#lunar isles
shoegazekid · 1 year
Playlist #293 inc: #dolch @castlebeat @isleslunar #sevenhourdays & #mintjulep #shoegaze
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yellowsnow77 · 3 months
Lunar Isles - Parasol
Pensaba que ya había caído algo de Lunar Isles por aquí, pero acabo de ver que no. Y es raro, porque este proyecto que tiene como protagonista a David Skimming, un escocés que vive en Seúl desde hace una década, lo tiene todo para gustarme. Sí es cierto que estamos ante otro artista de bedroom-pop que se deja llevar por unas preciosas melodías ensoñadoras. Pero también es verdad que maneja este…
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inthewindtunnel · 5 months
Lunar Isles
After Sun
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audiomoods · 1 year
When it's gone When it's gone Wait just a second to breathe Got it wrong You got it wrong It's all just a part of the symphony
When It’s Gone - Lunar Isles
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komorebirabbitwrites · 7 months
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Isle of Roses
Entrusted with the most important mission of his life, Shisui, the youngest heir of the Uchiha clan, travels to Uzushio to broker an alliance with the Uzumaki clan. Sakura is given the opportunity to prove herself to her family. Written for @secretie, part of ShiSaku Rodeo's Lunar Exchange!
Rating: M
Ship: Shisui/Sakura
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aworldofpattern · 2 years
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Year of the Rabbit postage stamps by Stanley Chow for the Isle of Man Post Office, Lunar New Year 2023.
Stanley Chow is a British artist and illustrator, whose parents emigrated to England from Hong Kong.
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momokotuharumaki · 3 months
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King and Queen of Madness
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newchapterinlifeuk · 6 months
Lunar New Year Holidays 2024 農曆新年
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mynewchapterinlife · 6 months
Lunar New Year Holidays 2024 農曆新年
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shoegazekid · 2 years
@isleslunar #shoegaze
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scotland · 1 month
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Sunset over Ceann Hulavig stone circle on the Isle of Lewis 🌅
Ceann Hulavig is an ancient stone circle located on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. This prehistoric site, also known as the Callanish IV stone circle, is part of a broader collection of megalithic structures known collectively as the Calanais Stones (or Callanish Stones). The Ceann Hulavig circle consists of standing stones arranged in a circular pattern and dates back to the Neolithic period, approximately between 3000 and 2000 BCE.
The Calanais Stones are a significant archaeological ensemble comprising several stone circles, standing stones, and other prehistoric structures scattered across the region. The primary and most famous site is the Calanais I, which features a central stone circle with a cruciform arrangement of monoliths extending from it. These ancient monuments are believed to have been constructed for ceremonial or ritualistic purposes, and they are aligned in ways that suggest an astronomical function, possibly related to lunar and solar cycles.
The exact purpose of the Calanais Stones remains a subject of ongoing research and debate. Theories suggest they could have served as a place of worship, a community gathering site, or an ancient astronomical observatory. The alignment of the stones indicates a sophisticated understanding of astronomy among the Neolithic people who built them.
Ceann Hulavig, like the other Calanais sites, offers valuable insights into the prehistoric past and the spiritual and social lives of the ancient inhabitants of the Isle of Lewis. These sites continue to attract researchers, historians, and tourists, drawn by their historical significance and the mystery that still surrounds their original use.
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inthewindtunnel · 6 months
Lunar Isles
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oinonsana · 7 months
A king's daughter is sent to be wed to a lunar prince. An alliance between two realms.
A storm riddles their goal. A mad god rouses his Chosen One.
A demon goddess awakens the daughter to her heritage. She forges her own path.
One in where the princess murders the hero.
A romance of blood and steel. The lost daughter of a Raja with the blood of a demon goddess. A timawa bound by oath and love. A hero chosen by a mad god. PRINCESS. KNIGHT. HERO. The cycle turns evermore. What conviction will they find now?
PRINCESS MURDERS THE HERO is an ongoing martial romance (both in the love sense and the adventure story sense) fantasy webnovel set in The Sword Isles, an epic fantasy setting founded upon Southeast Asian stories and myth. Read it for free here!
The main characters are...
👑 BAKONG THE PRINCESS, a sheltered girl awakening to the truths of the world
🛡️ MASUNA THE KNIGHT, swordgendered peerless swordmaster bound by duty and love
⚔️ SAMPONG BAHA THE JUGGERNAUT, butch lesbian heir to a royal house, slayer of pale kings
🪷 BANGAHOM THE SORCERER, trans wielder of dark blade magicks and claimant to Put'wan's Throne
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breelandwalker · 11 months
Hunter's Moon - October 28, 2023
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Grab your masks and candy buckets and trim the twigs on your best besom, witches! It's time for the Hunter's Moon!
Hunter's Moon
The Hunter's Moon is the name usually given to the full moon which appears in October, provided that the Harvest Moon has occurred in September. Remember - the Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox and that can mean September OR October! The Hunter's Moon is next full moon to follow it, so it may occur in October OR November. The Harvest and Hunter's moons are the only two moons in the calendar which are tied to a specific event in this way, while the others reflect signs of seasonal growth or animal behavior.
Like the Harvest Moon, the Hunter's Moon rises big, bright, and early, and it may appear to be full for two or three nights in a row. The celestial peak of illumination is at 4:24pm EST on October 28th, but the moon may also appear full on the 27th and 29th. This year's Harvest Moon will also be sporting a partial lunar eclipse - check here to see if it will be visible in your area!
The name Hunter's Moon is taken from the traditional timing for the fall hunting season, as the name implies. The fields cleared in previous months and the gradually cooling weather meant that animals fattened up from summer foraging would be roaming in open ground, making prime targets for anyone looking to put some meat in the pantry for winter. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, this may also be the origin of the other common October moniker, the Blood Moon, which has been in use in the British Isles since at least the Middle Ages.
North American indigenous names for the October moon include Falling Leaves Moon (Anishinaabe), Freezing Moon (Ojibwe), Migrating Moon (Cree), and Big Wind Moon (Zuni). In several modern pagan traditions, the October moon is called the Sanguine or Blood Moon due to its' with the association with the hunt and with alleged sacrifices made ahead of the coming winter. (Keep in mind that any claims about What The Druids Did should be taken with a grain of salt, as they did not keep written records of their ceremonies.)
What Does It Mean For Witches?
October is a time to finish our harvests. We gather in the last of what we sowed earlier in the year and reflect on what our work has wrought and what our labor has produced. It is also a time of transition as the weather begins to shift more noticeably toward the chill of winter. Shore up whatever provisions you need for the immediate future and complete whatever preparations you've been making for the cold season, both magical and practical. A little weatherproofing goes a long way!
This is also the month when numerous Western cultures remember their honored dead and a time when some believe that contact with various unseen realms is more easily accomplished. If you're seeking advice or reassurance from the greater beyond, or looking to do some planning or forecasting for the coming year, now might be the optimal time to do it.
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
Celebrate the end of the harvest season with your favorite recipes! Bust out that hearty stew or delicious pie you've been dying to make but kept putting off during the hot months. Use local produce to make something special and gather in the last fruits of your garden.
Get your divination game on! Many October party games include fortune-telling aspects for love or marriage or professional prospects. Choose your favorite method and see what it has to tell you about the coming year and where your current path may lead. Remember that the choices we make change the path and therefore the outcome, so try to regard the results as written in sand rather than stone.
Participate in the hunt yourself! Whether it's an actual seasonal hunt for game (safely and responsibly done, of course) or a bit of foraging or a personal search for something you've been needing, this is the perfect time to connect with that drive to seek and gather. Make one more trip for wildcrafted plants before everything turns brown and brittle. Stalk the aisles of your favorite local shops for craft supplies, new decorations, or perhaps that fancy hat you've been dreaming of for the upcoming holiday.
Prepare for the cold months! Switch out your wardrobe, heap those blankets on the bed, change the decor to something autumnal, and make sure your home and vehicle are ready for winter. If you do any seasonal crafts or fibre arts, start pulling out your accoutrements.
Shed your metaphorical skin one more time. Examine what you carry in your heart and where your priorities lie. If there is anything left that weighs you down or no longer serves you or disrupts your life unnecessarily, prune it away and let it go. This process is not always comfortable and may leave you feeling raw, but sometimes hard decisions must be made. You are not meant to be in perpetual motion or constant production. Give yourself permission to rest.
Consider also the parts of yourself that you don't always like. Is there value in the struggle to deny them and push them away? Is there anything that might serve you better if it was embraced rather than denied? So often we speak of letting things go and laying down burdens in order to progress. But there is also power in remembrance, in anger, in spite, in grief, in ambition. Remember that while you should forgive yourself for past mistakes and learn from them, you are not required to do the same for others. Remember also that setting boundaries is healthy and that if they are not respected, you are within your rights to remind others than actions have consequences. Protecting yourself is not always pretty and it is not always polite. And it doesn't have to be.
Happy Hunter's Moon, witches! 🌕🏹
Further Reading:
Additional Lunar Calendar posts
Secular Celebrations - Samhain
Hunter's Moon, The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Hunter's Moon 2023: The Spiritual Meaning of October's Full Moon, The Peculiar Brunette.
Partial Lunar Eclipse on October 28-29, 2023 - Where and When To See, Time and Date.
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison, Llewellyn Publications, 2004.
Image Credit - Darkfoxelixir on Shutterstock.
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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