“Liam Rys, ma’am.”
“Alright, I will check and see if he’s available. You can sit over there to wait.”
We were waiting for around ten minutes before I saw Mr. Brooks walking towards us.
I immediately stood, and slapped Leo’s arm, for Leo to stand as well.
“Mr. Brooks Sir!”
“Liam. Who’s this?”
“This is my brother Leo.”
“What’s up 5.0?”
“Um….” Detective Brooks gave Leo the side eye.
“Sir, could I talk to you for a few minutes?”
“Sure, I’ll take you back to my office. Is Gangsta’s Paradise coming with you?”
Author’s note: RIP Coolio!
“Huh?” Both of us were confused by the reference.
“Nevermind, just follow me.”
Once in the office Mr. Brooks looked at the two with a very critical eye.
“What’s on your mind Liam?”
“Your daughter sir.”
Now it was Leo’s turn to hit my shoulder. “Abort!”
“Riley is the smartest girl I know. She tells funny jokes, that always makes me laugh, and she’s kind. And she’s really really pretty, but that’s not the first thing I noticed about her. So of course she’s on my mind.”
“And here I was thinking Taylor would be the one that would have someone trailing her like a lost puppy when we moved here, and it’s Riley.”
“With your permission sir, I would like to ask Riley out on a date.”
“My permission?”
Mr. Brooks looked around in surprise.
“Yes sir. It seems like the proper thing to do, and I care about Riley.”
“And how pray tell are you going to take her out on a date? You don’t have a driver’s license.”
“That’s where I come in. I have a license and can chauffeur the two little lovebirds around. And I have a clean driving record, no tickets or DUIs.”
“You shouldn’t have any DUI's, you are not the legal age to drink. There is no age to use illegal drugs.”
“And I wouldn’t Your Honor.”
‘I am not a judge.”
“You sure about that? Cuz you’ve been giving my little bro the judgy eyes since we got here.”
“The point, Your Lordship, my brother likes your daughter. So much so, that he sought your approval before even going to her to ask her out. He’s really doing a chivalrous and noble thing, that I didn’t agree that he should have to do, but that he cared enough to do for her.”
“When did you want to take Riley out?”
“This Friday Mr. Brooks.”
Mr. Brooks looked from Leo to him.
“If Riley says yes, she can go out with you, under one condition.”
“Yes sir?”
“She needs to be home before eleven.”
“Yes sir. I can do that. Thank you sir.”
I felt like I was floating on air as we walked back out to the car.
“So now we’re going to the mall. You need a new pair of pants, and a tie. And we need to order Riley flowers for Friday. You were right about Mr. Brooks. He’s old school. I thought that I had seen or heard that term Gangsta’s Paradise before, it’s a song. I mean check out this song. The hook is lit.”
That evening I stood in front of my mirror. I worked on and rehearsed the words for several hours. Finally I had in my mind what I wanted to say, and it sounded natural with me saying it.
“Riley, if you’re not busy on Friday night, I’d love to take you out on a date.”
“Oh Liam, Yes A thousand times yes!” Leo screeched in a high pitched voice in a crude attempt to imitate Riley.
Leo punched my shoulder. “She’ll say yes, don’t worry.”
The next morning Riley and Taylor were both standing at her locker.
I gave Riley her signature hot chocolate, but I had decided and bought a second drink.
“Here Taylor, I thought you might like this.” From my day dream I got her the drink that she said was her favorite.
Taylor took a hesitant sip, then her eyes widened. “Oh my God! Liam this is amazing!!!! How did you know?”
“Lucky guess.”
“Why don’t you ever get me coffee, Nico? Liam buys Riley hot chocolate every single day.”
Nico looked irritated at me. Maybe he should up his game I thought to myself but didn’t have the nerve to say.
With Riley alone, it was finally time to ask her the words I had been planning to the past few days.
“I’d love to.” Riley responded.
“Great! I’ll pick you up at seven.”
“You’ll pick me up?”
“Yes. I’ll pick you up.”
Date Night Liam
“This stupid thing!!!!”
I was trying to tie my tie, but I just couldn’t get it right.
Leo, hearing me grunt in frustration, walked into my room.
“What is wrong? I thought you’d be about ready to go?”
“I can’t get my tie right.”
“It’s okay little brother, let me help. It’s not hard to do. It’s one of the very few things Dad taught me when he was around.”
“Thanks Leo.”
“You look nice. Riley will think so too. Now let’s go pick up the flowers, and get your lovely lady.”
Date Night Riley
She wanted to look pretty for her date with Liam, but she also wanted to look like her. Taylor had the flair for dramatics, and that wasn’t what Riley wanted. She thumbed through her closet of clothes carefully, deciding to look like herself, not a less flashy version of Taylor. She picked her outfit.
Riley decided to do her own makeup, and no jewelry or earrings.

“Riley… you look….beautiful.”
“Thanks Mom. It’s not too plain?”
“No, you’re perfect baby.” Ren hugged her, her mom began to sniffle as she hugged her tighter.
“Mom, are you crying?”
“No. Not at all. Okay maybe a little bit. He’s down stairs right now. And he’s absolutely adorkable.”
“He is adorkable.”
I jumped up when Riley came walking down the stairs.
“Hi Liam.”
“Hi Riley… I got these for you.” I held out the bouquet of flowers for her to take.
“They’re really pretty. Thank you.”
“Not as pretty as you.”
“Mom….. stahhhhhp!!!!” But Riley was giggling.
“I’ll go put these in some water for you.”
“My brother is outside in the truck Mr. Brooks. He’s going to be driving us around tonight.”
“Make sure he minds the speed limit, because he has precious cargo with him, and I know people.”
“Yes sir.”
Walking up to my brother’s SUV I made sure I was in the lead so I could open the back door for Riley first. I could feel her father’s eyes on me watching. Once Riley was safely inside I gently closed her door and walked around the vehicle to get in myself.
For dinner I decided on the local italian restaurant.
“Italian is my favorite Liam, I’m so glad you picked here for dinner, and of course asking me to have dinner with you.”
“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror.”
“Was that what you were trying to say the other day and didn’t? You looked so sweaty and nervous.”
“I was sweaty and nervous, and yes it was.”
“Well I’m glad you got your courage up then.”
“Me too. So tell me Riley, what’s your favorite Italian dish?”
“Lasagna, most definitely, what about you?”
“Mine is spaghetti and meatballs.”
Riley laughed.
“From anyone else, I’d question that, from you, it’s endearing. My mom called you adorkable.”
“That’s me, the adorkable Liam Rys.”
After dinner Leo was driving to our next location.
“I hope you don’t think this is lame, and I haven’t been here since I was a kid, but I remember it being cool.”
“Where are we going?”
“I know you have allergies, and I do too, but I wanted to go stargazing with you without us needing inhalers or allergy medication or bug repellant.”
“And where can we do that?”
Riley glanced out the window, and let out a happy squeal. “We’re going to the planetarium?”
“Is it dumb?”
“I love this idea, thank you Liam.”
Riley kissed my cheek.
I glanced up seeing Leo smiling in the rearview mirror.
“I love that song. Can you turn it up?”
“No prob, not only am I the designated driver, I’m also the DJ.” Leo turned up the volume on the stereo, and Riley sang along with the song.
“Been spendin’ most their lives, livin’ in a gangsta’s paradise…”
“Yeah it’s a good song.”
I didn’t want to say it was my first time hearing it today, as it clearly wasn’t Riley’s first time hearing it, and she knew most of the lyrics to the song.
I decided to take Riley’s hand when we went into the planetarium.
“I haven’t been to one of these in a really long time either Liam.”
“I hope it’s as cool as eight year old Liam remembers it being.”
“I’m not worried, neither should you.”
The lights dimmed and we stared up as the light show began.
It started simply as a clear night, then the stars began to appear, then constellations began to glow to the beats of the soft music playing. Riley was staring at the ‘sky’ in awe, but I was mesmerized by her. She looked so happy.
“A shooting star! Quick Liam! Make a wish!” she whispered to me.
I made a silent wish that I hoped would come true tonight.
“What did you wish for?” she asked.
“If I tell you, it won’t come true.”
The show ended with a little ‘thunderstorm’ and a little mist from the sprinklers above to imitate that it was raining. Riley nuzzled closer to me and I slipped my arm around her. It was a wonderful night.
At 10:42pm EST we were standing on the Brooks’s front steps.
“I had a really great time.”
“We should do this again, if you want.”
“I’d like that Liam. This night was perfect.”
“What was missing?”
I leaned into Riley and kissed her, not a cheek kiss but on her lips. She seemed surprised, but didn’t pull away from me, but instead when my arms tightened around her waist, hers wrapped around my neck, fingers on one hand were twirling around the hair at the nape of my neck making little curls.
After a few more moments I reluctantly pulled away, as I had noticed the porch light flicker twice.
“Now it was a perfect night.”
“It really was.”
“Good night Liam.”
“Good night Riley.”
I walked out to the SUV once inside, Leo screamed. “Hell Yeah! That’s my little brother!!!!!”
I smiled at Leo, but the only person on my mind was Riley. Was it too soon to say, I was already in love with Riley Brooks?
#the adorkable liam rys#bebepac writes#school dayz#choices fanfiction#liam x riley#high school au#trr liam#TRR Riley#trr taylor
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Tales from the Scrap Heap
Tagged by @metatiki. If I’m understanding correctly, this meme is for things that got cut from fics. Honestly, a lot of what I’ve cut, I cut for the very good reason that it’s terrible writing! So, uh, yeah.... but here’s a bit of not-too-embarrassing conversation between Mahanon and Dorian in my very first DA fic, Playing With Fire. This is the original version of their conversation about why Mahanon took Dirthamen’s vallaslin.
“I take it the Dalish don’t look kindly on the idea of two men as lovers?” Dorian asked.
Mahanon sighed. “It depends a little on clan, but no. It’s not that different from what you’ve told me of Tevinter, except we’re trying to preserve the whole race, not an individual bloodline. Everyone’s expected to marry and help raise up the next generation in the Dalish ways. My clan’s not too bad about it. I managed to stay single this long, after all, although my Keeper is starting to get pushy. It’s part of the reason I was chosen to go the Conclave actually. No bondmate or children I’d be leaving for months. And I think Keeper Istimaethoriel thought I might actually be happier among the shemlen. Or at least she’s sick of trying to push a bondmate on me.”
“Are you? Happier among humans?”
“Dorian, the world is ending, I’m apparently the only one who can fix it, and I’ve been given more power than an elf has had since the Exalted March in the Dales. I have no idea what I’m feeling half the time, and if I did, it would hardly be a good measure of how well I like living in human society.”
“Point taken.”
They rode in comfortable silence for a few minutes after that, listening to the clack of the horses’ hooves against the uneven cobblestone. Trees lined the road, leaves not yet the dark green of full summer. To their left, Mahanon caught occasional glimpses of Lake Calenhad, deep blue and glinting white in the sunlight.
“Someday it will be funny, you know,” said Dorian.
“What will be?”
“We’re both here running from unwanted marriages, and now here we are trying to save the world.”
Who to tag... I feel like I tag the same people a lot! Let’s go @cullenlovesmen, @enigmalea, @weird-in-thedas
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Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cullen Rutherford/Solas, extremely minor Lavellan/Josephine Characters: Solas (Dragon Age), Cullen Rutherford, Varric Tethras, Cole (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Touch-Starved, Touch-Starved Solas, Touch-Starved Cullen, Dares/bets, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Pining, Sexual Tension, Jimterruption, Resolved Sexual Tension, Oral Sex, Teacher/Student Roleplay, Sort Of, Praise Kink, If You Squint Summary:
Cullen is bad at card games, and Varric doesn't always play for coin. The cost of a lost game of Diamondback? Cullen has to kiss Solas. It goes both better and worse than he had expected.
New chapter! @cullenlovesmen, @rarepairsolas
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Outtake from “Keep Your Hands On Me”
I intended to remain in Solas’s POV for “Keep Your Hands On Me,” but I got stuck in chapter 2. I switched to Cullen’s POV, and that went a lot better. Chapter 2 will be posted to AO3 momentarily, but I thought I’d share the chunk I wrote from Solas’s POV just for fun.
Outtake after the cut!
Cullen commonly passed through Solas’s study on his way to the War Table or the chapel. At some point in weeks past, the polite nods they gave one another had turned to “Good afternoons.”
In the week after Varric’s dare, Cullen had returned to curt nods, and not even that much if Solas didn’t greet him first. Solas found it rather childish, but childishness was what he expected of modern peoples. He told himself he was not disappointed. Still, each time Cullen passed wordless through the rotunda, Solas couldn’t entirely silence the sinking feeling.
So when Solas went to the garden at the time of their usual chess match the following week, he had schooled himself not to expect Cullen to attend. The Commander hadn’t sent a message to cancel their game, but one did not expect a man who could not say “Good afternoon” to play an entire match of chess.
But there Cullen already was, setting up the board. He was fidgeting with each piece as he went, attempting to set them down perfectly centered in their tiles. He looked up nervously, scanning the garden as if for threats. When his eyes fell on Solas, he dropped a piece, and it rolled off the table to the ground. For a moment, Solas thought the Commander might bolt, the fabric tails of his mantle borne up by the wind like banners. Internally, he grinned at the mental image. Externally, he kept his expression impassive as he approached the table.
“Good afternoon, Commander,” he said, settling into a chair just as Cullen came up from retrieving the fallen piece.
“Hm? Ah. Yes. Good afternoon, Solas.”
“I’m glad to see you have not lost the power of speech,” Solas said, and immediately regretted it. “I apologize. I should not have made light of your discomfort.”
Cullen shook his head. “No, I can hardly blame you if you were offended by my silence. I apologize as well.”
“No need. Shall we begin?” Solas said, gesturing at the chessboard.
They played in silence for several minutes. Solas was never one to mind quiet during a game of strategy, but out of the corner of his eye, he could see Cullen shifting uncomfortably. Several times he caught Cullen opening his mouth as if to say something, then shutting it. And throughout, the Commander was rubbing the back of his neck.
It amazed Solas how guileless people like Cullen and Lavellan could rise to positions of such political power in this modern world. Or perhaps that was merely the haste with which the Inquisition was refounded. In either case, it did not further the Inquisition’s goals.
“I would recommend removing your hand from your neck. It does not become your station,” Solas said, quietly enough to keep the more casual of the prying ears from hearing.
“Oh. Yes.” Cullen blushed as he moved his hand to the table. Solas suspected the blush had less to do with embarrassment at being caught in a nervous habit, and more to do with the circumstances under which Solas had last given the same advice.
“What I do not understand,” Solas said, “Is how a person can confidently lead the military of a militant organization and yet become so embarrassed when dealing with matters like Varric’s price."
If you’d like to read more of how this conversation really went, you can check it out on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/20023441/chapters/47901007#workskin
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⭐️ Director’s Cut something! Anything. (And while you’re at it pretend I know how to use tumblr.)
Oh gods, I started rereading Summer Wind for this. It’s like reading cotton candy for me, a wish fulfillment fic for wishes that I’m not sure I personally have and yet... I’m terribly attached to it.
There’s so much weirdly personal stuff in that fic, which I feel is a jackpot for “director’s commentary.”
There’s the obvious - it’s set in my home state, in a town smaller than mine but nonetheless very similar. There are warm cheese curds and dairy cows. It’s clearly Wisconsin.
The names of two local establishments - the Spinning Wheel Inn and the Blind Squirrel (a bar) - are stolen from Shawano, WI, where my in-laws have a cottage. This fic was written brainstormed on the drive to Shawano last summer and written over a long weekend at the cottage.
Cullen’s dog, Belle, is named for my friends’ dog.
There’s a bit where Cullen says he learned wine pairing from his father, who learned it in high school German class. That’s my dad right there. Don’t ask him about spatlese. *glances back at fic* Shit, I even used that same line. Told you - weirdly personal.
Then there’s the realization I had about two months after writing this fic, which is that I’ve written Dorian and Cullen as two different aspects of my own psyche. Dorian pursues the career goal I had when I entered college: publishing. He’s intellectual and career-driven. He’s basically my intellect. Cullen is Lutheran af, sings in his church choir, stays close to home. He’s basically my spiritual side.
The fic is about the reunion of the two. It’s also about homecoming, which I have experienced recently myself. There’s something about home, whatever and wherever that might be for you, that allows you to be a whole person.
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New chapter of my Cullen/Solas fic is up!
Solas takes time to consider the implications of a relationship with Cullen. Featuring our favorite compassion spirit!
@cullenlovesmen, @rarepairsolas
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The latest chapter of my Cullen/Solas fic is finally up! Featuring pining and also tenderness.
@cullenlovesmen, @rarepairsolas
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Chapter 3 of “Keep Your Hands On Me” went up last weekend, but I forgot to post to tumblr. Please check it out if you haven’t yet!
Summary: Cullen and Solas settle back into old routines - until Solas sees something very wrong in the Fade and rushes to protect Cullen.
@cullenlovesmen here is the promised post! :)
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Something I love about the Dragon Age fandom is that when we write fics and drabbles in which the Inquisitor doesn’t play a major role, we commonly refer to the Inquisitor as “they.” Now, one could read this as “we’re just not specifying the Inquisitor’s gender, they could be male or female.” But I choose to read it as “the Inquisitor is nonbinary,” and I’m betting a lot of the fandom does the same.
So we just have like a bajillion unnamed nonbinary Inquisitors running around, and I am very fond of all of them. (Unless @metatiki has written some of ‘em, in which case they’re probably at least a little bit evil.)
#dragon age:inquisition#dragon age#fandom#sorry for the gratuitous @#it was just too fun to pass up#lvoriginal
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this is just to say
a note written by Dorian Pavus to his roommate, Cullen Rutherford
I have consumed the orange juice that was in the fridge and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me it was delicious with my vodka ow my head
Inspired by William Carlos William’s poem of the same title. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56159/this-is-just-to-say
#dai#cullrian#dorian pavus#cullen rutherford#dorian/cullen#dragon age:inquisition#modern!au#alcohol#lvoriginal
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WIP Meme
@metatiki tagged me for the WIP meme. Thanks, Tiki!
From the in-progress chapter of Keep Your Hands on Me (Solas/Cullen):
He ran his eyes up and down Solas’s body, all wiry muscle and smooth, pale skin. “Maker, you’re beautiful,” he breathed.
Solas… Solas snorted. Cullen panicked. Had he overstepped, said something embarrassing? Was he doing something wrong? He couldn’t see how, but he was beyond his comfort zone, and he had no script for this.
Solas was shaking.
“What?” Cullen asked, rather desperately. It came out sounding rather gruffer than he’d have liked.
“You fail to see the irony in you calling me beautiful? I am quite certain no one has called me beautiful since I wore my hair longer than Josephine’s,” Solas said, voice still thick with stifled laughter.
Cullen tried to imagine Solas with long hair, but his mind’s eye would not cooperate. The sight before him was too captivating to leave room for other visions.
He leaned down to press a soft, quick kiss to Solas’s lips. “You’re lovely just as you are now,” he murmured.
Tagging anyone who sees this post because I don’t have brain cells to choose.
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If anyone wants to read some very sensual Cullen/Solas kissing, here’s that. Preceded, of course, by Cullen being incredibly awkward.
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