c-worldproductions · 4 years
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When your past selves meet your future selves... . 🌙 Lunafreya: me, @cutebeastcosplay . 🌌 Noctis: @hypercombo64, @kappakay . 📷 Photographer: @billybookcase . 🗓 Event: A Taste Of @animethon 2018 . #cosplay #CWorldProductions #Luna #Lunafreya #LunafreyaNoxFleuret #LunaFleuret #LunafreyaFleuret #Noctis #Noct #NoctisLucisCaelum #NoctisCaelum #FinalFantasy #FFXV #FF15 #FinalFantasyXV #FinalFantasy15 #ATasteOfAnimethon #ATOA2018 #Animethon #ATasteOfAnimethon2018 #TasteOfAnimethon #PrinceOfLucis #KingOfLucis #PrincessOfTenebrae #TridentOfTheOracle #Sylleblossom #EngineBlade #SwordOfTheFather https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dgSCNHYy_/?igshid=1mlvb388smcix
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shirtlessnoct-blog · 7 years
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Lunafleurets's favorite Tekken characters on Tekken 7.
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lyslez · 7 years
Anonimo ha detto When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. Then send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. :)
Aah thank you anon!
five things that make me happy
1. cats. I just love them a bit too much I think.
2. video games.
3. my friends. especially @oceayne and @lunafleurets these days ♡
4. books. i always have one near me.
5. photography. even if I’m a lazy ass and it’s currently too cold out there to go take some pictures lmao.
It’s pretty basic, but yeah. That’s it. :)
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shirtlessnoct-blog · 7 years
lunafleurets → datakairi
Because I needed change.
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