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luluuploaded · 1 year ago
Today, we continue the cottagecore house build! (and maybe take over a stronghold along the way?) I'm so excited to play more Minecraft with everyone! I'll be seeing you soon!!
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coredrill · 1 year ago
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Bang Brave Bang Bravern OP
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witch128chick · 1 year ago
Guess what day it is!!! Yes, toh rewatch Thursday!! Let's gooo
Best coven of all: Bad Girl Coven (where can i sign up)
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Eda, respectfully, you're an icon. She's always slaying BUT this episode was one of kind (best milf i love you Eda)
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Blight twins!!! And another student, gonna talk about them in the next section
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No but why do they remind me of Luz??? What if they're Luz's witch persona??? Like yk Willow and Amity have human personas too (idk if i'm using the right word) so could they be Luz's maybe? Just a theory (THEY'RE EVEN WEARING THE HOOD LIKE LUZ DOES IN THIS EPISODE!!!!)
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That's no Luz that's Michael Jackson (she's cool 😎)
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The sillies 🥺💜💚🩵
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Conclusion of today's episode: friendship is magic
I don't have anything else to say i think
Sending ya love, guys!! ❤️
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luluuploaded · 2 years ago
Emergency Move-a-thon!
It's official, I'm holding a move-a-thon on my Twitch! My chat has encouraged me (and lovingly bullied me a little) into holding this event to help me get out of my home situation ASAP! Ko-fi donations will be counted separately, but will still receive some fun incentives, and on stream donos, bits and subs will count toward the timer!
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specialized-rexan · 6 months ago
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 years ago
the amount of anxiety i get from simply changing my blog theme is why i’d never survive in the wild
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justafictionlover · 2 years ago
omg yall 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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The Supernatural poetry collection is finally available!!!
Our beloved poetry collection (1 whole year in the making!!!) is finally done and ready to share with the world.
*None of the writers are profiting financially from this book*
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The links below will take you to two separate pdfs, one for the body of text, and one for the cover.
You can keep your book in pdf format and read it on your device of choice, OR (and personally I recommend option 2) you can get it printed on Lulu, and get the book pictured above delivered to your doorstop. The layout was designed according to Lulu's standards, I cannot guarantee that the book will turn out as intended if you go through a different printing site.
The book is fairly affordable, I personally paid €20,65 for it including shipping. That's for a hardcover, white paper book, but you can choose the paperback option/different paper options.
all participants are credited in the book. a huge thank you to all of them for making this insane little dream of mine a reality <333333
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cedarxwing · 21 days ago
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A quick method to deal with blurry action shots that have Hannibal's quintessential dim lighting + green color grading combo.
Here's the example I'll be using:
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Don't get me wrong, I love the look of Hannibal, but the average person doesn't scroll tumblr with their screen brightness on max. Plus, night light filters and blue light glasses add even more yellow to an already heavily filtered show. If you want people to see your gif clearly, you have to edit it at least a little. Especially for extreme shots like this lol.
What I use: macOS 15.1.1 Elmedia Player 8.18 dupeGuru 4.3.1 Topaz Photo AI 3.2.0 Photoshop 25.11.0 LuLu 2.6.3 (optional, but it's nice to block outgoing connections from pirated programs)
Step One: Take Screenshots
Open your video file (1080p preferred) in Elmedia Player and navigate to the first frame of your gif. Hit "Playback > Record a Series of Screenshots" and let it run until you have all the frames you want. Unfortunately for mac users, we have a problem where a lot of duplicate screenshots are taken (like every third screenshot is a duplicate... it's so annoying). To save time later, I use dupeGuru to clean out as many duplicates as I can.
Open dupeGuru and add whatever folder you saved your screenshots to.
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Scan the folder, then hit "Mark > Mark All" (you can see here that the program only caught one duplicate, which means more work later. it's not a perfect program -_-)
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Hit "Actions > Send Marked to Recycle Bin..." to remove the duplicates from the folder
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Step Two: Denoise
At this stage the screenshots are so dark that the noise isn't obvious, but it'll be more noticeable after brightening and sharpening. Here's the difference this step makes later:
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Upload all your screenshots to Topaz Photo AI and add a Denoise layer. I normally go with the automatic settings.
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Hit "Select All," "Apply > Current Settings," then export all your images. This can take a while depending on how many images you have.
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Step Three: Create Frame Animation in Photoshop
If you've read any other gif-making tutorials this part should be familiar, so I'm gonna skim over it.
"File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack"
"Browse..." and select your Topaz output files
"Sort by Name" so they load in the correct order
Once all the layers have loaded, hit "Create Frame Animation" in the Timeline window
Under the Timeline window options menu, hit "Make Frames from Layers," then "Reverse Frames"
This is probably when you want to go through frame-by-frame and delete any remaining duplicates. It's very annoying to have to redo this step if you want to go back and edit your crop size later. (Not that I would know... 🤡)
Step Four: Crop + Resize
Crop, then "Image > Image Size" to adjust the width of your gif. You'll most likely want to use one of the common tumblr image dimensions:
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Keep in mind that tumblr's gif size limit is 10 MB. But it's honestly best to keep it under 9.5 MB if you want the gif to load smoothly. A 540x540 px gif can have 40-60 frames while a smaller gif can be longer.
Make sure to add +2 px to whichever width you choose (so 542 px, 270 px, etc), since we'll be adjusting the canvas size later to get rid of transparent border anomalies.
Step Five: Color
The more common order of operations is to sharpen before coloring, but for dark scenes like this, it's kinda silly to sharpen when you can barely see what you're doing, so I like to color first.
Select all your frame layers and make a new group, just to keep them separate from your adjustment layers.
I always start by testing out the Auto Color Correction Options in a Curves adjustment layer. To access them, opt + click on the Auto button. This opens a window with four options.
I like to use a combination of "Enhance Per Channel Contrast" and "Find Dark & Light Colors," though either option can be used to adjust color balance. The important part is selecting "Snap Neutral Midtones" and picking a midtone that brings your gif as close as possible to the desired color balance.
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If changing the midtone doesn't affect the color balance, brighten the gif first and try again.
For this gif, "Enhance Per Channel Contrast" removed the bulk of the green filter:
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It's still pretty dark, so I brightened up the gif with some more Curves layers:
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There's still a lot of purple/blue in Dolarhyde's black leather jacket, so I added another Curves layer and used "Find Dark & Light Colors" to improve the blackpoint:
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Now we can up the contrast a little:
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Nice! Good enough to move onto sharpening!
SIDE NOTE: The reason I use these Color Correction Options is because simply brightening leaves you with purple/blue shadows and sickly green over-exposed highlights that take ages to color correct. You can see the difference here:
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(If you've ever wondered why so many Hannibal gifs have blue shadows, this is why.)
Step Six: Sharpen
This is where you'll want to start implementing actions, which are pre-recorded series of adjustments that you can perform with the click of a button. I mainly use three actions (download here, open the Actions window in PS, open the Action options menu, and click "Load Actions...").
The "frame animation to smart object" action converts the gif to a video timeline so we can apply smart filters.
The "legacy sharpening + high pass" action applies my standard sharpening filters. Not every gif will need the high pass filter, so feel free to change its opacity or delete it altogether. You can also tweak the smart sharpen filters by right clicking them and selecting "Edit Smart Filter..."
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3. Once you're happy with the sharpness, the "convert to frame timeline" action turns the gif back into a frame animation. I use a 0.05 s frame delay for most gifs (equivalent to 20 fps; 24 fps is standard for tv/movies). I normally use 0.07-0.08 seconds for action shots, so the gif doesn't whip around so fast. Over 0.1 seconds, it starts to look like stop motion, so I try to avoid that.
Step Seven: Final Adjustments
This is where I fine-tune the colors, mostly using Hue/Saturation layers.
If I use a Color Balance layer, I only make very small adjustments and try to counterbalance them in the other tonal ranges (e.i. adjustments to the Highlights spill over to the Midtones, so I make the opposite adjustments to the Midtones to fix it). But most of the time, I'd rather play around with Curves or Hue/Saturation to fix stuff like that.
Hue/Saturation gives you more control by allowing you to select the exact color range you want to affect. For this gif, I used Hue/Saturation to get rid of the purple introduced around the highlights in Will's hair by the high pass filter.
The eyedropper tool allows you to select the exact color you want to include in the range. Then you can move the bars around until all the colors you don't want to affect are excluded.
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Once you have your range selected, you can bring the saturation all the way down and set it to whatever lightness you prefer:
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I also reduced cyan's saturation so that Will's shirt wouldn't look quite so blue.
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[You could do a lot more to make the colors prettier... but there are other tutorials online for that. 😅]
Step Eight: Export
Once you're happy with your final product, go to "File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy)..."
These are my settings:
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You can use Diffusion instead of Pattern if you want. Diffusion is probably better for mobile gif compression, but I like the way Pattern looks on desktop, especially for gifs with smooth gradients. It's a personal preference thing.
Hit "Save..." and you're all done!
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This isn't gonna win any gif-making awards, but at least you can see what's happening and the colors don't look wonky. And for Hannibal, I call that a win! 🥲👍
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luluuploaded · 2 years ago
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What have I gotten myself into... (┬┬﹏┬┬)
We reached a new dono goal, so we're going on an expedition like no other...one full of catgirl rage.
I'm playing Getting Over It tonight and trying to get as far as I can! Pray for me...
~5PST / 8EST~
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srmt-zine · 26 days ago
PRINT EDITION Update and Answers About Finances
Hello, everyone! Thank you SO MUCH for the warm reception of our zine! As of typing this, Holy Shuggazine! has been downloaded over 500 times, which is absolutely INSANE given the small size of our fandom community. Thank you so much!
I just wanted to give you all an update on the long-teased PRINT EDITION of the zine! The mod team is hard at working making this happen. We do not have an exact release date yet, but to give you a rough idea where we are in the process, we're getting ready to order test copies to see how it looks! So it won't be long now!
We expect the zine to cost about 25$ USD a copy, plus shipping.
But before the zine is ready to start having money thrown at it, we want to answer the inevitable questions about financial accountability, and the way we're doing this has made it really simple.
TL;DR Holy Shuggazine continues to be a non-profit zine, and no editors or contributors to the project are receiving any money from the print edition. The zine will be sold through a print-on-demand platform at-cost.
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The way this works is that we publish the zine on a print-on-demand platform, in our case Lulu! Normally, when someone did this to make a profit, Lulu would take the money needed to print the zine and send the rest to the seller. But in our case, we just tell Lulu to only charge what they need to print the book. Lulu takes the money, sends you the book, and there's no finances for the zine team - or buyers - to worry about!
We are also planning to upload print resources to Itch! This means if you would rather use another printer for any reason (we know a couple of you even work at printing services!) you'll be able to do so! We've already seen some people printing their own copies for personal use and we are more than okay with this (please continue to show them to us! The zine team loves to see them!) Lulu will simply be another option available to everyone who lives in a country they service.
We hope this information has everyone confident and excited for the print edition of the zine! As always, feel free to shoot us an ask if there's any questions.
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soongtypehuman · 6 months ago
Crispy, Crunchy, Peanut-Buttery Updates
Hello everyone! You all look lovely today. Shiny coats, cold, wet noses.
I’ve been mostly absent for a bit while I try to get my health issues stabilized, but I’ve been working on a lot of things behind the scenes and wanted to update you.
First, as you can see below, I have front and back covers for Kinktober 2022-24, which indicates two things. First, there’s more than likely going to be a Kinktober this year. My health is precarious but my libido is strong. No promises, but nearly every day of October has at least an outline, and many with a first draft, so things look promising. But unlike previous years, requests are closed. I’m just doing whatever my depraved little heart desires.
Second, these have covers because I’m nearly finished putting together and formatting text and cover files that can be uploaded to a POD site (like Lulu) so that physical books can be printed. Everything will be available to download for free, I’m not making any money off this.
After the first of the year when season 4 of Positronic Rivalry has wrapped up, seasons 1-4 of PosiRi and Kinktober 2022-24 will be available as downloadable files with covers so you can print all 7 volumes at your print on demand supplier of choice. The text files for the seasons are already formatted, I just need to figure out something with the covers.
After that, I’m working on compiling “Neogenesis: The soong_type_human Synthetic Omnibus”, which will contain all 4 seasons of PosiRi, all 3 years of Kinktober, both PosiRi drabble/ficlet collections (explicit and non), the Positronic Christmas collection, the Stars and Circuits trilogy, The Family We Keep trilogy, the Data/Lore drabble/ficlet collection, as well as orphans such as Pet, To Walk as Death, and Oceans of Void Between Stars, as well as the two Detroit: Become Human fics I’ve written.
That’s a lot! But wait, there’s more.
I’ve currently got the first drafts of three different fics finished: 2 for season 4 of PosiRi, and the final (😢) installment of Among Stars and Circuits. All three are getting posted before Kinktober, and then after a short break, season 4 of PosiRi will resume.
And if you think this is all of lot of work, it is. But I love it and I’m fond of you guys as well.
As always, if you want to toss a coin to your android smut peddler, there’s a ko-fi link in my bio.
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kisukeronin · 1 month ago
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※ Permission to upload this work was granted by the artist.
By lUlU.🍓
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urlseals · 2 months ago
hands can be seen desperately trying to get out of my grave as I slide back in with these falling out of my deceased bag
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Hey guyss!! I was in fact not that close to uploading them hahahrugh😭
These two are my manager ocs Jacques(Rose Griffon) and Lulu(Brockenborg):D I'll make a seperate lore(and reference cause these are late night doodles(*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ))post about them soon!!
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copperbadge · 1 year ago
I cannot find clear answers anywhere, and I've seen you use Lulu. I'm closeted and write lgbt+ stories, I've chosen my new name and would like to use it when sharing stories, I'd rather my legal name does not go around attached to them. Could I sign up with my chosen name, even if it's still no more than a pseudonym? I would connect PayPal to Lulu as the payee, which does have my legal name, but I could always pretend it's a friend...
It's been a while since I set mine up, but I'm pretty sure that while your legal name doesn't have to be public on Lulu anywhere, they do need to have it for tax and payment purposes.
My legal name is not Sam Starbuck. It's what's on the Lulu account as both author and publisher, and it's attached to all my books; as far as I'm aware my legal name is not visible to site patrons. So if all you're concerned about is putting a pen name or chosen name on your books, you're good -- your legal name won't be visible to your buyers.
However, when you upload a book for publishing, Lulu wants a "payee" name on the back end. You can have more than one of these; for example if I wanted to publish with a coauthor, I could set the "payee name" to 50% me and 50% them. Each payee name has to match the name on the paypal account where that person is receiving payments from Lulu. It also has to match a legal name for tax purposes (I do get a tax document from Lulu with my royalties listed each year) although I'm like 99% sure they didn't want any documentation, like I didn't have to upload a driver's license. I've had my account for over 10 years though so that may have changed.
So as long as you're okay with Lulu having your legal name for payment purposes, you can put whatever name you want on your account -- and even though I'm signed up as Sam Starbuck, like that's my username on the site, I can also put any name I want on any individual book, as long as the payee name on the back end is the legal name of the payee.
Hope this helps! I recommend for research purposes that you try signing up for an account with your pseud/chosen name and see how far you get before it wants any legal name info, that will help clarify I think. But yeah, your payee/legal name isn't visible on the site unless that's how you choose to be identified.
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danwhobrowses · 10 months ago
One Piece Chapter 1114 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back
TCB uploaded on a Thursday for the first time in yonks, but it had to be midway through my trip back from work
but anyway, GLOBAL WARMING! Vegapunk is pouring the tea, the world is sinking, so what more does he have to say and how will the world react?
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release Also!
Yamato's pilgrimage involves taking the long way around Wano to bring Yasuie's sword to the Enma shrine (the god of the underworld not Zoro's sword)
We'll likely encounter a bunch of characters on the trek but it surprises me that he's bringing back Yasuie's sword and not Shusui to Ryuma's grave. Either are still fine but I feel like that had more narrative significance, though if that was the task then Zoro wouldn't have been able to visit his grave off-screen - which should've very much been on-screen!
You know the tea is spilling when the chapter title is 'The wings of Icarus'
Naturally, the world takes in the revelation we left off on
The Navy reacts first, the Vice Admirals in disbelief but Akainu silent
Mock Town of all places is next, filled with nonbelievers of dreams, they mock the smartest man on the planet and deem themselves wise
Water Seven are shocked too, finding it difficult to believe that it's the whole world and not just them
Paulie and Pepe Lulu cameo too (love Franky but in another life I would've liked to have seen Paulie as a Straw Hat, would've been a perfect foil for Sanji too since he's a bashful perv, plus Nami would totally abuse how bad he is with gambling)
Doflamingo of course is revelling in the news, mocking Magellan about how this affects Impel Down
It's so surreal to me how we all know that Doflamingo is a menace, his debut literally involved him pitting marines against one another, but now he's in Impel Down he's just chilling, on his back just vibing with people like Magellan and Tsuru
It seems the Mother Flame's flooding did cause some problems for Impel Down
Doffy predicts that it'll take 5 more meters for most of the world to be flooded
He also implies evacuating 'somewhere high up' - like the Red Line maybe?
Fishman Island also reacts to the news, like everyone else they find it hard to believe
Back at Egghead though, the Buster Call don't care if it's valid, it's coming from Vegapunk so it holds weight but either way it's bringing unrest and discourse
The Gorosei meanwhile are livid, even considering going scorched earth to stop it
York is also annoyed, suck on it
Vegapunk makes a prediction, accurately pointing out the weather effects of Lulusia being wiped out
That for sure has got people more convinced, given how it's pre-recorded
Surprise Smoothie and Mont D'or cameos too!
And another already flooded island is surprised how much to a tee Vegapunk got the prediction right
Damn even Tonjit from Long Ring Long Land is getting a cameo!
Aokiji bandaged up also listens from Fullalead
Vegapunk also calls out that the earthquakes were not natural, which really sets the Gorosei off
The Straw Hats continue to fend off Saturn to protect Robin, with Lilith also in on the fight
Most of them get knocked away though, being caught by Robin's Spider Web
Saturn does still appear to be showing some damage, so still props to the crew for doing the job
Because Saturn has shifted his priority from Robin, making his way to the power station to protect it
Saturn crashes in, as Vegapunk explains his obsession with finding an unlimited energy source
Back to his 'human' form, Saturn basks in the Mother Flame
I was expecting something different, but it is a tiny flame kept in a giant tank
I wonder if the S-108 and the A&Mu stand for something? The latter are not elements on the Periodic Table
Also it's a flame inside liquid, A FLAME INSIDE OF LIQUID!
The Sleeping Giant still is on the move, passing unfazed through fire and flame
Even the Giants are struggling in the flames, still in pursuit by Warcury
Luffy however is back in Gear Fifth, that fermented shark meat must've done the trick
Marejois is stirring though, because Vegapunk has just brought up the void century
Most of the Celestial Dragons are in uproar, blaming the marines and feeling big enough to take on Vegapunk to kill him themselves
Though, interestingly, Saint Shalria - Charloss' sister - seems almost intrigued, it appears not all the Celestial Dragons know about the Void Century
Vegapunk goes on to talk about how the Poneglyphs are key to the void century
In a woodland a giant lounges as he takes in the news, the familiar laugh of Dereshishishi coming from him
I'm still not certain it's Jaguar D. Saul mind you, why hide his face for so long?
Man we're even going as far back as Orange Town!
With the Mayor and Chouchou!
The benefits of having a 20+ year manga is how you can bring back so many minor characters briefly to just show the entire scale of the world that's been built
We also see Margaret from Amazon Lily, her face seems conflicted
Vegapunk however explains that his second sin was trying to decipher the Poneglyphs, using documentation gathered from Ohara
Since Luffy could hear the broadcast I'm sure Robin is hearing it too, I wonder how she feels about Vegapunk about to lore drop a bunch of Poneglyph stuff she didn't get to discover herself
Brook is also calling for Zoro and Jinbe, not sure what their status is, same with Franky, Bonney, Atlas and Sanji vs V. Nusjuro
'History is a story, after all' is a lowkey banger line
But the Labophase is behaving differently, the clouds are stretching
Edison's plan has come into action, making the clouds wider so the Sunny can drop off into the ocean
Credit to Usopp for figuring it out too
Seems like the little tyke isn't making it out, it may end up being just Lilith at this stage
Vegapunk keeps going, stating that he only knows little about the void century, so he'll give the world some of the only facts he knows
Luffy strikes Warcury again with a Gear Fifth big punch, but the result hurts his hand all the same
Meanwhile Vegapunk details the story of a person born 900 years ago to a bountiful and advanced kingdom
Just like Nika, he had an elastic and stretchy body - which the world will very much connect to Luffy - called Joy Boy
Joy Boy was the first man to take to the seas: The First Pirate
But a break again next week, I know last week was a SJ break than an Oda break but c'mon I feel like he does this every year!
Oda sure loves to set a stage huh? What do you mean Joy Boy was the first pirate? That'd imply he's rebelling against something right? Was the advanced kingdom too restrictive maybe? So much still yet to be said
For the most part, what the characters were doing this chapter were secondary to this announcement built up, it's still cool that the Straw Hats deterred Saturn away from Robin - though we are overdue seeing Jinbe and Zoro do something of substance. Ju Peter and Mars are still kinda floating around, Doll and Bluegrass were circling the island last we saw them too. But yeah, lots of unique and surprising cameos, the mystery deepens as the plot continues somehow to thicken.
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uncannyencore · 11 months ago
day 18. Draw one of the eyeless creepypastas!
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Lulu - She’s just such a cutie!!!!
also sorry for not uploading day 16 or 17. I won’t be doing them, but here’s a bonus drawing that took me like- all day to do!
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Laughing Jill<3
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