#lukercy shippers my beloveds
my-pjo-stuff · 2 months
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Guess who just saw someone calling Lukercy shippers GENUINE SLURS over a FICTIONAL SHIP and got immideatly flashbacks of my Fandom Core Memory (TM) ?
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my-pjo-stuff · 2 months
Third entry on my "Acctualy the PJO fandom isn't as great as y'all like to think it is" roll, and I already know I'm going to get hate for this. Anyway, I'm taking a Lukercy shipper over a Percabeth shipper any day.
When I say that,as a new fan, most the shipping drama comes from Percabeth shippers and just their general corner from what I observed, I am NOT lying.
Some of y'all are rabit- especially with your hatred of any girl getting it on with Percy that isn't Annabeth (*cough* Calypso and Rachel *cough*) And good god the reactions I saw from some of y'all to people who said they disliked Percabth. Lukercy shippers on the other hand? Nah coolest people ever. Literally just chilling in a corner doing their own thing. Most respectful group of shippers I have seen in any fandom. I have multiple mutuals who ship Lukercy, each one is the coolest most chillest person ever. Personally, I see Lukercy in a more platonic sense, when to topic of that ship ever came up the convo literally was just : "yeah I ship Lukercy" "Oh, okay. Personally not my cup of tea 'cause I see them more platonic" "lmao cool, anyway-" Meanwhile how it went when I talked about not liking Percabeth :
"I don't really like Percabeth tbh. I don't think their characters fit together and I'm just not that invested with Percy and Annabeth as a whole" "OMG How could you say that ! -Enter an essay about how great Percabeth is and how this is wrong, and how my opinion is a bad faith statement and toxic-"
I mean those interactions alone speak for themselves. And with all that being said huge hearts to all the Lukercy Shippers out there. You people are some of the only bits keeping me in this fandom despite all the Luke hate and toxicity. And listen before anyone wants to come at me- idgaf how "toxic" or "problematic" that ship is. Fandom purity panic let me go numb to any of those bullshit moral concerns. Ship and let ship, don't like don't read. The people are cool and that's all I care about. If u wanna argue w/ me have fun being blocked. I love Lukercy shippers, wish the rest of the fandom could be as cool as you guys. *edit* Okay I just found out that someone else I talked with also ships Lukery, and I see myself proven in my point. Shipping Lukercy is an immediate green flag. The data ain't lying.
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my-pjo-stuff · 2 months
no but like doesn’t lukercy have a huge age gap though? like 7 years ?? not to mention percys 12 and lukes 19. isn't that kinda weird? idk this isnt a personal attack btw ik u dont ship them
I was talking abt the ppl shipping them, not the ship itself. Learn to differentiate <33
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