#lust goblin and also only wants a wife for heirs
selfproclaimedunicorn Β· 8 months
Iron 4 and Lead 1 for babygirl Aldreda πŸ’•
Babygirl, but in a war criminal way, lmao Thank you for the ask πŸ’•. These ones are sooooo good for her. Also, doing a read more for the second question because it's long
Does your OC struggle to contain their baser emotions, such as lust, aggression, or greed? What helps keep these feelings in check (if anything)?
Aldreda has formally met impulse control, but they didn't get on, lol. A lot of the deeper aspects of her personality & motives are kept super, super deep, but everything more base is very "what you see is what you get." If she wants something she takes it, if she wants someone she let's them know & goes about trying to seduce them, if she wants to commit a wanton act of violence then God help you. She's not struggling to control shit, she's straight up indulging. Drinking so fully from the cup of life that she can't even tell she's overflowing already. It's a little bit "this is encouraged by the lifestyle of regularly pillaging to float your standard of living" & little bit "pure copium."
That's not all to say she can't contain herself, but it's kind of (to those on the outside of House Farwynd, or--even more insularly--her crew) arbitrary & unpredictable when she'll decide to rein herself in. If it benefits Aldreda more to control the baser aspects of herself, or if it goes against everything that ever got drilled into her head about how certain things simply work, then she holds back & controls herself quite well. Like, she has the willpower & the ability, she just actively chooses to not engage those things because she has way more fun & immediate benefit being a horny little violence goblin.
Which experience of loss or bereavement has most affected your OC?
So this is a two way tie, I would say. Losing one of her older brothers (who was also her favorite) set her on the path to become the Aldreda we know & love today, & losing her youngest/final brother has forced her to confront that a lot of what happened to her after the favorite brother died was traumatic. I touched on the stuff with her favorite brother (Orwen) here, but I'll go over it a bit because I love info dumping about my seal woman & 2k is a lot to read/re-read to pick up on The Orwen Lore & the implications.
Orwen was 10 years older than Aldreda, & was sort of the only one who really took an interest in her/cared that she looked up to him & thought he was cool. So he spent time with her, he taught her to fight, he took her sailing, he told her all kinds of stories & would hold back little bits of plunder from raids when they presented tribute to Lord Alfric because he yoinked it specifically for his little sister. Their dad had been steadily losing his sons before Orwen died, but when he & 2 of the others got caught in a storm & died it was the most at one time, & was also when Lord Alfric just started hemorrhaging sons. This was what turned Aldreda towards "I have to live up to what Orwen was in my mind because I am 13 & think he was perfect, & no one else here is going to live up to what I believe my big brother was like as a raider," which ultimately morphed into "I have to replace all the sons my dad is losing because he can keep making my baby brothers his heirs but they aren't gonna be ready to go do real raiding, & even when they are they're gonna be garbage because they won't be as good a person as I am." [The bar for being a good person is on the fucking ground, btw]
I mention her youngest brother here & here, but I am once again going to elaborate. So Rhys, sweet little baby boy Rhys, he was a full 20 years younger than Aldreda. Rhys was also the last possible attempt at a male heir because Lord Alfric Farwynd’s youngest salt wife is in her 40s now & he's fucking old, his dick isn't working consistently anymore.
Rhys is the son who was explicitly murdered, & there's a pretty limited pool of people who could have poisoned him with an even smaller pool of people with a motive. It got floated around a bit that Aldreda might have done it, but she knows it was her cousin Westley. Like, he admitted it to her. He admitted his whole "get rid of your remaining brothers so I can marry you & become Lord of Lonely Light to right the wrongs done to my dad, & also I'll get so many salt wives for us to share bc I spied on you fucking a woman one time & I'm into that shit (& also not threatened when it's another woman)" plan to her because he's delusional & thought she'd be okay with all that. So Rhys dying has just kind of made her process & acknowledge that "my cousin didn't actually have my best interests at heart & he was grooming me actually & maybe he never really cared about me at all" (she's not processing it in the most sophisticated or modern sense, like, she's more upset he was trying to prime her to get taken political advantage of than the fact he was preying on her from the age of 13). And her actually being aware of that shit has her as fucked up as losing her favorite brother had her.
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