#lukewarm shampoo
lukewarmblogs · 8 months
Hair Health Revolution: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Lukewarm Ceramide & Vitamin Daily Defence Shampoo
Have you ever thought about how your shampoo affects your complexion and face when attempting to get luscious locks? Beyond the domain of basic hair care, Lukewarm® Shampoo appears as a strand-transforming elixir. This ground-breaking shampoo provides a comprehensive approach to hair health with its strengthening combination of omega fatty acids, strong antioxidants, and barrier-replenishing ceramides.
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Beyond Basic Care:
Lukewarm® Shampoo sets itself apart by not being your typical shampoo. Powerful components in a precisely formulated solution work in harmony to restore and revitalize thinning hair. This special combination addresses your scalp's underlying health as well as its outward appearance, paving the way for a revolution in hair health.
Pure and Powerful:
Lukewarm Shampoo's dedication to purity is among its best qualities. This shampoo prioritizes the health of your hair while guaranteeing a clean and safe formula because it is free of alcohol, parabens, sulphates, formaldehyde, SLS/SLES, phthalates, and mineral oils.
Hydrating Elixir:
Lukewarm Shampoo transforms into a moisturizing liquid that does more than just cleanse hair thanks to the power of provitamin B5, vitamin E, and vitamin F. It actively replenishes elasticity to keep your hair looking vibrant and full of bounce. Each strand is given new life by the infusion of beets and olive oil, which gives your hair unparalleled vigour that revitalizes it with each wash.
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Time-Honored Treasures:
Lukewarm Shampoo, enriched with ancient gems like amla, shikakai, bhringraj, and aloe vera, promotes to go on a voyage of transformation. These age-old components, renowned for their strong nutritional qualities, come together to repair your hair from the inside out. What was the outcome? With each washing, hair that is very soft and spotless.
Embark on a Transformative Journey:
Lukewarm Ceramide & Vitamin Daily Defence Shampoo is more than simply a hair care product—it's a call to action to start a life-changing path towards stronger, healthier hair. This shampoo skillfully strikes a balance between tenderness and efficacy, so you can say goodbye to the compromise and enjoy hair that speaks volumes about its renewed vitality.
Lukewarm Shampoo shines as a light of innovation and natural goodness in the era of the hair health revolution. Enhance your hair care regimen by using a shampoo that richly contains ceramides, vitamins, and time-honored gems to soothe your hair in addition as cleansing it. Allow Lukewarm to serve as the impetus for your quest for glowing, revitalised hair.
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sheliesshattered · 2 years
as it turns out I don’t think I’m physically suited to be a laundress
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pathologicalreid · 4 months
heyyy!!! I just wanted to say I really love your work and this is my first time sending a request so sorry if it’s not very specific 😭💕
If you’re still doing requests, I was wondering if you could do a fem reader x Spencer Reid where it’s similar to your cryptic pregnancy one, except Spencer is at home with her when she’s in labour without realising, and she’s just in a lot of pain and it all of a sudden gets worse and she’s just in the bathroom shouting for Spencer, he comes in and eventually works out what’s going on, readers sort of in denial? Maybe the ambulance doesn’t get there in time so Spencer has to help her give birth? Lots of fluff and hurt/comfort :)
Also completely fine if your not comfortable doing it, but again really love your work and hope you have a great day 💕 :)
three's a family | S.R.
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: fluff content warnings: cryptic pregnancy, traumatic birth, precipitous labor, hospitals, medical inaccuracy (its just me and google against the world), takes place after 9x7 "gatekeeper", surgery, near death experiences, periods, home birth word count: 3.16k a/n: anon i'll be so honest with u i wasn't sure if i was gonna write this but then i learned what precipitous labor was and i was like "i would not wish this on my worst enemy... i'm going to force it on y/n" BUT please keep in mind that there is a .000012 probability of this happening to you (i did the math) this is the wildest thing ive written to date i think
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“I’m going to try a bath,” you murmured over to Spencer, wincing as you dragged yourself out of bed, walking at a turtle’s pace to the bathroom, hoping the warm water would soothe the cramps away.
Your period came and went as it pleased; it was just your luck that it decided to give you debilitating cramps on your one day off. Padding on the tile floor behind you, Spencer leaned against the doorframe to the bathroom, “I could run to the store and get a new heating pad.”
Sticking your hand under the tap to check the temperature, you plugged the drain once you found it to be satisfactory. You shook your head, “No, it’s fine.” Your original heating pad must’ve gotten lost somewhere in the depths of your storage closet, but you didn’t have the patience to look for it. You could manage just fine without it.
“Will you let me know if you need anything?” He asked, leaning forward to press a comforting kiss to your forehead.
Nodding, you hooked your thumbs in the waistband of your pajama pants and pulled them down, watching as Spencer pointedly flicked the bathroom fan on – something you often forgot to do.
You lasted about thirty minutes in the bath, not only was the water beginning to grow lukewarm, but if anything, your cramps were getting worse while submerged in the water. Grunting, you reached over and tugged the plug from the drain, watching as the water drained, you managed to pull yourself to a squat before you felt stuck.
Aunt Flo really had it out for you this month.
Burying your face in your hands you accepted defeat and called out for Spencer, reaching up and trying to stand again, but only succeeding in knocking over several shampoo bottles. “Spence!” You tried again, white-knuckling the edge of the bathtub as you bowed your head. A creeping feeling that this wasn’t your period was beginning to rise.
You listened as your husband made his way up the stairs, turning the corner into your room, and opening the door to the ensuite. Moving quickly, Spencer dropped to a crouch in front of you, cupping your pained face in his hands, “I don’t think this is your period, angel.”
Clamping your lips together to prevent yourself from crying out, you simply nodded in response. How awful was it that you were going to die, naked, in your bathtub?
Spencer wiped tears away from under your eyes – you hadn’t even realized you started crying. “What does it feel like, darling? What else could it be?” He asked, voice urgent but gentle as he tried to stop you from panicking.
As you shook your head, you couldn’t focus on anything else besides your breathing as another pain rose up through you. “It’s like a cramp, but with more pressure,” you said, depending on the bathtub and Spencer to keep you upright as your legs shook beneath you. “Like something’s pushing on me, kind of like I have to shit.”
Reaching behind him, Spencer dug through one of the drawers in the bathroom vanity before retrieving the handheld mirror that you used when you cut his hair. Before you could ask what he was doing, he placed the mirror at the bottom of the tub, just beneath you. “I think you’re in labor,” he announced, breaking the news to you.
“There’s no– fuck,” your voice broke off as you dropped your head onto Spencer’s shoulder, breathing through what was apparently a contraction. “I’m not pregnant,” you insisted as your symptoms started to make sense. You had been in labor all morning.
Nodding to himself, Spencer quickly kissed your cheek before standing up and making sure you were stable before stepping to the side.
You frowned as you looked up at him, “Where are you going?”
He didn’t go far, opening the linen closet and piling towels into his arms, “I’m getting towels to put in the tub beneath you, and then I’m going to call an ambulance.”
“You want me to give birth in our bathtub?” You asked, furrowing your brows quizzically before letting out a low whine as another contraction hit.
Stopping what he was doing, Spencer dropped down to you, running the flat of his palm up and down your back as he gently reminded you to breathe. “Did you want to change positions?”
Immediately, you shook your head. You already had an insurmountable task ahead of you and you saw no reason to add to that task by trying to move. “This is fine. Squatting is good, right?”
Nodding assuredly, Spencer smoothed your hair away from your face, “Gravity can help the baby descend the birth canal, and some people even say that the position can increase the pelvic diameter.”
While you were currently less concerned with the diameter of your pelvis and more concerned with feeling like your body was being split open, you continued going through the motions as he called for an ambulance, trying to explain the situation to the dispatcher.
“Have you been timing your contractions?” Spencer asked, tilting his head at you curiously as the dispatcher spoke on the phone.
Releasing a groan, you gripped the ledge of the tub, “I didn’t know they were contractions!”
Relaying that information over the phone, Spencer dropped to his knees in front of you, “Okay, I’ll do it. I’ll take care of it.” He continued to reassure you, taking one look at your desperate expression before ending the call with the dispatcher.
He understood that you were vulnerable right now, and you didn’t want that broadcasted to a stranger on the phone. If you weren’t so preoccupied with remembering to breathe, you’d be more grateful. After a contraction ebbed away, Spencer stood up.
“I have to go unlock the door for the paramedics,” he told you, keeping a wary eye on you. “I’ll be right back,” he comforted you as he took one last look at you before tearing out of the bathroom.
In record speed, he returned to the bathroom as promised, “It’s bad,” you cried, the pressure on your pelvis becoming insufferable.
Crouching in front of you, Spencer studied your face before he spoke carefully, “I have to check your cervix.”
Despite his carefully chosen words, your lips still parted in shock, “You have to what?”
“I’ll use my hand to measure how dilated you are, and then… we’ll go from there,” he told you, nodding almost imperceptibly. At this point, you weren’t sure who he was trying to reassure – you or him. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes,” you answered instantly, “indefinitely.”
You bit down on your lip as you let Spencer check you, understanding entirely why people choose to get epidurals – this was horribly uncomfortable. “On the next contraction, you need to push, okay?”
For just a moment, your breathing faltered as your scared eyes met his, “Spence, wait,” you pleaded.
Smoothing your hair back, your husband did everything he could to comfort you, “What is it, love?” He asked, his voice soft.
“I’m scared,” you confessed, voice cracking ever so slightly as tears flooded your lash line.
He leaned forward to gently kiss your lips before pulling away to press his forehead to yours, "I've got you. You're going to be fine. You're both going to be fine."
You could see his carotid pounding, and somehow the fact that he was secretly as scared as you was more comforting than the words that came from his mouth. As you pushed, you focused on everything that Spencer was saying instead of the pain. Don’t push for more than eight seconds. Remember to breathe. Your body will know what to do. I love you. I love you. I love you.
By the time Spencer was saying something about the head, your hearing had gone muffled. “You’re doing so well, baby,” you made out his voice and nodded dazedly. “You’re wonderful. I’m so proud of you – just a little more,” he cajoled.
Taking a moment to breathe, your ears and eyes focused as shaky breaths filled your lungs.
“I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful,” he murmured, dropping a kiss on your bare shoulder as he comforted you, continuing to keep you upright.
You shook your head, sniffling as your eyes screwed shut, “You’re perfect. Don’t stop. Keep talking,” you begged, needing something to focus on other than the pain.
“There’s about a point zero four percent chance of you getting pregnant and not finding out until you’re in labor,” he told you, hoping that the information would help you wrap your head around what was happening to you. “One to three in one hundred people have a precipitous labor,” he continued to speak as you pushed, and you wondered what the odds of you squeezing his hand so hard that you did damage were.
Against your better judgment, you looked down to check your progress, “Holy fuck,” you said breathlessly. You weren’t entirely clueless, you knew that once you got past the shoulders the remaining pushes would be easier. You also found yourself grateful that Spencer knew what he was doing – this was, after all, the second baby he had delivered.
You bore down, determined to get the baby out while Spencer untangled your hands, bringing his own down to catch the baby. Out of breath, you panted heavily as you started to feel lightheaded. “Done,” Spencer said quickly, “it’s done. I have him.”
Carefully, Spencer held the baby along the length of his forearm, rubbing the tiny newborn’s back. “Come on, come on, come on,” he muttered under his breath, and it dawned on you that the baby wasn’t crying.
At the realization, your legs finally gave out from beneath you, watching with wide eyes as Spencer tried to clear your son’s lungs. White hot tears streamed down your face as you whispered, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You took a gasping breath as you silently pleaded for a cry, “I didn’t know,” you sobbed, guilt building a pit in your stomach.
With bleary eyes, you looked on as the baby finally spluttered and let out a wail. “There you go,” Spencer cooed softly, his own voice stiff with emotion as he cradled the baby and handed him off to you.
You were still sobbing as you held the baby to your chest, “I’m so sorry,” you continued to babble, watching as Spencer briefly disappeared into the bedroom before returning with a blanket and wrapping it around the both of you. While holding the baby, your vision started to blur around the edges.
Watching you intently, Spencer cupped your face in his hands, “I love you.”
Nodding, your face crumpled before you responded, “I love you too.”
When the paramedics announced themselves, Spencer called out for them, not wanting to leave your side. The two of you focused your attention on the wriggling baby in your arms.
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He was premature – too little to stay with you in the recovery room. The NICU doctor had estimated that he was born at approximately 32 weeks, meaning he’d likely need to spend a few weeks in intensive care. “I want to see him,” you said insistently, looking over as Spencer as he fussed over you.
“You just had abdominal surgery,” Spencer responded simply, as if that was meant to clarify everything for you. He continued fluffing your pillow, which wasn’t entirely productive considering you were lying on the pillow.
As it turned out, you had experienced what was called a precipitous birth, or a rapid birth. It tended to be dangerous, and the fact that you did it in your bathtub only heightened that danger. You reached your arm out for Spencer, “c’mere,” you muttered, trying to get him to stop fretting. “Did you listen to anything that the doctor just said?”
Spencer nodded in understanding, “Lots of rest, no physical exertion, IV medication for now-“
“Did you hear the part where he said I was going to be okay?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him curiously, you watched as he took your hand in his and sat on the edge of your bed. “I’m going to be fine,” your voice was determined, you had a few small incisions on your abdomen from the surgery to repair a tear in your uterus. “Thank you for looking after me,” you whispered.
Your husband gently smoothed your hair back from your face, “I should’ve noticed it sooner.”
Using all of your strength, you squeezed his hand comfortingly, “You were incredible,” you assured him. “If it weren’t for you, neither of us would’ve made it.”
He shook his head, “Don’t say that.”
Raising your eyebrows, you cocked your head to the side, “It’s true. I couldn’t have done it on my own, I’m so, so thankful for you, my love.” 
You had passed out in the ambulance as a direct result of blood loss, so you were brought to a trauma bay as soon as you made it to the hospital. Once they were in the ER, the baby was taken to the NICU, leaving Spencer with a lot of decisions to make.
When you woke up in the recovery room, the first thing you did was ask about the baby.
Spencer, of course, had been up to see him. The nurses claimed he seemed like a fighter, and Spencer knew the survival odds of a 32-weeker, so he turned his attention to you. Every other option had already failed, so the next option was a laparoscopy. Your husband admitted that while it seemed extreme, the very last choice was a hysterectomy, and he didn’t want to make that decision.
Furrowing your brows, “When can I see the baby?” You asked, not entirely sure how to refer to the infant just yet. It wasn’t until then that you realized you needed to name him at some point – your son.
“Once your blood pressure goes up,” Spencer told you with an authoritative tone. “You lost a lot of blood in the ambulance, but the blood transfusions will bring your blood pressure back up.”
Tilting your head to the side, you glared at your husband, “And is this rule from a doctor with a medical degree or a doctor whose name is on my marriage certificate?”
In response, Spencer shrugged, sitting in the beige armchair at the side of your bed, “That’s a secret I’ll never tell.”
You rolled your eyes dismissively, “Will you go see him?”
He leaned over the edge of your bed, taking your hand in his. “I can, will you be alright on your own?”
Nodding almost imperceptibly, you squeezed his hand affectionately, “I just don’t want him to be alone.” You whispered as tears pricked your eyes, you took your free hand and waved at your face, “god, what’s wrong with me?”
“A sudden drop of estrogen and progesterone immediately following birth causes mood swings. Nothing is wrong with you, your body is acting naturally,” Spencer explained patiently, dropping a gentle kiss on your lips.
You sighed before melting back into your pillows, “At least something about this feels natural,” you responded. Your brain felt like a spinning top, while your body felt like you were being weighed down by an elephant in a commercial for COPD medication.
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The fact that the NICU nurse informed you that your son had a ninety-five percent chance of living a completely normal life did nothing to calm your nerves. He’d have to stay in the NICU for a few weeks and you tried to convince yourself that the extra time to prepare for him to come home would be good for you, but the idea of leaving him alone at the hospital – save for a small army of doctors and nurses – put a pit of dread in your chest.
Spencer had the forethought to warn you about the tubes and wires that he was hooked up to, ranging from oxygen to a feeding tube. “He’s been undergoing red light therapy to be treated for jaundice, but you can hold him for a while if you want to,” the nurse told you, leading the both of you through the NICU as Spencer steered your wheelchair through the hospital.
Your breathing hitched when you finally saw him, this tiny stowaway that had been growing inside of you for the last several months, and he was just so little. While you were still in your own room, you had convinced yourself that you’d hold him, but now you weren’t so convinced.
According to the sign in his room, he weighed three pounds and ten ounces and was sixteen inches long. He was sound asleep in an incubator, a small hat on top of his head, “Spence,” you breathed.
Behind you, your husband placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, “I know.”
“Did you want to hold him?” The nurse asked you gently, looking over at one of the machines that he was hooked up to.
Genuinely, you didn’t know. “Is… is that okay?” You asked, wiping your sweaty palms on the blanket draped across your legs.
The nurse gave you a knowing look, “Even better than okay, it’ll be good for him to have that kind of contact from both of his parents.”
Frowning, you watched as it took two nurses to break him out of his acrylic prison before they carefully placed him on your chest, making sure you were okay before they stepped back. Your movements were stiff at first, you had never held a baby this small before, but you eventually remembered to breathe and gently cooed at the baby in your arms.
Spencer crouched down next to you and started to ask the nurse a bunch of questions that he had likely been holding in for hours, but you just kept your eyes on the sleeping baby. He was too small to open his eyes, but everyone assured you that he’d get there.
The nurse stepped out to give you some privacy, leaving the door open just in case you needed something, “This doesn’t seem quite as difficult while I’m holding him.” You knew there was a steep learning curve ahead, but with a newborn on your chest, the pit in your heart dissipated.
“That’s called oxytocin,” Spencer said, sitting in a chair, eyes fixated on the infant in your arms.
Humming, you skimmed the pad of your thumb across your son’s tiny back, “He looks like you,” you observed quietly, they had the same nose.
Your husband smiled softly, “You can’t possibly tell which parent he takes after yet,” he informed you.
“And yet, I know he looks like you,” you insisted softly, and Spencer didn’t push back. “You look like your daddy,” you whispered to the baby, “he was the first one to hold you, you know?” You looked over at Spencer, “he’s been my superhero for four years, and now he gets to be yours too.”
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nerdie-faerie · 2 years
What an awful way to start my Saturday
#personal#ace is a mess#Tag talk#im so annoyed was gonna spend the day in a bookshop reading and then work on my writing as well was gonna be so good but instead#wake up to my period showing up early with worse cramps than usual. alarm hasnt even gone off yet but no way can i sleep#whatever its hair washing day anyway might as well just get straight in the shower. can barely stand to brush my teeth im in so much pain#so i just take some ibuprofen and go to shower which was a stupid idea 1 cus im hypoglycemic 2 apparently ibuprofen can irritate your#stomach which i did not know beforehand#its fine at first the hot water is helping with the cramps somewhat while im waiting on the painkillers but i start feeling lightheaded#while trying to wash my shampoo out and the hot water is actually making the feeling worse so im trying to rinse in short bursts#but of course then my vision gets fuzzy so i stop tryna rinse my hair and just breath through but nope. im gonna pass out#which im absolutely not allowing in a communal shower turn the shower off and sit down tryna breath through it again. really regretting not#eating at this point especially as im starting to feel nauseous which i always get whrn#when i havent eaten. after a couple of minutes start to feel clearer but my cramps are getting impossible to ignore again#i still havent eaten and have shampo still in my hair and im just gonna keep feeling worse until i eat so just need to hurry up and finish#turn the shower down so its almost lukewarm so it hopefully doesnt happen again. get all the shampoo out and get the conditioner on#when the nausea comes back full force and im not sure if its just cus im hungry now or if im actually gonna throw up#turn the shower off and get out and oh of course yep this is the time that im throwing up but theres no food in my stomach just bile#speed through the rest of my shower and get back to my room to text my mum letting her know im fine but will the painkillers still#work if ive since thrown up. she calls me asking if i was taking them for a hangover while im sorting out breakfast then explains#that yeah ibuprofen can make you throw up cus its irritating to your stomach particularly on an empty stomach but cus i took#them on an empty stomach at least half a dose shouldve gotten into my bloodstream first if not more she then asked if i was close enough#with any of my flatmates to ask them to go out and get chocolate for me when i said i didnt have any in nor any hot water bottles which#im not close with any of them and i dont fancy asking flatmates for favours when i just wanna curl up in a ball
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spidernuggets · 8 months
stole this thought from my friend 🫶
Jason loves taking showers with you. And not only for the times when he takes the opportunity to bend you over as you lean against the wall.
But he loves the bare skin to skin contact. He loves to remember what you feel like, and he likes to remember your touch. He likes the way you trace his scars that he believes tainted his body while you smeared body wash all over him. You always scolded him that the 3 in 1 shampoo, conditioner, and body wash weren't as effective as advertised.
But you don't see his body as tarnished or ruined. His scars became a part of him. Just another feature that you love. He liked the way his back was turned. The suds quickly slid down the waves of his muscles. The way your index finger traced along the large, healed gash along his shoulder that stopped at where his spine was located.
He shuddered, and his heart raced when you placed a kiss on it. Like you did with every other scar.
This was your ritual.
You'd wait for him to come home to you, and when he did, he'd stench of gunpowder and iron. So you'd strip away his suit, he can finally breathe, his adrenaline dying down, and you drag him along into the shower.
In some nights where he had some extra energy, the late night showers would end with the water being lukewarm and mixed with both of your milky slicks.
But during most nights like these, he absorbs your soft affection, letting your hands roam and explore his body, loosening up the knots in his upper back, massaging his shoulders.
And when he turns back around to face you, his body towering over you as he blocks the water's path down to you, his arm reaches for your sides, hands following down the shape of your figure. His fingers smooth over the water that makes your skin glisten under the artificial light, calloused palms against your smooth hips, gently squeezing them, pulling you closer.
He rests his chapped lips against your forhead, whispering, 'I love you's as you say it back, the sounds of splashing water muffling your confessions.
You always loved showering with Jason right when he gets home. And it isn't only because you get to see him naked under 5 minutes after he comes through your fire escape. But also because you discover new features around him, sometimes in areas where you wouldn't particularly see when he's fully clothes.
There would be a new wound that you wrapped in waterproof bandages before stepping into the shower. But you'd make a mental note to give the new permanently damaged skin as much love, care and devotion as the rest of Jason's body.
You loved showering with Jason because it was an opportunity for you to appreciate him, his body, and the flaws that come with it. It was an opportunity for you to show your endless love for Jason because you know that he needs the constant reminder that someone truly loves him. And to prove the horrible voices that gnaw the back of his head, telling him that he's not good enough that they're wrong.
Because Jason is more than enough. Because you love him as much as he loves you.
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twstedreamweaver · 2 months
Showering HCs with the Twisted Wonderland Boys
What it's like to shower with the guys ~
Characters Featured: Heartslabyul (Riddle, Trey, Deuce), Savanaclaw (Ruggie, Jack), Octavinelle (Floyd, Azul), Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia (Sebek, Silver) Missing some of the guys because I just couldn't come up with anything CW: g/n reader, fluff, SFW but some minor suggestive content, some crack, established romantic relationship with reader
The More-or-Less 'Normal' Showerers
Has a strict routine in the shower but likes showering alongside you. They'll be quiet, just enjoying your presence. You'll notice how much they seem to relax, and the water just completely washes their worries and stress away. They insist on washing themselves, unless you really beg, which they will finally relent (they greatly enjoy this, they just prioritize being of service to you). Showering with you is one of their favorite parts of the day. Very susceptible to teasing. Water is on the warmer side.
Riddle, Jamil
Sets the water to your preferred temperature. Your shower routine together is pretty run-of-the-mill, but sweet, nonetheless. He is particularly fond of talking to you in the shower as you both get ready for the day. He cherishes these little intimate conversations you have as you go about your separate routines. Always happy to wash you if you ask or look like you need help. While he does enjoy showering with you, he doesn't mind showering alone.
Silver does occasionally fall asleep mid-shower, so do be prepared to catch him.
Trey, Silver
Greatly enjoys showering with you. He especially loves washing your hair and body. Enjoys it immensely when you wash him. He will get soap in your eyes (unintentionally and to his great dismay) and will have to be taught how to properly wash your hair, etc., but he is a willing learner and very enthusiastic. Prefers his showers on the hot side.
For Kalim, he takes very long showers classic rich kid behavior. I also feel like he has servants do a lot of things for him, so he might not even know how to do skincare/haircare, etc.
For Epel and Deuce, they take shorter showers due to his upbringing.
Kalim, Epel, Deuce
Mostly showers alone but will agree to shower with you if you ask him very nicely. Whenever you shower at anything that's NOT a lukewarm temperature, he will Insist that the water is actively harming your hair and skin and forcefully change the temperature on you. Has a strict routine that you are not to disrupt. Always enthusiastically helps you with your haircare and skincare.
"Did you wish to boil to death in this shower!?"
Will steal use your hair products. He also shampoos and conditions his ears and tail. If you ask to wash them for him, he will begrudgingly allow you to, but only in exchange for something. This whole "Fine. If it'll getcha to stop botherin' me-" is entirely a show on his end though, he loves having his ears touched. The tsundere in him will admit it with enough teasing. Accustomed to short showers as force of habit but will abuse the hell out of free hot water whenever he gets the chance.
He takes showers very differently when alone versus when showering with you. Normally, his showers are cold and efficient, wasting no time in getting on with his day.
However, with you, he likes to take his time. He places great importance on the acts of washing you and you washing him. He gets really happy when you wash tail and ears and will gruffly admit that he enjoys it while his tail is fervently wagging (to his chagrin). Social grooming between partners is an important ritual for wolves and Jack is no different.
He will subconsciously lick or gently nibble you sometimes, and when he notices, he'll get very embarrassed and apologize. If you reciprocate, he will be ecstatic.
The Nervous Wrecks
Finds showering with you (at first) mortifying. Eventually, once he understands that you are not judging him, he will enjoy the intimacy immensely.
He is very self-conscious of his body, so you'll need to seriously support and assure him that he's attractive, as he'll feel very vulnerable and will take a while to gain the confidence to shower 'normally'. Also, doesn't really know how to wash another person, so you'll have to show him. Before getting more used to showering with another person, he'll get embarrassed by any physical contact and tries to avoid looking at you entirely (he fails at this every time).
In Azul's case, he'll stay in human form for ease. Uses expensive hair products but knows very little about haircare due to never needing it in the Coral Sea (he's canonically a big cologne enjoyer, so he probably prioritizes scent).
For Idia, his hair is waterproof and doesn't need to be washed in the standard sense (source: just trust me bro). His hair can be brushed, but brushing doesn't do much and it never tangles anyway. Contrary to popular opinion, doesn't bring his phone in the shower (unless he's grinding out daily's and is running out of time); he's too busy trying to NOT focus on you. Also, you will have to remind him to take a shower, as he routinely forgets to take care of himself.
Azul, Idia
Would accidentally set the water too hot, burning you, resulting in him freaking out, apologizing, and punching the showerhead. Tries to rescue you and will carry you out of the shower like you're dying. You will have to repeatedly reassure him that you're fine. After getting that first experience out of the way, will insist on helping you every time you look like you're struggling (which is rarely, he is totally making this up as an excuse to wash your hair).
"Human! Your feeble arms cannot reach your back! I will wash it for you! No, this is NOT because I want to!"
Very similar to Epel and Kalim, but more nervous and easily embarrassed. Very enthusiastic to help you in the shower, but also totally clueless. Knows very little about feminine hygiene or products, so keep that in mind if you use those. But he's eager to learn about your haircare or skincare routines and help you! He will look up WikiHow tutorials.
Easily flustered if you tease him or say something positive about his body. Will flex (in)discreetly and try to not sneakily at all get you to compliment him. He's not egocentric, he just likes being appreciated and little comments make his whole day.
The Weirdos (affectionate)
Doesn't like showers, but will happily take baths with you, although he'll likely get bored fast. He will want to bathe in his eel form, which can be problematic in a small (or even large) bathtub. Also, he likes really cold, like arctic-level water. If you complain, he will just squeeze you and say that he can warm you up. Definitely the type to get handsy and also will probably try to drag you into the ocean to swim with him when he gets antsy.
He loves when you wash him. He finds it endearing, his Shrimpy acting like a little cleaner shrimp.
Like Azul, doesn't know much about haircare or skincare and doesn't really care either. He uses 5-in-1 a decent shampoo and conditioner actually. What can I say, he's an enigma (it's probably Jade's doing).
Adores showering with you, but unlike the others, he doesn't enjoy showering for the conversations or the act of washing you, although he does enjoy the latter - no, he just relishes in the simple act of 'observing' staring at you.
You will get used to it after a while, but at first, it's a bit weird to watch him so intently observing you engaging in mundane activities like rinsing your hair.
If you say something or shoot him a strange look, he'll say something equal parts creepy and romantic.
Also, heavily emphasizes the importance of proper haircare and will make sure you use good products.
"Hmm? You want me to look away, mon cheri? No? You simply wish to know why? Ha ha! Would you scorn a blind man for accepting the gift of sight? No? Then you understand that asking me to avert my gaze from your ethereal beauté is akin to supplice!" who does this guy think he is
I will finish the hcs with all the guys when my brain decides to work.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Master An "Effortlessly Elegant" & Put-Together Look
Table of Contents:
Treat your skin like royalty
Take ample care of your natural hair
Dress in crisp neutral outfits that cater to your body shape
Choose your accessories wisely
Embrace feature-enhancing makeup
Keep your nails clean, filed, and simple
Regarding your signature scent(s)
Follow your dental & bodily hygiene routines religiously
Treat your skin like royalty:
Use high-quality skincare twice a day
Wear sunscreen every day
Remove your makeup every night before bed no matter what
Use makeup that doesn't clog your pores/irritate your skin
Change your pillowcases weekly
Eat plenty of produce & drink lots of water
Prioritize sleep
Limit or eliminate alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and processed foods/sugary drinks
Keep your skin exfoliated/derma-planed
Take ample care of your natural hair:
Use high-quality shampoo/conditioner combos that suit your hair type & don't cause build-up
Hydrate with a scalp mask 1-4 times a month
Use cold or lukewarm water to wash your hair
Apply shampoo to the roots/hair covering your scalp and conditioner only on the "ponytail" section of your hair
Use a specialty hair towel after getting out of the shower
Always comb wet hair and brush 1-3 times a day when dry
Limit heat on your hair when possible & always use a heat protectant every time you do
Use non-elastic or silk hair ties
Get regular trims at least 3-4 times per year (get your hair layered if it's very thick)
Try to limit how much you dye or, especially bleach, your hair and do elaborate styles with tons of heat & harsh products
Dress in crisp neutral outfits that cater to your body shape:
Embrace minimalist basics (tees, tanks, blouses, sweaters, jeans, trousers, blazers, leather jackets, coats, etc.) in high-quality fabrics (Pima cotton, Merino wool, Tencel, mulberry silk, etc.)
Choose options in black, white, grey, charcoal beige, navy, burgundy, or cream depending on your skin tone and preferences
Invest in a collection of sleek footwear options (black boots, loafers, black pumps, white sneakers, etc.) in minimalist, timeless styles that suit the color palette, hemlines & proportions of your go-to outfits
Ensure your shoes and accessories feel proportional to the weight/silhouette of your outfit, color-coordinate with the rest of your look, and have streamlined hardware from head-to-toe (all silver, all gold, or one piece that mixes silver/gold and another gold & silver piece each to balance out the color palette)
Keep all of your clothes steam and lint-rolled, so they look crisp & fresh all-day
Befriend your tailor to take in or let out clothes as needed when purchased off the rack
Choose clothes/styles that flatter your body shape and proportions
Utilize belts and bra tape to adjust the waist, keep shirts tucked in, and keep straps from falling down or create an impromptu cuff/hem on your pants
When in doubt, select a neutral head-to-toe monochrome outfit
If on a budget, consider choosing black, grey, camel beige items to hide fabric imperfections that could cheapen your look
Choose your accessories wisely:
Select sleek, simple neutral (& almost exclusively) monochrome shoes made with smooth (recycled/vegan) leather with
Pair almost any outfit with a shoe featuring a slight platform, block heel, kitten heel, and/or a sharply pointed toe to elongate your silhouette
Complement your outfit with structured, pared-back handbags with no logos (Focus on quality and construction, not the brand name) in a neutral shade and timeless silhouette
For jewelry, choose at most one statement piece and all others should be focused on different areas of the body (e.g. don't mix statement earrings with layered/bold necklaces or stacked rings * bracelets). When in doubt, choose simple diamond chains or earrings, sleek bangles or chainlink necklaces & bracelets, simple pendant necklaces, and minimalist rings in hardware that all go together
Embrace feature-enhancing makeup:
Cover up any dark circles, blemishes, or hyperpigmentation with a color-matched concealer
Lightly contour with a bronzer that complements your skin tone
Fill in your brows for a naturally full look (or get them professionally tinted)
Apply a light wash of rose, coral, or mauve blush
Use black mascara with a little bit of eyeliner and/or a subtle wash of brown eyeshadow on the lids
Apply a "your lips but better" nude shade or "just kissed' berry lipstick or pigmented lip balm for a subtle wash of color
Keep your nails clean, filed, and simple:
Maintain cut, cleaned, and filed short nails
Opt for a square or almond nail shape
Choose a timeless nail shade (pink, nude, red, beige, dark cherry, navy, dark purple, black) with no nail art
Hydrate your hands and scrub under your nails daily
Regarding your signature scent(s):
Ensure your body wash/lotion and perfume scents don't clash
Test perfumes for a trial day to ensure they smell divine with your unique pheromones
Choose a fragrance appropriate for the seasonal/occasion
Apply a dab on each wrist and on your neck/behind the ears. If the scent doesn't project well on you, try applying these small dabs on the cuffs and shoulders of your jacket/walk into it to get it on your hair (if it would stain your clothes)
Don't layer more than one heady perfume at a time or scents that don't have complementary and/or shared notes
Follow your dental & bodily hygiene routines religiously:
Floss every day (after each meal if possible)
Brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush twice a day
Have mints on hand if you're a garlic, spice, or coffee lover
Keep your lips & hands well-moisturized and protected with SPF
Shower your body daily and be extra diligent in scrubbing your privates, everything behind, and under your arms
Don't use very hot water in the shower (it burns/dries out your skin)
Exfoliate 2-3 times a week with a sugar scrub
Moisturize daily or anytime you get out of the shower
Apply SPF on any exposed sun (especially in the summer or when the UV index is high in your area)
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stuffeddeer · 6 months
Washing dishes is Dazai's favorite activity.
If you asked Kunikida, he'd say Dazai loves wasting time. Atsushi would say something more intellectual, like maybe he enjoys crosswords. Drinking would be Yosano's guess, since Dazai does it quite often, and Tanizaki would mention all the girls that call looking for him. Maybe petting the stray cats by the building, Kyoka would offer, and Kenji would agree excitedly with the notion — since he enjoys it, too. But none of them could guess what he really loves to do.
Ranpo knows Dazai loves doing the dishes with you. He'll unwrap his bandages more and more confidently each day, waiting as the sink fills with lukewarm water and soapy bubbles. You'll stand by his side happily, a dishrag in hand you'd forced him to buy long before you moved in.
The two of you would work without talking for a bit, Dazai scrubbing away whatever grime was left on plates while you dried off his hard work. The feeling of the water in his bare arms brought him peace, knowing the soapy bubbles covered his scars, but you also never commented when he'd pull them up and out of the comforting submerged space to hand you a plate. You'd hum beside him, the notes of whatever latest pop song got stuck in your head while at work today filling the small space between you two.
Dazai would knock his shoulder into yours playfully, grinning down at you softly as he passed over another dish. He loved when you'd almost drop a glass into the sink when taking it from him, face burning and eyes wide as you make an adorable startled noise. The humming tended to stop then, as you'd focus all your energy on not dropping anything else.
That's when the conversation would start. Dazai would ask for work drama, and you'd happily oblige. From intimate humming to workplace gossip, Dazai loved all of your sounds. If he could record these moments to keep forever, they'd become his white noise as he slept in your arms.
"Your fingers must be pruny. Do you want to switch jobs?"
You were always so considerate of him. He'd pat down his hands and forearms and you'd gently help him wrap his bandages back up, making sure not to let your gaze linger. Sometimes Dazai would lean over and sniff your hair as you worked, smelling your shampoo and nearly swooning. You'd pat his arm once gently to let him know you were done before turning to the few remaining dishes. He'd always leave the harder ones for you; bigger pots and pans and whatever the fuck a colander was. "It's just a big bowl! It even drains on its own," you'd huff, but never complain more than that.
Just as cute as ever, you'd wash them without complaint as he smiled victoriously. You both knew what he was doing, but even the "harder objects" were simple so you didn't mind. It'd be Dazai's turn to talk as he'd tease you for being so gullible. He'd mention his day, complaining about Kunikida's reports that he so graciously took over (which were Dazai's reports, actually) and how scary and nearly disastrous his meeting with a random dog was that he had passed by on the way home — a dog that was leashed and following beside its owner obediently.
The way home to you, to this vulnerable moment you both shared in the quiet of his apartment. He loved how focused you'd get on scrubbing away the grime, allowing him pause to stare at you and admire your dedication. How beautiful can one person be? And the way you'd get all flustered when you turn to hand him a dish to dry only to see him basking in your ethereal visage always caused him to grin.
He'd pepper your face with kisses, his now dried hands grabbing your soaked ones to pull you away from the kitchen and to the couch. You'd whine and complain, saying you only had a few dishes left, but you never tried to pull from his grasp while dutifully following suit. Dazai loves to cradle you close to him, forgetting about whatever worries him for a few moments.
Dazai loves doing the dishes.
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rxxltzu · 2 months
Star Player’s Secret
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  ִֶָ࣪☾. Jihyo x Fem! Reader
☘︎ Genre: Smut || College AU
☘︎ Summary: You were the star basketball player, and you were failing.. Maybe asking for help wasn’t so bad.
☘︎ W.C: 6.06k
☘︎ Warnings!: Mommy kink! Praise kink! Degradation kink! Top! Professor! Jihyo, Usage of pet names! Teacher x Student dynamic! Begging! Aftercare is mentioned.(ALL CHARACTERS ARE LEGAL.) R! Is around 21, Jihyo being 29. 
☘︎ A/n: First smut? There is a bit of foreplay before we get wrecked by Jihyo:)
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  Alongside your sister, Hirai Momo, you two were in the basketball team and was busy preparing for one of the biggest games you two could ever compete in alongside your tem. What’s worse is that your tests were also coming up, low grades means that you can’t play or be kicked off the team. You can’t let that happen, you were one of the best players and there was no way you could let some letters determine whether you were allowed to play or not. You drank your water as sweat beaded down your forehead, a small towel resting behind your neck.  You heard Momo walking behind you as she panted softly “Tests are coming up and your grades are on the verge of dropping low, N/n.” She pointed out, you rolled your eyes as glanced at her sitting on the bench “I know, Momoring.. Professor Lim already assigned a teacher to tutor me and I have a session with her later.” You sighed as you sat down beside her, you saw Dahyun and Mina, both good friends of Momo, heading your way. You gave them a tired smile as they waved at you and Momo. 
    “Dahyuniee~” You teasingly called out, Dahyun gave you a brief side eye before running to Momo and kissing her cheek. Your jaw dropped as Mina laughed “Dubu?! Why–How–” You feigned a gasp as Dahyun looked at you and laughed “Can’t I greet my girlfriend first?” She asks as you pouted, Mina chuckles before sitting beside you “It’s okay N/n, you have me.” She says as she leans her head onto your shoulder, Dahyun’s jaw dropping “Excuse me?! Hirai Y/n!! How dare you cheat on your one and only Dubu” She says as she dramatically falls onto Momo. Momo’s eyes rolling at her girlfriend’s antics. “Quit the act, Dubu.” You said with a sly smirk before standing up and sticking your tongue out “Now she’s sticking her tongue out to me!!” Dahyun continued, you gave up as you grabbed your phone and towel. 
     “Hey? Where are you going, N/n?” Momo asked “I have a tutor session with her in a bit. I have to freshen up.” You say with a shrug. You bid goodbye to your sister and friends before heading into the washroom. You put your towel down onto your gym bag before grabbing the extra set of clothes you have, you grabbed a spare towel as you went to shower. You entered the stall as you set your things onto the nearby chair before turning on the shower to a lukewarm temperature. You took off your clothes as you stretched a bit, your toned muscles flexing subtly as you walked over to the water. Sighing, you felt your body relax after a heavy training session, you started to bathe as thoughts clouded your head. ‘What if she’s strict?’ You thought as you shampooed your hair, shaking your head softly, discarding the thought ‘Then again, there’s a lot of pretty chill teachers in school nowadays.. ‘  You rinsed your hair before scrubbing your body ‘If she’s pretty.. Then that’s a problem..’  You chuckled before rinsing off and turning off the water.
     You grabbed your towel as you dried yourself off  ‘I’ll just brace myself for whatever there is to come. I badly need this anyway..’  You thought as you wore a fresh set of clothes, walking away from the washroom and into the locker room. You grabbed your socks and shoes before putting them on, neatly packing away your things then leaving the locker room. You checked your phone as you looked at the time ‘4:30..’  It read, you had your sessions with her every 5 pm, but you still need to find out which days suit both of your schedules, where it isn’t busy. You thought every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Those were the days you didn’t have to train as much as Momo, despite being the star player, you had to conserve your energy. You walked down the halls, occasionally glancing at your phone to where Professor Lim sent you the location of your meet up with your tutor. 
     You ended up in the library, like the text Professor Lim sent you, you sighed softly before pulling your hood up, not really wanting attention from the other students right now. Professor Lim knew about your popular reputation, hence giving you a secluded area to study with your tutor, you didn’t mind. You badly needed these sessions, you didn’t want to fall out of your team anyway, so you accepted regardless. You opened one of the doors to a private area, where you had to pay in order to be able to enter. Rarely does anyone use this section of the library, giving you the peace and privacy you aimed for. Your tutor was already there, you checked your phone, then the time, it being almost 5. You were a bit early, first impressions are everything, are they not? You walked over to her, her head perking up at the subtle noises and you swear your heart started to pound so loud, you bet the whole library could hear it. You swallowed a lump of saliva before smiling softly at her “Hey, I’m here for tutoring? I assume you’re the one who’s going to do it..” You say softly, she nods as she reciprocates your smile “Indeed I am, I’m Professor Park, but please, call me Ms. Jihyo.” She says smoothly, you nodded as you set your bag down onto the floor before sitting across her.
     You took off your hood “Sorry about that, just didn’t want to catch anyone’s attention. They rarely see me in the library..” You say with an awkward chuckle, she smiles before sliding over the handouts “Let me guess, Chemistry has gotten you in a bit of a knot?” She says as she raises her eyebrow, you groaned at the name “More than a knot, it’s the one pulling my grades down.” You say in a bored tone as she chuckles softly, god.. Even her laugh sounds so elegant. “That’s okay, that’s where most people struggle nowadays and I’m more than glad to help you.” She says before leaning forward a bit “Let’s start?” She asks, you nod as you sat up and opened the handouts. 
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
     You sighed as you finally finished the last problem, you looked over to her as she wore a soft proud smile “Good job, now.. Let’s discuss which days we’re going to meet that don't conflict with your training and my work, does that sound good?” She asks, you nod and lean back into the chair “I was thinking maybe Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Those are the days I don’t have training.” You say as she nods thoughtfully “Tuesday… I have departmental meetings, Wednesday is good, and so is Friday.” She says, you nod “So, no Tuesday?” You ask, she shakes her head “Take it as a rest day, but I might ask you to meet me at my office to give you some homework you can do to work on and pass it to me the next day.. Does that sound okay, Y/n?” She said, you sighed as you nodded “I badly need this anyway, I can’t afford to fail.” You say, she smiles softly “Don’t worry, it won’t be anything heavy.. More like recapping what we discussed the last time we had our session.” She said softly as she packed her things, you nodded as you grabbed your bag “Alright–Oh! Do you want my number? You know.. In case you aren’t able to meet me, you can just send the handouts and exercises to me.” You suggest. That was a lie. You just wanted her number to be able to talk to her, even out of school. “Oh sure, here, my number is…” You typed out the numbers as you thanked her and bid her goodbye, a bit sad that you were about to leave such a pretty woman. 
     You put your hood up and put your headphones on as you left the library, softly humming to the music. You walked down the halls to find your sister, or so you thought. You bumped into Sana And Tzuyu, not that you minded, they were great friends, but right now, you just want to go home “Hey there Y/n~” Sana said as you smiled weakly, Tzuyu acknowledging your presence by nodding “Hey there girls..” You say as you stopped by to chat to them, it’s been awhile since you actually talked to them. “Well, I’m tired from training.. I have to find Momo, I’m just hoping Dahyun doesn’t have my sister pinned onto the locker this time..” You say with a groan earning soft laughs from the two “Alright alright, I hope you find Momo, Y/n~” Sana bids goodbye before going back to chatting with Tzuyu. You made your way towards the lockers near the front door, which you hoped Momo was there. 
     Low and behold, you found your sister, and quite the sight. You rolled your eyes as Dahyun attacked her neck “Let go of my sister, Dubu.” You say as you open your locker and put your books in your locker, you hear Dahyun sigh as she pulls away “You're such a killjoy, you know that?” You roll your eyes as you put the lock back onto your locker “Mmhm? And I'm hungry so I need my sister.” You say nonchalantly as Momo fixes herself “I get it I get it, I'm also hungry.. Plus I think mom is waiting for us.” She says as she puts her bag in, not before kissing Dahyun goodbye, you gagged before walking ahead of her “Bye bye Y/n~” Dahyun teases as you waved “I'll see you tomorrow, Dubu.” You say as you and Momo leave. 
     You walked down the streets as you and Momo talked about strategies which can be used in the game. “By the way.. How was your tutor session?” Momo asked, you bit the inside of your cheek before you recalled all the moments you found yourself zoning out by staring at her whilst she discussed topics to you. “Yeah.. It was good, every Wednesday and Friday I have to meet her, which I don’t really mind.” You say as you two continued walking down the walkway “Oh? I heard it was Professor Park.” She says, you look at her with a confused glance “What–Where–” You stuttered as she laughs “Chaeyoung saw her enter the library whilst reading, and then a few minutes passed and she saw you walk by too.” She says with a shrug.
     You sighed as you continued walking until you reached the entrance of the apartment you and your family lives in. It was a tall building, not that you mind of course “Ah, yeah it’s Professor Park..” You say softly as you two waited for the elevator “I heard she was strict.” Momo mumbled softly, you looked at her confusedly “What? She seems nice.. Well, for me.” You say as you two hear the elevator bell ding, you two enter and Momo presses the 7th floor button before watching the doors close “Mm, I don’t know.. But please for the love of Christ Y/n.. Please don’t fall for her like you did on Professor Yoo.” She sighs, you chuckled as the doors opened and you two leave the elevator, heading down the hallway to the apartment. “Okay, let’s not remind ourselves of how bad my ass was when I liked Professor Yoo.” You say as you hear Momo laugh “I’m serious this time, N/n. Let’s not repeat the same situation.” 
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
     You were sitting across Professor Park as you did the exercise she gave you, she was checking files and emails, clicking away on her laptop as she concentrated. You briefly glance at her, she looked pretty, the way her bony fingers typed away onto her keyboard, the way her eyebrows lightly furrowed as her eyes swirled with dedication and focus. The way she had her hair slightly messy, the way her cheeks looked cute to pinch.. The way her lips looked so kissable—“Y/n?” She called out to you, you shook your head slightly as your cheeks flushed into a light pink color “A-Ah–” You tried to explain yourself before you heard her chuckle “Let’s focus on our work, alright sweetie?” She says softly, you cleared your throat as you nodded “Right.. Right..” You muttered softly as you continued on the exercises she gave you “You’re.. One of the star players, am I right?” She asks out of the blue, you looked at her before nodding slowly “Yeah.. Alongside Momo, we’re one of the best players in the team.. Why do you ask?” You inquire softly as you lean back onto your chair, looking at her as if you never had the thoughts of grabbing her collar and kissing her on top of the table and—”Oh, I’ve heard about you but never really paid attention that much. I just wanted to confirm what I heard from other students.” She says as she crosses her arms, you have to swallow up a groan as you see her muscle flexing subtly through her sleeves, you nodded before distracting yourself with the last of the exercises.
     “Say.. Why don’t you demonstrate some moves of yours to me later on, hm?” She says, you nearly choke on your water as you stare at her “Sure.. but wouldn’t that delay your time to pack and go home? You don’t really have to accompany me to the gym..” You say as you rubbed the back of your neck, she shakes your head “I insist, besides.. I want to see the star player in action.” She says with a teasing grin, your heart pounded as you chuckled “Okay.. If you say so, I’ll just text my sister that she can go ahead.” You say as she nodded, you pulled out your phone to text Momo that she can go back home before you. “How many games has the team won since you and your sister joined?” She asks, you look at her as you put your phone away, thinking for a moment before answering “About.. 23 games so far, we lost 6 games. But overall, the school has been thriving since we joined.” You say as you smiled softly as you remembered the victories the team achieved, she nodded before smiling as well “That’s good, I was never one into sports back in highschool.” You scoffed softly, looking at her with disbelief “How am I not surprised?” You say teasingly, she laughs at your words before looking back at you with a teasing smirk “Oh yeah? But don’t mistake me as a weak person, love..” She says in a low voice, you swear you can feel a throb somewhere else than your heart, you nodded as you reciprocated her smirk “And why shouldn’t I? Indulge me, Ms. Jihyo..” You say as you lean onto the table, she chuckles at this before leaning in as well “I work out, I do pilates.. Not to mention, weights as well..” She says in a bare whisper, your smirk widened “No wonder.. Your toned muscles suit you..” You say with a soft chuckle as you lean back onto your seat “Why, thank you sweetheart.. Now finish up, I want to see you play.” She says as she went back to checking emails.
     You wore your hoodie with your jersey number as you dribbled the ball, you were at the gym, like you had planned.. Except now there was someone watching you as well. She had kept her word, she was sitting on the benches near your bag. You dribbled the ball a few more times and made your shot, scoring a 2 pointer from the lines, you glanced at her. She was staring at you diligently as you grabbed the ball, ran around while dribbling the ball, standing a bit farther away from the hoop, she crossed her arms as well as putting one leg over the other. She looked at you with a smirk, you breathe hitched softly as you made your shot, shooting in an easy 3 pointer. You did the last set of your drills before walking over to her whilst dribbling the ball. 
     “No wonder you're one of the star players..” She says as she claps softly, the sound echoing lowly around the empty gym.. “Well, even back in highschool, I was always on the team.” You say with a shrug as you drink water, taking your hoodie off as you stretch a bit, your toned muscles flexing. You glance at her, she is staring at your arms subtly before looking up to you with a raised brow “Is that so..” She says softly, you nodded as you put your hoodie onto the bag, now only in your shorts and compression shirt. Which not only defines your muscles more but shows how much you've worked for your form. You swear you saw a glimpse of her licking her bottom lip as she shifted in her seat. You grabbed a small towel before wiping off the sweat on your face, Jihyo stood up before standing in front of you, you looked at her curiously before she cups your cheeks gently and grabbed the towel from your hands and started to gently wipe away the areas you can't reach, your breath hitched because of the close proximity of the both of you, you looked down to avoid eye contact. Which did work but she lifted your chin up with her finger to wipe away the sweat on your forehead. 
     You bit the inside of your cheek as you looked at her face, you subtly bit the inside of your cheek as she finally finished wiping off the sweat off you, she gave you your towel and looked at you “I'll.. I'll get going now, I have to work on dinner.” She says softly, you nodded dazedly as she waved goodbye and left, leaving you in the empty gym alone, alone with your not so holy thoughts of what could've happened.. If you just.. Didn't hold back. You shook those thoughts away as you felt your crotch throb more, you groaned as you grabbed your stuff and left the gym, closing the door with a gentle thud as you made your way through the quiet hallways. You fidgeted with the strap of your bag as those unholy thoughts keep coming back, despite trying your best to shake it off.. But the way she cupped your cheek with such gentle touch, the way she didn't hesitate to help you wipe off your sweat in places you can't reach, the way she was so close to you.. As if you could kiss her if you had just leaned in.. 
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
     A few weeks has passed since your tutor sessions with her have started, your grades have been going up ever since. You kept going to the sessions as tests were now finished since you want to improve more.. And maybe see her more.. You sighed as you leaned back on your chair as you played with your pen, smoothly spinning it with the help of your fingers, you gazed at her before glancing onto the suit she was wearing. More thoughts came into mind as you bit the inside of your cheek. You didn't want this to happen, you never wanted this to happen, not after your past experience with Professor Yoo. You confessed, you got rejected as you expected, but ever since you never really fell for anyone else.. So why are you feeling the same feelings for Professor Park? You grabbed your phone as you texted Momo that you needed to talk to her after your session, at a place only the two of you know. You sighed as she sent a reply, saying that she'll meet you there.
      You looked at Jihyo before finishing the exercises she gave you and slid it over to her side “I'm done.” You say as you packed your things, she nodded as she checked your papers. You stood up as you draped your bag over your shoulder, she looked at you confusedly “Isn't it too early for you to leave, Y/n?” She called out, you bit your lip before looking at her “Momo asked me to meet her.. I'm sorry.” You say softly, she nodded as she continued to check your work “Alright, I'll let you slide this once, Y/n.” She says, you had a confused look on your face as you could hear the cold tone in her voice “... Right.” You mumbled softly “I won't be able to meet you.. After this.” She says, you stopped in your tracks as you look at her “What?—What do you mean?” You asked, she glanced at you “I.. Well, I'm gonna be much busier than ever. The end of the semester is coming up and I can't risk it.” She says, you nodded. A part of you was relieved but a part of you wasn't. You weren't going to meet her which meant your feelings won't be able to develop into something more, which you don't want to happen. You could say you were 50/50 on this, but what can you say? You can't control her life and you know your boundaries. You said your goodbyes before you hastily left the library, you walked down the hallways as you stopped by your locker. 
    Dahyun was also there as she grabbed her stuff in order to do her homework for the night, she noticed you and decided to ask what's going on “N/n?” She asked softly, you shut your locker as you looked at her with a confused look “Yeah?..” She sighs as she walks over to you and holds your shoulder softly “What's up, I can tell something's wrong.. Even Momo sensed it this past couple of weeks, and then you decided to text her that you wanted to talk to her at your guys’ spot.. So what's up?” She said, you sighed as you found no escape to this question “... I am not making the same mistake again.” You say, Dahyun sighs softly as she hugs you “Momo is waiting for you..” Was the last thing she said before she bid you goodbye. You left the campus as you walked over to the nearby park in which you two claimed when you were younger, you went into the secluded area in the park which had an ethereal view of the lake, the sun's rays casting down onto the surface as it started to set. Momo was sitting on the grass as she waited for you, you walked behind her as you placed your bag down beside her before sitting down. 
     “Explain.” She said softly, you looked at her before sighing “... I think, I think it's happening again.” You say in a soft tone as you pull your knees closer to your chest. None of this wasn't in your plan, your plan was to only get your grades up, it never included having to fall for another teacher. Even if you were of legal age, rejection is a high chance due to your status and reputation in school.. And quite frankly, you didn't want to taint hers. “Y/n.. I warned you, didn't I?” She said with a soft sigh as she looked at you, you nodded as you looked at the reflection of the sky's rays casting into the lake “I know I know, I never wanted any of this to happen! It's just.. Happened, even against my will. I don't want this, I never… I don't want to hurt myself again.” You say as you buried your face into her arms, you hear Momo shift closer to you as she hugged you “Hey.. I'm just saying that since I know how hard you are on yourself.” She says as she pats your head softly, you look up to her with a small pout on your lips “Well.. Atleast I won't be seeing her after this day.. She's gonna be hell lot busier..” You say, Momo nodded “I guess that's a bonus.?” Momo said softly, trying to cheer you up, you chuckled as you leaned onto her.. Maybe this won’t be so bad afterall.
     You sighed as you made your way to the office, you weren’t able to claim your jersey earlier with the rest of the team so you had to go alone, you knocked on the door before entering “Good afternoon, I’m looking for Professor Yoo?” You asked softly as a few teachers looked at your direction before minding their own business, Professor Lim smiled at you before nodding “Just sit by the couch Y/n, I’ll fetch her.” She says as she stood up from her spot and went deeper into the office. You nodded as you sat down onto the couch, waiting patiently, you glanced around to see if Professor Park was there but much to your dismay, she wasn’t. You leaned back onto the couch more before closing your eyes. You heard the door open and you opened your eyes a bit, you immediately sat up as Professor Park walked in, she wore another one of her work suits, you cleared up your throat as she made her way into the office. You sighed as you leaned back onto the couch once more with a soft groan.
God, she looks so perfect… So kissable and—”You called for me Y/n?” You snapped out of your thoughts as Professor Yoo stood in front of you, you nodded as you stood up “I’m here to claim my jersey.” You say softly, she let out a soft ‘ahh’ before telling you to wait for a bit before going back into her office, you looked down onto your phone and looked at the time, it was around 4:30 in the afternoon, you wanted to get some shots in the gym as Momo and Dahyun went out for their date this afternoon, which meant you can have your solo training. Professor Yoo came back with a neatly folded jersey with your jersey number. 21, Hirai Y. It said as you smirked proudly, your initial and jersey number. It never fails to make you fill up with pride. You thanked Professor Yoo before bidding her goodbye. You left the teachers’ office as you made your way to the gym.
     Once in the gym, you went to the locker rooms where you placed your wallet and your bag into the locker. You grabbed your shoes and shorts before changing. After you changed you grabbed your phone and your ball. You made your way out of the locker rooms before placing your phone on the nearby bench. You jogged towards the court, ball in hand as you did some warm-up exercises first, you stretched then grabbed the ball. You did some drills and made some shots. Little did you know, you failed to notice a certain someone watching you from the entrance of the gym. You made your shot before the ball bounced towards their direction. You sighed, which was then replaced by a subtle surprised look.
Professor Park? Why was she here? There weren't any students aside from you. She stopped the ball from reaching the entrance by stopping it with her heel. Your breath hitched.. Oh how you wish you were the ball. “Y/n.” She called out, you tilted your head slightly as an indication for her to continue “Library by 5:30.” She said before walking away, you were confused on why. Before you could ask her, the door closed with a soft thud that resounded in the gym. You sighed as you made your way to the entrance and grabbed your ball. You only stood there, zoning out at the door she left. Your mind raced with thoughts.. Why would she call you to meet her? She was busy.. Unless.. No, you shook those thoughts away as you told yourself just to finish the exercises and go meet her in the library. 
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
     You made your way towards the library as your mind raced with thoughts as to why she would call you. You decided to shake those thoughts away as you entered the library and made your way towards the paid area. You stopped at the entrance as you finally felt the nervousness running throughout your body as you reached out for the door handle, the paid part usually closes around 6 so you didn’t have a single holy thought on why she would have called you over. You decided to stop being a pussy and just decided to open the door. The lights were dimmed, which slightly limited your vision, you closed the door with a soft thud as you leaned against it. So far so good, but you couldn’t tell where Professor Park was.
You decided to look for her as you pushed yourself off the door. The only thing you could hear was your heartbeat and the thudding of your footsteps. Your breath hitched as you felt someone behind you “I didn’t expect you to come..” She says huskily, you hold back a whimper as you two hear incoming footsteps. By instinct, you grabbed her waist and immediately pushed her against one of the nearby bookshelves. The librarian was humming to themselves as you two heard the lock click and the footsteps going away. You sighed in relief and looked at her, she had a small smirk painted on her face as she pulled you closer. 
     “Now.. Do you know the exact reason why I asked you to be here?” She asks, you shake your head softly “No..” You replied, you heard her chuckle lowly as she leaned in closer “I can’t hold back anymore.. Especially seeing you in that new jersey for your upcoming game? God..” She says, your breathing started to go uneven as you felt her breath tickled against your neck “Ms. Jihyo—” You tried to speak but you grunted as you felt your back hit the bookshelf softly “Do you have any idea what you do to me, Y/n?” She asks, you chuckle as you look at her “I have a brief idea.. And it’s far from holy..” You say, her smirk widened as she bit her lip “Good.. Because it’s anything but holy..” She says, you look at her and even before you could reply, she grabbed your cheeks and immediately kissed you. You had a moment to process before pulling her closer by her tie, she smirks into the kiss before running through her hand into your messy hair. You both pulled away a few minutes after, but just before you could speak, she started leaving kisses onto your neck, leaving small marks as if trying to own you. “Ms. Ji–Mm..” You hummed softly as you pulled her closer, she puts one of her hands onto your waist and the other onto your chest.
     “Y/n.. Call me Jihyo..” She says as she pulls away slightly from your neck. You panted as you nodded “Yeah.. yeah just please–..” You panted as pulled her closer “Please what, Ms. Hirai?~” She says teasingly, you bit your lip as you glance down at her, lust swirling your eyes as your hips buckled towards her softly “I've waited long enough for this so don't fucking tease me.” You grunted as you heard her scoff softly “Such vulgar language.. Very well, I won't deny that request.” She says before diving back into your neck once more, leaving more marks and hickeys. You feel her hand gradually inching closer towards the area you needed her the most. You moaned out softly as your hips buckled more into her hand, she chuckled huskily as she coos “Look at the star player.. So fucking needy for her teacher..” She says as she bites your neck gently, you whimper as her hand toyed with the strings of your sweats “God—Jihyo, please..” You softly begged her, you needed her to touch you. “Tell me.. How bad do you want it?” She wanted you to beg.  “S-So bad please I—” You grunted as you pushed you more ontl the bookshelf “Tell your professor.. No.. Tell your mommy what you exactly want.” Your eyes widened, before biting your bottom lip, bucking your hips towards her more “Mommy.. So bad.. Please.. I need you right now! God—Jihyo fuck me..” You begged, Jihyo had a proud smirk etched in her face as she finally snuck her hand into your crotch.
     You moaned out into her ear as she teases you through the fabric of your underwear, feeling the wet patch “So wet for your professor.. How naughty..” She coos as she cups your face with her free hand, you were a moaning mess, breathing uneven, needier than ever, your mind was in a haze as all you can think about was Jihyo and Jihyo alone. She moved your underwear to the side as she started to rub the bundle of nerves on your wet pussy “Ji—fuck.. Jihyo—” You whimpered as she then entered your wet hole with her index finger “I'll go easy on you, love.. Don't want you limping your way out now, do we?” She says as she starts to finger you gently, letting you adjust to her. You moan into her ear as you pull her closer, wrapping your arms around her neck, trying to steady yourself against her “Such a cute thing to own.. Hm? Who's my good girl?..” She asks, you snuggled into her neck as she added another finger in your hole, gradually going faster “M-Me.. I'm your.. Fucking hell Jihyo.. I'm your good girl..” You replied, she smiled softly before going even faster, you moaned a bit louder this time, clutching on to her for dear life. You admit you've had one night stands here and there but when it's Jihyo? It's ten times much better than what you've experienced  with drunken sex and hookups..
     “You're so pretty like this.. Wanting me.. Needing me.. Such a pathetic excuse for a star player, don't you think?” God, the way she degraded you, you buckled your hips towards her hand, subconsciously grinding against her as you felt the knot in your stomach about to snap, she cups your cheeks gently as she pryed you away from her neck “My beautiful girl.. So pretty getting fucked by me..” You chuckled as you were clawing onto her suit “C-Cumming.. I'm near—Jihyo!—” The knot snapped as you drenched her fingers with your cum, she helped you ride out your high as she spilled endless praises “There you go.. That's it.. Good girl..” You tried to catch your breath but exhaustion started to kick in, even though you knew you could take more rounds.. Being fucked after having to solo train isn't really an ideal way to destress. She pulled her hand out of your sweats as she licked her fingers clean before kissing you, making sure you were able to taste yourself on her lips.
She pulls away before peppering your face with soft and gentle kisses “Text your sister.. You're staying over at a friend's house tonight..” She says, you look at her with a confused look before understanding “Right.. Right..” You nodded as you leaned towards her, resting your head onto her chest. You could hear her faint heartbeat as she softly rubs her hands onto your thighs “I need to take care of the star player, don't I?..” She said with a teasing grin, you smiled as you briefly closed your eyes “Yeah yeah.. You do..” You played her little roleplay, she smiles as she pulls you closer “So what's gonna happen?.. To us..?” You asked her, she looked at you before kissing your forehead. You wanted this to be more than just a one time thing. “Well.. What do you want us to be?..” You pondered before looking back up to her “More than a teacher and student duo..” You replied, she smiles as she rests her hands upon your waist, softly caressing the fabric of your shirt “Good.. Because I want that too..” 
      Now you were certain you were going to ask for ‘help’ every now and then.
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tunatoge · 7 months
forks and forts - aged up!m. fushiguro x reader
contents: megumi takes care of you
a/n: im in the middle of a five page paper for a class so i wanted to post a lil fluff to help me get my thoughts under control o< -< he honestly might b a lil ooc but i hope u like it n e way
you let out a happy sigh as you sink into the bathtub, nose gently kissing the suds that fill the top layer of the tub. as you gently slide back upwards, you tilt your head to your right, resting your ear on the cold porcelain of the garden tub. megumi stares at you from the bathroom door, his hair pushed up with a silly bear themed headband you’d bought him months ago. he flicks the bathroom light on and you shrink back into the lukewarm bath water, squinting as your eyes adjust. you scrunch your nose as he leans over the bathroom counter and blows out your newly purchased bath and body works candle, sending dainty tendrils of smoke into the air.
“how long are you gonna’ be in here?” megumi looks at his reflection in the mirror and squints, immediately reaching for the container of q-tips to his left.
you sigh as you sit up properly and lean over your knees, you knock your forehead into your legs before turning your head to look at him, your cheek pressed snuggly against your legs still. cold air blows against your wet skin and you shiver in the tub. you watch as megumi brings the q-tips to his cheek and presses them together on a pimple, his brows furrowed in disgust and concentration over his ministrations.
you don’t know what time it is, but you’ve an inkling it’s been over your usual hour–especially after seeing megumi come into the bathroom. he knows to leave you alone when you’ve made yourself cozy in the tub.
“i put your takeout in the oven,” he says, glancing over at you as he tosses the q-tips in the trash and washes his hands. he digs around behind the bathroom mirror for a second before pulling out acne patches and a pair of neon pink tweezers, pressing a patch onto his cheek with a shrug. “i also made a fort in the living room and put on your favorite movie… wanna join me?” he turns to you, his cheeks tinted pink at your hunched over form. he rubs at his nape as he looks at you, and his blue eyes hold admiration; the only time an active shine takes over his pretty blue eyes is when he’s looking at you. your stomach and heart do a flip in tandem and you bite back a smile. you silently thank every god you know for megumi and the way that he cares for you.
you sigh again, this time filled with giddy, child-like love, “yeah, but i need to wash my hair first…”
megumi lets out a huff, and if you hadn’t known him better you would've thought he was annoyed with you, but you know he doesn’t mean it in a mean way. especially when he immediately pads over to you and drops down to his knees next to the tub, “i can do that,” he says somewhat monotonously and you smile at him, fondness overtaking your features and a breathy ‘thank you’ on your lips.
he rolls up his sleeves and dips his hands into the bath, grunting at how cold the water is, before reaching for the bottle of strawberry scented shampoo. you watch as he flips the top open, attempting to squirt a generous amount onto his hand. the bottle makes a sound as he shakes it up and down and squeezes. you giggle at the noise.
“i’ll buy more tomorrow,” megumi says more to himself than to you and closes the bottle, satisfied with the amount squirted out into his open palm.
he sets the empty bottle down next to him to rinse it out and put it in recycling later and sets to work his lithe fingers into your hair, scratching at your scalp. you let out a hum of approval and his face warms again at the little sound.
“thank you, gumi,” you say happily as he dips a hand into the water and stands to grab the shower head.
“yeah, whatever,” he mumbles, bringing the shower head down and turning the water on. he lets you run your fingers under the faucet to approve of the temperature before pulling the little latch. “can you turn around?” he asks and you nod, shifting around in the tub so your back is to the faucet.
the spray of water against your scalp is warm as megumi runs his fingers through your hair, scratching softly against your head as he cleans the suds out of your hair. you close your eyes and hum quietly, opening your eyes briefly when megumi asks that you hold onto the shower head. you agree silently, taking it into your hand while megumi lathers your hair in a generous amount of conditioner. he runs his fingers through your hair, making sure to get all of your hair.
“thank you,” you say again when he finally takes back the shower head. he huffs out a laugh as he rinses the conditioner from your hair, lifting and lowering your hair to get it all out.
by the time he’s finished, the water in the tub is soapier than before and significantly warmer. megumi helps you out of the water, careful to make sure you don’t slip. once he’s assured you’re out of the tub safely, he reaches into the foamy water and pulls the stopper, letting the liquid drain noisily. you’re in awe with the way he moves, so smoothly next to you. he helps you dress after he wipes his soapy hands and forearm and then draws you out to the living room where his fort lays waiting.
“get comfy,” he tells you, watching as you curl up in the pile of pillows and blankets thrown on the floor. the coffee table is pressed against the far wall and megumi reassures you that he’ll put it back once the two of you are done.
megumi leaves for a moment to grab your food for you, you assume, so you look for a movie. you think you’ve seen nearly everything that any streaming service offers but you still look. in the end, megumi is going to pick—always some movie recommended to him by yuuji or gojo. it’s always something good, too.
“you find anything?” megumi asks as he sits down next to you, balancing a to-go box in his arms. you sit up and wrap your blanket around his shoulders, pulling him into you tightly.
“trade me?” you ask, pawing at your food with a blanket-wrapped hand. megumi hands you the container and takes up the tv remote, his dark blue eyes on the tv as he easily navigates to a movie. you hum in delight at the movie he puts on, the sound turning a little sour when the audio blares too loudly. megumi lowers it before you can ask.
you cozy up into megumi even further and open your to-go container, pleased to find that steam emits from the cheap chinese food inside. without having to ask, he’d microwaved your food for you.
“thank you,” you tell him around a mouthful of warm noodles, your eyes trained on him instead of the actors on screen.
megumi looks at you and the admiration comes back. he smiles small and shyly, nearly impossible to see in the dark. “anything for you,” he promises you.
you knock your knee into his under the blankets and he offers his food to you, letting you take a piece of chicken because like he said—he’d do anything for you.
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ghcstao3 · 7 months
ghost and soap gain new rituals once they’re both retired and have an entire house to themselves for the first time in many years—for either of them.
one of such rituals is bathing. like when soap’s joints are particularly bad one day, and he can only sit in the bathtub to wash up. and instead of allowing soap to exert himself in any regard, ghost will sit with him—sometimes also in the bath, other times kneeling out of it—and he’ll just… take care of soap. he’ll gently massage shampoo into soap’s scalp and carefully rinse his hair. he’ll scrub soap’s skin until his shoulders relax and tension melts from his body.
ghost will kiss each and every freckle and beauty mark within reach until the water grows lukewarm, and help soap step out and towel him off, doing his best to preserve all the warmth and comfort that allows soap to feel even just a bit better. a bit lighter.
being men naturally of routine, having this thing formed only by their own want is just nice to have. it makes settling into civilian life easier. kinder, for their battle-worn bodies.
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lukewarmblogs · 7 months
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sheliesshattered · 12 days
as I have previously noted, I am absolutely not physically suited to being a laundress
#I am once again handwashing yardage of specialty silk fabric based on the whims of the weather#the last time was in spring of 2023 and I was looking for just one relatively warm day in a string of colder ones#whereas now we're at the tail end of a 100+ degree heatwave -- the high today is 'only' 98#but then tomorrow the high is like 88 and on Wednesday the high is 78 and by the end of the week we won't be breaking 75#which as a spoonie and long-term southern California resident is actually heading towards cold#so I figured washing 7 yards of silk velvet in cool to lukewarm water would be better on an actual warm day#and -- more importantly -- better for line drying it in between quick rounds of fluffing in the dryer#I tested a swatch and it worked out better than I had hoped -- the swatch even had the crease from the staple come out in the wash!#so hopefully the whole yardage will benefit from this gentle handwashing#like last time I used my biggest Ikea tub in my shower (no bathtub) and did a wash with shampoo then a rinse with vinegar#and finally a longer rinse with just water (kept the shower running on it til the tub was overflowing) just to make sure I got it clean#which means I'll be able to handwash the clothes I make out of this fabric without fear of shrinking or water spots#and just like last time this feels very worth it but also VERY exhausting#hokay time to pull it from the dryer and give it some time on the line in the 98 degree shade#my sewing#velvet Yule dress#Yule dress#Very Fancy Santa Hat#2024 mood
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jiraisupportgroup · 1 month
♡ Hair Care Tips for Hard Times ♡
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Hair care is hard! Especially now that "clean girl" and similar things are super popular, everyone seems to have a 10+ step hair care routine and that is exhausting (/hyp).
Don't be afraid to have a basic routine! There is absolutely no shame in skipping extras like leave-in conditioner or oils, depending on your hair type you honestly might not even need them.
This post is mostly aimed towards bare basic "I cannot get myself into the shower but need to take care of my hair" tips for maintaining hair outside of the shower. Because of this (even though I just said skip all the extras), it does talk about leave-in conditioners, oils, etc, but mostly as an outside-of-the-shower alternative to conditioners, or as a way to freshen up in between showers.
On another note: I tried to add additional tips for textured hair because I know care can be very different. I spent a lot of time poking around Reddit for more tips, but if I worded anything incorrectly, or if you have more tips that you use, let me know! I'd love to edit or add to this with more tips you guys have!
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♡ Greasy or in need of refreshing ♡
⟡ If you're feeling a bit more motivated, but not prepared to take a full shower, try washing your hair while sitting down in the shower or on the edge of the tub. Forget about leave-in conditioners, oils, etc, just do the basic shampoo -> conditioner -> done. Make it as easy for yourself as possible. If you need to use a 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner combination, do it! They aren't the best for your hair, but if it makes the process easier for you, do it. Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly, do whatever you can to make it easier for yourself to get it done.
⟡ For some people, washing your hair in the sink works well since you don't have to worry about the rest of your body getting wet, and you can leave your clothes on. I recommend putting a towel over your shoulders and using a larger sink if possible (I have most definitely washed my hair in the kitchen sink before).
⟡ If you have thicker or more textured hair, the washing process can be exhausting sometimes. Sometimes running cool or lukewarm water through your hair just to wash off your scalp, then applying a light oil or leave-in conditioner to the ends to keep them hydrated can help freshen up without taking up too much of your day.
⟡ Dry shampoo is your best friend. You can use store-bought aerosols, or sprinkle cornstarch or baby powder onto your scalp, let it sit for a few minutes, then brush out the excess or if your hair is thicker you can shake it out over a bathtub to get the extra out. With thicker or more textured hair it can help to part your hair into sections so it can get to your scalp more easily.
⟡ Wetting and running your fingers through your hair just to fluff it up or break it up can help with upkeep, especially if you don't have the energy for (or your hair doesn't do well with) brushing it out.
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♡ Dry or tangling easily ♡
⟡ If your hair is really dry at the ends (sometimes dry shampoo can dry out your hair a little too well), you can use a leave-in conditioner, or a little bit of an oil like jojoba oil or coconut oil to bring some moisture back into it. I recommend getting your hair a little bit wet for this, or diluting the oil with water and spraying it on your hair for better absorption. This can also help with keeping your hair pattern better, if you have wavy hair it can lose it's bounce if it's too dry, if you have textured hair it can lose it's fluff or be hard to style if it dries out, don't be afraid to oil those ends!
⟡ Oils or conditioners can also help prevent hair from tangling as easily. Dry or damaged hair can tangle much easier than moisturized hair, so keeping it a little oily can help prevent really bad tangling.
⟡ Be careful with straighteners! Depending on your hair type straightening it can make it a bit easier to maintain, but it can dry your hair out soooo much, especially if it is already damaged. Use a low setting and try to put just a little oil in the ends to keep them from tangling.
⟡ NOTE: When I say a little oil I mean a little. Like a teeny tiny bit, the least you can get away with using. This depends on your hair type, but especially if you have thinner hair you don't want to get into a cycle where you use dry shampoo because it's greasy and then you use too much oil and it gets greasy again. This is something you'll feel out as time goes on.
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♡ Hairstyles or hiding ♡
⟡ Using bonnets or wrapping your hair in an old t-shirt while you sleep can help keep it from getting too tangled, losing texture, breaking, or losing moisture. It also helps keep your hair out of your way and off of your mind for a while.
⟡ For thinner hair, consider putting it into a ponytail or braid if it is long enough to keep it all together and out of your way. Try not to tie it too tightly, and stay away from those little rubber band-type holders if you can, using a thicker hair tie will help keep your hair from getting stuck in it, and will make it easier to take it down in the future. Try to take it down and put it back up if it starts getting tangled, I usually aim for about once a day if I can but I've definitely left my hair in braids for 4 days at a time before taking it out and re-doing it.
⟡ For thicker hair or more textured hair you have a few more options. Ponytails and buns work great, or you might consider braids or twists just to keep maintenance a bit lower for a while. This can be a lengthy process so ask friends or family for help! You also don't have to do it all at one time. Depending on what style you're doing you may be able to pull it up and wrap it with a scarf when you go out, or if you're braiding it sometimes you can wrap the braids you have done around the unbraided part to make a little braid bun situation.
⟡ If you're not feeling up to putting it up like that, or you want to just wrap it up and not think about it, things like headbands, scarves, beanies, hats, etc are great options. When I shaved my head I would wear beanies 24/7 and I didn't worry about hair maintenance until it was about shoulder length again because I just didn't know what to do with it T_T. But! No one even knew that I didn't brush it for like 6 months (I also was very grunge at the time so it fit the theme).
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♡ Tackling matted hair ♡
⟡ If your hair is badly tangled but not quite matted, use a detangling spray, let it sit for a few minutes, then go in with a wide tooth comb first to break up the hair, then a thinner brush (like a wet brush) to continue brushing. Start from the ends and work up, hold the hair above where you’re brushing to avoid pulling on your scalp, and apply more spray as needed. Do this in a comfortable place like the couch or your bed, and have something to entertain yourself during this process like a movie or music or YouTube video, whatever you can do to make this process as bearable and comfortable as possible.
⟡ If your hair is matted (thick hard chunks of hair) it’s a bit more of a process. Do not panic, do not beat yourself up, it happens, it’s okay. It’s honestly more common than you would think, especially in people with depression or fatigue. Start with wetting the hair, do not try to use shampoo or wash it, just get it wet, then slather it with either a deep conditioning conditioner or a hair mask mixed with an oil like jojoba oil or coconut oil (or mineral oil surprisingly enough; works well for detangling but it can be kind of hard to get out of the hair afterward), and a little bit of apple cider vinegar. Let it sit for about 30 minutes, you want to give your hair time to soak up all the moisture it can. Take your hands and break apart the larger chunks into sections, if this causes tearing or hurts, leave that section alone and move on to another section or brushing. Take a hard brush (like a wet brush or a tangle teezer - really just don’t use a bristle brush) and start from the bottom. It can be hard to tell where the bottom of a mat is, just start from whatever part of it is furthest away from your scalp. During this process a lot of hair will come out, most of this is hair that has already fallen out and is trapped inside of the mat, don’t worry, you’re not balding or ripping your hair out. Apply more oils as needed, break the larger chunks into smaller ones when you can, and have patience! This is a lengthy and frustrating process, it might even feel like you’re not getting anywhere at times but I promise with time you will get there. You don’t have to do this all in one session either. If you can break it into smaller mats, just focus on one of the chunks at a time & go from there. If you can, ask for help! Friends or family, anyone who is willing to hang out and watch movies and brush your hair for a while, it is so much easier with just a little help. You might be surprised at who is willing to help you out (like one of my coworkers recently came over to help me clean my apartment and I really didn't expect her to, it was super nice! No shame in asking, the worst that will happen is they'll say no or they're busy, don't sweat it!)
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Thank you for reading ~
Hopefully, some of these tips can help out! Don't forget that you're not alone! I sit writing this with hair that hasn't been properly washed in about 2 weeks so fear not! You're not gross or lazy or anything like that, sometimes it's just hard!
If you have any additional tips or edits feel free to message me or pop them in the comments below!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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mncxbe · 1 year
pls pls pls can i pls ask for a part 3 of taking a bath with them ??? maybe with fyodor nikolai and sigma ??? i LOVED the other two parts you made , they are amazing !
TYSM I'm so happy to hear that and yes of course I'll make a DoA part. I romanticized Fyodor so much oh my I loved writing his part. Hope you enjoy dear♡ also tysm for 150 followers love you guys
Taking a bath with them♡ p3
𝑭𝒚𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓, 𝑺𝒊𝒈𝒎𝒂, 𝑵𝒊𝒌𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff/ slight smut♡
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: mentions of drowning in Nikolai's part but it's silly
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due to his occupation he has to change hideouts/ houses quite often so y'all always use your tub.
not a big fan of bubbles but enjoys herbal scented oils
due to his anemia Fyodor can't handle really hot baths so the water is lukewarm most of the times
he's usually the one who pampers you, but after a harsh day he may let you wash his back and hair (let's be honest he needs it)
play some classical music, light a candle and brew him a cup of tea and he's all yours for the rest of the night
may not show it all the time but he's so grateful for spending time like this with you
It was around 10 p.m and you were getting ready to sleep when you heard a faint knock on your door.
"Yes?" you asked quietly as not to disturb the neighbours; the walls in your apartment building tended to be quite thin.
"It's me, my love" spoke the man from the other side.
You immediately unlocked the door and let your boyfriend inside, throwing your arms around his neck. "I missed you so much Fedya" you said in a sweet voice, gaining a chuckle from him.
Fyodor caressed the small of your back with his gloved hands, gently squeezing the plush of your hips "There, there darling. Thanks for letting me in."
"Of course"
You stepped away from him, giving him space to undress. Watching him stuggle to untie his shoelaces and hang his hoat, you couldn't help but notice how exhausted he looked.
"Tough day at work?" you asked, raising a brow.
"Yes, my love." he confessed, trying to keep his composure. Fyodor was still in the process of learning to be vulnerable around you so he tried to keep up appearances most of the time. Yet, he could not fool you.
"Would you like me to fix a bath for us? It'll help you wind down a little."
"That would be most wonderful, my dearest." he nodded, trying to suppress the smile that rose to his lips.
"Alright. Just give me a moment."
Around twenty minutes later the bath was finally ready. You had filled the tub to the brim with tepid water and threw in a few drops of his favourite essential oils: wintergreen and sweet orange.
"Mm it smells amazing sweetheart" he stated as he entered the bathroom. A slight smirk made his way to his lips when he saw you in the tub. "But I may love the sight of you even more"
He quickly took off his clothes and joined you, silently enjoying the pink tint that stained your cheeks.
After a few minutes in the water Fyodor started getting sleepy so he let his head fall back and closed his eyes. The sweet fragrance of the oils was soothing his senses and the water was just warm enough to relax his tense muscles.
He suddenly opened his eyes when he felt you shift closer to him. "Come on, Fedya, let me wash your hair."
Normally he would refuse, but considering his state he couldn't muster up the energy to say no. He simply turned his back to you, relishing the feeling of your lithe fingers gently massaging his scalp; at some point you started slowly humming a familiar melody. His shoulders jolted faintly at the sound of your voice.
"Ah, дорогая. I didn't know you liked Tchaikovsky."
"Well, I'm starting to enjoy classical music. I wonder why." you teased, placing a kiss on his cheek. You quickly rinsed off the shampoo and conditioned his hair before washing his back and shoulders. Tonight, your boyfriend was more quiet than usual but you didn't mind it; simply having him by your side again was enough.
"And you're all done" you informed him as you washed away the remainings of soap. "Ready to go to bed now?"
Fyodor nodded and got up, wrapping a towl around himself. "Thank you, my dearest." he said as he helped you out of the tub "I cherish you with all my heart."
"It's really nothing, мой любимый." you replied, struggling to pronounce the foreign words correctly.
Your partner chuckled and gently stroked your head; his violet eyes were gleaming with pride. "I see you're also learning Russian. Я горжусь тобой"
"Er... I didn't get that far yet." you babbled shyly, tucking a loose strand of hair behing your ear. Fyodor's lips curled into a smile.
"I said I'm proud of you~"
Once you were in bed your partner's arms snaked around your waist, pulling you into a tight embrace. He thanked you again for sharing this moment with him and showed his gratitude by leaving a trail of feathery kisses along your neck.
"Mm Fedya let's go sleep. It's late" you whispered, attempting to conceal the hint of desire in your voice.
"All right, my love. But I'd like to ask you one more thing before." he chuckled lightly
"What is it?"
"Sing me some more next time we do this."
this man's bathroom is full of mirrors you cannot change my mind; the floor has those black and white tiles and the tub is in the middle of the room
doesn't mind bubble baths but he has a strange fascination for bath bombs
he is so handsy oml
every five minutes he's like "Riddle me this, dove" and begins to tell you all sorts of silly riddles
performs magic tricks for you if you ask him
"Kolya... I think that's enough". For the past ten minutes you've been watching your lover throw bath bomb after bath bomb in your square shaped tub.
"Nah one more dove I promise I'll be done." He spoke the words in his usual perky voice, without averting his gaze from the fizzy bubbles that rose to the surface. The water was coloured in a hue of pink, red and purple, resembling the twilight sky.
"Alright dove, hop in" he finally said before sliding in the ceramic tub.
You carefully slipped out of the silk robe that you were wearing and joined your boyfriend; as you were about to seat yourself, he swiftly hooked an arm around your waist and pulled you into his lap, deliberately pressing you against his pelvis.
"Oh take care pretty girl. You're going to get me all riled up" he snickered, running his fingers up and down your thigh.
"Aha so it's my fault now" you teased, narrowing your eyes at him.
He flashed you a suggestive smile before resting his chin on your shoulder; your eyes started darting around the room. No matter how many times you took a bath in Nikolai's bathroom you could never get used to the eerie atmosphere: the walls were covered in mirrors, making you lose the sense of space.
The biggest mystery was the source of light; the room was dimly lit, the golden light seeminly coming from the mirrors themselves.
"A magician doesn't reveal his tricks, dove" stated your partner whenever you asked him about the strange luminescence.
This time was no different. The feeling of nervousness was starting to take over you, your heart beating faster. The sudden change in your demeanour caused your partner to giggle.
"Aww is my little dove getting anxious? Now we can't have that let me help you relax a little"
His lithe digits gently squeeze the upper part of your thigh, moving closer to your core. You tried to seize his wrist but he stopped you.
"Nuh uh dolly. Be good and stay still for me, will you?" he purred, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear.
Your cheeks began to bloom with colour at his daring words, but you laid back against his chest.
"Good" he chuckle, resuming his movements. His thumb brushed over your clit, gaining a soft moan from you. Nikolai's ministrations continued for a couple of minutes, his needy hands not leaving any part of you untouched; his lips trailed along your neck, leaving lovebites and sweet kisses.
Your tense muscles slowly began to relax, every tender touch leaving you yearning for more. Your breath hitched when his digits finally slid along your folds, lightly parting them before...
"That's about enough, my dove. You're going to get all wrinkly if we don't get out of the water."
"Nah, just a few more minutes please" you whined, drawing his hand close to your core again.
"Look how impatient you are now, how cute. I'll give you more when we get to bed" he cooed, gently pinching your cheek.
You still insisted on staying a few more minutes, just to spite him; but he ultimately agreed.
"I'm surprised you agreed to take a bath with me again. Considering what happened last time..." he eventually said
"What? Oh yea you tried to drown me in this fizzy water."
"Yes, I did" he snickered as he placed his index finger under your chin and made you face him. "But you know why I stopped?"
You shook your head, holding his loving gaze; his eyes bore a shadow of longing.
"Well, my little dove, I decided to be selfish for once in my life. I figured that loving you in captivity is better than hoping that our dead souls will be bound for all eternity."
it takes a while to convince him to bathe with you, but he'll do whatever it takes to please you
has both a regular tub and a jacuzzi in his casino
he treats you like a queen and blushes so hard when he sees you naked for the first time
Sigma doesn't have much free time so the baths don't usually last long, but he makes the most of that time
lets you wash and braid his hair and is incredibly fond of lavender and vanilla scented candles
You liked the sky casino: with its glitz and sophisticated night life. Seemingly a pretty normal place during the day, the casino turned into an airborne Sin City at night. The crystal chandeliers were all gleaming, music was roaring, drinks were poured and guests wearing glamorous garments walked the hallways of the gambling house till the sun came up.
But what you loved most about the casino was its manager. You don't remember exactly when the two of you got this close, but Sigma was now one of the people you cherished most in life. He was a caring boyfriend and although he didn't have much free time on his hands he always managed to spend a couple of hours with you every day.
Tonight he prepared a bath for the two of you. When you entered the bathroom adjoining your bedroom, you were instantly struck by the light scent of lavender.
Sigma was crouching next to the tub, testing the water.
"Hey honey" you chuckled "What are you doing?"
His head snapped towards you at the sound of your voice. "Oh, hi Y/N. I got a bath ready for us. Will you join me?"
He extended a hand for you and, before taking it, you quickly stripped off your cocktail dress and tip toed to him. Although you were still wearing your lingerie, your boyfriend's face turned a pretty shade of pink. He carefully twirled you around once, admiring your figure.
"Gorgeous as ever, darling" he smiled as he briefly pulled you into a hug. "Now get in the tub before the water turns cold, okay?"
You stepped out of your undergarments while he took off his clothes and soon you were both immersed in the scented water.
The night sky was visible through the large window of the bathroom; it was tinged an inky black, like the depths of the sea. The stars always appeared washed out from the ground, but up here they gleamed like sapphires.
You ran your fingers through Sigma's silky hair, gently separating it into strands.
"What are you doing back there?" he asked playfully, trying to turn to face you.
"Stay still, hon. I'm just braiding your hair."
You entwined his white and lilac curls, forming a beautiful pattern. During this time your partner was anxiously checking his clock.
"Do you need to leave already?" you asked in an understanding tone.
"Not yet. But some important guests will be arriving tomorrow at noon and I haven't managed to learn anything about them yet."
"Oh don't worry darling. You'll do great"
"I suppose..." he muttered.
After finishing his last braid, you spun him around so that you were facing each other. Your arms snaked around his neck and you pressed his forehead against yours.
"Listen to me, love. You're incredible at your job but you work too much. Take some time to relax, ok? You deserve it more than anyone."
You spoke tenderly, placing feathery kisses all over his face. Sigma's hands grabbed the plush of your hips, pulling your body closer to his and kissed you. He wasn't usually the one to initiate such saccharine affections, so his boldness took you by surprise. Nevetheless you indulged him, your manicured nails languidly grazing the back of his neck.
Your partner deepened the kiss as a response to your actions and tugged you impossibly close to him. Whenever Sigma kissed you, you saw the starry sky behind your closed eyes.
The tender moment was abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Sir?" spoke a man in meek voice "I know you've specifically requested not to be disturbed tonight, but you are needed in the game room. There's been a misunderstanding between two players."
"I'll be there in a moment" Sigma responded, trying his best to conceal the annoyance in his voice. The steps of the valet soon faded in the distance.
"I'm sorry I have to go so soon, love. I promise I'll make it up to you"
"There's no need, my angel." you hummed "I'll wait for you in bed, okay?"
He nodded eagerly before stepping out of the tub; you watched him dry himself with the white towels you kept under the sink and hurriedly put on his clothes. His heels clicked against the tiled floor as he made his way to the door.
"See you soon!" he chimed, closing the door with a thud.
After your partner had left, your gaze turned once again to the infinite blackness beyond the window. Then and there, your realized that you were in face a night sky too; and your lover was the multitude of stars that made you shine bright like a diamond.
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beomie3 · 1 year
tokyo 2 - choi beomgyu
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pairing: boyfriend!beomgyu x fem!reader
word count: 18.6k
summary: your dream vacation to tokyo only gets better as you and your boyfriend continue exploring the newfound pool on the balcony of your hotel, but little do you know he has some surprises planned for you. ~lovers in the movies~ type of vibe.
content/warnings: established relationship, romance, fluff, kissing, cursing, some drinking, wholesome smut scene, (v much slow burn), just two lovers falling deeper in love <3
a/n: this is the sequel to my existing story "tokyo"! you can find it here if you haven't read it already :)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
♬ [soundtrack]
sunsetz - cigarettes after sex
every color - luca fogale
fallingforyou - the 1975
over the moon - the marias
double take - dhruv
the dress - dijon
baby blue - frazier blue
peach eyes - wave to earth
astronomy - conan gray
get you the moon - kina
electric love - night traveler
take me where your heart is - Q
skin - dijon
hold on - flor
japanese denim - daniel caesar
tonight - summer walker
to love - suki waterhouse
sweet - cigarettes after sex
intro: serendipity - bts
fairy of shampoo - txt
striptease - carwash
sweet disposition - the temper trap
lover - taylor swift
feels like - gracie abrams
you! - lany
turning page - sydney rose
heaven - niall horan
nap of a star - txt
yellow - coldplay
immerse yourself in the story & listen while you read for a cinematic experience :) it’s a bit long, but the songs go along with the story!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
what could he possibly have in mind? you chuckled to yourself as you stood outside by the newly discovered infinity pool, gazing out at the twinkling city as your white sundress swayed gently with the lukewarm breeze.
the sun had set its glimmering eye behind the city's tall buildings, eventually only the skyline's silhouette left as the sky glowed a dim hue of orange. beomgyu had asked you to stay outside, that he'd be right back after he ran into the hotel room to do something. of course, you wondered what the hell your mischievous boyfriend could be up to. but you enjoyed the thrill of what was to come; he always had something exciting up his sleeve.
you noticed the way the full moon slowly brightened in the sky, moving in opposite tandem with the sun. it had been visible throughout the day, just a faint whisper in the sky, almost invisible.
you always found it most beautiful when the sun and moon were both visible in the sky at the same time. it reminded you of how opposite they are, yet how beautifully they complement one another.
every once and a while you glanced proudly over your shoulder at your boyfriend's newest discovery; the shimmering pool and hot tub, its water reflecting the city lights like a mirror. the day's memories dawned over you, a special one immediately blooming like a flower in your mind; the events of when beomgyu sang wonder for you on the bridge several nights ago. a smile crawled onto your lips as a result, one you wouldn't quite be able to rid for the rest of the night.
as the final tinge of sunlight faded its way from the sky, a deep shade of red, almost burgundy, tinted the navy blue abyss. you had been so infatuated with the beauty of the melting sunset you were unaware that the sliding glass door had been closed by beomgyu as he had returned. but of course, you hadn't heard a thing because he made sure to close it as gently as possible, tip-toeing his way over to you as quiet as a ghost.
he didn't want to scare you, but he slightly startled you with his unsuspecting touch as he gently pressed his chest to your back. you only tensed for a brief moment until you concluded it was your boyfriend, relaxing under his warmth as he wrapped his arms around your waist, clasping his hands softly over your stomach. to bring him even closer, you crossed your arms to reach around your own torso, trailing your fingers up his arms as you held him tightly.
you sensed the weight of his chin on your left shoulder, feeling his gentle breaths fan against your exposed skin, the warmth of his cheek under your ear as he snuggled into the crook of your neck.
the feeling you got from his hugs, especially the ones from behind, was something so warm, so fuzzy in your heart. everything about him; his sweet aroma, feather-soft lips as they grazed your skin. he gave you a feeling of comfort you never knew was even possible.
the crimson-tinted sky had almost fully disappeared as the sun was long gone under the horizon, only a subtle whisper of deep red left to fade away into the darkness.
"the sunset is so pretty," he whispered against your ear, a chill aching to race up your spine at the warmth of his breath against you. you smiled at his comment. his statement was true, but there was something else- someone who topped it. the man standing behind you with his arms snaked around you. he radiated the most beauty.
"but not as pretty as you." "but not as pretty as you."
"jinx!" "jinx!
you both had shouted the same thing word for word, like you knew exactly what the other was thinking. and that wasn't a rarity; it was often that you yelled jinx at each other. but every time, your similar ways of thinking surprised you more than the last. it was literally like you shared the same brain cells.
he giggled adorably at the fact you two had said the exact same thing; head thrown back as you felt his chest heave in laughter against your back.
"i said it first so.. jinx you owe me a soda!" you giggled, angling your head up to get a look at him. a subtle tinge grew across your cheeks at how close his face was to yours; soft skin and sharp jawline adjacent to your gaze, your heart pounding as his large eyes quickly focused into yours.
"but what if i said it first?" he tilted his head playfully, ever so slowly inching his face closer to yours as his eyes pulled you into their deep brown trance.
"then you still owe me a kiss," you returned his playfulness, but really, you weren't joking so much as you were telling the truth. you really did want to kiss him in this moment. his eyes so irresistibly gazing into yours, so deeply you could already feel his lips on yours before either of you even made a move.
his lips twitched upward at your request, inching his face so close to yours until the tips of your noses touched. "i can do that," he whispered through a small giggle, his toothy grin gleaming like the rays of sun that had long disappeared beyond the horizon.
grazing his fingertips along your jaw, he neared his face to yours, closing the tiny gap that was left between your lips to unite. a heartfelt kiss it was; one full of such joy that you could feel his smile grow against your lips, getting a subtle taste of his cherry chapstick. you couldn't resist letting out a few giggles at how quickly your heart was beginning to fill with such warmth.
the kiss was deepened as you turned to face him by standing on your tiptoes, snaking your arms around his neck to pull him down even closer. when it seemed as if your bodies couldn't get any closer, they did as he wrapped his arms tightly around your lower back, pulling you so close that his warmth cradled you. at this point, your teeth had even begun to clash due to how big your smiles had grown, no lips even left to kiss because of how curled they were from your toothy grins.
at the realization of this, beomgyu pulled away, examining your smiling face; his favorite expression of yours. your eyes fluttered open and you stared back at his ginormous grin and glittering eyes, your cheeks beginning to ache and tighten from how large your smile had grown. but he looked too damn cute, how could you not be smiling like an idiot?
"no but really, the sunset is not as pretty as you," he remarked, exaggeratedly shaking his head to get his point across.
opening your mouth to argue back, he read the awaiting comeback forming on your lips as he suddenly tightened his arms below your hips, picking you up off the ground before you could even say a word. forgetting what you wanted to say at an instant, your attention shifted to the fact that beomgyu was now walking you over to the large, glowing pool.
"gyu what are you doing!?" you yelled through a hysteric laugh, heart racing at how close he was getting to the edge of the water. is he planning on throwing me in?? was all your mind could process.
you were half right. "brace yourself!" was what he yelled as he ran full speed off the ledge, jumping into the deep end of the pool with you in his arms. and with a wave of thrill in your chest, a yell-like laugh left your mouth, one you had inherited from none other than your boyfriend.
you shut your eyes and made sure to release air out of your nose as you felt your body make contact with the lukewarm water, immediately coming up for a breath as you both became submerged.
although you were slightly annoyed at beomgyu with the fact that you had been unexpectedly catapulted into a pool with every last article of your clothing on, that feeling didn't even last longer than five seconds when you felt his hand grip your ankle underwater.
you couldn't help but roll your eyes and smile, filling your lungs with oxygen before plunging back underwater to find him. although the chlorine stung your eyes a bit when you opened them, the feeling quickly went away as you got used to it.
you discovered his tall figure floating beneath yours like a dark shadow; made up of his darkened hair, black baggy shirt and shorts as they floated loosely in the turquoise light. not to mention, his hand firmly around your ankle as he swam further toward the bottom of the pool, trying to pull you to him.
you quickly freed your ankle from his grasp with a few tugs, excitedly swimming headfirst as deep as you could into the deep end to catch up with him at the bottom. the water ran it's cool fingers through your hair as you swam deeper, entranced with the way it engulfed you.
he stared up at you with large, innocent eyes, auburn hair floating freely around his head, cheeks filled with air. he held his arms out to you, waiting for you to swim into them, his cuteness only enticing you to swim faster.
both of your hearts pulsated rapidly every passing second you maintained eye contact; two lovers yearning to be reunited.
when you reached him, you swam into his arms, wrapping yourself around his baggy shirt that floated around him, and he looped his arm around your waist, baggy dress surrounding your body like a fluffy cloud. your hair floated around your body, similar to your dress.
bubbles of oxygen escaped your noses every now and then as you stared at one another underwater, admiring the way your faces glowed in the turquoise ambiance of the pool light.
his eyelashes; quick to draw your attention. their pretty length and how gently they batted against his cheeks whenever he blinked. even picking up on the tiny oxygen bubbles which floated up toward the surface at every bat of his eye.
even underwater, with your vision blurred and all- he was absolutely beautiful. it was like a dream; features lit by the fuzzy, baby-blue ambiance of the water around him. he was constantly astonishing you with his beauty.
and he noticed your soft skin and bright eyes and the way your hair flowed behind you; watching it glide underwater in slow motion like the hair of a goddess. he reached out to touch it as if it were calling his name, his movements so soft and gentle, inviting your fingers to his hair as well.
noses grazing one another's, his dreamy gaze peered into yours, trailing down to your lips and in a flash they were locked to yours.
kissing underwater felt much different than the countless kisses you had shared. this kiss was a lot softer; the taste of chlorine lingering in your mouth instead of his signature taste. it felt as if you were kissing a soft, velvety pillow; the way his lips closed around yours delicately, savoring every last second until you began running out of air.
unable to hold it any longer, you tugged on his shirt and he took this cue to return back to the surface, pulling you up with him.
you had surprised yourself with how long you and beomgyu were able to hold your breath as the sky had now faded to pitch black when you came back from your blue dream, up to the real world. no more dusty crimson clouds, now only the small speckles of stars shining brightly, matching with the tiny, lit windows of the skyline far away. but really, it best resembled the sparkle of his eyes.
this view. you swam to the pool's ledge, supporting yourself on the cement with your elbows. your eyes fixed on the view on the other side of the infinity pool, simply breath taken by just how beautiful the city sparkled all around you.
"it's so beautiful," you whispered against the tile of the pool wall, your heart racing in excitement over it all; this was like- the best view of tokyo anyone could have.
you sensed beomgyu swim up behind you, snaking his arms around your waist like he always does.
"hi~" his soft breath fanned against your ear. although the water was lukewarm, your skin still became chilled with sudden goosebumps ignited by his touch.
you sighed as he pressed wet kisses on the top of your shoulder, using his hand to gently massage the other one, soothing your priorly tensed muscles. the sudden shift of the ambiance invited a gentle wave of heat throughout your body as his fingers trailed down your arm so softly, the ache of goosebumps pelting your skin.
"is this the surprise you had for me, gyu?" you smirked with your head tilted to one side, exposing your neck for easy access for him to continue drowning the area in kisses.
he hummed against your soft flesh, leaving a trail of smooches from your shoulder to the base of your ear. and with the deepest, most gentle of voices, he breathed his response.
"just wait a bit longer, angel. that comes later." he whispered in your ear with the voice you couldn't even begin to express your love for. your heart pulsated in excitement for whatever was to come.
you both just sat there staring out at the view, his chin on your shoulder, observing the tiny cars on the street moving in what seemed like slow motion.
you at kicked each other's feet underwater as you made up a game to play; the game of which window light will turn off next? in which you had to guess which window light will be the next to go dark out of all the hundreds of lit windows. surprisingly, beomgyu won twice.
you had a long conversation about what you think each person in each window is doing. "i think that person is making ramyeon and getting ready to binge their favorite show," you announced, pointing confidently at the small speck of light glowing from the distant window.
he giggled. "and that person is getting ready for a date night with the love of their life," he pointed at another set of dim curtains.
"sounds like us," you commented, turning to gaze at him from behind you. he smiled large, looking up at you with puppy eyes. he was so adorable, you couldn't ever resist the urge to pepper his face with kisses. so you did just that.
simply relaxing in the pool just wouldn't cut it for beomgyu, it wasn't long before his shenanigans began again. "bet you can't beat me!" he shouted, quickly doggy paddling over to the other end of the pool, swimming away with a few large splashes at you to get an advantage.
the beomgyu advantage was always the most mischievous, unfair, and downright comical card he would pull when he felt in the mood to be a trickster. his mischief was known well between mutual friends and pretty much his entire family. he was always known as the class clown, that was your first impression of him when you met in college.
you always tried to get back at him, though, rolling your eyes with a certain competitive playfulness only he brought out in you. you swam after him as fast as you could, yearning to grab a piece of his shirt that floated loosely behind him.
before he could reach the ledge of the pool, you grabbed the material of his shirt, pulling him towards you and then wrapped your arms around him to climb onto his back. squeezing him tightly from behind you dug your chin into his neck, tickling him to no end. at this he yelled his usual, loud and exaggerated yell.
when he was distracted enough, you crawled around his body, pushing off of him to grab the ledge of the pool, throwing your arms up in victory.
"i won! i won!," you cheered, applauding yourself for successfully getting him back amidst his mischief. he smiled through large huffs, still catching his breath from the whole event. paddling toward you with a shrug in defeat, he softly placed his hands on your waist. a tiny smirk on his lips.
you were slightly suspicious; he didn't usually admit defeat this easily. and just at the brink of thought, before you could even move a muscle, he closed his fingers tightly around your waist, digging them into your most hyper-sensitive areas. he tickled you right back. waves of ticklish discomfort and laughter dispersed throughout your body, fighting to free yourself from him.
"i'll stop if you kiss me," he scrunched his face as water splashed him with how much you squirmed, immediately crashing your lips to his at the sound of his compromise. and as if he completely forgot what he was even doing, he melted right into the kiss, softening his grip on your waist.
but the kiss didn't last longer than two seconds as you quickly pecked his lips, leaving him with a pout; it was your way of teasing him back, sticking your tongue out at him with an evil smile. a cocky grin formed on his face as his bottom lip found its way between his teeth; you had only left him wanting more.
there was a sudden knock at the front door of your hotel room right before he could plot his revenge, his eyes fixated to you with a certain demise. but his face softened when your wide eyes fell to his, not able to stay annoyed at you for longer than two seconds at the sight of your curious expression.
"be right back," he softly pecked your lips before swimming away to the shallow steps; quickly exiting the pool with the sound of his drenched clothing pattering on the slick cement like heavy rainfall.
you observed his every move as he stepped out of the pool; the way his wet clothing clung so seamlessly to his body left you mesmerized.
your eyes didn't know where to focus due to the entirety of his beauty, so they were slowly drawn to the outline of his broad shoulders and abdomen through his shirt; admiring the way water dripped from his shorts down his long legs. and to say the least, the sight had you flustered by the second. your gaze trailed back up to his face; half covered by strands of dark, wet hair. god was he beautiful.
lazily drying himself off with a towel and throwing it over his shoulder, he quickly ran into the hotel room. the sound of him speaking briefly to the mystery person at the door in japanese echoed through the room. then after a few seconds, the sound of him closing the door, faintly heard by you from the pool.
the anticipation built up as the quick patter of his footsteps returned. he then emerged from the white curtain of the sliding glass door with what looked like a bottle of champagne and two thin, tall glasses.
a large grin surfaced to your lips as he pranced over to you, a pep in his step as he enthusiastically showcased the large bottle in hand.
"the finest champagne for the finest lady," he gestured, a sweet smile on his delicate lips that you could kiss for an eternity.
one of many things that you absolutely loved about choi beomgyu was how romantic he was. everything from flowers to chocolates, rose petal baths, or the way he caressed your body, the way he respected and cherished you. he never failed to make your heart melt, ever since day one.
"awww beomie!!" you swam over to the shallow end in excitement to where he awaited with an outstretched hand, offering it to you once you got close enough to the steps.
he helped you out of the pool, your white dress heavy with water as you wrung some of its weight out. you hugged his waist, shirt sticking to his skin now cold and damp.
suddenly, a gust of wind swept through the patio, instantly freezing your wet skin, the absence of body heat making you shiver.
"gyu, bring the champagne over to the hot tub!!" you exclaimed, quickly tip-toeing your way over to the warm relief of steaming water. you didn't notice your boyfriend's lingering eyes on you, observing your every move. he was cold too, but you warmed his heart with how cute you looked as you ran with a skip in your step, noticing the way your dress hugged your body closely.
walking over to the steaming hot tub, he set the bottle and glasses down with a clink, near the edge for easy access, not tearing his gaze from you once.
as you began to step into the bubbling water, you sucked air through your teeth, scoffing at the sheer heat of it. you decided to take it slow, holding onto the metal bar for support, inching your way into about knee height until you could tolerate the pleasurable burn.
"do you want me to help you in, pretty?" he asked as he noticed your struggle. with a nod of your head, he stepped into the steaming water onto the step behind you, softly hugging your waist for a moment to get by. he then lowered himself onto the step in front of you, turning to face you, his chin level with your chest.
your heart leaped at the beautiful sight before you; his face, fresh and adorned with dark, wet locks. not to mention his large, sparkling eyes looking up at you innocently as he maintained all eye contact.
he smiled sweetly as a dimple appeared on his cheek, nearing his face closer to your chest until his lips met the lacy material of your dress' neckline, not once tearing his gaze from yours.
to him, it was pretty much impossible not to give in. you're drop-dead gorgeous in your white sundress; the moon illuminating the dew of your skin, wet hair swept gorgeously over your shoulder. he was just head over heels for you.
you could feel his smile grow between your breasts as he grinned against the wet material of the dress but then pulled away, giving you a small wink. a little tease he was.
gently biting at your lip, you smirked, playfully rolling your eyes at his teasing gesture. he smiled back, followed by a low giggle; he knew perfectly what he was doing. you splashed water at him. teasing one another; a never-ending game it was.
"are you gonna help me in or what?" you put your hands on your hips, tilting your head to add a little more sass. he grinned at your gesture and threw two hands up in defense, finding your sassiness the cutest thing in the world.
"okay, okay! here, i'll get in first and then you get on my shoulders and i'll slowly lower you in," he suggested, turning around and sinking down further into the water until only his head poked out of the steaming surface.
you could only think- how on earth was he able to wade neck deep into the hot tub without a second of hesitation?? the water felt like molten lava. maybe he is an actual bear disguised as a handsome boy.
he turned to look at you, one of his thick eyebrows raised in question under his wet hair, as to ask what's taking you so long.
you giggled at him, walking forward until your thighs were pressed against his back. you balanced as you put one leg on his right shoulder, and then the other.
using your free hands, you placed them under his chin to better secure yourself onto him, laughing as your thighs nearly engulfed his neck. taking this cue, he began walking forward, your stomach jolting at the heat climbing up higher and higher on your skin.
finally, the two of you were amidst the bubbling water, goosebumps decorating your skin at the pleasurable sensation the heat dispersed all over your body. you climbed down from his shoulders and onto his back, hugging the loose material of his shirt, which tickled your skin with every of his movements.
he took you into his arms playfully, hugging you tightly underwater. these kinds of embraces were best; when he pressed you so close you could hardly catch your next breath.
the two of you sat in silence for a while, nuzzling into his shoulder as you basked in the whir of bubbles, moonlight, the city view; just enjoying the moment.
"ah! how could i forget," he suddenly exclaimed from beside you, calling your attention as he shifted his weight around. he reached over, pulling the champagne from out of its ice-filled bucket.
he used his strength to twist the cork off, leaving you infatuated at the way the veins in his arms accentuated in this steamy lighting. a loud pop sounded as bubbles began to gush from the bottle, his loud laugh overpowering your small cheers as he raised the bottle in the air like it was a trophy he had just won. we won't talk about the one time he pelted you in the head with the cork on your twenty-first birthday.
he noticed the way you slightly hid behind his shoulder at the pop of the bottle, leaning over to kiss your forehead, right over the long-gone (once bright purple) bruise of the cork.
"i haven't forgotten about that," he cooed into your skin, pecking the area once more.
"cheers to not getting pelted by the cork this time," you raised your glass in the air once he had filled two servings with the fizzy drink. he interjected; "aaaaand for also for being the best girlfriend in the world," he nudged you with his elbow and you rolled your eyes playfully, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"cheers, i guess" you chimed in sarcastically, trying to hide your smile, failing miserably when his laughter controlled your senses, collapsing your head into his shoulder. you clinked your glasses together before taking a sip of the bubbly beverage, its peach sparkle tickling your mouth.
"mmm peach!" you closed your eyes in delight, taking another sip of the stinging carbonation. "delicious like you," he replied smoothly like always, never failing to make you blush with his cheesy yet adorable remarks.
you sipped on the bubbly goodness slowly growing relaxed, observing the city lights grow brighter as the night became more alive. it wasn't long before you two became a hysterical mess, taking turns pouring champagne into one another's mouths and competing to see who could go the longest without laughing and spitting it out everywhere. your face ached with how much you smiled with puffed cheeks, fighting the urge to absolutely lose it (ultimately losing it).  
downing the last of the champagne together, you watched as some drizzled out of his mouth and down his neck, following a path over his adams apple, admiring the sexy sight. you licked the trail from his neck and soon, fingers were intertwined in his hair, lips interlocked, tasting the peach bubbles inside eachother's mouths, messily making out with it. you just wanted to taste every bit of him.
moments passed as the once delirious mood slowly faded into the night. the two of you laid your heads back so that they perfectly reclined on the smooth tile that rimmed the jacuzzi. warm steam and moonlight cast onto your faces brightly, illuminating every little expression, smile, and laugh as you talked about anything and everything.
"i think that's saturn," he spoke enthusiastically from beside you, pointing up at one of many small specks in the dark sky.
"really? because what i remember from taking that astronomy class like- sophomore year, it's actually mars," you teased, looking over at him with that smart-alec expression you liked to use. he returned the expression, crossing his arms dramatically underwater as he formulated a comeback.
"well, from what i remember in astronomy class was that i got an A plus and you got an A minus," he retorted, looking over at you with a proud expression, lips protruding, head tilted back. you couldn't help but notice the resemblance between him and a little duck in this moment, and all the moments he was proud of himself or simply just being a goofball.
you rolled your eyes, trying your hardest to keep a serious expression by pushing your smile down, but it just couldn't stay down; one glance at his face and your lips contorted into the biggest grin ever. he turned to look at you with a smile of his own, moonlight illuminating every crevice of his features from his dimple to the little whiskers that formed next to his doe eyes, your heart aflutter.
your squeezed his hand underwater, turning to look back up at the speckled sky, focusing on the bright moon directly above you. your smile settled as you entered a moment of thought, drifting to one you held deeply, one that settled your mood into a more solemn one, your heart heavy with it.
"you know, its crazy to think that we only live once, and that one day we'll just be...gone," you spewed out, eyes so focused on the moon that you could begin to see its craters. at this, beomgyu looked over at you in all seriousness. he dawned over your remark for a while, just the breeze and gentle jacuzzi bubbles heard between you.
"but i think that's what makes life beautiful, in a way. that we're only here for a limited amount of time. and i'm grateful i get to spend it with you," he responded, his soft voice like the small glowing clouds floating amongst the moon. you turned to look at him to find him already looking at you, cheek squished against the tile of the jacuzzi. his eyes radiated nothing but light.
you thought; if you could, you would give him the moon. out of everything he's done for you, who he is as a person; that was the least he deserved. really, it seemed that nothing on this planet could shine brighter than the light that radiated off of this boy.
but if you could just see it from his perspective, you didn't need to give him the moon, because he already had you. and that was all he needed. you were his moon and he was your sun. like the sun and moon; you both shine brightly, no matter how much you might contrast; you are ultimately perfect just the way you are.
because when the sun and the moon are in the sky at the same time, they are even more beautiful together.
you just sat there in silence, the sides of your cheeks pressed to the cool tile as you stared at one another, smiles slowly fading as thickness fogged the air. his gaze fixed on each of your eyes individually, searching them like they were treasure chests filled with gold. your face warmer than the hot tub steam.
"dummy" he thwarted your forehead with his index and thumb, a gesture he made to lighten the mood. "you know i'll be by your side forever, " he rolled his eyes with a small chuckle. he was right. you giggled, forgetting about your solemn mood.
faces only inches apart, his smile settled so that his lips were now only slightly parted, moving slowly to meet them with yours. your lips locked at the slowest pace possible, perfectly connecting like the last piece of a puzzle; like they were made for each other. he gently took your bottom lip in between his. you felt his warm, wet hand on the side of your face, droplets of water scurrying from his wrist to your cheek and then down to your neck.
the kisses were slow and passionate, sucking at his full lips as he occasionally nibbled at yours. beomgyu was such a great kisser, caressing your face and neck with a gentle touch, smoothly gliding his tongue in all the right places, making the most of every second your lips were connected.
it gave you goosebumps how good he was, actually. every single kiss was always absolutely perfect, no matter how many you had shared together; quick ones, silly ones, drunk ones, teary-eyed ones, passion-filled ones. it always felt like the first, hearts beating quickly as a subtle warmth blanketed you.
"i love you to the moon and back," you whispered against his nose once you had come up for a breath. this was a rather new thing you had begun saying to one another, one that really only started since coming to japan. it was like the moon radiated so much brighter here, when in reality was most likely just an illusion. it was your love that was glowing more than ever.
"well i love you way beyond the moon," he one-upped you, a small smile on his lips as he rejoined them to yours. as you shared your kiss, a small rumble came from the sky, a cool drop of water pelting your forehead.
drop after drop began plopping into the water around you, inviting a soft gasp from your boyfriend's lips. but you just kissed there, basking in peaceful silence, enjoying the pattering of rain all around you. he held your hand underwater, clutching it tighter as the rain fell harder. it was like you were the only two people in the entire world and the rain only added to its ambiance.
the pace that he kissed you slowed until you pulled away to meet his starry gaze. the rain quickened, plopping into the hot tub steadily, matting your hair down even more than it already was.
without a word, he began pulling you to the jacuzzi steps until you exited its warmth with the heaviness of your white sundress. your clothes, drenched in water, enhanced the pitter-patter on the concrete creating a rainfall of your own.
walking you over to the small platform that was the bit of open space next to the jacuzzi with a perfect view of the city, he turned to face you with his hand outstretched.
"may i have this dance?" he held his hand out, bowing his head and all. you giggled; he still managed to charm you no matter how cheesy he was at times. but what more could this boy possibly do to make you fall deeper in love? you thought it was impossible to love someone more than you did him; you just loved him more and more every day that your heart ached.
grinning, you took his hand, melting into him as you pressed the side of your cheek to the damp fabric of his chest, beginning to gently sway with the gentle beat of the rain. the moonlight peeked through a haze of clouds above you as the rain fell with its signature murmur, cool droplets pelting your skin.
two star-crossed lovers dancing under the bright speckles of the night sky; you couldn't ask for anything better in this moment. it was absolutely perfect.
he rested his cheek on the crown of your head, beginning to hum a gentle, unfamiliar tune. must be a new song he's writing, you thought to yourself, as that's what was usually the case when he hummed a foreign tune.
he hugged your lower back, fiddling with the frayed edge of your wet dress with his eyes closed, opening them to meet yours when you looked up at him. he knew that curious gleam in your eye the moment he saw it; a yearning to ask a question without asking it. he knew you all too well.
"it's called nap of a star," he enlightened you with his soft voice. "i only have the melody and first few lyrics figured out though, it's a work in progress." he smiled, kissing the tip of your nose before looking out at tokyo's city lights.
you observed the city's glimmer in his dark eyes, large and filled with wonder. his eyes were filled with his sort of searching. like any little detail in the air could be used as inspiration for his song.
"will you sing it for me when it's done?" you asked without tearing your gaze from him once.
he glanced back down at you with smiling eyes "i promise," he answered without hesitation. deep down, he loved that question with his entire heart, no matter how nervous he'd get when the actual moment came. he loved that you wanted to hear his music. after all, it was the most vulnerable of his creations. only the most special person did he choose to share it with.
it wasn't until a crack of thunder and a bright flash of lightning not too far ahead that you both decided it was no longer safe to be outside. interesting how such a beautiful thing could quickly become something dangerous.
"i have something to show you," he pulled you towards the sliding door of the hotel room, hands interlaced tightly as your drenched clothes sloshed with every step. you giggled as excitement brimmed within you, following your boyfriend's wet footprints on the cement.
approaching the sliding glass door, beomgyu halted you in your steps; practically walking straight into what felt like a wall as he stood in front of the curtain with his arms crossed, denying you entry to the room.
"are you ready?" he questioned you. of course, your large smile gave your obvious answer away.
"close your eyes for me," he ordered, his voice chiming from behind you now as everything had faded to pitch black with the warmth of his hands cupped over your eyes. he blindly led you through the sliding glass door, finding your footing into the cold, hotel-scented air of the room.
he began counting down from three once you took a step into the room, slowly removing his hands when he reached one.
"tadaaaaa," his sweet voice chimed from behind you as you slowly fluttered your eyes open to reveal what had your hand over your mouth.
before you, a large heart decorated the king-sized bed with what you quickly made out to be rose petals, the room flickering with the light of candles all around the bedside table. a soft glow of fairy lights decorated the headboard, the faint sound of your playlist echoing in the background. it was absolutely perfect. the ambiance was like something out of a dream.
"choi beomgyu you did not!" you jumped into his arms, looking into his eyes with such elation and gratitude. so this is was what he was busy doing several hours ago before he catapulted me into the pool, you realized.
"this is amazing," your heart lept with love and adoration for him that you simply wanted to explode, hugging him as tight as humanly possible, earning a groan from him.
you looked around the room some more to discover flower petals scattered in a pathway leading to the bathroom. he had the entire night planned just for the two of you, romance just seeped in the air.
he grabbed your hand, inviting you further into the room. to this, you sensed just how soggy your clothes were pressed against you.
"wait gyu, my clothes are drenched," you halted, pulling the wet fabric over your head and tossing it onto the patio outside with a heavy thud. beomgyu just watched in awe, nearly forgetting his own name because of how beautiful you looked in your lacy bra and underwear.
everything about the way you pulled it off of yourself was so sexy to him, the sight of lace pressed against your bare skin left him mesmerized. he just stood there admiring you, shaggy hair fluffed over dazed eyes as his damp clothing clung to his increasingly warm skin. he just couldn't wait to take the rest of it off of you.
he snapped back into reality when your eyes locked, looking down at his own wet clothes sticking to his skin; large black shirt and shorts. he began to lift his shirt off when he felt a sudden lightness as you helped him pull it over his head.
you blindly chucked the soaked shirt outside next to your abandoned white dress with another hefty thud. his hair had been ruffled from the wet shirt, inviting a soft grin to your lips at how handsome he looked. you loved it when his hair was all messy like this, adorning him with a kind of sexiness you couldn't even begin to describe. you thought maybe he would be able to see the hearts floating in your eyes if he looked deep enough.
"what?" he questioned, tilting his head to one side curiously as he noticed the rosy tinge on your cheeks, a smile on his pretty lips. instead of telling him the truth about what you were fawning over, you continued gliding your fingers down his now bare torso, until you reached the waistband of his shorts.
his eyes followed your fingers, which gently ghosted over the imprint of the growing tent in his briefs, only for a second as you returned to glide them back up his chest, then to the soft skin of his face. he watched you in awe, attentive to every trace and trail left by your fingers.
using your thumb, you gently swiped it over the delicate skin of his bottom lip, pulling it down to barely reveal the glimmer of his teeth. standing on your tip toes, you inched your face ever so slowly, so close to his until your noses touched, so focused into the depths of his eyes.
"what about these?" you whispered against his lips, hooking a finger under his waistband and releasing it with a snap.
lips parted, he stared deeply into your gaze, searching from one eye into the other with a hungry glimmer, making your heart beat quicker than ever before. the look he gave you at this very moment; you could simply collapse with the intensity of it.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your hips tightly against his. you knew damn well what you were doing as a low grunt escaped his throat, sucking his bottom lip in between his teeth at the sensation. he couldn't handle one more passing second of this bone-crushing tension as he finally gave in, pressing his lips to yours so passionately hard.
"you're irresistible," he mumbled with a clenched jaw, crashing your lips back together like they were magnets. the kisses were deep and desperate, hungry for each other as you fumbled with the waistband of his shorts again, trying to undo the tedious knot of the strings as you both began stumbling into the room.
dropping his wet shorts to the floor, he kicked them out of the room as he slid the glass door closed with his foot, blindly walking backward. your hands on his chest as he cupped your face, messily kissing you.
as his heel reached the base of the bed, you lightly pushed him down so that he plopped down on the bed's edge. you stood in between his slightly spread legs, his lips level to your chest as he stared up at you with doe eyes; mouth parted as his bottom lip caught on the lace material of your bra, pulling you close.
this time a glint of lust crept into his large gaze; a certain glint you could read from a mile away. he needed you. all of you.
feather light, he skimmed his fingers down your now bare legs, the absence of your skirt intensifying the sensitivity of your skin.
small water droplets fell from the ends of your hair and dripped down onto his bare chest. you almost thought they would evaporate at the contact due to how hot his skin was growing against yours. he trailed his hands up your back, skimming the clasp of your bra, doing everything in his power not to just rip it right off of you.
cupping his jaw, you crashed your lips to his again and amidst a deep makeout, he undid the clasp of your bra, sensing its pressure release from your back until it hung lazily on your chest. he pulled back to observe it slide down your damp skin, gentle fingers helping the straps from your shoulders. he watched as your bare chest became revealed in front of his eyes.
a small, mischievous grin formed on his lips and you wondered what his next move could possibly be. he took your bra and put it on like a hat; cups atop his head, straps secured under his chin. he looked like the bear he was.
this reminded you of a nickname you used to call him: beomie bear. it used to even be his contact name for the longest time way back when you barely started dating. you smiled, recalling the ridiculously cute endearment that just fit him perfectly. you both laughed at his silliness.
"beomie bear" you giggled, pecking his lips as he gasped dramatically. he wore a huge grin on his face, pretty teeth shining brightly as his mouth fell open in surprise.
"you haven't called me that in years!" he kissed you back, chest filling with warmth at the special endearment of his name. hugging your waist, he pressed his cheek to your chest as you ruffled his damp hair, memories flooding back.
it took him back to the early months of your relationship; when you were still a bit shy with one another romantically, but also a pair of best friends who had dance parties in your dorm room at 2am while eating ramen and doing facemasks.
he remembered the exact moment you called him that name; it was when slid your fluffy bear headband over his (once) blonde hair to do his skincare one night in the bathroom of your dorm after movie night, kissing his face with how cute he looked. your voice rang through his memories; haha you look like a bear! my beomie bear. your smiling face replayed in his daydream, the elation of that moment returning to him.
that memory was a passing thought in your mind too, remembering how young and in love you had always been. if anything, your love had grown double, triple that. but he will always be your beomie bear, no matter how much you age together, the love you shared at 2am in that dorm room will always last.
pulling back, his eyes trailed down to admire your chest, teeth over his bottom lip as he smiled. the way the soft candlelight flickered on your damp skin; it was absolutely perfect in his eyes. dropping the makeshift bra hat, he moved his cool hands to palm each of your breasts. you sighed in response, a certain heat tickling your core as he placed a single kiss in between them.
he wanted to show you how much he loved you every day, and in these particular moments, he wanted to make you feel his love in every way possible.
his parted lips skimmed your chest, breath warming your skin before taking one of your buds into his mouth. he slowly swirled it with his tongue while gently squeezing the other, staring up at you with those eyes. the eyes you couldn't ever resist. the crash of thunder electrified your skin, rain drumming against the window like your heart against your chest.
your breathing grew heavier by the second, hands tangled into his hair as you hugged him close to your body, subtle whimpers escaping your mouth as you grew more and more desperate for him.
you angled his face up to yours with a finger on his chin, taking his full, bottom lip in between your teeth as you teased it. at this, he squeezed the plush of your hips, slowly tracing a path up the sensitive skin of your inner thigh.
slipping past the elastic, he slowly began exploring underneath your panties with two fingers. you shuddered as he reached your bundle of nerves, rubbing small circles onto it as you subtly moaned into his parted lips.
he hummed as he got to your core, tracing around your slippery arousal. "do you want me to start with one finger or two, my love?" he softly inquired, looking up at you through scrunched pieces of his bangs.
"i want all of you," you replied, wrapping your arms around his back to pull him even closer.
his gaze narrowed, a small smirk on his lips as he suddenly wrapped his arms below your hips. he picked you up swiftly; switching your positions and gently laid you down onto the bed. the sheets cooled your damp skin as he climbed on top of you, hooking his arms under your shoulders.
you could practically feel the fire inside him radiating through his skin, hot with passion and need. the fires inside of you just begged to be set aflame, joined together to create an even greater one. tonight your love was just that, the flames growing the more fuel was added to it; bodies pressed together tightly as you devoured one another's lips.
continuing his prior endeavor, he began trailing butterfly kisses down your neck, heat radiating from your body as he sucked several marks of his to decorate your pretty chest. his fingers against your skin felt as soft as the flower petals on the bed, inviting chills your body's surface with each trail he left.
"i forgot something," he slowly kissed you once more before getting up from the bed, his body heat escaping yours and quickly becoming replaced by the cold air conditioner. your eyes glued to him, you watched him excitedly run in his boxers over to the hotel door, unlocking it and slowly opening it.
"beomgyu what are you doing?" you sat up quickly in surprise, pulling the nearest pillow to cover your bare chest.
"i'm just placing the do-not-disturb sign on the door," he mischievously giggled, quickly shutting and locking the door once he was done. you threw the pillow at him as he tiptoed back to the bed, playfully rolling your eyes through a sigh of relief.
"you scared me, im half naked here!" you jokingly scolded him, followed by a choked laugh as he jumped back onto the bed, tackling you like his life depended on it. he drowned your neck in kisses again, laughing and squirming as he hugged you tightly, his hair tickling your skin.
mouths reuniting, you smiled against his soft lips, feeling his grin against yours. you couldn't help but feel both anxious and excited for the moments to come.
the mere thought of making love to your boyfriend always made you blush and kick your feet like it was the first. beomgyu just knew how to take care of you; emotionally, physically, mentally, sexually, all at once. he knew all the right spots, all the right things to say. he simply made your heart melt. in every way.
he always wanted to cherish your body and make sure you felt good; to him it was what you deserved and no less. and you two had grown a lot since you first began dating- not even able to take yourselves seriously at first due to insecurities and fear of judgment. but beomgyu always made you feel loved; he showed love to even your least favorite parts of yourself. he watered the seeds in your heart; helping you blossom and grow.
"you are heaven," his hot breath seeped into your ear, chills making themselves known on your skin. your stomach twisted as he kissed a trail down your neck, in between your breasts, and down to the most sensitive skin of your lower stomach; never once tearing his gaze from yours.
one thing about beomgyu was that he loved eye contact, especially during intimate moments. he loved the tension that built the longer you locked eyes, watching every little expression of yours, entranced by every shimmer in your eye.
he nipped at the lacy hem of your underwear, stopping before pulling them off; softly rubbing the wet patch of the fabric with his thumb.
"already so wet for me baby?" he cooed in the deepest of voices, looking up at you with his head innocently cocked to the side. you hummed in response, he knew what he was doing; god, how he turned you on. he teased you by skimming his lips over the dark spot before pulling them off as slowly as possible.
he watched like a starving man getting a full-course dinner feast revealed before him, observing the way strands of your wetness stretched as they clung to the fabric.
he looked up at you through dark strands of hair, wrapping his arms around your thighs to pull you even closer to him. he spread your legs open as he propped them onto each of his shoulders, getting a perfect view of your entirety. the chills on your skin intensified as you sensed his warm breath against your wetness, pulsating in need for his touch.
"you're my favorite snack," he sexily giggled against your thigh, pressing wet kisses all along the plush skin. he knew you loved it when he spoke in his satoori accent, especially during moments like these. he whispered dirty things into your skin, telling you every little thing he wanted to do to you. your breathing hitched, absolutely fawning over it all; his sensual voice had your heart doing flips, body aching for every bit of him.
he slowly lowered his mouth to your most sensitive area, your breath instantly shuddered at how amazing he felt. his chocolate hair tickled your inner thighs, adding to the pleasure. he loved the way his name left your lips with every flick of his tongue, eating you out deliciously; licking and sucking all the right places. it simply couldn't get any better.
you slightly propped yourself up on your elbows to get a better look, only to find his eyes already on yours, glued to yours in pure seduction. you took in the beautiful sight that was his pretty face in between your legs, tongue flicking at what felt like a hundred miles an hour; your body beginning to twitch at how amazing it felt.
you quietly chuckled to yourself, realizing just how fast he could move his tongue. "hmm?" he hummed against your skin at the sound of your giggle, looking up at you quizzically; his lips glossy from your wetness. he wiped them clean, breathing heavily as sweat beads began to form on his skin.
"you know sometimes i think your mouth really is made of a motor," you giggled, looking down at him. he thew his head back, a deep laugh exiting.
"yeah? like this?" he lowered his mouth back down, lightly circling over your clit with his tongue before speeding up the pace again, leaving you speechless. your smile faded as he ate you out so lewdly, staring at you so intensely; nothing seemed funny anymore.
his boxers tented due to how painfully hard he was at the sight of you; your scent, your taste, the sounds you made, the way your pretty eyes gazed upon him. everything about you had him intoxicated with lust, drunk in love.
he licked two of his fingers, slowly sinking them into you while curling upwards just the way you needed it. this combination electrified your body with every stroke of his fingers and swirl of his tongue until your lower stomach began to tighten in pleasure, only intensifying with his pace.
"right there gyu, don't stop," you mumbled as coherently as you could, throwing your head back aggressively, overcome with pleasure. eyes sewn shut, the ticklish knot in your stomach tightened as he perfectly rubbed the spot inside you, flicking his tongue just right every single time. you began to grind against his fingers, arching your back as you climbed up the mountain of pleasure, sensing your climax approach at any time now.
he kept his pace when he felt you tighten around his fingers, watching in awe as your once tensed muscles released, your body spasming as pleasure rolled through you in waves. your chest rose and fell intensely as you caught your breath, legs collapsing to one side as you lay in complete stillness, only your forearms keeping you up as your head was completely thrown behind you.
he attended to you, quickly getting up to help lay you back onto the bed, supporting the back of your head as he gingerly lowered it to the cold sheets.
he lay propped onto his elbow as you recovered from your climax, nuzzling into him as you felt his weight next to you. he watched your face, observing the way your eyes were gently fluttered closed, a small smile on your lips; completely overtaken by the warm fuzz of pleasure. he was simply glad; that's all he wanted, was to make you feel good. he smiled.
floating in the clouds, weightless; your body like jello with how relaxed you felt. you lay there, lost in thought about what had just happened as your breathing slowly returned to normal. you thought about how good he is; just how amazing he is.
you thought about his face; full lips when they kiss you or draw up into a pretty smile. his dark eyes when candlelight flickers in them, like speckled marbles. the sound of his deep voice against your skin. you wanted him. you needed him. so bad.
heat pulsated between your legs at the thought of him inside you and his member was no secret as it nudged your thigh, wet spots on the plaid material of his boxers. without speaking, your bodies said it all.
you looked over at him as he was in the middle of gently tracing your collarbones with his fingertips. your heart ached for him; he was just so patient with you. in this moment, all you wanted was to satistfy him just as much as he did you, make him feel just as good.
without a word you gently grabbed his face and crashed your lips to his again, hungry; this time with all the more passion. he melted right in, the need for you prevalent in his mannerisms. he crawled over you, situating himself on top; a knee in between your crotch as you ground against it for some relief.
you helped his boxers off of him, throwing them far across the room like you did with every last article of clothing. with nothing between you now, his skin melted against yours like warm sand, running his fingers up your sides and into your hair as you lay beneath him. 
his scent wafted into your nose with every of his movements, like warm cinnamon tea on a foggy morning; melting your brain with every inhale. you felt so warm and safe here, like you were in heaven. absolutely no worries or outside thoughts in mind, just beomgyu and this moment. this perfect moment.
he kissed and kissed you before gently grabbing both of your wrists, pinning them to either side of your head. the feeling of your arms exposed to the chilly air and out of your control had your stomach twisting and turning with desire, your skin burning for him.
"is this okay?" he softly asked against your lips, eyes starry and wide, filled with trillions of galaxies. it was almost funny how innocent he looked, yet how mischievous he was on the daily and how dirty he could be in bed. you loved it.
"more than okay," you whispered back, a certain intensity in your eyes left him mesmerized for a few moments, just wanting to stare for eternity. he smirked, burying his face into your neck so that his hair tickled your skin before kissing his way down to one of your breasts.
it was like he was tickling you and pleasuring you at the same time; you didn't know whether to moan or to laugh. a mixture of both came out, arching your back under his feathery touch. the deep bass of a song from your playlist seeped from his speaker; making the air thicker, hotter. he always made music sound better. he always made everything better.
wrapping your legs around his lower back to pull him closer, you began grinding yourself against the hardness that lay flush against his stomach. he teased you, beginning to thrust himself up against your wet folds, breathy moans escaping both of your mouths at how much you needed one another.
"beom- please," you whimpered against his lips, desperation prevalent in your eyes. he decided he had teased you enough, that he couldn't go any longer without being one with you.
nudging your legs further apart with his knees, he aligned himself with your entrance as he slowly entered you with his tip, nearly driving you crazy. he leaned down to kiss you, deepening the kiss as he deepened himself at an excruciatingly slow pace, eventually bottoming out inside of you with a subtle twitch.
"my god beomgyu," you sucked air through your teeth at his size, which you never quite got used to no matter how many times you had made love. the way he perfectly stretched you out simply left you speechless, needing every bit of him.
he always went slow so as not to hurt you, able to gauge when you were comfortable enough to go a little faster. his grip on your wrists slightly tightened as you fluttered around him, making it extra hard for him to control his pace. his breathing shuddered and he moaned into your lips, burying his head into your neck as he cursed at the sheer pleasure.
"fuck- you feel amazing" he groaned against your neck, slowly grinding his hips against yours, feeling every crevice inside you throb and flutter around him. you were the best feeling in the world.
both of your soft moans mixed with the patter of rain on the large glass windows of the hotel. only soft candlelight, fairy lights, and the city glow illuminated the room; casting your moving shadows onto the wall, along with the moonlight that peaked in through the curtains.
his dainty silver necklace tickled your neck as it dangled onto you, fingers intertwined tightly with his and still pinned over your head as you passionately made out. he thrust into you so sweetly, so perfectly you felt you could cry.
"you feel amazing too, gyu," was all you could say before your voice hitched and your eyes began to well. you don't know why you got so emotional all of a sudden; something about experiencing the utmost form of connection with the person you loved most had warm tears of happiness streaming down your cheeks.
his eyes were quick to fill with worry, searching quickly from eye to eye as he completely stopped thrusting into you.
"angel are you okay? what's wrong? did i do something?" his voice came out small and filled with worry, his fingers released yours and came up to wipe away the wetness on your face.
"yes gyu i'm okay," you laughed as the tears rolled out. "i just- i love you," you sniffled with a smile. he sighed of relief that you were okay, letting his forehead fall to yours. he softly chuckled after a moment, kissing the tip of your nose.
"i love you. more than you know," he whispered to you, staring into the depths of your eyes; to which you noticed were more shimmery than usual in the candlelight. he was tearing up too. your heart ached to see him cry, but crying during sex wasn't a complete rarity for the two of you. you felt better knowing they were happy tears rather than sad ones.
"is it okay if i continue?," he asked, his glossy eyes glittering in the candlelight as his lips curved into a small smile, a droplet hanging from the tip of his nose.
"please," you pleaded, wiping your face with the inner part of your arm. he began slowly moving in and out of you again, never once taking your eyes off of his. some of his tears dripped onto your face, making the both of you laugh. "oops," he smiled as he wiped them off with his thumb.
he got a frivolous idea: using his tongue to wipe your tears. you scoffed at him, scrunching your face at the feeling of his warm tongue tickling your cheek.
"mmm salty," he giggled, rays coming from that toothy grin of his that you so loved. you felt lost in the abyss of his eyes, just the two of you floating away in the space held in your hearts. a space that held only him and a space that held only you.
you noticed his smile slightly fade as his eyes searched yours, fingers finding their way to your hair.
"i remember the very first time i saw you. you're the most beautiful person i've ever seen. inside and out. and you always will be." another of his tears dripped onto your nose and slid down the crevices of your skin. he just stared at you, alternating from eye to eye, like he hadn't ever seen anything quite as fascinating as you.
"beomgyu you're gonna make me ugly cry," you chortled, eyes blurring and then spilling over. you reached up and gave him the tightest hug you could, feeling him bottom out inside of you and stay there, hugging you back even tighter.
these were the moments you realized you needed absolutely nothing else in life. just him. just him and you were the happiest girl on the entire planet. he's the center of your universe; there's nothing better on this planet than the love you share.
"i'm so glad i met you," your voice came out muffled in his warm shoulder, which you used to wipe off your wet nose. his back heaved as he exhaled, relaxing into the hug; pressing kisses to your jaw, then to your lips. both of your eyes and noses red and stuffy now, and you smiled in pure happiness as your teeth began to clash with one another's. "me too."
his tongue made its way to yours, kissing you so sweetly with little nibbles to your lip in between. he began to pick up his pace, deliciously grinding his hips against yours as he softly groaned against your lips.
the intensity of pleasure was a lot more amplified now; you don't know if it was because you had grown even more emotionally connected or if you were getting close to finishing again. but oh my, did he feel amazing.
you couldn't seem to quiet your whimpers as he thrust into you so deeply and steadily, wet sounds coming from in between your bodies. his hair clung to his forehead due to the condensation when you went to grab a handful of it, sweat dripping down his face and onto his neck. he hooked one of your legs with his arm, deepening his strokes inside of you.
"so fucking good," he panted against your lips as he pounded into you at a faster pace now, the bed beginning to creak with each of his thrusts. each time your name spewed from his lips, you felt your heart do a flip, absolutely weak at the way it rolled off of his tongue perfectly.
knowing that you made him feel so good only intensified your pleasure, feeling him throb and twitch inside you nearly had you at the edge again.
no matter how many different positions the two of you have tried over time, nothing could beat this one; your leg supported by his arm and bent over his shoulder as he rolled his hips against yours, hitting your g-spot just right with every thrust.
not only did it feel amazing, it granted you the ability to see every glimmer in his eyes and kiss him, feel the warmth of his breath on your skin, his weight pressed to you. you connected best, not only physically but emotionally.
you watched his face as he watched yours; his eyebrows knitted in pleasure, mouth agape and lips plump and red with how much you had kissed them. sweat beads dripped down his face and neck.
you simply couldn't put together the words that described beomgyu. you realized that the word beautiful was made to describe someone far simpler than him.
tasting the beads of salt pouring down his skin, you caught some that ran down to his lips as you sweetly kissed. his moans and grunts grew louder and more frequent, a telltale sign that we was right there, right at the edge. he dropped his forehead to yours, cold sweat sliding onto your skin from his, staring practically into your soul.
with one final deep thrust, he tightly shut his eyes and went completely over the edge, releasing his warmth inside of you. the sound of your name coherent through breathy moans and whimpers, sending chills up your spine.
although you hadn't yet finished, he sensed you were extremely close as he felt you tighten and flutter around him, slightly overstimulating himself with a few more thrusts to help push you over the edge as well.
your hips bucked and rolled against his as you came, his name escaping your lips lewdly as waves of pleasure carried you to cloud 9 once again, arching your back at the sheer pleasure.
he collapsed on top of you, both a huffing, sweaty mess; still twitching inside of you. euphoria coursed through your veins at the feeling of his body weight on you; both floating amongst the clouds, basking in the afterglow of pleasure as you recovered from your climaxes.
he buried his hands under your back, squeezing you into a tight hug. you stayed like this, feeling his heart strum through his chest and onto yours, sensing it slow with his breathing as he calmed down.
after a moment he brought his lips to yours in a soft kiss, tasting the saltiness of dried sweat and tears on his lips, not caring that you were both a total mess, hair completely plastered to wet foreheads. he gazed at you through smiling eyes, quietly giggling in joy, dawning over the amazing loved you shared. he propped his head in his elbow to gaze at you.
you just lay there for who knows how long, simply admiring one another, faces illuminated by candles reflecting from white bedsheets. lost in the flicker of the flame in his eyes, the warmth of his skin sept into yours as you traced the outline of his back. having memorized the map of each freckle and scar; taking in the utter beauty that was his existence.
you wondered how you lived before knowing him. because with him, colors shine brighter, music sounds better, life is happier. it is a life worth living a thousand times.
fog seeped from under the door of the rose-scattered, candlelit bathroom. scribbles of initials and small doodles of hearts and stars decorated the fog-stained glass doors of the shower.
it was an all glass, walk-in with water that fell like rain from a large square on the ceiling; by far the most luxurious shower you had ever used. man, had your boyfriend scored a great hotel for you both.
the two of you stood amidst the warm water, his back pressed to your chest as you shampooed his hair, taking note of how long it was getting as the silky strands fell through your fingers with the weight of soapy water.
he turned around to face you, a beard of bubbles on his chin. "what do you think?" earned a laugh from you, your giggles echoing throughout the spacious bathroom as you both goofed around like usual.
showering with beomgyu was as normal as breathing; you can't even remember the last time you showered alone.
your shower routine was different every time as it usually followed the flow of your emotions: sometimes it was more quiet, just observing one another through the clouds of steam, lost in gentle conversation about whatever it may be.
sometimes the room echoed with delirious noises as you doubled over with how hard you laughed, having to use the wall to keep you standing.
and sometimes your lips wouldn't come apart so much as to catch your breath as he lifted you up against the wall, your legs wrapped around his hips as your bodies did the talking.
but tonight, you were brimming with happiness as your playlist echoed from his speaker, mouthing the lyrics to him like you were the lead singer. he sang along with you, taking your hands in his and swinging them back and forth with the beat.
he watched you, completely enamored by the way your smiling face was illuminated by dim lighting, cheeks flushed with steam, the way your laugh echoed through the room. showering with you had always been one of his favorite parts of the day, it felt like your own little world where no other thoughts or people could enter. just you.
like always, you took turns washing one another. he rubbed soap onto your body with his hands, the feeling of your wet, bare skin entrancing him; using the excuse that he needed more soap as he poured a large amount into his hands, gliding them up and down your torso. you did the same, massaging his shoulders with the slick help of body wash, both addicted to the sensation of his skin and trying to loosen the ginormous knots he somehow carried in his muscles.
the clean scents of different soaps intermingled in the air to create one of your favorite scents in the world; the scent of washing off yet another day's adventure with your favorite person, freshening up just to start the day with him tomorrow to do it all over again.
you found yourself staring at him in absolute awe as he angled his head back under the shower head, time moving in what felt like slow motion as water drizzled down his bare skin; you could simply stare at him forever. he rubbed the water from his eyes, forehead exposed as his hair had been slicked back by the heavy stream. he stepped towards you, running fingers through it as some pieces fell messily on his forehead. it almost felt surreal that he was yours.
"i have some facemasks for us," he reached to turn the water off once you were all done rinsing off, grabbing you a towel from outside the glass door. your eyes lit up in excitement at the sound of these six words, the largest smile growing on your face. he wrapped the fresh linen around you like a burrito, giving you a big hug. the warmth he exuded transcended anything you had ever felt; like an eternal ray of sunshine right by your side. always.
after drying off, it was like the two of you were nineteen all over again. sitting on the bathroom counter wearing his oversized shirt and boxers, a laughing mess as he stood in front of you applying a face mask to your skin. his eyes met yours every few seconds, constantly drawn like two magnets; you could hardly keep a straight face with how close he leaned into you.
you closed your eyes in relaxation at the sensation of the mask's cooling texture, quickly interrupted as he tickled your nose with his pinky. you both doubled over in hushed laughter, trying your hardest to keep it quiet so not to disturb the neighbors as it was approaching 2 am. of course, your rowdy boyfriend wouldn't help with that.
your mind drifted to the last time you sat at this hotel's bathroom sink. it was when beomgyu had you bent over it a few nights ago before showering together; the room steamy as he gave it to you from behind, watching his face contort with pleasure in the reflection of the mirror, lip between his teeth.
the memory vividly came back to you, still fresh in your mind: he leaned in close so that his warm chest was pressed to your back. "you like watching me fuck you, huh pretty?" he breathed into your ear, eyes glued to yours through the foggy bathroom mirror. you simply melted at his dirty talk; he was just too good. all you could do was nod in response, whimpers for more filling the room with an echo. he looked at you a little longer in the mirror with before subtly smiling, pressing kisses down your back, slowing his thrusts into a more gentle, steady pace.
he had noticed you drift off into your daydream, waving a hand in front of your face to awaken you from the steamy memory. heat found its way to your face, looking at him with hazy eyes.
"i was just remembering the last time we...you know," you nudged him, a shy smile on your lips. which come to think of it, the two of you had made love almost every night since you had been on your trip.
you would come back to the hotel after a fun day and already be glued to one another as you entered the room; stumbling to the bed, his fingers intertwined in your hair and yours on his belt buckle. you simply couldn't get enough of each other.
"look at these photos i found from freshman year" drew you from your thoughts completely, paying mind to his phone screen as he scrolled far into his camera roll album of you, stopping on one that had you smiling from ear to ear.
it was a mirror picture the two of you had taken one of the nights you stayed up late, doing face masks in your dorm room; the night you gave him his adorable nickname. he made a silly face at you as you were in the middle of laughter, your arms around his waist.
you cooed at how adorable he looked with his blonde head of hair and soft, round facial features; you just wanted to pinch his cheek. he took note of how much you have changed since then too, and how you would always wear his green checkered, bear patterned cardigan like it was your own. you were still the same, beautiful person in his eyes; only now you had an obsession with his black and white plaid cardigan instead.
"let's recreate it," you looked up at him, who nodded excitedly in agreement. although it seemed like a small little memory, it still held both of your hearts like it was yesterday; a very special relationship was born from those delirious nights and you couldn't be more grateful for them.
he helped you off the counter as you got into the same position you stood in three years ago, hugging his waist he slung an arm around you, pulling you just as close as he wanted to that night; his nerves no longer in the way like how they once were.
you stared at one another in the mirror, cheeks burning with how much you smiled. just as he clicked the shutter, he made the same silly face, naturally coaxing a laugh from you, just like that night.
the rest of tonight was filled with memories that cradled your heart like a warm blanket; ones that made you fall so deeply in love, you could feel the warm glow of your heart radiating from deep within your chest.
and just like always in the dead of night, the two of you were in the most spontaneous, absolutely delirious mood. having a hotel room together only fueled this. you felt like you were in your own little movie; like you ran away to a new city and got new identities, finally free to do whatever you wanted without a care in the world.
a 3am vending machine run downstairs for ice cream and pocky left you out of breath, tip-toe racing one another down the hall; where trying your best to keep quiet was only part of the fun.
beomgyu brought his baby blue polaroid along with him, wanting to capture every memory he could. he took all kinds of candid photos of you; a few by the colorful vending machines, scratching your head as you struggled to pick an option. a hilarious one of your hoodie stuffed to the brim with all kinds of snacks that some might fall out; to which he took some blurry ones of you sprinting down the hall to pick up the ones that did fall out.
there were some selfies of the both of you once you had returned to the hotel room, capturing a stick of pocky in between the two of you as you raced to be the first to meet the other's lips. the polaroid camera was put down when he won, the taste of strawberry on his lips as he softly bit down on your bottom lip.
he took almost fifteen polaroids, you counted, as they lay spread out on the bedside table as some were still in the process of developing. you were excited to see how they would turn out, and add them to your polaroid album together.
he suddenly tackled you from behind, pulling you onto him and inviting you to a wrestling match on the bed, entangling your bodies in every way imaginable just to pin the other person down.
at 4am you lay silently under the rose-covered sheets and flickering fairy lights, entranced with the storm; pouring rain pelting against the large glass window. the way it was pushed and pulled violently by the wind outside made you feel even more cozy, laying on beomgyu's chest as he fiddled with your earring.
when the rest of the world sleeps, you both lie awake between the sheets and beneath the stars and that's how you spent every night together. your leg slung around his tummy as you both observed the blurry city, the subtle blue glow illuminating your faces.
you had always been infatuated with the red glow of the tokyo tower against the silver skyline, and now getting to see it in person made you want to lose sleep just to watch it glow. you took note as to how many small blinking lights flashed randomly on each building, matching with the lights of small cars in the distance.
after such a long day, you couldn't help but grow blanketed with sleep every passing second, fighting the urge of your eyes practically begging to close, just to watch the skyline a bit more, just to stay in this moment with him for as long as you could. that was when suddenly, you felt beomgyu's chest vibrate as he hummed a tune.
"you're the sun to the moon" he softly began to sing, immediately forgetting your sleepiness. every time he sang, it was like a gift to you
"you're my ocean painted blue," you faintly smiled, recognizing the song by lany as it was one of your favorites.
"you, i'm nothing without you." he concluded with a kiss to your head, followed by a large yawn. turning to look up at him, his eyes were gently shut, long eyelashes resting atop his cheekbones, just how he usually looked when he had fallen asleep.
with that voice he could be a famous singer. with that face, he could be a model. with that heart of gold, he could be a thousand more things. but it's not what he could be, it's what he is. in your eyes and in your heart, he is that famous singer. he is that model, he is yours.
you left a gentle kiss on his adams apple, finding your comfy spot on his chest again before replaying his honey voice in your mind again, drifting off into a gentle slumber. you hoped you would dream of him, like you did every night.
. . .
the scent of morning coffee reminded you of sophomore year of college, when you became the well-known couple at your university's coffee shop; as it wasn't a rare occasion that you pushed yourselves out of bed, groggily shuffling over to grab some coffee together before class.
you would ruffle his once blonde hair in line as you waited, heavy head on your shoulder as he yawned, the scent of coffee filling your nose. he would sip his iced americano sleepy eyed and you, a cup of sweet iced goodness as you walked to class, fingers interlaced.
you had only slept two hours, apparently, as the sun was now rising right before your eyes outside the large glass pane windows. you thought maybe you were just dreaming because of how unreal the sight was before you; a large, red orb peeking its bright eye over the city of tokyo.
"angel? oh good you're up," beomgyu pranced over to you with a cup of iced coffee, just the way you liked it. you barely pushed yourself up, head still extremely heavy with sleep. you would probably be annoyed if anyone else had woken you up this early, but because it was your boyfriend, you gladly fought the urge to fall back asleep.
"i thought we'd watch the sunrise," he plopped down on the bed, sitting criss-cross next to you with his own coffee in hand.
you happily nodded with half-closed eyes, not yet able to get out a coherent sentence as you were still practically asleep. you slowly sipped the cold goodness of your cup, feeling a bit more awake by the minute.
the sound of "train station in 10?" awoke you immediately, more than coffee ever could in that time span. he looked over at you expectantly, your eyes wide as you sat a disheveled mess in bed, wondering how the hell you would look decent in 10 minutes.
"make it 20, i know just the perfect place to take you," he kissed your cheek, jumping up from bed and running into the bathroom where he began playing music and getting ready for your next adventure.
the memory of getting dressed was just a blur of baggy jeans and white converse as you now stood on a moving train, head resting lazily on your boyfriend's all too familiar shoulder. eyes constantly glued to the hazy blend of warm colors ahead as the sun rose little by little. all you could do was wonder where this train was taking you, since beomgyu wouldn't tell you. not even one hint.
your only clue was that this time, the train traveled towards the city instead of away from it, reminding you of the last time when you went to the suburbs for the cherry blossom picnic.
"did you match with me on purpose?" his voice brought you from your thoughts as you looked him up and down curiously, snorting when you realized your outfits were pretty much identical to a tee.
he wore a loose, white button-up; rolled at the elbows and lazily stuffed into some light-wash baggy jeans, and a pair of white converse. this morning had been such a blur that you didn't even notice what you had thrown together, or what he had either, for that matter.
"now i am convinced we actually share brain cells," you collapsed your head back onto his shoulder as both laughed. but he thought it was the cutest thing ever; that he would be walking around with his mini-me all day through the streets of tokyo. he always felt proud to walk with you, no matter what.
breathtaken, you stood at what felt like the top of the world as you witnessed the entire city from this altitude, mount fuji clearly visible through some clouds miles away. the sun made it's glowing appearance between slivers of buildings, which from this high up, merely resembled scattered grey blocks beneath you.
beomgyu had brought you to tokyo skytree; the tallest building in japan, and the place at the top of your bucket list since you could remember. you pressed your forehead against the glass, admiring the way the city was still blanketed in subtle mist from last night's storm, orange rays of muted sunlight peaking through clouds that rested their fluffy heads on buildings.
it seemed most of the city was still asleep, as the only small crowds of people were those headed off to work. the hour of dawn wasn't one you were usually awake to see considering you were certainly a night owl. but right now, it felt otherworldly; somber, filled with pure peace and quiet as the sun bled into the sky. like time was frozen.
beomgyu stood next to you, hands pressed to the glass on either side of his face, looking down at his feet, past the glass underneath them; lost as he stood at what felt was the edge of the world. you walked your fingers along the glass and over to his, gently resting your hand on top of his.
no matter how beautiful the view was in front of you, your eyes always found their way back to each other's; cheeks squished to the glass as you admired one another. the most beautiful sight wasn't the sunrise or the buildings or the city you were in; it was him and you. together.
there was more in store for you than you thought, as you now perused the skytree aquarium hand in hand, fully awake now as colorful fish swam all around you.
the large fish tanks stretched from floor to ceiling, carrying some of the most exotic sea life you had ever witnessed; some cute and some scary, some big and some small. a tiny fish called your attention as it reminded you of him, the way its large eyes gazed at you innocently. he laughed, comparing you to the clownfish in the next tank.
the brightest turquoise glow lit the entire place, almost convincing you that you would never see another color again but blue. but of course, he looked just as handsome blanketed under the turquoise light that you would easily get used to it; eyes glimmering with the magic of curiosity and wonder, swiveling his head all around in awe at the fish that swam everywhere imaginable.
you parted ways between a large tank at the center, finding each other again through the opposite sides of the glass. he placed his hand on the tank, inviting yours to mirror his. although you were thousands of miles from home in a foreign city where you knew absolutely no one. the glowing face on the other side of the glass, that was all you needed to feel right at home.
he motioned you over to a tank that caught his eye, reuniting with the interlacing of your fingers. "actually you remind me of a jellyfish," he pointed at the glowing creatures that floated in the water, gliding gently with one another. you pondered the idea, maybe he had good reason.
"they're graceful and elegant, just look at this one," he pointed at one that was a slightly different shade of violet than the others, a look of determination on his face as he described all of its attributes and how they reminded him of you.
"i think jellyfish are the most beautiful, that's why it reminds me of you." you looked up at him with a warm smile, his eyes still fixated on the glowing tank, then down to meet yours with an affirming nod.
"and also the clownfish because you're a clow- ouch!" you playfully slapped his arm as he rubbed it exaggeratedly, letting out a goofy laugh at his own joke. you rolled your eyes, not able to stay serious "if anyone resembles a clownfish here it's you!" you scoffed at him jokingly, laughing at his side eye.
he reclined on one of the tanks with his shoulder, observing the tank of clownfish and jellyfish. "i think if you were a jellyfish and i was a clownfish in this aquarium, i would swim up to the jellyfish tank every day just to watch the slightly violet one. i think in any universe, i would fall in love with you," he rested his head on the glass, looking down at you fondly.
you squeezed his hand gently in yours, loving every part of his imagination. he often liked to make up little (usually cheesy) stories about you and him in other universes and you loved every single one; today was the story of the clownfish and the jellyfish. what he didn't know was that you wrote them down in a secret journal, to hopefully retell them to him one day. the mere thought warmed your heart.
just as you were standing on your tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek, you noticed a familiar group of teenagers over his shoulder. it was someone familiar that caught your eye: a tall, serious looking black-haired boy with a middle part. he stood with two other girls and two other guys. it's them.
"oh my god beomgyu don't turn around," you stood in shock at the sight of the group, gaining memory of the poor boy's horrified face when you gave them the shrimp and ran away that one night at 3 am in shibuya.
"i think it's the same group we gave the shrimp to," you whispered into his ear with a cupped hand, his eyes widening in disbelief.
"the riki guy we jump-scared and then ran away?" beomgyu looked at you in half disbelief, cupping his mouth in hushed laughter. "yes him!" you whisper yelled in all seriousness, tugging at his arm in fear they would see you at any moment.
he carefully walked ahead of you, holding your hand tightly as he brought you behind one of the tall flounder tanks. putting his hands on your shoulders, he looked seriously into your eyes to devise a plan. "okay, we're going to make a run for it." to which you furrowed your eyebrows in concern.
"what?! beomgyu we can't just keep running away from them. they don't even know we're here." no response. pressing his back to the tank, he peaked his head around the glass like he was detective sherlock holmes on a top secret mission. once the coast was clear, he eyed you. "three...two," he began to count down and you readied yourself for the inevitable.
"wait!" he halted you with an arm, his whisper yell almost a little too loud. just before he could reach one, you both saw the shadow of the group's silhouettes project through the blue light of the tank. your first instinct was to duck, so you pulled him down with you.
the group now stood right around the corner from you, your heart racing at the thought of an awkward encounter. who knows how the riki guy would react at the sight of you two after what you did to him.
"let's just stealth it out," you whispered to him, checking behind the other side of the tank to find the coast was clear. "now!" you pulled beomgyu's arm but he wouldn't budge.
"how?" he asked. to which you began replying "we just tip toe quietly and not make a big dea-" but he cut you off.
"how you look so cute even when you're all serious?" he looked at you expectantly and you couldn't help but grin. even in the midst of the most serious of situations, he still made you loosen up and laugh, reminding you that nothing bad would happen when you were by his side.
you took a deep breath, realizing the situation wasn't as serious as you pictured it. so you stood up, bringing him up with you, and turned the corner; simply walking away like a normal couple, unseen by the group. you sighed in relief.
"hey!" a familiar voice of the boy called from behind you, your breath instantly catching in your throat. it could not be...
"oh. shit." you and beomgyu both looked at one another wide-eyed, both thinking the exact same thing RUN!
you completely booked it, running like your lives were on the line, butterflies fluttering through your stomach at the sheer thrill. he squeezed your hand so tight that it made your fingers white, and couldn't help but feel laughter bubble up in your chest at the whole situation.
"wait! the shrimp was good!" was all the raven-haired boy could say before the two of you disappeared around the corner, gone with a cloud of dust behind your heels.
but you didn't hear him with how focused you two were on getting out of there. people wondered what the hell was going on, probably just two unruly kids making a scene. and why are they wearing the exact same outfit? the whole thing was a comical disaster; definitely a memory you would look back and laugh at in the future.
a huffing mess, you finally stood outside the building, hands on your knees as you took a breather, "i can't believe we did that again," he laced his hand with yours as you continued walking further from the aquarium, just in case.
you shook your head, heart still pounding as you laughed it off. the damp wind felt refreshing as it blew on your face, taking it in as it tousled your hair in different directions.
"you know, you never answered my question," he looked over at you with a furrowed brow. "how?"
you remembered his prior question, not exactly knowing how to answer. you shook your head and looked down at your shoes with a soft smile.
he slung his arm around your neck and pulled you close as you walked down a docile street, your head falling to his shoulder.
"i know how. because you're the most perfect girl in the world," he kissed the side of you head as your hearts carried you wherever they desired to next.
. . .
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cherry blossoms; the flower that symbolizes life and new beginnings, the beautiful, fleeting nature of existence. its pink haze decorated the ground on which you stood, locking eyes with the familiar, beautiful doe gaze you so loved.
his mouth fell open, absolutely speechless; feeling his heart strum against his chest at the sight of you walk along the path of flowers. you were so unbelievably beautiful to him, the way the setting sun bathed you in a golden glow as you walked; like an angel descended from heaven in his eyes. the air had escaped his lungs at the sight of you in your flowy dress, white as snow.
you felt your heart drum against your chest as you continued your gait to the arbour where he awaited; cherry blossom branches curved into a heart archway behind him. vigilant eyes observed as you carefully walked, but the only pair that ever mattered were his.
the pink and white flower glimmered from the dainty ring you watched the love of your life slide onto your left ring finger. a large grin decorating your lips as you faced one another, hand in hand. he stood there; jaw-droppingly handsome in an all-black suit, hair hugging the nape of his neck, grown out the longest it'd ever been.
the sun and the moon were both visible in the cloud-feathered sky, calling your attention just for a moment. the most beautiful day you had ever lived to see; everything about it radiated absolute heaven.
you may now kiss the bride were the six words that made you tear up more than you thought they would, your glittering eyes becoming visible under your veil as he lifted it up, revealing utmost beauty on both ends.
he held your jaw with gentle fingers, searching your eyes with his; tender-eyed, beautifully vulnerable. a gaze you thought was a portal to outer space, catching a glimpse of your future in an eternity of stars and galaxies. the countless kisses and embraces you would share for a life time.
a single blossom fluttered from the lush, swaying trees above and landed soft as a butterfly on his nose, drawing a sweet smile to your lips. a warm memory bloomed in your chest, remembering the soft petals between your finger as you picked it off of his nose several years ago at this exact spot.
you neared your faces in what felt like slow motion, slowly locking lips with the familiar plush comfort of home. he kissed you strong and deep, able to feel the bright energy radiating from him as he deepened his lips on yours. at the moment you closed your eyes, you heard the claps and cheers of the crowd.
an overwhelming rush of happiness welled in your eyes, heart pounding with the sparkle of elation, you just wanted to jump for joy. if you weren't in a public setting, you would probably break down crying because of how happy you were.
the two of you walked down the isle hand in hand, wearing the brightest smiles one could wear as cheers and kind eyes from familiar faces greeted you. four of beomgyu's college friends waved at you from their seats, snapping tons of pictures as if you were two celebrities walking the red carpet.
you caught the gaze of beomgyu's mom, her kind eyes as she happily nodded towards you, mouthing the words beautiful; to which you were beyond flattered and returned a rosy smile.
it was a small, outdoor venue, only joined by close friends and immediate family as the two of you decided to return to japan for your wedding. yoyogi park; the very same place you had your cherry blossom picnic several years ago when you vacationed here.
no matter how many years had passed since then, tokyo had always called your hearts back. the happiness and love you shared here was something so special, memories like no other place you had visited. it only felt right to return and live it once more. or perhaps, forevermore.
"never thought miss straight a's would end up marrying the class clown," one of beomgyu's college friends yeonjun came over once food and drinks were served at the reception, flashing you a warm smile before jokingly punching beomgyu on the shoulder.
"congratulations man," they shared a laugh and hugged, their conversation muted about the music as you observed beomgyu's gestures; he was beyond elated, eyes animated and sparkling as he spoke, face bright and shining with laughter with his head thrown back. your heart jolted; everything about his smile, his laugh, his everything. you couldn't help but fall in love all over again; watching him from a distance like he was a man you could only dream of being with, let alone marrying.
it really felt surreal; that you were able call your boyfriend your fiancé, and now your husband. it would take some getting used to, of course, since you couldn't help but get red in the face every time you even thought of him as your husband.
"congratulations mrs. choi," the black-haired man bowed to you after he had finished talking to beomgyu, and you returned the bow with a grateful smile, being sure to thank him for coming.
mrs. choi
you felt you could power a city with the pure jubilation that radiated in your heart at the sound of those words. this is going to take some getting used to.
fairy lights sparkled in the soft wind, a thin gust fluttering the polaroids pinned with tiny clothespins to the string lights that hung above the quaint, wooden dance floor.
it was your idea to hang some of your polaroids up at your wedding; strung from fairy lights on cherry trees around the venue. out of the hundreds you'd taken over the years, you selected your mutually favorite ones. he looked up at them, giggling every five seconds as a new one caught his eye. he loved it.
"look at that one!" he pointed up at the polaroids as he held you in your arms while slowly swaying to the music of the live band, others dancing around you.
he pointed to the polaroid you took of him standing in his plaid pajamas pants in line at your university's coffee shop, which was hung next to one of him standing at the vending machine at your old hotel, wearing the same pants. and next to that one a selfie of the two of you, the tokyo tower glowing red and white in the background. you could look at old pictures with him forever, just dawning over all the great memories.
"you're so thoughtful. i love this," he lowered his forehead to yours, his eyes wrinkling into a warm smile. "i love you," you responded, only widening his smile. his eyes lingered on yours a bit longer before darting over to the band and then to yours again, squeezing your hand.
"i have a present for you," he muttered after a few seconds of silence, the live band now silent. you noticed only a few notes of the guitar playing repeatedly, a new melody you have yet to hear in an existing song.
"this is a song called nap of a star, i wrote it for you," he smiled, gentle fingers coming up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. recalling his faint hum in the back of your mind from that rainy night. his promise.
and so he began.
I can see even if you're not by my side I feel you even if you don't say a word..
he sang just loud enough for only you to hear, the rest of the guests kindly observing your slow dance from afar, some teary-eyed.
the guitar melody sounded beautiful, one he crafted the late nights he stayed up in the little at-home studio he had built in your apartment together. nights you would often sit across from him, watching candlelight flicker from the reflection of his guitar as he lulled you with the depths of his voice.
I want to be your nap so I can dream with you no matter when.. As if nothing had happened..
beomgyu had gained more confidence with singing over the years, gaining enough to sing in a public space, even if no one could really hear him. all that mattered was that you did. you swayed with him as he held your waist, pressed flush against one another, his thumbs soft over the lace of your dress.
On a sunset evening, even in the night when the sky is dark.. My heart is full of you.
the full moon gleamed overhead as he sang to you, casting your swaying shadows across the wooden platform in pale light. you couldn't once tear your gaze from his eyes. both slighly teary-eyed as he sang everything he felt for you, putting it all into a song you never wanted to end. you just wanted to stay here forever.
all you yearned to see were the depths of his eyes where you found the promise of eternity. his lips where you found the promise of pure joy and lifelong kisses. his hands where you found never-ending warmth and comfort. that was all you wanted. all you needed, endlessly. you couldn't wait to spend the rest of your life with him.
you could hardly see beomgyu over the tall, paper lantern that flickered between the two of you. that was, until he peeked over its brim, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
"ready?" you asked him through a small giggle. only your nose and eyes visible over the lantern's bright glow. he tickled your fingers with the gentle brush of his.
"three...two..." you counted down, looking over at him in anticipation as you each held onto an end, watching the flame dance in his dark eyes.
at "one," you released the lantern together, watching it float weightlessly up into the night sky, carrying the promises and wishes you held in your hearts; ones of lifelong unity and happiness, which you knew were wishes that had already come true long ago.
other guests released their lanterns into the dark sky as well, watching them slowly accumulate in the sky like fireflies. beomgyu's four friends released theirs together as you heard their excited laughs echo behind you. you smiled, content that everyone was having a good time.
he held you, wrapping both of his arms around your waist as you watched your lantern become smaller and smaller in the speckled sky. looking up at the moon reminded him that this night would be completely dark without it. similar to how his life wouldn't be as bright without you in it. you and the moon; always there to brighten the darkness. 
your head fell to his shoulder, simply breathing with him. you thought about your future together; about what it would be like to maybe move here one day. maybe open up a coffee shop or a cute little library and after many years, grow to be the cutest elderly couple in town. always by his side.
you looked up at him from his warm shoulder, his eyes reflecting the sky, you almost couldn't tell the difference between the stars in the night sky and the stars in his eyes. 
no one sees his beauty quite like you do. the way his brown eyes catch the sun rays at sunset and turn gold at dusk, but also reflect the night sky like a mirror. his soft touch; the way his fingers gently graze upon your skin like a feather. the way his cheeks pull upward when there's an oncoming smile, revealing rays from his toothy grin. his thick, soft voice; the way it sings you to sleep or whispers that he loves you.
he looked down at you, the way your hair- like silk as it fell weightlessly over your ear, waiting to be tucked back into place by his fingers. like his fingers were made for you, made for that strand of hair. and they are. and the strand of your hair, falling perfectly, was made for him as well.
you were made for him. and he was made for you.
and so you watched the last bit of the lantern, like a speck now in the sky, disappear into oblivion. you both wondered where it went, deep in conversation about the possibilities. did it just disintegrate or will it survive beyond space? where there are billions of stars with dozens of planets. where there are a trillion comets, supernova explosions and new planets being formed. where there might be other life, but you're not sure. but there is one thing you both know for sure. 
there is nothing in the universe
like you.
the end:)
a/n: alas, it's here! if you are reading this, thank you so so much for being patient with me, and with this sequel. this past year has been a rollercoaster, but the whole time i had this fic in mind and always wanted to finish it <3 thank you for all the love on tokyo and i really hope you enjoyed this one! i love you all, please know you are amazing, worth it, and so loved :)
more fics coming soon!! <3
tags: @enhasengene @soobsfairy444 @xiaoting999 @londonchuu @rpkth @dainsleif-when-playable @tatanbin @croissant-san @younglingslayer69 @readingmochi @bangtanattic
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