#luminescenc1e t3
ashesrebirthed-a · 6 months
Ten years.
How had it been that long already? A whole decade since Voldemort had been struck down right in front of them all, little more than an army of children finally bringing the Dark Lord to his knees, and losing so much along the way.
This anniversary was a complicated time for even the best of them, Cho was sure. For her, it mostly brought with it flashes of Cedric, reminders of the boy she'd lost to Voldemort's hand before she fully had a chance to have him rising back up no matter where she turned.
Even so. Cho, at least, was already a public figure - had actually signed up to be one at that, unlike Harry - so when news had spread of an anniversary article on the survivors being in the works, she figured it didn't hurt to toss her hat into the ring. There was no keeping Harry's little trio out of the limelight, that much she understood all too well, especially when she and Harry's brief and messy relationship was likely at least half the reason they wanted her here at all. Still... Maybe she could spare some of the rest of her old classmates, that might need the peace of mind more than she did.
She could do this.
At least, she thought she could - until she walked into the first meeting and saw who, exactly, awaited her on the other side of that table.
"Parkinson. You have got to be kidding me," Cho sneered. The girl had made a point of making her life hell, especially after Cedric's death. Had spent the crux of the war on the wrong damn side. No way was Cho putting her story into her hands, not without thinking twice about it first. Three or four times over, even. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just walk right back out that door." // @luminescenc1e + plotted starter!
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