#lunar plays Baldur's Gate 3
lunarreverb · 11 days
Just finished the silliest BG3 run that was.... not really a speedrun, but a mess-around solo run to see what happens if you effectively skip Act 1 and 2 (to the extent possible) and recruit nobody. Here's Bunnie the gnome; she's quick like a bunny!
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Some of the most interesting things I found under the cut!
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If you immediately jog over from the Nautiloid to the mountain pass area, Shadowheart will catch up to you and try to party up.
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You can reject her company, of course; if you do, the artefact just appears in your inventory later after this brief cutscene saying ''you got the plot device.' The Emperor never addresses this at all but I have to assume it just looked at the both of you liked your main character energy better.
(For her part, Shadowheart will hang out indefinitely in front of the path to the mountain pass, insisting that you need her to come with you. She never seems to realize that the artefact ditched her, but seems to have the 'shielded' effect on her for as long as you can still go back to that area to check on her, so idk. I assume she dies/ceremorphosizes at some point after you leave the shadow cursed lands.)
If you leave for the mountain pass without encountering Raphael, he just shows up in your camp, and you do NOT have a choice to go to bed without speaking to him, lol.
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What happens to Lae'zel is SUPER interesting. If you don't encounter her in the cage outside of the grove, the game gives you a second chance by setting her outside of the monastery, wandering around.
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If you don't join her there, either, you will find her at the entrance of the Shadow-Cursed lands, extremely dead. I imagine this is just the game's way of making sure you see she's dead, but I would have assumed for sure that without player intervention she would've died in the zaith'isk? I wonder what sequence of events is implied by this? Maybe she broke out of the zaith'isk on her own, escaped the creche, but had nobody to warn her that she needed a torch in the Shadow-Cursed lands? Maybe the gith sent her on an errand before they let her have a turn in the cleansing machine? Unclear!
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Your dream guardian comments that it's impressed by your efficiency by skipping over the grove entirely:
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This is different from what it says if you actively durge the grove, where it insinuates that you did what you did to infiltrate the cult and asks whether or not you have regrets about that.
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If you don't go to Last Light Inn at all, you can meet Jaheira for the first time at the bridge to Moonrise tower. She does NOT react well if you answer her question by saying "I'm busy, get out of the way"; this will aggro the Harpers (understandably). I ultimately decided to sneak around the back and I didn't canonically meet her for the first time until after defeating Ketheric. She will automatically join your camp for the one night on the way to Baldur's Gate, but she will leave forever (leaving you a letter saying "bye") once you get to the Lower City if you tell her at Moonrise you don't want her in your party.
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She does not survive the events of the game if you do not let her join your party, it seems. (I did not pursue the Minsc storyline and I do not know if it's possible to prevent this outcome that way.)
This next bit is REALLY wild; in all of my other playthroughs, I don't think I ever tried defeating Gortash before I disabled the Steel Watch. You can defeat Gortash at his inauguration, and the Absolute will immediately be your bestie about it and will helpfully murder any of the witnesses (including Ulder Ravengard, I think; I took care not to kill him but he vanished anyway.)
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The next thing that happens doesn't actually make sense but is interesting nevertheless. Once Gortash is dead, the Steel Foundry is automatically blown up, and the Absolute speaks encouragingly to the player through the Steel Watchers:
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I'm actually stumped about how the Absolute can control the Steel Watchers without the corresponding tadpoled brains in the Foundry (which I have to assume got crushed in the rubble?) Oh well. In any case, the Steel Watchers are friendly and will even be allied with you if you get into any scuffles with the Fist, until you kill Orin. After you kill Orin, every Steel Watcher is immediately hostile AND will sic the Fist on you, too.
(Funny story, I actually managed to down one of the Watchers next to the Steel Watch fan group on the north end of Wyrm's Crossing and uh. The Watcher blew up one of the fanboys. Oops. RIP Trinigan Gazotts.)
I kinda want to write a whole post about just this, but Shadowheart's parents are still put up on display in the House of Grief basement in spite of the fact that she is almost certainly (?!) dead and/or a mindflayer by this point:
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You can talk to them but you cannot help them in any way. I'm aware that this is just a tease for Shadowheart's plot, but I want to nitpick this so bad. The Sharrans have regular prison cells in the building; what is the point of hanging up these two on the Spencer's Gifts lights indefinitely? Whatever bummer vibes Shar is getting off of them can not be enough to pay for their magical upkeep. Do the Sharrans have to take them down at mealtimes, or are they fed with sandwiches on sticks, or...?
The love test at the circus is NOT interesting; the dryad assumes that you are in love even if you are forever alone and gives her usual sales pitch about bringing the one you love to her.
If you didn't save Wulbren or Barcus, the entrance to the Ironhand Gnomes' cave is just blocked off.
Astarion's unfortunate end if you don't recruit him has been covered in great detail by other posts, but I will remark that it is funny to kill Cazador yourself as a gnome because you have to hop up to stab him. It's also very, very funny to see Cazador explain his whole evil plot to you, random gnome woman who just showed up, if Astarion isn't around. This man is desperate for somebody to think he's cool, so I guess he'll settle for attention from the cattle if he's gotta.
Volo still shows up tied to that trolley cart by the foundry, but there's no angry mob around him.
If you haven't encountered the inquisitor at the creche, or the avatar of Vlaakith in the shadow cursed land, they both show up in the Elfsong's basement
There is no hag plot if you did not encounter Ethel. The captain at the Blushing Mermaid is just as she seems, there's no hag lair, and Vanra and her mother want nothing to do with you. There's no hag support group; that house has a group of random hostile thugs in it instead (with a tenuous tie-in to Ninefinger's Guild).
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In Act 3, Raphael will totally say "listen here you little shit" if you hassled him outside of the mausoleum in Act 2 by, oh, I don't know, casting Silence on him? (after which he does NOT give you the Yurgir quest, he just leaves).
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Bluurg and Omeluum do not show up at the Society of Brilliance's lodge if you did not meet them in the underdark in Act One, but there is a letter indicating that they will show up later. I checked, and Omeluum is also not in the Iron Throne.
Nothing funny or new happened with Orin. I threw her in a pit. BUT worth mentioning? You can skip the entire Bhaalist powerword kill trial if you just send one invisible party member through the area and just find the warppoint near the temple afterward. You're welcome.
If you get to the epilogue alone, Milil will comment that he expected more guests, but Withers will speak as if multiple people are there no matter what
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Also, if you are a lonely little mindflayer, this has no effect on the refreshments offered at the epilogue party. Mindflayers can drink alcohol, apparently, but obviously nobody is here to eat all the food Withers put out. WTF, pee paw.
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And I think that's mostly all the was interesting or different in this run. It was a fun challenge!
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bg3 spoilers ahead!
aurora (gold dragonborn cleric of mielikki) grew up in the woods, far away from the city. she likes animals and once spent three days chasing a unicorn, just to see what it did. on a diplomatic trip to stop logging that was infringing on a grove once considered sacred to mielikki, she got abducted. pokey sticks and fire breath quickly proved to be the best way to make her way through her new life. on the way she fell head over heels for the two dumbasses who got fucked by the Hells. so they decided to start saving people, hunting things. and now it's wyll and wyll's wife aurora and aurora's wife karlach's family business. yay hell polycule!
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(aurora is the reason i call wyll my wife. he's just. my wife <3)
kassandra (seladrine drow warlock) has never been to the underdark. she has a cousin there, on her mom's side, maybe? she grew up in baldur's gate and made a career for herself as a shrewd businesswoman (she makes jewelry; that's how she got warlockéd). using people's impressions of drow against them is like her primary skill and it works surprisingly often despite the fact that she is 5'3" on a good day and has the face of a disney princess. she also has the animal skills of one. aurora is steve irwin, kassandra is cinderella. karlach and kassandra were instant besties, which evolved in the sapphic tradition of "surely she doesn't mean it like that haha" until kassandra just straight up said she wanted to make out with karlach.
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(i haven't finished her playthrough yet because i'm afraid teehee)
winter (avariel [mod, winged elf] bard) is your manic pixie dream girl. i stole her name and most of her appearance from Winter The Lunar Chronicles because i am a silly little criminal. winter has never met a problem she could not make marvel-esque quips at, much to shadowheart's eternal chagrin. desperately wants karlach to teach her that silly tiktok dance she's always doin So Bad. her adventure is a very strange change of pace for her because she was previously a tavern waitress/occasional entertainer when there was literally no other option. as such, she does not know how to use weapons really at all and makes everyone else protect her (insert pleading face emoji). anyways, she's the golden retriever gf to shart's black cat gf.
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(her wings get in the way of every cutscene but i still love her)
marie (human durge paladin) is like if tinkaton was a person. she hates the murderhobo ps5 in her brain and loves weird little guys (gale). voted most likely to cry at dog food commercials. i really haven't played much of her, so i haven't decided on much backstory for her.
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(i just think she's a little funny)
the one that only sort of counts.
cynthia (tiefling wild magic sorcerer) is literally just my OC who got isekaid to faerun. the only people who know this are the """dream guardian""", the gods, and the three dipshits and their lame goddess. she's there to cause problems and live up to her old nickname: Godkiller. her fake persona, Lady Cynthia Tav, is from a little town on the coast and enjoys the finer things in life. her most fervent desire is to have a spray bottle so she can get astarion to stop that (at any given moment, "that" ranges from mild horniness to wanting to violently murder people). she is beginning to understand what it was like for her brother to raise her.
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(don't have many pics of her, but she's the most frequent subject of my drawings)
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there's a bunch of more in my notebook that i doodle in while playing
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zorkaya-moved · 10 months
navigation: baldur's gate 3.
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WARNING ! this verse is based only after playing bg3's act i and the writer does not know the deep dnd lore. all the information about lunar sorcery and astral elves was taken from wikis and quick research. all is created for fun's sake and for roleplaying/writing on tumblr.
Upon reaching the crashed Nautiloid's center, you find a woman standing above the surviving mind flayer. However, before you can say anything, the creature is set on fire. The illithid's screams echo in your head through the tadpole's presence but it silence down with a moment.
When you meet the woman's eyes, you notice they shine in gold. Your tadpole is ringing in your head, showing you images of cold-hearted destruction, you feel nothing as you can see the strike against the mind flayer. You see several people die in front of you, but you have no desire to help them.
You feel powerful, you feel hollow.
Your head hurts, you must stop reading her mind, you must stop, you must not be consumed, you must step away—
Your pain stops. You can breathe. She smiles at you...
???: Another survivor? Ah, yes, I remember you from the Nautiloid. Good job in taking care of the tieflings' general. You do understand how fucked our current situation is, yes? I don't need to give you a run down?
Who the hell are you?
Pardon but who are you?
For someone who's about to lose their life, you talk too much.
[ARCANA] Your powers... They're unlike what I've seen before.
???: Aw, you're such a charmer. My name is Zarina, my last name is of no importance to you. Say, would you be interested in letting me join your little merry band? It'd be quite a shame to travel alone with a tadpole in my heart.
Narrator: You were not given a chance to reply.
o1. OF HIEMAL MOONS & DEATH'S LULLABIES (PT2) (PT3) — general background knowledge about zarina, her status in faerun/baldur's gate, and her past.
o2. OF LUNAR SORCERY — short headcanon about stats and what zarina is known to be proficient in. (tba)
o3. EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD — first impressions of bg3 companions.
o4. COMPANION QUEST SUMMARY — the title explains everything. (tba)
o5. CAN YOU MAKE THE ICE QUEEN SMILE? — approval and disapproval, how to gain zarina's high approval if she were a companion? (tba)
Current short draft of Zarina's BG3 verse. + More in-depth study fo the future verse with better explanations of her past. You can find the main information here.
What can you expect from Zarina's companion quest?
Current rough draft of how to gain Zarina's favor or have her disapprove of your character.
A tidbit about Zarina's travels.
A small ramble about how long Zarina's been to Faerun post Astral plane.
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the-wardens-torch · 7 months
So I was gonna spend an hour or so writing about how Baldur's Gate 3 is still eating up what would normally be my FFXIV time, but then I looked at Baldur's Gate 3 fanart for 57 minutes so now I have to be brief because sleep schedule and worknight and whatnot.
Yeah. Just thought I should put something here... anything. I have been playing FFXIV, but mostly just to boss retainers around and make veeeeeery slow progress on my Island Sanctuary despite the fact that IS actually sucks and everyone knows it. I haven't actually done a duty (hehe I said "done a duty") since before I left for my 2 week vacay... over a month ago.
I still haven't unlocked the Lunar Subterraneananfnwena or the Abysmal Fracker, not so much because I'm not interested (FFIV was my first FF title and is still a fave of mine, after all) so much as I'm still just... too lazy? I know there's stuff to do, but I just kind of... squint and crane my neck back to watch it fly over my head, until I'm tilted so far back I just... fall over and lose interest. Then it starts over again. I feel like an exceptionally stupid dog sitting between two kids that are throwing a ball back and forth.
"Oh hey, its that thing I like... Maybe I should chase it. Fuck, its gone now. And now I'm on the floor. Might as well take a nap zzzzzzzzzzhuh are they throwing it again? Shit, I should get up."
Anyway, I'm on playthrough #2 of BG3 and I absolutely adore Karlach and Gale. I don't want Astarion anywhere near me, although if he had his own TV show I'd watch the fuck out of it.
Long story short, I guess Fal is still on ice for the time being. Although I prefer to think that "on ice" means that he's currently doing things he enjoys more than adventuring, which is most things; instead of this.
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I like to think he's doing fun stuff like collecting books, writing music, slutting around The Quicksand, playing gigs in Limsa, unexpectedly showing up at friends' houses with wine and funny stories, etc.
(fun fact: this was the first screenshot I took on my new PC)
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heavensarmy777-blog · 3 years
Games I Own List
Games I Own So Far
I may not be able to live stream all these games since some are not compatible with the systems I can live stream with. Also some are to high age rated for this channel so I will not play those also.
Steam Games and Online Games:
100% Orange Juice – Demo | AdVenture Capitalist |
Adventure Communist | AdventureQuest 3D |
All is Dust | Anno2070 | Antenna | Atulos Online |
Awkward Dimensions Redux |
Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition | Banished |
Bendy and the Ink Machine | Blameless |
Boring Man – Online Tactical Stickman Combat |
Brawlhalla | Castle Clicker | CAYNE | Cities: Skylines |
Claire | Clicker Guild | Clicker Heroes |
Color Symphony | Confess My Love |
Cosmo Osmo | Counter-Strike: Source |
Creativerse | Crusaders of the Lost Idols |
Cry of Fear | The Cubicle |
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition |
The Desolate Hope | Destination Sol | Disturbed |
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed
Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist |
Don’t Starve | Don’t Starve Together |
Doorways: Old Prototype | Duelyst | Dwarfs F2P |
Electric Highways | Endless Sky | Epic Battle Fantasy 3 |
Epic Clicker Journey | Escape the Game: Intro |
Eternal Senia | Evoland | Evoland 2 | Fallout |
Fallout 2 | Fallout Shelter | Fallout Tactics |
Fingerbones | Firefall | First Person Lover |
Float Gallery VR | Forge of Gods (RPG) |
The Forgotten Ones | GameMaker Studio |
Garry’s Mod | Google Earth VR |
Guild Quest | Guns of Icarus Online |
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy |
Happy Wars | Harvest Seasons | Heavenstrike Rivals |
Hero Zero | Heroes of Havoc | Holyday City Reloaded |
Idling to Rule the Gods | The Huntsman: Winter’s Curse |
IKEA VR Pancake Kitchen | Infestation: The New Z |
Insanity Clicker | Jade Empire: Special Edition |
Learn To Fly 3 | Legionwood: Tale of the Two Swords |
Loading Screen Simulator |  
Lost Lands: A Hidden Object Adventure | Mad Father |
Mandagon | Manhole | Maplestory | Midas Gold Plus |
Minds Eyes | Missing Translation | Mobius Final Fantasy |
Moirai | Moonbase Alpha | mrshifty beta | My Lands |
Myst V | Myst: Masterpiece Edition | The NADI Project |
Naev | Neverwinter | No Time To Explain Remastered |
NVIDIA VR Funhouse | Office Space Idle Profits |
Off-Peak | The Old Tree | One Finger Death Punch |
Only If | Orake | The Panic Room |
Passing Pineview Forest |
Path of Exile | Pick Crafter | Picross Touch |
Pixel Puzzels Ulimate | The Plan | Portal | Portal 2 |
Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt | Quanero |
Ragnarok Clicker | Realm Grinder |
Realm of the Mad God | realMyst | Red Trigger |
Rexaura | Riven | The Room |
The Room Two | RPG MO |
RuneScape Idle Adventures | Sceal |
Scrap Garden – The Day Before | Serena |
The Settlers Online | Shadow Hunter |The Ship |
The Ship Single Player | Shop Heroes |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV | Shakes & Fidget |
Shonen Idle Z | Shop Heroes |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Colonization |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Warlords |
Sid Meier’s Civilization V | Simply Chess |
Soda Dungeon | Speech Trainer | Speed Runners |
Spelunx | Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords |
Subnautica | Tabletop Simulator |
Tap Adventure: Time Travel | Tap Tap Infinity |
Tap Tap Legions – Eic battles within 5 seconds! |
The Bellows VR Demo | The Cubicle. |
The Desolate Hope | The Elder Scrolls Legends |
The Flaws of Gravity | The Forgotten Ones |
The Huntsman Winter’s Curse |
The Lab | The NADI Project | The Old Tree |
The Panic Room | The Plan | The Room |
The Room Two | The Settlers Online |
The VR Museum of Fine Art |
The Way of Life Free Edition | Time Clickers |
To The Moon | Torchlight II |
Transmissions: Element 120 | Transport Defender |
Trick & Treat | Trick & Treat – Visual Novel |
True or False | Twisted Worlds | Unturned |
Uru: Complete Chronicles | Vindictus |
Waltz of the Wizard | War Thunder | Warframe |
welcome to heaven | We Were Here | Windward |
World of Guns: Gun Disassembly |
XCOM: Enemy Unknown |
You Have 10 Seconds | You Have 10 Seconds 2 |
You Have to Win the Game | Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links |
Zombidle: REMONSTERED |                       
PlayStation One Games:
Alundra | Brave Fencer Musashi | Breath of Fire 3 |
Breath of Fire 4 | Bushido Blade |
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | Chocobo Racing |
Chrono Cross | Darkstone | Dino Crisis | Dino Crisis 2 |
Einhander | Final Fantasy Anthology [FF5 and FF6] |
Final Fantasy Chronicles [FF4] (with) Chrono Trigger |  
Final Fantasy Origins [FF1 and FF2] |
Final Fantasy Tactics | Final Fantasy 7 |
Final Fantasy 8 | Final Fantasy 9 |
Front Mission 3 | Grandia |
Jade Cocoon Story of the Tamamayu | Legend of Mana |
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete |
Mega Man Legends | Mega Man Legends 2 |
Parasite Eve | Parasite Eve 2 | Resident Evil 2 |
Saga Frontier | Saga Frontier 2 |
Sayuki: Journey West | Shadow Madness |
SimCity 2000 | Star Ocean The Second Story | Suikoden |
Suikoden 2 | The Legend Of Dragoon | Threads Of Fate |
Wild Arms | Wild Arms 2 | Vagrant Story | Xenogears |
Playstation Portable Games:
Dissidia Final Fantasy | Dissidia 012 duodecim Final Fantasy |
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core | Silent Hill Origins |
Star Ocean The First Departure | Star Ocean The Second Evolution |
Jeanne d’Arc | Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep |
Playstation Vita Games and PS TV compatible:
10 Second Ninja X | 99Vidas | A Virus Named TOM |
Actual Sunlight | Amnesia: Memories |
Another World 20th Annaversary | Azkend 2: The World Below |
Bard’s Gold | Bastion | Bombing Busters |
Brandish: The Dark Revenant | Breath of Fire IV |
Broken Sword 5 The Serpent’s Curse: Episode 1 |
Castlevania: SotN | Chrono Trigger | Chrono Cross |
Claire: Extended Cut | Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth |
Counter Spy | Curses ‘N Chaos |
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc |
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair |
Day of the Tentacle Remastered | Dino Crisis |
Dino Crisis 2 | Dissidia 012[duodecim] Final Fantasy |
Don’t Die, Mr. Robot | Don’t Starve: Giant Edition |
Downwell | Dragon Fantasy Book I |
Dragon Fantasy Book II | Dragon Fin Soup |
Draw Slasher | Dungeon Punks |
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires Free Alliances Version |
Entwined | Element4L | Final Fantasy Origins |
Final Fantasy Tactics |
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions | Final Fantasy III |
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection | Final Fantasy V |
Final Fantasy VI | Final Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy VIII |
Final Fantasy IX | forma.8 | Front Mission 3 | Furmins |
Helldivers | Hitman: Contracts HD |
Hitman: Blood Money HD |
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin HD | King Oddball |
Laser Disco Defenders | Legend of Dragoon |
Legend of Mana | Level 22 | Lumo | Mega Man Legends |
Mega Man Legends 2 | Monster Hunter Freedom Unite |
Nihilumbra | Ninja Senki DX |
No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! |
Nova-111 | Patapon 3 | Parasite Eve | Parasite Eve II |
Q*Bert Rebooted | Rainbow Moon | Resident Evil 2 |
Retro/Grade | Rogue Legacy | Saturday Morning RPG |
Severed | Sim City 2000 | Sky Force Anninersary |  
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona |
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment | Persona 4 Golden |
Ninja Senki DX | Pure Chess |
Severed | SPACE HULK | STARWHAL | Suikoden |
Suikoden II | Super Meat Boy | Tales of Hearts R |
The Legend of Dragoons | The Swindle | Titan Souls | TorqueL |
Type:Rider | Uncanny Valley | Vagrant Story | VVVVVV |
Wanted Corp. | Wild Arms | Wild Arms 2 | Whispering Willows |
Playstation Two Games:      
And A Movie: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children.
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter | Castlevania: Curse of Darkness |
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence | Chaos Legion |
Dawn of Mana | Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII |
Dokapon Kingdom |
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King |
Drakengard | Drakengard 2 | Gladius | Fatal Frame |
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly |
Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented |
Final Fantasy X | Final Fantasy X-2 |
Final Fantasy XI Online Vana’Diel Collection 2008 |
Final Fantasy XII | Final Fantasy XII Collector’s Edition |  
Front Mission 4 |
Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel |
Fullmetal Alchemist 2 Curse of the Crimson Elixir |
Grandia 2 | Grandia Xtreme | Grandia 3 |
Kingdom Hearts | Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories |
Kingdom Hearts II | Legaia 2: Duel Saga |
Radiata Stories | Romancing Saga |
Samurai Legend Musashi |
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner |
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2 |
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga |
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 |
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne |
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 |
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 |
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time | Suikoden Tactics |
The Bards Tale | The Bouncer |
The Bible Game | Unlimited Saga | Virtua Quest |
Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria | Xenosaga | Xenosaga 2 |
Xenosaga 3 | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist of the Roses |
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner |  
Playstation Three Games: PS1 Classics and PS2.
99Vidas |Ace Combat Infinity |  Alien Rage |
Anna – Extended Edition |
Another World - 20th Anniversary | Atomic Ninjas |
Batman Arkham Asylum | Batman Arkham City |
Best of Board Games | BioShock Infinite | BlazeRush |
Bleach: Soul Resurreccion | Blood Knights | Borderlands |
Borderlands 2 | Bound by Flame | Breath of Fire IV |
Castlevania Symphony of the Night | Chrono Cross |
Chrono Trigger | Counter Spy | Darkstalkers Resurrection |
Dark Souls | Dark Souls 2 | Datura |
Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut | Deadpool |
Demons Souls | Deus Ex: Human Revolution | Diablo 3 |
Diablo 3 Reaper Of Souls | Dino Crisis | Dino Crisis 2 |
Disgaea D2 A Brighter Darkness |
Disgaea 4 A Promise Unforgotten | Dishonored |
Don’t Starve: Giant Edition | Dragon Age: Origins |
Dragon Age II | Dragon Fantasy Book I |
Dragon Fantasy Book II | Dragon Fin Soup |
Dragon’s Crown | Drakengard 3 |
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara |
Earth Defence Force 2025 | Eat Them! | echochrome |
Enchanted Arms | Entwined | Eternal Sonata |
Extreme Exorcism | Fallout 3 | Fallout New Vegas |
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon | Fatal Frame |
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly |
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented | Fat Princess |
Final Fantasy Tactics | Final Fantasy Origins |
Final Fantasy V | Final Fantasy VI | Final Fantasy VII |
Final Fantasy VIII | Final Fantasy IX |
Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD Remaster | Final Fantasy 13 |
Final Fantasy 13-2 | Lightning Returns Final Fantasy 13 |
Final Fantasy 14 |  Front Mission 3 |
Front Mission Evolved | From Dust | Furmins |
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix |
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince |
Helldivers Democracy Strikes Back Edition |
Hitman: Blood Money HD | Hitman: Contracts HD |
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin HD |
Ico (with) Shadow of the Colossus | Iconoclasts |
In Space We Brawl | InviZimals: The Lost Kingdom | Journey |
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX | |
King Oddball | Legend of Dragoon |
Legend of Kay Anniversary | Legend of Mana |
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 | Mass Effect Trilogy |
Medal of Honor Warfighter |
Mega Man Legends | Mega Man Legends 2 |
Mighty No. 9 |
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | Nova-111 |
Okami HD | Papers, Please | Parasite Eve |
Parasite Eve II |
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment | Persona 4 ARENA |
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax |
Pier Solar and the Great Architects |
Port Royal 3 Pirates & Merchants | Q*Bert Rebooted |
Q.U.B.E: Director’s Cut | Ragnarok Odyssey ACE |
Rain | Rainbow Moon | Rayman 3 HD |
Red Dead Redemption | Resident Evil 2 | Resonance of Fate |
Retro/Grade | Risen 3: Titan Lords | Rogue Legacy |
Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny | Sacred 2 – Fallen Angel |
Sacred 3 | Savage Moon | Serious Sam 3: BFE |
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga | Silent Hill |
SimCity 2000 | Siren | Sky Force Anniversary |
Sniper Elite V2 | Sniper: Ghost Warrior |
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 |
Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection |
South Park The Stick of Truth | Sparkle 2 | SSX |
Star Ocean The Last Hope – International | Starwhal |
Steins Gate | Steredenn: Classic | Super Motherload |
Suikoden | Suikoden II | Suikoden III | Suikoden IV |
Syberia | Syberia II | Tales of Graces f |
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles | Tales of Xillia |
Tales of Xillia 2 | The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 |
The Legend of Dragoons |
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne | The Swindle | Thief |
Titan Souls | Tokyo Jungle | Tomb Raider |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier | Twisted Metal |
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late | Vagrant Story |
Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment | Wild Arms |
Wild Arms 2 | White Knight Chronicles |
White Knight Chronicles 2 | XBlaze Lost: Memories |
Zombie Driver HD | Zone of the Enders HD Edition |
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner HD Edition |
Xblaze Lost: Memories |
Playstation Four Games: PS2 on PS4 also        
10 Second Ninja X | 2064: Read Only Memories |
99Vidas | A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV |
ABSOLVER | Abyss Odyssey: Extended Dream Edition |
ABZÛ | Adr1ft | AdventurePop | AeternoBlade |
Amnesia Collection | Among The Sleep |
Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition |
Apex Legends | Armello | Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry |
Azkend 2 | Bard’s Gold | Bastion | Batman The Telltale Series |
Batman Arkham Knight | Battle Ages | Battle Islands |
Battle Islands: Commanders | Beyond: Two Souls | Big City Stories |
Bioshock The Collection (with) Bioshock Infinite |
Bloodborne | Bombing Busters |
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection |
Bound | Call of Duty: Black Ops III |
Call of Dudy: Modern Warfare Remastered |
Catlateral Damage | Child of Light |
Chronicles of Teddy Exidus | Claire |
Clicker Heroes | Conan Exiles | Costume Quest 2 |
CounterSpy | Curses ‘N Chaos |
Cyber Danganronpa VR the Class Trial | Dark Cloud |
Dark Cloud 2 | Dark Souls III |
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition |
Darksiders III | Day of the Tentacle Remastered |
Daylight | Dead by Daylight |
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition |
Death Tales | Destiny 2 | Detroit Become Human |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth |
DiRT Rally 2.0 | Disc Jam | Don’t Die Mr Robot |
Don’t Starve: Console Edition | Downwell |
Dragon Age: Inquisition |
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tomb of Ice |
Dragon Fin Soup |
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below |
Drawn to Death | Dungeon Punks | Dust: An Elysian Tail |
Erica | Entwined | Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture |
Extreme Exorcism | Fallout 4 | Fallout Shelter |
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD | Final Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy IX |
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster |
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age |
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn | Final Fantasy XV |
Firewall Zero Hour | forma.8 | Fortnite | Foul Play |
Friday the 13th The Game | Furi | Game of Thrones |
Gauntlet | Goat Simulator | God of War III Remastered |
Gone Home: Console Edition | Grand Kingdom |
Gravity Rush 2 | Gunhouse | Guns Up! | Heavy Rain |
Helldivers | Here They Lie | Horizon Zero Dawn |
Horizon Chase Turbo | I am Bread | Iconoclasts |
In Space We Brawl | InFamous First Light |
InFamous Second Son | INSIDE | Invisible, Inc. Console Edition |
Ironclad Tactics | Jackal Assault (PSVR) | Journey |
Just Cause 3 | Killing Floor 2 | King Oddball |
Kingdom Hearts – HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX |
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter | Kingdom Hearts III |
Kitten Squad | Knack | Knowledge is Power |
Kung Fu Panda Showdown of Legendary Legends |
Laser Disco Defenders | Laser League | Let It Die |
Life Is Strange | Limbo | LittleBigPlanet 3 |
Lords of the Fallen | Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime |
Lumo | Mad Max | Mafia III | Magicka 2 |
Marvel’s Spider-Man | Mass Effect: Andromeda |
Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain |
Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition |
Mighty No. 9 | Minecraft | MLB The Show 19 |
Monster Energy Supercross – The Official | NBA2K20 |
Neverwinter | Ninja Senki DX |
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom | Nioh | NOT A HERO |
Nova-111 | Odin Sphere Leifthrasir |
Okage: Shadow King | Omega Quintet |
Onrush | Outlast | Outlast 2 | Overcooked |
PAC-MAN Championship Edition 2 | Paragon |
Path of Exile | Pier Solar and the Great Architects |
Pirates: Treasure Hunters | Pneuma: Breath of Life |
Portal Knights | Psycho-Pass Mandatory Happiness |
Q*bert: Rebooted | Q.U.B.E Director’s Cut |
Qurare: Magic Library | Rainbow Moon | Ratchet & Clank |
Rayman Legends | Rebel Galaxy | Rec Room |
Resident Evil | RIGS Mechanized Combat | RiME |
Rise Of The Tomb Raider 20 Year Celebration |
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution | Rogue Aces | Rogue Galaxy |
Rogue Legacy | Saints Row: Gat out of Hell |
Saturday Morning RPG | Shadow Of The Colossus |
Skulls of the Shogun | Sky Force Anniversary |
Slender – The Arrival | Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition |
Sniper Elite 4 | SOMA | Sonic Forces |
Sonic Mania | Space Overlords | Sparkle 2 |
Spelunker World | Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time |
Star Trek Online | StarBlood Arena | Starwhal |
Stories: The Path of Destinies |
Strike Vector EX | Submerged | Super Meat Boy |
Super Motherload | Surgeon Simulator |
Table Top Racing: World Tour | Tales of Zestiria |
Tearaway Unfolded | Terraria | That’s You! |
The Banner Saga | The Bridge | The Deadly Tower of Monsters |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition |
The Flame in the Flood | The Last of Us Remastered |
The Sims 4 | The Surge | The Swindle |
The Tomorrow Children | The Vanishing of Ethan Carter |
The Witness | This War of Mine: The Little Ones |
Titan Souls | Titanfall 2 | TorqueL | Trackmania Turbo |
Transformers: Devastation | Transistor | Trials Fusion |
Tricky Towers | Tropico 5 | Type:Rider | Uncanny Valley |
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End |
Uncharted: The Narhan Drake Collection | Until Dawn |
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR) |
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered | VirZOOM Arcade |
Warframe | What Remains of Edith Finch | Whispering Willows |
Wild Arms 3 | Wipeout Omega Collection |
Worms Battlegrounds | XCOM 2 |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist | Zen Pinball 2 |
Wii and Wii U Games:                                                                  
Breath of Fire | Breath of Fire 2 | Excitebike 64 |
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water | Lost Reavers |
Lucadian Chronicles | Metroid | Metroid Fusion |
Nintendo Land | Super Mario 3D World |
Super Metroid | Swap Fire |
The Legend of Zelda |
Zelda II – The Adventure of Link |
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past |
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker |
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess |
The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild |
The Legend Of Zelda The Minish Cap |
Wii Sports Club |
Wii and Game Cube Games:
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles | Luigi’s Mansion |
Super Mario Galaxy |
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker HD |
N64 Games:
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage |
Command & Conquer | Golden Eye 007 |
Mission Impossible | Quest 64 |
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 | Top Gear Overdrive |
Top Gear Rally 2 | Wrestlemania 2000 |
Game Shark Pro
10 notes · View notes
diversegaminglists · 7 years
Eldrich/Cosmic Horror/Lovecraftian Themed Games
Still a WIP and not everything has been sorted yet.
Major Theme (Serious/Horror):
Alan Wake
Alone in the Dark Franchise
Alpha Polaris : A Horror Adventure Game
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Arcane Mystery Serial (Link goes to the first episode, the rest of the series can be found in the sidebar)
Arkham Nightmares
At the Mountains of Madness (Early Access)
Ayumi: Enhanced Edition
Bayonetta (The creator the angels keep going on about isn’t an Abrahamic god...)
Blackbay Asylum
Bloodrayne 1 & 2
The Breach
Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game (Upcoming game due 2018)
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (Basically an adaptation of the Shadow Over Insmouth with slightly less racism, the PC port is very buggy because it was made by literally one person after studio closures, but there are fan patches to help.)
Call of Cthulhu: Prisoner of Ice
Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet
Cards of Cthulhu
Cata Cthulhu
Chronicle of Innsmouth
Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross
Chzo Mythos (Yahtzee’s adventure series)
Clive Barker’s Jerico
Clive Barker’s The Undying
Clockwork Express
The Consuming Shadow
Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason
Crysis Franchise
cthulhu fhtagn
Cthulhu Realms
Cult of Cthulhu (Mod for Plague Inc. Evolved)
Daily Chthonical
Dark Scavenger
Darkwood (Early Access)
The Dark Stone from Mebara
Darkest Dungeon
The Darkness Within Franchise
Dark Souls Franchise
Dawn of War
Dead Space Franchise
Deadly Premonition
Demon’s Souls
Dead by Daylight
Demonbane Franchise
Demon’s Souls
Discworld: Noir
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Earnest Evans Franchise (Hastur)
The Elder Scrolls Franchise (Most obviously with House Dagoth in Morrowind and Skyrim’s Dragonborn DLC)
Elder Sign: Omens
Elder Sign: Portents
Eldrich (Roguelike where you explore a library and enter worlds inside several Lovecraft books)
Eldritch Hunter
Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem
The Evil Within
Fallen London
Fallout 3: Point Lookout (DLC)
FEAR Franchise (Alma herself)
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Gloom (2017, not to be confused with the 90s Amiga Doom clone)
Green Mirror
Grim Dawn
Half-Life Franchise
Haunted Hotel 4
The Hound of Shadow (Text Adventure)
The Hunt for the Red Cthulhu
The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker
Inner Voices
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
The King of Shreds and Patches (Text Adventure)
Kingdom Hearts (The Heartless, The Nobodies and Kingdom Hearts itself)
Kingdom of Loathing
The Last Door Franchise
Layers of Fear (This is really up to interpretation of the game’s plot but it uses many of the traditional story devices associated with “lovecraftian” horror and there are rats in the walls.)
Lobotomy Corporation (Early Access)
Lost Souls (MUD)
The Lurking Horror (Text Adventure)
Lusternia (free 2 play MMO)
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
The Majesty of Colors
Mansions of Madness (free steam version of the board game)
Marathon Franchise
The Moaning Words
Monria (MMO)
Mystery Of Mortlake Mansion
Mystery Stories: Mountains of Madness
Mythos: The Beginning
Muv-Luv Franchise
Nasuverse Franchise (This includes games like Fate/stay night and Tsukihime)
Necronomicon (An old Japanese game, haven’t found an English translation yet, but including for completeness)
Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness
The Necronomicon & Necronomicon - Book of Dead Names
Nexus War (defunct) & Nexus Clash
Nightmare on Azathoth
The Nightmare from Beyond
Oracle of Tao
Pandora's Tower
Parasite Eve Franchise
The Park (Set in the same universe as The Secret World)
Path of Exile
Pathways into Darkness
Penumbra Franchise (From the same developer as Amnesia: The Dark Descent)
Phantasmal: Survival Horror Roguelike aka Phantasmal: City of Darkness
Phoenix Point (Upcoming 2018)
Pony Island (It’s the Devil rather than a Lovecraftian style monster, but it features many of the usual devices)
Prey (2006)
Prey (2017)
Prototype Franchise
Quake (Shub-Niggurath)
Quest Fantasy
Red Haze
Resident Evil 4 (others in the franchise may qualify but 4 is the most obvious)
Reveal the Deep
The Rise of Cthulhu: Demo
Robert D. Anderson and the Legacy of Cthulhu
Rogue Stormers
Sanity: Aiken's Artifact
Saya no Uta (A man has an accident that makes him perceive normal people as horrendous eldrich monstrosities and then he meets a girl who... looks like a pretty girl. Rape and sexual assault warnings.)
SCP Foundation Games
The Secret World (MMO)
Secret World Legends
Shadow Hearts Franchise
Shadow Over Isolation
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened
Shikkoku No Sharnoth (Looking at screenshots I think this one might involve tentacles. Possible sexual assault warning.)
Shin Megami Tensei Franchise (including Persona 1, 2, and 3)
Shoggoth Rising
Shrouded In Sanity
The Shrouded Isle
Silent Hill Franchise (The town itself is alive even before you consider all the other thingies)
The Sinking City (upcoming game)
Siren (aka Forbiden Siren) Franchise
Sons of Uruzime
South of Real
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Franchise
The Suffering Franchise
Sunless Sea
System Shock 2 (The Many)
Tales From the Void
The Terrible Old Man
They Bleed Pixels
They Breathe
This Book Is A Dungeon
Tormentum - Dark Sorrow
Twisted Lands: Shadow Town
Utawarerumono Franchise
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Wait - Extended
We Need to Go Deeper
The Whisperer in Darkness
The Worry of Newport (Mod for Crysis 1)
X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Themed but Comedy/Non-Horror:
Army of Tentacles Franchise
Baobabs Mausoleum Ep. 1 Ovnifagos Don´t Eat Flamingos
The Bizarre Adventures Of Woodruff And The Schnibble
Cthulhu Saves the World
Flappy Monsters of Lovecraft
Hearthstone: Whispers Of The Old Gods
Howard Phillips Lovecar (Early Access)
Leave Cthulhu Alone
Lovecraft Word Search
Magicka: The Stars Are Left (DLC)
Mormonoids from the Deep
Pray For Death (Playable Cthulhu)
Project Starship
The Rapture Is Here And You Will Be Forcibly Removed From Your Home
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
Tesla vs Lovecraft
Where is the Lovecraft?
Wynken, Blynken, Cthulhu, and Nod
Minor appearances:
Age of Decadence
Ancient Domains of Mystery aka ADOM
Baldur’s Gate 2 (Planar travel, the Demogorgon, and probably the final boss)
Beyond Good and Evil
The Binding of Isaac Franchise
Blood Franchise
Borderlands Franchise (Some of the vaults have big nasties in them, some of the raid bosses also qualify)
Bravely Default
Breath of Fire IV
Castlevania Franchise
Cookie Clicker
Copy Kitty
Crusader Kings II (Yes, really)
Cultist Simulator
Deadly Rooms of Death aka DROD Franchise
Destiny (The Vex and The Darkness)
Destiny: The Taken King (Raid bosses)
Dishonored Franchise
Defense of the Ancients aka DotA Franchise
Dragon Age Franchise
Drakengard Franchise
Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun
Dwarf Fortress
Pikmin Franchise (Final bosses)
Epic Mickey
Etrian Odyssey Franchise
Fable (Jack of All Blades)
Fable III (The Crawler)
Fable: The Journey
Fatal Frame 2 (An optional boss in Survival Mode is the malice from the hellgates made manifest, rather than a ghost)
Final Fantasy Franchise (It would be easier to list which games don’t have some kind of cosmic horror eldritch abomination things in them. The most obvious ones are Jenova, Sin, and The Cloud of Darkness)
Five Nights At Freddy’s Franchise
Grey Goo
Guild Wars Franchise
Half-Life Franchise
Halo Franchise
Hatoful Boyfriend Franchise
Homeworld: Cataclysm
Immortal Defense
Jak 3: Wastelander
Knights and Dragons
Legacy of Kain Franchise
League of Legends
The Legend of Spyro: Dawn Of The Dragon
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
LittleBigPlanet 2
Lunar: Eternal Blue aka Lunar 2
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis
Mass Effect Franchise
Metroid Franchise
Minecraft: Story Mode
Mother Franchise
Mugen Souls Franchise
NeverWinter Nights 2
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Pokemon Platinum
Return to Krondor (The God of Evil)
Rift (MMO)
SaGa 3 aka Final Fantasy Legend III
Scribblenauts Franchise (You can summon Cthulhu and Shogoths)
Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator
Shadow of the Colossus (becomes more and more obvious towards the end of the game)
Slash Em Extended
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
SoulCalibur Franchise (The Soul Edge and SoulCalibur themselves)
Stories Untold
Thief: The Dark Project & Thief: Deadly Shadows
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
Warcraft 3
The Witcher (Dagon)
World of Warcraft
Xenosaga Franchise
Easter Eggs only:
Civilisation VI (A steam achievement)
PAYDAY 2 (A Cthulhu mask)
Dating Eldrich Monsters (both serious and non-serious):
Cthulhu Saves the World
Demonbane Franchise
Saya no Uta (A man has an accident that makes him perceive normal people as horrendous eldrich monstrosities and then he meets a girl who... looks like a pretty girl. Rape and sexual assault warnings.)
Sonic Adventure
Sonic: Unleashed
Space Station 13
Spectrobes Franchise
The Stanley Parable
Star Control Franchise
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Sword of the Stars Franchise
Tales of Vesperia
Turok Franchise
Touhou Franchise
UFO Afterblank
Warcraft Franchise
Warriors Orochi
We Know the Devil
Ys Franchise
26 notes · View notes
virginieboesus · 5 years
My Top 7 RPG Series That Aren’t Final Fantasy
It’s no real secret that I love the Final Fantasy games! I mean, the first game that I finished on stream was Final Fantasy VIII. Final Fantasy Tactics is my third favourite game of all time as well. But, let’s all be honest; the series gets discussed so much that it really does overshadow other RPG series out there.
After all, there is a metric tonne of RPGs out in the wild for you to enjoy. So, for today’s post, I wanted to put the spotlight on my top 7 RPG series that aren’t Final Fantasy! So, let’s get to it, shall we?
7. Chrono
We are going to start off this list with another Square series; the Chrono games. Now, I was torn between whether to put Star Ocean, Valkyria Chronicles or the Chrono games here… However, I didn’t really enjoy the newer Star Ocean games, and whilst Valkyria Chronicles was amazing, the series quickly went downhill (and I haven’t played the newest one yet). So, when I actually thought about the fact that we are looking at the series as a whole, the Chrono games come out on top.
Chrono Trigger is well known for being one of the best RPGs ever made, whilst Chrono Cross generally doesn’t get anywhere near enough love. These two games are both masterpieces in their own right, with deep and confusing storylines, plus great combat. Personally, I prefer Chrono Cross myself, but I am more than willing to admit that I am weird.
6. The Forgotten Realms
Next up, we have the Forgotten Realms series of games. This series includes but is not limited to Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights and Icewind Dale. All of the games are great Dungeons and Dragons video games by themselves, but when you add them together and look at the campaign setting, they are even better! The alignment system is brilliantly implemented, and the combat feels amazing unique.
The stories, which are incredibly important for any RPG, are well presented as well. There are certainly a few negative points, and some of the games will test your patience with the sheer amount of character customisation as you progress, but I love them all the same!
5. Lunar
Another series that is very close to my heart is the Lunar series of games. The series started out on the MegaCD with Lunar: The Silver Star, before getting a sequel called Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. These games were then loving remastered and ported to the PlayStation, which is where I first experienced them. These versions were called Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete. Since then, the games have been remastered and ported multiple times, showing just how beloved the games really are.
The animated cutscenes and voice acting help to bring the characters to life, and whilst the older versions of the game were certainly challenging, you would find yourself so enthralled that you would just keep trying. There’s also a decent splash of humour in the games as well, to make sure that it isn’t always dark in tone.
4. Dot Hack
Anime is incredibly popular; that is a pretty redundant statement these days. However, when I was growing up that wasn’t really the case. Instead, anime was something that you were bullied for enjoying. This was also true during my teenage years as well, so when I found the anime .hack//SIGN and really enjoyed it, I didn’t really mention it to anyone. That’s a shame really, because I probably could have gotten more people to both watch the anime and then play the first set of PS2 games.
These games are pseudo-MMORPGs. You can “log in” to the game to play, or “log out” and read emails from other “players” or chat with them on a forum. The developers did an amazing job at creating the world around the MMO featured in the game, as well as making the pseudo-MMO portions of the game feel realistic too. The combat is simple to pick up but takes time to master, and the trade system with other “players” is genius. Admittedly, the game’s levels aren’t much to look at in terms of beauty and uniqueness, but everything else in the games makes up for that!
3. Wild Arms
When I was a kid, if you had told me that a J-RPG series that mixes demons, magic and Spaghetti Westerns together would end up being one of my favourites, I would have laughed so hard you’d think I was crazy. Yet, here we are, talking about Wild Arms. The first time I played Wild Arms was shortly after completing Final Fantasy VII for the first time. I was looking for my next big J-RPG to sink my teeth into and spotted it on a shelf in Blockbusters. It looked intriguing, and since it was a rental, I was more than happy to give the game a try.
Since that day, I’ve played the large majority of the Wild Arms games, were 2nd Ignition being my favourite in the series. Sadly, the Wild Arms games never really sold well in the States or Europe, meaning that the series effectively died (with the exception of the recent Mobile game). This means that the games can be pretty expensive these days. However, I would definitely say that they are worth it!
2. Megami Tensei
The penultimate entry in this of a great RPG series that aren’t Final Fantasy has to go Megami Tensei. I recently said on Twitter that I rate Megami Tensei and Final Fantasy at the same level in terms of my “RPG love”. Both series are absolutely massive, with Megami Tensei featuring all sorts of takes on the RPG gameplay. The most famous sub-series of Megami Tensei is the Persona games. Persona 3, 4 and 5 launched Megami Tensei into the limelight far more.
However, I still prefer the original PlayStation Persona games, as well as Lucifer’s Call on the PS2. But you know what? The greatest thing about Megami Tensei is the developers were always finding new ways to add customised designs and a wonderful look & feel. This style and design of Megami Tensei games have become synonymous with the series, showing how much the developers care about the franchise as a whole.
1. Shadow Hearts
And so we come to the final entry in tonight list; the Shadow Hearts games. These are some of the darkest RPG make in history, dealing with loss, suicide and much more. The games, despite their comical nature, can create some really dark and lasting memories. There are so many events in the games that will forever be stuck in my head, like the tale of Li Li or the way in which Shadow Hearts 2 ends.
Starting with my favourite game of all time, Koudelka, the series hits the ground running when it comes to dealing with dark tones. From there, with the first Shadow Hearts, your very first town that you reach turns out to be run by a bunch of cannibals who then switch into being demons. Oh, and the opening video is incredibly violent, with soldiers getting sliced apart and the hero getting his arm cut off but reattaching it. So yeah, Shadow Hearts is definitely one of the darkest yet strangely comical RPG series I have played.
But that’s not all. The characters are all really well developed and the story is surprisingly good. The translation of the first game isn’t great, as to be expected, and the graphics haven’t really held up well, but the series overall is most certainly worth your time.
And That’s All Folks
Those were my top 7 RPG series that aren’t Final Fantasy. The top 2 of them might have been obvious for those who have read this for a while, but that’s only because both of the series deserved a lot more attention that they received.
What are your favourite RPG series? Let me know in the comments below!
from More Design Curation https://www.16bitdad.com/blog/my-top-7-rpg-series-that-arent-final-fantasy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-top-7-rpg-series-that-arent-final-fantasy source https://smartstartblogging.tumblr.com/post/183955774790
0 notes
smartstartblogging · 5 years
My Top 7 RPG Series That Aren’t Final Fantasy
It’s no real secret that I love the Final Fantasy games! I mean, the first game that I finished on stream was Final Fantasy VIII. Final Fantasy Tactics is my third favourite game of all time as well. But, let’s all be honest; the series gets discussed so much that it really does overshadow other RPG series out there.
After all, there is a metric tonne of RPGs out in the wild for you to enjoy. So, for today’s post, I wanted to put the spotlight on my top 7 RPG series that aren’t Final Fantasy! So, let’s get to it, shall we?
7. Chrono
We are going to start off this list with another Square series; the Chrono games. Now, I was torn between whether to put Star Ocean, Valkyria Chronicles or the Chrono games here… However, I didn’t really enjoy the newer Star Ocean games, and whilst Valkyria Chronicles was amazing, the series quickly went downhill (and I haven’t played the newest one yet). So, when I actually thought about the fact that we are looking at the series as a whole, the Chrono games come out on top.
Chrono Trigger is well known for being one of the best RPGs ever made, whilst Chrono Cross generally doesn’t get anywhere near enough love. These two games are both masterpieces in their own right, with deep and confusing storylines, plus great combat. Personally, I prefer Chrono Cross myself, but I am more than willing to admit that I am weird.
6. The Forgotten Realms
Next up, we have the Forgotten Realms series of games. This series includes but is not limited to Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights and Icewind Dale. All of the games are great Dungeons and Dragons video games by themselves, but when you add them together and look at the campaign setting, they are even better! The alignment system is brilliantly implemented, and the combat feels amazing unique.
The stories, which are incredibly important for any RPG, are well presented as well. There are certainly a few negative points, and some of the games will test your patience with the sheer amount of character customisation as you progress, but I love them all the same!
5. Lunar
Another series that is very close to my heart is the Lunar series of games. The series started out on the MegaCD with Lunar: The Silver Star, before getting a sequel called Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. These games were then loving remastered and ported to the PlayStation, which is where I first experienced them. These versions were called Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete. Since then, the games have been remastered and ported multiple times, showing just how beloved the games really are.
The animated cutscenes and voice acting help to bring the characters to life, and whilst the older versions of the game were certainly challenging, you would find yourself so enthralled that you would just keep trying. There’s also a decent splash of humour in the games as well, to make sure that it isn’t always dark in tone.
4. Dot Hack
Anime is incredibly popular; that is a pretty redundant statement these days. However, when I was growing up that wasn’t really the case. Instead, anime was something that you were bullied for enjoying. This was also true during my teenage years as well, so when I found the anime .hack//SIGN and really enjoyed it, I didn’t really mention it to anyone. That’s a shame really, because I probably could have gotten more people to both watch the anime and then play the first set of PS2 games.
These games are pseudo-MMORPGs. You can “log in” to the game to play, or “log out” and read emails from other “players” or chat with them on a forum. The developers did an amazing job at creating the world around the MMO featured in the game, as well as making the pseudo-MMO portions of the game feel realistic too. The combat is simple to pick up but takes time to master, and the trade system with other “players” is genius. Admittedly, the game’s levels aren’t much to look at in terms of beauty and uniqueness, but everything else in the games makes up for that!
3. Wild Arms
When I was a kid, if you had told me that a J-RPG series that mixes demons, magic and Spaghetti Westerns together would end up being one of my favourites, I would have laughed so hard you’d think I was crazy. Yet, here we are, talking about Wild Arms. The first time I played Wild Arms was shortly after completing Final Fantasy VII for the first time. I was looking for my next big J-RPG to sink my teeth into and spotted it on a shelf in Blockbusters. It looked intriguing, and since it was a rental, I was more than happy to give the game a try.
Since that day, I’ve played the large majority of the Wild Arms games, were 2nd Ignition being my favourite in the series. Sadly, the Wild Arms games never really sold well in the States or Europe, meaning that the series effectively died (with the exception of the recent Mobile game). This means that the games can be pretty expensive these days. However, I would definitely say that they are worth it!
2. Megami Tensei
The penultimate entry in this of a great RPG series that aren’t Final Fantasy has to go Megami Tensei. I recently said on Twitter that I rate Megami Tensei and Final Fantasy at the same level in terms of my “RPG love”. Both series are absolutely massive, with Megami Tensei featuring all sorts of takes on the RPG gameplay. The most famous sub-series of Megami Tensei is the Persona games. Persona 3, 4 and 5 launched Megami Tensei into the limelight far more.
However, I still prefer the original PlayStation Persona games, as well as Lucifer’s Call on the PS2. But you know what? The greatest thing about Megami Tensei is the developers were always finding new ways to add customised designs and a wonderful look & feel. This style and design of Megami Tensei games have become synonymous with the series, showing how much the developers care about the franchise as a whole.
1. Shadow Hearts
And so we come to the final entry in tonight list; the Shadow Hearts games. These are some of the darkest RPG make in history, dealing with loss, suicide and much more. The games, despite their comical nature, can create some really dark and lasting memories. There are so many events in the games that will forever be stuck in my head, like the tale of Li Li or the way in which Shadow Hearts 2 ends.
Starting with my favourite game of all time, Koudelka, the series hits the ground running when it comes to dealing with dark tones. From there, with the first Shadow Hearts, your very first town that you reach turns out to be run by a bunch of cannibals who then switch into being demons. Oh, and the opening video is incredibly violent, with soldiers getting sliced apart and the hero getting his arm cut off but reattaching it. So yeah, Shadow Hearts is definitely one of the darkest yet strangely comical RPG series I have played.
But that’s not all. The characters are all really well developed and the story is surprisingly good. The translation of the first game isn’t great, as to be expected, and the graphics haven’t really held up well, but the series overall is most certainly worth your time.
And That’s All Folks
Those were my top 7 RPG series that aren’t Final Fantasy. The top 2 of them might have been obvious for those who have read this for a while, but that’s only because both of the series deserved a lot more attention that they received.
What are your favourite RPG series? Let me know in the comments below!
from More Design Curation https://www.16bitdad.com/blog/my-top-7-rpg-series-that-arent-final-fantasy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-top-7-rpg-series-that-arent-final-fantasy
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lunarreverb · 6 months
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Just spotlighting this one funny screenshot I found - this is one of the rare times in the game where my warlock Tav's patron (the Great Old One) ever comes up in the game. To my recollection, outside of characters conversationally mentioning that Tav has a warlock pact, my Tav's patron comes up when:
my Tav calls to it for help and it does not care at all that Jaheira is doing vine bondage on her
It encourages Tav to stick her arm into the slimy Moonrise hole because it is excited and curious about the Absolute
and, as shown above, when it wishes to express that it hates Dribbles the Clown
Honestly, amazing. The fact that Tav's patron is comparatively hands-off, but reserves one of its rare interjections, the only time it wants to CAUTION Tav instead of being indifferent to her peril, to express an extraplanar dislike of the clown is *chef's kiss*
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lunarreverb · 6 months
Okay, so I just found a, uh, substantial difference in BG3 depending on whether you rescue Oskar Fevras in Act 1 or not. I had assumed rescuing him was the optimal course of action, because it seemed altruistic to free him at the time (and I wanted a real painting of Astarion to show him his face). What was my actual reward? A house full of ghosts and a headache! (and, a crappy generic "painting" item that wasn't even as cool as the circus statue you can get.)
Guys, if you don't free Oskar in Act 1, here's what happens instead:
Oskar is broke as hell, but alive, operating out of Nine-Fingers' Guildhall selling counterfeit paintings. That's a little sad. He sends a letter to Lady Jannath asking for her to let him paint her again; he appears to have been left on read.
BUT, Lady jannath is fresh, she is moisturized, she is thriving. She is hosting an art show in her home! There are unique interactions and dice rolls with NPCs in there, living their silly little lives! No ghosts, no skulls, no bullshit! But wait, there's more!
If you can sneak around a chamberlain and get up into the attic, you find (and steal!) a totally unique painting in the secret room:
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Not only is this painting unique, it's worth 1300 gold. You can run it back downstairs and sell it to Lady Jannath herself!
I double checked just to make sure I didn't merely overlook this painting in my save with a freed Oskar. When I unlocked the room in there:
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Nope! Just spooky shit!
I'm kind of at a loss for what the story's implied moral is between these divergent outcomes. Artists will make your house spooky, so don't bother? Love can overcome a house full of smashed shit and dead people? Unclear!
Updated to add: It's been pointed out to me that the individual paintings that Oskar will do for you if you freed him and completed the quest can be sold for 1000 gold a pop, and is repeatable between party members. Honestly I just never thought to sell them, because it feels like an item that SHOULD be flavor, or a cosmetic for your camp.
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lunarreverb · 20 days
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Up way too late finishing this run with my half-orc girl. Happily ever after with her sweetie bear! The ending with a romanced Halsin is just SO sweet <3
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lunarreverb · 6 months
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Running through the House of Hope, and this time just for shits and giggles and I went in the back way to Hope's prison and killed the jailers before doing anything else. Her reaction is as hilarious as it is deserved.
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lunarreverb · 2 months
I ALMOST wiped to the Steel Watch Titan last night, it was so close to a TPK. I just had to record Halsin smooches with Neblinae just in case any more rocks are gonna fall on us, everyone dies.
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lunarreverb · 2 months
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Did I stay up irresponsibly late getting through more of Act 3 last night? Yes
Did my half-orc cleric finally have a nice night out with her new, right-sized elf boyfriend? Also yes
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lunarreverb · 4 months
WIZARD TIME, with Llahlan the Durge!
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So anyway yeah, now that I'm officially finished with this Durge run, I just wanted to talk about this amazing wizard build that I stumbled onto that worked surprisingly well. I'm no D&D expert aside from watching game streams very casually, so I'm figuring out the system as I go. I was extremely worried that a wizard would be too, too squishy, especially for my first Tactician run, so I want to share MY wizard trick!
Trick one: be a dwarf, Shield subrace. You get automatic proficiency in light AND medium armor. Your wizard is now in a tin can from the moment you acquire a tin can.
Trick two: Pick the abjuration school of wizardry. This school is great!! You get Arcane Ward, which is a stack of shields that will absorb damage for free. You just go about your wizardly business, and you can replenish the stack of wards by casting other abjuration spells or resting. I hardly thought about it while I played, but I almost always had a decent stack of these damage sponges on.
At level 6, you can use your wards from your stack to protect other party members from damage. By level 12, you can stack up to 24 wards at a time. It's so good! My silly little wizard woman was usually the least-injured member of my party by the end of battles.
Anyway, I recommend this if you've ever wanted to play a dwarf, or a wizard, or both - I had a lot of fun with it!
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lunarreverb · 8 months
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I'M SORRY?? I definitely did not find this my first playthrough, holy shit?? Always returns to your hand? No fall damage? Causes explosions?? +3m movement? Excuse me????
Where you find it under the cut:
You have to pickpocket the djinni at the circus, stealing his mage hand ring. Then you spin the wheel, and win; he gets mad and sends you to Jurassic Fucking Park and this trident is in a locked chest near the portal on the way out.
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