my-own-au-my-way · 1 year
Did something-
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My attempt at drawing Luna! My lovely yet shy OC! Raph would definitely take that damn hoodie off of her. She needs self esteem one day.
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narhinafan · 2 years
Hey there again! I found another post (it looks like it's another submission) on Lunaneko's blog, which points out the vast differences between Naruto giving in to Kurama and almost killing Shitkura/Suckura (I really hate her) twice in the Sai and Sasuke Arc VS. Naruto giving in to Kurama and managing to not harm nor kill Hinata (Best Girl) at all in the Pain Arc.
But I noticed, there's something missing? Didn't Naruto also still have the First Hokage's necklace during that moment in the Sai and Sasuke Arc, whereas he destroyed the necklace during that moment in the Pain Arc? If so, then shouldn't it say something along the lines of:
"Naruto 3-tailed and 4-tailed states + stronger seal + still had the First Hokage's necklace (...)"
And then
"Naruto 6-tailed and 8-tailed states + weaker seal + destroyed the First Hokage's necklace (...)"
I think the submitter forgot to write that down, because the rest of what they sent is dead-on accurate.
Here's the post I'm talking about: https://lunaneko14.tumblr.com/post/656202427572322304/hey-there-luna-i-know-that-you-arent-really
^ Once again, IDK why it doesn't have more notes! Given how accurate it is overall (outside of the necklace info missing), it deserves more recognition!
I think submissions don't have tags on is the reason why can't be sure.
Anyway reblogged it I always liked this one I did a post about it all the way in 2019 about how Naruto didn't harm Hinata at all and was shown caring about her in that state.
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bengalisasuke · 5 years
there’s this crazy nh stan that goes around calling sakura a crazy slut and ghetto fabulous or whatever like...hakaoswoshajsjsk What did she ever do to you
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ryodan · 7 years
i just saw a naruhina call kishimoto a genius for the l*st and,,,honey,,,,love yourself 
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moonandblossoms · 3 years
Hey who's Lunaneko and what's with the controversy about her what did she do can you pls tell me
Just type @lunaneko14 and block her. That's the first thing I wanted to say.
Second, she is a transphobe.
Third, she stalks all pro Sakura and pro SasuSaku posts, say like GIFs, fanarts, appreciation posts, etc. and reblogs them with her stupid understanding and debunks. She has no other job other than that. Her claims about the ship and the character don't make sense and they have no logic behind that. She is pathetically ill-informed. She is actually well versed with Hinata and NaruHina to an extent (she even happens to be a fan of them) but I bet you will lose your braincells after reading her opinions on Sakura and SasuSaku. She doesn't apply a bit of common sense and has no understanding of the author's intent when it comes to Sakura. She seems to have harassed some users and blocks some of them in the midst of arguments in past. She twists every Sakura content in the most horrible way as possible. Her lame understanding is just I can't stand a bit. The way of her understanding makes her look like some sort of a taboo because she conveys them in a very toxic way as possible it is.
She is so clingy to the opinion of Hinata not being part of team 7 when there was absolutely no intentions of her being part of the team at all. She might have this lame thought of Sakura taking away whatever Hinata deserved and that includes Sasuke too (She is both a SasuHina and a NaruHina shipper). I mean, what the actual fuck is this? Its not her shipping SasuHina, but this lame understanding of hers. This is what I often hate about Hinata fans. Well, wishing if Hinata was the female member of team 7 is all okay, but I just don't get it when they are too toxic and go slander Sakura for it when she is actually the female MC of the series.
Seriously, a few moments like Sasuke teaching Boruto makes her think that Sasuke is interested in Hinata's kid than his own kid. Give some kudos to this retarded argument. He is just a teacher. He even teaches Sarada as well. What the hell does she think?
Its okay, I pardon her retarded understanding, but she doesn't stay in her own lane. She intentionally pokes business into other people and goes ahead to disrupt the peace of civil Sakura fans whenever they reblog any content for her. A user reblogged a GIF post where Sakura and Sarada were talking, but she reblogs it and tells that it was worse than she thought. How dare could she go and comment on someone's GIFset? Does she know how much of efforts do these people put on their fanon contributions yet she slanders them with her "retarded" level of understanding just because she thinks of SasuSaku not being like what is was shown? I don't know how to explain this. They are just fanarts, they have nothing to do with how they were portrayed in the series. They are just done so that contributors show their talents and for fans to enjoy. Just because Sakura is in her meh list, she absolutely has no right to slander Sakura stans' works.
Honestly, I had no beef with her but when I saw her weird yet pathetic attitude to others, I just couldn't stand her a bit at all. Not a bit. Imagine if we both had some argument, I would have definitely posted a bigger rant.
Ask @amitds, he has a better understanding of this user.
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salzrand · 5 years
I hope this doesn't turn your blog into an anti one but I need to do this; I wanna apologise on behalf of everyone in the IR to the IH/RR fandom. I'm a multishipper but my main is IR, or at least I think now it's "was IR". I love & respect all ships in Bleach, including incestuous ones (who am I to judge? I ship a 150 year old with a minor..), over the course of 3 years I found the behaviour coming from my main side intolerable, my fellow ex shipmates bragged about not crosstagging & not stalkin
(2/5) I am here telling you it's complete and utter BS, till this day I still see salty posts & people screenshotting posts from IH/RR people, like the "IH is canon get over it" edit by Lunaneko, it was screenshotted and mocked. Ofc not everyone does it, but many do, and no one calls them out, maybe once or twice some did, but they were ridiculed & accused of being an anti ir, that's how low they are. I've decided enough is enough, I can't enjoy my otp anymore, every time I see a post abut them I (3/5) start remembering all the shit people say, every time people make Ichigo be a fucking dependent pussy, the hypocrisy is too much, one day they'll claim ir doesn't need to be canon for them to love it, whichs true & I do that, but the next day they'll spew nonsense & hate on Kubo for not making them canon, I don't even know what they want anymore, so here I am finding myself feeling distant & out of the loop. They claim ih&rr are dead yet many japanese artists are active on twitter, can't say the(4/5) can't say the same for ir, you'd think for a popular ship there'd be more Japanese fansI like RR & IH too, so I was reading tumblrhalix's posts, but the replies are raided by nasty ir, this was the last straw for me, it's why I decided to come here. Seeing the shit they put the "other side" through is too much to ignore, both sides have their nasty people, but for the past 3 years it became obvious who's more mature & who's more salty. I'll never forgive them for spreading hate, IR is based on(5/5) IR is based on friendship & courage, all I see in the fandom is hate & cowardice, nowadays it's hard to see much positivity in the IR side & that's fine let them drown in their own bitterness. I'll always love IR, but I can't stand the fandom anymore. I've decided to delete my blog & stay forever away from tumblr, the only way to detoxify from the mess.
Dear anon, 
the first thing I thought when reading your messages was feeling really sorry for you, but also for other people who just want to enjoy their favourite ship. 
Over the past years I had not much contact to IR fans, but the ones I had contact with are all super nice people who truly just like to engage positively and discuss and talk about IR and the stuff they like about their pairing, about their bond and everything else... but not IH or RR. Which is I think like... the thing that somehow... is lost by some of the others. 
I think that a lot of shippers invest more time in the pairings they don't like (in this case RR and IH), and arguing with other fans than enjoying IR itself? I kinda miss their love for IR, I can't see it anymore, because they are busy with stating how IR is more superior and hating on Kubo for not making them canon. Honestly, do they even like IR or do they like being salty? I cannot remember the last time I saw a positive IR only posting by an IR fan, seriously. How do they even enjoy their fandom, I am asking myself. 
The thing is that nobody wants to hear their complaints anymore. Apparantly, not even their fellow fans, but also nobody else. As you said, IR's bond stands for other ideals, and it's sad that this is forgotten by so many. I hope you can find you way back to the positive side of IR fandom which also exists and can spread some of your positivity you have for IR. The pairing has so much what you can like about them, what you can enjoy about them. That's actually much more fun than giving even a single thought to a pairing you don't like. :(
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shock777archive · 6 years
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Btw not mad at Lunaneko she didn’t know the DESIGN was mine…
Anyone know the vendor??? It was at florida supercon????
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lunaneko14 · 6 years
Who do I think I'm talking to? Honey, I know who I am talking to, Lunaneko14 and everyone knows about you and how you act. You're infamous for the Hinata self inserting, obsession and the delusional posts. Even with manga panels and data books you stay looking ignorant with your crack interpretations. Don't act like you're some paragon of knowledge in this fandom. It's quite the opposite actually. You ain't no Madara-Fate, sweetie.
ACTUALLY bitch I am FAMOUS in this fandom. Know why?
Because I have LOTS of haters
And a lot of FRIENDS
Do you REALLY know who you're talking to????? Because there are a lot of other Lunanekos on this site so its super easy to get this one confused with one that cares about your bitter ass!
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Bitch I've had people make my memes, ESPECIALLY the Anti Sakura memes, viral on SEVERAL sites.
Bitch I've been chosen to admin THREE Naruto pages that have topped 80,000 likes.
Bitch I've had FAN ART drawn by FANS in my honor. Can YOU say that about your crusty ass?
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And you think my shit stops online?
Oh no no no no
Bitch in high school my first play was one of the top 2 in my class.
Now, my play is among the top 3 in the REGION as judged by the Kennedy Center.
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So this bitch over here got skills both online AND irl something you can never ever say about yourself.
And I'm the one that's ignorant? Lol
Bitch get out my face
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mythicalheartbeat · 4 years
Hi👋Do you know blogs other than you and lunaneko who supports Boruto?I'm new and while browsing through Boruto tag I've been finding quite a few haters of him so can you recommend blogs that are safe to follow?
@sunny-pandas immediately comes to mind, @lady-nounoum ofc
I’ll be honest though, I haven’t really been keeping up much with the series lately, but those two for sure are good to follow for good content
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my-own-au-my-way · 1 year
When Luna goes out shopping, Raph leaves Mikey in charge of Rosie due to not wanting to leave his wife alone in case something bad happens.
Leo decides to be in charge of helping to keep the home clean while Donnie keeps posted in case of medical emergencies.
Mikey just loves doing hand painting with Rosie since shes like 2 years old now.
Luna gets back to find both Mikey and Rosie covered in hand paint, only to see a beautiful painting of a Sakura blossom.
She had no idea if she had to faint,freak out or hug them both for how adorable this was.
Raph was internally screaming at how adorable Rosie was all covered in paint.
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narhinafan · 3 years
Wow. The official Viz translation really makes Sakura look so much worse than the fan translations (which I believe Lunaneko even said were illegal as well as inaccurate).
Chapter 40 Page 2 is a major example, when everyone glares at Naruto for acting like a big shot (carried over from the previous chapter):
In the fan translations, she says "Everyone... it was just a joke. He's quite stupid."
But in the official Viz translation, she says "Pay no attention to my friend. He's... you know... a special-ed ninja."
For real. She actually has the audacity to claim that he's her 'friend'... and then, literally in the very same breath, call him "special-ed."
Wow, Sakura. Just... wow. Way to call your alleged 'friend' an ableist term.
I can't believe she actually has a fanbase at all, when an abusive ableist like her literally doesn't deserve any acclaim. 🤦‍♂️🤬
If it's not too much to ask, please provide this via the official Viz manga? 🙏 Seriously, it needs to be more widely acknowledged that Sakura is a disgusting ableist.
Yeah even in the fan translations she is never the best, but they do for some reason try to tidy up what she says to try and make it seem less bad or even put her in a positive light.
Here is the Viz manga translation.
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Most people got into Naruto due to the anime and then started reading the manga online from translations, but it really is annoying how they try and change things to make Sakura seem better.
Like do you know her seal in some fan translations they used that it is the pinnacle of chakra control, but in official translations of both the manga and anime it says the seal needs extremely delicate chakra control. Her fans tried to hype up Sakura saying her chakra control was perfect and she could do anything by relying on the fan translations and even say she is better then Naruto or Sasuke.
It's ridiculous how far some of the translators go to try and make Sakura out to be somthing she is not. I have even seen some sites that have removed pages that make Sakura look bad.
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cherryscape · 7 years
I've been seeing a lot of anti' claim that in sakura hiden, sakura abandoned the children hospital to chase after sasuke. Where is this mentioned? Is it true?
You must have been scrolling through lunaneko's blog...
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lazymilkshakecolor · 7 years
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So after I called her out on starting shit on my blog, she wrote this after blocking me so I couldn't reply. Guess I'm a true anti hinata now that lunaneko has blocked me
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ryodan · 7 years
lunankeo’s 26 year old ass still spends hours writing posts like ‘should sarada even exist?????’ ‘to start a family there has to be-’. Honey, ignoring the fact that you’re entirely wrong, i’d expect a 26 year old to understand that something as minimal as alcohol can create a family. Get off your high horse you pseudo intellect and go watch rick and morty or something. Should i literally forgot her name- naruto’s daughter- exists? I mean, naruto only had eyes for Sasuke and Sakura??? To have a family one HAS to love his wife and children enough to stay at home more than 5 minutes per day. Am I wrong? 
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lady-nounoum · 7 years
Je arrive pas a voir lunaneko 😣
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commanderkurama · 7 years
Bla bla bla, Naruto eats cup of noddle ramen because Hinata doesn't make him food!! Never forget if it wasn't for Sasuke leaving alone when Naruto asked to join she and her kids would've been alone, so get over yourself ungrastful peasants. NH ships always stomping on everyone like Neji getting killed for your ship to happen ! Stfu, perfect "sunshine family " is a fraud or else why would Boruto be acting up fuck you abd Lunaneko cunt! Hypocrites. Just remember Neji got killed for your ship!
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