tamelee · 2 years
*holds you gently* Thankyou so much @lunyzare 🧡💕!!
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duesternis · 2 years
Hi! 💜 So...for the noisy ask game:
22, 26, 27, 29, 31, 37, 47, 48, 50?
I'm curious! But if any question makes you anxious, feel free to ignore it. 💜💜💜
With love,
Luny 💜
hi luny!!! Someone's in a nosy mood there, so lets get right into it!
22. Tag someone you think is hot. - @lvsifer (my friend valentin, super gorgeous)
26. What’s your favorite season? - Autumn! Love the turning leaves and getting cozy!
27. What’s your pet peeve? - Irks me when people swallow loudly when they drink something....
29. What’s the most overrated movie? - does the whole mcu count lol
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better? - Paper, no questions asked.
37. Have any tattoos? - No, but i'd like to get some eventually. Just have to stop being scared haha
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick? - i don't think i'd like to marry a celebrity, i don't really like to be the center of attention
48. Describe your ideal partner. - Loving, tender, funny, dependable, devoted. Someone I can rely on, someone who is willing to do as much for me as I would do for them. Someone to come home to.
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather? - At work: Clear, windy, sunny! Temperature doesn't matter when those three are checked off! But if I'm not working I also enjoy a good storm.
Thanks for the ask, my dear!! this was a lot of fun ♥
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
Hi! 💜
I am just reaching out in hopes to make your day/night (whichever you have right now) a bit better. 💜
I hope you know this, but in case you had a bad day and need to hear this: I think you are amazing and incredibly strong person who deserves the best in life. I really enjoy your blog and your kindness.
Stay safe! 💜
Luny (aka @ zivotzaruzi)
Thank you so much for this! Yesterday was rough but everything's ok for now. Here's to hoping the trolls are gone!
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lluu50 · 2 years
this is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals. 💖
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noxxha · 2 years
💜 Thank you, Luny! Sending this right back - keep being wonderful 💜
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mindsoulchaos · 2 years
this is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals. 💖
Awwwww, thank you so much <3 You're one of my favourite mutuals as well !
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Hashirama Senju birth chart (Headcanon)
The warm fire of konoha & his ashes
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Considering that Hashirama is Madara's alter ego, there will be a lot of reference to my previous birth chart on Madara. If you haven't read it yet it's here. And also now that I know you have read Madara's one, I won't explain deeper like last time each sign I consider you clever enough to do your own research on google to further your knowledges
☉ Sun : Ego – Branding to the world
♑ Libra
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Broadly what libra sun wants to reach is harmony. In their perfect worldview everyone is able to communicate and understand each other feeling by the power of love and blabla jutsu. And there is a the real world where it's doesn't work and that's why you need a capricorn friend (Madara) to keep you realistic.
Naruto, Hashirama are both libra and it's not a coincidence. Thanks to @lunyzare 's ask I've already talk in detail about his sun in Libra here . Actually the whole Naruto's serie is a libra anthem inside a scorpionic world. Shinobis are after all shadow warrior using occult power, living in a hidden village with a hokage at his head (shadow of the fire. It's a world between secret society and spying activities Masashi Kishimoto is himself a scorpio with strong libra energy. (Maybe it will be a good idea to do the author birth chart one day. Let me know in the comments if you would like to🤔)
As the MC's ancestor, Hashirama represents this search for an ideal of all people coming together to reach peace. But what people misunderstood is that Hashirama, as all air signs, is appealed by the concept of peace before understanding the reality of building peace. It took him to kill his best friend to realise the consequences of his decisions and the price of his dear village. It's as if before that, he stayed completely careless of all the issues around him.
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Often when I think about his famous quote, it reminds me the french revolution. They dreamed to realise equality, freedom and the Human's right where all humans are equals... But before reaching this noble goals, the previous regime had to be slay by the guillotine who had been invented for this purpose of beheading quickly as many nobles as possible. This period is called The Terror in history. And if you wonders, yes France is a Libra country!
In the same fashion, the darkness times took over Konoha in the name of peace. Some people from the village preferably Uchiha needs to be sacrifice to realise Hashirama's dream. There lies the dark side of Libra. They are kings and queens of gaslighting. They are also very good at soft speeches, doublespeak, and politically correctness. By refusing to acknowledge any opinions contradicting their ideal of justice and harmony, it ends up creating a bloodshed to protect it.
Ascendant/Rising Sign : Social personality – Physical Body
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For the ascendant I thought about what people see of Hashirama the first time they met him mostly Suigetsu who's the most talkative :
God of Shinobi ( but it's mostly his legacy post mortem)
Full of enthusiasm
Broad figure
someone capable of brief but memorable fit of anger
I don't know you, but when I read my list I see a sagittarius' description. Traditionally to differentiate each fire sign, I like to think of Aries as firecracker , Leo is a pyre , Sagittarius is the wildfire. Nobody knows where it starts but goes rapidly in a rampage and disappeared as mysteriously as it came. Sagittarius got this reputation of being bigger than life, authentic and sometimes clumsy, but loving party, free spirit, loving foreign people, and foreign land, foreign wisdom. Jupiter is the planet associate with Sagittarius. Zeus God of the Gods in greek mythology, the bridge is easy to do with our God of shinobi.
With this ascendant couple with Libra who is already a social sign, I can see why Hashirama's election was not debatable. He was naturally the popular guy while Madara in my description is a very stern double Capricorn who's intimidating unless you know him very well.
☾Moon : Emotion – Comfort zone
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One quality of Hashirama is that he can read people. He has this real emotional smartness. It doesn't mean that he can effectively communicate his feeling (that's mercure's business and that's Naruto legendary best quality) but you can't really lie to him. He's the only person who saw behind everyone facade. He saw behind the fortress of blunt who is Madara and said that he was a deeply sensitive person while everybody think he's the devil (ironically Madara will become exactly what people expect of him in the end). He also discovered first Madara's weakness and used it in his advantage years later.
He read also Sasuke and was the only one of the five kages who believed that answering Sasuke's questions was in the long-term more efficient than rushing into the battlefield.
He read Oroshimaru's mind. Which is the rare moment where our devilish snake didn't feel confident at all.
♂ Mars : Action - Desire
♌ Taurus
In the Narutoverse, fighting's style is the easiest way to guess their mars.
In the same way that Mars in leo was obvious for Madara. Mars in Taurus came to me without a second thought. If Madara as a warrior is the epitome of fire, you need a superior energy capable of blocking such powerful storm. And in all zodiac no one has more resistance than Taurus. Sure the impetuous mars planet is not at its fullest potential in this slow and venusian sign. But what it losts in speed, it gains in determination. A mars taurus is like a unbreakable wall. It's built to resist and when it starts moving at his own pace, nothing can stop it.
Mokuton as his signature is a mix of water and earth element, both consider as feminine traditionally. And in feminine concept there is the idea of being the receiver and the creator. If you study most of Hashirama's fight you can see that he uses mostly defensive jutsu, while Madara has a preference for offensive one. There is the wood dragon technique who absorbs Kyuubi's chakra, Myojinmon or God’s Gate who literally stop an enemi with Tori gate falling from the sky (again it contains someone else's energy rather than attacking). In the creative side : Kajukai Korin makes him grow a lively forest. Shin Susenju : is his most famous offensive jutsu. He can create a giant Buddha statue with a thousand hands. And it took him time to knead his chakra and passing into senjutsu mode but when it's done, nothing can stop him.
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And cherry on the top : Leo and Taurus are both fix sign (stubborn and difficult to change) and in synastry Madara's mars in Leo will square Hashirama's mars in Taurus. A square is usually considered as an intense tension. And those two bananas are notorious for creating natural disasters and climate change every time they met on a battlefield.
♃ Jupiter : Infinite Expansion – House of wisdom
♌ Leo
Remember in the Madara birth chart I had both mars and jupiter conjunct in Leo. Hashirama being from the same generation it's most likely that Jupiter is in the same sign (it took about a year for jupiter to move from sign, while mars stay few months).
The duo Mars/Jupiter for Madara enhances the martial and fierce aspect of Leo. A Leo much more authoritarian and narcissistic. But Hashirama has got only Jupiter in Leo that would glorify the brightest side of Leo : generosity, bravery, optimism, luck, having children (his pride). In a way, it makes Hashirama even more popular and lovable. During the warring state era, Hashirama makes most of his dream comes true in his life time. Compared to his friend he got it all : He build his village, was acknowledged and respected by all, he kept his little brother alive, married a powerful kunoichi, controlled through his wife the most powerful of the nine bijuu, seems to have had a family life with his child/children and grandchildren (he spends time with Tsunade), he established a peace (it seems that the first shinobi war start after his death?), he elaborated and transmitted his will of fire, and formed a new generation who will continue his legacy after him. So he thought at his death that peace will prevailed after him and he had accomplished his goal.
☿ Mercure : Intellect – Communication
♑ Scorpio
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When mercury is in scorpio, the mental goes more deeper. The intuition is precise like a laser. It can sometimes brought to the surface the darkest part of human's psychis.
Some would say that apart this moment above, Most of the time Hashirama isn't that dark. However, I believe in the same way that on a superficial level Madara is an intimidating character with a secret sensitive nature. Hashirama is for people that solar charismatic guy but underneath that facade, he is, just like all shinobis of his time... a warlord. He didn't reach the top level of his clan by just being cute and smiling. In the warring state era to prove you can lead, you need to show some extreme cold mind. And it's only Madara who's able to push Hashirama to "reveal his guts", to show his authentic self. First when Hashirama was ready to die to prove his good-will and during the valley of the End when he answered the question Madara asked few years ago in the Uchiha's shrine : If he had to chose between his brother/ friend or the village, he will sacrifice everyone for his village.
♀ Venus : Attraction – Seduction
What are Hashirama's desires? First of course is building his village with every clans cooperation. It still fit the Libra's ideal of perfect cooperation.
And what is the object of his desire ? Mito Uzumaki. Based on what she confessed to Kushina in her old days, she seems to have been loved by her husband and this love makes bearable her duty of jinshuuriki.
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Mito was in her youth really beautiful, classically beautiful. She looks like a princess from older time. Knowing that Mito is also a taurus. It's an other sign where Venus (planet of love and beauty) is at its peak just like in Libra. I believe Hashirama's attraction to his wife was real.
♄ Saturn : Restriction – Time - Enlightenment
Saturn in Sagittarius means also Saturn is close to his ascendant.
Naruto in Boruto era doesn't actually like that day to day office job as hokage. He does it because it's his duty. I headcanon that it was exactly the same for Hashirama, he's too much of a dreamer, a social butterfly to just seat in an office and sign papers. Actually he first offered the job to Madara for a good reason : yes it will give him a new goal in life to protect the village but let's be honest : Capricorn thrives in responsibility and boring procedures. Yes they want to be an office manager and boss people around all day. They love being in charge and control a situation. If that wasn't for his popularity issue, Madara was really overqualified for the job as hokage. He's just like Tobirama, efficient, rational and over-organised. Imagine if he had put the same energy he put in the infinite tsukuyomi into Konoha? They will be the united state of five nation reaching Naruto Era. That's what you need to administrate and organise a village. But well the people wanted the pretty Hashirama the people got Hashirama… He did it because that's what is expected from him. It's what Saturn does in your life, restricting you to challenge you. Remember in Madara's chart I use the image of the tamed fire : The Judge and the stern spiritual leader. The severe aspect of Saturn in Sagittarius (house 12) is more pronounced in Madara because of his heavy capricorn chart. In Hashirama who is most Air and Fire, Saturn in Sagittarius in his first house will just restrict his freedom, his carefree attitude. He might have felt sometimes depressed and weight down by his responsibilities and the feeling he can't be authentically himself, people expect from him to embody the head of clan, the leader of Konoha, the "God of the Shinobi".
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And there is no picture in the Manga where Hashirama is confined his office. He's often outside, on top of the cliff observing his village alone or with Madara. In the fillers you also see him walking around the village, talking with people. And also we know he gambles. Did he starts this bad habit to escape his office duty just like Tsunade did?
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bluey1995 · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people who liked or reblogged from you
Thanks for the ask! 🫂❤️
Five things that make me happy in no particular order:
Family. Love them with all my heart. They're always there for me and make me smile even during the bad times.
Music. I love just having the opportunity to listen to so many different genres of music. I personally love video game OSTs, Rock, Funk, and Retro music.
Food. No need to really elaborate on this. I just love eating food but I'm trying to do better in terms of eating too much junk and eat more healthier options.
Writing. I personally enjoy writing my stories. I'm inspired from Naruto and other works similar to it. Just enjoyed Sasuke's entire arc and story. He's the goat.
Drawing. Love drawing too. My favorite past time and I just enjoy drawing it helps to keep myself busy without being too extra. I dunno. Heh.
This was fun! I'll tag a few people.
@candydragon1994 @lunyzare @dushman-e-jaan
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
i think she might be talking about you somewhat? she even brings up how she dislikes it when people say sasuke is gay for naruto in response to people saying he slept with karin
Meh. I have never said 'it's obvious' about Hashimada. So they might not be talking about me. Lots of SNS shippers talk about SNS being obvious because it is. Denying it IS heteronormative and ignorant. I have discussed it many times before. I have also talked about random subjective interpretation and how problematic and reductive it is. Also stupid. When people say SNS is not romantic, they are just glossing over or dismissing many narratively commonplace and classical romance tropes, visual imagery and literary context that Kishi writes and draws very thoughtfully. And many same exact tropes used to portray closetedness used in this story can be identified in a wide variety of popular gay media worldwide. It's not that difficult to recognise these tropes. When the same romance tropes and visual imagery are used for f/m relationships, these same fans fawn all over it like their lives depend on it. And this is a fandom where the most neutral action in a f/m dynamic is forcibly interpreted as romantic. So no. A subjective interpretation where fans say SNS is platonic is transparently heteronormative, lol, they aren't fooling anyone. Sorry but if fans think one cannot see this hypocrisy, they are mistaken. Heh. This is why I suggest people to watch gay media. This is why I list the names of such media in my posts. I don't feel bad in the least for seeing through all that dumb whining.
Like I always say, people can only understand media as per their worldviews and understanding of the world. What they can't see, they won't understand. What's extremely clear to me might not be to others. But that's why I write this blog where I damn well overexplain everything and even entertain silly asks, inject quite a bit of my effort into it. Because I feel like I owe this story. If I am able to benefit a fellow fan, great. If not, well, I can only explain things to them, I can't understand it for them. That's their responsibility, not mine.
Oh and Sasuke is gay for Naruto and SK headcanons are embarrassing. 😺
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madaraservingcunt · 2 years
Tagged by @lycentropy
1. Relationship Status: That one reddit post about the husband being cucked by Madara
2. Favorite color: 💛
3. Song stuck in my head: NFL Draft Pick Chime
4. Last song I listened to: Beethoven's 9th Symphony, 4th Movement directed by Nicholas McGegan
5. Three favorite foods: 🍝 🍓 🥭
6. Last thing I googled: Jonestown
7. Dream Trip: Evangelion theme park
8. Anything I want: I just groomed my nails and did a wax mask thing. Feels good
Tag 10 ppl: @lunyzare @fennign @svindapsus @theuwuchihaclan @madarasgirl @madarasthicc @mada-maddygirl @lluu50 @nerosdayinanime @genderfluidsasuke
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tamelee · 2 years
Happy birthday! 💜💜 We're both October children. 😁💜 Your birthday is close to Naruto's, mine is exactly on Hashirama's. 😅😄
Thank you @lunyzare and fellow October child :3!! 🧡🧡 Oh are you! So that is.. *googles* the 23rd then? (Hashirama is a Scorpio huh!) Gotcha~
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duesternis · 2 years
mwah mwah right back at you, darling 💖💖💖
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smutteedreams · 2 years
Nothing wrong with you. 💜💜💜
you're just too sweet luny🥺
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lluu50 · 1 year
9 people you would like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me @madaraservingcunt :D
1. 3 ships: HashiMada, HashiMadaMito
2. First ship: Marinette x Chat Noir
3. Last song you listened to: Ombrim (ai que delícia o verão) by Marina Sena, Chicão do Piseiro & Roni Bruno
4. Last movie you watched: Elemental (2023)
5.) Currently reading: I've been dipping through ao3, but nothing outside of that
6.) Currently watching: Technically, I'm watching The 100, but I'm doing it like one episode per month, so does it really count?
7.) Currently consuming: Drinking water and thinking of dinner
8.) Currently craving: beijinho, breeze, temperature <= 20°C, a shower
only if you'd like :] @al-stuffy @fire-eyed-raven @duesternis @lunyzare @pebble-bastard-child @sukea69 @minu-moni @marblekuchen @miabobriha
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senjuhashirama · 3 years
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Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Cliff scene, Hashirama and Madara
for @lunyzare I know you wanted the anime scene but I find this even more hilarious! 
By: oh-my-hashirama, ohmyhashirama
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Hi! I just want to say I started reading your works and I absolutely LOVE them! 💜💜💜 It's so amazing, I love your depiction of Tamlin, Feyre and Lucien. 💜💜 I'm always glad to find authors who care about Tamlin's and Lucien's characters from the book 1 (also Feyre's), which to me at least, is the only book that actually treats these characters with respect. 💜💜💜
(Just so I don't confuse you: I'm @ zivotzaruzi, @ lunyzare is just my main blog – just so you know who's texting you 😁)
Thank you for writing your fics, they make my day a delightful one. 💜
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Oh my goodness! Thank you!! <3 I'm so touched that you not only read my work, but you decided to reach out and tell me so. Oh, my heart!
I feel like Tamlin, Feyre, and Lucien have such great personalities in Book 1, and I truly mourn what happened to them in subsequent books. (Yes, even Feyre, because the series began to focus on Feysand, as if she and Rhys were one entity. I guess that's what happens when you share one mind... Not that I hate Rhysand, by any means. I just think so much of what made him such a likable antagonist in the original novel was swept away to make him look like the hero all along. It's just not the story I signed up for.)
Thank you for letting me know who you are, by the way. :) I hope you don't mind me sharing this publicly, but you really made my whole day by sending this message. I hope to have some new content up on AO3 soon! Tamlin, Feyre, and Lucien are my favorite trio, and I can see myself happily writing for them for a long time. :)
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