atypicalsenerio · 1 year
Pair Up! (White Heron Cup)
Starter for @pirrhyc @sweetroyalberry @luxaltare
It likely meant nothing to the spectators. A surprise, perhaps, that Soren and Pelleas had entered together. They could be seen together as a mere pairing of convenience, bht Soren knew it was more than that. As he took Pelleas's hands, Soren allowed himself a brief moment to squeeze his hands, a secret just for them.
For Soren, it was a public declaration of them being something he didn't have a label for. Almost brother, once enemy, something akin to a friend.
It was enough for Pelleas to be Pelleas.
"Ready?" Whether he was or not, Soren started their dance. He kept himself focused, and frankly his outfit did him favors as far as grace and style went.
Style: 10
Choreography: 5
Technique: 6
Total: 21
They weren't perfect, but they meshed together well, their similairities which they might've once loathed enhancing their style, complimenting rather than insulting.
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making-dough · 1 year
Cringe Compilation - Mini Sized [White Heron Cup]
White Heron Cup 2023 starter for @sweetroyalberry​ and @luxaltare​
♠  - It must’ve been the alcohol talking. Why else would she think joining a dance competition was at all a good idea? It’s wasn’t like she was any kind of a dancer, anyway, And especially not since one of the pair she was set against certainly looked a lot more like a dancer.  Oh, what the hey. You only lived once. As the music picked up, Farina just about immediately threw herself into an energetic boogie mixed in with some sharp jerk-y arm swings and hip-sways that were probably a little less than necessary. And the less said about turning around and slapping herself a few times on the butt, the better. Just to finish things off, the mercenary opted to flip upside down and proceed to spin, hands-free, upside down on her head like a top. Which was definitely a bad idea that quickly sent her spinning right off the stage and crashing into some seats on the side.
“I’m okay!”, came a giggly laugh from the side. She may be slightly dizzy from all the spinning but she was more than alright. The 1 she got this time was probably at least a little deserved, she noted to herself as the scores began to be called. Probably due to somewhere in between the butt-slaps or the wild headspin. Whatever! She had fun!
Style: 1 Choreography: 4 Technique: 4
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