honeyfarts666 · 2 years
I was tagged by @myfavouritelunatic thank you my dear!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, do not be shy and share anyway. ❤  
Good thing I have exactly ten fics on Ao3! 
1. The death of a mortal shell was always unpleasant. - An Ocean of Tears [RoP, SauronXGaladriel, Sauron centric]
2. It was the first day of Christmas break at Hogwarts. - The Stark Kids Have a Christmas Adventure [ASOIAF/Hogwarts crossover, fluff]
3. Adar walked silently through the trees. - No Need For Fear [RoP, AdarXofc] (I’m sorry I abandoned this one. no excuses. I just lost interest)
4. Alfred hadn't wanted to hire Uhtred as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor but he didn't have much of a choice. - Destiny is Hogwarts [TLK/Hogwarts crossover] (I am going to come back to this one at some point. some day)
5. Osferth's mother died when he was eight. - The Two Times Osferth Actually Talked to His Father [TLK, Osferth&Alfred]
6. Peter was actually a lot smarter than most people gave him credit for. - A Dropout And His Dad [X-Men, Peter&Erik] (high key, I am so proud of this one)
7. It was evening at Hogwarts. - Companions of the Solstice [HP, crack, LupinXSnape]
8. The winds were strong that night. - Still a Stark [GoT, Post S8, AryaXGendry]
9. Mike Wheeler was of the opinion that the best way to spend his free time was playing Exploding Snap at the Hogwarts Card and Board Games Club. - Something Wicked This Way Comes [Stranger Things/Hogwarts crossover]
10. Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters was filled with the typical first of September bustle. - The First Day [ASOIAF/Hogwarts crossover, Jon centric]
So, I write lots of Hogwarts crossovers and father-son relationship angst. And none of these are really that long. I keep things to the point lol
I am tagging: No One 
because I am ungovernable!! 
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betteraskremus · 6 years
Salut ! Des recommandations de fics Severus×Remus en français ?
Or at least Severus×Remus fanfics recommendations in English ?
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thecaptainrunaway · 6 years
Not saying I ship it, but when Lupin is explaining Snapes part in their past, I'm pretty sure Snape had a crush on Lupin and that's why he was so interested, and the whole "he disliked us", is just Lupin not being aware...
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idontknownothin · 7 years
Y’all out here freaking out about that shot of the iron giant fighting in ready player one bc it’s contrary to the intent of the original media but y’all also writing 100k word LupinxSnape fanfics so maybe authorial intent isn’t the right hill to die on
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